The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 16, 1895, Image 4

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Made Ds Well.
We Advise the Sick to Take It,
Say the Clergymen.
Be Prepared for the Danger
Season of Spring.
Aggressive Christianity Is Possible
With Health.
Pastors of All Sects Preach It East
and West.
distinguishes the
pulpit. Doctrinal
sermons to-day are
at a discount. Mln
isters of the gospel,
hb if by a well-concerted
plan, are now
putting tremendous
energy into the cause
of good government
and public health.
Aggressive Chris
tianity seems to be
the pride of every denomination.
Flat-chested, sallow cheeked, weak
legged, wa ery-eyed clergymen are scarce;
strong, vigorous, clear headed, manly
fellows are entering the seminaries.
That a well man is a better man than a
sick one is no longer heresy.
Public baths, fresh air excursions, open
parks, sunlight, physical training and
proper medicines for the sick are all con
tributing to the work of home missions.
All sects appear to be entering with un
usual activity into a practicul reforma
tion. Last week In Boston one of the
greatest of Its pulpit orators preached
upon clean streets; in New York the
churches have been breaking up political
corruption. Money from the contribu
tion boxes is going into hospitals. Many
a young clergyman to-day takes a year or
more, not in a trip to Europe to hear
music and study cathedral architecture,
and "round out his education," but in a
plain, matter of fact medical school to
learn nnatomy and hygiene.
Mist progressive ministers in every de
nomination to-day are recommending to
their people the great remedy that makes
people well, earnestly endorsing the work
of Dartmouth college's generous sclen
tist, and frankly lending their influence
to that of the best physicians advising
generally the use -of Paine's celery com'
pound now that the "clanger season of
spring" is near.
The proprietors of this best of reme
dies now furnish a great quantity of tes
timonials from clergymen in every state,
and almost every city and town in the
country, from which the following are
taken at random :
Rev. Charles C. Bruce.
From Somervllle, Mass., Boston's
wealthy suburb, Charles Cromber Bruce,
one of the ablest young pastors in the
state, writes:
"I am nearly 38 years of age and weigh
normally 158 pounds, at present my
weigh is 148. My sickness took me
down to 132, so that you can see that I
am getting myself, and, God willing,
shall soon be there.
"I have been a very sick man, but owing
to the goodness of the supreme powers I
am now on the royal road whose end is
perfect health.
"After 20 years of excessive labor in
studying and preaching, I was elected to
a position In a high school In Boston, but
the work told on mo and I grew 1H. The
Illness lusted for about a year and a half.
But now I um so that I can see the end,
and a more thankful man you never saw.
A gentleman who lived near me began to
use Paine's celery compound and it built
him up. I thought of this and soon I
was led to use It, and it has brought me
out all right."
St. Theresa's Academy.
Mother Theresa, writing from St.
Theresa's academy, near Peoria, 111., says,
that they have given Paine's celery com
pound a thorough trial, and found it to
be all that is claimed for it. She adds;
"We shall continue its use and also rea
omiiitud it to our friends."
Rev. T. F. Stauffer.
Tn-(ollowlDg testimonial from a man,
so Klrtuly known and beloved as Rev. T.
F snuffer, pastor of the Faith Reformed
church of Lincoln, Neb., is a most poji
tive ,.rof of the wonderful medicinal
power of Paine's celery compound and Its
great superiority over ordinary sarsat
parillas, tonics and nervines.
"For nearly a year past I have felt
myseii running uown. My nervous sys
tem was graduiilly growing worse; I had
slight symptoms of rheumatism, and
w i troubled a good deal at times with
Insomnia. I felt that something must
be'done, and concluded ;o use Paint's
celery compound. After the first few
days' use I began to Improve, and I am
Yery much better now. Indeed, I feel
like myself once more. All symptoms of
rheumatism are disappearing. I can
sleep well, iy nervous system Is rapidly
Improving, and I believe a radical cure is
being fleeted. Paine's celery compound
is a splendid remedy, and I can conscien
tiously commend It to the suffering In
like cases. I further believe that If this
medicine were tnken In time it would
save many heavy doctors' bills. I have
tieverjueda remedy of any kind thot
met Us promises so well and so readily."
