The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 28, 1895, Image 3

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    Palpitation of the Heart
Shortness of Breath, Swelling
of Legs and Feet.
"For about four years I was troub
led with palpitation of tho heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
the legs and feet. At times I would
faint. I was treated by tho best phy
sicians In Savannah, Ga.. with no re
lief. 1 then tried various Springs
without benefit. Finally, I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After
beginning to take them I felt better I I
continued taking them and I am now
in better health than for many years.
Since my recovery I have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to some poor
E. 15. SOTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
Dr. Miles rtcartCuro Is sold on a poslttvo t.lmt, llrst bnttln will Donoflt.
AH druggists sell it at $1, 0 bottles fortS.or
It will bo sent, jwepaid, on rocolpt of
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored.
Weakness, Ncrvousnenn,
Debility, and all the train
.or. ovus xrom eariy errors ur
later excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness, worry,
etc. uu strenatn. aevei-
nnment and tone riven to
jevcry organ ana poruon
nfrhnbndv. Simple, nat
I M' UI ate Improvement seen.
ural motnoua. immeai-
Failuro Impossible. 2,000 references. Book,
iplanatlon and proofs mailed (seaieuj ire.
North main St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and finest ho tell ti the region.
rtnest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
We offer special facilities to operators large
or small, for trading oa margins In stocks,
jrrains or provisions. Market letter Issued reg
ularly, Giving latest confidential advices. Or
ders received 01 one per cent margin? Our
000k, " (Speculation, or How to Trado," mailed
on receipt of two-cent etarap. VAN WINKLE
A CO.. 6th llacr Gall Building, La Salle street.
n Than. 131 7 Arch
UIiIIIvjOI Phlladelnhla. Pa.
The Only nciiuiun SiierlalUt In Amer
ica, owmiHt!inuinfr vviinr.
Others Ailvertine.
Special Diseased, Vnrlcnno Vclnit nnd
mriciures mo limine; i-rrimincuiir
Cured In 4 to 1U Bays.
itcuci at once.
Primary or Secondary I
cured bv entlrelv new
harmless metbod. e years' European Hospital I
and 32 practical exnerience. as Certificates and I
DlDlomaa Drove. Bend five &cent it&mM for I
book "TRUTH," the only True Medical I
Book advertised. It Is a true friend to all I
sunerers ana to tnoee contemplating marriage.
The most Btnhhorn .nil rinrMrorniia mi.. .Alln. I
lted. Wrlteorcallandbesaved. Hours, OtoS;
chronic and dangerous cases. Call dally O to
v no, u luaior examination ana ireatmsniin
1..1U) w ea. ana Bit. from u to 4 ev'es, 6 t;
v.ow, nuu,i v w l. i reaimen. Dy mau.
V.&TO you Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored I
Spots, Aches. Old Bores, Ulcers In Month, Hair-1
ns? Writo Cook Ilemcdv Co.. rot Ha I
mple .Chlcaxo Jll. Jor nroafa of cures. I
Capital tK00,000. ratientsenredntneyears I
Finest, Purest, Healthest
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
329 N. 15th SI
Below Cnljowhlll,
i i iimuui(jilU fix,
Thirty years' Continuous Practice in all
special diseases of both sexes.
Dr. Lobbguanntees a radical ana perma
nent cure of Impotency, Di,aei ol the Blood,
Skin. Nervti, Bladder and Kidneys, resulting from
Ete,r,li-Abue, Imprudenco or Inheritance,
MslorlnE thd system to i Us normal condition,
building up tne constitution and bringing
back Health ana iwaniy igor. ouuuging mo
oaiIi nnd wretched Into hearty, strong men.
vnmiltatlon and examination iree and
strictly confidential. Uemember that In
.,.in nr. Iflhh you are settlne thn
beneat of his thirty yean' oontlnuons prac
tice as a spsclalist. urace iiuum, unity una
Sundays, from a. m. to 3 p. in. and e to 9
evening). Bend for free book on Errors ot
Youth and obscure aneasesoi uoiu sexes.
