The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 04, 1895, Image 3

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' Right Arm Paralyzed
Saved front St. Vitug Dance.
"Our daughter, Blanche, now t
teen years of aire, had boon terribly
afflicted with nervousness, and had
lost the cntiro uso of her right arm.
. Wo feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
the best Wivsicjans with nd- bcnellt.
She, lias ta!! tlec battles of, Dr.
Miles' Nervino and has gained 31
pounds. Iler nervousness and symp
j, toms of St. Vitus danco arc entirely
gouc, she attends school regularly,
and has recovered complete use of
her arm, her appetite I&fahlchdld."
MUS. It. It. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y.
4 Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Norvlno Is sold on a. nnaltlva
nuaranteo that tin first bottlo 7lll benoflt.
All druggists soli Until, 6 bottles for IS, or
It will bo sent, piepald, on receipt of price
by tho Dr. Miles JSlcdlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Professional Cards.
Office. 120 North Jardln street, Bhenandoah.
Office. Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, bhenandoah.
N. STEIN, M. D.,
Office Room 2, Egan's New Building, coi
ner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, P
Office Bourn : 8 to 10 a, m.; 1 to 3 p. m.i 7 ti
p p. m. Night offlceNo. 230 West Oak streei.
Office Water Comptny building, 28 West
l.iuju street.
Successor to
301 Mahantougo Street, Pottavllle, Feiina.
' Lageranc
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Chris. Sctoidt.Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
(Successors to Coakley Bros.)
No. 26 East Centre Street,
Our Motto: Best Quality at Lowest Cash
Prices. Patronage respectfully solid ted.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot Btand the same washing that
your boots do. and the water you drink
isn't even lit lor that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and" Porter
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
3i snerBeers
Have too SoroTliroat, Pimples, Coppor-Colorod
Spots, Aches, Old Bores, Ulcers In Mouth, lTatr
Falllng? Wrlto CooU Htmedy Co., IJ07 Ma
onloTempIe,ChIcniio,IU.Jorproofsof cures.
Capital 8500,000. Patients cured nlneyeara
Va nffar ineclBl facilities to ODeratara Iai-ita i
I tfr small, for trading on niurotni in toclti, j
grams or prtm.iou. letter iiauea feg. I
ularlr. eMil latest confidential adrtoea. Or. I
Idera received on one per cent merglna. Our I
joo. " Speculation, or How to Trade." mulled I
on receipt of twcent stamp. VANWINKLK!
I A CO. 6th floor uan uutiaing, ia balla atreet,
Millions oDollars .
Go up in smoke eVery year.' Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, eto., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, InsuraMSo'Agout,-
1M South JardluStrMt.-
oVrTd'Acoidontal Companies
Also Life'
Marriage of Miss Anna Gould to
Count Castellane.
The Floral Display Ilxceedccl In Prodigal.
Ity Anything Kvor Ilcforo Witnessed In
This Country Tho Uxpcnur of tlio Nup.
tlals Said to Aggrcgnto Ovor 8100,000.
New Your, March 4. Tho mnrrlairo of
Miss Anna Gould to Count do Cnstellano
took pltico nt noon today nt tho rosldonco
of Goorgo J. Gould, nt No. 837 Fifth
avcUue. Archbishop Corrigan officiated
nt tho nuptials. Wlillo tlioro wero prosont
somo Invited guosts outsldo of tho lmmo
dlnto family circles of tho Goulds nnd Cas
tollnncs, their number was small nnd tho
wedding was private. Those prosont nt
tho ceremony, in nil, did not number
more thnn 100.
Among thoso prosont woro Mr. nnd Mrs.
GoorgqJ. Goulilimd their children, Mrs.
Kiugdou, Mrs. Goorgo J. Gould's mother;
Mrs. Hamilton, a Mister of Mrs. Klngdon;
Mr. nnd Mrs. IUwln Gould, Dr. nnd
Mrs. G. F. Slirady, Messrs. Honry nnd
COUNT castellane and his BIIIDB.
Chnrlcs Shrndy, Mr, Frank J. Gould, Sir
Roderick Cameron nud ills family, Mrs.
Noyos and Mrs. Dickinson, nunts of tho
Goulds; Mr. D. S. Miller, nn undo of tho
Goulds, nnd Mossrs. Jared nnd Alfred
Tho Cnstollnno family woro rcprosontcd
by tho Marquis and Marqulsd do Cnstol
lnno, fnthor and mothor of tho groom, ns
well ns by Count Boulfnco, his brothor.