Editor of the Georgia Baptist.
Rev. W. J. White, D. D editor of the
Georgia BoptUt, says : "My wife was in
poor health. I think it a sort of general
debility which caused severe attacks of
heart palpitation. She was favorably
impressed with Paine's celery compound
and procured it at once. She felt bene
fitted from the first bottle, and 1 see a de
elded improvement which Is gratifying.
We have spoken of this medicine to sev
eral friends, and several have already
used it upon our recommendation."
Rector of St. Anne's, Nashville.
Rev. T. F. Martin, rector of St. Anne's
church at Nashville, gives his people con
fidence In the groat curative powers of
Paine's celery compound. He says :
"During the Lenten season last year,
which, on account of multiplied services,
Is very trying and laborious to a clergy
man, I became so run-down that I fe&red
I would not be able to hold out to the
end. Having seen accounts of the eCS
cacy of Paine's celery compound In
similar cases, I concluded to try it. I was
soon delighted to find that it gave me
new vigor, and by the use of one bottle.
I was enabled to got through the most
laborious part of the season, including
Holy Week and Easterday, with ease and
comfort. I attribute my relief to Paine's
celery compound. I keep a bottle of It
on hand and whenever I have a return of
the feeling of exhaustion from unusual
labor 1 take a few doses, always with a
pleasant sensation of relief."
The Upper Iowa Conference.
Among the very able ministers In the
upper Iowa conference none is better
beloved by his church than Rev. B. F,
Berry. Read of the great good that
Paine's celery compound did bim.
"For three years I have suffered from
Indigestion, constipation and biliousness
I have taken three bottles of Paine's
celery compound and find myself won
derfully helped. I feel rested now morr
ings, and no longer have any tired and
stupid feelings. Therefore I take great
delight in recommending Paine's celery
compound to all suffering from these
The Venerable William A. Smith.
Rev. William A. Smith, of Groton,
Conn., after years of work, is still well
and active. He writes :
"In my early days, by great and pro.
longed mental suffering, I broke down in
health and became a dyspeptic, being
obliged at ono time to give up my work
in the ministry on account of Ill-health.
I am now 83 years of age, and during my
long life have suffered greatly from dys
pepsin, torpid liver, constipation and In
somnia,at times thinking I should die
for the want of balmy sleep, and it is a
wonder to me that I am alive to-day with
all that I have been through.
"I have tried an endless amount of
medicine, but lately I have been taking
Paine's celery compound, and have all
faith iu its merits as adapted to my case.
By the UBe of several bottles I so far re
covered my health as to consider myself
a well man for my age. It regulates the
liver, stomach and bowels without any
question. My appetite is now good, my
sleep is refreshing, my liver active and
bowels regular, and my crutches not
needed, as I can walk without a staff. I
am daily increasing in strength and im
proving generally, and hope that my
youth will soon be renewed so that I can
work as in by-gone days. People are sur
prised at my improved appearance and
New York City Clergymen.
Interviewed by a reporter in that city
the other day, a large number of clergy
men expressed the heartiest endorsement
of Paine's celery compound. The inter
views were published In the World. H-ere
are a few of them :
Rev. H. L. Granlienard, pastor of the
French Presbyterian church, who lives at
143 West 16th St., said : "I have frequent
ly' been relieved of nervous affections by
the use of Paiue's celery compound. I
think it a most reliable remedy and shall
recommend it wherever I have an oppor
tunity." Rev. R. D. Winn, pastor of the Abys-
elnian church, said ; "My career as a
minister of the gospel has been hampered
by the fact that for years I have suffered
from nervousness. I consulted several
specialists, who treated my case for
months, but 1 must say that during the
past few weeks I have received more
benefit from one bottle of Paine's celery
compound than from all the other medi
cines taken."
The recent Indorsements of the .great
remedy by Rev. Fr. A. Ouellet, Rev. Mr.