Lager ant
siiiTiiiinuLL mi
Tho Eight of Free Speook Will bo
Upheld in Savanuah,
Tlio ISx-rrlmt, Hmvuvpr, Will Secure An
other Hull, ami tho CltWoni Will Protect
Hint from. Slob Violence Another Day
of Kxcltcnient.
Savannah, Fob. 28. Yostcrdny wai ft
day of great excitement hero. There wad
0110 general expression or opinion, and
that was that Sluttory should locturo
again If ho desired, If It took tho wholo
military foreo and half tho citizens to pro
tect him. Prominent Catholics unite In
this opinion, and ilceliiro that nearly nil of
thoso participating In Tuesday nlght'a
riot were non-churchgoers. It has ceased
to bo a case of an ox-prlcst desiring to lec
ture, and has becomo In tho minds of
many a question of tho preservation of tho
right of frco speech In Savannah.
Mrs Slattery was booked to lecture to
women at Masonlo Temple yesterday af tor
noon, and at 1 o'clock, under polico escort,
sho and hor husband woro taken to tho
hall. Prior to this tho muuagors of tho
Men's Hebrew association had notified
Slattery that they would break tho con
tract and rofuso to allow tho uso of tho
hall which tboy havo loased, as his lan
guage Incited to riot and endangered tho
lives and property of citizens. Slattery
would not consider tho contract broken.
Arriving at tho hall tho polico refused to
admit any one. Sovoral hundred women
wero turned away, slattery ana L'rcsiuims
Haas, of tho Hebrew association, became
involved In wordy dispute, and tho chief
put Slattory undor arrest, but released
him, as Haas declined to enter any charge.
After Slattory had waited an hour tor n
lawyer it was decided that ho and his wlfo
would go back to tho hotel. Tho polico
woro ordered In lino and tho mounted of
flcors decided to clear tho streets ut onco.
Hundreds of pooplo ran wild to got a
glimpse of them. A crowd of women
had been grouped just outside of tho curb
on Bull street, and as tho ox-prlcst and
wlfo passed they were hissed loudly and
spat at. Tho polico had their hands full
to keep tho passagoway clear.
When tho I'uluskl Houso was reached
It was almost Impossible to see tho hotol
for tho pooplo who had congregated. Tho
Masonic hall would havo been unable to
havo hold tho womon If It had been opened.
Finding tho hall locked, many came
down to tho Pulaski Houso. There Mrs.
Slattery hold a reception. Hundreds, called
on hor, and some- tondored hor tho uso of
tholr parlors to locturo in. such a scene
had nover been soon before In this city. At
ono time over a hundred women woro in
tho hotel parlor.crowded about tho ex-nun.
If tho locturo had boon held at tho hall
hundreds of cltlzons would havo gathered
around It to protect thoso Inside If tho at
tacks by roughs had boon resumed.
Tho refusal to lot Slattery havo tho nan
Is bolug soverely criticized. Ho Is making
arrangements to lecturo at Odd Fellows'
hall tonight, and tho outlook Is that thoro
will bo a thousand men out to hear him.
Tho entlro polico forco will bu on hand,
and soma of tho military companies will
probably bo hold in resorvo ut their ar
mories. Lieutenant Colonel Itcllly. who com
manded the First regiment on Tuesday
night, Is a Catholic. In a nowspapor state
ment ho says: "It was a disagreeable or
deal for mo, but I was thoro to do my
duty. I had determined on that. I gavo
my commands In a way to leavo no doubt
that I meant business."
Pooplo will continue in a norvous state
until aftor tonight. Thohopo Is generally
expressed that after It has been shown to
tho world that froo speech Is maintained
hero that Slattery and his wlfo will leavo
Savannah at onco.
Denouncing Organized Labor.
New Yokk, Fob. 28. GoorgoE. "War
ing, commissioner of street cleaning, somo
days ago rocolvcd a lotter from District
Assembly No. w, Knights of Labor, tell
ing him of tho resolutions adoptod by the
Knights of Labor, calling on Mayor
Strong to remove tho commissioner from
office. To this lotter Commissioner War
ing has sent a reply, in which he suys: "I
regard your organization as being an anti
labor organization, opposed to working
men and opposed to work an association
carrlod on In the interest of ldlenoss. I
bolloyo Its chief causo of existence to bo
that your leaders may earn your salary by
making mischief. I am opposed to the In
fliction of tho burdons on worKlngmou,
and their cost to tho wholo pooplo, that
tho Infamous conduct of "organized labor'
has caused."
