The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 21, 1895, Image 4

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r.min SICKLY ?
mt h mm war w m m
Strai is it Mi for
The Young Body Fails to
Well Nourished,
Needs Richer Bono and Tissue
Forming Food.;
Body Cannot Grow Without
Pure, Sturdy Blood.
Unequalled Value of Paine's
Celery Compound.
From bl'rth till past the age of 30 there
is growth, some of the bones do not com
pletely knit till 35.
All this time in addition there Is the
steady waste of the tissues that must be
repaired. The demand upon the vitality
and upon the powers of assimilation is
thuB enormous during these years. With
out plenty of rich, nourishing blood,
growth must be defective and tardy. But
when It courses through all the arteries
lua full, vigorous stream, growth goeson
steadily and perfectly.
What countless numbers of frail
youngsters physicians see whose pitiably
thin wrists and bloodless faces cry out
f jr better nourishment. All this does not
escape the vigllent insight of parents. In
thousands of homes It is well known that
the bays and girls are somehow badly
The weak stomachs and organs of
assimilation cannot extract the food for
growing nerves and brain in sufficient
quantities from the ordinary diet. A
special nerve diet is what they need.
Paine's celery compound is Prof. Edward
E. Phelps' great preparation for nourish
ing these little frames and making them
grow into strong, active men and women.
Dr. Phelps, upon whom colleges conferred
their highest honors for his invaluable
inventigatlons in medicine, knew from
ripe experience the exact needs of these
little mfferer.1.
A chorus of gratitudo has gone up all
over the country, from mothers of chil
dren once waakly and pale, without prom
ise of ever growing into robust men and
women, who have outgrown weakness
and a lack of vitality by the use of
Paine's celery compound, taken with the
regularity that physicians adhere to when
prescribing this wonderful nerve and
blooil restorative.
It is valuable in all wasting diseases, in
cleansing the blood of rheumatism,
neuralgia, scrofula, and supplying new
and healthy vital fluid Its value can
neither be weighed nor measured.
As the great modern nerve and brain
strengthener and restorer Paine's celery
compound is prouounced Invaluable by
all progressive physicians. Give this
grand luvlgorator a fair trial, and be
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
Are department :
15 Coal and Bowere streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
21 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
3s .lardiu and Onk streets.
31 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
48 Gilbert ami Cherry streets.
4(1 O.ik and Gilbert streets.
4H. Wsl and Poplir streets.
52 ( 'hctnut and Coal streets.
54 A'ent and Lloyd streets.
To wnil an alarm open the box, pull
dou u ; he hook once and let go. When an
alarm is Bent in the fire bell, will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
nlsrm tour times.
If i he alarm it) Rounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
Mini mi-ike five, whteh will Indicate that
the fire In In the vloinlty of No. 15 box,
Kvery alarm It repeated four times.
Whan Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
yrUen gk wot a Child, aba eried tor Ofwtorla.
Wben sbe beoiuae MIw. ebe cIudk to OMtorla.
VCneu she bad CtiUdron , slu. gm tbna Castorta.
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No,
8 South Main street. 9-13-tf
A Voice Prom Florida.
Dr. W. F. Bynuni. Live Oak, Florida,
says : He I Flag Oil Is one of the most
hucerg-fui pufu cure we sell. It's an un
failing remedy for Itheiimatigin, Neuralgia
and Sprains. rU4 Flag Oil costs 2fi acute
Sold at Gruhler Bro. drug store.
" Fine Groceries,
201 WMt Centra Street.
Dt-alcrln qro-rrles, flour, ltovl-l dh lees,
coHeoB, sugar, etc. Best quality, lowest prloeti.
OTcr Twenty TIioiikhiiiI Mrti r tlin llullil
Iiir TrniloH Quit Work.
