The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1895, Image 4

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An Ulcer's Midden Infinity.
RolK, Feb. B. Major OiUU, of tho gen
staff of the nrmy, becnmo suddenly
ibmuio yesterday. Tho mnjor wns tu tlio
war office attending to duties connected
with lils position when he suddenly cried
ut In ii loud voice tlint ho saw murderers
and thieves ut a window. With his fneo
4U.torted wltli fenr ho rushed out of tho
Tfmni and ran to tho quirinai. Ho passed
tlio sentinels without difficulty and pro
uwded to tho apartment of tho pulaco,
where King Humbert was receiving tho
juvvinclul protects. As lie opened the
dowr and entered tho room 'Major Oddl
tried "thieves," "murderers." The king
started with surprise as lie heard the cry
and aw tho wild look upon the face of the
unfortunate ollloor. Tho attendants of
Ms majesty seized Major Oddl, took him
from tho room and summoned physicians
o attend him.
Cmuafl Will Content Compromlnril.
SVKACUSE, N. Y., Fob. 2. There was a
scp takon yostcrdny in the matter of tho ,
issuiie oi u. rMignr urouso, tne millionaire
this elty. wlio died Nov. 21, WJi, which,
t is believed, is Initial to a speedy sottle
soAuut between the heirs and claimants. It
) tlio trial of tlio suit brought by a cou
sin of the decoased, Seward Crouse, to set
8ldc the will on account of alleged undue
influence. Tlie attornoy for tho plaintiff
Tintir.cdlng tliocoiupetcnoy of the testator
"Uwj jury gave a verdict validating the will.
This does away with tlio only obstruction
1wnrd a compromise between tlio Crouse
Iw4rfi nnd the infant claimant, Dorothea
JWfierita Crouso-Kosterlitz, of New York.
WlJ lcltor General Conrn.l. .
)S s t.' i a mi . , . , 1
fcStK t'
?,.,,,,i ,i T m niM-in., r,f
f ' , . ' ' ' in tho nbseuco of Attorney Boyd from tho
oe,to be assistant-attorney gen- courti !ltteml)tcd to cross examine a wit
hin now solicitor general Is at nres- neRS f I court endeav
istnnt attorney general. He is from orca to ouforco thru, but 1(ltcr rclcntc(1
C: S
w.ot office. He is about SO years old and
-wrvwl In tlio war as aide on General Ros
"wr staff Mr. Dickinson, nominated to
lie. assistant attorney general. Is an able
-jtMituber of tho Xinshvillo bar, about ii
.......j ......... ....... ......... .....
Jrfc old. He has never held liny office,
."Jut has been prominent in III
rnra Stmmleil Steamer.
Oolos, Feb. 2. The General Transat
jSwalte lino steamer Anierlque, from St.
25.iSre for way ports and Colon, reported
a hnving stranded off Ciw Agousta,
Ontaa SavanlllsL, Columbia, remains in a
u position, unfi it is expected tliat she
N-arifii become a total wreck. There nre SOk)
jiifttuus on board ot her, and they are in a
--4t4on of groat peril. Two steamers
T&iMvfg.oiie to tho fecene -of the wreck to
?jipwIitttuvrassl8tanco7nayl)e posnlblo.
Tirti-IMe l)ometlo Trnee'lj' In Missouri.
JU'ltoitA, Mo., Fob. 2. Hud Ellis, a
jSacwrteT and Motliodist preacher living four
au s south of this city, became suddenly
oc. nd after cutting his wife's throat
"his little girl through tho head, and
3kH then, -going to a farm where ho forni-r?-
Tesirtefl, blew his own brains out. Ho
wjna- ii widower until a week ago, when ho
w-Trif-d A -widow named Ricumnn, who
.aTs- )ad fc iiUie girl The lHttr's life was
w, k'. bylierbeitt alisont at xchool.
iM-'Iramleil t'ncle Sum.
