The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 13, 1895, Image 2

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Published dully, except Sin lay by vuHLisiuita costi'Ayr,
. ? uKlcatlon oflloe and mccUanteal deportment,
North Market Street.
lua tJ ai A Is delivered In Shraandouh And
Pes?ala surrounding town for Six Oents
B week, payable to theearrlers. By mall, Throe
Sollars a year or Twenty-rive cent per month,
tt advance.
A.AvrUitemenl charged according to space
lied position. The publishers reserve the right
fa change the position ot advertisements when
rer the publication of news requires It. The
t Is also reserved to reject any ndvortlse
Vf hethor paid tor or not, that the pub-
may deem Improper. Advertising rates
lvown upon application.
t tho post orace at Shenandoah. P.
hd mall matter,
ana Mh
theoMaL" nrnsiyo UKiiALJt.
The rU' Shenandoah, Pcnnn
David Kl"pt
mpup3?. Herald
In writing ot ' :
David Kennedy's11 UAKY 13, 1895.
"One year ag
r ,.flrc
iuy ll. Inrltrln -t.hB
T I.. t - .
r T- ii irnall ana
before I had used the thirir! "fallen
was all cone. ' xeoesrs
Favorite Eemedy cures ch.
or inflammatory rheumatism;"
diseases brought about by lmput
or an excess of ucld in the blood, s
ni-lnni-ir trnnhlm. dvsneosin. constlnit.
Vl,lnror liver comnlalnts. it is a
known speciflc.
Fire Alarm Boxes. ,F ,s(rivo by nll ,ncal)S ju t10ir pow
The following list shows the location (,Volop along Amoricau lines
OI tno alarm ooxes ui mo oucuuvuw" i
fire department : u
, , t, us Is easier to
15 Coal and
16 Bow deficit."
-..tup rt tijnt tue tr1u robbera who
looted nn express cur in California tho
other day took only the gold coin aboard,
1 eavlag alt the silver behind, will doubt
less be pointed out by the silverplated
s tat es men as another goldbug discrimina
tion HtfuiaBUthe white metal.
SECRETUtT CARLISLE guesses that the
Treasury surtiluB for the callender jear ot
1 8 will exceed 128,000,000, and the coun
try guesses thacMr. Carlisle doesn't know
what he is guessing about. All .signs
indicate that the, country is altogether
the more accurate Kucsser of the two.
A vOTEWOKTlir feature of the present
war In Asia is the success of the Japanese
in keeping their own couns 1. Their plans
ot campaign have from the beginning
been carefully prearranged. Every march
nil battle has been Btudled and deter
mined in advance as delibprately and
convincingly an a mathematical problem.
And never once have their plans gone
Tigley Every movement has been sue
sessfulj and has vindicated by its results
the wisdom of the original scheme. But
never has there been a premature dis
olo'ure. Foes and friends allkehave been
feept wholly In the dark as to what was
,Kolng on, nntll the end in view was
-attained. And If the latter have some
imeR had their faith and patience sorely
tested, the former have been misled,
iiarrled and overwhelmed with confusion.
'OUR Democratic friends fall into error
and commit gross injustice when they
attribute to Republican journals a desire
t "hart, at" everything done by the Ad
ministration or by CongresB. The party
aiot in power, which appears from tho
latest returns to comprise a largo ma
jority of the people, has given cordial
support to President Cleveland in every
. thln-i that couH'be-reconciled with the
Sjood of the country. It retains, but has
mot at all busd, its right to Judge and
its duty of judging whether measures
proposed ivere bnrmful or not. The. fact
8s there has been no disposition or motive?
fsh&ce the oven-helming defeat of the
Democrats lastNovember, to criticise the
President any further than was necessary.
Greater and more complete overthrow
would not be expected under nuy clrcum
Mtances. The President's attitude to
ward his party was precisely buqIuob .to
Rorce Mui Into ncoord with Republicans,!
af he desired to aeogjjilttli anything for
fct country or ta pave'hls Administration
Srom unprecedented dishonor. It was the
feeling of most Republicans that, having
lou- all that he oould for hl party up to
hat time, ha would be impelled by tho
MiTOntjest motlvbB to an elevated, non
Ciartisan nd patriotic course for the rest
of his term, ami, bowing to the htrangely
emphatic decision of the people, could
gracefully join In such measures for the
irellef -of the oouutry as wore plainly de
wired by tbe majority. Hp has chosen
tin a Jar a very different part, and has
eade It simply impossible for the mill
tons, who voted against his party last
November, to commend his course. The
leaan who sho s contempt for pu Idle opin
ion in this ceuutry by trying to defeat Us
Wleelslens, and setting np his private no -
ons against the wishes of all parties, is
ertain to ilnd himself where the Presl-
.lent Is now, hated by his own party,
trusted by no other, and regarded with a
certain Impatient scorn bv lnMlr.pnf.
citizens who care more for public welfare
Alian for any party.