New Your, Feb. 21. A strike nmonpf
thobtilhling trades on nil tho buildings in
course of construction In this olty was tin
olnreil yesterday afternoon by the board
of walking delegates. The strike Is In
sympathy with that of thoKlectrlcnl Work
ers' union. It oalls out 20,000 to 2fi,000
men, and may extend to Brooklyn anil
Jersoy City Among the trades affected
nro tho oarponters, plastorors, plumbers,
gas fitters, elevator construntors and tin
and sheet Iron workers.
Nkw YonK, Feb. 21. Tho pleco work
system, which caused the long strike of
tho United Garment Workers of Amor' "a,
Is now responsible for a strike In tho ranks
of tho Knights of Labor. Yesterday 8.500
mombers of the Children's Jacket Mtikcra
union 155, Knights of Labor, wont on
strike, and It Is prolmblo that 5,000 or 0,000
workers affiliated with that order will g
out before many days have passed.
lllrmlnglmm's llolllgereut Mayor.
BiitMlNOHAM, Ala., Fob. 21. J. A. Vnn
hoos, mayor of Birmingham, and Colonol
S. W. John, member of tho legislature
from Jefferson county, whoro tho partici
pants In n lively personal oncountor In the
I letter's office yesterday. In tho houso nf
I representatives last week Colonel John
characterized Mayor Vnnhoos' statement
nbout his position on tho bill creating tho
inforlor court of Birmingham as deliber
ately false. When Vnnhoos balled on John
tho latter confirmed what ho said In tho
houso. Tho mayor told tho roprcsentntlvo
that tho lntter's conduct wns cowardly.
John then opened tho war by striking
Vnnhoos und a lively fight followed.
Clerks in the office sopnratcd tho combat
ants after tho two bookcases had been
smashed and other furnituro damaged.
Both were arrested. Mayor Vnnhoos Is
also a preacher.
Heir to Mnny Million.
HANNlliAl., Mo., Feb. 21. James B.
Lcako, of this city, thinks ho has fallen
heir to an ostato In New York city esti
mated to bo worth $100,000,000. Ills grand
father, James Leake, and two brothers
named Meredith Loako and JohnB. Leako,
emigrated from England at an early day
and settled -In Pennsylvania and Mary
land. John B. Leako settled lu Now York
and amassed an Immense fortune Ho died
several years ago Intestate, his brother be
ing his nearest kinsman. Mr. Loako will
leave for Now York in a fow days to sottlo
his claim. Ho Is about 70 years old and
has resided In Hannibal over llfty years.
Legal Victory for Hallom.
Savannah. Feb. 21. United States
Commissioner Connolly decided that the
crow of the schooner Annio Thomas, from
Baltimore, wero justified In refusing to go
to sea on her. Ho held that acts of vio-
lonco on tho part of Mato Lund and his
threats to kill sonio of tho sailors was
equivalent to a breaking of contract. Tho
commissioner ordered tho wages paid to
tho men, and on the refusal of tho captain
tho schooner was llbullod. Tho case was
appealed to tho United States district
court, now in session. Captain Young is
determined to retain the mate, and will
havo to get a new crew.
lloodletam In Maryland.
FliEDEIllCK, Md Feb. 21. Tobias F
Main, tho deposed superintendent of the
Moutovuo hospital, a largo institution for
tho poor and lusauo, yesterday appeared
before tho grand jury which Is investigat
ing hospital altalrs and under oath testl
fled that ho, a year ago, purchased his po
sition from Commissioners William Mor
rison, James II. Dclautcr and Frank
Houso. Ho maintains that ho was ro
moved becauso lie would not consont to bo
n tool to tho party's management. It Is
bolloved that thu grand jury's report will
disclose somo startling facts.
Congressman Cockran llereft.
NEW YoUK, Feb. 21. Mrs. Bourko Cook
ran, tho wife of Congressman W. Bourko
Cockran, died at 5:15 o'clock last evening
at tho Holland Houso, from hemorrhages,
with which she was attacked on Tuesday.
