The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 13, 1895, Image 3

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    Chronic Nervousness
Could Not" Steep, Nervous
Genllomcti: I Have been taking
your J;eft.nU ivcKni vine for the p.iat,
tlifoe utmitlis and I cannot s:iy
enough lu Its pralso. It has
Saved Hy Life,
for I had almost; given up hope ol
ever bcinrr. well again. I ' was a
chronic sufferer from nervousness and
could not sleep. I was also troubled
with nervous headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, lrfitll J. used ypur
Nervine, mbs. jj, wbou, l?ingwood, in.'
Dr. Miles' Nervine"
Cures. -
Dr. MileV Nervln Id cnM rm n. nncltlvp
cuaranteo that llio first bottle will benefit
All druggists sell It at $1, 0 bottles for 13, or
jo win o sent, prepaid, on.'rcceinr, oi "price
by tho Dr. Miles;
weuicai Lo.'i uiunart, inu
Professional CartSt.
Omoe. 130, North Jardln street, Shenandoah.
Office. Egan building, corner of Main ane
Centre streets, bnenandoab.
N. STKIN, M. D.,
Office Room Z, Egan's New Building, co
ner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, I'.
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a, m.: 1 to 3 p.- ir.; 7i
9 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak stree
Offlv Witer.Compiny building, 20 Wesi
Lloyd street.
Sucoessor to
301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, 1 enna.
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
' above Green. Phlla, Pa.
Formerly at 208 Nonh Second St la the oia.
eat in America for lh treatment of Hpmia
XHteates and l'oitthjul JSrrort, Varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment b
mall a specialty. Communications acrtdl;
confidential, s-jnd stamp for book. .Hours.
a. m. to 9 p. rr Sundays 8 to 12 w
For Painting ....
The Season la here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahnnoy City's leading artist,
N Perfect WorTi.
Bargains in paints and oils,' plain ant
stained gloss. All the new patterns li
wall paper. All daily and weekly papers
novels, novelettes and stationery. - ' '
133 West Centre Street. "
Headquarters for the Kvenino Hbrald.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
attaonea. Finest wines. Honors,, cigars.
Wholesale agent tot
Felpmfan J newarli K, J Export
Lager J Saazer Pale Beer,
No finer made. Fine liquors and Cigars
120 South Main Bt.
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc, insured In first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
130 South J ardin Street.
Also Ufa and Accidental Companies
i Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. 1 Bottler ol
the finest lagoi Dears.
17 and 19 Pe&en Alley. Shenandoah, P
onAB.BUROHILL. Prop. v
Korth Main St., MAHAN0Y CITYj
Largest and finest hotel in the regl6n.J
. JTlne3t accommodations. Handsome, fixtures
la hi
New Yflrk',3 E itLur,'
to tho Fronoli L'.ner,
Tliotisnml Crowd the Streets In tlio Vicin
ity of the l'lnr to Join In tlio Noly Wcl-como-Ciiptiiln
Iliimlr-lou' Kmptoyers to
Present Him with a Gold Medal.
NEW YoitK, Fob. 18, Long before tho
hour for tho stonmor La (Jascogno to pass
ovory iwlnt of vantage along tho North
rlvor was occupied. Tho roofs of nil tho
plor sheds woro black with pooplo, and the
battery was lined ten deep with spectators.
As tho big ocean greyhound enmo in sight
off this point a mighty cheer aroao from
moro than a thousand throats.
Mouuwhllu tho throngs of pooplo who
wcro uuablo to .soouro positions on tho
waterfront laurelled along West Btroot,
keeping pace with tho slow progross of
tho steamer, and gathering in numbers at
every streot corner, until by tho timo tho
foot of Morton street was reached thoro
was.a iiittltltudo that oxtondod from cast
to Wost au,d surged against tho .gatos'of
tho French llnu pier In vain endeavor to.
galnmduilttauco. ...
Notwithstanding that admission to the
plbr could only bo obtained by thoso who
had friends ,on board La Guscoguo- and
who had jjbtritned "passes' from "the com
pany's oiUeu-,.tlo crowd grow in numbers
evuryjnomont. and"n Bauadof nollcotuu-
HimsTTlnui tliojgroutostdlflliiuity.ln pre
venting tho crowd that filled West street
inf rout 6T tho Uobk from forcing. tho gates
mid taking tho pier by storm.