The Hymns Brothers on Trial.
Tokonto, Fob. 28. Tho prollraluary
trial of tho Hyams brothors for tho mur
der of W. 0. Wells began In tho polico
court yostorday and promises to bo sensa
tional. Tho crown has forty witnesses
and tho defonso has nearly as many. Two
Plnkorton detoctlvos havo been at work
for tho past three weeks in tho interest ot
tho accused, uud an unlimited fund has
been placed In tho hands of the prisoners
Drayton Will Make Auswor.
Somehville, N. J., Feb. 28. Sheriff
George A. Dilte, of Somerset county, has
received a summons and complaint to
servo on James Coleman Drayton in the
oross suit for divorce brought by his wlfo,
Charlotte Auguata Drayton. Lawyer Alva
Clark, counsel for Mr. Drayton, says that
an tttwwer to Mm. Drayton's oross oom
plaint will bellied within the time speol-
lled by luw, but dwolineti to outline the de
fense. Mun-or-War La Mbertud Safe.
NEW Oulbans, Feb. 88. The Moxloau
man-of-war La Llbortad, which was bo
llved to havo been lost, in tho Gulf of
Mexico during tho stormy weathor that
continued from tho 10th to 10th Inst., ur
rlved here at noon today. Tho vessol had
a rough experience, but stood storms fairly
Well, the loss of hor sails boing the most
sorlous mishap. All on board are well.
Disastrous Fire at HaUdix.
HALIFAX N. S., Fob. 28. Proporty to
tho value of f 1,000,000 was destroyed by
Are yesterday In tho vlclulty of Deep Wator
Terminus. All tho Immigration shods,
wharvos, offices and tho elevator, shoot
grain olovator, Sarmatlan hotol and some
dozon other buildings burned. Several fire
men wero injured, but nono seriously.
'Cherokee Wll" Convicted or Slurder.
Fort Smith, Ark., Feb. 28.-In the
United States court tho jury returned a
verdict against the outlaw "Cherokee
Bill" of guilty of murder. ecolved tho
verdict with a contemptuous uiigh.
A 1'romincDt Divino Invokes God's Blessings
on tin Fniioeat l'lofessor.
He Declares the Remedies arc
Their Weight In Gold.
Uev. W. E. Andrews, of Westfleld,
Mnss., writes i
"I wish to add my testimony in favor
of Munyon's Homtuopathlc Home Hem
edies to the mass that has already been
published. I have used the Cold Cure,
Dyspepsia Cure, Nerve Cure nnd Head
ache (Jure in mv family with perfect
satisfaction. These remedies are worth
their weight In gold. In my laiuily they
have cured the worst cases of cold In one
day, and dyspepsia of seven years' stand
ing was cured witn tnree viais ot me
Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have had very severe
headaches, which wore driven away in
half an hour by the Headache Cure. My
wife suffered greatly from sleeplessness,
and one vial of Nerve Cure gave her
Eerfect relief. I sincerely pray God's
leasing upon the proprietors of such
valuable remedies."
Munyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia Cure
cures allformsof Indigestion and stomach
troubles such as constipation, rising of
food, distress after eating, bloating of
the stomach, palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and all affections of
the heart caused liv indigestion. It
xoothes, heals and Invigorates stomachs
tbat have been weakened bv over-eatlug.
or where the lining ot the stomach has
been Impaired by physic and injurious
medicines Price. 25 cents
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, nut ud speci
fics for nearly every disease, which arti
sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a bottle.
Those who are in doubt as to the nature
of their dl8eae should address Professor
Munyou, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia,
giving full Kvmntoms ot thplr disease.
Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit ot his
advise absolute! free of all charge. The
Remedies will be sent to any address on
receipt of retail price.
Charged with Infanticide.
WlLMAMSI'oliT, P.t.. Feb 28 Samuel
W. Gregory, colored, was arrested on tho
chiirgo of having strangled to death the
child of tho woman with whom ho lives.
Tho queen regent ot Spain Is suffering
Irani an attncK ot the measles.
