The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 25, 1895, Image 2

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..'ubilshea dally, exeent Sunday by
" ; citinn oftloe and mechanical department,
North Market Street.
fh Wffnnlrl Ih delivered In Shenandoah and
06 PBreutt surrounding towns for Six Cents
w - it. payable to the carriers. Uy mall, Throo
rvilmr a year or Twenty-five eente per month,
n auv.mee.
JL4vrUement charged according to space
liif, position. The publishers reserve the right
v Ji&nge the position of advertisements when-"ve-
the publication of newt requires It. The
K(htls also rosorved to roject any advertise
" ant, whother paid tor or not, that tho pub-
(hrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
K.ade known upon application.
Entered at the post offlw at Shenandoah, Pf .
cc second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pc&ni.
JSvening Herald.
It is evident (but Cleveland and Carl
si e are no match (or BelmAnt and Mor
gan in a bond deal.
The only thloc the Administration can
do In the- matter of that obnoxious bond
contract Is to plead paranoia.
The increase In the Treasury gold will
knock nut the hoarders. Gold will not
l allowed to go to a premium.
Tun present Congress will pass Into
lilstory as the oae that missed more
chances of usefulness that any other that
ever existed.
Looking at his large yet helpless hands,
Mr. Cleveland is doubtless thankful that
lie is not to have this Congress on them
much longer.
The fact of most Importance in the
financial matter Is that there would be
310 snch trouble If the Democratic party
had been defeated in 1892.
'The less the country hears of Congress
trom March 4 to December 2 the better it
will be pleased. A rest from danger of
currency tinkering is what is needed.
The high premium at which the bonds
of tho latest loan are quoted shows that
the Government ought to have got better
terma than It did from the money lenders.
One of the strongest props of the pub
file credit is the foregone conclusion that
there will not be another Democratic Ad
ministration In the next thirty years, at
J east.
The only effect which free silver talk
can have In Congress now Is to delay ur
gent legislation. No free silver bill can
reach the President either In this Con-
Kress or the next one.
The Japs have set Corea to rights and
are doing well with their job of house
cleaning in Asia. It is a large contract,
but the fiery little men have given no
sign of a tired feeling.
There will be no more new states ad'
znltted during the present session of Con1
Kress, for the simple reason that the
Democrats do not care to increase the
strength of the Republican party in the
next Presidential election.
Six veterans of Waterloo, fought eighty
zyears ago, are still living in France, four
teen in England and three in the United
States. This represents about all that
ijrill be left ot the veterans In this coun
try fifty years from now.
HALF a dozen more Shermans and
ftirays and half a dozen fewer Tellers and
.Joneses Jn the Senate would be worth
Millions of dollars to the country's busi
ness at this time, and be worth an
finitely greater amount to the country's
Tws recent severity of the weather may
fee judged from the fact that several
Arctic birds never before seen In England
hive been oaptured In the Cambridgeshire
sfene. Along the South Atlantic coast of
this country the fish are reported to be
iienumbed with cold and, floating In the
Mast rivers in large schools, are caught
the boatload.
Thewk still are a few persons left on
worth who favor the revival of the whip
ping pout, just as there le here and there
jl malleious-mlnded malcontent who
ireuld extract the keenest pleasure from
sewing all his neighbors put to the rack or
tortured with red hot Irons. Fortunately
the Influence of these persons Is not likely
make a tremendous impression on the
Aff a banquet ot lawyers in Edinburgh
met Jong ago a toast was drunk to "The
greatest benefactor of the profession the
man who makes his own will." This
seems to imply that wills drawn by law
yers are net eaccessfully contested iu
Siostland. A better toast would be to the
wan who wants to be a benefactor and
(taxtutes his own will.
Hi Mild l.t-vi - v Brought Tronbl to a
Pillar 1 1 tlio Church.