It was 11:15 o'clock when tho big black
bull run alongside, tho end of tho plor.
Tho crowd gavo wild cheers and began
rusliliig out to get as ncurThor as they
could. But of course; sho' was not to laud
thoro, anil thou tho crowd surged and
shifted back under tho dockshed again.
Tho tugs wcro pulling and pushing the
big steamer about so as to run her into
tho slip. "The gangways of tho dock be
came jammed. Thoro was very littlo space
thoro anyway, owing to tlio largo number
of boxes which had been brought for load
ing , on Ln Gascogno last week- 1'ho crowd
clumborcd upon theso boxes. Men helped
women up. On tho top of ono of tho high
est piles of hoses stood two Paullst fathers
waving their handkerchiefs.
As tho stoamcr glided past tho gang'
plank oponlng, her decks, which woro
crowded with pooplo, presented a moving
panorama of joyous, excited faces. At In
tervals tho loud voiced crowd burst forth
In wild cheers. Captain Baudclon was
discovered standing serenely at his post on
the bridge A big man with a big volco
on ono of tho goods boxes oiled: "Three
cheers for that bravo man." Tho cheers
echoed against tho shed roof, and tho cap
tain smiled.
At 11: Jo tlio Hues wero mado fast and
tho vossel bocamo stationary. The crowd
was so thick and so eager that at first tho
dock hand's could not get nt tho gang plank.
Whon at last they did lift H, they lifted a
half dozen peoplo with It.
Upon ono of tho goods boxos stood a man
with a largo camera. Ho was snapping tho
shutter as fast us ho could put In plates.
Down, In" tho crowd there was an extra
squad of police trying to keep tho crowd
It was Just 11:39 o'clock when the first
passenger stepped down tho gang plank
and was scizpd by tho wild, howling
.crowd. Ho was a young man dressod in a
big fur trimmed ovorcoat. Tho next was
a big man in a silk hat. His wlfo was In
tears at tho foot of tile plank. Tho third
was a young and pretty girl, and before
sho reached tho bottom sho was seized and
madly Jclssed by a young man with a littlo
mustache, whilo tho crowd yollod with de
light and gavo moro cheers.
A great many of tho crowd tried to board
tho vossol. Passengers and stewards with
traveling bags and steamer rugs nnd hat
boxes wero still coming down tho gang
plank. A groat doal of confusion and ono
or two Impromptu scuffles aroso. Tho of
ficers tried to restrain tho crowd, and for
bade their stepping on tho gang plank.
Hut thoy ciamoorett over tno goous ooxes
and jumped down on the plank from
above, and thus stole their way on board
despite tho officials.
Suddenly thero was a wild shout from a
man near tno gangway, xno captain,
tho captain, Captain Baudolon." Some
ono cried, "Hip Hip," .everybody joining
In tho cheer. "Some collego boys gavo a
Princeton cheer; then a Yalo ono. Then
Captain Baudolon came striding down tho
plank with his head uncovered, smiling
and bowing from right to left. A woman
throw him a largo buuoh of violets. Ho
deftly caught it and held It to his fact as
he stepped down toward tho crowd. Here
ho was solzed by eager nanus ou an suios,
and pulled tills way and that. ' Every ono
tried to got ono of his hands, tho women
in tho crowd being tho moro demonstra
tive in this respoct. Three of them pushed
thojr way toward him, and when ho saw
who they woro lie hastened toward 'thorn.
Thov all kissed him at onco. Harry wut-
son. tho handsome bar steward of tho ship.
was also hugged aud kissed over ami over
ngaiu by several pretty wonu-u, who mm
boon waiting at tho pier since early morn
liiff. The orowd cheered Watson, too.
Outside tho dock there was a long lino
of oabs and carriages, and as soon us tho
lauding pashongors could be hurried
through tuay dime oH. Considering tho
size of tho crowd and tho excitement in it
tho steamer md duck official managed
ve-y well. It was a"trood natured crowd
Kory one was exulted, hut evory one tvits
A SIcdal for Captain llauilvlon.
