The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 07, 1895, Image 4

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Scnntora DNrtiMhijc tlio .I'ropmeil Cubic
tJotmrctlmi with Hawaii.
"WasHin ,-, 1M. 7. Tlio Hawaiian
quostio .vneral, mid tho Hawaiian
onhle in ..nii-ulur, wore tho main thotnes
befbro the sonata yesterday. Tho dlplo.
mntlo consular npiiroprintlim bill win
ttikim up and wnulil have tieen quickly
disposed of except for tlio ltom of ttWU.OOO
for immediately beginning civblo construc
tion between tho United States und Ha
waii. Mr. anils, of Texas, nuvilo a point
of order ngalnSt tlio cablo proposition
Which Is likely to rule It out, but tho de
cision was wliltbbold until senators could
further debute Hawaii.
Mr. Hah) (Mo.) presented estimates
ehowlltfc the pnwpfotlvo cost of tho cable
tobonboutfc,IWJ,000. Mr. Piatt (Conn.)
upheld tho oible project, mid rend early
presidential messages of Mr. Cleveland
urging oongrowi to provide for tho cable.
Mr. I'lntt also maintained that Grout
Britain would build this oablo if the
Unitod States did not, thus linking Eng
land and Hawaii by commercial ties. Mr.
Tollot (Colo.) renewed his criticisms of
Secretary Herbert's course toward Hawaii.
Mr. Gray ( 1V1. ) defended tho courso of Sec
retary Herbert and of the administration,
and caustically charaotorlzed tho over
throw of Queen l.ll iw a "mean, paltry
conspiracy." Ho declared H was abqut as
commcndiible as a husband beatlnga wlfo.
Tho Hawaiian debate was rusumcd today.
Tho bill for a now postofllco at Chicago
was passed without opposition.
Tho debate in tho house on the adminis
tration bill authorizing tho issuo of $500,
000,000 of gold bonds for tho retirement of
the legal tenders and treasury notos was
not productive of marked incident of any
kind. A good deal of confusion existed
after 2 o'clock, when tho commltteo began
voting on amendments to this bill. Most
of tho amendments wero defoutcd as rap
idly as offered. The commltteo on bank
ing and currency sustained two dofeats,
two of tho amendments proposed by that
commltteo being voted down. Thoy wore
tho amendment proposing to strike out
tho section providing for tho paymout of
custom dutios In gold, which was allowed
to stand amended so as to make thum pay
able In gold and silver, and that compell
ing national banks to carry tliotr reserve
in gold and silver lu. Mr. Bland's sub
stitute was ruled out on a point of ordor
Farmers Intlorun the lMillIlpg 11111.
ItALElUH, X. C, Fob. 7. Tho supremo
council of the Farmer,,' Alllanco declined
.to tnko action yesterday on tho plan pro
Jested by the national federation of farm
ers, for merging all the farmers' organiza
tions into ono grwii "ompany. Tho coun
cil indorsed tho Phillip bill introduced in
tho national house of representatives Jan.
14, 1KB, providing for tho appointment by
the prosident of a non-partisan Indus
trial commission to collect Information
and to consider and recommend legisla
tion to moot problems presented by labor,
agriculture and capital.
local News Gleanings Condensed for
Hasty Perusal.
Beautiful moonlight nights.
Considerable grip about again
Double extra good men for Council this
year. t
Much complaint about slippery side
These days the mercury and people take
Uncle Sam just now is badly In need of
the gold euro.
This is certainly something like an old
fashioned winter.
Valentines are making their appear
ance In the store windows.
We are going to have an early spring,
so weather-wisq people say.
Weather prophets agree that February
and March will be cold months.
The days are nosv Increasing in length
at tlie rate of two minutes per day.
If tho ice houses are not filled this
winter it won't be Jack Frost's fault.
Thus far this winter our cold waves
bavenot been attended with heavy winds.
The beautiful snow is all right if you
don't have to shovel off your own side
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
Is the truthful, startling title of a little
book that tells nil about No-tobnc, the
won lerful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
hibltoure. The cost Is triflling and tho
man who wants to quit and can't runs no
physical or financial risk in using "No
to bao " Sold by all druggists
Book at drug stores or by mall free.
Address The Sterling Itemedy Co., In
diana Mineral Springs, Ind. 8 7-St
Th New York comedy success, "The
Circu. Uirl," will appear upon the boards
at Ferguson's theatre on Saturday even.
ing, j'euruHry win. xnis is one or tlip
Kftaipst luUfcical eoiutcllea ever written,
ind wil1 appear here In the sums elaborate
form t"t signaling its brillHpt engage
incuts in the large cities. The company
1 , headed by MU Mud Cr.iig, the world's
gi'tate-t woMkioiml Spanish and ggrpeu
tluii ilauoer.