American Woolen Manufacture.
In a spem-h at Boston before the ."in-
tionnl Association of Wool Manafuotur
ers Mr. Theodore J. search or I'litia j
dolphin lold Ms nmllenoo a fow homr
luols in refcrence to American textile
rooH Ho said: " Wo Iriilt a tariff wall
higher then prince or potentate ovr
dnrufl to ifuiltl, aiirt yet in one year 4)(10,
000,000 of foroipn textiles climbed up
its sides and spread all over the coun
try. Manufacturers stood ngliast. In
tho fnco of an almost prohibitive tarilf
our own people demanded foreign fjoodf
and paid for tlioni. "
It needed something more than a -10
por cent duty, Mr. Search continued, to
keep tho oxquisitoly finished foreign
toxtiles out or America. Tho reason was
tliat tlio foroign goods wero so inncli
moro artistic and so much bettor spun,
dyed and woven than tho homo articles.
Tho superior oxcellencownsto bo traced
to tho industrial schools fostorod in
every country of Enropo by tho govern
meuts. Sinco tho timo of Prime Minis
tor Golbort, France had given heavy na
tional aid to technical and artistic in
strnotion. Every other country of En
Tope, oven bankrupt Italy, has aided ar
and industrial schools. The result is
that Americans jump eagerly at the
soft, ricli foreign woolens and noglect
tho Aiuoricau weave. It will never be
any different till wo havo patient, en
thusiastio and careful technical train
sv - Hin our republic. Every iiiniintnctnr
' dmiustry lias it noblo and beautiful
j.,f (H owu This our maiiuf'acturrrf
hi 111-'-. IS ( 0110. aUH.W'.frntt-V'
jiuin WO - un lor-
, vucral lor rayj
eign goods. " . ,
Tho United Status wants a cable to
tho Hawuiian Islands, and that right
soon It will not only fill a present iicim1
to this country, but it will provent oth
er nations from heading us off in thu
construction of an ocean tolegrnph to
tho south Pacific.
Think tho best possiblo of others, in
stead of tho worst.
This is Charles A. Dana's opinion of
tho newspaper man who pretends to bo
infallible: "Thorn is a tradition in somo
newspapers of tho old sohool that you
mnst protond to a silly infallibility and
hover admit yon havo boon wrong That
is a silly rulo. If n man has not the
moral qonrage to say, Yos.'I was wrong,
mid I don't now believn what I said at
Fomo former lime; if holiai not courage
to say that, ho had better retiro from
bikini ss and uovcr try to make another
newspaper "
A Phlladelphian Cured of Gravel.
(Philadelphia, Pa , Item.)
Since the investigations of the claims
made for Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
by the press, they have received letter
from every state In the Union, and find
the remedy falls in few cases.
The opinion of the average physician
has been that kidney and urinary troubles
could be cured only by long and per
sistent treatment. Dr. D-ivid Kennedy's,
favorite Remedy acts quickly, curing ob
stinate cases in a very short time. , ,
Ope of our best known citizens, Mr.
John J. Neill, of 2137 North ' Eighth
street, was a sufferer from gravel, in
speaking of his case said : "I had a very
bad attack of gravel, and Dr, David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, taken about
one month, completely cured me. I can
not say too much Ip Its favor." , , ,
Favorite, Remedy is prescribed with un
falline success for all diseases brought
about by an excess of urja acid In, the
blood. In, rheumatism, , dyspepsia, and
nerve troubles, (t, has. made many .cures
that yrqre considered, beyond tthe aid of
medicine. Dr,. .David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy can be obtained ot all druggists
at one dollar a bottlef or six bottles for
five dollars.
' nnritiir-
Cnre guaranteed. No operation. In-
jqnlre at t;ie Shenandoah drug store, No.
I South Main street. - u-13-tf
When Baby was sick, -ire gave her Costorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Costorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla.