There is now 11 Ir. j in una of tho hotels
of Indlan..,iulli o rr.'.hfr prominent hiihl
noss man who, nlthuvigh n pllinr In tho
ohurrh ho attends ntid n forvrnt dlsciplo
of totntiernncn when lie In tailed upon to
address n meeting, yet rather admires tho
shndo of liquor when It I;; red. Now, tills
saino mnii Rut tho Idou somewhere that ho
ronlly iieedod a good, stiff brncer of whis
ky before each nioal, and after pondering
over several schemes In tho hopu of arriv
ing at something which would keep tlio
snap concealed ho fixed it with tho clerk
thnt he was to have sunt to tho room lit n
curtain hour each tiny n silver pot In
which was concealed a glass of "pepsin,"
as it wns christened for the occasion. And
this wont into effect. Iloforo each meal
tho bellboy would bo sent up by tho clerk
with n pot of "pepsin."
Ono day tho lit id clork was very busy,
and, as ho snw it vn& tho tlmo for Fending
up tho liquor, lit turned to another clerk
nnd told him to bend up Mr. 's pepsin
right nway And It so happened that tho
new clork wasn't on to tho scliumo, nnd so
ho called a bellboy, sont him Into tho drug
storo nnd told him to hnvopropnrcd n stiff
doso of tho real pepsin nnd tako it up to
tho room designated. Tho bellboy nftor
ward told what ho saw. Tho gentleman
met him nt tho door with n benign smllo
onu Joruiy nlr or conuoscouslon.
"Ah, my boy," said ho as ho wiped his
mouth with his tonuuo. "you hnvo brousht
my pepsin, I aeo. You nro a good boy.
I'll Just drink it right hero whllo my
wlfo Is getting ready for dlnnor."
no turned tho class into tho air. onenod
his throat and throw back his fnco. Just
horo tho bollboy Isn't clonr as to what
happened. Ho at first said that tho man
gavo a gasp of horror and shouted that ho
was poisoned by enemies who wore jonlous
of his social successes, and then tho boy re
members that somebody s foot enmo in
contact with IiIh trousers and ho began go
ing down stairs nt a most torrlhlo rate.
It fceems clear thnt tho business man did
mako his uppenrnnce In tho offlco n fow
minutes later and asked what kind of pep
sin that wns ho hnd beon given. Tho now
clork roplled that it hnd been bought at
tho drug store. But just then tho hcud
clork camo up, and tho wholo thing was
cxplnlnod. Ileal popsin was too much for
tho old man's dlgostlon. Indianapolis
DurliTgtho ycnVs "immediately procotllng
tho civil war $1,000 wns a common price
for a healthy young nogro man.
Kookuk, an Indian chief, furnished tho
namo for an Iowa town. Tho word moans
sly fox
Tho Boston brown bread Is mado of rys
and cornmcal in tho proportion of ono to
Rahway was onco Rahwack, tho namo
of an Indian chief
Smallpox Near llordontown.
BortDENTOWN, N. J., Fob. 25. A case of
smallpox has been roportcd at White Hill,
near Uordentown. Joseph Pyott, a mar
ried man, has beon stricken with tho dis
ease. Tho board of health has ordorodtho
promises t& bo quarantined.
Franco Don't Want Our Cnttle.
PAWS, Fob. 25. At a mooting yesterday
of tho cabinet council M. Gadeau, minister
of agriculture, submitted a decroo prohib
iting tho importation into Franco of
American cnttlo on account of Texas fever
and plouro-pneumonia.
Horse and Driver Frozen to Death.
Baltimoisu, Fob. 25. Joseph B. Hall,
of North Beach, Md., was frozen to death
whllo attempting to drlvo across Slnepux
ent bay on tho leo. His liorso (dead) md
buggy wero later found fast iu tho ica
Insanity In Cigarettes.