Tte sSeymour-Stratton Comedy Com
pany with superb baud and orchestra,
will yl' rt week's engagement at Fergu
son thMlra next Monday evening in the
sensitloual ejomedy drama entitled, "The
Gold King," Thos, Stratton appearing as
Jack He.lmond, tho Gold King, and
I.izzle Seymour as Pug O'Hare. Singing
and dancing speolaltles are Introduced
and the prices nre 10, 30 and 30 cents
Seats on sale at Klrllu's drug store.
Mrs. Emily Thorne, who resides at
Toledo. Washington, says she has never
been able to procure any medicine for
rheumatism that relieves the pain so
quickly and effectually as Chitnberlain'a
Pain Balm and that she bus also used it
for lame back with great success. For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
Rents Most Be Lowered Home Industry
Argument Revived.
Careful inquiry has convinced mo that
It will require heroic measures on the
part of landlords to toue down tho future
Interests of this town. A few weeks hence
there will be at least a dozen less busi
ness places than nre now found open.
This should be a hint to properly owners
to act, and act at once. Many of tlio best
business people are complaining that tho
hard times, heavy credit business and
high rents are gradually forcing them to
the wall,
Many families of the town are in groat
distress, ami In several Instances they
have "doubled Up" in au effort to rednce
the rent. This saving with a use of stoves
on the co operative plan is enabling them
to "stand off" the effects of the times, to
some degree.
But In the midst of all these evidences
of stringency money is plentiful, except
as a circulating medium. The deposits
as shown by the statements of the Mer
chants' and First. National banks are
surprisingly large nnd the secretaries of
the saving funds say the payments come
in regularly. There is also considerable
money hoarded privately by people who
would rather throw their savings into a
stove than trust them to tho banks: , All
this money Is tied up. No one wants to
Invest mi til the flnatcial cloud hovering
over the country gives some Indication of
disappearing. It Is hoped that' whon sun.
shine beams again tho people who have
the means will roll up their sleeves and
do something towards giving the town
industries that will furnish tho people
with a dependence other than that fur
nlshed by the coal mines. If our capitalists
will si ep forward and ehow a disposition
to put up their money they will find
many of less means, but who can give
some help, willing to follow their ex
ample. Shennmloah can be made a place
of many Industries that will come in very
handy when a dull coal market throws
tho breakers idle. The cap factories of
town are breasting the hard times and
manage to distribute among some people
sums tbnt come in handy in these times.
These industries provo good stand-bys.
When Baby -was sick, wo gave her Castorla,
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, eho clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, "she gave them Castorla.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list shows the location
of :fc. nhirm boxes of the Shenandoah
lire department:
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Mnin nnd Centre streets.
32. Jardiu and Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Mnin and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40. Oak and Gilbert streets.
48. West and Poplar streets.
52 Chestnut and Coal streets.
154. West and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once nnd let go. When an
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number of the box and repeat the
alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded frofn box 15
tho fire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate that
the fire is in the vicinity of No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times.
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, Is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he is a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jus.
O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia,
Texas, was sick in bed for ten davs with
the grip during its prevalence a year or
two nco. Liater in ine season lie ftau a
second attack.- He says: "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy
wun cousiuerame success, l tninK, only
being in bed a little over two days. The
second attack I am satisfied would have
been equally as bad as the first but for
the use of this remedy." It should be
borne In mind that the grip is much the
same as a very severe cold and requires
precisely the same treatment. When you
wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually
give this reufedy a trial. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evenino HERALD
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive tho
paper as new subscribers, Rre requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
tationery store, on North Main street,
- -r
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls-
aBes relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of it exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys.
back and every part of the urinary pas-'
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tontion of water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief ami pure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Phurwaoy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. 10'3ai
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at tliH Shenandoah drug store, No,
taulh Main street. 9-13-tf
O. W. O. Hardmiin. Sheriff of VvUr
Co , W, Va., appreciates a good thing
and does not hesitate to hay so. He was
inmost proiiraieii witu a cold when he
procured a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Itemedy. He says ; "It gave me
prompt relief. I And it to be an Invalu
able remedy for coughs and colds." For
sale by Gruhler Bros.
You will never find Brennan's cigars
in dive saloons. They are for Ann trade
only hotels, cafes and drug stores.
