! "I if It EVENING HERALD Published dally, ozcopt Sunday by KK11A) It VVlir.lSUlNO COMVAlfV, Fublleat'ou office and mechanical department, North Market Street. 513(5 rJesflld Is dollvered m Shenandoah and peram eurrounaing towns for Six Cents week, payable to tho carriers. By mall, Throo Collars a year or Twenty-five cents per month, lm advance. Advertisement! charged according to spneo a ad position. Tho publishers reserve the right fen change the position of advertisements when orrer the publication of news requires It. The llfcht is also reserved to reject any advertise-SB-ont, whether paid for or not, that the pub liners may deem improper. Advertising rates Lktde known upon application. Entered at the post omooat Shenandoah, M second closs mall matter. TUB EVllXINO HtSllALD. Shenandoah. Penn Evening Herald. SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1893. Port'LAR confidence In the national credit, as shown by the eagerness with which the new bonds were taken by In vestors, Is undoubtedly based upon tho certainty that the country's finances are henceforth to be directed by Republican statesmanship, which guarantees the pay ment of 100 cents for every dollar's in debtedness. IF the loDg-hea.led financiers who have conducted the bond deal In behalf of the Vuyers had b?en at the head of the Gov ernment during the Negotiations, they would probably have saved the taxpayers of this country about 815,000,000. The Ijrains and experience werd all at tht vrong'endof the deal for the people who pay the freight. Posterity will have reason to remem berMr.Clevelaud about $100,000,000 worth, that being at) mt the size of the tax he levies upon the future to make good the Inefficiencies of the present. It is like the case of the penniless debtor who, after giving a three days' note for an overdue obligation, breathed a sigh of relief and murmured: "Thauk heaven, that's setttled." It is doubtle-is true, as has been so frequently declared, that the Southern people nre rapidly developing a broader understanding of the lofty patriotism of Abraham Lincoln's lite and character. Perhaps the day is not many years distant when so ue courageous Southern leader will appear In Congress with a bill to make the anniversary of Lincoln's birth a iiational holiday. Gu ernoii Hastings is a new factor Introduced in tee Presidential problem lor 1890. General Hastings' administra tion is still young, and whether be Is to ue seriously considered depends altogether on how his administration wears with the people. But, so far as Pennsylvania is coucerned In the Presidency, It can safely be said that the Hon. Robert E. Pattison is hopeles ly out of it. If Americans only comprehended the enormous wealth, resources and recupera. tire power of the nation, many of the gravest and most costly blunders would oe avoided. All are accustomed to say, in hours of joyous confidence, that we Iiave the greatest country on earth-; but there Rre not many who carry with them, in their everyday transactions and judg. men's, a just appreciation of its riches and power. The worst errors of the last two years would have been escaped if the people and their rulers had fairly measured the vast underlying strength of the free people who make this nation what it is. Inasmuch as Norway may be said to lead the way so far us temperance leglsla tlon is concerned in the Old World, it is -worthy of note that on the 1st of next January some Important changes in the 1 aws relating to the sale of spirits will go into effect. Among other important features to be inaugurated on that date is that of local option, one of the sections of the new statutes providing that before the so-called "Samlag," or Gothenburg, scheme is' instituted in any locality, a -vote shall be taken ln which all men and women over twenty-five years of age have a right to take part, to decide whether the establishment of the "Samlag," or its maintenance, shall be permitted with in the limits of the town or village. If the majority of those entitled to vote are gainst it, prohibition comes into force and holds good for five years, at the end of which time a new vote may be de nianded if a sufficient number of the in habitants request it. Another modifica tion ia the existing statutes