Mrs. Cockran was 31 years old. Sho had
been married ten years and up to two
years ago was tho leader of society In
Washington, but at that!tlmo her health In
tcrfered with her social duties and buo was
taken by her husband to tho Adlrondacks
and to Europe. Four wcoks ugo Congress
man Cockrau brought his wlfo to Now
York for special treatment.
ltellc? of the Lost Steamer Gilcucr.
Clkveland, Fob. 21. A lottor has been
received in tills city from Cuptaiu O'Brlon,
a Lake Michigan llshornian, saying that
he has found homo wreckage, half burned.
which probably belonged to tho lost
Steamer Uilcher. Tho Glloher, with u
crow of eighteen, loft Buffalo in October,
lb02. It has always been supposed that
sho broke in two in a terrillo storm. Tho
ilnding of the charred wreckage is taken
us proof that the Gilohcr. caught flro dur
ing tho storm and was destroyed.
A Whole Family Frozen to Dentil.
Ihondalk, Mo., Feb. 21. From Ileufort
mountains, eight miles south of hero,
comes reports of an accident which hap
pened in that section during the recent
buzzard, A woodchopper named John C
Warner, his wife and three children were
found frozen to death. It is supposed the
summon came while they slept, as all signs of
pain or a struggle.
Ketbavk for Woman SulTrHge.
Bismarck, N. D., Feb. 81. Woman suf
frage was beaten lu tho house yeetenluy
by a vote of HI to 38. The house refused
to table the usual motion hi reooutlder,
leaving the question open. It is under
stood that this wan done purposely by the
high lioouw) ineu, and U equivalent to an
offer to trade woman uutfrugo for high It
oense. The new divorce bill w defeated.
Dentil ritmttiiioo for Defatted LtuidnrN.
TuiNTOiN, Feb. 21. Att imperial decree
ww issued Today ufAerliig that Kuug,
ex-tMOtfti of. Pot. AlUr, nnd Oner;. I
Yeb Cut Cuo, wlM were triiid by the Ixuu-d
of punishment, be .condemned to prison
until autumn, when they tire to be ex
ecuted for lolng Port Arthur to the Jap
A furious snow storm is raging through
out Michigan aud the northwest.
Despite the prohibitory order of the
faculty, Harvard's football team is prac
ticing. The steam ferryboat Idaho, whloh wits
being towed to Jacksonville from New
York, foundered off liatleras. Crew res
rued The bill to prevent the manufacture,
bale iT other diswihulion of cluun ties
p.inhed both braaches of thu Culifornlu
Lenders r n Clang Tliat linn llothored tt.t.
Ooffriiiiiuiit Tor Yearn.
Omaha, Fob. 21. United Stnt offloem
last night ill-rested loaders of what Is lie
lleved to bo one of tho best organized and
oldest gangs of counterfeiters that hits
troublodtho government for yours. Charles
Phcppard and William T. Grosseoross nro
tho men Jailed. They were located on a
farm a fow miles from Onmlm, whoro they
were masquerading as funn hands. With
them were secured a molting pot, com
positions, some counterfeiters' tools and a
targe quantity of silver dollars of the
"glass" order.
All tho towns In tho Missouri valley
have been flooded with coins placed In cir
culation during the past year, and It Is os
tlmated that a thousand bogus dollars
have been put on the market In that terri
tory by tho gang. Their work has been
of such an excellent character that dotec
tlou was almost Impossible, and Sioux
City, Omaha, Council fluffs, Lincoln, St.
yosepn, Atchison, Kansas City ana other
Missouri vnlloy cities nre known to con
tain agents who havo been "shoving" the
product of tho gang.
It Is said ono of tho prisoners has con
fessed, and every agent of tho organiza
tion is known and will bo arrostod. Tho
arrest of the two men is tho rosult of tho
work of a number of secret sorvlco do
tcctlves. Urgod m Minister to Mexico.
