The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 07, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Su day by
'ubllcatton oflloe and mechanical department,
North Market Street.
It Tj0-a1i1 Is aellTCred ln Shenandoah and
XI1B JieraiQ Butrounaing towns tor Six Cents
week, payable to the carriers. Uy mall, Three
twllim a year orTwenty-flve oents per month,
u advance
Atvtrtltemenl charged nccordlng to Apace
sfl position. The publishers reserve the right
lOiChange the position ot advertisements when
rver the publication of news requires it. The
fttht 1b also reserved to reject afly advertise-
i!o, ThcthT paid for or not, that the pub-
Br may deem linpropr. Advertising ratis
" &r known upon application
nterud at the post office ut Shenandoah.
a i estond closs mall matter.
run nrxNixM umtALit,
Shenandoah, Pencf.
Evening Herald,.
Col. BitECKisniDGE seems to be the kind
. of mRD,who doesn't know when to let bad
enough, alone. - r
It 1b easy to see that a gold President
and a silver party can not possibly be
kept on a purity.
Thb Rtpublicans have nothing to lose
bv helnlntz Cleveland, when that Is the
best way to hurt the Democratic party.
lr there be anybody who hus not re
ported his currency plan to Congress or
the newspapers, let him hurry up. TJine
Js getting short.
Ol'li exports are likely soon to bo in
creabed by a large shipment ot bonds
representing the Democratic 'policy
promoting our foreign trade. r ,
Vest made things lively ut the opening
of the Senate, and it is believed that vn
the President heard of the speech
made thiuKS lively around the White
SPAljf has restored this country to its
place as a favored nation. Now, if the
President and Congress would only fol
low that example there would be a future
for us all.
Among the few bright spots In the
financial situation is the fact that tli
scheme for the revival of the wild cat
banking system can not succeed uudor
any 'ircuustauces.
Mil. Gresham 8 offers of mediation i
the affaire of other nations are treated
with as lttrle respect us the Supreme
Court has shown for his decisions when
he was on the bench.
Hill does a good deal of talking on the
financial question without saying any
thing of practical interest or ndvantag
but he is by no means the only Senator o
whom thib can be said.
twjJaSrarTalready signs of widespread
to the elate wnen
fPUM AW win?
from Various Seotions.
o'clock last nlnht It mii.1 dogs, below '1
)iilntH luiv burn Mint down. CI. a U' .
Stnnloi left a lintel nt t.'ii pin at 8 . m,
to go to his homo, a mile distant. Thrtie
tntn. 1... .t4 ?M.....I lt... l.nttlltlUJ I M
Sad OaaOS 01 JD MtltutlOll EoportOtt tho rdart, half a niito from the howl. It is
lags wero so onuiy irozeu tunc nninniuuoii
nmy bo necosmiry. 11ml not help rtjnoliwl
him whi-n It did ho would havo undoubt
edly porlshrd.
noDUlur ignorance as
the present century ends and the next one
fceglns. People are writing to the news
papers to And out, and If every newspaper
should state the fact accurately a nuna
.red timet a year from now till the nine
teenth century 1b ended, every community
would, still contain persona Insisting .that
January 1, 1900, will mark the beginning
ot the twentieth century. lt.would be an
excellent thing If teachers in the public
schools everywhere should take special
pain to Impress on their pupils the fact
that the new ceutury will not arrive tin
.Tnnnarv 1. 1901. The lesson will need to
ie repeated many times In order to make
the. 'impression lasting. Terhaps state
school superintendents might wisely Issue
a oircular letter calling attention to this
matter at an early date,
The fBct of uot importpuce with re
gard to the existing financial troubles o
the government is that they are prlmar
ily and principally attributable to Dam
-ocratic iuoapaelty in the management
public affaire. It is easy to give tech
4iloal reasons why this or that particular
thing comes to pass in the current oper
ations of the Treasury, but such expla
nations should not be allowed to obsoure
the original cause of the misfortune or
to modify the responsibility of the party
in power. The simple truth is that Dem
ocratic rule is not conducive to tile pros
perity of the country. It creates distrust,
and embarrasses bnstuess, and depresses
.all kinds of Industrie. ,Tbls Is not a
inatter of conjecture or speculation, but
f practical experience. The dlflioulty
began soon after the present Administra
tion came in, and It has continued ever
vstnee That Is to say, at no time during
that period has there been a feeling of
perfect security. On the contrary, there
im been a constant apprehension of
jvll, because of the demonstrated unfit
ness of the Democratic party for the
.Sight Hundred I''nm!llo Ilellnvcil to lie
Without i'nol, ami tlrr-ut SiilTcrlnB Pre
dicted Colli So Intense ns to Compiil
Sunpenllon of Illinium" In Some Place.