. Tho young sons of Mr. Goorgo J. Gould,
Masters Klngdou and Jay, Jr., acted ns
Tho floral decorations of tho Gould rosl
donco oxcocded In prodigality nny other
wedding decorations soon in this country.
A wagon load pf wlro frames was used,
and 2,000 , Amprlcan benuty roses, 5,t)0Q
bunches of llllos of tho vnlloy, 2,000 strings
of smllax, oach string measuring n ynrd
and a half, and 2,500 yards of asparagus
vino wero furnished by tho florist.
In tho center of tho rcsldenco Is on im
monso hall opon to tho roof. From tho
celling of tho hall, sixty foot above, ropos
of nspnrngus vino foil to tho flrst floor,
forming a canopy. Tho ropes of asparagus
woro studded with Eistor lilies, and tho
swoop of tho greon nnd wlilto gnrlnnds
from tho roof to tho flrst floor produced nn
effect of groat bonuty. Tho stnircasos from
tho hall to tho top floor was outlrnly hid
undor a bank of Easter Ulios. The walls
In tho hall and throe adjacent rooms woro
hidden bohlnd nn ingenious decoration.
Wlro frnmos In tho form of panels and
archos had been mado by tho florist. Tho
formor llttod ngnlnst tho wnlls nnd were
filled with molstoned moss, Into which
frosh blossoms had boon stuck.
Tho flrst Impression tho guests received
was that of having ontored n chamber of
walls of pink rosos ami a colling of fonth
cry ospnrngus. Tho wiro frames over .tho
door loading into tho front or Moorish
room, lu which tho coromony was per
formed, was studded with llllos of tho vol-
loy, and tho somblanco of a doorway wos
moulded Into nn nrcn or lilies ot tho vnlloy.
Except ono portion of tho Moorish room,
whoro tho coromony took plnco In front
of a moss of palms and plnnts In blossom,
tho walls of tho front chnmbor wero com-
plotoly llnodwlth llllos of tho vnlloy, which
wero kept frosh by tho molstoned moss lu
tho frames. Tho doorway botwocn tho
Moorish room nnd tho Louis XV room ad
joining woro covorod with lilies of tho
valley. The wlro frnmos covering tho
wnlls in tho JjouIb XV, and tho whito and
gold room Just boyond woro filled with
American beauty rosos.
Sovoral oraugo trcos, In full bloom, added
to tho beauty of tho conservatory.
Tho wedding trosseo'u Is unusually costly
ovon for a millionaire undo livor slnco
Count do Castollono mado his formal pro
posal tho cable has boon busied with orders
to Plngat, Felix, Doucot and Worth for
gowns, wraps, bonnets and sots on sots of
exqulslto Ungorlo, nnd sho nnd tho count
hnvo robbodnll tho big Now York shops of
their choicest creations, for hor flauco has
matchless tasto, nnd ho suggested mnny
of hor handsomest robos nnd designed
himself her wedding gown nnd tho very
striking toilettes for tho brldosmnlds.
The brldnl dress was of whito satin as
stiff and lustrous as satin can bo. Tho
gown was out In princess fashion, and tho
only trimming for tho full plain skirt was
n frill of mnrvolously boautuul laco fall
lng from wreaths of oraugedossoms. Tho
train was four yards long. It was almost
covorod by tho oxqulsito point lnco veil
whloh fell from n coronot of emeralds and
diamonds, tho gift of Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo
Jay Gould. Tho corsago was mado with
high neck nud vory full, long sloovos.
Catching tho lace on horbodfoetho gift
of hor flanco, showed with dazzllng'offoct.
Tho gift was designed by Count do Castel
lauo, nud it Is rognl lu its bonuty. Two
hundred nnd fifty large dlnmouds nnd two
lmmonso omornlds, tho latter costing tU,
000 each, aro used. Thore is a oentral
ploco nearly as large as n woman's hapd
In nn elaborate diamond crusted design
end" ig one of the emerald. Double
chains of diamonds run right and left.fns
tonod h'gh up on the shoulders, enught nt
ono ond by throe diamond feathers, und at
tho other by n small copy of the oentro
ploce, also holding an emerald.