South Bethlehem, Pa., Feb. 25. Rob
ert Smith, an lb year-old youth, was sen
tenced by Judge Scott to Imprisonment in
a reformatory for hnving nttaoked his
father with a knlfo. He was a steady cig
arette smoker, and It is now alleged th'at
the lad's mind is affected. A lunacy com
mission will cxamlno the caso.
Saucy Little Japan.
London, Fob. 25. Tho lntest commun
ications between tho British foreign office
and Japan in regard to poaco negotiations
with China aro roportcd to havo led to a
distinct declaration on the part of Japan
that sho is not desirous of any interfer
ence by European powers.
Clear Stores Must Close on Sundays.
Bridqeton, N. J., Fob. 25. Mayor Ap-
plegate waltod upon tho cigar store pro
prietors of tho city and warned them that
they must stop soiling on Sunday. This
action was taken in deforenco to the re
quest of the CiUien's Municipal league.
Light Sentenoe for Manslaughter.
PlTTSDUlto, Fob. 25. Thomas J. Scan'
Ion, "convicted of voluntary manslaughter
for tho death of Peter J. Brill, was son
tonced by Judgo John M. Kennedy to the
ponitentinry for ono year and eight
months. A motion for a now trial was
The Russian Mediterranean squadron
naa been oruereu to the lar east.
In some parts of Ohio minors hnvo
worked but eighty-five days in a year.
iuia anu Jfreu JlrooUs, 10 and 20 years
old, were killed by a train at Mansfield, O.
Catholic Bishop Wattereon spoke liefore
the Y. M. O. A. at Columbus, O., yester
day. During a hotel fire at Princeton, 111b.,
four dining room girls narrowly esoaped
Mr. Thomas Henderson, of the Anchor
Line Steamship company, died in Glas
gow yesterday.
The body of Mnx Berman, with n hand
kerohlof tied tightly around his nook, was
found In the ice ot tho river at Cincinnati.
John Otto Melsko wns arrested In Balti
more yosterday, chargod with tho brutal
murder, about a fortnight ago, of Louis
Gllman, a butcher.
Charles Nichols, whllo trying to board a
swiftly moving trolloy carat San Antonio,
Tex., foil beneath the wheels and was
mangled to death,
Kev. William Meade Jones, an Ameri
can abolitionist, who for twenty-two years
was tho minister of a chapel In the Whlte
chapol district of London, Is dead.
Manuel Kulz Zorilla, the noted Spanish
Republican, whllo on his way to Spain
after many years of exile, wns stricken
with apoplexy on the Spanish frontlor.
Attornoy Popo Higglns, ono of the best
known lawyors In western Missouri, has
beon mining from Kansas City since Feb.
2, and It is feared he has beon murdered.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso hy
Millions of Mothers. Castorla is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Castorla Isso well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to mo." n. A. Ancncn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The uso of 'Castorla' Is bo universal and
its merits bo well known that It seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few aro the
Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla
within easy reach."
Ciblos Hahtyn, D. P.,
New .York City.
Tmt Cbstaob
l'arr Cniupulnnry Indention Bill Koarlng
n cuml Krnrilnf?.
HAlllilsiu'UG, Fob 23. This will bo an
eventful wook at the stato capital. Tho
legislature will recGiiveno tonight after a
ton days' recess, nnd will probably remain
in session until Friday night. Beginning
tomorrow tuc houso will hold two besslous
dally. A meeting of the board of publlo
buildings nnd grounds will bo held this
afternoon, at which Colonel John K. Kob
inson, of Mlfiliutowu, will bo chosen as
the succossor to Major John Lockknrt, of
Philadelphia, ns superintendent of that
department. Major Lockhart has been
asked to resign, but has refused.
Tho board of pardons will organize to
morrow and consider applications In
nineteen cases in which clemency Is
sought. Among these Is tho caso of Hugh
t . Uompsoy, tho Pittsburg labor leader,
serving a soven years' sentence in tho
eastern ponitentlary for poisoning non
union men In tho Carneglo mills, at If onto
stead, during tho momornblo strike. The
now board will consist of Lleutonunt
Governor Lyon, Secretary of tho Common
wealth Reeder, Attorney Goneral McCor
mlck and Secretary of Intornal Affairs
Governor Hastings is oxpected to send
to tho scuato tomorrow a numbor of im
portant nominations.