Tho contests for United States senator-
ships In Dolawaro and Idaho continue
dally without result.
Professor John Stuart Blackie, the dis
tlngulshed author and Greek and Latin
scholar, Is seriously 111 in London.
":?en masked men ran off with a lcco-
motlvo and express car In Texas yester
day, but got no money. They escaped.
A delegate convention of District As
lomply No. 3, K. of L., nt Pittsburg, dc
sided to join tho Independent Knights of
At Memphis last night Harry Klnnlek,
tho "Arkansas Kid, defeated Geor:
Strong, of Donvor, after flvo hard fought
In a battle with the Sam Hughes gang
of train robbers near Checotab, 1. T, De
tective Farmer captured Hughes. One of
his own men, an Indian scout, v.u killed.
At Hoisli.Kton, Kan., John M. Herres
shoemaker, while crazed with liquor,
'killed his 4 year-old daughter, fatally
stubbed his wlfo, und then committed
A New World
opens to the man who finds
quick relief from wearing
pain. That is the testimony
of multitudes who have
Porous Plaster
for all sorts of aches and
pains, lameness, stiffness of
the muscles and joints of
the back, limbs or side.
niaUe Bnre and get the genuine. Never put
up with Imitation! "J uit ai good ai Allcock's."
Allcock's Corn Shields,
Allcock's Dunion Shields,
Have no equal at a relief and cute for corns
and bunions.
Brandreth's Pills
relieve rheumatism and any dlseaso
arising from impurity of the blood.
v Has stood the Test ol Time
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
attached. Finest wines, Unuors, cigars.
Mtuc.yat-rrio.FiNE n
kfHta.N U(. n
xploding Ga Brings Sorrow to
Many Families,
llcvon Mnii Tnlirn from the rinry l'tirnacc.
1ml It In ll.-llov.-il Tlml Allnr Thi Bo Will
Dlo from Tlii-lr I iijurlot Tailing Out the
Dt'iul Uoilic-i.
Al.ntTQi'KHQrK, N M.. Feb. 33. A
eppotnl to The Morning Democrat says:
V hi to Ash coal mines, threo miles from
Corrlllos, wero tho sceno of n terrible ex
plosion yesterday. Tliirty-sevcn men wero
working in four levels when tho disaster
occurred. Kloven of these havo so far
boon rescued, all In a dying condition.
Tho remaining twenty-six havo doubtless
perished. Over twenty dead bodies havo
been recovered.
Tho scones at tho Identification of tho
wounded and dead wero heartrending. Tho
miners aro all mnrrlcd, and whontho news
of tho disaster spread, wlvos and chlldron
hurried from Waldo and Madrid. Not
until this ovonlng were searchers able to
doscend, owlnc to tho poisonous vapors
In tho course of half nn hour seroral doad
woro sent up. Then it was feared not a
soul of the thirty-soven had oscaped.
later in tho evening eloven dying miners
were dlscovctpd In a bunch. They wero
probably overcomo In an effort to escape.
Tho explosion Is thought to bavo been duo
to accidental breaking Into an abandoned
chamber charged with gas.
Tho sight about tho mine was heart
rending in tho oxtromo. Frantic wives,
many of thorn carrying babos In their
arms, having children clinging to their
skirts, stood nt tho ontrnnco of tho mlno
for hours amid tears and prayers, whllo
hundreds of men vulnly struggled to gain
nn entraneo further Into tho mlno. So
denso was the smoke nt ono timo during
the afternoon that many thought tho mlno
had taken lire, and tho conduct of tho
wives und mothers when this was an
nounced as a probability was painful In
tho extreme.
Up to 5 o'clock tho gas continued to
pour forth from tho single opening in tho
mlno in such a volume as to mako tho pro
gress of tho rescuers very difficult, but nn
hour later tho noxious vapors cleared
away, and the work of rescuing tho dead
bodies began to prove more successful.
JIany camu fires dot tho scono, ana tno
anguish of the women and chlldron hover
ing about them, hoping for tho best and
urging tho men on In tholr endeavors to
roach tho entombed, whllo others are
clinging to tholr dead or ministering to
those brought out nllvo, presents n picture
of human anguish seldom witnessed.