Washington, Feb. 21. Senators Voor
hees and Turpio and several of tho Indiana
mombers of tho houso, togethor with
Chnlrman Taggart, of tho Indiana Demo
cratic state central committee, called upon
the prosldont to present tho claims of Hon.
John Gilbert Slianklln, editor of tho
Evnnsvllle Courier, to appointment as
minister to Mexico to succeed tho late
Hon. Isaac P. Gray. Tho presldont prom
ised to glvo careful consideration to Mr.
Shanklin's claims, but did not indicate In
any way what his decision might bo. A
largo number of souators, both Democrats
and Republicans, havo signed a paper
urging tho appointment of Senator Han
som. Arrested for Stealing Gold Ore.
Newark, N. J., Fob. 21. Tho Balbach
Smelting and lleflning company.tho larg
est concern of Its kind in tho country, has
been robbed of at least f 10,000 worth of
gold and silver ore nnd bullion during tho
last ten or twelvo months. Dotoctlvos
working on tho 'caso yesterday arrested
Jean Schick, Facdel Bishop and Horman
Crushager. Bishop worked in tho Bal
bach establishment, and, according to tho
story told by tho police, it was his plan to
steal oro and bullion, feehlek and Crush
ager had a Httlo frame shanty In tho wood
near Valosburg In which tho plundor was
Minister Gray's Body Brought Home,
Indianapolis, Fob 21. Tho romalus of
Minister Gray reached this city at 8 o'clock
tills morning, and from 10 until 7 a. m.
tomorrow will lie in state In tho rotunda
of tho cnpltol. Tho military will havo
chargo of tho obsequies hero, and unusual
honor will bo paid to tho dead. In addi
tion to tho military, many civic bodies
will participate. The funeral train will
leavo tho city for Union City, whoro tho
remains will bo Interred, at 8 a. m. tomor
row. Great preparations havo been mmlo
for tho funeral. 'lp legislature adjourned
Irnnwoocl Will Itepuillnte.
IRONWOOD, Mich., Fob. 21. It has been
decided, although Informally, by tho
mayor, city attoruoy and nearly all tho
city officials in this city- to repudiate tho
last issuo of Ironwood city bonds, amount
ing to 8150,000. About a year ago tho city
sold bonds to this amount to Coffin &
Stanton, of New York, who are now said
to bo In bankruptcy Tho bonds wero de
livered to tho firm on payment of $25,000
in cash. No security whatever was re
quired for the fulfillment of tho agree
ment, and tho balanco duo is still unpaid.
The Tonnessoe Contest.
Nasiivillk, Fob. 21. The loglslatlvo
committee appointed to investigate charges
of fraud In tho governor's election met yes
terday and examined tho pleadings lu tho
contest caso by counties for tho purpose of
seeing If tho charges of fraud lu each
county were specific enough for Investiga
tion. So fur tho committee has decided
that charges In Anderson, Bedford, Blount
and Campbell counties aro sufficiently
specific to warrant investigation. Tho
commltteo will leavo tho city In a fow days
to begin tho forty days Investigation.
Alabama Populists Dissatisfied.
MoXTOOMEity, Fob. 21. It has dovoloped
that the Populist leaders aro by no moans
sutlslled Willi tho contest laws passed by
tho loglslnturo. It Is ovon intimated that
another attempt to sot up a dual state
govornmont will bo made. Captain Kolb's
frlonds decided In December that they
would let tho dual government matter
rest until they found out what tho logls
lature would do with reference to a fair
contest law. It is stated that they con-
Blder tho lnw passed by the general as-
bembly n makeshift.
A lrrenrli Consul Assaulted.
Chicago. Feb. 21. M. Andre Monden
ore, French consul In this city, Is suffering
from a severe woumt prouuoeu oy n mow
ou tho head, which heroceivod from a olub
wlolded by a colored man. SI. Mondonare
nnd his wlfo wore walking on Wabash
u venue near Jackson street, when they ob
served two dogs worrying a small cat.
