EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday br m krali) puiihisnma ooMi'Atrr, IMsbltcation oflloe and mechanical department, North Market Street. JiBiam guf roundlljg tow,,, for Sit Cents week, payable to the oarrtcrs. By moll, Three Dollars a year or Twenty-five oents per month, km advance. Advertisement eharged according to space M4 position. The publishers reserve the right 5 caange the position ot advertisements when ever the publication of news requires It. The tight Is also reserved to reject any advertise met, whether paid for or not, that tho pub Jshers may deem improper. Advertising rates (cade known upon application. Sintered at the post offlcoat Shenandoah, Fa second closs mall matter TUB EV1WIHO HHIIATjI), Shenandoah, Penna Evening Herald. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY S6, 1895. THE kind of courage that sells bonds ior 1044 when they Bre worth ISO may be magnificent, but it Is not business. The state ot Illinois has at Inst been awakened to a sense of the duty it owes to the memory of Lincoln. A bill has been Introduced in the Legislature providing lor the transfer of the Lincoln Monument at Springfield from the association which controls it to the state, the purchase of nine acres of ground surrounding the burial spot and the appropriation of $50,000 for the repair of the monument. It is a shuttle that such action was not taken sooner. For the last few years the uepulcher of the martyr President has been grossly neglected. Not only has the monument, been allowed to go to decay, but it has been hacked and defaced by vandals In the shape of curiosity seekers and relic huntec until it is scarcely more .than a ruin. "WnAT Congress will do in the way of 'financial legislating a year hence is not a question of practical concern to the country at the present time. The crown tag consideration is that the country will cfaave that body oft its hands now for nearly a year. Thero is a marvelous re cuperative force in the business Interests of the United States, and they are likely to accomplish wonders between this time And the end of the year when emanci pated from the peril of vicious legislative tinkering. A greater improvement in r;rade in the next three months may rea sonably be looked for than has taken place in the past twelve. It is probable that the recent government loan is the last one that will have to be made. That ..lament of possible disturbance has been removed. The Treasury, owing to the increased revenues already coming to a and, or which are in sight, will probably be able to take care of itself in the fu- zare. Apparently the financial clouds have been dispersed, and a slow but con elnuous and certain recovery! from the nancial prostration will set in. 'Of the making of books there is no ymd." That was said in the days Of Solomon, when fast printing presses, type-setting machines, paper mills and all the now absolute essentials of print ing were unknown. What would the -writer of the sentence quoted think could be see the progress that has been made ln took making since his time i The prog ress of the past fourth of a century, or e-ren of the past decade, has been simply -saarvelou i. Never were hooks so plenti ful cr so cheap. They abound everywhere -and at prices that cause the old time book printers to open their eyes ln amazement, and ask themselves, How can such things it ' But while there is going on this hfltonishlng multiplication of books that treat of every known science, and of newery grade of literature, there Is, un JSortunately, a host of publications that iaave wrought and are Increasingly ex uamging Influences that are alarmingly pernicious. They are of a tone calculated vx create a distaste for solid reading, and at the same time inspire the young people for they are intended to oapture the -ancy and perusal of the young and fill tke miud .vith ideas that are opposed to soundness of morals, and in many oases e undermine aud overthrow the good im pressions that are so essential to the wel fare of society in general. Were all of 3he countless books that are now issued -Uracil nominal prices of the better class, hi at least not of a pernicious order, what i change would be wrought In thelntelll. emce and morality ot the country. The .trash that is foisted upon