From tho neoklaoo of diamonds pre
sented by Miss Helou Gould, among many
othor gifts, hung a pendant, another gift'
from tho groom. It Is an omorald as noorly
flawloss as thoso stouoa ovor aro, nnd tho
largost for depth and brillianoy that has
over bequ seen lu Now York. It )s sus
pended in o hoop of plckod white dln
monds. BqsldQS hor bouquet of white lilios
and orchids tho brido carried a fan of point
lace, mnilo In tho same pattern as hor veil
and tho laco which drapes her gown.
Tho trousseau, the gifts of tho family and
friends and tho other incidentals repros,on$
in tho aggregate an oxpeudlturo of some
thing like 1100,000. -
The Catholio marrloao ceremony is to
be followed by a qulot homo woddlng
eolomriized by Rev. Dr. Paxtou. Mayor
rr awLISLE SNUBS cokeys: nHm nnnnmmn nnmr , - ' - -
Un Ttilnk the Hihi.h Hlmnld Nut Auk Tor
Crim ii f DlmnlfwHls.
Washington, March 4. Secretory Car
lisle has replied to tho resolution of tho
houso requesting the uomos ot tho soldier
ot tho Into war discharged from tho treas
ury department since March 4, 1893, nnd
the oattso lu oach case of dismissal. The
secretary says there hnvo been 180 removal
nud 115 appointments nnd reinstatement'
botwoen March 4, 1801), nnd tho present
tlmo. Mr. Cnrllslo ndds: "1 do not recog
nize tho right ot tho house of representa
tives to roqulro tho secretnry of tho trens
ury to state tho reasons for making ro
morals, nppolntmonts or reinstatements,
but deom it proper to say that nil the
chnnges shown woro mado for tho purpos
of promoting tho efficiency of tho publll
Murder In tho Second Degree.
Buffalo, March 4. Tho jury in th
Barney Murray murder case brought In a
verdict of murder in tho socoud dogree.
This means lifo Imprisonment. Tho crime
for which Murray, hns boon fouud guilty
wns committed on tho afternoon or Julj
80 of Inst yenr, when ho shot nnd killed
William II. Bright, treasurer of tho Gen
osco oil works. For flvo years Murray had
boon lu tlio employ of tho oil works, ana
had recently left. At that tlmo it is said
that 8500 was owing to him nnd his bod
Daniel by.tho.coinpnny. Jn a dispute ovoi
this money tlio tragedy occurred.
Guatemala Not Preparing for War.
Guatemala, March 4. President Bar
rlos, lu an lntorvlow, sold that Guatemala
was further preparations tot
wnr, neither wns tho government buying
war material abroad. Ho refused to sn
anything about tho question of Moxlco'i
demand for Indemnity. Tho government
seems annoyed nt tho rccont military move
ments on tho Mexican sldo of tho frontier
where, in spite of nil tho rumors to tlu
contrary, there Is tho grontost activity in
military circles.
More Snvnnnnh lilotors Sentenced.
SAVANNAH, March 2. Eight moro riot
ers woro sentenced to thirty dnys in jnil by
tho rccordor yesterday. Tholr friends gavo
bouds, and nil tho enscs go to tho statu
courts. Slattory romalns here awaiting
tho arrival of nn A. P. A. orgonizor, who
It is understood will lecturo on tho objects
of that organization. Fooling Is quieting
down, but tho arrival of tho organizer is
expected to arouso It again to some extent.
Death of Prince Motternlch.
VIENNA, March 2. Prince Motternlch.
son of tho famous Austrian diplomat of
thotnomo, was found dead In bed yester
day. Tho cause of his denth was npoploxy.
Prlnco Motternlch wns CO years of ago. He
was for twelvo years tho Austrian ambas
sador at Paris, and ids wife, tho Princess
Paulino, was tho Icador of society durlui?
tho second empire.
Acquitted of n Serious Charge.
ROCIIESTKU, N. Y., March 2. Tho jury
In tho caso of Henry Covert, charged with
murder in sotting firo to tho Placo dwell
ing in Spencorport last summer, when
threo childrou wero burned and in which
tho jury on tho first' trial disagreed, ron
dorcd a verdict of acquittal.
Sent to Prison for Life.
CtllCAUo, March 2. Edmund Jordan
was yesterday convioced of the murder of
Alfred D. Barnos, janitor of tho Hiawatha
flats, ou Dec. 5, 1801, and sentenced to life
imprisonment. AnnloMahouoy was fouud
to 1e an accessory after tho- foot, and her
puulshmont was loft by tho jury to the
morcy of tho court. John B. Jersey, tho
other dofondnut, wns ucqulttod.