increases to O 5 percent, the rights of the government to the profits of the liquor trafflo in places -where Use '"Samlag" scheme is in force, This percentage is to be utilized in the establisnmeat of a system of old-age pensions. Of the remaining 35 per cent., US per cent, will go to the commune for municipal purposes, while the balance of 39 per cent, is to be distributed among tem perance bocleties and other institutions. A SURGEON'S KNIFE Kecoinuieaded by a Philadelphia Specialist A Simple Remedy Averted an Operation. (Philadelphia, Penn., Item) A healthier, heartier, happier mautban Tohn J. Neill, of 2437 North Elgth street, Philadelphia, could, rut be found in a day's search. Among tho3e who know htm formerly, tho fact that he is still alive is a constant wonder. In the fall of 1889 be began to suffer from stone in the bladder, and his mis eries were indescribable Consulting an eminent physician In Philadelphia, he was told that he would have to submit to a surgical operation. So much did he dread the result, for if unsuccessful it meant death, thai he put oil the evil day as long as possible. While in this frame of mind, he chanced to see a notice of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Al though disheartened with hit many futile attempts with medicine, he was induced to make one more iri il. On July 1. 18'JJ, he bought the first buttle of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and within a mouth had experl euced beneficial results, and before he had finished the third bottle, the gravel was completely dissolved and his sufferings at an end. Mr. Neill feels that he owes a lasting debt of gratliude to Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. He never fails to recommend it for disorders of the bladder and urinary organs, and says "it will effect a cure if one be possible I" The great value of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy lies in the fact that it dissolves the excess of uric ucid in the blood. Many of the ailments people suffer from for instance, rheumatism, nervousness, dyspepsia, kidney, iiver and urinary troubles, and the sickness pe culiar to women, nil come from this one cause. Favorite Remedy dissolves this acid and pxpels it from the system, thus cur ing the disease. In cases of scrofula, diabetes, Bright's disease,' and stone in the bladder, it never falls. Coming; Events. April 23 24 Entertainment in the All Saints' P. E. church to raise library funds. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. When sho was a Clilld, sho cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Rupture. Cure guaranteed. No operation. In quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No. 3 South Main street. ' 913-tf Gkl'7huni!i'H ttYo(tfi'r. GUTHUIK. O. T., -March 2. Tho report of tho committee sunt to invostbjnto tho agriculture college, submitted to this legis lature yesterday, was sensational in every particular, showing that the institution from its foundation four years ago had been mismanaged and tho funds corruptly used and squandered. Io proper books have been kept and many thousands of dollnrs aro unaccounted for. Tho board of regents are accused of nearly ovory variety of boouling. Tho report winds up with the stutomout that tho committee be lieves there have been somo honest men connected with tho college, but they have always been greatly in tho minority. A General Strike Irolmble. NEW YoliK, March 2. The electrical workers' strlko assumed more serious pro portions last night than it has dono here tofore. Tho mason builders of Now York and Brooklyn held a long meeting and ugrccd to employ and stand by tjicir sub contractors iu employing non-union labor if union men refuso to work, after having boon invited to do so. Thoy also agreed to stand by tho electrical contractors dur ing tho strike. In retaliation tho walking delogatos say they will call a genoral striko. It is expected that before tonight thoro will bo between 18,000 and 20,000 building operatives out on strike ln Now York and its vicinity. Ills Head Grew on Crooked. Oakland, Cal., March 2. B. O. Hyatt went on the witness stand yesterday und told how he felt when his neck was broken Hyutt was run down by an olectrlo car. and according to tho doctors his