Reports from various sections show that
tho weather wus colder in many sections
vostordnv than for many years past. An
idea of Its Intensity may bo gained from
lie following rcportSjWhlch glvo thorango
of tho thermometer below zoro at tlio
nlncos named: .Saranac Lake, N. i., -10;
Mulouo. 25: Wilki'slmrro. Pa., 20; Shenan
doah. 14: IVdlefi.nte. 14 to 22; Hazloton,
SO: Tilviuton 11111. ,S0; Potlstowu ,tind
Hnrrlsbtirir. til Mlllvillc, N. .1., i3; New
ark, a-. Irvincton. !J: Caldwoll, 8; Mont-
clalr. 0; Flnnilngton. 14; Now Brunswick,
El izabot h. 7: liontr Brunch, u; l'crtu
Ambov". 8: Asburv Park, 4; Paterson, 0;
Camdon and Tronton. 3; V.'ost Qulucy,
Ills., 22; AVhlte Hlvcr, Canaila, 60 bolow
There Are Fully Klght Hundred. Familiea
In KiinsHu Without Fuel.
Kaxsas City. Mo., Fob. 7. blinding
snow and sand storms and a rapidly fall
ing thermometer havo combined witnin
tho last twentv-four hours to creato tho
worst buzzard that has prevailed in urn
southwest ln years. Tho wontnor began to
grow colder yesterday morning, ami oacn
hour slnco then has marked a steady do
clluo ln tho thermometer. Tho local
weather olllclals predict that 15 Jielow zero
will probably bo recorded before tho cold
wave reaches its hclclit. At s o ciock yes
tnnlav mornlnc th"tln-rmomctcr hero reg-
Istprml 21 iloirs. nbov.- zero. It rapidly fell
and at 10 p. m. was at zero, and still on thj
A llko fall is noted throughout the
wholo southwest, particularly in Knnsns,
where so much Buffering already exists.
In soiuo placos'tho cold' Is so Intense that
outdoor business lias been suspended. A
northwest wind amounting almost to a
galols drifting tho snow badly and 'caus
ing damage to tolegraph wires and street
car tralllr The .Union Pacific systeiii 1
practically snowed under, and all train
aro Into. In tio country tho storm sweeps
across tho prnlrlonnd open fields with tor.
riflq force. At Snllna, Starling and other
Kansas points the sand Is blown aoout m
donse clouds. Where tho elements havo a
clean swoop tho thermometer Is already
down to 6 and 8 below zero.
It is estimated that at least 800 families
ln tho Choyonues, Hawllns, Sherman and
Thomas countlo aro without fuel. Many
of tho fanners aro scantily clothed, and
while tho sod houses ln which most of
thorn live aro warm, tho storm, If long
continued, will causo great suffering.
Fodder is llkewlso scarce, and consequent
los of cattle must follow. Measures of
rollof adopted by the Kansas legislature
will bo Immediately put Into effect.
Tuhen from a Sliililnt: Dutch liris by He
roic Ulo savers.
Eahtpokt, Tj 1 Ffb. 7. Tho Dutch
brig tivm, Captain Dinzoy. came ashore
on Great South hlmul, opposite this place.
During Tuesday ni:ht one of her nnohors
was lost. At diiylight hhe was seen stralu
Ine and tugging nt lite remaining anchor.
The life savers made wveral dosperutJIl
tempts to reach her. but did not suceeeu
until about 10 o'clock.