PAltis, Feb. ia,Vrhe.flJrtor8 of tlle
Compagnle Genor.vlo Tfiit)ntlniitlqtie have
adopted a vote of congratulations to Cap
tain Baudolon, of thfe a6nnor La .Gas
cogue. In addition thoy have decldod to
olvo him a gold modal in recognition of
Ve skillful manner In which ho handled
jjlil vossol on her last trip tp(Now..X6rkte;,'!'
Onco In Afllnance, Died a l'uuper.
Lebanon, Pa., Feb. ia Ogdon Gaul, at
ono tlmo a mpmborot tho Now Yorktouki
Exchange, died at tho Lebanon county
almshouse from tho offeots of a stroke of
paralysis. Ho was 17 years old. It Is said
that Gaul dropped ?80,000 In one da lu
tho exchange. A mother and felster reside
in Now York In good circumstances, and a
Son Is being educated at a first class cob
"A Fata! Sllatulte.
WiLOAMSPoitT.Pn..Fob. 13. Miss LUlio
Jones, of thp'inu.iury firm of L. E, Jones
t?o., Uranic oyanute or poinsaismi m mis
take fur cough . mwHolwo, SU uuid YiltUlu
Tho Department ufAvrlonltarr Hill l'
bT lb" limine, j
HAimiBiinm. Feb. 13. -The Marshall I
bill. repenting the act prohibit ing tho con
solidation of competing pipe line com
panies passed tho final stages in tho house
yesterday by a voto of 118 to 57., Tho for
estry bill passed finally with onlv three
votes to spare, thovolobelnglOBtoOrj. Bills
nlfto passed finally to establish a depart
ment of agriculture; oxtendlng tho pro
visions of tho act rcgulntlug tho snlo of ar
ticles of trafflo or morehnudlso within ono
mllo of nny camp meeting hold for relig
ious worship to conferences and other re
ligions gatherings of like nature; amend
ing tho act of 1773 relating to administer
ing oaths to wltnossos so as to abolish tho
practice of kissing tho Blblo by substitut
ing tlio laying of tho hand on tho open
In tho senato bills wero passed finally:
For tho protection of persons unnblo to
caro for their own property; to provide for
tho adoption of trademark labols,symbols,
or prlvato stamps by an Incorporated or
unincorporated association or union of
workingmon; granting a pension to Ham
ilton Smith, of Jefferson county; to en
largo tho compotonoy of husband and wlfo
to testify against each other; to prohibit
members of boards of trustees of state
normal schools from milking or being In
terested In contracts with such scnools;
hbuso bill to provldo for an additional law
judgo In Westmoreland cqhlity.
Tho governor sent In tho nomination of
B. F. Gllkosou, of Bucks county, as com
missioner of banking, and tho appoint
ment was unanimously confirmed.
To Unil Itrooklyn's Trolley Strike.
13lUiosiXS. Fob. 18. As a result of a
conforonco hour yesterday. jvf.tcrnoon be
tween President Lewis and thb boiifdof
directors of tho Brooklyn City railroad
and ox-Assomblyman John Graham aud
X'olico Justice Tlghc, tho trolley strlko In
Brooklyn, which was begun on Jin. 14
last, will probably bo callod off today. It
is learned that President Lewis promised
to taku tho strikers back, ono by one, ns
thoy reported for work at tho car stables.
When v.ic.i iclos occur by tho dismissal of
noii-un: in m?n or tin account of their
le ivlu r i 'io old iiien will he put In tholr
pl.ire. but it is umlu-itHjcl tint no now
if !. will i.i discharge 1 to in. ike room for
t. ,i .l
THE bestinvestment
in real estate is to keep build
ings well painted. Paint protects
the house and saves repairs. You
"sometimes want to sell many a
good house has remained unsokl
for want of paint. The rule should
be, though, "the best paint ct
none." That means
Strictly Pure
White Lead
You cannot afford to use clicaf.
faints. To be sure of getting Strla
1 Pure White Lead, loo'.: ?.t tin
:rand ; this one is saf ' :
"lohn T. Lewis & Bros.'
Tor CfU-OKB.-Nntioiii,! I carl Co.':
?i. eWhii Lad Timing Colors.