Whon Bhe had Children, she gave them Costorla.
Buy Keystone fionr. Be suro that the
name hESBlu & Baeii, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
J Is the truthful, startling title of a little
book that tells all about No-to baa, the
wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobnoeo
habit aure. The cost ts trillllng and the
man who wants to qult'and can't runs no
physical or financial risk in using "No
lo baa" Sold by all druggists.
Book at drug stores or by mall free.
Address The Sterling Remedy Co., In
diana Mineral Springs, Ind. 2 7-5t
You will never find Brennan's cigars
in dive saloons. They are for fine trade
only hotels, cafes and drug stores.
Emllv Thnrnp. whn i-ahMii of
Toledo. Washington, says she has never
been llllln tn nmrniv. ii . mulMn.
1 rheumatism that relieves the pain so
tor lama back wjjh great suocess. For
' Gruhi! " '
' 'lie proprietor ot Pan-Tina have spent
thu8n3s of dollars to make it known
that It
oures Coughs, Colds and La
Bottles of Pan-Tina at Gruhler
Bros, drug stor
The Patties Ooming Togetlier on
a Finanoial Plau,
Tho -Waj 1 ami Manns Commit ton of the
HotHo KiiTerA the JuckIIoii to Threnllsin
ocrntN mui Two ltcimhllcans, Who Will
, I'ltMient n rinn.
Washington, Feb. is. The house com-
inltteo on ways and means consumed yes
terday ono more ot tho ton days within
which tho treasury hii3 an option to mnko
the now bonds paynblo In gold, and mndo
decided progress toward an agroemont
Upon n plau to bo reported to thu house.
Aftei-Ing being closeted for two hours
with Secretary Carlisle tho commlttoo
talked over the situation, dolcgated tho
framing of an ogreomont ton sub commit
tco of three Domocrnts and two Republi
cans, nud late in tho afternoon learned
that its sub-commltteo had dropped parti
san difforouccs and had formed common
Tho nionibors of the sub-commltteo ap
pointed to draft a plan nro Messrs. Wilson
fW. Vn.l. Turner (Ga.) and McMllllu
(Tenn.), Democrats, nnd Rood (Mo.) and
Honkins (Ills.). Republicans.
Tho resolution reported by the qulntctto
nt tho last meeting was ono to authorize
tho secretory of tho treasury to lssuo toa,
000.000 In 3 ncr cent, bonds payable" In
gold, -with tho proviso that nono of thu
proceeds shall bo used for current Cxpcnsos
nud tho furthor provision requested by
Socrotary Carlisle repealing the-law which
requires tho government to redeem na
tional bank notes nnd roqulrln.l'V.'
reiiuoiii niHir notes iji ,:- Aa n
. snhlect wn"S n minor-
lm)!RlJZ12 T.-Zl sait thero
1 """- wuu muiiHiii, n n mv- lu iuvioito im-
rnvnium. Tfr. nviitim immnspil li smsnlli-
revenue. Mr. Bymim proposed his resolu
tion as substitute, Mr, Wheeler offerrd
a resolution reciting that Secretary Ctu'
llslo liad admitted that tho lssuo of gold
bonds would compol all future Issues to
bo mndo paynblo In gold, that bimetallism
had been declared to be tho poiloy of the
government, that this would bo an aban
donment of bimetallism, nnd thoreforcde
claring that tho coinmlttco considered It
inexpedient to adopt the president's rec
ommendations. Mr. Bryan offered another resolution
recommending that tho secretary of the
treasury should pay all obligations of the
government In either gold or sliver, which
ever it was tho most convenient to use, but
no action was taken on It.
Secretary Carlisle oamo before the' com
inltteo shortly after 10 o'clock. Ho pre
sented a typewritten copy of tho contract
which had boon callod for. Tho principal
foaturos of the contract woro mado known
in tho president's mcssagu. Upon ono point
tho sooretnry particularly enjoined the
committee to maintain secrecy, nnd that
was regarding tho dates for making tho
payments for tho bonds. Ho naked for so
crccy, ho said, at tho request of tho finan
ciers Who havo agreed to take tho bonds,
and because they feared that bankers
would corner tho gold of the world against
them If the time It would bo needed was
known and tho methods by which It was
to bo obtained. Accordingly tho committee
adopted a resolution pledging its members
not to reveal the terms of tho document u
far as it concerned the payments.
