The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 02, 1895, Image 3

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    lIll7M(i Will.
Senators Refuse to Renew the
Ijehriug Sea Ojntroversy,
Not n S nsiilloiml Incident Occurred Dur
ing Yesterday's Proceeding Tlio Senate
Anti-Lottery Hill CIocs Through th? Lower
Body A Popular Mramro Defeated.
, WABHIXOTOX, Jliirch 2. Tho Bohrlng
son (UflVroiios botw nn tho United States
and Grunt Britain provoked mi inlmated
debate Id llio soiuito lato yesterday. Mr.
Cockrell hml olTurod an nmomlmont to tho
liendlnpdelleli'iicy bill appropriating 50.
000 for tin' expenses of another commission
of arbitration to adjust tho claims of Can
adian sealers seized by tho United States.
It was in lino with tho nugirostloiis of n
letter just received from Secretary of State
Grosliam. Air. Sherman opposed this sec
ond arbitration, miylugtlmtlfc was dishon
orable and unwise. Ho prophesied much
trouble as a result of reopening this sub
1 ject. Mr. also stated that this foro
shadowed another such reverse us tho
United States received at the Halifax
Mr. Morgan, chairman of tho qommlt
tee on foreign relations, and ono of tho
United States commissioners at tho Paris
,A;ourt of arbitration, declared that this
plan to pay Groat Britain a lump sum for
tho Canadian seizures was In violation of
the honor of tho United States. It had
been proposed by tho president and had
been properly rojected. Mr. Morgan as-
' sorted that Great Britain, through Its
emissaries here, was systematically
violating tho Paris award. With great
vohemonce ho declared that tho payment
of lffl,000 would be a rtlsgraco to tho
United Statos aad to tho administration.
The contest was so effective that Mr.
Cockroll withdrew tho proposition for
another commission.
Tho deficiency appropriation bill was
kept steadily before tho sonato throughout
the day, aud was passed aftor a struggle
of three hours to add various claims to It.
Tho claims of California, Oregon and Ne
vada against tho govornmout, aggregating
about $5,000,000, were passed without tho
formality of a yea and nay voto. Tho ap
propriation of $1,81)0,000 to tho Southern
Pacific railroad, and anothor of about f 1,
000,000 for Frjuch spoliation claims and
war claims, wero also passed. Thore was
strong opposition and sovoral pointed
speeches against these 'claims, but on a
vote tho sennto adopted ttiom by an ample
majority. Another umondmont adopted
provides $250,000 for a government print
ing office on tho slto known as the Ma
hone lot.
Tho houso Is approaching tho close of
the session with unusual calmness and
equanimity. Not a sonsatloual Incident
occurred on tho last legislative day of tho
session but ono. Tho entire day was do
Voted to tho consideration of bills on mo
tions to pass them under suspension of tho
rules. Five recognitions for this purposo
wero made by tho speaker, of which thrco
passed and two failed to secure tho neces
sary two-thirds.
Tho first. bill passed wos a substitute for
Mr. DIngloy s bill to authorlzo tho presi
dent to urraugo for a joint commission, to
consist of three representatives of this
government, Great Britain, Hussia and
Japan, to Investigate tho condition of the
THf.ur seals and tho regulations nccossary to
'' their preservation, aud pending tho report
of tho commission to negotlato for a
modus vivendi to protect tho seals during
tho approaching season, and In coso such
a modus vlvonJl cunnot be negotiated to
glvo tho socrotary of tho treasury author
ity to kill all seals found on tho Prlbyloff
islands. Tho senate antl-lottory bill and
tho bill to pay to tho state of West Vir
ginia Its sharo of tho direct tax refunded
by tho act of 1891 wero also passed.
Tho uttenipt to pass the senate bill to
imposo penalties upon corporations and
railroad companies for violation of tho
interstate commerce law oxposed an al
leged scheme to securo action on the pool-'
ing bill In tho sonato, it bolug claimed
that tho. senate would attach tho pooling
bill as a rider. So effective was this al
leged exposure that, although tho bill it
self was given nothing but commendation
on the lloor, H was defeated. Mr. Hatch
J (Mo.) attempted to puss his bill to publish
j tho dairy tests mado at tho Columbian ex-
position, but, It being claimed that the
publication was. In tho Interest of a par
ticular breed of cattle, It too wus defeated.