the young has 2ouud patrons by the thousands among a iUba of people who need to be Intellects i,lly lifted up instead of being dragged Avwu to the level of that which is false and degrading. Such injurious reading Us.8, however, obtained a foothold, is pre sented in sucu alluring forms, and can be had at such merely nominal prices, that itlsvaln to hope for its abolishment. It .s much to be feared that it has come to tay, and still more to be deplored, to la ctase and multiply indefinitely. Ik) li Against the Deoree Excluding Our Oattle from France, TIIE REASON ASSIGNED A PRETENSE Tlio Charge Thnt Aioi-rlrnn Cattle Art Unhealthy linn Nn I-'oimilatlnn in 1'nrt, mill Our Vtiihiinsiiiliir Will Call fur Prtnil of the. Facta Aliened. Wasiuxoton. Fob. 20. Air. Eustls, out nmbassndor to France, will be Instructed to enter a prompt and vigorous protest against tho Frenoh decree, just mtulo, ex cluding Amorlcnn cnttlo from France. As tlio docrco in ostensibly bnsod on the exist enco of plouro-pinnimonla and Texas fever in cattlo coming from tho United States tho ambassador will call for prool of tho fact. That will moan long and tedl ous export examinations by voturluarlnns, and much correspondence, which Is not oxpoctcd to bo of nny moro avail than that Into which Jlr. Kunyon, our ambassador to Germany, wa9 plunged by tho issue of a similar decree by tho German govern ment, for; it is fully realized hero that the allegation that American cattle are un healthy -is the morest pretonso ln both cases, and that tho roal reason Is fear oi American competition. ln tho enso of Franco the Dress cable dis patches hnvo shown that tho ministry line been urged to tho issuo of the docreo bv dolegntion after dologatlon representing tlio numorous.and well organized agricul tural soclctios of tho republic, solely for tholr protection against tho Aiuaricnn cattlo grower. In ordor to grant tho do- muml, and yet at tho samo time to avoid the chnrgo that Franco was violating the most favored nation clause in its treaty with tho United States, which would properly Ho if tho latter wero singled out from other nations for an attack of this kind, it was necessary that recourso should bo had to tho dovico, which had availed Germany so well, of charging unheulth f uluess upon American cattlo. This charge Is always hard to rebut, owing to tho caso with which expert testimony may be hnd on olther side of tho case. Tho American trado in cnttlo with Franco has grown to considerable propor tions, tho shipments during tho six months ended Dec. 31 last being 13,441 head, aud during tho month of January lust 801 head. Secretary Morton was caroful about ex pressing his opinion touching tho French decree, but It could .bo seen thnt ho re garded it as n moro political manifesta tion, and felt that it would not bo contlu ued ln force for nny consldornhlo length ot tlmo, and thit tho noxt change in the French cnblnot would probably bo followed by tho revocation of tho decroo. Notwith standing this, tho belief is growing and deepening hero that thoso decrcos are but forerunners of othor and more sovoro re strictions upon American trado, tho next blow, perhaps, being likely to fall upon wheat. It is understood hero that these nro not adopted as retaliatory measures but are manifestations of tho growth of tho protectivo sentiment in continental Europe, and grow out of the necessity tho governments nro under of conceding somo- thing to tho great agricultural classed. Touching tho allegation of tho oxistenco of dlsoaso among American cattlo Secre tary Morton says that thero has not been one caso of pluuro pneumonia in tho United States during the past threo yours, and that oven if thero had been cattlo suffer ing from Toxas fever among tho carefully inspected herds shipped to Europo, tho dis- caso, being non-contagious, could do no harm thero. Lynchburg's Hunk Defalcation. LYNCHIiUItQ, Va., Fob. 20. Tho First National bank defalcation continues tho sensation of the town. Toller Ilamncr was taken from tho station houso to tho bank yestorday and remained in confer ence with tho bank olllclals for llvo hours, It is now known thnt tho shortago of tho toller in cash amounts to 25,811.68, which it is expected will be dominished by tho security bond of $15,000. In addition to this $25,811.08 