The consul Interfered to save the kitten,
when the- colored man who owned the
dogs rushed upon him with a club. The
poltoe hare failed to unest the oonsul's
Guatemalan Kebels Defeated.
COLON, Feb vi. The government forces
tinder command of General Ptllzon have
defeated tho rxi ls nt Santa Rosa, In the
statu of Cuiutiuamarica. During the en
gagement the rebel Generals Valderuina
aud Gomes worn mortally wounded. Two
hundred prlsonors were taken by the gov
ernment forces. Onler has boon restored
lu thu department of Boyaca. (Jonernl
Hayes lias arrived at Cnrthaguna with a
Qotllla. The isthmus Is iieacoful.
Liquor Dwilon Oppose Loonl Option,
Tkknton, Fob. 81. The State Liquor
Dealers' leatfiie hit's addressed the lcginlu
turu In opposition to Senator Rogers' bor
ough local option bill. Tho league say .
"Leave local option features out of the
liquor laws und fix reasonable licence fees,
and we will gladiy leavo politics to ilii
politicians and aid in the enforcement of j
the laws respecting llcetise."
Twenty l'rn to Death.
VlbNXA. Feb. 21. Tweuty poisons were
frozon to d uthlu tialichi in tuod.i.vK. The
Smeie weather continues throughout t'iu
tial KuroiM!. The Lnko id Zurich , Hid iho
I X"
' Ul
iiln.i li ilf of thu Luku ot LuLiruu are
.ntlxiTy t'roison over.
ItoWffateV Ifnte In tlio Jury's Hand.
Washinotoji, Fob. 21. Tho argument
In the Howgato case were closed In the
criminal court yesterday nnd the Jury was
charged by Judge McConias this morning.
The presentation of tho oaso of the de
fense to the jury wns concluded by Attor
ney Jere Wilson, who maintained tha'
tiic Innocence of tho defendant had been
shown, and dwelt on the publicity given
to the mooted vouchor in tho office.
A Hnwnllmi Senantlon Spoiled.'
DuiiUQUK, Ia Feb. 21. Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. O'Nolll. formerly of this city, now of
Honolulu, arrived hero yesterday on a
visit. They pronounce the story of the
lauging up by tl'o thumbs of Captain
William Davis bv tho Hawaiian govern
ment as utterly false. Nothing of tho kind
occurred, they say.
ropulnr ltcpresentntion Dofcatpil.
I1KHI.1N, Feb 21. A bill submitted by
Herr Pachnloko, of the Kndicnl Popular
party, providing for popular representa
tion In the fedoral states of Germany,
came up In tho rolchstng yesterday on a
motion for is eecoi'd reading. After ,a
heated discussion the motion wns rejected.
lief t'H t for Labor Keform.
Trestos, Feb. 21. The houso defeated
Assemblyman Gruber'sblll makingeleven
ms-cutlvo hours, with forty five in nuti -ir
lunc h, u legal day's vur ! n v
i-rt, mntoriiK'ii or drivr i: '
.y stnjt ruliroi'it In t.ld.
A bad cough or cold calls for a good
remedy the cure for it. For Coughs,
Colds, La Grippe and Consumption, a
perfect nnd permanent cure Is Pan-Tins,
the worst cases yield to its healing
properties. Costs 25 cents. Pan Tina is
sold at Gruhler Bros, drug store.
Shenandoah Tribe, 155, Imp. O. R. M.,
will move on Friday, Feb., 15th, 1895, from
Refowlch's hall to Eagan's hall, corner
Main and Centre streets, and will meet
every alternate Wednesday, commencing
Wednesday evening, Feb. 27th. 1895, at 7
Lewis Huoiies, S.