The sundry civil, legislative und deficiency
appropriation bills wero sent to confer
ence without debate. The evening session
was devoted to private pension bills.
Fluttering, No Appetite, Could Not
Sleep, Wind on Stomach.'
f "For a long tlmo I had a terrible
'pain at my heart, which fluttered al
most incessantly. I had no appetite
and could not sleep. I would be com
pelled to sit up in bed and belch gas
from my stomach until I thought
' that every minute would be my last.
! There was a feelling of oppression
about my heart, and I was afraid to
draw a full breath. I could not sweep
a room without resting. My hus
band imruqcd me to try
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and am happy to say It has cured
me. I now have a splendid appetite
and sleep welL Its effect was truly
MIlS. HAKUY E. 8TABK, Pottsvllto, Pa.
Dr. Miles IToartCnro is sold on a posltlro
ttuarantoo that tho first bottle i will benefit.
AlldruKglstsBellltatll, 6 bottles for fa, or
it will bo bent. proDald, on roco nt of pries
by tho Vr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad.
Dr. Greene's Nervura is the Best
and Surest Spring Medicine.
Mr. Crouch and Editor E. C. Gere, in the
Daily Hampshire Gazette, Give This
Wonderful Remedy a Glowing Tribute.
The editorial columns of tbe North
ampton (Mast,.) Dully Hampshire Gn.ette
of Dec. 28' h, triw tun particulars of the
remarkable cure by Dr. Greene's Xervura
blood and nerve lemed', of Alderman
Charles S. Crouch, one of Northampton's
ablest and best known tittesnien.
Editor E. C. Gere, Ot this leading news
paper, pt-rsonally investigated the tacts
of this wouderfnl cure, anil bis widely
read"edltoril states he details o the
cure exactly as they occurred, ttlviug Hon.
Mr. Crouch's own words.
Following is the editorinl la full :
Learning that a great cure has been ef
fected In Alderman Ctias. S. Uroncu, of
Northampton, JIhsj., by Dc ' Greene'-,
Nervura blood aud nerv remedy, a re
porter took occasion to call on Mr. Crouch
aud talk with him about it, and among
the thousands of testimonials given to
this world renowned medicine, none will
be more widely read or give greater
weight than this one coming from so
noted a man as Alderman Crouch.
Mr. ,rouch is one of tun ulain. old-fash
loned kind of men, outspoken, aud always
means just what ho siys. In conversa
tion with Mr. Crouch, he said:
"Last spring 1 did not feel In my usual
health; felt as tired in the morning as
when I retired; had no energy or ambi
tion to go about h day's work; no aupe
tlte with which to regiiu strength and
energy. In this condition I worked along
from week to week, thinking that after a
while matters would right themselves
and I would feel like myself again. But
to the contrary, I grew worse.
"Kuowlng that Dr. Greene's Nervura
was not a patent medicine, but a medi
cine put up from a prescription discovered
by the doctor In his private practice, I re
solved to try it. The first bottle helped
me so much that I purchased another
one, and even a third bottle, when, to my
freat joy, I found myself as well as ever
was in my life; aud furthermore, have
remained so."
In further conversation he Bald :
"Dr. Greene's Nervura Is a great medi
cine. There is no humbug about it 1 It
was made to cure, and It doss cure I No
Where and When Services Will be Con
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Reformed church, Rev. Robert
O'Boyle, pastor. Services to morrow at 11)
a. m. and 0:30 p. m, Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Kehelos Israel Congregation. West Oak
itreet, Kov. J. Mltnlok Rabbi ; services
every t'naay evening; uaiuraay ana Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Welsh Baptist church. Preaching services at
10 a. m. and 6 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. D, I,
Kvans. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Roman Catholic church ot the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Rev, H. P.
O'Reilly, pastoi . Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m.
Vespers at 3:00 p. m.
Bt. George's Lithuanian Cathollo church,
eornor Jardln and Cherry streets. Rev. It.
Abremaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
a.m. Vespers at 3 p..m.