thoro nro ln tho tailor's pos session checks of sundry parties aggregat ing ?8,1S0.73, which are nenrly worthless, Another sensation was sprung last night by the arrest of Bobort II. Pnnulll, ticket agent of the (Jhosapeako and Uhlo rail road, charged with bolug an accomplice of Ilamner. residential Appointments. Washington, Fob. 20. In n list of ap pointments sent to tho senatq by the presi dent yesterday wore tho following: Ed mund A. Blcicr. of Pennsylvania, to be collector of internal revenue for tho Twen ty-third district of Pennsylvania (Pitts burg); John W. Shownlter, of Illinois, to bo United States circuit judgo for the Seventh judicial circuit (act npproved Fob. 8. 1803); Olin Wollborn, of California, to bo United States district judgo for tho Southorn district of California; John b. Thompson, to be postmaster at Reading, I?a. An Old Offender Captured. Piiiladklphia, Fob. 26. Goorgo II Prootor, alias N. E. Fessondou, who Is wanted ln Bowdolnham, Me., for forgery and false pretense, was arrested ln this city lust night. lie admitted his Identity, and was held to await a requisition. Proo tor Is an old offender, having served terms for bank robliery, larceny and forgery. The orime for which he is wanted In Maine is the forgery of the niynes of business men and firms to orders upon which he socuhmI large quantities ot goods and money. Cannot Kxtend the Oyster Season. Baltimore. Feb. 96. Governor Brown informed u big delegation ot oystermen that their petition to extend the dredging Reason from March 15 to March 31 was one that could not be granted. In consequenoe ot the severe wouthor and tho great quan tity of ioe ln tho Chesapeake bay and othor oyster grounds of tho state, it has been Im possible to do any work for nearly a month of tho present season. Suspected of Wife. Murder. Ashland, Pn Feb. 20. Mrs. Edwin Welch, aged 40 years, was found dead on tho floor of tho dining room nt her houso ln Mahanoy Piano. She was lying In a pool of blood nud badly bruised about tho head and body. The 6xamiuntlon of tho coroner's physician resulted in tho arrest of lior husband, who Is now being held to await the arrival of the district attorney, Ills Arm Torn Out. SUNIiunvl'u., Feb, 90. James Havens, engineer at (tho East Lewisburg Planing mill, was eyl ught by a belt and whirled about tho fliuft, having his arm torn out at the ehoikler and both logs broken. He died two hours after the accident. FASTS FOR OUR READERS, Follow Nature and Keep Well, a Good Rule. The Question is Imporlml, are Yon Pro pared for Spring ? If Not, Here is Some Very Necessary Information for You. Nature will soon be?ln her annual struggle for freedom from winter's icy imprisonment. Alrendy beneath the frozen surface, giant forces are moving in that direction. Purification is going on. It is the same with the human system The lengthening days are approaching when the blood seeks to recover from its sluggUh inactivity, nnd It bears in its course germs of health or disease, as it has stored up the one or the other. It requires therefore to be enriched with vitalizing and health giving -qualities to give tone, vigor and health to the system. For this needed and beneficial service nothing is so powerful as Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. Like Nature's own wondrous remedies ln the physical world, which purify the moun tains and streams as they leap from their confines to till the valleys with new life, and cover orchard and field With flower and fruit, it brings new force and health to wasted tissues and enfeebled nerves. Ngw U the time when your nature calls for help. Don't mistake; no other remedy equals Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy as a spring medicine. No other remedy will so quickly and certain ly strengthen your nerves, invigorate your uioou, ana correct tne action oi all your organs. It will make you well and strong bb it has done thousands of per sons; as It did Mrs. W. A. Cutler, of 59 Orchard fat., Worcester, Mass. "A year ago," she says, "I felt 111 with nervous prostration nnd neuralgia, which affected my whole system. My digestion was also very poor. Atter eatlug I would oe taken witn a smothering sensation. while the palpitation of the heart was terrible. severe nervous headaches made mv life miserable ln