Pardona Recommended.
HAltniSBUIta, Feb. 28. Tho board of par
dons, at an executive session last night,
decided to recommend pardons for Fred
erick Boyle, of Schuylkill, embezzlement j
John Rcllly, Philadelphia, rape; S. A.
Marks, Washington, lnrceny; William
Orr, Perry, embezzlement : Ilarry Cook,
Armstrong, assault and battery; Mamlo
Aloxander. Philadelphia, larceny, nnd
William Hilbort, nltas Waldock, Phila
delphia, larceny. Tho cases of Hugh K,
Dempsey, tho Pittsburg labor loader, and
Lucy It. X atzsiminons, of Pittsburg, man
slaughter, wero held under ndvlsemont.
Five Injured by Exploding Gnu.
ALLEOHEN'V, Pa., Fob. 38. An oxplo-
slon of gas on South Ohio street blow out
tho entlro front of the building ana so
verely In j ured flvo people Whontho ex
plosion occurred thero wore fifteen or moro
girls at work making cigars on tho uppor
floors, threo of whom went down with tho
wreck, and woro rescued with great diffi
culty. Thoy wero unconscious when taken
out, but uro not dangorously hurt. Tho
Injured are: Edith Claybourno, Inn Clay-
bourne, Emma Decnor, J. T. Logan and
Peter Slnot;
Citizens Mnst Speak the language.
St. Louis, Fob. 28. Judgo Henry L. Ed
munds, of tho criminal court, lias adopted
a rulo that all foreigners who wish to bo-
naturalized by him must speak English.
Ho takes this action because so many per
sons scok to ovado tho jury duty In his
court by saying that they do not under
stand English.
To Investigate IMngliamton's Ilroken Banks
ALBANY, Feb. 28. In tho sonato Senator
Guy will introduce a resolution providing
for an Investigation by a sonato commlttco
ot alleged frauds In connection with tho
falluro of the three banks In liiHghamton.
and to discover, If possible, whether or not
politicians and ofliclnls aro concorned.
Closing Quotations of tho New York and
Philadelphia Exchanges.
New YoitK, Fob. 27. Speculation on tho
Btock market today was irregular on a light
volume of business. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 3291 W. N. Y. & Pa 54
Pennsylvania 49J
Reading - WS
St. Paul 55
Lehigh Nav 1M
N. Y. & N. E- .... 2H6
New Jersey Cen... 81
Erie 8iS
I)., L. & W 158?i
West Shore
N. Y. Central 97K
Lake Eria & W... Ki
Del. & IIudson..138
General Markets.
PlutJkPKt.ritiA, Feb. 37. Flour steady; win
ter superfine. $22.15; winter extras, J3.20
2.40: No. 2 winter family, $2.40 its 60: Pennsyl
vania roller Btralght, $2.50i&3.!5: western win
ter, clear, $8.402.(j(l. Wheat dull, lower, with
58c. bid and 58e. asked for February. Corn
qulet.weaker, with 47Hc. blil anil 47?o. asked
for February. Oats quiet, Bteady, with 3He.
l)id and 37c. asked for February. Hay steady.
Heef ateaily. Pork dull. Itrd heavy; west
ern steam, $-87J; olty, $6.25. Butter weak;
western da!ry,tt15o,; do. creamery, 163lc;
do. factory, muyiv.; Klgliw, 2).; Imitation
creamery, 1017o.; New York dairy, ltaaic.:
do. creamery, old, 1210o.; Pennsylvania
creamery prints, lanoy, wuoiesaie lots, 21o
creamery tubs, extra, ittOaOo.; do. oholoe to
good, 18(3220.; jobbing at QKo. Cheswo
llriner; large, lOailHo.; small. VMfbYJa.; part
skims. OdSVio.; full skims, lKffiSHo. Eggs
linn; New York anil Pennsylvania, 31o.; Ice
house, 22tic.; western fresh, 30Xjo.; south
ern, 20M30o.
Live 8tock Afarketa.
NewYouk, Feb. 27. Beeves active; native
steers. Inferior to good, $4.005.33; oxen, $3
4.75; bulls, S33.iw; dry oows, 5i.753.50.
Calves active, higher, poor to prime veals,
$57.50; ordinary western calves, &3.37H.