Died of a llroken Heart.
Hoboken, N. J., Morcli 2. Mrs. Holon
Selms, nged 52, died yosterday of a brokoii
heart. Sho was tho mother of tho 17-year-old
boy John Selms, who, togothor with
Honry Knopp, n boy of , his own ago, was
murdered and robbed recently at Minor's
hotel, Williamsburg. John Bohomann Is
now uudor indictment ot Brooklyn for tho
To Die by ISIectrlclty.
New Yoiik, Marcli 2. Tofll Tuzlkowlcz,
convicted sovoral days ago of tho murder
of Adolph Bnleusolfer on Jan. 8, was yos
terday sonteuccd to dlo in tho olcctrlo
chair during tho week begluulug Monday,
April 22.
Cuban Itebels Dispersed.
MA.D1UD, Morch 2. An official dispatch
received' hero from Havana announces
thnt tho Spanish troops hnvo dispersed ono
f tho robol bands organized In tlio prov
ince of Santiago do Cuba.
Professor Ulackle Ncaring the Und.
Tjwnnv fni.Mi9 Ppnfoccnr.Tnrin fitllnrfc
Blncklo, tho distinguished author and
Greek and ljatla scuoiar, wnoso imness
hns boon announced, Is sinking rapidly.
' "HERE is but one.
-1 way in the world to be sure
'having the best paint, and that is
i ) ujo only a well-established brand
cf strictly pure white lead pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
"John T. Lewis 8c Bros."
brand is standard "Old Dutch"
process, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White ' Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting
TJiesc colors ore sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 35 pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade j thsy are In
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure cotors'ln the handiest lorra to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
palms and color-card, free.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear All&y, Rear Colfeo House.
The best rigs In town. Horses taken I e
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Tlio Maryland Town Again Par
tullv Subniersrod,
The Flood Cnmo So Suddenly Tlmt People
Were Obliged to Tnke Iloads llnok ol
the Town to Itench Their Homes Tho
Ilise nt Other Plncos.
POUT Dki-osit, Md., Morch 4. Tim dan
ger which lias so long threatened Port De
posit from tho loe gorge tti the Susque
hanna river Is now realized. Tho water
continued to rise steadily all Saturday
night and by morning was over the
wharves and had risen nearly to thp tracks
of tlio Columbia nud Port Deposit rail
road. Tho condition of affairs continued until
11:80 'o'clock, whr-u tho churches were
thronged. Then all of a sttddou the ice
piled Itself up from ten to fifty foot high
diagonally across tho wholo rlvor, In a
lino from the center of Port Deposit to n
point bolow tho opposite town of Lnpldum.
This move was immediately followed by a
rapid rlso in tho water ot six foot or mora.
Services in tho churches woro promptly
dismissed, and tho peoplo had to take
roads back of tho town In order to roach
their homes, as tho water was sovoral foot
deep in tho street.
. At 2 o'clock largo masses of lco from ton
to twppty foot thick brokp loosp nud mad?
n grand rush down tho nijgry strcnm, But
it moved only about n qunrter of a mllo,
nnd thon stopped, forming n comploto
gorgo clear across tho rlvor. At tho snmo
tlmo tho strong ourront of tho swollen
waters swept onward, and not being able
to get through tlio gorged lco rushed down
tlio railroad tracks on tho Cecil sldo, fully
five feet higher than ot any previous tlmo.
Many ohsorvors woro out on the wharves
and they were compolled to run for their
lives. In a few minutes only tho plocos
whoro thoy had stood wore six or eight
feet under water, which rushed onward at
a mighty rate and iloodod tho ground
around back of tho town hall, whloh Is
tho hlghost point yet reached.
The town was lu u critical condition. It
wns only n quostlon of how long tho huge
barrlcado across tlio entire rlvor would
hold. As It Is Impossible to get from tho
contorof tho town to tlio Inundated placos
no ostlmato of tlio damago can bo mado.
On account of tho wreck of polos und
Wires Port Deposit was all night in dnrk
ness as well as danger.
Danger from the Flood nt Wllllamsport
nud Surrounding Towns.