Ebenezer Evangelical church, Rev. R. M. Lien
tenwalner, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
ai.lnQerman, and 6:30 p. m. In English. Sunday
tchool at 1 :30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to
First Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. Wm.
Powlck, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and
0:30 p. m. Bunday school ut 2 p. m. Epworth
League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
are always welcome,
Presbyterian church. Rev. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p, m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Christian
Endeavor Society will meet on Tuesday even
ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at 7:30. All are cordially Invited.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardln street,
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 8:30 p. m.
Preaching by the pastor, Rev. W.'H. Harrison.
Praise service at tf p. m. Sunday school at 2
&m. Monday evening at 7:30 the Y. P. B.
. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meotlng. Everybody welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. John Bath,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 8:80
S. m. Wesley prayer meeting at 5:45 p. m,
abbath school at 2 p. m, Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats free. Anyone not having a church home
is cordially invited to come here.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the
best satisfaction of any cough medicine I
handle and as a seller leads all other prep
arations In this market. I recommend
It because it la the best medicine I ever
handled for coughs, colds and croup. A.
"W. UAiDRiixiK. Millersvllle, III. Fomale
by Gruhler Bros.
one need be afraid to use it."
Day by day he praises this wonderful
medicine to his friends and neighbors, as
the one sure way to regain their health.
Mr. Crouch has always been an active
man hi town and city nffaln. In old
towu-meetlng day he was always on
hand to help with his eloquent oratory
.the pressing needs of the time, and since
Northampton has beon a city he has
served for Heveral years in its government,
and at the last election he received the
Hrgest vote for alderman he ever had.
He Is a contractor, and during the past
few years bn.4 built some of the llnest
houses In the city.
Tne word of this widely known city
government official, Alderman Crouch,
siioul.l have the most convincing weight
with tho public, but when we have added
to this the fact that .the Northampton
Daily Hampshire Gazette, a newspaper of
the highest standing, vouches editorially
for the trurh of every word, and its
editor states that he has pers mally inves
tlgated all the facts of the marvelous
cure there should be no hesitation by the
people to use this great medical discovery,
tuN wonderful curer of disease, Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy,
it is a fact, no longer to be doubted, that
this remedy cures that it makes those
who use It strong and well that it is the
surest and most certain cure for disease
known at the present day.
It is the very best of all spring medi
cines, and bhould be taken now by all who
are weak, nervous and run down, to
strengthen the nerves and Invigorate tho
It is not a patent medicine, but tho
prescription of the most successful living
specialist In curing nervous and chronic
diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St.,
New York City. He has the largest prac
tice in the world, and this grand medical
discovery is tho result of his vast' ex
perience. The great reputation of Dr.
Greene Is a guarantee that this medicine
will cure, and the fact that he can be
consulted by anyone at any time free of
charge, personally or by letter, gives ab
solute assurance of the beneficial action
of this wonderful medicine.
"Perhaps vou would not think so, but a
very large proportion of diseases In New
York comes from carelessness about catch
ing cold," says Dr, Syrus Edsou. "It is
such a simple thing and so common that
very few people, unless it is a case of
pneumonia, pay any attention io a coiu.
New York is one of the healthiest places
on the Atlantio Coast and yet there are a
great many cases of catarrh and con
sumption which have their origin in this
neglect of the simplest precaution of
every day life. The most sensible advice
Is, when you have one get rid of it as soon
as possible, liy all means do not neglect
it." Dr. Edson does not tell you how to
cure a cold but we will. Take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy. It will relieve the
lungs, aid expectoration, open the secre
tions aud soon effect a permanent cute.
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on North Main street.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding 'promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If yon want quick
relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. l-9-3m
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & BAER, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
' A Happy Man
Is he who uses Red Flag Oil for Rheuma
tism, Neuralgia, Toothache and chronio
pains. It's a remedy which cures every
time. Try it, 25 cents. Red Flag Oil Is
sold at Gruhler Bros, drug store.
Fatal Oollapso of Two Buildings
in New York,
Ono or tho llullillng Van IMng Torn
Down Willi) the Other Wat ue of n
n How HcIiik Krected Inferior Worlt
Coined tho Lust Accident.