connection with these other troubles. I was in a fearful condi tion, aud became greatly discouraged. I consulted Dhvsicians and treated with them, but with no benefit. Nothing I took aid me any good. "j! many, as a last resource, I com menced to use Dr. Greene's Nernra blond and nerve remedy, which had been won derfully praised to me. With the first bottld l noticed an Improvement, andner- severing in its-use, I continued to steadily gain in every respect. "My nervousness was soon cured. The neuralgia, headaches, palpitation of the heart, indigestion and all mr complaints entirely left me. All this was accom plished by Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. "This wonderful medicine did for me what all the doctors and their medicines could not do. I wish to urge all sufferers to try u. No power of words can describe the wonderful good which this remedy is doing ntnong the sick and snfferinc?. Those who take it are cured. Thousands ot people, at the advent of spring, while not exactly sick, are yet out ot order or nillng In some way. They do not feel just right, are not well and strong, can not eat or sleep well, are nervous and have no strength or ambition for work or pleasure. Their stomach, bowels, liver or moneys are inactive and torpid, sucn people need this best ot all spring mdi cines, Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, to restore the natural action of these organs, give strength and vigor to the nerves, nnd new life and vitality to the blood. Why lose time in trying uncertain and untried remedies, when here is a physi cian's prescription, a discovery made by the greatest living specialist in curing nervous and enronic diseases. Dr. ureene. of 35 West 14th St.. New York Citv. If you take this medicine. vOu can consider yourseir under ut. ureene's direct pro fessional care, and you can consult him or write to him about your case, freely and without charee. This is a Guarantee that this medicine will cure, possessed by no otner medicine in cue worm. BATTLE WITH BURGLARS. The Miscreants Attempt to Itcscue a l'.ll from Officers. Council Bluffs, Feb. 20. A nplrited fight between the bank robbers and tho local authorities occurred hero lato yester day affernoou ln whloh several persons wero shot and much powder burned. Offl cors hud been notified to watch for'tho men who robbed tho Griswold, la., bank. Just after dusk, as ono of tho officers wore patrolling his bout, he noticed a man sit ting in the office ot the Kiel hotol who answered tho description tolographod from Griswold. Deputy Sheriff O'Brien was notified and concluded that ho was ono of tho men wanted, aud called to his assist ance Sheriff Hooker, and ln company with Officers Potorsou and Ware tho party entered the office and invited tho suspect to jail. As tho five men loft tho hotel two other hotel guests roso and followed, keeping several yards bohlnd. Just us thoy reached tho court house O'Brien dropped behind telling his rirlsonor to walk iu front. As ho did this the two men who had been fol lowing tho party oommenoed llrlng at the oftloers. The officers returned the lire, the prisoner and the two strangors separatln from the officers and shooting as they ran For some minutes the f uslliule was kept up, oitiwns nnd other officers joining in the battle, whloh had become goneral all along the line, until tlio desperadoes were overcome and two of thoin placed under arrest nnd taken to jail, whore they itnv their names as John Iteilly nud James Wilson. As soon as thoy wero secure behind the bars tlio officers started to look for the wounded, and in the search thoy discovered U ilrlcn severely wounded, n bullot hav ing struck him in the abdomou, entering tho body and lodging near tho spine, Itollly was hit in tho groin, tho bullet penetrating some two inches. Tho third man escaped and fled towards tlio rlvor, pursued bv a nosso ot citizens, but he managed to oludo thorn. North Carolina' legislators Frotest. RALKIGII, Fob. 20. Tho houso adopted resolutions charging tho Domocrntlo press with having wilfully misrepresented tho position of tho houso In tho Douglass matter and declaring that tho body did not aotually adjourn, but that tho pur posoof tho Douglass motion was ''toslmply glyo publicity to tlio suuuou and unex pected doath of this