EVENING HERALD "WEDNESDAY. FEUKUARY 27. 1805. THIRD EDITION PENCIL POINTS. Local News Gleanings Condensed for Hasty Perusal. New moon. Open the gutters. Lighter light bills. The grl jpo lingers. The Milo season Is opening. Bud driving on country ronds. Much sicknesH prevails in town. February's days are getting shorter. Breakfast oan now be eaten by day light. Will we have more sleighing before the robins come f Rheumatism seenis to be epidemic among our people. Shenandoah's death roll keeps up to the high-ivater mark. Plenty of discussion on the reorganiza tion of the new Council. Darkness does not tome now until after 0 o'clock in the evening. There is a great scarcity of $20 gold pieces. Have yon noticed it ? Patent leather enters into the spring decorations of ladles' bonnets. The horses have a chance to rest a little until the next sleighing comes. Wo hear little concerning the "scraper line," one of the biggest nuisances in town. Most of the country schools will close their winter terms In the latter part of March. SOme people claim that we will not v have settled spring weather until after Kaster. 'Postage stamps may be modest and re- tlring, but they sometimes get stuck on themselves. A gofd thing for pneumonia leaving off yoart overcoat as soon as the weather moderates a little. The mOst encouraging feature of the present session of Congress Is that it will end in ahout four more days. Yesterday 7as Shrove Tuesday, or Fast uu-.ht. The bakers say Shenandoah people are not much on doughnuts, Many cellars and basements will be filled with water when the thaw sets in To prevent this, cl 'an oil the pavements aud open the gutters Will the Traction Company take up Its tracks on We it Coal sfeet ? This ques tion Is making some if the property holders on that thoroughl.re uneasy. Th) peddler nuisance continues, not withstanding numerous arrests. Those caught, and brought before the Justices, pay a nominal One and go nbout their business again. y Muxlc'an WiX- Veftsel Probably l.ot. New Orleans. Feb. ST. Tho Mexican consul, Henor Manuel Kuimu-n. received a dispatch from tho marine department of tlic Mexican government stating that the Moxii-.m man-of-war La Lihcrtad sailed frmii Vera Cruz Feb. !1 for Now Orleans, where she was to be docked, repaired ana painted She is now ten day overdue, and there IjiiI little room to doubt that the s 'amer foundered in the gulf. Tho loss o the vessel is generally accopted as a f ireirune conclusion. Another Fatal Holler Kxpllnn. ( nil i i ci nil.. O., Feb. ST. The silwmlll of ,l mill Wi iltz, near South Perry, was bhm ii on and Woltz and his sun William and a. iiiiin named Curtis arc killed or fn t.illy wounded. Curtis had his bowels blown out. and Jacob' , head was nearly severed from the body. William was found forty feet from the mill with an arm and leg missing. Tho onginu was found 1!15 yards away, standing on end.. The boiler was blown sevouty-flvo yards lFurnod in an Kjcplotlnn. Newcastle, Pa , Fob. 2,". In an oxplo Blou of molten metal at the furnace of the iShcimngo St el company James O'Brien and Jeremiah Sullivan were probably fa tally burned, while Matthew Curtis and six others were painfully injured. The jvc-id 'lit was caused by an Imperfect bosh plate, which burned out. Accidentally Killed III Sister. Eivro, N. C, Feb. ST. At Knott's Tsla d (ho IT-yeur old daughter of Knolly Wat. rini'd was accidentally shot by her yiii'i.er orother, it lad about 10 years ot i;.'e 'IM.i hoy was carelessly handling his f.iH.'T s gun, when it was discharged, tho con miis entering tho girl's breast, killing her .ustantly. Papa's Pants Would do for Willie if they were made over and dyed with Diamond Dyes, the great home money-saver. The children'- clothes the faded cloak, wrapper or dress can be made to look like new, at a cost of only 10 Cents, and no experience is needed. DIAMOND DYES come in more than 40 shades, and the Fast Blacks are fast Direction Hook and 40 samples of colored cloth, tree WIUS, kiciiahdson a uo., uur lington, Vt. IeTb. FOLEY, " " Fine Groceries 201 