Nliw Yoisk, March 2. Two buildings,
ono In courso of construction and ono in
courso of demolition, collapsed In this city
yesterday and killed four men and fatally
Injured or maimed or bruised nlnoteon
others. Tho first accldont occurred at tho
corner of Forty-third street and Tontli
avonuo, whoro a houso which was being
torn down by somo forty laborers fell
with a crash, carrying sovoral workmon
to tho basomont, thrco floors below, whoro
they wero almost completely covored by
tons of bricks, dry mortar and iron beams.
Thodoadaro: Hugh Cullon, agod 40;
Angolo Tlccor, 81, and John Currau, B0.
Tlio injured nro: Charles Bobslenn, aged
53, fractured skull; Felix Moran, 87, frac
tured collar bono nnd contused body;
Louis Stein, 23; Michael Greoley, .John
Flaherty, Edward Wcanoy, Patrick Cur
rau, Thomas O'Connor and James Mnl
Hen. Tlio first thrco may die.
Tho building, which Is an old ono, had
boon used as a malt houso by A. E. and E,
Schwoycr for tho past thirty years, but it
has been unoccupied for moro than two
years. It was eight stories high, and ran
back about sixty feet on West Forty-third
street. Men wero tearing down tho old
structure under tho directions of Con
tractors O'Kecfo nnd Kcegnn. Tho work
had gone on successfully until tho men
had got down as far as tho rear of the
third floor, known as tho old Kiln houso.
Thoro wero about eighteen men on this
floor at the hour moutioned, when sud
denly thero was n rumbling nolso and tho
building rocked as if shaken by an earth
quake. In nnother moment tho floor gavo
way nnd fell with Its human freight to
tho basement, enrrylug tho other floors
with It.
Some of tho cooler heads turned In tho
flro alarms and ambulanco calls, which
wero quickly rospomlrd to. Firo Chlof
Glcqucl was among tho first to arrlvo, and
assisted by some laborers, who bad for
tunately escaped, and many willing citi
zens, tho firemen began tho work of rescuo.
John O'Connor was tho first man brought
out, but ho died In the ambulanco on tho
way to Roosevelt hospital. Half an hour
later tho dead bodlos of Cullon and Tlccor
wero oxtricatcd, and they woro removed to
tho police station. It was two hours later
boforo all were taken out.
Contractors Georgo O'Kcofo and Pat
rick Kcegan woro placed under arrest, but
woro later admitted to ball by tho coroner.
Tho second accident occurred about 3:35
o'clock In tho afternoon. Without tlio
slightest sound that might have warned
tho fifty men that worked near it, tho cen
tral wall to tho four double tonemont
houses being erected at 151 to 157 Orchard
street crumbled and fell. With tho wall
woutportlons of four floors, leaving a
great rent fifty feet long and thirty feet
wldo In tho corjter of tlio buildings. It
was llko a pit, at tho bottom of which was
a mass of tangled Iron aud broken wood,
that covered, many men. From that heap
in an hour had boon taken out ono man
doad and twolvo Injured.
Tho dead man was John Wilson, 30
years, of Astoria, L. I. Tho injured aro:
William Wilkinson, bricklayer, Astoria,
back broken; Frank Thornton, 27 yonrs,
Astoria, bricklayer, badly Injured; John
Thornton, 29, br'cklayor, Astoria, badly
Injured about body; Gloria, 80, brlclc-
layor, both legs broken; Thomas Wilson
(brother of John), 27, bricklayer, head In
jured; Georgo Gamble, 110. laborer, both
legs broken ; Joseph Barbara, 81, laborer,
left leg broken; Frank Barbara, brlok
lnycr, back Injured; Joseph Meslro. 27,
head Injured; Patrick Flaherty, 80, la
borer, leg Injured; Patrick Mnlloy, As
toria, bricklayer, back Injured; William
Malloy, 25, Astoria, bricklayer, arms
Thero wero fifty men working In tho
four buildings. They wero to bo sovon
stories high, of which four stories had
alroady been rnlsod. Most of tho men wdro
on tho fourth floor of tho houso No. 155.
Between tho front and rear of tho house
was a big party wall, along tho sldo of
which ran a narrow light shaft. It was
tlio party wall that crumbled. In a heap
tho men went down with tho falllngf Iloor.