"i r"ta" !- oM Inrrtp-pound ca"S, . 1. 1
r . l--!- mfi.i iuiiI tot nt us pounds of strlnb
ri.rj Wmtt ! !' mm ,1 -V.ide; thtvaw
i 'en- r. an -i;nx"n putiilp. bi t n combinnuo
rf (nrfi-ctlv it" .V.iri in lire handiest foiu. u.
n,t ftri. il. r-i.r- Vi'li I.- I ,.l.
i kooiI nanvtlioitramlilollnns have been said
pr- pcrlyow Hers 1 v liavlng our book on painting
ami (.olor-varil. Send us a Kiital card and get
both frci.
Dr. IlumplireVa' Spcclflca are scientifically and
carefully prepared Remedies, used for years In
private practice and for over thirty years by the
people with entire success. Every single SpecIQa
a special cure for the disease named.
mo. ct'RKi. riucr..
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.,
S Worrits, Worm Fever, Worm Cplic '25
3 TeethluKi Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7- Coub1ib, Colds; Bronchitis 23
8- Ncurnlifltl, Toothache, Faceache. 23
0-Ilcnilnches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10- Dyspcpaln. Biliousness, Constipation .23
11- Supnrenscd or Painful Periods .. .25
12- Whltes, Too Ptofuse Ferlods 23
13- Cronp, LnryuEltls, Hoarseness 23
14- Salt HliDUin, Erysipelas, Eruptions., .23
15- Itheuliiutisin, ltheumatlo Fains 25
lG-IUnlnrla, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .25
10-Cntfirrli, Influenza, Cold In the Head. .23
20-Whooplnir Coimh .25
27-KIdncy Diseases 25
23-Kervoua Debility ...t,.v 1.00
30-YJrlnnry Weakness ,.. .25
34-Sore Throat, Qulncy, Ulcerated Thioat.25
Put up In small bottles of pleasant pellets, just fit
your vest pocket.
, Soil by Drnsil.M, or lent rep!4 on r.cclpl ol pries,
Ps. llpKrusiTi' MmuiT.itH p.g.,) kaivkh rsti.
ItlUPllllKVS' JIHD.tO., Ill 11S milUm SU, MiW VOltS.
Lap m
Kitiest, Purest, Healthest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hamnlerslough : Bros
Swell, Kellable, New Yort
, ilak'e him.' get it. Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton dverooat
Weir? like steel and t sold by every projjl;
neKolbthieruTUie atate.' None genulcewlth
sner Beers
out llaramerslouEH )ro, uoei.
I Poor Pie I
is responsible for many of man's (and woman's) physi
cal woes but the pie needn't be poor, and it may
bring joy instead of woe. Plow ? Use nothing but
C0TT0LENE for shortening and the pie crust will be
delicate, flaky, delicious, and so healthful that even a
dyspeptic can eat freely of it and be
comfortable. C0TT0LENE can't be
equalled as a shortening, and is abso
lutely healthful. Genuine has this trade
mark on every pail. Take no other.
132 N. Delaware Atc., PhUaila.
Tho Testimony AgainBt Harry
Hayward Piniahod,
It Mny be an ICHiirt to I'rovo That Adry,
and Nut Harry, Conspired' with llllut
fft ',In-ler SIlss tllng Adry's Alleged
ahnnkapoms, Feb. 13. Greatly Iir-..
creased crowds and many police olllcors
mipeared ' at tho Hayward trial. Adry
Hayward was on the stand for continued
cross-examination. He was asked In ro-
gard to Ids conversation In tho jail with
Hurry rolativo to their pressing Bllxt
rather closely.
'Hon t you know thero was nothlncr in
tho paper that dar about Bllxt?" asked
Mr. Krwin. "No, I don't. 1 know bo was
oadlug tho paper; I was not."
"Un Oct. 7, 1891. woro you not out of
your mind?" "I can't say."
"Did you not curso and threaten to kill
your father aud mother?"
Well. 1 had snmn trmililn nvnr monov.
Harry eamo lnrnzBlnir father, and ho
lay down on tho lounge'. There was a
shortage, but I explained it. Harry was
trying to make tho trouble"
Harry smiled at this point.
xos, you smile," said tho witness, "nut
you know it is so. I accused Harry of
stealing tho money from my flat mind, I
don't say ho did it, but I accused him tlion
aud thoro. Mother spoko up, and I told
her that If slid could not trust her sons
why did sho ralso such a litter of pups.