Laird and other prominent divines have
so recently been published that they are
fresh in the public mind.
Rev. G. A. Emery.
Rev. G. A. Emery, of Pittsfleld, Vt.,
writes :
"Paine's celery compound is the best
medicine to be found and I very cheer
fully recommend It to all who are in a
run-down or exhausted condition. I have
twice used it with moBt satisfactory re
sults. For five years my work has been
very heavy, especially so during the last
two years. My conviction was that unless
I found something to help me I must give
up my work as a minister, but I took
Paine's celery compound and last year
came out all right, without a vacation of
so much as one Sunday. I recommend it
to all as a wonderful nerve restorer."
Rev. B. S. Crosby.
Rev. B. S. Crosby, of Brushton, N, Y.,
"It given me great pleasure to add my
testimony to the effect of Paine's celery
compound. For eight years I have suf
fered great pain In my back. Last April
IwasjBO weak and nervous that I ar
ranged to go to Montreal for treatment,
but three days before I expected to go
a frlepd of mine urged me to taJPalne'a
celery compound. I went that day and
bought a bottle and commenced to take
It, and before I had taken the first bottle
I was free from pain in my back and
could sleep Eound, scrt ,im able to preach
every Sunday."
"I will gladly anMver any ono who may
write to me about It, I trust your busi
ness will continue to prosper until the
nflllcted ones of the entire nation shall
take Paine's celery compound and be re
vitalized." Was Caused by Grip.
Rev. Dr. J. F. Hall, of Mountville, is
one of the best known ministers in south
eastern Ohio. Mrs. Hall, whose life was
despaired of, wus restored to health by
Paine's celery compound. She writes :
"The grip made a wreck of my natural
good health. I suffered .from continual
headache, which nothing relieved, and
from nervousness which prevented sleep
ami caused me to have palpitation of the
heart when startled by any unexpected
noise or sound. I had distressing pains
In my back and side, was constipated,
bilious and sallow-complexloned. My
pulse was very changeable, sometimes
quick and at others scarcely perceptible,
appetite poor, with a feeling of languor
and weakness at times almost overcoming
me. It seemed as if every organ in my
body was diseased, and I was iu depair of
ever being well again. At times the
grave seemed very near. 1 can never
describe my terrible sufferings, and it
would havo been a great relief to have
exchanged worlds, but like every mother,
I would look upon my baby boy and
cling to life.
"Not having much faith jn advertised
medicines, it wns with reluctance that I
began to ue Paine's celery compound,
but after the first dose I slept well. My
Improvement was rapid; I took six bottles
and gained between 20 and 25 pounds in
weight, and now I am fleshy, ruddy
cheeked and clear complexioned, the
wonder of all my friends. I do my own
work and assist my husband in his labors
as a minister of the gospel. I always tell
the sick and suffering what this grand
compound has done for me."
For All Sufferers.
Rev. Percy T. Fenn, rector of St. John's
at Boonton, N. J., writes:
"It gives me great plensure to commend
the use of Paine's celery compound to all
those who are suffering from nervous
troubles. I had suffered for two years
with nervous prostration brought on by
overwork and excessive study, and during
this lime had tried almost everything in
the way of medicine, besides being treated
by an eminent specialist in nervous dis
eases, but nothing helped me until I used
Paine's celery compound. This remedy
has been of great benefit to me, and
I shall always recommend it to all
sufferers." "
The fact is, Paine's celery compound
makes people well. Try it and be con
vinced. Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
32. Jardlu and Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
85 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplar streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15
the fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will Indicate that
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
Mrs. Emilv Thorne. who resides at
Toledo. Washington, says she has never
been able to procure any medicine for
rheumatism that relieves the Dain so
quickly and enectualiy as i;namoeriaiu's
Pain Balm and that she has also used it
for lame back with great success. For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No.
8 South Main street. 8-13-tf
"All -worn out" is the expression of the
sleepless sufferer with that terrible cough.