The brig's riiiojj;nnjlockn wero cpatod
with lee. am' there was n thickness of sov-
oral Initios on tlie deck. To hoist or lower
LvSrfll was Impossible All the crow had
frozon hands, feot and fncos. Tho life
tutors nnultl not take oil tho sailors men
without Incurring groat danger, hut by 3
clock the ill. sutleriug raou wo
onfniv hnuscd In tlio station. In tho after
noon the chain ot tlio romniniuij uuuuui
parted, and carried by' tho galo tho brig
About dark tho riBlng tme uoatuu wo
Shn was. cnrrieu to mo Buumuoai,,
.. . . , .1 i r . i t . 1. n .
and whpn lost to sigiit was uniu"B
direction rapidly, sue wns Muwi) mhmBl
ami win utiuouuioui luuuini.
Tho Cold Wave ln Austria.
Vienna. Feb. 7. Tho woathor. is In
tonsely colli, tho morcury roglatorlng 40
dogs, of frost. There havo be-on numer
ous lnstimcuH of birds, frozen stiff, falling
from tho treqs. An Italian orango sellur
foil dead yesterday from tho cold. At Ig-
lau liaros and partridges coino to tho
housos to seek shelter and food. Tho asy
lums for tho homeless are stormed nightly
by persons clamoring for admission.
Raised from Complete Help
Some of Ihe Danwrs Which CoiistioH)',
Thitaleti Ui
How Bad Blood and lis Terrible Dis
eases Lead to Death.
Two Frozen to Death In the Hill.
Miles City, Mont., Feb. 7. Tuesday
night saw ono ot tho worst Btorms over
known In oasterii Montana. Spencer
Honry, William Mooro and Iico Parish
left in the afternoon for a ranch fifteen
miles from town and booaino lost ln tho
hills. Henry widked Into town last even
ing and reported his companions frozen to
The Coldest In Fourteen Years.
New Youk. Feb. 7. Weather Prophet
Dunn doos not think Now York lias felt
tho last of the cold snap, which has sent
the morcury several degrees below tho
zoro mark. At tho weather bureau records
show that yesterday was tho coldest day
day slnco Dec. 31, 1S80, whon tho mercury
dropped down to 0 bolow zero.
Pnnts Makers on Strike.
New Yobk. Fob. 7. Tho mombors of
Pants Makers association 325, Knights of
Labor, went on strike yostorday. Thoy
demand an Increase of 30 per cent, on hast
ing work, and thnUtho ngrccnient tntored
into oh Sept. 17, 1891, bo renewed six
mouths. Tho strikers claim that tills
acrcemout has been violated by tho con
tractors, and that tho bonds given by
them for Its fulflllmont havo boon found to
be worthless. Tho mon say thnt wage
wero reduced 40 por cent in violation of
tins agreement. Only ono of tho contract
ors has consented to the terms of tlio
strikers. About 000 hands ure out, mostly
women and children.
If your blood is bad you are novtr safe.
Hbrumatlsm, cancer and scrofuU result
dlrrctly from diseased condition of the
blood, and as long as tbeto terrible com
plaints lurk in your system you are tread
lug on a volcano which may at any In
staut break forth and dcstioy ,your life
UheUmatlstrt is a most dreaded dlsea-t
because It affects the heart and causes
serious and deadly heart complalpts. If
ou value vour life and health don't
neglect sUch ' diseased a moment. Yon
cannot too nuicklr'seek relief. Ileal the
frluhtfullv narrow escape of Mr. T. H'..
Roleau, of Essex Junction, yt.:
"For three yrs I was terribly afflicted
with a most sevtre case ot rheumatism
For twenty-three month, I could not
wnlk a step, and 1 never expected to walk
or work again. I was completely help
less and suffered th.e most horrible agony
No man In these parts ever Buflered as I
did. I took everything that 1 ver heard
of, but never found anything that did me
the slightest good untjl I began the use
of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
Suffering Among Haverhill Strikers.
HAVKitlllLL. Mass., Feb. 7. Tho 'cold
weather has caused great suffering nmong
tho poorer portion of tho strikers, and
many families last night were without
fuel enough to cooli their victuals, xca-
terdav a family consisting of husband,
wife and four children wero evicted lor
non-payment of rent. Their goods wero
put out on tho street and the ramiiy urivon
out into an atmosphere 5 dogs, bolow zero.
The husband was forced to apply for aid
at ono of tho local faotorlos. There Is no
change lu the strlko situation, hut if tho
cold continues many days thostrlkora will
bo forced to return to work ln oruor to
sustain life.