Ono of tho bricklayers, Michael Lusclos",
was near a window towards tho front of
the houso. Ho had just tlmo as tho floors
sank boneath him to clutch at a window
gash aud was left clinging to tho frail sup
port, four storlos abovo tho ground. Ho
managed to crawl up so as to sit on tho
window sill, from which position ho was
afterwards rescuod by tho flromon.
Anthony Kline, of Williamsburg, foil
tho four storlos, but oscnpod without oven
a scratch. Ho says he was carried down
goutly and thrown through ono of tho
front doors Into tho street.
Pollco Captain Cartwrlght arrostod tho
contractors and tho owner of tho build
ing. The contractors nro John Coomos,
of Astoria, and Petor C. Cleaves. The
ownor is William F. Lonuon.
Both contractors and builder were un
nblo to account In any way for tho accl
dont. It might be possible, they said, that
frost might havo got Into tho mortar and
rondorod it inotfoctlve. But Captain Cart
wright said ho had made a careful exami
nation of tho building, and said it was a
surprlso to him that the houso had stood
as long as It had. The mortar, he said,
had been examined by an oxpert and pro
nounced worthloss. It was also said that
tho bricks woro of poor quality, that tho
beams were not proporly supported and
that tho iron girders wero not on stone In
tho walls as thoy should be. Ball for the
arrested men was rotusod.
Four Children Hurneil to Dentil.
Glenville, Ala., Mnroh 3. Four chil
dren mot a horrlblo death on a plantation
near here. Topi and Dora Meadows left
tholr children at homo to attend a neigh
borhood danoo. When thoy returned tholr
oottago homo was In ashes and the charred
remains ot the little ones, tho oldest of
whom was 14, were found, It is supposed
tho houso caught fire and tho children
woro burned wbllo asleep.
Ons of tho Hatfield Killed.
Welch, W. Vn March 2. On Short
Polo Crook Tom Hatfield, momborof tho
Hntflold family, mndo famous by a foud
with tho McCoy family, of Kontuoky, was
felllod by Adam Bailey This is tho first
momborof tho Hatfield family ever known
to havo died a violent death, and lu this
saso It was tho result ot too much liquor,
md not a feud.
It's Provoking
to be deceived ; it's annoying to have a poor
article of shortening. You can avoid both by
seeing that your pail of COTTOLENE bears the trade
mark steer's head in cotton-plant wreath and
be sure of having d..cious, healthful food. Other
manufacturers try to imitate COT-
lOLuiNli, that's the best
why you want the original
Made only by
Tho N. K. Falrbank Company.
I3'2 N. Delaware Ave., Plillad.
1317 Arch St. Phila.Pa.
IJIrcrH,. Klein llcne, McrvntiN Dclillllv
nail Kri-orsnt Youth. Long of Tower mnl
Htrlclurcx (No Outline) Cured for a life
time. LoitDIanlinoi! nml Sninll Shrunken Or
euni I'ully Ki-Rioroil.
Scientific met lira! n PVfr falla nn ton o i
cupels beyond human old. Jtellef at
ence, una you ftel liken wan uruotiK
men In mlml nnd body. All losst-s
cht'CKed immediately und continued
Improvement. Kverv obstacle to
bunny married ltfp rtmnvnii. tcapw.
J4& force, will, energy, bruin power,
when foiling or lost, nre restored by
the combined NMW treatment. Virtlm ni
abuses mid car censes, reclaim your manhood '
Hullerers from folly, overwork, curlv errors, tu.
health und exuesBPs In married lite ronnln
your strength. Don't despair, even If In the
last stages. Don't bo discouraged. If quacks
have robbed yon. I wilt prove to you that
medical Bclence and honor ntlll exist, fend
flve2-ccnt Btumjvj for book "TRUTH," the
only Medical booVt exposing quacks (no matter
what they advertise to suve themselves from
exposure) their tricks and devices, calling
themselves celebrated and famous, giving free
advlco and guarantee, charging enormous
prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and there
by rulnlmr thousands. Ilnurni u to 3. Even
linRS. 6-aao. Wed. ami Sat. Kve'gs, 6-a 30, Sun.,
if-iii nonce aii amicieu wun uangerous ana
nopeiess cases snouiu can lor examination. i
irom v-i wea. ana hat. eve gs, G-B, ondfl
9-12. Wrlloorcnll. Treatmentby mall. j
N ilh SI Below Cnllowhlll,
OiKJ 11. UlU il Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty years' Continuous fraetloe In all
special disease of both sexes.