Many questions woro asked the secre
tnry, which ho answered iu order, giving
tho amounts of all kinds of money In the
treasury, nnd much other Information not
When Mr. Reed asked why the plan
which ho recently,proposed In tho house as
a substitute for tho administration bill
would not lo n satisfactory measure, tho
secretary proceeded to quote a fenturo of
tho act of 167-1.
There was a disposition on tho part of
certain members to Intimate in their ques
tions that tho administration had shown
favoritism In its negotiations of a private
contract, and tho qucstlou was directly
asked whothor tho bonds were not to bo
sold nt a rato unnocccssarlly low oonslder
Ing the prevalent prices Ip tlvp market.
Secretary Carllslo admitted that the
bankers practically had tho government at
their mercy, and lie was obliged to accept
tho host terms that could be mndo with
them. That bettor terms could havo been
scoured he denlod emphatically,
Denouncing the liond Isaup.
' PlULAliELl'WA, Feb. 18. At the Lin
coln's birthday anniversary banquet of the
Young Republican club of this city, hold
In St, Goorgc's linll last night, a decided
sensation was ' created by tho speech of
Representative James It, Walker, of Mnss-nchu.-tts,
a member of tho ways and
means committee,, who' vigorously de
nounced President Clevolnnd and Scoro
tary Carlisle for their action in tho pres
ent financial crisis, and especially In
pledging tho ways and means committee
to secrecy regarding tho dato of 'the pro
posed bond issue.
Pullman Old Not Snub the Court.
Chicago, Fob. m. Proof of tho attitude
of Georgo M. Pullman toward tho United
Stntoe dlstrletootirt will be heard by Judge
AanHBuuij hi uie uiiuiuuers UHiuy. .ur.
Tullmnn appeared In the judges room yes
terday just before tho court oouvenod to dis
pose of the Debs case. He wm aocompouled
by Robert T. Lincoln, his legal adviser,
who mado n statement for -Mr. Pullman
relative to his inuouenoe of an Intentional
oontmpt of court. He said his client ww
in Auburn, N. Y., at the time Deputy
Marshal, Jones was looking for him, uud
the first ngttM he had that he wo wttuhtd
was Uf rending the aououut iu the dally
Bonntnr Iligglns Mny Withdraw.
DOVER, Del., Feb. U It is said Unit
there Is a possibility uf Senator Higglns
withdrawing from tho Senatorial contest
on March 1, and turning Ids votes over to
Kdward G. Bradford. Tho story, was men
tioned to n lllgglns man, and lie replied:
"Senator lllgglns can't control a single
voto which is being oast for him.- ' We are
votlug for him voluntarily. If ho should
ask me to voto for .Mr. Bradford I would
refuse to d so.',' It is said that Am humi
dor Bayard will seojiro five votes beforo
the week oloses.
Chargcif with Ncjilnct of Duty,
Brooklyn, Feb. 13. Judge Brown, of
tho general term of thosupromo oonrt,
granted an order compelling Justice Wnt
bou, of tho Ewon stroot pollco court, to
show cause why ho should hot bo removed
f rpm office. Tho order Is made roturutihlo
on Monday next. Tho chariis against Jus
tice Watson is that he failed of Ids duty in
tlio cases of persons brought before him
j charged with attacking street railway em-
pioyes ana cars.
9 K
Mend and. Scalp Raw wt:i
Places SUo of Silver Dolltir. Va
rious ITemcdlei on!7cu",,. Yrcth
Eruptions. Applied CUTICfUA.
Change In Twenty-four Hoiirn.
rerfect Curo In Two Wrefcj.
Mv little son, iiKd three, was very m" h
troubled -with a breaking out on h ' siu-,i
and behind his car. Tho places ullectcd woi-o
about aa larpe ns a silver dollar; the TeHi
seemed raw and covered with little blisterj.
The child sullercd considerably, and was t
urally very fretlul. 1 tried several remedies
without obtaining any beneficial results: In
fact the cruptlo-is seemed to Ire sl'redillns
and new places breaking out. I coticludad to
try the CcricrnA RtiiiKDiUs. I washod tho
arfected parts with tho Ccticcoa gOAp, tail
ing care not to irritate tho flesh, and abplied
Cuticuua. 1 noticed a cliango tor the bettor
in the appearance of tho eruptions In twenty
four hours, and lh two Weeks the ernptiimS
entirely disappeared, leaving the skin smooth
and the scalp clean; In fact a ffrfret,
as I have not seen any Indications or any
4 vrv Wfr m
eruption or breaking out since. Jrffflftpftff''" T3i
S5! vJS,T,y V?".!' rCrFicctu r:w.