Thomas Bellis, C. of R. 14 19-21-20
O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler
Co , W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say so. He was
almost prostrated with a cold when he
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. He says: "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an Invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
P. 0. S. ot A. at Laurelton.
iV public meeting will be held at
Laurelton, Pa., on Washington's Birth
day, under the auspices of the P. O. S. of
A. The meeting will be addressed by
State Secretary Wm Weand, ot Philadel
phia ; S. L. Brown, State Vice President,
and B. J. Yost, ex-State Organizer, both
of town. Quite a number of the mem
bers of the order from this section will
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Blndder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water nnd pain in passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. l-0-3m
League Meeting;.
It Is expected that there will be an
enthusiastic time In the rooms of the
Shenandoah Republican League to night,
when the organization will hold its first
meeting since the election. It is expected
some very Important business will be
Post Office Notice.
To morrow being a holiday (Washing
ton's Birthday) there will only be post
office collections and deliveries at 7:15 and
10:45 n. m. Ellengowan, Yatesvllle,
Turkey Run and Brownsville will be
served with the 7:15 a. m. delivery.
Laily somiTM't at Baltimore.
BAl-i'iM....!-.. e'eij Ji. Two of tho fore
most worn n in the world, Ludv Henry
isoinei'sot. of Kuland, and Miss francos
IC. Wilhu.l, president of the Woman s
Christian lompecmce union, yesterday
addressed an audience In the Associate Re-
lorm church that completely filled tho
building und left many standing In the
aisles. Lady Somerset mmlo an elonuout
address. "Municipal, government," sho
said, "Is housekeeping on a largo scalo.
cannot sue why, when a woman sroes down
the street and deposits In a ballot box her
idea of what Is best for tho state, that It
snouiu unlit her for home Hfo." Miss Will
nrd followed L.uly Henry with an address
on the subject of prohibition and woman
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
6 B UAHAiiil
uenutnn Willi YmH M., H
jjr.aa. -KlcnterfcCo.,17WriSt.,BEW SCSE.J
12 Branoh nomej, Own Glassworks.
l' A ftOt in benat;doati for Ml. hv
.1. .villi-, w n i,aiurt,j,,,i
"Uinn ' Mam si., u il. tin-
'pr buoa, w is. or. mala it
iMk we-"1
oyster bay
105 EnBt Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
OluiuE parlors attached.
Dartmouth Professors
... . Called It Incurable.
"I naa a painful ulcer fin in v oTilrtiv
which j.Iv.ii.
clar. 3 calltd an
state ot my
blood. Tho
sore spread to
tho size of a
saycer, and I
had to give up
business. The
surgoonn at
Collego would
not perforin an
vay advanced ago, 8 years, in itself was n
barrier, and that only temporary relief
could bo given. I was pining over my
misfortune when a friend urged meto try
Hood's Sarsaparilla. I had taken but part
of a bottle when tho eruption looked more
healthy and of tcr taking 0 bottles the sore
Hood's Sa; Cures
completely healed, leaving only a scar.
Hood's Sarsaparilla also helped my whole
system as I havo not felt so well for years."
John S. CnimiEn, West Lebanon, N. H.
H.Jt r!ll easy tobuy.oasy totakeT
HOOd S FlllS easy In ttfect. 25c.
TJOK Pale. At cost, now Each us water motor.
1 Jbive(oi norne power, jusi immine i:
tory. Apply at the HeuA'D ofSce, Noi
Market sireet, Shenandoah, Pa.
rno MA KE BIG MONEY selling our electrlo
i Teiepnone. isest seller on eann. eni an
con Bit to ready to ret up; lines of any distance.
A practical Electrlo Telephone, our agents
making $5 to S10 n day easy. Everybody buys;
big money without work. Prices low. Any
ono can miike f76 per month. Address W. P
ll&rrlson.t Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, Ohio
AR PKE8ENTATIVE wanted In each
k entity to band my fine families to
tripnds or acqualntaBCCs. Paying wirk. Not
peddling. t-nd 10 rts. to Alburt P Wood
Perfumer, Wood v. Detroit, Mich., forStrlul
bottle' Hatln-Bccnt Nntural Flower perfumes,
and receive special offer to yuu. 2-G-lm
"Have no half dealings with thine art."