Smokers' articles, silver
and Are cigar tubes at Brennan's clear
"tore. 13-21-tf
President Olevelnmt Mottle the Long rend
ing lloitmlary Oltpiile,
Washington, Feb 7. Tho president
yesterday amiouncod his decision as arbi
trator between Brazil and Argentina In
the boundary dispute between the two
countries ovor tho Mlsslones territory.
Tho decision is In favor of Brazil.
The territory involved covers rtu area ol
81,000 squnro nilloa, und has n population
of nbout 7,000 lnlmbitnnts. In curly col
onial times it wiw the subject of frequent
controversy between tho crowns of Portu
gal and Spain, and efforts have been ninde
in inoro recent tlmos to nrrango tho dis
putes between Brazil and Argontlnn by
treaty, but all without success up to this
Tho sltuntion of tho disputed territory
is of no llttlo Interest, not ouly from a
political but from a military standpoint.
Its loss to Brazil would almost havo cut oil
tho rloh and populous state of ltlo Grande
do Sul from tho remainder of tho repub
lic, leaving only a narrow neck of land ol
something loss than fifty leagues in width
ns a moans or connection. Thus tho tor.
rltory of Mlsslones, If held by a foreign
power, would bo n continual menace to the
pence and progress of Itlo Grand do
well us to the states of tho north- Inas
much as Mlssto.xw has always boon In tho
possession of Brazil, tho willingness of the
latter to submit tho matter to arbitration
has caused oousldernblo favorablo com-
Senator Porter's Case Against Andrmvs.
Philadelphia, Feb. 7. William T. An
drews, wh l In wlHi hnvlm.
libelous statoments against Senator 0. A.
I'ortor. of thu contrnntlnif firm nf Vllliovf
Portor & Co., was placjd on trial In tho
criminal court yestorday. Tho caso grows
out of tho construction of tho Qucon Lauo
rosorvolr, tho contract for whloh was
awardod Fllbjrt, Portor & Co. for over
$1,000,000. Andrews Is charged with hnv
tng wrlttort a lottor to Biroctor of Publto
Works Wiudrlm. lu which ho accused tho
firm of havlutr irrosslv vlnlnf-.i .,, tn.,.
of its contract and charged thorn with
navmg cncatoil tlio city out of nonrly ?250,
000. Only two witnesses wero callod for
tho prosecution yesterday City Controller
Thompson and Director Wlndrlm both
ui wnom pronounced tho charges falso
Sonsatlonal developments nro promised
wuvu mu uoiuiiMO opens,
A lllnmoml Thief Cnnturod.
St. Louis, Feb. 7. Just as Frank P.
Montrose, au ox-convlnt nml nmA.! .ii.
mond thief, accompanied' by his young
wlfo, stopped from a Louisville and Nash
ville trnln at tlio stntion ho was placed
under arrost by detectives, nnd both were
taken to lall. Thn nrl Count llfnlrti mT)in
and tried hard to use a revolver, but a
iuw mows suuuuru liim and ho consented
to go peaceably. Ho Is wanted for robbing
Jowelor J. W. Str
Ind., of $2,000 worth of diamonds, snatched
from a tray shown him by n salesman. Ho
admits his guilt. Ho has also beon recog
nized hero as ono of tliroo men who robbed
a vaoasn tram conductor horo somo tlmo
ago. .
Proposed Local Option for Pcnnnylvanln.
-UARiiisuuiiO, Kob. 7. A local option
bill was dropped into tho legislative hop
por yesterday by Representative Ponno
wlll. of Phllndolnhla. Tt. nmrM
when a majority of property holders of any
uii-j, Miuu, uurougu or townsnip, county
or part thereof, slinll
tho granting of licenses tho court shall ro-
A.. luuiu, in mu sounto ino nouso reso
lution nrovldlncr for nn i
insauo hospitals to nscortnin how many
uiiimuiuiu loroigners nro nelng accom
modated in them, with a view of having
mum luturuuu io moir nomos, was con
cuircu in.
Driven to Desperation l,y Poverty,
PlTTSIimm. Fnl 7 T .Mills WHUnm fflnl
, . U( uikitui VAJl"
ored), driven to desperation by poverty, in
a burst of frouzv throw n (Intir,,,, f i,i
wife, which struck her on tho head nud
urusucu nur HKiiu. jsno roll to tho Iloor,
and her husband kicked and bent hnr nn.
morclfully. When an officer arrived he
lounu Williams eating from a box con-tulnlno-
wnsldnir nnwilnr 1mk to1,ii. i,
thought was "Hough on Rats." At tho
polico station ho said tho family hod been
ivmuuuu iuuu mr Lureo uays, jurs. will
luiuu ileum is momentarily oxpectod.