Then I got mad, and when Harry threat
ened to rip ino up with a kulfo, I went to
get my revolver nnd said I would let Hurry
wound mo, but If ho did I would blow his
brains out. My wlfo can swear to that.
You need not shako your head mother,"
cried tho witness, noticing his mother.
That was tho ursttroublo I had with my
mother, and If It had not boon for Harry I
Would novcr havo had that trouble."
During tho examination tho witness
said ho did not blamo Harry for trying to
defend himself in tho suit, but he did
blame tho family by lotting Itself bo
brought Into dlsgraco by helping him out.
Ho hated to testify against his brother,
but ho hud some rights, nnd did nut think
ho had to bo dragged down on his brother's
"Wbre you not always jealous of your
brother?" "No, sir "
"Did not you over threaton your brother
with violence?" "Onco, when my brothor
said ho could get men for $15 to sond mo
to Stillwater, I said I know enough to
send htm to Stillwater, and father was
right thoro and heard It."
Witness thou testified to going to Mr.
Stewart, tolling him his troubles.
Adry was questioned at lengthregardlng
tho shoes he wore on the night of tho mur
der. Theso questions on tho part of the
dofenso ludlcatq a possible purpose of sot
ting up (hot It was Adry and not Harry
who conspired to commit tho murder with
Bllxt, and that tho miich talked of pointed
shoo tracks at tho scpne of tho murder
Were made by Adry.
The stato has presented nil its testimony
and expeots to bo completely through by
noon today, this aftornoon the nofonso
will present its sldo, and thbn' the public
will know just which ono of the linos of
defense has been decided upon. Tho state
has fulfilled tho promise mado .by -Mr.
Hall In tho oncninir. and has proved on the
stand nil that it outlined to tho jury.
It Is a wondorfut as well us an awful tale.
It reads moro lmprobablo than any of tho
dramatic writings of tho most sensational
French novollsts. It Is almost past belief.
Brother against brothor, indeed,, has it
boon for years in that family nnd now,
pcrchanco, it is n.llfo for a life.
Tho mother of thoso two sons heard the
attorney for tho prisoner present the
foundation for laying the crime at tho door
of her first born. In that crowd, not too
finely strung, not too tenderly constituted,
thero was a tremor of horror. A crowd
whloh had laughed gleefully at n proposi
tion to tour a woman's head off with au
elevator was transfigured with dlsgmst at
the proposition or sacrificing one on the
altar of faintly preference.
During the afternoon s-veral life insur
mice agents twUflodtoconvorsntio'-s whir'.
Harry Haywam hail with them ni ngaid
Ui tho issuance of policies. Iliury l
asked if companies paid In caoe;, of i..u.
der, and wanted to know If u company
would pay If a porsou was burned lu a
building nnd the remains were so utmrred
that they could not be i-ooofttflseU,, This
closed tho testimony for the a;if3flibjjt
was practically all tho Important, testi
mony for tho stato, ami paints tno nisiory
of one of tho blackest crimes, if the stato's
story is not broken by tho dofenso, In tho
history of tho world.
Chinese VorA Abandoned",
London, Fob. 13. The Times publishes
this dispatch, sent from Kobo undor date
of Feb. 0: Tlio Chluoso forts on tjio smallet
Island in tho Bay of Wei-Hal-Wei nro
Bllont, and it is believed that thoy have
been abandoned Tho forts on the Island
of Liu Kung Tao, however, are still active.
Five Murderers Sentenced to Death,
JKFFEUSON CITY, Mo., Fob, 18. The su
preme court yosterday sentenced, flyq mur
dorors to bo haugod March SI. Thoy aro
William II. Taylor, James Murray, Ed
wml Murray aud Luke O'llollly.'of St
I4.jils, ml James Crisp, of Wright county
IK y.rrriW ribVuMnun IR, ISai
raatenRer 1 ruins letve
Pnn liRvtij j 111.1,01.
Kherfli"'oah fr
h ghtot, Slallngtoi;, Wtlie TIM. . s
AllcnMiWB.'liettleLUTi Rln, r,.-t
8 'i iM - 1' . tut. I.vr. p
Fox Ncu Vorl and rii(ti,V .
B.lfi t, fi.4. i.-'i p, m. tor t,uslii
wfcl bick, Gerhard nu imr i'iirt,c n.