WlLKESHAItltE, Pa., March 4, Tho lco
in tho Susquehanna river began to movo
yesterday morning. Shortly nftcr noon
thcro wns a gorgo nt tho Nantlcoko dam
and another at Port Bowkley. At !) o'clock
last ovening all tlio lowlands on the west
sldo of the river betweon Coxton and Nan
tlcoko woro Hooded. Considerable damage
has been done. Several mlnos woro flooded
nnd n spnn of the now bridge at Plymouth
was carried away. Fours nro ontertnlned
that if tho ice goes out rapidly tho whole
structure will bo wreoked. At Avondalo
tho people had to fleo to tho second stories
of their houses for safety. Outhouses, pig
pens utidotherllghtbulldiiigs woro carried
away. The main street of tho town is
blocked with huge oakos of lco.
At Wyoming thocellars of nil tho houses
were filled. Thoro Is n mountain of lco nt
Port Bowkloy. It threatens to submorgo
tlio tracks of tho Lehigh Vnlloy railroad.
It wns first thought that' tho railroad
brldgo nt this polntwould bo carried nwny,
but it is hoped that tho danger is ovor for
tho prosont. Throe foot of water cover tho
lowlands between Wilkosbarro and Kings
ton. Farmers in tho vicinity have removed
thoir llvo stock to higher ground. Tho
street cars Iiavo stopped running.
Tearing a Disastrous Flood.
PlTTsnuno, March 4. Tho riso In tho
headwaters of tho Allegheny rlvor caused
tho lco gorge at t ord City to break yester
day, atid a groat volumo of lco and water
wont down, causing considorablo damago.
Tho Ford City Glass works woro flooded
and a row of fifty tonoment housos occu
pied by operatives at tho glass works was
inundated. Tho mammoth gorgo at Klt
tannlmr is oxnectod to co out ot onv mo-
mant. For thirty miles nbovo that plaso
tho rlvor Is choked with lco, nnd In many
places It Is frozon to tho bottom. When
this vast amount of ico starts on Its way
down tho rlvor thcro nro grave foars of
a disastrous flood. Tho pooplo of Kit-
tanning are moving to places of safoty,
and guards aro kept to warn tho rosldents
should tho droaded flood occur.
Ingenious Check Swindlers In Colorado.
Denver, March 4. Ono of tho most sys
tomutio nud ingonious check raising swin
dles over successfully trlod in America
has just been unearthed in this city, the
victims being tho Union Pacific Railroad
company, nearly ovory bank in Danvor
and several dry goods and othor housos.
Closely following the Union Paoiflo's pay
car came a gong of cheok ralsors, and, its
members loft tho marks of their skill with
add, ink and pen in nearly ovory town
whoro Union Paolflo employos rosldo, Tho
full loss to tho company and thoso who
took tho rnlsod salary checks is not yet
fully known, but enough has loaked out
to show that tho check raisers have netted
thousands of dollars.
liont Capsized, Four Drowned.
PanTH, West Australia, Mnroh 4.
While n party was boating on the Swan
river yesterdny the boat capsized nnd
Messrs. Darlot, Driffield, Harding and
Fox, all of whom were well known in
mining oiroles, wero drowned. Mr. Flor
ence O'Drlsooll, who represents tiie south
division of Moiumhnu, Ireland, in the im
perial house ot ooimuoiu, was a member
of the party, 'but ha saved himself by
swimming a mile and n half.
Steamer Lost, Grew Saved.
Lewss, Del., March 4. Tlio steamer
Oakdeue, which went ashore on Abso
teaguo beaoh on Saturday, has boon aban
doned, and will be a total loss. During
Saturday night she filled and sank. Of
hor crow of twenty men, sixteen, Includ
ing tho oulcors, were taken off by tho
wrooklng tug North America and brought
to Lowos. The others were resouod by tho
life savors.
A Dig I.ePAUnfc-e Alleged.
DULUTH, jfllnu.t Mnroh t. An action
has boon IxJun lu th district against tho
Northern Irmmuioe oompauy, ot this city,
by J. J. LqTournau to have a recolver ap
pointed and to oompel the oompany to oc
)ouiit for tSOO.000, wldch, ho alleges, has
y'appearod in a mysterious manner.