West Centre Street. Dealer In groceries, Hour, provisions, teas, ooSeoH, sugar, etc. jjomquuiuy, loweai price OUR P0TTSVILLE LETTER. The "Miners' Journal" Is Forging: to the front. ' Speolal Herald correspondence. l'onsvnxK, Feb. 20. The metropolis of Schuylkill oounty nt the present time Is very quiet, and what little excitement is nppnrent i9 occasioned by the legal lights. They nre still harping over the Orphans' Court bill. There Is one trait about the average lawyer that Is not very commend able, aud that Is, as n rnle, they never see good features In anything that does not alTect their own selfish ends. Why all this hitlnbaloo obcut nothing f It Is generally understood that under the new apportionment Schuylkill will be given the services of four judReB. So our legal friends can rest eat-y on that score and devote their energies against that other (to them) obnoxious bill, creating the new county of Qnuy. To tell the truth, the lawyers of the county would as Boon see the movement a success and the bill passed, with those townships of Schuyl kill Incorporated In the new county. The opposition to the new county, in my estimation, U merely a waste of time and money. It appears to be decided by the powers that bo at Harris burg that tho bill mut pass both branches of the Legislature, nnd no amount of opposition from either the bar or the County Commissioners will avail anything. The latter would nppeur better In the eyes of the people If they remained nt home and attended to their duties. If there are any just grounds against the measure, Governor Hastings can be relied upon to veto the bill. The .Miners' Journal, under the new management, Is steadily forging to the front of the inland dailies, and within a short while I expect to see it leading its contemporaries iu the race. The new blood recently' Infused Into its manage ment has brought forth new nnd progressive Ideas. 1 am informed that the latest Improved typesetting machines will soon be placed in the composing rooms, thus enabling the publishers to fur nish its renders with more news, and to cover the local field more thor oughly and supply n greater amount of telegraphic news. It would not sur prise me iu the least, before the end of the present year, to see the Jourunl an eight page paper, printed from a new, fast per fectlng press. It Is nn excellent property, nnd In the hands of the present manage ment will no doubt be made the mo4 profitable newspaper plant In the Interior of the state. The bill now before the Legislature to retire Common Pleas judges after a term of years upon the bench, is likely to pass that body. At least, so I am informed by one of the members from this county, The measure, however, has its friends as well ns its enemies. It is very doubtful, should the bill become a law, that the Governor will approve of it. Should it b come a law Judge Pershing would be the first to retire from the bench under Its requirements. The recent purchase of the narrow gauge railroad lending from Norfolk, Va., to a popular seaside resort, by the Messrs. Barrltt, of the electric railway system here, recalls to mind the great opportunity that a Schuylkill coutity syndicate let slip through their Aimers two years ago, all because of the jealousy nnd greed of one or two parties Interested. It was t grand scheme, and by which every mem ber of the syndicate would have been en riched many thousands of dollars. The Barritt purchase is only a small part of the original scheme. The road is eight miles in length, nnd is at present operated by steam. The hotel, which is included in the purchase, and is open only during the summer season, more than pays tue interest upon the Investment. With the introduction of electricity aud the im provements contemplated, the resort will bring in a handsome revenue. Nor folk is destined to be one of the leading eaports of this country, because of its geographical position. Much Northern capital has been, and is still belng.lnvested there. I am reliably Informed that the original scheme of the Schuylkill county syndicate