SOI.. KJ(T. .Mntn,. ' T l.nltnvn fl-Tl
.J?Y" "V"rfwiceIlentforapplylnstolnsect bites,
.-wrircn are very annoyliiK In tills countr.. .
u. a Au.iiiiiti.Mt, bwiic isianu, XN. jt
Sold throughout tho world. Prlce.CuTtct Ou,
60c; BoAP,2Se.; HEnotysNT, $1.
AWU Chkm. Ciinp., Solo Propi., llOBton.
f-" Ho.w to Cure Every Bkln Dlssaee," free.
A Turbulent Sc.imi Over the
mid .in, Mi-Ill f til I.
WAHiiiMiro ., Feb. 13. -The house hadii
turb.dent sess'ou yestcnlay over tho fluid
passage of tho legislative and judicial bill.
Two of the items of tlio bill -reducing the
force at the pension ofilcennd providing
annual clerks for members of congress
excited warm controversy, Messrs. Piokler
(S. D.), Mllllken (Mo.), Htdner (Neb.) and
Baker (N. H.) protostlngngalust tho reduc
tion of tho pension office force, alleging it
was a covert move to displace old soldiers
and widows of soldiors omployod there.
Tho debate was diverted into flnnncinl
channels by Messrs. Coombs and Van
Voorhls, of New York, who indulged in
hot criticisms and personalities. Tho op
position to tho pension Item Was not ef
fective, however, and tho effort to secure
annual clerks for members was finally de
feated. The hill was then passed,
Though the postofficq appropriation bill
had tho right' of way In tlio senate, much
of tho tlmo of that body was consumed In
a speech by Mr. Stewart on tho president's
message and another by Mr. Allen contin
uing Ids discussion of the alleged frauds
In Alabama. Tho latter occasioned somo
debate, In which Mr. Morgan took n prom
inent part. Iu tlio morning hour Mr.
Jones reported tho bill adopted by the
finance committee providing for the free
ciiiungu of (diver, and Mr. Gray reposed
the adverse action of the committee on
privileges and elections on the bill provid
ing fur rh election of senators by a direct
vote ot the people. When tho debate was
ivMiinod on the postoffice hill tho discus
sion dragged along and no progress w;is
made. At j o'clock, by special agreement,
piivnte pension bills were taken up and
the appropriation bill laid asido. After a
short executive session the senate ml-'
J turned.
Mllrilrr'il by Mi xli-in llnnillts.
City of Mexico, Feb. V Thero nro no
devel iphinnrs of Importance In connection
with the Guatemalan situation. Word lias
lieen received from- Piieblu of an outrage
upon n party of Americans by Mexican
bandits. wt a tie citnio on the Inter
Oceanic ra'lroad Captain William .Scott,
nti ox-capfnln of the, Texas Rangers, his
brother John, another American named
Franklin, and u wuman wero surrounded
by sixty Mexican bandits, who shot the
men down, rohbod fheiu of everything of
vnlno nud nbUscd the woman shanief ully
Tho mfe'rt will hardly recover. Americans
nud Kngllsh started in pursuit of tho ban
dits, and It Is reported .thatuv number, ot
them havo bojn captured or killed.
Smothered to Deutli In Malt.
Buffalo; N. Y., Fob. 13. Henry V.
Humphrey, an Kngllsliman, aged 45, met
n horrible death by suffocation at tlio Lake
Vlow Malt house. Humphrey and two
others hud been sent to draw dry malt
from an upstairs bin, through chutes, Into
a bin on the ground floor. While the jna)t
was running Hupiplpoy, stepped into- tho
upper hip and his feet were at o.ncg sucked
under tho rushing malt. His comrados
woro unablo to tosjuo him, and beforo tho
chutes could be shut off from below his
head whs burled under four foot of malt.
When dug out tho man wns dead.
Collided with n Trnlley Cur.
Louisvillk, Feb. 18. By a collision be
tween an electrio car uud a wagon at
BjSGok and Main streets Frank Story and
vMre received injuries which will probably
result fatally. The motonnan sow that n
collision wa inevitable and sprang from
his car, leaving it running wild. Tbe oar
struok the wagon nud smashed the rear
end to splinters, throwing the occupants
out and injuring them Internally. Kd
Clark, another oooupant of the wagon, es
oaiied injury by jumping.