The Jlonnngahela Frozen Solid.
. Pittsuuuo, Fob. 7. Tho Monongnhela
fiver is frozen from its hoadwaters to the
Pittsburg harbor. The ice is thick enough
In the harbor for people to walk across ou.
The Allegheny Is frozen for a hundred
mile up from tills point. At Klttaunlng
thoro is a great loe gorge for several miles,
and the residents of the towns along the
river are in fear of a disastrous flood should
there oome n thaw. Dynamite has been
used upon the gorgo, but the loe is now
frozen so thick that there is no hopo of
junking a ohannol through it.
Sail Caso of Deatltntlon In Baltimore,
HALTIMOHE, Fob. 7. Crouched and hud
dled together before a dying lire, trying to
keen warm, were a woman and hor six
children lu a llttlo house in Bird streot.
whilo the tbermoniQtor marked 1 dog.
above zero. Their facos wore wan and
pinched with hunger, tholr bodies weak,
shlvorlng with cold, and on a bed in tho
room lav tlio father of the family dead,
from a combination of consumption, cold
weather and lack of food. The pollco say
there has uovor been such destitution as
exists now among tho poor.
Paying OIT the Strikers.
BnooKLVK, Feb. 7. Brooklyn's trolloy
Strikers yostorday went to tho offices ot
tho thrco roads nffected arid domandod tho
week's nav duo thoin. President Lowls
said that nono of the mon had applied ' for
reinstatement, and ho did not expect any
applications until tho men's money was
exhausted. Strike Loader. Connolly do
clnrcd that 3,000 men had drawn thoir pay
during tho day and gavp as n reason that
tho mon feared that tho companies wore
nbout to go Into tho hands of a receiver,
Mr. Connolly declares that tho mon Will
maintain an unbroken front, and will
The Tennessee Governorship.
Nashville, Feb. 7. Tho leglslntlvo
joint assembly mot again yesterday, and
tho reading and opening ot returns lor
governor wore resumed. After tho re
turns of the couutlos had boon read Air.
Evans, Republican, took the oath of office
as governor, which was administered by
magistrate in the state library. After
Evans had taken the oath of oflleo tho sec
retary of state va? formally requested to
file the oath. Ho declined to do so. Mr.
Evans will apply for a mandamus to com
pel tho secretary of state to file ills oath of
The American Mnrksmnn Won.
MONTE CAIILO, Fob. 7. Tho English and
Alnerlcan pigeon shots mado Up splendidly
yesterday for tho bad luck which thoy hnd
on Tuosday. Thoro wore fifty-four com
petitors, and tho prize was won by Air.
Fred Ilooy, the American pigoon shot,
with a score of twenty-threo killed ouf of
tweiity-throo birds shot at. Tho winuor
also received tho sum' of 1,455 francs'. Tho
second brlzo wns Won by M. Galottl. Tho
winner or tho .third prlzowis Jtr. wonorts,
and tho fourth prlzo went to Mr. Rad-
Another -Serious Coasting Accident.
Washington, Fob. .7. A sorlovs coast-
Inc accident happened on a hill lu tlio sub
urbs of tho city last ovonlng. A bob sled
carrying fourteen persons ran Into n'pilo
or timber near tno root oi-tno mil nnu so
rlouslv injured flvo of tho number. Fol-
l6vlncr nro tho names of the injured: Eu
gene Mason, leg broken; jniiss wobci,
rlcht leg brokon ln two places: Miss
Fletcher., internal injuries: Mr. Langloy
cut and internally ipjured; unknown wo
man, badly bruised.
A Jlanlno's Double Crime,
Allegheny, Pu., Fob. 7. John Hra-
back, an Austrian, wont to tho home of
his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary UrabacK, Uv
lntf on Pruspect street, last ovoniug, and,
without warning, draw a rovolvor and
shot hor In tho head. Ho then ran out, nnd
going to his own room laid down on tho
bed and shot mmsoii iiirougn ine noarc,
It Is thouslit ho was temporarily insane
Mrs. Hraback is seriously wounded, but
will probably recover,
"And now comes the must wonderful
part of all. In ft short time this splen
did medicine made me completely well.