nock was broken, his skull fractured, his shoulder and thigh dislocated, his cervical vortobrm shattered, his sterno-cloldomasterd muscle disruptured, und ho was genorally dis abled. Instead of dying, as ovory ono ex pected, ho wore his neck -in a sling forsov- eral months, and is now able to uppeur in court and press hlselulm for $20,000 dam ages. His head grow ou crooked, und is now slightly turnod to ono sido. Ho can not move his head in any way. IIo suffers intenso pain constantly, nnd finds relief only when lying down. Killed In a French Duel. PARIS, March 2. M. Porchor, ono of the editors of tho Journal des Debuts, was killed-in a duol fought with swords yester day by M. Lechatellor, an officer of mu rines. Itoceurrod on tho island of Grand Jatto, ln tho river Seine. At tho first encounter M. Lechatellcr's sword passed through M. Percher's guard, penetrated his body below tho right armpit and pierced his right lung. Tho wounded man died in u few minutes. Convlrted of Poisoning Her Husband. Baltimore, March 2. Belle R, Farroll has been found guilty by a coroner's jury of Charles county of administering tho strychnine which caused the death of her husband, Hugh Farroll, on tho morning of Dec. 24 last. Mrs. Farrell is the daughter of Theodoro L. Hober, a farmer. An al leged Intimacy with a railroad brakomnn named Hall Is given as the Incentive for the removal of Farrell. For llaltlmore'a Centennial, Baltimore, March 2. Clifton park, a part of tho eudowmont of tho Johns Hop kins university, and which tho voters authorized tho city to buy for $1,000, 000, has been selected as tho site for the Baltimoro centennial exposition, to be held iu 1807. Cllffon park is situated ln the northeustorn soetiou of tho city. A severe rheumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. II. Loper, a well known druggist of Des Moines, Iowa, for over six months. At times the pain was so severe that he could not lift any thing, with an he could do he couiu not get rid of it until he applied Chamber jain's Pain Balm. "I only made three applications of it," he says, "And have since been free from all pain," He now recommends it to persons similarly afflicted. It is for sale by Gruhler Bros; Knlbltrs Mill tTii.tipiirosai-iI, BlliMlXOHASt, Ala., March 8. S. M Adams, chairman, has called n meeting of the state executive committee of the peo ple's party for March 12 lit this city. At n caucus in February the question of a dual government or recognizing tho constituted state uuthoritlos nnd such matters wero postponed pending tho Suyro election law. Tho contest lnw was passed, but applies ohly to tho futuro' und rules out Kolb's case. Tho mooting just called Is to take up tho dual govornmont question nnow nnd to decide who shall bo recognized o3 tho powers that bo. Escaped From nn .tuyium. Cleveland, March 2. Actress Grace Vnughn, known In private llfo as Mrs. Andrew Jennings, who was for soiuo tlma connected with tho Soabrooko company, nnd who later beoamo insane, ou Thurs day escaped from tho Northern Ohio Iusano asylum, iu which institution sho had been confined sluco August last. It has been learned that sho is iu Chicago, Dr. Wymnii, tho asylum, -lys Bho is quite Insane and lias been for souio time confined In tho suicidal ward, us sho has on sovernl occasions attempted to take hoi own llfo. Kntlmslnitla Culinn Sympathizers. Tampa, Flu., .March 2. Tho cigar makers at O'Hulloran's factory yesterday donated $2,000 to tho causo of tho revolu tion. Ono young clgarmnker who gave $100 saysho intends to livo on twonty-flve cents a day, and tho balanco will bo do nated to tho causo. It Is expected that bo tween $30,003 and ?10,000 will bo raised by tho clgarmakers hero tills weok und prob obly as much more in Key AVest. Kllleil In a Drunken Row. WELCH, W. Vn., March 2. At tho Dixl6 saloon at Kimball, on the Norfolk and AVestorn road, a gang of drunken men und woinon got Into u light and 100 shots wero fired. Four persons were wounded, and Frank Mnrnot died about midnight from tho effects of his wounds. The lights in the saloon wero shot out and the place was practically demolished. l'uljlic Debt Statement. Washinoiox, March 2. The monthly btatoment of the public debt shows thaton Feb. 28, 18115, tho public debt, loss