Tomorrow evening a reception will bo
given at tho oxecutlvo mansion to tho
United States sonators, congressmen and
congressmen-elect of Pennsylvania, state
judiciary, governor's staff, tho generals
and Held officers of tho National Guard.
At tho close of tho session of tho senate
on Wednesday ex-Lieutonnnt Govornor
Wntres will be presented with a solid
silver service, valued nt $1,000, as a testt
moninl from his colleagues during his four
years' sorvlco as presiding officer in tho sen
ate. Senator McCnrroll, of this city, will
make tho presentation spoech.
Chairman Moore, of tho houso agricul
ture committee, will presont, during tho
week, memorials from tho subordinate
granges throughout tho state, protesting
against tho repeal of tho oleomargerino
Tho bill providing for tho publication of
25.000 copies of tho famous "bird book'
will bo sont to tho govornor today for his
action. Tho Farr compulsory education
bill is near tho head of tho houso calendar,
and will bo considered tomorrow unless its
advocates allow It to go over. Anothor
bill on tho houso calendar for second road'
ing Is that creating tho offlco of state cus
todian, against which thoro is much oppo
sition. It will probable bo reached to
Forty Warrants for On Theft.
PAULSBOKO, N. J., Fob. U5. Warrants
were sworn out before Justlco of tho Pcaco
Isaac J. Cowglll for tho arrest of forty
workmon, all of whom aro employes of I,
P. Thomas, Sons & Co., tho fertilizer man
ufacturers of this place. Tho chargo was
tho theft of 1 300 from tho office of tho com
pany. Tho money constituted tho pay of
tho workmen for tho last two wooks, and
while it had been laying carelessly In tho
offlco somo one of tho omployes, it Is sup
posed, stolo it. It is supposed that tho
money Jias boen hidden by tho thief.
May Compromise with Brazilian Rebels,
London, Fob. 35. Tho Timos has a dis
patoh from Montevideo saying that it is
stated on good authority that tho Brazil
ian government will uttempt to mako
terms with the revolutionists in the state
of Rio Grande do Sul. Admiral da Guma,
who suooeeded Admiral de Mello In the
command of tho rebel fleet during tho late
insurrection, is nt tho head of tho movo
inent, and it is snld that lie has a well
armed and well mounted force.
Prostrated hy Hydrophobia.
Trenton, Feb. a5. Josephine Light, a
colored woman, of this city, Is under the
oare of four physicians, who think sho has
hydrophobia, tho result of n dog bite re
ceived labt Decomber. Sho was bitten on
the little finger nnd fleshy part of the left
hand, and tho wounds hoalod without any
trouble On Saturday she was soizod with
convulsions, which havo reourrod every
few minutes since that time.
Found Under a Snowdrift.
Altoona, Pa., Fob. 25. A horse and
sleigh was unoarthed by workmon who
wero clearing off snow on tho publlo road
botween Cboster Springs and Carrolltown.
Tho horso was frozen to doath. It is be
lieved that the porson or porsons who oc
cupied tho sloigh had left it to soek shel
ter, and .will bo found undornoath the
Farmer Hair Wins Ills Damage Suit.
Uniontown, Pa., Fob. 25. A verdict for
13,881 was rendered In favor of Daniel Hair
against Roed Br,athors, opurating as tho
Acheson Coko company. Thoy under
mliifd his farm, causing It to cavo In. It
was also olalmod that the mine Is on Are,
burning products of his farm,
Castorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to
do so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D.,
ISOth Street and ?th Ave., New York City.