Vfiw YoitK, Fell 2. Henry Magrane, a
titnom noiisR l-roker of tliin city, was con
SMtcil in the I'm led Mates cireuit court
" Juivina )ofniiiiii'd tin- federal govorn-
'.rr.t on two export i-oiisigniiients by hay-a-,
obtalrrd exci-siive drawbacks. On ono
? nsion he obtained ?I0!),250, although ho
hi only entitled to In another in-
',.ikc h( made a claim forS.V) caskets in
j!- ad of (iffy Sentence was deferred pend-t-2-
.i motion for a .now trial.
Private sale of white, gray and red
vnkets, nt halt price.
a$iw Reese's Auction Room.
Buy Keystone Hour. Be Bure that the
Mime Lessio. & BAKU, Ashland, Pa., is
3T' rtaVd nn every sack. tf
Relief Jn Six Hours.
SilstresBluc Kidney and Bladder dis
uses relieved In six hours by the "New
jreat South American Kidney Cure.
TEUls new remedy is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
Kiteving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
a!wk and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re
i-teotlon of 'water and pain in passing it
almost Immediately. If you want quick
r-Hef and cure this is your remedy. Sold
i md Cfty Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St;.,
!Xt dooc to the post office, Shenandoah,
: 'a. 10 3m
fflotlce to Taxpayers.
Notice in hereby given to the taxpayers
- iY the borough of Shenandoah that on
ntmi. &er February 4th, 1895, five (5) per
com. r!ll be added to the taxes for 1804.
M. J. ScakiAN,
Receiver of' Taxes.
O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff of Tyler
"Co , W. V., appreciates a good thing
ud does net hesitate to say so. He was
i'raif: st prostrated with a cold when he
$-ocored a battle of Chamberlain's
"Mgh?CTnedy. Tie says; "It gave me
Mmpt rellet. l nnd It to ue an lnvaiu
remedy fov coughs and colds." F r
. sat, by Gruhler Bros.
A tot of gents' fine hunting case, gold'
-ittied watches will besold cheap, for the
-onst tea Says, at Reese's Auction Room.
jJMvate sale only. 1-25 lw
Mrs. Bmlly Tborne, who resides at
'Oeledo, Washington, says she has never
' iio. able to -procure any medicine for
wreeamatlsm tbat relieves the pain so
iil jklv and effectually as Chitnberlalu's
tn Balmnd that she has also used it
Coc lame back with great success. For
rmilz by Sruhler Bros,
Best line geese feathers, consigned from
v the West, -will be -sold at a bargain, for
me -week Jaly, at Reese'H Auction Room.
Srneke Brennau's famous cigars. They
re the best In, for fine trade
Smokers' artldlec, sliver match boxes
wm& flre-tilgar tubes nt Brenuan's cigar
A Toting Wiiiiihii Cuts Her Throat In n
Cnnfeniloiml Hox.
Nkw York, Fob. 8. A few lnluuto lie
fore 0 o'clock last evening two women In
tho Church of the Kplphony, in Second
avenue, tills- city, hoard the sound of a
body falling, followed bygrouns niuVgasps
from a confessional box In tho southeast
corner of tho church. Ono of tho women
summoned tho assistant soxton, wlio liur
rloil into tho church, and on oponlng the
confessional found lying In a heap, with
blood flowing from her right wrist nnd
throat, tho almost llfoloss body of a young
woman. Twenty minutes later tho wo
man was dead. With a razor bIio had al
most severed ono of her hands, and her
throat had been cut from ear to oar. There
wore no services going on at tho timo.
An examination of tho woman was
made, and in her clothing was found a
pocket book containing ten cents and a
letter revealing her Identity. On tho en
velope was written, "I am Cathorlno Mor
rison, of 170 Hast One Hundred and Klglith
At tho address given in tho letter It was
learned that tho woman had boarded for
six years with Gcorgo Powers, an express
man, ond family. Mr. Powers took charge
of tlio body. Mr. Powers said Miss 'Mor
rison was a religious enthusiast, and of
l'ndepoudont means. Sho was worth $40,
000, and was a friend of his wlfo from child
A Decision by Jnilgo Gronscup Which May
Lcail to nn Appeal.