Sheep and lambs still dull, and no Improve
ment excepting an advance of 15Q26o. on good
choice lambs; ordinary to fair sheep, $3.20
4 tier 100 lbs.: very common to strictly choice
lambs, $3.755.87M; fanoy, $6, Hogs a shade
easier: quoted at tl.25l.t).
East Lioeiitv, Pa., Feb. 27.-Cattle firm;
prime, $5.2505.50, good, 1.G0&4.90; hulls, stags
and cows, 2Q3.35. Hogs native; l'htlatlel-
phlas, f (.451.50; common to fair Yorkers,
$i.l5at,2); roughs, $3'$1. Sheep steady; extra,; good, fd.303.05; common to lair
lambs, $2.U01.8li,
Food, crisp pastry, delicate cake, good di
gestion, all come with the use of Cottolene,
and it saves money as well. Its wonderful
success has brought numerous imitations.
Genuine has trade mark steer's head iu
cotton-plant wreath take no
other. Made only by
N. FC, Fairbank Company,
133 IT. Delaware Ave.. Phllada,
m Errrcrr novembkiu 18, 1&9L
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
Penn Haven Junction, mauc Chunk,
hUrhton, Slatington, White Hall, CaUeauqui,
AUentnwn, Bethlehem. Easton an5 Weatherl;
9 04, 7.31. C.15 a m., 12 43. 2 67. 6.27 p. m.
For New York and Palladelphli, t.iH, 7.8
8.15 a rr . IS.4, J. 67 p. m. For Quakake
Mwltctback, Oerhards and Hudsondalo, tUM
r.lfi a. ni . and 2.57 p. m.
For Wllliei'-Barre, White Haven, Plttstor,
Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Sayro, Waverl an
Elmira, 6.D4, P.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Kocbcster. IluSalo, Niagara FallB i
tke West. 6.04, D.I5 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. ra.
For llelvldere, Delaware Water Oap and
stroudsburg, 0.04 a.m., 2.57 p.m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.16 a. m.
For Tunkhannock.6.04, P.t5a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. u
For Ittmca and Geneva 6.04. 8.16 a. to. S.r
For Auburn 0.16 a. va. 5.27 p. m.
For Jeancavllle.Levlstonand Beaver M eano
. is., 12.43 p. m.
f or hlocuiot, ana Lumtier xara,,
.15. . m.. 12.4?. 2.67, 6.27 p. m
ForHllver urook junction,
Audenrled aid
Hazleton 6 04, 7.38, 0.15 a. m
12.43,2.67, 6.27 an
.us p. 11 .
For Bcranion, o.w,, a, m., ana d.j
For Bazlebrook. J eddo. Drltton and Freelam
104, 7.88, 9.15, a m 12.13. 2.67, 6.27 p. IT.
For Asniana.uiraraviue ana L,ost ureek.i.t
1 48. e.l.vio.JO a. m.. l.on,, 4.10. 6.35 p. m.
For Koven Kun. Centralla. Mount Carmu am
dhamokln, 9.13, li.14 a. m 1.S2, 4.20, 8.22, .lt
. nr.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mahano-
or City as
12.43, 2.6'
Delano, 6.04. 7.88, 9.15, 11.06 a m., ll
)27, 8.08, 10.53 p.m.
Trains will leave Sbamoltln at 5.10,
11.45 a. m.. 1.66. 4.80 9.80' D. m.. and arrive a'
ibenatdoab at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43,2.57,5.17
11.15 p. rr.
jueave anenanaoaa lor roiisvme, d.n, i.nt
OH, 11.06 11.80 a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 4.105.27, 8.e
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.09, 7.50
0.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m , 12.32, 8.00,. 440, G.2S, 7 H
7.65, 9.40 p. m.
ijeave unenanaoan tor uazieton, o.if , 7.ra. vjd
a. m 12.48, 2.67, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Bazleton for Shenandoah, 7.36. ,
11.(6 a. m . 12.15. 2.56, 6.30, 7.26. 7.56 p. m
Trains leave lor Raven Rnn. Centralla. M
Carmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a. m 2.40 p. m.