distinguished de ceased." Tho resolutions furthor recito that the houso did stand adjourned on tho respective blrthduys of Washington and Lou. EtOREIi. Oi- tiL.lt bUCCtSS. ft. Hoarding House Keeper Lets Llglit ri an Interesting Buhjcct. A very KticceBiftil bimnlliiii houso keeper wng telllnfi n writer for tlio Now York He corctr some secrets of her good fortune. A lore nil," mild she, "I try to keep every part of my two houses just as olenn ns I possibly ohm, but I nm not the only ono la this business who does that, though It's n. great point. Then 1 hnvo always hired large houses You cannot possibly mako money In n small ono. I hnvo citing to a neighborhood and made my iiousos distinctive by having at some expense vines trained fiom basement to- roof. Tlioso vines nro my trademark, Whon folks for get tho number, they say, 'Tho houso with tlio vines.' Moreover, thoy gUo tho plnco such n Bluuly, cool look ln summer that pcoplo nro not so anxious to get off to tho country. Tho green effect takes away tho hot, stuffy look and something oi uio icei- lng. Then I mnko a point of being very llbornl with towelsnnd napkins. Thisitom costs mo peihnrs $25 moro In n year than it would tho usual hoarding houso keeper n my place, but it brings me ln tho out-, uv multiplied many times. Of courso I set ns good n tnblo ns I can, nnd my rooms arowoll furnished, but ns good can bo had clsewhoro. My luck In letting rooms I bavo always believed to be duo to the fact that I havo n piano in nonrly every largo apartment. It is really odd to sco how n piano will rlttrnct'n person. . Why, I can, get $5 or $Q more a-week for a .suit with, a piano, which doesn't cose tnat mucn n month. If- peoplo don't wonfcithq Instru ment, it can bo moved out. Ono other point. I use tho samo kind of carpet in overy room ln tho houso as far ns l can, so whon it wears shabby. all the good may bo brought together and niado uso of. I And thoro's great economy in tills. Lastly, I havo no helpless, lazy relatives such ns usually cripple a woman in my line, eating her out of houso and homo nud disgruntling tho boarders. If I had I think I should provldo for thorn olso wliorc, for in n boarding houso thoir room s generally worth moro than, their com pany or their Jialf hearted attempts at helping." A DROP OF ETHER. In Chemistry n Small Element Counts For Much ln ltesults. Among condiments alcohol must be reckoned. It is n pluralist condiment, however, nnd it goes without Baying iff dangerous condiment ln moro senses than ono. A good doal that has been said about alcohol might bo urged against oth or condiments. Mustard, for oxamplo, if lnrgoly mixed with water and freely taken, produces vomiting and occasionally In- llammatlon of tho Intestinal mucous mem brapo Salt, oven under circumstances whon .not counterbalanced by vegetable juices, induces a discaso ot hideous typo. Ih respect of alcoholics, tho result of thoir employment depends on tho qunntlty and qunllty taken. Alcohol glvon quickly in largo doses Is a deadly poison. Diluted alcohol taken slowly and repeatedly dur ing tho dny Irritates the mucous mom- brano of tho stomach and secondarily the neighboring organs and does violonco to tho dellcato tissues. Tho nearer tho fluid is to ''absolute" alcohol tlio more injurious it is likely to provo. But tho combinations of alcohol with other substances besides water modifios Its effect in somo instances for tho better, in others for tho worse. In looking through a pair of 6peotaclos, tho glasses of which aro tinted with ono metal, tho world seems of a lire tint; with another metal tlio world seems cold and ghastly, frozon and dead. Inllnlteslmnl quantities of ndd cd mattor, so to speak, ontlrely ultor the properties of tho man. Tho domain of tho infinitely minute is a broad one. It was lutoly stated at a scientific meeting that a slnglo drop of ether thrown on tho floor of tho laboratory would entirely prevent tho success ot experiments lllustrntlvo of cer tain electrical phenomena. A pinholo in tlio door of nphotogrnpherVdovoloplng"' roam will ruin his freshly taken plates. Ivow faclcnco lloviow. A Story of the Rail. A rural humorist ln Soreven county tolls this exciting story: "Wo wero coming nt n fonrful rato of speod down tho hill tills ,'sido of Wators station whon suddonly, as