Cannot touch food prepared with lard, and yet all
such people can eat freely of food shortened with, or
cooked (even fried) in COTTOLENE. For dyspep
tics, and those with delicate digestive powers, Cello
lene is invaluable. Having all the good features of
lard, with none of its tinhealthfulness, its wonderful
C2lESiO) genuine
Passenger trains leavei Shenandoah for
I'ot.n haven Junot.on, muc Uhunk,
h'.Khton, aiatlngton, Wbite Hall, CaUiaur
Allentown, Hcthlobcm, Esston and Weather
1M(7.38. 0.15 m . 12.43, 67, 6.CTp. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, ., 7.8
9.13 a dp 12.48, 2.17 p. m. For Qualr&Hf
wltcrbCK, Gerhards and Hudsondale, S.W
".is a. m , and W7 p. m
For Wllkic-Barro, White Iiaves, PHtHlcj
(.aceyvllle. Towanda, Sayrn, Wavtrly a
Klmira. CM. P.I5 a. m., 2.67,5.277). re.
For Bochoster, Buffalo, Nlapara Falls ar
ie West, 6.04, 0.15 a, m. and SSI 5.S7 p. rr..
For Helvlderc, Delaware AVotc 0p art
- troudssurg, 0.04 a. m.i&B7p. tn
For LrtmbcrtvlUe and Trenton. 9.1& a. c
For Tunkhaunoclt, U.04. 9.15 a. m., 2.67j D. r, 1
For Ithnoa and Geneva 6.04. B.1S 1 ir '
. m
For Auburn U.15 a. m.5.27 p. m.
For Jeaneavllle. LnYtatrm and Heaver u rpai',
'.38 a. m., 1S.43 r. m.
For Stoclitoi, and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7.!t
1.15.. rr... 12.4S. 2.57, 5.27 p.m.
rorMiivcr Lirook junction, Auoenrlea ate
Hazleton 0 04. 7.38. 9.15 a. m . 12.4!. 3.S7. 5.S7 at.
S.08 p. .
r orscramoc, e.ut, u.10, a. m., ana n.r
9 rn.
For Dailebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Ttmi 1
04, 7.88, 9.15, a. tn., 12.48, 2.67, 6.27 p. re.
nor Asmana.uiraravme ana Jost creek, i.
t.4S, 9.13, 10.W) a, in.. 1.00. 1.40, 4.10. 0.35 p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmo
ShamoUn, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.82, 4.20, S.S1, 9.11
p. XL.
Tor Yatesvlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City ac
Delano. S.04, 7.38, 9.15, 11.05 a m 1K.4S. 1.6
27, 8.08, 10.53 p. m.
Trains will 'leave Shamoltln at 6.15,
11.45 at m. 1.66, 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive a'
ihrnardoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43,2.67,5.27
11.16 p. n .
Leave Shenandoah for Pottavllle, 5.60, 7.8)
U.W, 11.05 11.30 a. m 1143, 2.67. 4.10 5.27, 8.0'
p. m
Leave Pottavllle for Shenandoah, 8.00, 7.6t
9.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m , 12.82, 8.00,. 410, B.K, 7 !
T.65, 0.40 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Hazleton, e.C4,7.f?, 9J5
i. ffi., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. tn.
Leavo Hazloton for Shenandoah, 7.85, 10 (t ,
tt.OS a. m , 12.15, 2.(1, 6.30, 7.25, 7.63 p. m
Trains leave tor Raven Run, Centralis, j
Oarmel nnd Ptmmokln, 6.45 a.m., 2.40 p. m
andarrive atbhamokin at 7.10 a. m. and S.C
P. tn.
Trains leave Hhamokln tor ShenandoiL :
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at t$k'
anaoamu c. iu a. in. ana p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, Qlrardvllla and Lot'
Uroek, 9.40 a. m 12.80 p. m
For llarleton, lllack Creek Junction, 1'ti t
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentovm
Bethlehem, Boston and New York, 8.49 a n.
I2.S0, 2.66 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.55 p. in.
For Yatoavllle, Park Place, Mahanoy City am
Delano, 8.49, 11.35 a. m., 12.80, 2.65, 4.58 6.03 p. n
Leavo Hazleton tor Shenandoah, 8.SU, 11. f
a. m 1.05, 6.80 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottavllle, 5.65, 8.4t
9.30 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
Leave Pottavllle tor Shenandoah, 8.80, It i
a.m.,1.85,6.15p. m.
ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Qenl. Bupt.,
South Bethlehem, Fa
OHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. Act.,
South Bethlehem, t-
aJIllUbCl PhlladB ohla. Pa.
TiioOuly neiiiilnn Hperlnllnt In Amor
c't, rniwiiiiHiiintuntr wunc
Otlirrx Advcrllno.