anaarnvo atanamoum at7.tu a. m. ana s.i
P. m.
Trains leave Bhamokln tur Shenandoah ti
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m and arrive at Sher
ando&h at 8.49 a, m. and 4.58 p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland. Glrardvllls and Lost
Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.30 p. m.
ror uizioion, uiacit uroeic junction, rent
Baven Junction, Mauch Chunk. Allontown
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 a c
I2.3U, 2.65 p. m.
ror I'nuaaeipma, x.oo p m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mabanov Clly an-
Delano, 8.49, 11,85 a. m., 12.80, 2.66, 4.58 6.03 p. a
Leave Hazlcton tor Shenandoah, 8.35,
a. m., i.U6,5.bu p. m.
iu., 1.VU.U.OV V ui.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.55, 8.4'
9.30 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
Lieave l'otwviue lor anenanaoan, d.ou, iu v
a.m.,l.S5, 6.15 p. m.
uulliIjn a., wuihuk, ueni. nupi.,
South Bethlehem. Pa
OHAS, S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. Agt.,
A- W, NONNKMAOHHR, Asst. G. P. A.,
Houth Betnlebein
Professional Cardti.
Ofllce. 120 North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Office. Eean building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
N. STEIN, M. D.,
Office Room 2, Egan's New Bolldlnc, cot
ner Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa
Office Hours: 8 to 10a. m.: 1 to 3-p. m.i 7tc
9 p.m. Night ofllceNo. 230 West Oak street
Ofllce. Water Commnv
building, 28 West
Lloyd street.
successor to
801 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna.
B mUl,
flniFC-"The New InfiilliMo
I tew -ill!
TurklHh Canaulas never fall I llr
sealeiU 12, wlthadvli-o that will prevent fu
ture Irregularities. 2c. stamp (uniarticular!
l'omiim Clivm. Co. ew Kgypt, N.J.
I Clock Sprint; Blade.
(Only Perfect Comb.
forepauch Circuses,
Ask your Dealer for
Bee our name on the handle. SI'lUNU CUllUr
mat? ftrortf
BomaUmasneodi a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only hamlal4
the pureit drugs should be used. If you want tha but, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
They are prompt, aalo and certain In recall The snelne (Dr. Peal'i) nover diu&t
Bold by P. P. D, KIHTtTX,
r, -
imrmoTNo kmhkr'IB. IBM,
Trains leave Shenandoah a f oUowst
For New Vara via Philadelphia week day
2.10,6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.55, 6.65 p.m. Sua
tlO, a. m. For New ork via Mauf.i uuunt .
week days, 6.25,7 2ti a. m.. 12.32, 2.66 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, weet ait
tlO, 5.25, 7.20. a.m., 12.82, 2.65, 6.65 p. m foin.
lay, 2.10, a. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20, t.
12.82. 2.55. 6.55 t). ro. Sundav. 2.10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, wee( da;
tlO, 6.25, 7.20, a. m., 12,32, 55. 5 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10, a. m PR
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lnwlab'jrff,
woek days, 3.25, tl.3 a tn.. 1.8ft. 7.21 p. .
Sunday, 3.26 a.m.
For Mahanoy Pliao, week days, 1.10, 3.26.
7.20, 11.80 a.m., 72.32, 1.8S, 2.55, i. 56, 7.20, B 83
p. m, Sunday, 2 1U, 8.25, a. m.
For Ashland acc? Siamokln, week days, 8.SJ,
7.20, 11,80 a. m., 1.35, 7.20. 9.35 p. ir. Stt'day,
.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West rta
U. fc O. R. R . thrnueh trains leavn Rftadl-
Tormlnal, Philadelphia, (P. R. R. R.) at S 20,
7.65, 11.26 a. m., 3.41, 7.27, o. m.. SunaV 32S
.55,11.28 a. ra.. 3.4fl, 7.27 p. m. Additional
tal-s from 21th and' riestnut streets station,
week davs. 1.45. 5 41. 8.33 v. m. Hucdnva. 1.3S.
8.28 p. m.
Leave New York via Phlladelnnia. week dan
3.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.15 nlarht. Bur-
aay, c.uu p. m.
leave New York vla-Mauch Chunk, waekdava.