Ilrooblrn Strikers Still Itlntiiitn.
Brooklyn, Fob. ia.-Botweun midnight
ami daylight union men and tholr friends
mado an attack on throe trolley cars on
different lines. A brick wns thrown
through n window nt a car on tho Tomp
kins nvenuo lino; n non-union conductor
on the Bushwiokavenuollno wnsassaulted
and badly boaton by five men j a mob at
tacked a car on tho Flushing uvenuo line
with brloks and stpuos, breaking nearly
overy window in the car. No nrrosts were
A Youtbful Murderer's Confession.
Boston, Fob. lii -Walter A. Scott, aged
19, of Weston, confossod yesterday to tho
murder of James Slamln, n coachman In
this ol,ty on Dec. 5. Scott wa arrested
Monday night charged with tho murder of
Slainimind tho shooting of John T. Lor
den, wlillo'thoy wero making nu attempt
to arrost him for robbery. Scott inmli.
1 eates Robert T. Wise, of Oharlostowu.who
J bnjl limvlniislv beetl nrrnatn,! fn aiianllnn
Ills: Ilotfl lrtrjf,l by Fire.
Mount Holly. N. .)., Feb. 1:1. --The hi t
hold at Browns Mills In the li e- vw.s I
en I In I' destroyed by (Ire ycstcnbiv it I to r
noon, citusliifr a loss of iH.Vi.oik) No nne i
has lieen living In the hotel .siiiie il was
closed sovornl months ago. Nothing wns
saved from the fire. This wni one of the '
most handsomely furnished hotels in the I
state, but it lias not been ti paying invest-
menu since it was enlarged a few years
A Famous lnsurnncn Cnso limlcil.
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Fob. 18. Tho suit of
the heirs of Dr. W. G. Frakor, of Kxcolsor
Springs, for $11,000 llfo Insurance, was
settled out of court yesterday, tho llfo in-
lustirnuce companies virtually admitting
that after nil tho missing doctor Is renllv
dead. Tho amount tho hulrs will rccelvo
undor tho compromlso Is t39.018. This
ends tho famous caSo.
Th MUI I In Kxonnrntrd,
Brooklyn, Feb. IU. Tho coronor's Jurv
In tlio ense of Roofer John Garnoy, who
was shot during tlio striko horo, last night
brought In a verdict to tho effect thatGnr-
ney died of a gunshot wound received nt
tlio hands of tho military in the dlsclinrgo
of their duty. Tho Jury exonerates tho
military from nil blame.
Nearly Cut'to Plt?ces.
CnAMDEitsDUitG, Po., Fob. 13 A tramp
supposed to be Thomas Moloney, 60 years
old, was killed by n Cumberland Valley
railroad train near Marion. Mnlonoy was
In n out between snow drifts, and tried ' o
escape tho train by pushing into tho snow,
but ho was caught by tho car, thrown un
der tho whoels and nearly cut to pieces.
outh Carnl A ,SIiw.Sn-ni
UOI.UM1UA, D, U., 011. IB. T110
storm which commenced Monday morn
ing kept up until midday yesterday nnd
last night It commenced falling again.- It
fell to n dopth often Inches on tho 'level,
and was two or thrco feet deep iu the
drifts, something unknown In this taction
of South Carolina heretofore.
An Embezzling l'ostinnster Caught.'
WASIIIKGTON, Feb. 13. Chief rostoillce
Inspector Wheeler lias boon notliled of the
arrost nt Lowlstown, Pa., of James Gil
more, ox-postmaster at Broken Bow, Nob.,
who is charged witli embezzlement.
Tralu Wreckers in Now- Jersey.
Atlantic City, Fob. 13. An attempt
wns mndo lato yesterday afternoon to
wrock nn express train on tho Reading
road at Pvu. h llammonton by placing
four wooden tlos across tho rails. Tlio en
gineer saw tlio obstruction, and tho only
damngo sustained was a wrecked pilot, al
though tho passengers woroshhkon upand1
frightened. A similar nttcmptwas mndo.
to derail tho Camden and Atlnn tic through
express nt Klwood, but the tics wcre.dls
povered by section hands und removed a
few minutes beforo the train came bowl
ing along. It Is believed that this is tho
work of tramps. ,
A Dead State Treasurer's Illg Shortage.