casli in the treasury, amouuted to 8800,412,011, a decrease for the month of t31,033,328. This decrease of debt is accounted for by tho re ceipt of gold on account of thb last bond Issue, against which no bonds have been yet issued. Miss Julia Grant Not Engaged. Chicago, March 2. A week or two ago a report was started iu New York, and credited in Chicago, that Miss Julia Grant, daughter of Colonel nnd Mrs. Fredorlck Grant, was engaged to Mr. William Lalm becr, of Now York. This reported en gagement Is positively denied by tho par ents of the young lady, and by Miss Grunt herself. Mfinchurinns I'lUnglng Corca. Komi. Japan, Muivli 2. It is reported from Seoul, eaintal of Curea. that bunds of Maneb'iriHii nolili'-i--. are ravaging the province f Ham Gytm-j Do, In the northern part of Corea. Tho Miinchuriuus are pil laging tho geld mines Aguftist Christian SnclttllfttB. BnutsshW, M.in-h 2. Tho Belgian epis copate has received a papal brief strongly condemniug the attitudo of the Christian socialists ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test ol Tlma MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED A New World opens to the man who finds quick relief from wearing pain. That is the testimony of multitudes who have used Allcock's Porous Plaster for all sorts of aches and pains, lameness, stiffness of the muscles and joints of the back, limbs or side. Make Sure and gtt ths genuine, Never pot up with Imitations "Just as good as Allcock's." Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal a a relief and cure for curat) sad bunions. Brandreth's Pills relieve rheumatism and any disease arising from Impurity of the blood. w. nffAt- AnM.inl facilities to operators lama 1 Ior small, lor trading on margins iu .lucks, mains or provisions. Market letter issued reg. ularlv.civins latest confidential advices. Or ders received on one per cent margins, uur ijook, " Speculation, or Jiow lo-srauw mailed i on receipt of two-cent stamp. VAN WINKLE I 4 GO., Mh ttoor Oatt llulldlng, LuBolle street, I fjmcago. IAD mm flPilCC-"'"" New InfiilllMnx HUILO Turkish Capsules never f al 1 1 Br sealed, &wlui&4rlretnatvlllireveutfu ture irregularities, iic.stanipfor particulars l'ouiuiu Cliein. Co. Isew Egypt, H.i. 1S1 Mud 30XTnA.FiNt There True In These letters The world has never seen such mar vellous cures accomplished by any medicine but Hood s barsaparula. Tho secret of its success is that it is the best blood purifier ever produced. It is king over all lorms of scrofula, salt rheum and all other blood diseases. It is the onlv medicine of which can be said: It CUKES by making pure, ricli red blood Head these letters: Saved Her Sight Another Wonder Porformod by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " My little girl Hazel is now four years old. Two years ag sho had the grip. After recovery her eyes grew inflamed and sup turated. For over 7 months sho had to have her eyes bandaged nnd stay in a dark room. The family doctor nnd an oculist did everything possible. Sho did not im prove and even grew worse. At last after six months he gbfe us the discouraging opinion that tho cornea of one eyo was de stroyed And Sight Entirely Cone. That It was doubtful if she would ever bo able to see any with the other, as the sight was rapidly being destroyed ln that also. Hood1 Sarsaparilla Do not be induced to buy iARTHAN STEEL PIQUET FENCE ta the cheapest and best fence made. Cne&pei than a wooden fence for residences, liwns.cerc etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. MASiaii nas the agency and carries it In stock at hit -uarblo and granite works, 127 N. JASDIH ST Wholesale agent for ftlfenifij'i hnt I J Export Liger ud Saszer Pale Beer. No Bnermade. Pine liquors and Cigars 120 South MalnHt. HOTEL KAIBR, CHAS. BUnCHILL, Prop. North Main St., M&HAN0Y CITT. Largest and finest hotel ln the region. Finest accommodations.. Handsome flxtures Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached. When in POTTSVILLE, Stop at PHIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Centre Street. Meals at all hours. Ladies' dining room Utacked. Finest wines, Honors, cigars. Shenandoah's Bemable Hand Laundvy Oor. Lloyd and White Bts. Alt work guaranteed to be first-class ln everj particular. Bilk ties and lace ourtaln sa spec laity, Goods called for and delivered. Atrial solicited, GEORGE NAUJUNAS, Saloon and Restaurant, 231 North West Street. TTlnpnt rirnnria nf 1i,.hi m,l.. -iirlnAB and Liquors. Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire. SNEDDEN'S LIVERY Pear Alloy, Roar Coffee Honse. The best rigs In town. Horses taken to board. Hanllng promptly attended to. JOHN A. REILLY. Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALER, 22-21 Bouth Main St, Bhenandoah. t8$$W&1 8011,8 ce,ebtate1 -DR. A. A. SEIBERT- Specialist ln diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 207 West Market Bt., PotUvllle. Hours 8.80 a.m. to 12 m. i 1 to i p. m.. 7 to 8 p, m. Sundays, i a. m, to 12 m, ' ia but ONE and 1 iO Prominently Today and that One tell of Wonderful Cures by We thought her doomed to permanent blindness. She suffered intense pain and kept her head buried ln tho pillows most of tho time. If light was admitted tp the room she would cry as If burned with a hot iron. As she was badly run down we thought before continuing the treatment we would try to build up her system and renew her strength. We began giving her Hood's Sarsaparilla'. Qhe began to Improvo Rapidly nnd by the time she had finished takln: the first bottle wo were nblo to remove the bandages and found that she could bear the light nnd that tho sight was returning. much to our delight- Sho took several bottles and then was as well as ever. It is now a year since, and her eyes Aro Permanently Cured. She can see perfectly, has had no signs of any further trouble and is in every respect perfectly healthy. We have gTeat faith in Hood's Sarsaparilla." W. H. Butteb field, 149G Hastings St, Detroit, Mich. Salt Rheum Cured. "Three winters ago salt rheum broke out on my hands and became very trouble some, making largo sores. I saw several doctors and tried various remedies, but all The Blood any other. Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla. Professional Card..-. -jyj- 8. K18TLER, SI. D., 4 PnVSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlfe. 120 North Jardln street. Snenandoah. M, M. BUKKE. A TTORNEY-A T-LA W, SHENANDOAH, FA. Ofllce. Egan building, cornor of Main and Centre streets, Hbenandouh. N. STEIN, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Room 2, Egan's New Building, coi ner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.: 1 to 3 p. re.; 7u 9 p. m. NIght.offlceNo. 230 West Oak street, i a M. HAMILTON, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office. Water Compmy building, 26 West Lloyd street. J)R. WENDELL BEBER, Successor to DR. OHAS. T. PALMER, BYE AND EAR BUBOBON, 301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Fenna. Laeer and 3iIsnerBeers Finest, Purest, Healthest Chris. Schmidt, Agt 207 West Coal St, Bhenandoah. MDSSEE & BEDDALL, (Successors to Coakley Bros.) No. 26 East Centre Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. . FIRST CLASS GROCERIES! Our Motto; Best Quality at Lowest Cash rrioea. Patronage respectfully soiionea. Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that yourboota do. and tho water you drink Isn't even fit lor that purpose. Use Lorenz Schmidt's Boer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. ANSY PILLS! CRUQ Sirt sun HURC. EEH04CFO4'WOIUN'3 SAFE 811 qumu:' CRUQ mm only One Purifier Is Purified Blood. failed to afford much relief. A f ow monthi ago I commenced taking Hood's Sarsapar rilla and tho troublo has entirely disap peared." Mbs. H W. Btjshneix, Lyon Brook, Oxford, New York. Blood Poison, n I became poisoned with Ivy. It would break out on me, spring and fall. I had doctors but was not relieved. It wriniri break out into sores and pimples on me and form scabs. If It had not been for a neicrhbor recommondlnr? ITonrl's finmnn.. rilla to me I do not think I would be alive day I used two bottles last fall and three to his spring and it has cured me." Fbakcis A. Patette, Mishawaka, Ind. A Baby Boy Cured. " I havo need several bottles of Hood'e Sarsaparilla for my little boy, three years of age, who has been troubled with eczema Very badly. It has entirely cured him, therefore I recommend it to oil mothers who have children suffering from eczema," Mbs. Peteb A. Johnson, Cranbury Sta tion, New Jersey. Hood's Sarsaparilla is Bold by all drug gists, fl; six for f5. Prepared only by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. It poi" sesses curative powers Peculiar To Itself IN EFFECT NOVHMBEIl 18, 1894. Passenger trains leave Shonnadoah for I'ecn Haven Junction, iiauo chunk, htghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton tndWeatherly 4, 7.38. 