included Wllloughby Spit, covering neurly all the available untra proved land around the city, some COO or 00 acres, the city street railways, the narrow gauge railway and the summer resort. It was an excellent opportunity for the projectors, but they foolishly let it slip. A. PittBburg syndicate secured the Spit and city railways, and wanted the narrow gauge road, but missed their calculations. The local politicians are now turning their attention to securing for their friends the political plums nt the hands of the School Board and Council. Chief of Police Pritchard is a candidate to succeed himself, and ought to be retained Davo was a good soldier' during the rebellion, and It Is from such material the best policemen are made. Editor Zerbey is in Florida, for the benefit ot his health. There are other newspapermen to whom a similar trip would be beneficial in building up their system. They are sadly in need ot change. The coming Criminal court Is looked forward to with much anticipation especially the parties directly Interested In one or two Important trials, notably the charges against Steward Hartuia and the libel suits of Lawyer Wllhelm and the three newspapers Chronicle and Republican, of Mils town, aud Daily Aunrlcan, of Mahanoy City. There will very likely be dished up lots of nauseous stulT to the detriment of good morals and the edification ot those of morbid tastes, The returns from the recent borough elections in this county plainly show that tho Polish and Lithuanian element have joined the Republican column to stay. If they are only treated halt right they can be held. As a rule they are not hoggish and, unlike some nationalities, d not demand everything iu sight. With Pottsvllle, Mlnersville, St. Clair, Mahanoy City, Abhland and Shenandoah, tbelarg' est towns lu the county, in the Ilepubll con column to stay, the Democracy has li'tle encouragement for the future. r,, ri.aLu ,.i u Tlatllv will vaHfA C.nni public life on Mondny next, his term In Congress expiring on that dutu. There Is talk of teuderlng him n publlo reception here on his arrival home. It would be a fl iug tribute to a faithful servant for tue interest he has "taken in securing for us a public building. When Bnby was sick, we gnvo her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she becamo Miss, isho clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave them Castorla. Contraband WliUky ScIzcmI. ClIAlSI.KHTON, S. C, Fob. 27. Tho po lice department has seized tho schooner Carolina, Captain Jorvoy, from Savannah, loaded with twenty-fight barrels of flno whiskies, contraband under tho dispen sary law, consigned to parties in Charles ton. The captain nnd crow wero arrested and tho schooner confiscated. Valuo of tho liquors seized, $8,000. To Abolish JcrseyS Arbitration Hoard. TllENTON, Feb. ST. Tho house passed Assemblyman Storrs' bill abolishing tho present state board of arbi tration, nnd pro viding that whenever deemed necessary tho govornor may appoint a temporary board, to bo composed of tho chief of tho labor bureau and two deputy factory In spectors, who shall recclvo no oxtra com pensation. Murderer llucliamin's sentence Alllrmcd. AI.11ANV, Feb. 27. Tho court of appeals has alllrmcd the conviction of Dr. Buch- annn, tho wlfo murderer, and ho must die. Tno nppeal was tnkmi on tho grounds that Mrs. Buchanan had been addicted to tho uso of morphine, that tho prosecution had tailed in an olfort to establish that death had resulted from ntrophino poisoning, nnd that one of the jurors was an epileptic anil tlicreroro mentally unlit to servo In a capital case. Filling Uncle Sam's Money Itox. New Yoiik, Fob. 2T. Tho deposits of gold at the sub-treasury yesterday on ac count of the Belmont- Morgan syndicate amounted to $1 ,r,V),000. Tho government's gold reserve now exceeds $80,000,000. Tho gold that the Belmont-Morgan syndicate is now depositing is surplus over and above tho contract requirements. That surplus already amounts to over 6,000,000. A rinco for Cnngre.aman O'Neill. Washington-, Fed. 27. It is stated on