CAItLYLK, Ills., Feb. 3. When Rufus
Rnmsny, who died suddenly three mouths
ago supposedly of heart disease, wont Into
tho state treasury two years ago ho was
thought to bo tho'rlchost man in southern
Illinois. Within a week over $500,000 in
claims against tho estato has iieen filed,
but tho most startling Is that of tho .five
Chicago bankers who wero his surety as
state treasurer. When Henry Wolf suc
ceeded tho dead man he found a shortage
of 3G3,250.90. Tho bondsmen mndo tho
shortago good, and tho claims are filed for
tholr reimbursement.
Ex-Congressman Dunham's Illvorce.
Chicago, Feb. 13. Tho appellate court
affirmed tho decision of the lower court
granting a docreo of divorce to ox-Con-
. gressmnn Dunham. Tho decision of the
lower court nnnulllng tho divorce which
Mrs. Dunham secured in South Dakota
after her husband's bill was filed hero was
also sustained Tho Dunham's wero very
woalthy and prominent socially, and tho
dlvorco suit filed by the ox-congrcssmnu
charging his wife with unfaithfulness
created a sensation in Chicago society.
Twin Brothers Charged with .Murder.
Toronto, Ont... Fob. 13. Last night
Harry P. Hyiuijs und Dalas Tt Hyains
twin brothers, wero nrreste'd, charged with
tho murder on Jan. 16, 1BU3, of William
Wells, thon in the employ, of tho Hynms.
Tho suspicious, nature of Wells' death,' In!
vlow of the' Hymns' recent nttonipts at
placing largo insurance policies mube life,
of Mrs. Harry Hyams, was told in iho As
sochvted Prpss djapatchesjast week,., . ,.
The Weather.
For New Jersoy nnd eastern Pennsyl
vania, snow; northeast winds, high on tho
poast. For District of Columbia. Delawnro,
Maryland and Virginia, fair; north winds,
becoming northwesterly. The storm in
tho middle gulf has moved to tho middle
Atlantic coasts, Increasing in Jntonslty.
A second storm nppenri tqjjo itovoloplriir
oft the north Pacific coast, r- '"- f
Closing Quotations of tho New York and
rhlliiilelphln Exchanges.
Nr.w Yoiik, Feb. IS. The share speculation
toduy was dull and without Important feat,
ure. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 33 W. N. Y. & Pa..
Pennsylvania B0V4 Erie
Heading 0 ,p L. & W.
Bt. I'aul 'West Shore.......
Lehigh Nav 4T N. Y. Central...
N. Y"& N. B SUjkl Lake Krte & W
New Jersoy Cen... 8Hi Del. & Hudson.
10 I
im I
General Market.
PmnAnELPllM, Feh, 12. Flour atcatlys-lr.-ter
superfiue, jaaS.lS; winter extriw, js.ana
S.iti; No. if winter fHiully. $3.4S.SO; Pennsyl
vania roller straight, SS.SIKJJt.BA: western win
tor, clear. $3.10(98.00. Wheat dull, weak, with
67Wo. bid and 87)4o. asked for February. Corn
quiet, steady, with iH. bid and 47c. asked
for February. Oats quiet, easier, with 35Hv.
bid and Mkie. asked for February. Hay llrmi
good to oholce timothy, S13ia.60. ltoef quiet.
1'orkdull. Lard steady; western steam. J8.00.
Butter quiet; western dairy, lOHilSo ; cream
ery, liasflc; do. factory, 8WHo.; Elglus.ijtk). ;
imltatlpn oreamery, Ulli.; tfpw York dairy,
ll818o. idd. dria'inery, lgS0o.- I'gnnsylvanla
creamery prints, fancy'. j do".' choice. SOc. ;
do. fair tn good. 2125o.; prints jobbing at 8
81o. Cheese firm; New York, largo. WiHf i
small, mWHn.; part Skims, 3&k:; fuli
skims, -2Ho. Eggs weaker; New York and
1'ennsylvanla. 30o.leo housej -Ho.; west
ern, fresh, ft)&lUo.; southurn. "(i'n. c.
Live Stock Murktits.