The Trial of llnweate.
Washington. Fob. 7 t.,:h
in tho Howgato ca3e yostordny continued
I.e. nffn.. I TT . ...
" uuuui-ui, itowgnto witli alleged
iruuuuiuub payments. Treasurer Roch
ester, of tho Western TT,,I
upon tho stand, Tho government offored
iu pruvu iiiui tno president of tho Amer
ican Tolecranh union el
blank, which Howgato subsequently flllod
i.uuumv nt ouoct win no al
lowed, oxcoptlous being noted by tho de-
New Foimillnnil's Now ailulstrv.
ST. John's, N. F., Feb. 7. It is rumored
that tho Whltoway ministry will bo gaz
etted today. It Is probable that tho now
uuuiuoii win oo mauo up or sir William
Whltownv nnd Miw
Woods, Emerson nud Duff. Tho allotment
oi oiuuos wis not yoc ooau matlo, Much
(HftSJlt .RfnP.Hnn l.V.f-l nnmiw. 41. n ....... 1
fllo of tlio w Jiltewuyitos, and It Is oxpectod
tlttlf tl... v.n... ,, . ...
.,...v uu iuiuiKiii-y win meet witn nn
uuimuiuuiu muupiion m tno legislature.
Parents and Pour Children Cremated.
Standish, Mich., Fob. 7. Tho rosldenco
oi donu Jtoeli, ut Omer, Mich., was do
stroyed by fire at 5 o'clock in the morning,
and tho famllv. ounsii ,r air .u...,a
Mr. Book,- his wife, two boys and two
Bins, ware iiuriieu to ueatn. Tho lire wus
not discovered bv neil.l IAN lltttll l.n.
building was practically destroyed. It Is
upjnmru uiui w are cauglit rrom u stov
plpo. The charred bodies havo boeu ro
Fntnl Wreok on tho Grand Trunk.
Pohtlanii, Mo., Feb. 7. A oolllslon oo
curml at South Durham, Que., on the
uriHiu -.ruuKroftu. iJuringa heavy gal
and uliow fitnrm n filtrlih f,.,,!,
snow plough ciuno into collision, lustnntly
killing Charles Lenlhan, Uremau of tho
rK..f.i.. mi i . .
xue uugiuwruuiioouiiuctor wero
bmlly injured. Tho engine of tho freight
and tho suow plough wore wrecked und a
number of oars thrown from tho traok.
Steamer Cleiifuego n Total Lou,
NewYohk, Fob. 7. Tho maritime ex
change has received a dispatch stating
that tho btoamor Cleufucgos, which went
nshoru at Harbor Island, was a total loss.
But llttlo of her cargo can lio saved, und
that In a badly damaged condition
Waiting for the Vota of the lloiue.
Washington, Fob. 7. It seoms now to
bo settled that no announcement of aii
othor bond loan will bo made until tonight
or later, whon the house will have voted
on the pending administration bill.
Harry Vmi'l'-i hurst Rin-d hv His Wlfo.
Bai.timoi:!', l''.b. ; Whenever Treas
urer Harry It. Vondorhnint, of tho Haiti
more B'lseball club, can bo found notice
Will be served on him of n suit Instituted
by his wlfo for alimony for tho supp irt f
herself and children. No divorce Is naked
for. Mrs. Vanderhorflt states that her
husband's modo of living Is such that,
though he Is a mnn of nmplo fortune, she
fears that bis estnto may becomo Insolvent
and that sho and her children will bo with
out moans of support. Sho also states
that hor husband hns deserted her.
Mrs. Wlckm Dlvorcn Cno.
CHICAGO, Fob. 7. Judge Smith yester
day allowed an ameiidmi'iit to bn mndi to
tho dlvoroo bill filed by Laura U. Wiekes,
agntnst her hilband, Thomas H. Wiel;",
vico prosident of tho Pullmitn Palaco Car
company. Th i nmen.lniont c!iargos ex
tremc and nspnatn 1 oru dty on tho part ol
defendant. Jlrs. Wlokns avers that ho .
repcateilly struck and cur3d hur, and has
within the last fbw years deprtvinl hr of
comforts suitable to hor condition of life
and society, and lias also refused to con
verso with her.
llarf-lnn Itoli n County Cleric.