Pan-Tina puts a stop to It. It's a remedy
for Coughs, Colds and Consumption, 25
cents. Pan-Tina is sold at Gruhler Bros.
drug store. '
Smoke Brennan's famous cigars. They
are the best in the market, for fine trade
only. 12-21-tf
O. TV. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler
Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to say so. He was
almost proit rated with a cold when he
procured a. bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Ho says : "It gave me
prompt relief. I find it to be an invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by Grnbler Bros.
Library Notice.
Owing to the large attendance of citi
zens, the children of the schools below
the High and second grade grammar
departments will hereafternot be allowed
to visit the publio library, in the West
street school building, on Saturday even
ings. The children of the schools stated
can vlilt the library alter school hours
on Thursdays. By order of the Library
Committee. Frank Hawna,
2 14 8t Secretary.
Sunday Papers.
I am the only authorized agent for the
Philadelphia (Sunday) Press, also agent
for all other Philadelphia and New York
Sunday papers. All orders left at the of.
flee ot 'Squire T, T. Williams will have
my prompt attention,
U-3-ee-tf P. T. Wouiia
Smokers' artloles, silver match box
and fire elgar tabes at Brennan's cigar
tort. 13-21-tf
Tho Men of Lottlo OnlllnV Company Mint
Amwcr to Olmrgea of Hint.
Savannah, Feb. io. Tho chiefs of po
lice of Mucou nud Savannah, tho deputy
marshal of Bibb county and four city do
toctlvos boarded tho trnln from Jaokson
vlllo, Fla., and placed undor nrrost Fred
Solomon, Sol Solomon, John Froes, J. P.
Cumin, Sam Marlon, Henry HayoH,Frank
Ward and tho Moers brothers, charged
with riot, and Will Wood, Fred Shepherd,
John Sogg and Manager Coonoy, tho hus
band of Lottlo Collins, on charges of dis
orderly conduct. TIio arrests wore mado
on bunch warrants issued on inillctmouts
found by the grand Jury at Macon. Tho
actors offored no resistance. Thoy wero
inarched through tho streets, guarded by
tho officers, to the polico barracks, whuro
thoy wcro held for six lioilM.
Tho deputy marshal Insisted on taking
them back to Macon to stand trial on
Monday uuloss real ostato bond for $25,000
was given, Just beforo tho tlmo for tho
performance last night Lottlo Collins gave
security to protect Manager Johnson, of
tho theater, who then gavo bond for the
actors' nppearanco on Monday. At tho
samo tlmo sulllclont mouoy was turned
over to Macon's chief of polico to cover
any flnos that may bo Imposed in tho po
lico court, whero all fourteen appear Mon
day morning. Ten of thein go from thoro
to tho state court for trial on tho clmrgo of
riot. Manager Coonoy Is confident of tho
ncqutttal of nil. Tho nrrc3t3arothorosult
of a fight a.nong tho members of tho com
pany at tho railroad station in Macon, in
which pistols wore drawn and shots fired,
one onlooker being injured.
minister tlriiy'i lfoily Cifivca Mexico.
City of Mexico, Fob. 10 United States
Minister Gray's body left this city today
at 11 o'clock via tho Mexican Central for
his Indianapolis homo, accompanied by
Mrs. Gray and Bayard Gray. President
Diaz accompanied tho body with a brlgado
of soldiers to tho lino. A general order
was Issued by President Diaz that nil na
tional flags throughout tho republic of
Moxlco remain at half mast until tho body
crossed tho Rio Grando river. The presi
dent personally paid u visit of condolence
to tho legation yesterday morning, nnd in
tho afternoon Mrs. Diaz called on Mrs.
Gray. Tho city Is In mourning today.
Still No ltesult In Delaware.
DoviiB, Del., Feb. 10. Four ballots woro
taken for United States senator yesterday.