It W the best remedy I ever saw or heard
of, for it raised me from a- condition of
ntter helplessness and coustaut agony to
perfect health. It saved my ability to
work, which was entirely gone. I am
now entirely well and strong, and I owe
my health and my life to Dr. Greene's
Sfervura blood ami nerve remedy. I ad-
Intensely Cold In Knglnnil.
London, Fob. 7. The weather continues
intensely cold throughout ureat arltniu.
Many fishing smacks that put to sea be
fore tho heavy www storms began havo
not vet arrived baok at the homo ports,
and uunslduruble anxletv Is felt regarding
their safety. In th" lake district or ISug-
., ,..,i i... . oQ,i it hv land there are snow durts that, aro twenty
great ia curc.w,., , A mimb(l. of PallwiT tru,U8
nj-c snowed up
May Loose llolh lAig.
Kcuanto.v Pa , Fi l 7 All J.iy here tho
mercury hovered about oro, and ai 8;
Lieutenant General Sehnfleld.
Washington, Fob. 7. The president lias
sinned tlio not reviving tho grade of liou
tenant general of tho army, last filled by
General Sheridan. Ho almost slmnl
tenuously sent to tlio senate the nomina
tion of Major General Sehofleld to bo lieu
tenant general. In Sheridan's oase the
honor was bestowed upon him whllo he
lay upon his death bed.
Sloro Hollies from tho ltlbe.
Lowestoft, Eng., Feb. 7. The body of
a woman lias boon wasnoa iisuore near
SmitWoliI If has not been Identified, but
is nrosumed to bo that of ono of tho pas-
sonuors 'df tho Elbe. The body of II,
Pschundor. tho chlor etownru oi tna iu-
fated stenmor, has been brought horo by
fishing smack.
Three Men Suffocated.
New ORLEANS. Fob. 7. Threo men
Griffin Brown and Sylvoster ItlohardBon
fcolored coal rollors), and John llogan,
Whlto tramp, wero suuooatoii yosioruay iu
a coal boat. After lighting a nro in
small cabin tho men foil asleep, and whon
discovered wore dond.
lllg Huuber Works to Close Down,
Woonsockbt, R. I., Feb. 7.-Tho 1,400
employes of the Atlco mill of tho United
States Rubber company nave received no
tice that tho outlre works will shut dow
on Fob. 11 for an Indefinite period The
weekly payroll Is ovor 16,0(i0.
kp Hrprvhndv to use it.1
it you ue-itate longer aoout rasing
this wouderful medicine after reading
nch a strong testimonial as that you do
not deserve to get well, 'ad blood is
filthy ns well as terrible. Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and netve remedy maKes
it pure aud rich, glvlag a beautiful com
plexion and splendid bealth.
Wliy waste time in trying uncertain
and untried remedies, when hers is a
physician's prescription, a discovery
made by the greatest living specialist In
curlo? nervous and chronic diseases. Dr.
Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York
City. It you take this medicine you can
consider yourself under Dr. Greene's
direct nrofes9lonal care, and you can con
sult him or write to him about your
case, freely and without charge. This Is
a guarantee tnat mil remeuv win cure.
possessed by no other medicine ln the
Kxj.ilW 'u in a behoiil liuiulti.'g.'
Elyiiia, O . Full. 7. The furnace iu tin
now West Side public school bnlldlu,
blow up with torrlflc forcj tl
noon recess at tho school. Tho nocua-.n.
wall of tho main building was blown com
plotely out. Flro Immediately started
and was only extinguished alter much
damngo had boon doue. Hud tho explo
slou occurred fifteen minutes later, when
300 children would havo been In the bund
ing, n frightful loss of llfo would lmvo oc
The rCuVof Nature,
"The Feast of Nature" was a grand
French revolutionary holiday, held Aug
10, 1708 A plaster linage of nature was
erected ln tlio Plucc lie la IhiBllllo, and tho
chief members of the convention, the pub
lie ouniiiiUteesRlid all public functionaries
knelt In udorutlon, r.fter uliicli camo the
Hrliv; of salutes, iuuieliii:aiul c. :.cral pub
lic rejoicings. The holiday celebrated the
finished constitution of the republic
Caused tuw n( Steep,
'How do you set :i1our with your iipv
chief of department)"'
Oh, only to to He causes us many
sleepless- i&'.ue hours '--Triuuna
Will Not Jtemue Uuslmw).