good authority that Representative Joseph 11. U'iSclll, ot uostou. will le nominated by the president to be assistant treasurer of tho United States at Boston, in place of Martin P. Kennard, whoso term expired Dec. 17, lb!H. NUGGETS OF NEWS A dispatch from Berlin says that 80.000 peoploin Munich are down with influenza. Tho report from Tucson, A. T., that It had been decided to remove Governor Hughes, of Arizona, is incorrect. Louiso Michel, tho well known nnarch- Ist, Is, according to tho last report, so serl ouslv 111 In London that it is bellovcd she will succumb. Nellie Pulmor, aged 20, und her brothor William, 10, children of Postmaster Pal mer, of Astoria, Ills., confessed to having cobbed the mails lor over a year. A serious cabinet crisis exists in Gutite- naln. and it is even rumored that General Molona may replive Bnmo-. temporarily. Jppo-.it icm to Biutiou is constantly iu- feasin . IWllMtypranrTCaar.BJBmB)irBimili Did you ever see one of the famous waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs? It's very easy to tell, for tbey are all marked this way TRADe MARK. Tliev ore the onlv Interlinp.d Collars and Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov ered with waterproof "CniXULOiD." They'll stand right by you day in and day outjaudthey nre aU marked this way TRAD Mark- The nrst cost is the onlv cost, fox they keep clean a long time, and when soiled you can clean them in a minute by simply' wiping Off with a wet cloth uiuc is me Kuiu LuuiJ.ij una way TRADE1 mark These collars and cuffs will outlast six linen ones. The wearer escapes laundry trials and laundry bills no chafed neck and no wilting down if you acx a collar mariica uns way LLOL0! mark Asb vonr dealer first, and take noth- 1 lug that has not above trade mark, if you deslM perfect satisfaction. All others are Imitations absolutely. If ypu can't find collars or cuffs marked this way, we will send you u sample postpaid on receipt of price. Collars, 35 cts. each. Culls 50 cts. pair. Give your sirs and say whcthei stand up or turned-down collar is wauted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 47-2f Broadway, NKW YORK. Do You Want A superior headlight oil 1 Qua that irives a brilliant licht 1 One that will not smoke the chimney One that will not char the wick r One that hns a high Are test V, One that will not explode f One that Is a family safety oil t Then send your orders to the Eclipse Oil Oom'y Oils, Gasoline. Candles, Lamp Wicks, liurners, etc. 213 South Jardln St., SHENANDOAH, PA Mail orders promptly attended to. W. J. Cancelrius, Saloon I SI East Centre Htreet, Hhenandoah. Deers, Porter, Ale and Cigars. Temper ance drinks of all kinds. Finest brands of whiskies. LLUL0I LuiLon LltJLQIil tta He MARTIAL LAW IN CUBA. Tho Authorities Prepared to Supprens nn Anticipated Itevcilt. HAVANA, Feb. 87. Martial law has been declared hero, and the police nnd Spnnlsh garrisons throughout the island are on tho alert to provont an uprising. Outbreaks have nlready occurred at Clonfuegos and Mutnnzns. At tho latter placo threo Cuban patriots have boon arrested and a small quantity of arms solzed. Tho ooast guards on land and gunboats by sea aro patrollng the coasts to provcut tho landing of fill bustorors'from Florida, Hondurns or Costa lllca. Spies In Tampa nnd Key West have reported uuusunl activity among tho ref ugees, nnd hnvo forwnrded somo Informa tion of n general conspiracy afoot. Thd government seems to fear on Insurrection, nnd to bo taking oxtrcmo measures to stamp it out. Key West, Fob. 27. Several thousand Cubnns nro permanent resldoqts of this city, nnd nearly nil of them nro monthly subscribers to tho revolutionary fund. This fund, tho accumulation of years and contributed to from all ovor Amorlca, is supposed to amount to sevornl millions of dollars. For weoks and months patriots hero havo been oxpectlng that a blow would bo struck nnd the revolutionary flag raised again lu Cuba. News from Ha vana has been dlssomlnntcd swiftly, nnd Is being excitedly discussed In tho places of Cuban resort. New