CHlOAiiO, Feb. 7. Burglars secured en
trance, into tho county clerk's office some
time during Tuesday night, and fludlng
tho lowor vault unlocked secured posses
sion of tho cash box ahd took therefrom
$110 In currency and checks for 1,000. Tho
theft was not discovered until tho assist
ant cashier, W. T. Householder, arrived
at the olllco yesterday morning. How tho
robbory was committed is a mystery, as
tho watchman passed tho vault doors sev
eral times during tho night, and It was al
ways closed.
Jim Niitt Will Keoover.
A'THISON, Kan., Feb. 7. First reports in
dicated that James Nutt had been so seri
ously Injured by Mrs. Pnyton that ho
would not recover, but when ho was
brought horo It was discovered that,
though his face was somewhat battered,
ho Is not dangerously hurt. Ho spent tho
night walking his cell, saying, "My God,
why did I do it?" Ho still rofuscs to talk..
Mrs. Payton is still alive. It Is now known
that Nutt and Mrs. Payton had several
quarrels before tho shooting.
Terrible Kxperience at n Flro.
AllSTKIlDAM, N. Y., Fob. 7. Flro oarly
in tho morning destroyed tho hotol of John
Flnlay, two houses owned by Jnmcs Flu
lay, and a tonomont house owned by Sarah
Horton. Several residents of tho burned
houses had narrow oscapos from being
burned to death, bolng obliged to fleo in
their night clotlns throug'i thodoep snow
with tho thermometer UOd'gs. below zero.
Two children of John Tallson had their
foot so badly f voxon as to necessitate ampu-
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manniaomrea anaer me stringent
yieaunucuuy cimaem. (my glomus
I Only ncnulno with Trade Alark"Anchor
BlIanufactureriCoinmerzlcnratUDr.Itlclitorof ,
IF. Ad. Elchterfi Co., 17 Wuren Ct.,HKW JOSZ.
12 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks.
fl&fi0cts In Mhenandoah lor ale by j
' . D Kirw Ufs. main ni , j. a
j. union 7Mun'n si., u. u.
kcenbucn, m. is "r. main a:
TJOK Pale. At cost, new L'acltus watermotor.
i i'lYom uurao power, jusi imm me rao
lry. Apply at the Hekaid office, North
Market street. Slinnnnrtnai. Da '
A . ,. ,unuujtr r jh neeaea in each
locality to superintend distribution of
x i v ... , ... .
v """-i'.v., wuunn, jiiuLure curas ana
tliculars. Pn-nsani position. Pavs well
Hend 10c. to the HjlvaS Co., 720 Wood a",
.......... oiuucb, ouup, so. ana re
celve special ofler to you. 2 0 2w-d&w
O Dish WflSberto the wbolpsale and re nil
trnilfl. U' .( .. . 1 , ... . ,
minutes without wetting the lingers. 175 o
weelt and all exptntes. Efsy position: no
bard work; can mako (100 n. week. Addiees
13 North Jar din Street.
105 East Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attached.
Saloon and Restaurant,
19 North Main Street,
Finest Whiskeys, Beer, I'otter and Ale
always on tap. "Come aud hit oue." Cbnlce
9 to 12 p.m. "u ,-'B"r', rKO ,uncn
1 nnd
"lUl , U11U .
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to.
Wholesale and Itetall
33-21 Houth Main St, Bbenandoah.
Agent for D. Q. YueniUt g& Boa's celebralod
Beer, Porter, Ales, oto.
Evan J. D
All That's Claimed
" I had a poor appetite, that tired feollng and
iras run down, but Hood's Saraaparllla hai
done me a great deal ol
good. I have a better
appetite and do not
feel tired, I ean res.
ommend Hood's Bars
parllla a an excellent
sprlne or fall medlolnt
:S to keep the blood la
order. Myself and
three daughters have
taken over tlx bottlet,
and It has done ut
much good. We do
not now ha70 to call
upon a doctor, ai for-
mrrlr, In the spring
time, and I can say that
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is
Auburn, Fa.
all that Is claimed for It. I mott heartily reo
ommend U, and shall always keep It In my
house." Albbkt Kikset, Auburn, Ta.
parilla Be sure to get
Hood's Pills nro purely vcgotablo, and do
not purge, pal nor gripe. Sold by all druggists.
Monongahela Whiskey, 50o a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - tl a qt.
Fine Old Bonrbon, XXX, - $1.25 aTjt.
Superior Blackberry Branily, tl a qt.
Superior Cognac Brandy, tl.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, (1,50 a qt.