wo roundod tho curve, and just-whore the hands had boon working that day, the ongineer nnd 11 rem a n discovered n tie lying crosswise upon thq track. "It wus only about 60 fcctnwoy, and as wo wero making 00 miles nn hour thore was of courso no possible chance to avoid running over it. 1 wus looking.out of tho window nt tho time nnd suw tho danger lust ns tho engineer und llromnn saw It. In another second wo wore on to it, nnd wo all threo chut ouroyes and' listened fot tho awful crash. "BlicmiRh to our surprise tho cnglno glided smoothly over,- tho coach followed ln u similar manner, and wo rolled safely Into tho depot. '"Why, how ln tho world did it hap- ponf" fehoutod nil his listeners in n breath. ''Oh, simple enough You seo, tho tlo that was lying across tho traok was only a nocktlo that uno of tho young girls had dropped that afternoon!" Atlanta Con stltutlon. Tenacity of Life, It is one of the wonders of ovorydny life now long tne lower forms ot oronted crea tures retain thoir vitality under certain conditions. Microbes of various sorts, that seem dependent on moisture for existence, havo been dried half n score of times, put away and kept dry for a long period, and nnvo, undor invornblo conditions, revived apparently none the worse for their hiber nation. They have been heated to 160 degrees F., then kept ln a vacuum for a month. Notwithstanding all this, they revived upon Doing placed in a warm, moist atmosphere. Even snails muy be deprived ot oxygen, wnter, food and hent, but will merely ourl up nnd no to sleep, awakening when conditions aro favorable. Now York Lodgor. The Fork Fad. Markor Tho spread of the ontum habit is something terrible. I am told that women of tlio highest class havo been seen going into opium Joints. Parkor Oh, that's all nonsense. Ladlos of fashion go to such places to watch tlio Chinamen uso chopsticks. Thoy want to loam how to oat soup with a fork. Now r fn-mJr . Vnm YorK weomy. t Woar your learning Hko your watch, in a private pockut, and do not pull It out aud striko it merely to show thnt you hnvo one. If you are nsked what o'clook It is, tell it, but do not proclaim it hourly and unasked Hko tlio watchman. "Tho Const of Itonson" wns a name glvon by tlio French convention to n great lmlldav celebration on Nov. 10. 1703. It was attended by many revolting oxcosses. 1 GEIP ISJpiIi!. Wli-Ic Families Slrifkcn and Man) Deaths llcjioilcd, Nearly Every Third Person Suffering: With a Cold, Which Often Results ln Grip, Pleurisy or Pneumonia. Colds lead to cougliB. couahn tn crrln pneumonia and consumption; therefore, it is nil Important to check a cold before it reaches the lungs. Munyou's Cold Cure will oositlvelr break of twentv-four hcura if tnk as the cold manifests itself. When the cold reaches the lungs or bronchial tubes the Cough Cure should be used alter nately every halt hour with the Cold Cure. The Cold Cure is guaranteed to prevent pneumonia if used in the be ginning of a cold. Pneumonia or in flammation of the lungs can he con trolled by the usa of these two cutes. The Cough Cure positively curei bron chitis, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, loss of voice, soreness of the chest, alftt culty ln breathing, hacking cough and all pulmonary diseases where the lnngs are nof too, .far decomposed or covered vtim tuoercies. If yon are ailing step into the nearest drug store and get a 25o. .vial ot one ot Munyon's Remedies. No matter what your disease,-or,hQW many.-docforshaYcj imieu iu cure, lnviu givo.you. roller, i, .Those who are in doubt as to the nature of their disease should address. Profep sor Muuvon. lSOS Arch street. Phllndelnhln. giving full symptoniB ofthelr "dlse'ai'e. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose vjubo uuu give yuu luo ueneub oi nis advise absolutely free of all charge., The Remedies will be sent to anv Address on receipt of retail price. Ti-r,.io Ciu of H'urglars. Dayton, o., Fob. Tho homo ot G. W. Weaver aud wlfo, an aged couploHv lug two ami a half inlfes southwest of Trottwood, Montgomery county, was burned during tho night. Tho charred bouos of Weaver and his wifo were found in tho ruins later. It Is thoucht the work is that of robbers, who, after robbing and murdering tho nged couple, Ured tho house to cover up their horrible night's work. Halt Under, the Clyll nights Law. Cincinnati, Fob. SO. Minnie Myers, colored, has sued tho Louisville. ind Nash ville railway 'fa? $35,000 damages 'ubtlexj tno civil rignis.uv.Y.,Mvstaunq Jim upugoij a first class ticket from Cincinnati to Lex ington, Ky. When the station over tho river at Covington, Ky., was reached she was removed f roui , the, ladles' car , to thp, ono partitioned off for colored people. ' ' Clergymen to Ifjght Labor's, Battle. Philadelphia.,, Fob. .20. Tho Clerical Brotherhood, composed of clergymon of tho Protestant Episcopal church iu Phila delphia and vicinity, at a.mqetlngat ,tho Church of the ftnjphapy appointed a com mittee to advocate, the amelioration of the conditions ot labor of tho motormeh of tho Philadelphia stroot curs. Striking Against Lower Wages. Wop.CESTKlt, Muss., Fob. 26. Tho em ployes of tho Lancaster mills, ln Clinton, struck ypstordny. Tlio strike was tho out- como of a.lowor schedule of wages, which has just gono into effect. Tho directors ot tho mill had stated that thoy must olther mnko a cut down in wages or closo tho works altogether. Senator mains' Pleasure Trip. Baltimore, Feb. 20. United States Senator-elect Stephen B. Elkins, of Wost Vlrglnlu. and family havo started on nu oxtouded tour. Mexico and Pugot Sound aro on tho Itinerary. Women Slay Keep Their Hats On. JEFKEKSON ClTV, Mo., Feb. 2(1. The houso defeated tho hill making It a mlsdo meanor for women to wear hats at thea ters and churches. The vote stood 40 for And 64 against. Woman Suffrage la Massachusetts. Boston, Fob. 20. Tho legislative com mittee on woman's suffrugo yestorday re- ported favorably on a bill granting lull municipal suffrage to women. A New World opens to the man who finds quick relief from wearing pain. That is the testimony of multitudes who have used Allcock's Porous Plaster for all sorts of aches and pains, lameness, stiffness of the muscles and joints of the back, limbs or side. IHalte Sure and get the genuine Never put up with imitations "Just ai good as Allcock's." Allcock's Corn Shields, 5 Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions. Brandreth's Pills relieve rheumatism and any disease arising from impurity of the blood. AFTER ALL OTHERS' FIL CONSULT THE !, Q . 329 N. i5th St Below Callowhlll, Ph adeipnia. ru Thirty years' Continuous Practice ln all special diseases of both sexes. lr. Ixibb guar intees a radical and Pfi'nra nent nnm nf iMn.i.nM ntatss al the mood. MlSSff fSncV or" "IK 1 -1 a . " if. it., invmu 1 innll liTl rAMnrlnir tlio .n.tLm t.i IIM nnri building up the constitution and bringing back Heilth and Minlv Vigor, changing the weilt and wretched Into hearty, strongmen ConauiiAtinn mid examination free and iririitr (M n t ini Remember that in consulting Dr. Lobb you are getting the benefit of his thirty years' continuous prao tlceas a specialist, omoe hours, dally and Hi,n,int.u frm u a. m. to a d. m. and 8 to 9 evenings. Koud for free book on Errors ot Youth and obscure diseases ot oom sexes, I AC IB H rl PC-"The New Infnlllblew HUlbO Turkish Capsules never (all I Uf BG&lou, f uui mil pro v cub iu turetrreguUrltles. 2c.ttampforiartlculari orecastfor 189 Bor Shenandoah and Vicinity. Fair trade winds, with increasing velocity in nil branches of bus iness, followed by frequent showers of Dollars into the cofferH of the Hkuai.d ndver tiscrs. To be in the? Everybody in Shenandoah I' looks to the columns of -J i ' JL llw " Herald For an advertisement of any thing1 worth bridging to the notice of the public. They rarely waste time over other papers. Do you see the point? ..The Moral. Is that if you have any induce ment to hold out to the 17,000 residents and the throngs of .... strangers constantly visiting the largest towri in Schuylkill you should use the columns of the Herald. Not only does it guarantee the widest publicity, but its rates are proportionately low. Printing - The reputation of eur job department for neatness and despatch is well known, as the amount of work turned out will attest. We have just added to this department all of the latest and neatest faces of type, mak ing it one of the most complete job offices in the county. If you are in need of this class of work leave your order with The Heralc I I I Market St., btw. Lloyd and Centre. iowerofDollais Job