I Special DIsciiHCH, Vnrlcono Veins and
Cured In 4 to 10 Days,
ltellef nt Once.
nifinn DniCnW rwmaryor Secondary
I harmless method, ti years1 European Hospital j
und 32 practical cxnerience. osCertllicutea and
ULUUU I Ulilllll cured bv entirely new
uipiumas prove, bcua nve --cent Btamna ror e
book "TRUTH," the only True Medltall
Book advertised. It is a true friend to all I
I smierersftnu to thoo contemplating mnrrlaso.
I The most stubborn and damrcrnun rapK-tt Roltfv
1 iteri. Write or call and bo Baved. Hours.atoS :
i ot'ks. 6 to 8 for examination and trratmentln
1 ciirorna ana aaneeroui cases, can dally II to
I l.:iO I Wed. nndfciat. from 9 to 4 . ev'cs. 8
N Sf Below Cnllowhlll,
063 N. 10IQ uL Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty years' Continuous Practice in all
6 peel pi 1 disease of both sexes.
lir. Lobb gnartntees a radical and perma
nent cure of Impotency, Diseases ol the Blood,
Skin, Nerves, Bladder ana Kidneys, resulting from
Excess, Sell-Abuse, Imprudenco or Inheritance,
restoring the system to Its normal condition,
building up tUB constitution and bringing
back Healtn nnd Manly Vigor, changing the
wek and wretched into hearty, strongmen.
Consultation and examination free and
strictly confidential Retnomber that in
oousultlng l)r Lobb you are getttng the
benefltof his thirty years' continuous prac
tice ns a sp'olaHst OfUse hours, dally and
Sundays, from 9 a. m. to 3 p. in. und 6 to 0
evenings, feud for free book on Errors ol
lomn ana oosaure aiseases 01 001 a sexes.
Stop at
200 North Contro Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladle' dining room
attached. Finest winss, liauors, cigars.
rILICO Turkish pCapsuleaneYerfalll Uy
mstl, sealpsd, SAwltbadvlcethatwlllpreTeutfu-
turetrrepTUlarltles. 2c. stamp for partttndars
I l'omuiu C'lieiu. Cu.NewKgypt, 1
& Kew dlicotery. Will trie jou up In a week Bold with Vi
Rail A RAH .RK(jt Cnra V.r.nn. nA. 1 ,1. r !. nm.intl Pn, tn m
J)fp aad (( Utiag.
ordvr we pita a written en
ISold by P. P, D. Klltmtt,
always has trade mark
steer s head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail
Made only by
Tho N. K. Falrbank Company,
ClIICAtiO, and
13!) N. DrlatTBr Are,, Phlladm.
IN ErFECT NO EMDKIt 18. 1894.
Trains leave Shenandoah n followsi 1
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
(.10, 5.25, 7.2C; a.m., 12.32, 2.55, 6.IS5 p.m. Sutittnr
1.10, aim, For Hew York via Maui .Chun,
week days, 5.23,7 2(1 a. m.. U.82, 2.55 p. m.
For Reading und Phlladolnhta. wear
410,5.25,7.2(1. a. rr. 12.32, .56, 5.55 p.m. Hon-
iy, JS.UJ, a. m.
For Pottsnllr,. wseit davs. 2.10. 7.20. a. a.
ie.32. 2.55i 5,65 n. m. Kutaday, 2.10 a, m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week djs,
U0. 5.25. 7.20. a.m.. 12.32. 55. 5 D. m. Hnfi-
day, 2.10, a. m. .55
For wiiuamBsort, sunnury ana Lenignurt,
week days, s.C a m.. 1.35. 7.21 . rr. .
Sunday, 3.25 a. m.
For Mananoy Plane, week nays, s.o, s., 5 "
r.M, 11.30 a.m., 12.32, 1.35, 2.66,6.66,7.20,9 8$
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25, n. tn.
For Ashland and Shnmokln, week days,
f.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.85, 7.20, 9.96 p. c Sunday,
5.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West vie
B. O. R. R , through trains leave Reartlr
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. R. R.) at 3 20 ,
f.B, ll.2a a. m., 3. IS, 7.27, n. m., Sunda-- 3 28
.55,11.26 a. m 3.46, 7.27 p. m. Additional
tnls from 21th and Chestnut streets station,
week days, 1,45, 641, 8.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.35,.
(4.28 p. m. '
Leave New York via Phlladelpwa, weekdays
(.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.15 nlfht. ant
lay, 6.00 p. m.
Leave Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
(.80, 9,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
week days, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.01,
8.02, 11.30 p.m. Sunday. 11.30 p.m.