CI u. and 467 p. to'
For WtllrieJIair WM t avei , 'iut
Lacejvlllc, Towsnts, t-r' Vtyvn' .
Klmirn. Ml. CIS a u .. Vin .
For rob"Hcr, llufa't., Nlartre ?!.-
tl t We, i rl.U4. Mf, ii. a,. urt '.ST&,iJ5 t t .
For nilvtiere, Lelawur '. Otf.
Tr.i!ji(f,JMi a m. .87r 1
tor LimbfrttrTllfTr,i.i',r'PMt .
rrrTtr.libaunrcV.r. W.i.l. I . :i. ?P
for IUroi. cd (trcv .oi ft b u
tor Atturc . m V,
" D. B..
fo-Jtni e. vlil.,LevlMU.n
nd , or
i. Hi a m.n. f. n .
ror Mrtdu bv. Limber Vmri", '.. l
uh. . . '. V7. 6.m t v .
For Silver I'rook Juwilon, Audtnruo c
llazlcton (1 04, .., V If, a tn . u.s. v ft, o.:7 i.
B.OS p. .
PrSoranKr, 6.(M, 9.1S. i n .. ; ? io b.i
p a.
For HaTlPhrcoU..'oddo, Urlfu n ai d F ri
04, 7.IW, 9.15, a m.. 12.48, 2 &7, 6 25 p ir.
For Ashland, Qlrmrdvlllf and Lett Creel., I.''
1 48 6.U. 10.K a. m., 1,0 . 1 40 .m c.jrf p. rr.
for uateu ttai.,Oeii rails, Mount u.rn.i at.
SCamoktn, 9.18, 11.14 a. rr... 1.8';, 4.20, .l
, t. c.
Tor Yatccvilled'srk Plice.MahanoyCltyan
Delano, 8.04. 7.38, 9.15, ll.uf. a m 12.4J.
S V7, 8.08, 10 f p. m.
Trains will leave Ptan.rkln si 6.15,
11,45 a. m.,,, 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive a
' stitu deal ti 6.04, 9.16 a. m., 12.48, .67, 6.n
15.15. P. t.
Leavo Shenandoah for PottavUle, 6.(0, 7
11.05 1L30 a. m. ,12.48, 2,67, 4.10fi.tTr, K.C
p. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, S.C0, 7.5t
1.06, 10.16, 11.40 a. m., 12.82, 8.00.. 440, 6.2C, 1 1
' t6, 9 4') p. ni.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton , C.04, 7.1? 9 J6
t. m 12.48, 2.67, 6.27, 8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7. 10 0
I OS a. m. 12.16. 2.66, 6.80,7.26, 7.6J p. u
Trains leave for Haven linn, Centralis, ft
Csrmel ucd Mairokln, 0.46 a. m., 2 10 p. re
andarrlvr at Hliarookln at 7.40 a. rr . xs(t l.
p. in.
Trains leave Rhnmokln tor Shenandoah '
7.55 a. m. Mid 4 01) p. m., and arrive ut Hk .
sndoahat 8.49 a. m. and 4.68 p. m.
lTir-B leavo t.- r Ashland, UtrnrdvUir t ' Lof
?reeU, 9.40 . m.. 12.30 p. m .
for liazltion, lllack Crook Juncuoi., I'm i
Sivcn Junction, Maurh Chunk, Alleniovc.
Jcthlehem, Katoo and Kcw York. H 4 n .
2.80, 2.65 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.66 p m.
For Yawsvillo, Park Place, Mahanoy City sl,
Jelano, 8.49, 11,86 a. in.. 12.80, 2.f, 4.6K r..ll p n
L?vo Hazleton for Shcnar.doar..
P 80.
II l
, a., 1.06,6.10 p. a.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottpvllle
I 65
i.soa m.. B.40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle tor Sbenandoati. i.a.
i.m.,i,Bt, 6 16 p. m.
South Boihtcbeit.,
CHAS. 9 LEK. Oenl Pass. Act.,
t. W. NONNKMACHKR, Asst.O. P.A.,
rlouth Botble.hem. 1
??Q N lti SI Below Onllowhlll,
Oia Oi. 10-11 il Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty years' ronttnuons Practice In all ,1 disease-, ol bi'li sexes.