CHlCAao, Fub. 8. JudKoGrosscup'srulo
to permit but ono attornoy to cross-ox-aniluo
witnesses in tho trial of Dobs ot al
led to trouble, and should tho verdict bo
against tlio defendants it will play a load
ing part in an appeal. Thcro aro eighteen
defendants in court, represented in groups
by six different attorneys. Tlio lino of de
fense between tlio officers of tho union and
be !sw WcUUIint, tho attorneys for
"10 defenso insist, is well marked.
J- -ting, who represents several
ononis, uosmos appearing lor two otners
order to permit Mr. Geeting to ask his
questions, becauso ills witnesses wore tes
tifying directly against Ills clients. Lnto
in tho afternoon Mr. Geeting doslrcd to
ask a question in cross-examination. Tho
court declared that tlio witness had in no
wlso testified as to the participation of
Mr. Ueetlng's clionts in the acts named
nmj W01(J n(jt H0W mor(j tjmn ono ,lt.
torney for tho defenso to cross-examine. A
wordy argument followed, but the court
was lnfloxiblo and exception was taken.
A Cyclint'i Suit for Damages,
BnopKLYN, Feb. 1. Champion Bicyclist
Chxrle Murphy has begun suit Bgulnst
tho Brooklyn Heights nnd the Brooklyn
City nnd Newtown railroads for damages
set at $100,000 for injuries received in a
Fulton avonuo car of tho first named road
last Now Year's day when it was in colli
sion with a car on tho Franklin avonuo
lino of the Inst named road. Murphy
claims that ills hip and thigh muscles
were so badly Injured as to prevent his
fulfilling Ills contract with Willis Troy,
ox-Chnmpion Zimmerman's malinger, to
make u tour of Europe this season. Ho
wns under contract nt a salary of $20,000
for his tour.
The Late Ktlltor Nleilner'n Romance.
St. Louis, Feb. 3. Moritz Niednor,
founder of tho first evening Germnn nows
paper in the west, died hero yesterday,
aged 79 years, after a prolonged illness.
At tho timo of tlio breaking out of tlio
civil war Mr. Niednor published a seces
sion paper in this city. For tho publica
tion of a seditious articlo he was convicted
of treason pud sentenced to bo shot, but
beforo tho sentence was enrriod out a
young reporter employed on tho pnper
gavo himself up, confessing himself to bo
tho author ot tho treasonable articlo.
Niednor wns released and the young man
Buffered death in his place.
A Madman Kuus Amuck.
Cokstantisople, Feb. 1. A liorriblo
tragedy was enacted Wednesday evoning
In the Pancaldl quarter by a man armed
with n knife, wlio ran amuck through the
streets. He cut, stabbed or slashed every
porson within whoso reach he camo. A
Turkish official, a railway employe and
an American citizen were killod, whilo
about ten others wore more or less sorl-
ouslv woundod.i .There wns no provoca
tion for tho killing nnd wounding, and it
is believed thut tho assassin was attacked
with n sudden frenzy of murder. Tlio
murdoror mado his escape.
TtotiUed a Ono-Ariiuil Man.
CnEBTKH, H. C, Feb. 8. W. R. Davie, a
one-armed man, was hold up and robbed
by n burly negro on a country road near
this city. Davie was going homo with
1700 on ills person. Davio drew ills pistol,
but tlio first shot missed. The negro
knocked Davio'a arm down, and tlio sec
ond shot wont through Davlo's own foot.
The negro then overpowered him, sooured
tho money and escaped.
Cutting Will Get Ills l'ortiine.
New York,' Fb. 2,WRobert IX Cutting.
who was disinherited 'by his f atho r on
ncoount of his mnrrying Miss Minnie
Sellgmnn, tho actress, and whojiegan a
oonteAt of the will, lias made a com pro
mise with theexecutorsby which a goodly
share of the family wealth will descend
to him after all. It will give him a for
tune of at least W0O.0O0.
Not Guilty of Grave llohbery.