Tho first resulted: Higglns (Rop.), 8; Ad
dlcks (Rep.), 5; Massoy (Rop.), 4; Wol
cott (Dem.), 7; Bayard (Dcm.), 3; Ex-Con-gressmun
E. L. Martin (Dom.), 1. There
wero two absentees. On tho second bal
lot Wolcott lost ono and Bayard threo to
Martin. On tho third ballot Martin's
voto dropped to threo, whllo Wolcott's in
creased to seven. Tho fourth ballot re
sulted tho samo as tho third.
IlolTnmn Will Sue for Damages.
OMAHA, Feb. 10. Carl A. Hoffman, of
Grand Island, ono of tho twenty porsons
saved from tho wreck of tho Elbe, was in
Omaha yesterday on his way homo. He
said: "I could easily havo saved my boy if
tho Elbo's officers had lot mo alono, but
tnoy toro my llttlo boy from mo. But I
will mako them puy for all this. I will
consult my attorney when I got to Grand
Island, nnd I will then mako a sworn
statement and forward it to tho owners of
1A Ilunc Chung's Collenguo.
Yokohama, Feb 10. It is reportedhcro
that LI Hung Chang nud Prlnco Kung,
an undo of tho emperor of China, have,
been appointed peaco envoys.
Peasants Hurled 'Neath nn Avalanche.
VIENNA, Fob. 15. An avnlancho yester
day burled several peasants at Borszes
czow, Galleia. Beforo thoy could bo extri
cated all wero suffocated.
"The Dazzler."
The curtain at the Citizens' opera house
was run up last evening to a good audi
ence and the laughable comedy, "The
Dazzler, was produced. It is a play
abounding in comic situations with but
very little plot. The evening's entertain
ment consisted principally of specialties
which were very clever, and some treats
in the way of singing and dancing were
presented. The company is composed of
actors especially adapted to the parts
assigned them and the play as a whole
gave excellent satisfaction and the
audience departed well pleased with
"The Dazzler." The Daily Crescent,
Defiance, O., Nov. 2, 1894. At Ferguson's
theatre on Tuesday, February 19th.
The proprietors ot Pan-Tina have spent
thousands of dollars to make it known
that it cures Coughs, Colds and La
Grippe. Bottles of Pan-Tina at Gruhler
Bros, drug stor
IOR BALE. A good coofclng stove, cheap.
Apply at J4 East Centre street. It
MEMifViP WOMEN to make big money
with the Practical Plating Dynamo. Is
the electrical machine used In the great elat
ing factories 165.10 to 6.00 a weet made
easy. Plates everything. No experience: big
P"flV- Addrew W. pf Harrison & axCler!
No. 14, Columbus, Ohio, '
A MAN or lady manager Is needed In each
locality to superintend distribution of
our One samples, books, picture cards and
circulars. Pleasant position. Pays well.
Hend 10c. to the Sylvan Co., 729 Wood Sy'
Detroit, Mich., for samples, soap, &c, and re!
oelve special offer to you. i(H!w-d&w
FOIt RENT. A large new store-room, with
plate glass front, dwelling and cellar.
Excellent business location. Kent reason
able. Apply to O. W. Newhouser. 120 North
Main street. 10-15-tf
A MAN In every section atonce to sell staple
goods to dealers; no readllng; expert
nee unnecessary ; best side line; t75U0 a
month. H alary and eipertes or large cam.
mission made ( uitton Boap and Mand.
FACiuuiKG Company, Cincinnati, O
, Office of Mine Inspector Notice Is here
by given that an examination of candidates
for the onlce of Inspector of Mines for the
Hixtu Inspection District ot the Anthracite
region (viz j-that part of the ochuyllilll coal
tloid in Schuylkill county lying north of the
Broad Mountain and east of a meridian line
through the centre of the borough of Olrard
vllle) will be held on Thursday, March
seventh, at 10 o'olock a. m., In room No S.
second floor of the Morris building, southeast
corner ot Centre and Mahantongo streets. In
PottsvlUe, when and where all. candidates are
requested to present themselves for examina
tion. Xo previous notice of .Intention to apply
Is require . w dkmpsky,
Jamks Honiara,
Kkaiik Kesslkb,
John II. IlorruAN,
2-9-e-e-4t Board of Examiners.