Dr. Lobbguur nlees a ralicil and perma
n ut caro of Impotency. Diseases ol the Blood,
Skin, Nerve . Bladder and Kidneys, rcsultli g irom
Excess, Sell-Abuse, Imprudenco or Inheritance,
restoring the xynt, m to its normal con .lt.un,
biilldlne up tno Constltutlou and bringing;
back Healtn and Manly Vigor, changing the
we kuud wr tched into boirty, strouumi-n.
ConsulUtlon uud examination fioi and eonfldenflal Ilemember that in
oonsudlnir Or Lobb you an eettlnir th
nonentof his thirty years' ooattnu-'in prao
tlceas a. sp olallst Ofnoe hours, dully Hud
H .ndays.'from 9 h. m to 3 p. m, aud to 9
u(ubi. ena ior tree dook on errors ol
Youth cd obi'ure diseases of bp'h sexes.
(-uccefsors to Coaltleyroi-.)
Mo. 26 KiiHt Ceiur htrect,
hiiiNANnoAH, A
Our Motto: Bst Quality at Lowest Ca
Prle. v f'atronage respectfully solicited.
Clock Spring Blade.
Only Perfect Comb.
Forepaugh Circuses,
Ask your Dealer for
Bee our name on the handle. Sl'IlIMl CU11UV.
fistcieaad Aim llu
:n1 n,.,nt..,n f,r in.
r .4 'r .1 I.1VB a
mm rMifj
SoI,'.Otf V P J. IHHI-lii
iNRrrsoTHo Mnm 18. 1M4.
'rains lcavt Shenandoah as foUowst
"' r ffw vork vl PMlidelphla, week daye.
..... . ..i. ...... n.atl . Milnnas
110, a.m. For New Yorn via Mau..
veek days, 6.a5,7 ai a, m., !., 2.66 p. TO.
.. ur """'ns anu rnnnaoipn'8, wtos oart.
ueaamK and Philadelphia, wc
ay, i.u, a. in,
'or Pottsvllle. week rt. ".in t v
i.K, b.6 p, m. iv r .(.!,
Tor Tamaqua and Mauauv at,. v.. i...
MC, 5.25, r.n a.m., lt,, iW. S p. m. Sua-
1, 4.10, a. m.
For Wtlltainnport, Sunb'iry -Hid Lewlsbtirw,
'fek days, 3. S, 11.81 a w I. S. 7 21 i ,
UDily,3 ft . ,n.
For'luano P -u,. w- e oyn, t. i .
".mi, ll.Wl a. p ., !!.(, !., XW.'i.W., J Jl.'
a. m Sunday i v i . n.
r-ur Asniana Anu smoklu, tfo ayr
20, 11
a. m.,, 7 an. 9,to p. rr. g
'.ra a,
For Ilaltlmore. Washington nd thf
' A O. H. R . throurh f"tnt, lea
Terminal, t'nuanmpi (p. k. r
'.SI, II.M a. to., Ail, .7, n. m.,'
.55. It 28 a. m., 3.48, 7.27 p. ,
tialm from 2-lih and 'hstn'it'
week dajs, 1.45, 5 41, K23p. '
12HP m.
i.eave ew York via r
wv Ke
".v-'iftp Sterling
Silver and
ia a
dware, Jewelry, Clocks
1 V
,.'d Optical Goods sold lower
than ever.
j. a..
-nnday ' xprets .oo, lut
nodstlon. BOO a. m and 4.SI n. .-
ulantlc and ArRausis avcuuc.
rveca-uav3 Kinross. 7.:ii. 9.11 k. m. nrfl
..i0 a d5.3up. n. Accom uodatlon, 8.15 a. t
tnd 4.82 p. m.
Sun n nr. re?s, 4.00. 7 SO p. m. Aeeoramo
tHtion, 7.15 u. m.,aco4 lip. c
"srlor car? on all eipretf. tritlns.
C G HANrOCK. Gon, Pa. Act.
. . Ptlladtlphla Pa
I A.SWEIOAti. Oen. Sunt
' sonnTT.Kir.t mvinioa.
JANUARY U, 18 5.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abors
late for Wiggan's, Qllberton, Fraclrvtllo, Now
3aetle, Ht. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Readies,
.'ottatowni Phoonlxvllle, Korrlstown and Phll
tdelpbla (Uroad street station) at S:f8 aad 11. a
. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays ForPotts
rlllo and Intermediate stattans 9: to a.- m.