Tragedian, will present
With Special
Scenery for
all principlo
Xjg?2xt .
Assisted by Miss Klda Johnson, Miss
UoUKtance Ham llu-pluylng Ibesame
parts as when In the sui port ot Booth,
mci enough, Keene and Uairett; Mr.
Frederick Power, formerly leading
Snrt8 with Lnwrence Barrett! Mr.
umuel Glenn, tbe veteran actor of
The Philadelphia 8tar says Mr, Young's
ilnmlet Is Ideal, and tbo Ledger pronounces
htm a genius.
Prices: 25, .15, 50 ttntl 75 Cts.
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug htore.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Finest M fcUkeys, Heer, ' ortcr and
always on tan.
"Comu and hit ono,"
temperance drinks
and cigars.
Free lunch
9 to 12 p. m.
Safe and Kellable Horses to HJie.
Fear Alley, Rear Coffee House.
The best rigs in town, Horses taken to
board. Haniins; promptly attended to.
3VE. 3J11. BuSLXjOEJ'X",
Wainler : ni : Jeweler
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of nil kinds prmoptly attended to.
Wholesale and Retail
Houtb Main St., Shenandoah.
Agert for Ti. G, Yuenglli B& Sol's celebrated
Heer, Porter, Ali-s, etc.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Stt.
Finest Boers, Wines and liquors.
Choice Temperance Drink.
Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigara.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the tame wtwhlng that
your boot do, and the water you drini
isn't even fit for that purpone. Vm
torena Schmidt's Beer and Porter
Manager Shenandoah Brant h.
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler o
the flnofct lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley. Shenandoah, Pa.
i C B. Haeseler's Cigars
Sold by all
Full Hue of
Books and Stationery,
Celluloid Frames and Art Materials.
4 North Main St.
Anthony Schmicker's
104 SOVllt 21AIX ST.
The finest pool nnd billiard rooms In towni
Reading beer, rort- r and l'otuvtlle ale con
stantly ou tap. Give una out
13 North Jnrdin. Streot.
Bhbnandoah's Reliable
Hand Lssiixradi?-
Cor. Lloyd knd White Hts.
All work guaranteed to be first-clasa In every
particular. Bilk ties and lace ourtala sa spec
laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
36 North Main Streot.
The most popular resort in the town.
Excellent beer, porter and ale on tap. Our
cigars are the Quest.
Saloon and Restaurant,
234 North West Street.
Finest brands of cigars. Choice Wines
and Liquors.
We offer special facilities to operators large
or email, for trading on marclns in stocks.
grains or provision?. Market letter issued reg
ularly, civlna latest confidential adweea. Or-
dent received on onfi per cent margins. Our
oook " Speculation, or How to Trade, mailed
on receipt of two-cent etamp. VAN WINKLE 1
& CO., Cth floor Gafl Building, La Salle street,
A genuine welcome
Awatts you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance driDks and c:(?ar&.
Specialist In diseases of tbe
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market Ht., Poltsville.
Hours 8.30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 4 p. m.,
8 p. m. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 13 in
7 to-
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
Weeks' Museum,
Grand display ol birds and animals ot all
selections ana Driest paintings In the county,
13 est Brer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands ot Cigars.
Free lunch every morning vnd eTenlng.
John Wkeks, Proprietor.
(J. W DAVinsoit, Bartender.
(Buccossors to Coakley Bros.)
No, 26 Kntit Centre Street,
Our Motto: Best Quality at Lowest Cash,
Prices. Patronage respectfully solicitod.
dealers who sell
Evan J. Davies,