V UENGLING'S Btock ami Fresh
Best brandi. of 6c Cigars
p. j. mnoueoN, manaqeh.
The New York Comedy Success,
The Circus GirL
The greateft musical ccmcdy ever written and
will be presented here lu the Fume elnhor
ato form that slgnnllzcd Ms tirllliant
engafctmei ts In New York, Boston
aud Chlcneo Headed by New
York's favorite,
3MTiisj5t 3VT,-ixci Craig,
The worm's greateft sensational Spanish nnd
Eerpeotlne dancer, atslBted by the erealeit
gatheiing of High Class Comedians,
Singers, Dancers, Instiumentollsts
and protty glils.
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cta.
Kescrved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
One Solid Week. Commencing
Seymour -Stratton
Comedy Comjany.
Superb : Band ; and : Orchestra
Change of Bill Nightly.
Mondny - - - "Gold King."
Tuesday - - "Golden Bidge."
Wednesday - - "Our Stratiglsts."
Thursday - - "Ticket of Leave Man."
Friday - - "Two Orphans."
Saturday - "Dark Side of a Great City."
Matinee Saturday at 2 p. m.
Singing and Panciog Specialties.
Prices, io, ao, and 30 cent a.
Reserved Beats at Klrlln'a drag store '
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslough : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get it Their ce'ebrated
$15.00 Molton Overcoat
Wears like steel and is sold by every promi
nent clothier In the slate. None genuine with
out Uammcrslough Uros.' label.
For Fainting ....
The Season is here
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
BarcainR In nAlnta .nil nil. nlntn nm
stained glass. All the new pattsrns li
iv au paper. All ually and weekly paper
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 West Oontro Street.
Headquarters for the Evenino Heralu
Cor. Cherry aud Gilbert Sts.
Finest Boors, Winos anil Liquors.
Handsome Bar Futurei.
Beat Brand b of fi nnd lOo Oigara,
Weeks' Museum,
Grand dlBclny of birds and animals nf nil
selections ana Uncut palntlncs in the county.
Best Beer, Porter and AleB.
Finest Brands of Oigara,
Free lunch every n ornlng nd evening.
John Wkkks, Proprietor.
Q. W. Davidboh, Bartender.
'Full line of
Wholesale and retail.
4 North Main St.
Agents for all Daily Papers.
Anthony Schmicker's
The finest po:l nnd billiard rooms In Iowd,
Reading beer, porter and 1'oU-vllle file con
stantly on tap. Ulre us a 0 .11
MaGxPtano Tomer.
,,1"?? Pa organs repalrsn. Orders isli 1
11 North Main street, Sh?nnaoh, will rnift
prompt attention.
"31 South Main St,
Alp, Draught Porter and Weiner Beer.
and all kinds ol Temperance Drinks.
opportunities Is a sign of the good judg
ment which is tho characteristic of the
wise man. We are offering tho greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
furnishing, at rednced prices.
Another Perfect Niagara Is the fall
In prices of gents' furnishingsat ourgreab
saie. Seize the opportunity to secure a
rare bargain in the finest gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another A Great Fall in gents' furn
ishings. All hands are stretched out to
seize th ise bargains we offer.
Another Catch Them as They Fall in
nrlfip. Vnw la tlia ft
cent white shirts.
South Main Street, SHENANDOAH.
Justice of the Peace
Real Estate Agent, j
123 EJ. Centre St., Shenandoah
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nbsgnd Throat.
207 West Market Ht., Pottsvllle.
8 p. m. Sundays, 9 h, m. to 12 m. TjjU
A iVennlnn nralnnmn
. o-- i.AWWUiC
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attnohed. Finest whiskavK.
beers, porter and ale constantly on Is
Choice iemDsrannn M.i. if..
... ... nun uiKarc
Safe and KelhtbhTHorges to Hli e.
Pear Alley. Rear CoHah Hnns.
h'!i ber? rl.s tu towu- Horses taken to
board. nanTing promptly attended to.
v . r r
. our oiomaoh : : $ ,
vnn,nKLSfta"1 the, Bnme washing that
Ct ai0 ftaduthe water you drink
lan t even fit for tbat purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Shenandoah's Heliablb
Hand Laundry
Oor. Lloyd and White Bts.
AU work truaranteed tn hn,, in
tlfifl Anil IfLCA Mlrt.lH BH..
iny. Qooda called for and dfllivered. A trial
oliolted, 1
4 Bey Li
S at all houral'
finest wintq I
4&v- -