Nkw Yohk, Feb. 12. Beeves barely steady;
Inferior to very good dry cows at 83ai.25 per
ICOlbp. Cftlvus ilrnil veals. JQ6i barnyard
calves; $2.60:fJ3iVeslern calvfeB,'?ie-).i0. Sheep
and lambs active, but Iqwcn l'oor to good
sheep, S4QJ3.33; 'common toiprnue, $5QB.(Kh.
Iloga steady.
East Ijinaniv,- Pa., Feb. 12. Cattle steady,
at unchanged prices. Hogs heavy; market
Slow; Phlludelphias, S4.a'i3.4U; best Vorkers,
It.SOJjl.M; roughs. $311.76. Hlieep steady at
nuchangedrlces. ,
Why Is It
thnt wc assert in our notices to tho
public as a FACT, proven by
testimony from people right nt
hand, easily reached, and their
statements readily capable of con
firmation, that our preparation is
The Kind that Cures
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Fomnlo Complaints, Nervous
Prostration, La Crlppo, Bloodt
Nerve, Kldnoy, or Skin
Because; nfivlost every disease
arises.. directly ffoin Impure Blood';
and in ALL, when the' blood- h
made 'pure and clean, as Nature
intends,' it to. 'be,1 tide disordcl
is checked. DANA'S, Sarsaparilla
purifies the blood asjib bthej1 reme
dy does. It has made' CURES in
cases of the diseases .named. above
Common sense will therefore ac-"
knowledge that its timely use will
prevent these diseases from taking
FREE for the asking on Postal
"Card to 99 Broad St., Boston,
Mass., an interesting periodical,
the " Life Boat," containing a short
history of the origin and successful
development of DANA'S Sarsapa
rilla, and much useful information,
and other entertaining features,
especially prepared for this publi
cation. Seo that you got DANA'S.
One Solid Week, rommeu Inj
Seymour -Stratton
Coraedy Coaaa.paa3.3r.
Fuper iPat'diaid OcWr,
ChnnRe of Bill Nightly: '"
Wednesday - - "Our Strntiglsts."
Thursdny - - "Ticket of Leave Man."
Friday - - - "Two Orphans."
Saturday - "Dark Side of a GreatCity."
Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m.
Siogirg and Panciog tycialtles
Prices, xo, zo, and 30 cetrs.
Ueserreil Seats n't Klrlln's (true More
CosRrove & Grant's Comedians iu
the Rollicking. Musical, Farce
Iu Us nitli year ot ste dllyTncr atlng
uoces Three hours of CO UK Yl
S-ONO ' DXNOE ! by cl vr comcd
1'Qk, pr tiyg rls and gracefat-daucers.
lveryihlng uew.Jblslyeur. s
Tbree feet two Inches high
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Centsl
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drugstore.
13T ( Arch St. Ph a Pa
Rinnn pnisnw ,,,njsor
HrnNei enr
. l'- mi ijiv
10 11(1 ,ll,v.. Illntol.n.
I lllcerw. bklu lllscnu'B. N
n,l &i..nfVnM,Li' "'V.1" IM-UIIUT
icrvoils PcbllltTl
H V IPtnriiVNnT "vtl- iiild
atlilir. "-""r1-" r II ille.
lj.ot Jlniilnod 11,1,1 smnll Shtiiukcn Or-
i idiy Jlcslorod.
Stn,',"lt""' body. All loswl
mprovement, Kvery otsUicle to!
&y '.uKrlei1 1118 uioml Kirvi!
Shit. enargy, brain povver.E
abusSlSi riiV '"".'"ifnt Victims cl
iSuHefromifia "'"l" your Biauhood.:
. .(SfrthM7,,Bl11 married 'ills reauln
btve'Sd SSS? ? "WWJ.
3'i.0Sl-?c'.e.nco ml honor still -eUt. Send!
Bn.T.MiS. ror "oo" "TRUTH," tiief
S ' '"""."."noslug quacks (no niiitterS
loinUr.? ,ahjvrl198 ve thmwelVM froml
themselves celebrated and fumouj. giving frcefl
avioa and guarantee, cbarging eoormoiiel
prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and thero I
I- .u,,,iK luuusanus. Hours t tf 10 a tuyeu
PFh Sr40, Wed. undSat. JSvo'gs. 6-a0. hun.,1
il-1 x . i n . . .......... . i . i i -.. ... Bnjl
hopeless cases should call for examination. 1
uuujr, irom u-i. wed, and Hat. eve ga, -, anal
ISS:' ?' Wrl'ecrcoll. Treatinsntby mall.