Leavo Reading, week days, l.a5,7.10,10.96,ll.&&
a. m., 6.65, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m
Leave Pottavllle, week days, 2.85, 7.41 a. m ,
11.80, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.18, 8.60, 11.23 t
m 1.20,7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 3.18 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Olty, week days, 3.46, 9.11,
11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.33, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8,45
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Piano, week dtys, Z.46, 4 00,
180, 9.37, 11.59 a. m., 12.58, 2.06, 6.20, 6.26,7.63,1011)
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00 a. m
Leave Willlamsport, week days, 7.42, 10.10,
a i 3.35,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11,16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
ind South Street Wharf for Atlantic City;
Week-Days Express, 9.0), a. m., 2.00, 4,00,
100 p. m. Aooommodaalon, 8.00 a. m.. 6.45
Bnnday Express. 9.00, 10.00 a, m. Aecom
sodatlon, 8.W a. m. and ij p. tn.
Returning, leave Atlnntlo Ctty, depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Week-Days Express, 7.35, 9.00 a. m. and
I.00'ai:d5.30p, m. Aooommodatlon, 8.16 a. mM
tnd iSfi p. m.
Bundai Kxrress, 4.00, 7.30 p. m. Acrommo
latton, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all expresa trftltj.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Act
Philadelphia Pa,
I. A. SWEIQAltll. Gen. Sunt.
JANUARY 14, 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above
late for Wlggan'a, Gllberton, Frackvllle, New
Jaatle, St. Clair, Pottavllle, Hamburg, Readier,
Pottstown, Phmntxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil,
idelphla (llroad street station) at 6:03 aad Hits
s. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
'tile and Intermediate Btatlons 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Fraokvllle, Now
Jastle, St. Clair, Pottavllle at 8:08. 9:40 a. m
tnd8:i0p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts'
town, Phoonlivllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
it 6:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle tor Shenandoah at
10:40a. m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p. D
Sundays, 11:13 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
Leavo PottsvlUo for Shenandoah at litis,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays:'
U 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m fi
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street Btatlonv.i- l
ihenandoah at 6 57 and 8 85 a m, 4 10 andril p pt
n week days. On Sundays leave at 6 60 a m.
Leave llroad StreetStatlon, Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week days,
H 820, 405, 460, 615, 650, 7 33, 8 20, 9 60, 10 30,
(dining car), 11, 11 11 a m, 12 noon, 12 41 (Lim
ited 121 and 4 22 p m dining cars), 141), 2 30
(dining car), 8 20, 4,5,B, 6 50, 7 13, 8 12, 10 p m.,
12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 8 12,
060, 10 30 (dining car). 1103 a m. 12 44, 2 30
dining car), 4 00 (limited 4 22), 5 20, 8 30, 6 50,
7 13, 812. 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
Express for Boston, wttuout change, 11 a si,
weekdays, and 6 60 p m dally.
For lialtlmore ana Washington 3 60, 7 29, 8 II,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 18 a m, (12 35 Umltod dinlne
r,) 180, 8 48, 411, (6 16 Congressional Lim
ited, dining car), 5 65, (dining car), 617. 665,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p.m. and 12 OX
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, II 18,
1138 am, 4 41, 6 65 (dining car). 6 55 (dlnlnx
car), 7 40 (dining ear) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market (Street Ferry, Philadelphia
Express, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 4 10 and 500pm week
lays. Sundays, lixproas, 8 45 and 9 45 a m.
For Cape May, Auglesea, Wlldwood and
Holly Reach, express, 9 a. m., 1 00 p m week
lays. Sunday, 9 00 a m.
For (Sea Isle Olty, Ocean Olty and Avalon,
Express, 9 00 a in, 4 00 p m week days. Hun
lays, 9 00 am.
For pMomera Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 10 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a m.
3. M. PBV0BI, J R, TT05B,
Oen'l xTiare n'l Pass'g' Art
It your clothier doesn't keep
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get It Their celebrated
$15.00 Molton Overcoat
Wears like steel and Is sold by every promt
pent clothier In the state. None genuine with
out liammorslough liros.' label.
m InTolUDtiry Kmliiions from anya. If cegletted, such tronbles India
coDiuuptioa or iossBity, ll.oe yr box by mill, 6 boxes for $ With avery $v
pOO.. Clm.UuJ, Ohio
Druguht, 8)knadoah, Pa,