Youk, Fob. 27. Knrlquo Truflllo, proprietor of Kl Provenlr, a Cuban revo lutionary journal, dcclnred to a reporter last night that there has undoubtedly been nn uprising, nnd ho predicts success, don zalos Quesnda, secretary, of tho Cuban Revolutionary club, says tho revolution broko out on Sunday, aud that tho wholo island is in anus. IN SENATE AND HOUSE. The Upper Hotly Votes Ui Continue the Pay- meat of Sugar tlonntles. Washington, Feb. 27 Tho senate has given another day to tho sundry civil ap propriation 1)111 without completing It and without taking up tho vital points con cerning linaucinl legislation. The 1m portnut feature of the day was n short. sharp and decisive contest on thesugur bounty question, resulting In tho succoss of those ndvoeatlng tho payment of tho bounty pro'u.vturely cut. oil by tho enact ment of the tariff law. Tho proposed bounty aggregates 15,200,000, ns stated in tho amendments adopted.but Mr. Mitchell gave It as his belief that it wbuld reach $8,000,000. A point of order was raised against tho amendment, but tho sonnto voted It in order, -10 to 13. After this voto tho succoss of tho bounty proposition? was assured, although efforts wero made to load It down with free sil ver amendments and other propositions. In tho courho of the debato Mr. Gorman warned tho senate that this bounty prop osition would add to oxlstlng deficiencies, which, ho said, would reach JtiO.OOO.OOO for tlie present year. The Until votes on the bounty proposition shoved tho friends of nio nmenumcm very strong aim tnoy car ried tho amendment easily. Mr. Uryo (Me. (.succeeded in carrying nn Important amendment providing for a re tired list for tho revenue marine service. In order to retire many aged oWecrs who havo done good service nnd who nowstaml in the way of promotion. When tho senate reconvened in evening session nu agreement was niiido by which tho roll was called, aud ns each senator's nanio was reached ho had the privilego to namo tho bill to bo considered. A num bor of bills were passed, and ut 11:20 p. m. tno somite adjourned. Iho house adopted a special order under which yesterday until 3::W was given to tho committee on labor, and today is given to tho committee on public buildings and grounds. Most of tho time yesterday was occupied In tho eti.isiderntiou and passage ot the bill providing tor a board of coneil iatlon and arbitration (in cnsoeoncilintlon failed) to mediate audsettlo differences be tween common carriers nnd their em ployes. A bill was also passed to provide for the publication ol the bulletins of the department of labor, and also one to aid flie Uiiltliiiorer.xi): .:ti'ii) r .'icholdin 1- MISCELLANEOUS. LOST.-In RobDins' opera house, a lady's EOld VBtCll. A Bull able lewnrd will hn given ior lie return to tne hehald office. p OK Sale. At cost, new Bacfeun waiermotor. I x .rive c,oi Horsepower, jusi rrom tne lao lorv. Amnv at the Herat d iy office, North Market street, Shenandoah, Pa, LOST A bunch of three ltpyi. Lost be tween Rtere's auction room ntid lir bst's store. Kinder will please leave the snme.nt max jieehe a ana receive a present;. z-ct-zi (fnc nn A WEEK paid to ladies and genu ciiiucuu co sen me itapm uisn wasuer. i Wastes and dries them In two minutes with out vettlne the hands. No exDerlence neces sary; fells at sight; permanent f sitlon. Ad dress w. l'. Jlarrlson & Co., Clerk No. 14, Kol- umous, utuo. A Rt PRE8ENTATIVE wanted in each locautv to nana rn v nne gammes to I friends or acqualntaices. Paving work. Not DeddllDL". Send 10 pts. tn Alhui-t F Wond. renumer, wood av , JJetrolt. Alice, Tor & trial I uuiiiL-t ruun-srem iniur&i t lower nerrumes. uuu lei-tiYe tptcmi cner io you. z-o-im M.J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and t Real Estate Agent, 123'E. Centre St., Shenandoah GEORGE NAUJUNAS, Saloon and Restaurant, 234 North West Street. Finest brandB of cigars, Choice Wines and Liquors. One of the Ablest Lawyers in the South Ad vocates Paine's Judge William Henry DeWItt is one of the most prominent lawyers and judges in East Tennessee. , He is a