0.15 a ni . 12.4!. 2 57. 5.27 p. m. For New York and Philadelphia, 6.W, 7.88, B.15 a m 1!!.4S, a.b7 p. m. For Quakake, Uwltctback, Qerhards and Hudsondale, 6.01 P.15 a. m., and 2.57 p. m. Tor Wllkoe-Barre, White Haven, Pittstoc, Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly ana Elmira, 6.04, 8.15 a. m., 2.57, 5.27 p. m. For Rochester, BuOalo, Niagara Falls and tho West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m. For Relvldere, Delaware Water Qap and Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m 2.57 p. m. For LambertvlUa and Trenton, S.15 a. m. For Tunkhannock, 6.01, 9.15a. re., 2.57, 6.27 p. sr. For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 8.15 a. m. 6.17 p. m For Auburn 9.16 a. m. 6.27 p. m. For JcanesvlUe, Levis tonand Ucaver Ueadow, 7.88 a.m., 12.43 p.m. For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7.85 B.15, a. m 12.411, 2.57, 6.27 p. m. For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled atd Hazleton 6 04, 7.38, 9.15 a. m , 12.48, 2.57, 3.27 aaa 8.08 p. a. For Sonnton, 6.04, 9.15, a. m., 2.(7 and S.rr p m. For Hailebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland 6.01. 7.88. 9.15. a. m.. 12.48. 2.57. 5.27 D. re ' Tor Asmana, uiraravuie ana iost ureoi, 7.46. 9.13, 10.20 a. m 1.00, 1.40, 4.10. 6.85 p. m. IDhsi !.. ,... f1.-.Hti4jt t. nun fatsm. a n ' ui iiaiou uuui ucuu 4i nuuui vmu'V ui4 Shamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m.,1.82, 4.20, 8.22, 9.1S p. EC. For Yateavllle. Park Place. MahacovCitv anC Delano. 8.04. 7.38, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.43. 2.67 5 27, 8.08, 10.53 p. m. 'jrams win leave anamoKin at o,io, c.i, 11.45 a. m.. 1.55. 4.K0 Q.1 n. m.. and arrive at dhecatdoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 11.15 p. m. . Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 7.88 9.0. 11.05 11.80 a. m., 12.13, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, S.K p. m Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.0C, 7.50 B.05, 10.16, 11.10 a. m T 12.32, 8.00,. 410, 5.20, 7.1 1 7.15, 9.10 p. m. ,. Leave Shenandoah for uaueton, o.n, v.w, a. m 12.1!, 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. m. . , Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 7.81, lO.or, ll.CO a. m , 12.15. 2.65, 6.S0,.7.2S.7.66 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and Shamokln, 6.15 a. m 2.40 p. m.. andarrlve at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. ana S.4I p. m. 1 Tr.ino HMiTnnktn fdr Shenandoah at 7.65 a. m. and 4.00 p. m.. and arrive at ShM anaoan at b.m a, m. ana Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Oreok,8.Ofctt,ll.3WP.a. fc T Haven Junction. Mauch i toi, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.19 a m., ltTor Philadelphia 12.80, 2.65 P- m. For Yatesvllle. Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano. 8.49, U.zi . m.. 12.80, 2.55, 1.58 6.03 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.81, 11. W a. m., 1.05, 6.80 p. m. Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 6.66. 8.1ft, 9.80a.m..2.10p.,m. . Leave .roiiaviiio iur ououanuoaa, o.fiv, is vj a.m.,1.86i6.l6jp-m. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, GenL Bupt., South Bethlehem, Pa DBAS. S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia A, W, NONNElf ACHER, Asst. G. P. A Bouth Bethlehem, Pa If your clothier doesn't keep Hammersloogii : Broa Swell, Reliable, New York -OLOTHiira- Make htm get It Their celebrated $15.00 Melton Overcoat ,( Wears like steel and is sold by evesy promi nent clothier ln the state. None genuine with out HammorslougU Bros.' label. Millions of Dollars Go np in smoke every year. Take no risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured in first-class, relia ble companies, as represented by DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent, ISO South Jnrdln Street. Also Llfo and Aooldontal Companies