Lincoln, Nob., Feb. 2. Professor Alex
ander and Students Burford and Median,
of Cotnor university, wero yesterday no
qulttcd of tlio oliargo of grave robbery.
Tlio body of a woll known Lincoln pltizon
wps fouud under tlio knife at tho .univer
sity recently, and Alexander, Burford nnd
Moehan wero arrested.
At Fresno, Cnl., yostordny, Directly low
ered his paolng record to 2.07.
Baltimore's grand Jury indicted streot
railroad companlos for neglect to provide
safety fonders,
Beomiso tho suporintondont refused to
reinstate a discharged minor, 128 jnon
wont on strlko at Mowaqua, Ills.
Rev. S. M. Brown, a Baptist minister at
a Sunday school convention at Kansas
City, Mo., doclurjd that tho Sunday school
had outlived its usefulness.
At Lincoln, Nob., Judge Dundy quashed
iltteeu ludlctmonts recently found against
ux-OangrSfioman O. D. Dorsoy for his, part
In wrecking the Ponca National bank
l'ho remaining indictment charges falsi
Church Specials.
The service in tho Trinity Reformed
church to morrow evening will bo very
IntereBting. Rev. O'iloyle will take
"Tup Shlpwrcck-the Kibe" for the text
of IiIb sermon.
Rev. W. R. EvaiiB will prenrh in tho
Zlon Congregational churoh to-morrow
morning and evenlngiat 10 a. m. nnd 0 p. m.
Suudsy school at 2 p. m. Communion in
the evening.
There will be a prayer meeting for
young people in the Calvary UaptUt
church, on South Jardin street, at 10
o'clock to-morrow morning. Tnete will
also bo preaching In 'the morning and
evening by Rev. George Williams, the
evangelist. Communion after the morn
lug service. Special service and sermon
in the afternoon for men pnly. Preach
ing by Rev. George Williams. Snbjcct:
"The Breakers."
Go to Ashland.
A trip to Ahland is a delightful one
for sleighing parties anil Hplendld accom
modations can be found there n't E,
Schnilcker'. Music always in attendance
at the dancing hall. Good stabling.
V23 tf
Bcneilt Entertainment.
Scunlnn and Durkln's Comedy Com
pany will give a grand entertainment in
Ferguson's theatre on March 4th, for the
benefit of Samuel Thomas, an old soldier
who has suffered injury to his eye and is
disabled from earning support for his
family, now in need of help. Mr. Thomas
has been a resident of Shenandoah for
twenty seven years and Is well known and
respected. The benetit should be well
patronized. An excellent specialty en
tertainment will be given. Among the
features will be an exhibition by William
Thomas, who will dance barefooted upon
a mass oi broken glass. This exhibition
will alone be worth the price of admission.
TicketR can be had at Mr. Thomas' resi
dence, S16 Huckleberry .alley, or Ktrlln's
drug store.
Dabb has removed his gallery to Hoff
man's old stand, West Centre street.
The Play.
A fair-sizd audience witnessed the
production of "A Barrel of Money" at
Ferguson's theatre last night. As a
whole the prodnctlon was not a success.
r'ome parts of the play .embrace novel
features'and are nmuslnir.tsit,t)thtrare
.along tq euch, an extent as to counteract
m lavoraoie.euecis, xne paraijiic, rum
by AJlen-H. Bally was an interesting
feature, J. Knox Gavin was very mui
lng. The mill scene In the third act was
heartily applauded. It was very com
pletely staged.
Sunday Papers.
I am the only authorized agent for the
Philadelphia (Sunday) Prens, also agent
for all other Philadelphia and New York
Sunday papers. All orders left at the i
lice oi 'Squire T. T. Williams will have
my prompt attention,
ll a-es-tf D. T. Williams
Lctler List.
Letters addressed to the following
named people remain at the local post
office and are advertised as uncalled for :
The mas E. Reilly and Mrs. H. Bank.
Fatal Shooting Accident.