Compajit, 77 Mckrat Stukkt, New York Cnr
Two Dcail anil l!l;;lilen Others Have
Narrow ISsertpcu.
BlllMIN'OlfAM, Ala., Feb. 25. A lire oc
curred In tlm Kock slopo of tho Tonuosseo
Coal, Iron and Railroad company s mines
at Pratt City yesterday that resulted in
tho death ot LjuIs Stevens and John Pat
ton, two miners, and mora or less serious
injury to olghtcon others. Twenty miners,
all convicts, wore in tho Rock slopo, near
tho air shaft, when thoy detected thosmoll
of smoke, and shortly af forwards an lm
menso volumo of it camo towards them
from tho engine room, which wns between
tho air shaft and tho cage loading out ot
Driven by tho smoko, tho twenty men
hurried to the nlr shaft, and thcro thoy
huddled togothcr to keep from suffocating.
Meanwhllo tho smoko bocamo thicker, as
tho fire Issuing from tho engine room
solzed sovon trams, and just on tho out
sldo a lot of wastoandoll, and burned furi
ously. Breathing became an affair of ex
treme difficulty. Twcnty-throo mules In
tho stnblo In tho mines also felt tho smoko
and tried to escape, and began kicking ono
nnothor to death nnd making night hide
ous with their crlos.
John Pntton and Louis Stevens finally
loft tho crowd at tho nlr shaft and tried
to get to tho cago shnft. They never
reached it, but were afterwards found
dend near tho englno room. One of tho
men had his hond beaten almost Into a
pulp, Indicating that ho had tried to kill
uiinsolf rothor than suffocate to death.
Smoko seen Issuing from tho shnft
brought holp via tho cage, and in threo
hours tho flro was out, and tho eighteen
mon at tho air shaft woro brought up In n
more or less serious condition irom suffo
cation. Tho mules, worth $3,000, wero suf
focated or killed by kicks.
An Insane Man's Crime.
Terue Haute, Ind., Fob. 2"--At day
light Altamont G. Walker, a "M known
business man, awakened his sleeping wife
and fired nt her, tho bullet lmbodlng ltsolf
In the pillow. Mrs. Walker started to flee
from tho room, hut was grabbed around
tho neck by her husband, who, with a re
volver in either hand.flrod two more shots,
one wounding Mrs. Walker slightly In tho
hand. Walker thon turned tho pistol on
himself nnd sont a bullot through his
lungs. Ho lived but a short time. Mr. and
Mrs. Walker, with tholr throo children.
lived In a handsome houso In one of the
most fashlonnblo streets. Insanity is sup'
posed to be tho causo of the tragody.
Portuguese Slaughtered by TCafflrc
London, Fob. 25. A Capetown mall
says a panlo prevails at Lorenzo Marrtuez.
East Africa, In consequenco of a disaster
to tho Portuguese forces on Fob. 2. Kaffirs
entered tho Portuguese camp at dawn,
pretending that thoy wero friends, Most
of the soldiers woro sleeping. Many of
them wero suffering from fever. Tho
Kaffirs began killing thorn with assogals.
Finally tho troops wore formed In a hollow
square, and with tho aid of the Maxim
guns they repulsed the natlvos, killing
6U0. It is reported thot 200 of tho Portu-
guosoand their allies wero killed and sixty
Hound and Gagged by Itobhers.
Zanesvillr, O., Fob. 25. Six masked
robbers broke open tho door of tho rosl
denoe of Miss Jane Momson.nn aged spins
ter, soven mllos north of tho city. They
tore up sheets and bound Miss Momson
and Henry Bowers and wife to their beds
and gagged them. They sonrched tho house,
overturning everythlng.aud socured S300 in
money, n oertiflonte of deposit for n large
sum nntt a goiu watch. Thoy osoapod with
their plunder, and tholr victims' plight
was discovered by neighbors and they
were released in tho morning.
Rz-Treasurnr Woodruff Convicted.