Dr. Lobb guar nlees a radical and perma
n nt cure of Impatency, Disease! ot the Blood,
Skin, Nervei, Bladder ana Kidneys, resnltlug from
Excess, Sell-Abuse, Imprudenco or Inheritance,
restoring iho system to Its normal conultion,
building up tne constitution atid bringing
back Healtn and Manly Vigor, changing the
weik and wretched into heirty, strongmen.
Consultation and examination fro? and
strictly confidential. Remember that in
consulting Dr Lobb you are getting the
benetitof his thirty years' contluumis prac
tice as a specialist Oftlce hours, dally and
Sundays, from V a. in. to 3 p. ra. and (I to 0
eveulngs. i-end for free book on Krrors ot
roam uua oDsmre diseases ot both sexes.
Gttmore s Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous ;
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks and restore you to flesh
and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
iicuimy, and all tbe train
, oi eviis irom early errors or
Hater excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness, worry,
CbU. Ull till uugiu, ucvei
opmeni auu loue given 19
jevery organ and portion
of the body. Klmple, nat
ural methods. Immedi
ate improvement seen.
Failure Impossible. ",000 references. Book,
explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
nre rou Bore Throst, Pimples, Copper-Ootored
Bpots, Aches, Old Bores, Ulcers In Mouth, Hair
Falling? Write Cook Uemedy Co., DOT Mv
onlcTemple.Chlrszo.IllHiorproofi of cures.
Capital USOO.OOU. l'atlents cured nine rears
Clock Sprinc Blade.
Ouly Perfect Comb.
KorepmiKli Circuses,
Ask your Dealer for
Bee our name on he handle.
M'Uiau t'Ultui
8omUis9 needs a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only narmUa o4
the purestdiugs should be used. If you want the but, get
Or. PGal's Pennyroyal Pills
They are prompt, safe aod cfirUln In remit. Th xenmlne (Dr. TmI'i) mm ditaa
UUUb rjPUl U K UtIC, 4? 4,Wt
Hold by P. P, XI, KUtLTN,
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows)
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
1.10,6.25,7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.55, 5.55 p.m. Sunat.7
110, a. m. For New York via Mauc Onunr,
week days, 6.25,7 W a. m., 12.82, 2.56 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, ween dti,
.10, 6.25, 7.21), a.m. 13.82, ?.55, 5.66p.m. u
lay, 2.10, a. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20, a. in.
I2.S2, 2.50. 5.65 p. rc. Sunday, 2.10 t. m.
For T&maqua and Mahanoy City, week days.
2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12,82, i.65, 5 p. m. 3ut
day, 2.10, n. m. .55
For WUllamsport, Sunbury and Lowlshurr.,
week days, 3., 11.80 a m.. t.5. 7,20 p. a' ,
Sunday, S.2. a.m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 8.36. f
7.20, 11. SO a.m., 12.32, 1.85, 2.66, 5.65, 7.20, 9 86
p.m. Sunday, 2.1U, 8.25, a. m.
Tor Ashland and Samokln, week days. 8.,
7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.86, 7.20. 8.86 p. re. Hu'dftTv
1.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West t
B. O. K. B , through trains leave Read'1
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. 4 R. R. It.) at 3 20,
r.65, 11.28 a. m., 3.48, 7.27, n. ra., Hundu" 3 28
'.55.11.26 a. m., 3.46, 7.27 p. m. Additional
trails, from 24th and Chestnut streets station,
week days, 1.45, 6 41, P.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.35,
S.23 p m.
Leave New York via Phlladelpnia.weekaayi
4.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m 12.16 nlfht. But
lay, 8.00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauoh Chunk, week days,
1.80, 9,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
ureek days, 4.20, 8.36, 10,00 a. m., and 4.0f,
I. 02, 11.80 p. m. Sunday. 11.80 p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 1.86,7.10, 10.09, 11.65
a. m., 6.65. 7.67 p. m Sunday, l.SS, a. a
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.55, 7.40 a, m ,
12.80, 8,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. a.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.18, 8.60, 11.23
in., 1.20, 7.15, 0.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a. nt.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8.46, 9.11,
II. 47 a.m., 1.61, 7.39, 0.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.45
t. m.