DovSB, N. H., Fub. 7. The dlcoctoM of
the Dover National bauk, of which De
faulter Isaac Abbott cashier, titter a
full dlfnusslon of the situation decided not
to resume. -
the election or une meurisw auu
experts may present as many definitions
as they plea", hut this is the wain fact
.utter ail.
The Weather.
For District of C : i. , eastern Penn
sylvanla. Now Jorsey vl.irjlnnd and Vlr-
alula, heavy snow; th to northeast
vtiads, Increasing clomunes.
The National Farmers' Alliance Is In
session ut Raleigh, N. C.
B. P. .Willis wiw yesterday nninod by tho
president as postmaster nt Mount Holly,
N. J.
For the first time ln seventy-flvo years
Lako Champlaln lsfrozou oyer Its entire
.Rov. J. F. Reld, a Baptist minister, was
arrested whllo robbing a bank at .East
I'prtland, Ure,
A bill In the Now Jorsey legislature, If
it passes, will compel bakorsto bake bread
in not less than ono pound loaves.
Threo ninskod mon who robbed tho drug
store or J. . irwin, at iogausnovt. Ind
wore captured after a running light with
Captalu Reld, of the ship T. F. Onkos.
charged nt Ban Francisco with oruoltv to
his crew, was acquitted, the cha.rges being
Dr. J. E. Raodor, tho notorious Kentuoky
mountain debperado, recently pardoned
from prison, was killed in tho home of
Widow uatnenno aicyuinn.noar jacuson.
Ky. The woman admits tno shooting.
The Famous Scout anil Indian Fighter
Ones on a Hunt For Itruln and lint n
Lively Time With Uorao Thieves How
Ho .Outwitted Them In a Itace For Life.
"I havo not yet exhausted tho subject
of tho pony express," began Colonel Wll
Ham F. Cody. "Let mo Wll you of one
of my boar stories. Captain Slado of the
express hail taken a great fancy to mo and
had made mo n kind of supernumerary
rider who only went whon It was necessa
ry, so l n ait n goou doai oi timo on my
hands. To put in my timo I would fre
quently go hunting for bears.
Ono cool autumn day I took an cxnrese
pony, a good rlllo nnd n pair of revolvers
and started for tho foothills of Laramie
peak. 1 roilo along until 3 o'clock in tho
afternoon. Although I knew from the
tracks ln tho snow that bears wore In the
neighborhood, I had not succeeded In find
ing niiy. Feeling hungry, 1 'shot u Bnge
lien, tied my horso to n trco and built a
fire, on which I procoedod to broil my
chicken. After n good dinner nnd a short
rest I started out again. ! AS jny frioud9
all know that I had gono out for boars, I
thought thnt I would rather spond all
night ln tho place than go back empty
'Nicht camo on, nnd still no bears. I
decided to camp out. Shooting a couplo
more saco hens, I hunted up an empty
nlnco in tho timber near a llttlo mountnln
stream. Hero I dismounted. I lriado all
nrennrntlons to build a flro when I was
stnrtlod by hoarlng not far off tho neigh
of n horse. Where there is n horso thero
undoubtedly must bo a man. But what
sort of a mau wns ho? Was ho, whlto or
Indian, on honest man or o crookf That
w as tho question I determined to solve
boforo I let him know I was ln tho neigh
borhood. So I tied my horso to a treo,
nnd taking my rifio with me I cropt cnu
tiously up tho stream.
"Iliad not gono more than 400 yards
whon. turning the bond ln tho stream, I
camo In sight of a dozen horses grazing.
On tho opposlto side of tho streams light
was shining high up on tho mountain
bank. I waded ncross, and cautiously np
nroaohlng tho light I soon found that It
camo from a dugout, or envo, ln tho bank
Soon I hoard volcos. Then I could dis
tinguish words nnd found that thoy camo
from whlto mon who spoko my own inn
gungo. I concluded that they must bo a
party of trappers, so I boldly walked up
and knocked at the door. Instantly tho
voices wero hushed to a whisper. Then
ono of them culled out:
" 'Who's thcrof'
" 'A friend, a white man,' I replied,
"An uncouth looking man opened the
door and invited mo to como ln. The
lleht then. revealed a dozen other occu
pants of tho room of an equally repulsive
appoaranco. Among them I recognized
two men who had onco been teamsters In
tho train of Lew Simpson, had been dlt
charged a fow months boforo nnd had then
disappeared. It was said that thoy had
robbed and murdered a ranchman and
gono off with Ids horses.