leading mem ber of the Southern Methodist church in Chattanooga. In legal business and social circles he stands high, und his statements, sa ys the Chattanooga Press, are regarded of special weight because of his venerable character, he being now 07 years old. lie has held several prominent positions in a legislative atid judicial capacity, having served as a member of the South ern Congress at Richmond during the war, and since that time as Judge of the Chancery Court, one of the highest offices in judicial practice next to the Supreme Court. He was admitted to the bar In 1850. In 1855 he was elected to the State Legisla ture, but declined a re-election. After his removal to East Tennessee he was appointed special chancelor by Gov. Taylor, and filled the office for two years. He has successfully practiced before the Supreme Court ot the United States for years. in recent years, owing to tue ueavy work he has performed, he has been sub ject to nervousness, and his attention has been called at various times, both by friends and physicians, to the need of fortifying himself against physical col lapse. His attention was called to Paine's celery compound as a vitalizing HOOKS & BROWN Full line of Books and Stationery, Celluloid Frames and Art Materials. Agent for DAILY PAPERS. 4 North Main St. AND LIVERY. 13 North Jardin Street. 3VE. VELXjDHY, 16 North Main Street. Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to. IDCTXSEIXsJS' oyster bay i 105 East Centre Street. Families Supplied with Oysters. Dining parlors attached. MURPHY BROS., Saloon and Restaurant, 19 North Mnln Street. Finest WhUkevs. Beei. torler and Evan J. Davies, UNDERTAKING Ale' always on tap. "Come ard hit one." Cnoice, temperarce drinks and cigars. Free lunch B to 12 p. m, C. S. Haeseler's Cigars Celery Compound. force. He sought and obtained this val. uable aid, and. to friends herecommended the use of the remedy for shattered nerves. Overhearing his conversation, a friend asked him to write down his experience for the use of others so aflllcted. In re sponse he wrote as follows : "Dear Sir In obedience to yourrequest, I state some of my personal knowledge of the value of Paine's celery compound as a medical remedy for certain allllctlons and diseases, as follows, namely : "Judging from my own experience, it is a first class remedy to restore the ner vous system when broken down or Im paired from ovorwork omlnd or body, revivifying the energies. It strengthens tho digestive powers und cures costiveness; truly It is a great nerve tonic, a good alterative, a splendid diuretic. It is good for the kidneys and the blood, renews vitality, and restores strength. It sur passes anything I have used as a health renewer, a strength giver, and system regulator. It quiets weak nerves, gives better rest, increases both appetite and digestion, and brings back lost power of balmy sleep, nature's sweet restorer. Yours truly, WuxiAii Henry DeWitt.". There Is the statement of Judge De Witt straight as a die clear conclu sive. Head it again. Anthony Schmicker's I, 304 SOV11I MAIN ST. The finest pool and billiard rooms in town. Beading beer, porter and l'otf-vlili- ale con stantly on tap. Glveis a call. A genuine welcome Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! MAIN AND COAL STS. Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and cigars. JOHN F.CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alloy, Shenandoah, Pa. Weeks' Museum, IT SOUTH MAIN BTItBBl. Grand display of birds and animals of all selections and finest paintings In the county. Best Beer, Porter and Ales. Finest Brands of Cigars. Free loncb every morning vnd evening. John weeks, Proprietor. Q. W. Davidson, Bartender. ITeeXey's Cafe 36 North Main Street. The most popular resort in the town. Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our cigars aro the finest. i ED. BRENNAN, Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts. Finest Beers. Wines and Liquors. Choice Temperance Drinks. Boat Rntndn nf 5 and lOo Cigars. I Sold by all dealers who sell Grood Cigrxfij-