Leave Mr.hanoy Plane, week dtys, 2.41. 4 00,
1.50, 0.87, 11.59 a. m., 12.68, 2.09, 5.20, 5.2d,7.63,101u
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00 a. m.,
Leave WUllamsport, week days, 7.42, 10.10,
. 3.85,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m7
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
md Bouth Street Wharf for Atlantio City.
Week-Days Express, 9.0J, a vi., 2.00, 4,00,
1.00 p. ra. Accommodaaton, 8.00 a, m.. 6.45
Bnnday Express. B.00, 10.00 a. m. Aecom
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. tu.
Returning, loave Atlantio City, depot, comer
atlantio and Arkansas avenuos.
Week-Days Express, 7.35, D.UO a. m. and
i.00 aud 5.30 p. m. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m.,
md4.32p. m.
Bunds, Kxtress, 4.00, 730 p. m. Acoomma
latlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express traltj.
O. O. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Act.
Philadelphia Fa.
I. A. SWEIOAKD, Gen. Sunt.
JANUARY 14, 1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abova
late for Wlggan's, Qllberton, Frackville, Now
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
idelphla (llroad street station) at 6:03 and Ut4t
t. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
rille and Intermediate stations 9:10 a, m.
For Wlgean'8, Qllberton, Frackville, Ken
Jastle. St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 8:03. 0:40 a. m
ind S;10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, FhoenlxviUe, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
U 8:00, 9:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Bhonandoah at
.0:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:t7 p.m.
iundays, 11:18 a. m. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at UlU,
tlt48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
tt 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) lor
ihenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
n week days. On Sundays leave at 8 60 a m.
Loave Broad StreetStatlon, Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week days,
tt 8 20, 4 05, 4 60, 6 16, 6 60, 7 83, 8 20, 0 60, 1030,
(dlnlns car), 11, 11 11 a m, 12 noon, 12 41 (Lim
ited 121 and 4 23 p m dining cars), 14J, 2 80
,dlnlng car), 3 20, 4, 5, , 6 50,713, 8 12, 10 p m..
I'iOlnlKhU Bundass, 3 20, 4 03, 4 50, 515, 812,
950, 1J 30 (dining car), 1103 a m 12 44, 2 SO
(dining ear), 1 00 (limited 4 22), 520, 6 30, 8 50,
7 13, K12, 1000 p m, 12 01 night.
Express for lioston, wltuout ohange, 11am,
reekdays. and 8 50 p m dally.
For Uiltlmoro n-l Washington 3 60, 7 29, S U,
9 10, 10 20. 11 18, II 28 a m. (12 85 limited dlnlni
jar,) 180, 8 46, 4 41. (6 16 Congressional Lim
ited, dining car), 555, (dining car), 617. 655.
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p.m. ana 1203
night week, days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 SO, 9 10, 11 18,
1138 am, 4 41, 565 (dining car). 6 65 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining oar) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia.
Express, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 4 10 and 5 00 p m week
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wildwood and
Holly Beaoh, express, 9 a. m., 4 00 p m week
Says. Sunday, 9 00 a ra.
ForBea Isle City, Ocean City and ATalon.
express. 9 00 a m,4 00 p m weok days. Bun
lays, 9 00 am.
for Homers Point, express, 850, am, 410 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a m.
i. M. t'BlVOSI, J R. WOOD,
Oen'l Manars" Pasi't' AM
CaipelSjFe&tta, Matlrem3,fe,
Spring Gurry Comb
Soft as a Brush. Fits evcrv Curve. Tits
Used by U. S. Army and bv Barnum aad
nnd Reading Horsemeu of the World.
It. Sample mailed post paid 25 cents.
toiIQ CO., 102 Lrjette St,, South DenJ, Indiana.
AUUvatOd sV Mail UaSMUilia VV1fJiRUU VJ
DruggUt, 8h$andaht Fm
IF A" - H wW7
1 .A'jft 'i j "l-W