Littlu Rock, Feb. 86. After deliberat
ing two and one-half hours the jury in the
Woodruff caso at Porryvlllo returned a
vordlot of guilty, and fixed tho punish-
lUOnt at OHO VOnr's Iinnrlenmnmit TI,lo
is tho fourth trial in tho famous cose, and
has cost tho stato uonrly ?50,000. Wood
ruff's bondsmen havo paid into tho state
treasury ?109,000 on account of his defal
cation. Oar New Minister to Mexico.
Washington, Feb. 25. The president
on Saturday nominated Senator Matthew
W. Ransom, of North Carolina (whose
term will expire March 1), to bo minister
to Mexico, vico Gray, doceasod. Mr. Black
burn at onco moved for an oxecutlvo ses
sion, and tho sonnto confirmed tho nom
ination without roforonco.
An Iowa Mystery,
NEWTON, la., Fob. 25.-J. R. Sollingor,
a prominent morchnnt and ox-sheriff of
tho county, reached his homo with blood
flowing down his fnco, and in answer to
questioning said ho had fallen or beon hit.
Ho dlod without spoaklng furthor. It is
boliovcd he was murdered.
Futilo Attempt to -Suppress tlio
Colonel in Hobokon.
As tho Kf-sitlt nf n Protest hy Loading Min
isters Mnyor 1'iijriin Deolded to I'rotent
tho Iiignrsoll lecture, hut Yielded to tho
City Atturnoy's Opinion.
Hoiiokcn, N. J., Fob. 25. Tho nttompt
made to prevent Colonel Robert Ingursoll
from delivering his lecture on "Tho Holy
Blblo" at tho Hobokon thentro last night
proved a failure. As tho result of nprd
tost issuo by tho pastors of three of the
most prominent churches In that plnco
Mayor Fagau on Saturday issued orders
that the thontor bo closed yesterday,
thereby practically debarring Colonel
Ingersoll from appearing. Tho mayor's
dbcrco occasioned a great deal of comment
Saturday night, with tlio result that tho
matter was reconsidered yesterday.
lieforo noon Corporation Attornoy MIn
turn and Mayor Fagan called upon tho
Rov. H. T. Bcatty, tho minister who is nt
tho head and front of tho reform move
ment in Hobokcn, nnd stated to him that
it was tho opinion of tho corporation at
torney that no stops could bo takon by tho
authorities to stop tho lecture. Shortly
nf tor noon a consultation was hold In tho
offlco of Chief of Pollco Donovan, nt which,
In addition to tho chief, tho mayor and
Mr. Clark, manager for Colonel Ingersoll,
and Mr. Davit), tho manager of thothoatcr,
wero present. Tho two munngers wero
informed of the decision of tho corpora
tion attorney, and thoy departod with the
assurnnco that tho locturo might tako
To prevent any disturbance on tho part
of tho uudlonco, and also to stop nny blas
phemous utterances on tho part of tho
lecturer, Detectives Nelson and Gallagher
wore sont to tho theater from pollco head
quarters. Beyond frequent hursts of np
plnuso, tho nudlenco wns most orderly,
nnd tho speaker confined himself almost
entirely to his text, with an occasional
ironical allusion to tho clergymen ot Ho
bokon and the statute of Now .Torsoy law
to which tlio reformers had been clinging.-
Ho began his well known lecture with
out any roforonco to tho attempt to stop
him until ho had reached a point In tho
discourse for which evidently ho had been
waiting where ho alluded to tho ignor
anco nnd savagery in tho Blblo. Ho broke
away from his text long enough to say:
There was enacted a statute in the
state of New Jersey a hundred odd years
ago, when most of its inhabitants wero
savages, which says that nobody shall over
discuss tho Blblo except on ono sldo. Since
thon tho inhabitants have grown more
civilized. Thoy have grown to havo a
knowledgo of fair play; thoy havo boon
civilized to n degreo where thoy can real
lzo Its absurdity, and to reallzo that tho
statute sloops in the dimness of tho past.