(.50. 9,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
week days. 4.20. 8.85. 10.00 a. m.. and 4.DI.
S.02, 11.80 p. m. Sunday. 11.80 p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 1.16,7.10,10.68,11
a. m., 5.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. m
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.85, 7.41 a. m (
1280, 0,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
ijeave lamanua, wees oays, s.xs, o.w), iwa
m., 1,20,7.15, 9.28 p: m. Sunday, 8.18 a. m.
Leave Mahanov Clt?. week dava. 8.48. 9.11.
11.47 a. m 1.51, 7.33, 9.64 p. m. Sunday, 8.4S
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week di vs. I.4t. 4 00.
180, 9.87, 11.69 a. m., 12.68, 2.08, 6.20, 6.26,7.63,10 10
p. m. Sunday. 2.40, 4.00 a. m..
ijeavo wunamsport, week aays, tju, uliu,
a. b. 8.85,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
ind South Street Wharf for Atlantlo City.
Week-Days Express, 9.00, a. m., 2.00, 4,00,
1.00 p. m. Accommodaalon. 8.00 a. m.. 5,45
p. m.
Bnnday Express, t.00, 10.00 a. m. Aocom
modatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4 JO p. m.
Returning, leave Atlantic City, depot, corner
atlantlo and Arkansas avenue.
Week-Days Express, 735, 9.00 o, m. and
1.00 and5.Su p. .n. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m.,
and 4.32 p. m.
Sunday Kxrress, 4.00, 7.80 p. m. Aooommo
datlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express train j.
O. O. HANCOCK, Oen. Pass. Act.
Philadelphia Pa.
I. A. SWEIGARP, Gen. Sunt.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abov
late for Wlggan's, Qllberton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenix vllle, Norrlatown and Phil,
tdelphla (Broad street station) at 6:03 and 1H4S
t. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts.
rllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Naif
Jastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:C8. 3:40 a. m
tnd 8:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts'
sown, FhoenlxvlUe, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
6:00, 9:40 a, m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
i0:40a. m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
-iundays, 11:18a. m. and 5:40 p.m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 1IHS,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sunday
tt 10:40 a. m. and 6:1b p. m
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Shenandoah at 6 57 and 8 86 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
ai week days. On Sundays leave at 6 50 a m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
For New York. Expreus, week days,
tt 3 20, 4 06, 4 60, 6 15, 8 50, 7 88, 8 20, 9 60, 1090,.
(dlnlns cat), II, 11 14 a m, 12 noon, 12 44 (Lim
ited 121 nnd 4 22 p m. dining cars), 140, 2 80
(dining car), 320, 4, 5,8, 8 50, 713, 8 12, 10 p m.,
12 01 night. Sunda s, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 8 12.
960, 10 30 (dining car), 1103 a m. 12 44, 2 30
(dining car), 4 00 (limited 4 22), 520, 8 30, 8 60,
7 18, K 12, 1000 p m, 12 CI night.
uxpress ior uostoa, wuuout unaage, uin.
tveekdavs. and 6 50 rj m dallv.
For Baltimore and Washington 8 60, 7 1, 8 U,
910,10 20, 11 18, 1118. am, (12 66 limited aintnx
jar,) ISO, 8 48, .1, (5 18 Conrresaional Llm
ltno, dining car), G 55, (dining car), 617, 855,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p.m, and 12 03
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
1138 am, 4 41, 5 55 (dining car). 6 65 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia
Express, 8 50 a m, 2 10, 4 10 and 600pm week
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 9 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, express, 9 a. in., 4 00 p in week
days. Sunday, 9 00 a m.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City and Avalon.
Express, 900 a m, 4 00 p m week days. Sun
days, 9 00 am.
For Homers Point, express, 850, am, 410 p
m week days. Sundays, 8 45 a m.
4. M. t'HMVOBT, J R, WOOD,
8'l Mnintf n'l Pas'i Art
Spring Curry Comb
Sou ns a Brush. Fits even Curve. Tho
Used by U. S. Amiv nnd bv Barnum and
und Leading Horscmeu of tho World.
It. Sample mailed post paid 2C cents.
COMB CO., 102lafajetto St., South Bend, Indiana.
DruggM, 8htnoioah, P,