For VTtisan's, Qllberton, Fracuvlllo, New
Jastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at S:18. 9:49 a. rj
ind 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reaalng, Polw
wwn, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Phlladelo. n
it 6:00, 9:40 a. m 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave FrackvlUe for Hhanaadoan .
.0:40a.m. and 12:14 , 6:04, 7:42 and I0:t7p-n..
lundays, 11:18 a. in. and 5:40 p. m.
Leave PottavUle for Shenandoah M 10.15,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40, 7:15 and 10:00 p. m.S&4cra
U 10:40 a. m. and 6:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) t .r
Ihenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 a ui, 4 10 and 7 It n
n week days. On Sundtyn leav tB50a:r
Leave Broad StroetStatlon, PhiladelphU,
For New York. Express, week fr
St 8 20, 4 05, 4 50, & 16. 6 50. 7 33. 8 S3. 9 60. 10 SO.
iieu i riu.i - p m uintn? car
(dining carl, 3 JD, 4, 5, 0 0 59, 7 13, 8 I
141, 2 id
1201 night. Sunda.s,32i, 4 0 4 51 5 15 8 U,
i)5), L30 (dlnliii; cir). 1103 .i m 12 K, 2aj
I fdinlni? car), 4 Jl (limltel 4 2j . 5 21. nW, W,
7 ii, 1 12 to uu p m, iz 01 night.
Kiproii.o lios.jLi, ,vi.u mt oi n , lit
e3idiiyj, nnd SHpnil illy,
For luttiinu.-o ui.u W -jaiurf J iw, i j, a JL
) 10, 1020, li 13. II 38 k m, (I! 35 lltlUot lin.u:
isr) I., -Ho, I ii, (5 it Jjaro-n.jnl ul-n-U
. dining car), 5 55, (dining car), 817, G5i.
dining car), 7 4j, (dining car) p m. and 12 (ii
night eelc day. Sundays, S 50. 7 2J, 9 10, II 18,
1138am. Ill, 555 dining Cir). 655 (llntns
mi), 7 lot dialog carlpm and 1203 msit.
Leave unraet ureot erry, PallaguiphU
(express, 8 60 am, 2 10, 4 10 and 5 00 pra wh
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and U 45 a m.
For Cape May, Auglcdea, Wlldwooa ana
Holly Beach, express, 9 a. m 1 00 p ra wu
lava. Sundav. 9 00 a m.
ForHea Isle City, Ooean City aud Avatoa.
Sxpress, 900a m, 4 00 p in, week days, oat
lays,9C0am. for oomera Point, express, 8 50, am, 4 10 p
n week days, Sundays, 8 45 a m.
i a . rtl.OST i 1
is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns, cem
etery lots or any kind of tenolng. IS. H. Masrat
nas the agenoy and carries It In stoolc at his
narblo and granite works, 127 H. JIBDIH ST
ii. ,
on HoroTtiroat, iimplcs, txrpper-oroo i
loots. Aches. Old Bores. Ulcers in Mouth. Hair- It
tfdltaR? Wrlto Coou Hemetlv Co., U07 Ma I
onlo'lmpIe,ChlcnKa,lll.orproofs of cures.
fJnnltal sSSUO.OOU. Patients cured nine veara
Hgo today sound andwell. 1 1 u w twalk yre
ipring Gurry Comb
Soft ns n Brush. Pita every Curve The
Used by U. S. Arryy and by Barnutn and
nnd Leading Horsemen of tlio World.
It, Sample tnailcd post paid 25 cents.
COMB CO.. lVSLaRiyette BL, South Bend, Indlaaa.
Vfit. brseo yon op la a week So d with WMTTaJt
.yoop1.S.4lW bedding RingS
&l?&cy Rings, Dia-
faroh vmiia.niftamiuivuiw.' If riMlrctxl ub HCHltls (a4
at lt. nor box hv mil. 6 b.vlrvs In- fl.
rrul,6l"HS(i- V WU vrrys.
wrtttea sntruntro to or rVfund lli toT
CO.. Clsiolsud.l'ttio.
Jtrxtigitl Sinindoah, Pm.
Pool and HimarailfonmsjMiaonaa,
leu iniutit