It has boon invoked by a number of nar
row mlndod porsons who should have died
threo hundred years ago. I do not blamo
them. Tholr heads aro that shape and
thoy aro not to blamo."
Ho said his audienco could make up
tholr minds ".in secret" about what ho
had to say for ho belloved " there was-no
statuto against that." That tho Biblo
was inspired ho had somo doubts; "but,"
ho added, " if tho legislature of Now
Jersey says tho Blblo Is inspired, it is, and
that sottlcs it."
Colonel Ingersoll grow n llttlo more bit
ter as tho lecture progressed, and doclarod
there never was any kindness In tho heart
of a priest, and ho bollovod that there were
persons in Hobokcn today who would
gladly light faggots and build a lire
around ono of their enemies. Ho snld that
no criminal lawyer In tho stato of New
Jersoy would allow a minister on tho jury
that was to try u client of his. It is sur
prising, ho said further on, how much
theso parsons know of God aud how little
thoy know of human nature.
Another Alleged Thieving Hunk Official.
LYNCHBURG, Va., Fob. 25. Walker G.
Hamnor, for twenty years ' tho trusted
toller of tho First National bank, was ar
rested horo yestorday, charged with em
bezzling ?23,000 of tho bank's funds. Tho
announcement startled tho community
and has boon tho talk of tho town nil day.
Tho bank officers aro ongnged in making
an Invi ligation, and will mako publlo
an official statement. Hnmuer Is bonded
for $15,00.), aud tho bank, which Is ono of
tho soundest In tho south, will loso only
No Mrxlco-Cuatfiinala Truce.
Citt op Mexico, Fob. 23. Tn spite of
all reports to tho contrary negotiations be
twoon Mexico and im tla nro not ad
vancing, and tho delay indue to Do Loon's
dilatory tastloi, w.illa Minister Marlscal
Is doing all posslhlj to hurry tho matter
up. Do L3on assorts thai, ho Is fully om
poworod to arrniiKj miturs to tho end,
without tho nooisslty of consulting any
body. ' Tho nppmu n mt of Senator Rati
som ns mlnld-cr to M"xioo Is received horo
with fhe ?i- ',r."jr sntlsfir-Mon.
are hundreds of brands of
White Lead (so called) on the
market that are not White Lead,
composed largely of Barytea and
other cheap materials. But the
number of brands of genuine
Strictly Pure
White Lead
is limited. This brand is standard
"Old Dutch" process, and just as
good as it was when you or your
father were boys : ,
"John T. Lewis &Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Ture
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can t
a aj-pound keg of Lead and mix your own
paints. Saves time and annoyance In matching
shades, and Insures the best paint that It Is
possible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free; it will probably
save you a good many dollars.
. r-uiladelphla
Forecast fori
Hor Shenandoah and Vicinity.
Fair trndo wluds, with increasing
velocity in all branches of bus
iness, followed by frequent
showers of Dollars Into tho
coffdrs of the IlEltALD adver
To be in the
Everybody in Shenandoah
looks to the columns of
9 9
For an advertisement of any
thing1 worth bringing- to the
notice of the public. They
rarely waste time over other
papers. Do you see the point?
..The Moral..
Is that if you have any induce
ment to hold out to the 17,000
residents and the throngs of
strangers constantly visiting
the largest town in Schuylkill
you should use the columns of
the Herald.
Not only does it. guarantee
the widest publicity, but its
rates are proportionately low.
Do You Wan
9 9 9 v
The reputation of our job.
department for neatness and r,
despatch is well known, as the
amount of work turned out
will attest.
We have just added to this
department all of the latest
and neatest faces of type, mak
ing it one of the most complete
job offices in the county. If you J
are in need of this class of
work leave your order with
"The Herald. '
Market St., btw. Lloyd and Centre.
is (
1 s '