The Magic Touch
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You smile at the idea. Bu
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you have taken half a dozen dosei,
you will Involuntarily think, and n
doubt exclaim,
"That Just Hits It!"
"That oothing effect Is a msgla
touchl" Hood's Sarsaparilla gently
tones and strengthens the stomach
and digestive organs, Invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, and
In short, raises the health tone of the
entire system. Remember
parilla Cures
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation,
Ulloui nou, jaundice, itck headache. indigetU
1 Fine Groceries,,
201 West Centre Street. '
Dealer In groceries, flour, provisions, tens,
educes, sugar, etc. Best quality, lowest prices.
No. 81 Bouth Jardln Street, bbenando '
OrrioiHouns: H30 lo 0 and 0180 to B P
Except Thursday evening. .
Xfo otHee work on Sundav except nrrangt-
meni. A. ttrict adherence to iht office hourt
It abtolutelv neeeuary.
Monongnhela Whiskey, 60c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - $1 a qt.
Fine Old Bonrbon, XXX, - tl.25 a qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, $1 a qt.
Superior Cognac Brandy, - $ 1.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, $1.50 a qt.
VUENGLING'S Stock and Freeh Ale, Draught Porter and WelnerPl
a f Best brands ot 6c Cigars and all kinds of Temperance DrinkB. I
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
electors of the Borough of Shenandoah,
Pa., that an election will be held on
TUESDAY, FEB. 19, 1895,
Between the hoars of 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.,
for the following named officers:
One Person for High Constable.
One Person for Borough Auditor.
High Constable.
Shenandoah, Pa Feb. 8, 1895.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Mnln Street.
Finest Whiskeys. Deer, t'orter and Ale
always on tap. "Come and hit one." Choice
temperance drinks and clears. Free lunch
0 to 12 p. m.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts,
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brands of 5 arid lOo Cigars.
105 East Centre Street
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do, and the water yon drink
Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
LoreiiB Schmidt's Beer and Forte?.
Manaster Shenandoah Branch. ,
A genuine welcome I
Awaits you at i
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskey
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance dripta and cigars.
Specialist In diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market Ht,. PotUville.
Hours 8.80 a. m. to 12m.; 1 to 4 p. m., 7 to
8 p. m. SundayB, 9 a. ra. to 12 m
Weeks' Museum,
17 aQvxfi uajjt smsm
Grand display of birds and animals of all
selections ana nncst paintings in the county.
Heat Brer, Forter and Ales.
Finest Brands ot Cigars.
Frae Inach every morning end ev&ning.
Jons Wkkks, Proprietor.
G. W Davidson, Barteedc
- -Full line of
Books and Stationery,
Celluloid Frames nnd Art .Materials.
4 Worth Main St.
Agents for all Dally Papers.
Anthony Schmicker's
104 SOU11I 21AIX ST.
The finest pool and billiard rooms In towni
Reading beer, porter and Pottrvllle ale con
stantly on tap.
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jar din Street.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry
Cor. Lloyd and White Bta.
All work guaranteed to bo first-class In every
particular. Bilk tics and lace curtain saspeo
laity, Goods called for and delivered. A trial
"31 South Main St.
" " " CS-rasping
opportunities Is a sign of the good judg
ment which is the characteristic of the
wise man. We are offering the greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
furnishing, at reduced prices.
Another Perfect Niagara Is thefall
In prices of gents' furnishings at our great
sale. Seize the opportunity to secure a
rare bargain in the finest gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another-A Great Fall In gents' furn
ishinns. All hands are stretched out to
seize these bargains we offer.
Another Catch Them as They Fall In
price. Now is the time to secure your 29
cent white shirts.
South Main Street, SHENANDOAH.
Justice vof tkePe&ce
Insnrjnce and . . . .
Jtqal JSsJate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
'Pear Alley, Rear Colfee House.
The best rigs In town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds pnnoptly attended io.
Wholesale and Betall
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