I acknowledge that my heart tailed me
for tho moment, but I envo no outward
sign of the fact. I determined to elm
with the men lor a fow moments, to ten
thorn as little as I oonld about myself and
tako the earliest opportunity of leaving.
Well, voting man,' said tho fellow
who amieared to bo tho leader, 'who nri
you, and what are you doing hero?"
I camo from llorsoslioo station tin
morning,' I replied. "I am senrchln r foi
bear, and as I did not Hnd any I dec. I"d
to camp out and stay hero nil night, but
hearing your horses neigh I camo up here.
" 'Are you alonof
" 'Quito alone.'
" 'Whoro Is your horso?'
" 'I left him down tho stream,',
v 'Well, said tho captain, 'wo. will go
down for it.'
T)mt was exactly what I wished to
avoid, for if flicy wore to get n;y horso
thoy-would cut ino oil from all possibility
of escape I hnd a shrewd suspicion that
thoy wero a party of horso thioves, nnd
that. I. would find thorn ugly custoniors.
f 'No.iCnptnln,' I said as cheerily as I
could. 'I will leavo my gun hero, nnd I
will go back for my horso and stay with
vou nil nlcht if you will glvo mo tne no
commodntlons.' -
I thought thnt if I left my gun behind
mo they would be suro I would como, back
for it. My real intention, nowovor, was
to sacrifice It and got aWny from that spot
as qulokly as possible. The ruthans evl
dently saw through my plan, for two of
them spoko up and paid, 'Wo will go down
with you to got your horse, nnd you will
leavo your guntiohlnd you.'
. "There was nothing to do but to con
sent. After all,-1 thought to myself, I
will bo better off with two of tho scoun
drols than with tho wholo party, and I do
cldod in my own mind ta look out for tho
first opportunity of giving thorn tho go
by. Whon we came up to the boreo, ono
of tho mon unhitched It and said, 'I will
lead lt.
" 'All right,' said I with assumed care
lessnoss. 'I havo a couplo of sago hens
horo that I killed for my supportud break
fuSS. I guoss I will take thorn along.
I picked up tho lions and followed
the man who was leading the horse. It
had now become quite dark. I put my
hands In my nooket and drew out my ro
volvor. Tho gang had omitted to sonroh
me. Then, ns If by nooldont, I dropped
qne of the sage hens.
Will you Kindly piok it upr i earn w
tho man who was following mo.
"Hn Rtnnnml down. Instantly I knock
cd him over tho head with tho butt ond of
thn revolver. Hn full Konseless. TilO crasl
startled thn in'nn In front of mo, nnd ho
ivlirnlml rnmill niltnlr ,13 n Hash. With HIS
hand upon tho revolver. But 1 wns quick
er than ho. Ono shot, and ho fell to tho
ground ln ills death agony. I jumped
upon my horso and urged him to rnco for
his Ufa From tho nolso behind mo I could
illmlghmlinnnt that the ,SI10t, HOU' 00611
heard by tho inon ln tho dugout; that thoy
had rushed out ln a pouy nnu imuim.. .
tho story from tho man I had knocked
down and had started ln pursuit or me.
They wore on root, but in unit ruugn mm
wooded country a man oould mnko his
way quicker on foot than ho could on
horsobaok. I found that thoy wore gain
ing on mo. At last I hnd to abandon my
horso. I leaped off his back, gave him n
vigorous Blup on tho haunches, which sent
him flying down tho valloy, mid I crept
up tho mountain side. My pursuers kept
on. Hoarlng the sound of tho horse's
hoels, they followod, with tho evident Idea
thnt I was on hU baek. I hid behind n
tree until thoy wero out of hearing, whon
I started to walk book to Horseshoe hla
tlun I' was a long .dk, fullv :o n Irs,
but ns soon aB I was out of tho woods I
struck out and reached homo at daybreak "
Chicago Times.
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