Bellekoste, Pa., Fob. 3. Scott Book-
with, of Port Matilda, aged 21 years, shot
and accidentally killod himself while load
ing a gun in .ills own homo, preparatory to
going on a hunting trip, no wns mar
ried only n fow months ago, and loaves c
widow and ngod mother.
Itlch Gold Find in Vtau
Salt Lake, Fob. 2. Tho discovery of
gold nt tho mouth of Little Cottonwood,
south or this city, is pausing consiU'
ernblo excltoment. Some of tho assays
run very high, and old miners predict
that Crlpplo Creek will have a now-rival.
The Weather.
For the District of Columbia, eastern
Pennsylvania, Now Jersey, Dolaware,
Maryland and Virginia, muoli coldor to
night; variable winds, becoming north'
west; fair tomorrow.
Scott's Alleged Lynchers Out on Ball.
O'Neill, Nob., Fob. 2. Mulllhan El
llott, Roy nnd Harris, charged with being
the lynchers of Barrett Scott, tho default
ing ex-treosuror of Holt county, wore yes
terday released on $2,000 bonds by tho
county judge, who decided that not
enough evidence had boon produced to
warrant charging tho. prisoners with mur
der in tho ilrst degree.
So Clew to the Stolon Fair Will,
SAX FitANUlsco, Fob. 2. Thograud jury
is investigating tho theft from the: county
clork's olllco of the will of tho late James
G. Fulr. Several mombers of tho grand
jury believe thut some dopujy in tho clerk's
oluco committeu tne uioic or Knows me
thief. Tho police departmout has boon un
able to discover the faintest clew and finds
itself nonplussed.
Sariaparllla Is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacUti from Saraa
parilla, Dandelion, Man
drake, Dock,Pipslaiewa,
Juniper Berries, and other well known
vegotable remedies. The Combination, Pro
portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's
Saraapartlla, giving it strength and curatlye
power Peculiar to luelf, not po
eised by other medicines. Hood's
Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sorei, BplU,
Pimples and all other affections earned by
Impure blood; Dyipeptia, Billouaneii, Stok
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
XUieumatUm, Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It ll Not What
we Say, but what nood's
Sarsaparllla Does, that
Tells the Story Hood's
Hood's Pills are gentle, mild and eflnUr.
Month When Tis Eas
iest to Regain Health.
Get ftrong BeforG Militating
Suing Cons Again.
Feed tho Worn Out Brain Wiih
Celery Compound.
Let Changing: Season Find System
in Health.
Take the
Great Remedy
People Well.
That Makes
A perfectly healthy body has Its parts
completely nourished and Its nerves con-
tantly refreshed and stored with energy
from the vigorous blood that all the time
bathes it.
But to do this Important work of con
veylng sufficient nutrition to the tissues,
the blood must be kept rich and full of
red corpuscles.
The only trouble with two-thirds of 'he
men nnd women whom the coming spring
will claim for its victims is a pitiful lack
of proper nerve food. What these weak,
nervous people need is a more general
feeding and storing of their blood and
tissues with ire&n, highly vitalized ma-
tallzed material. There is undoubtedly
nothing that can compare with Prof,
Phelps' remarkable discovery, Palne's
celery compound, for restoring., health
and strength. -
The great body ot physlolans through-
oat the United States, England and
Canada believe profoundly In It, and pre
scribe It in all cases of nervous weakness
and debility. In preparing this greatest
of all nerve tonics and blood-renewers,
tho eminent professor ot Dartmouth
college, Edward E. Phelphs, M. D
LL. D., had In mind the countless men
and women with brains overworked and
nerves unBtrung by worry and lack of
proper nutrition,
Clerks, their employers, lawyers, doc
tors, mothers ot families, hard working
men and women in every state and
country, and hosts ot brain workers the
most intellectual part of the community
are to-day taking Palne's celery com
pound, with the happiest results, to re
lieve themselves of rheumatism, neu
ralgia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia,
sleeplessness and low spirits. Faine's
celery compound cores diseases of the
important orgaus of digestion, circula
tion and- excretion, by purifying the
blood, by regulating tho entire nervous
system and supplying the body with
strength to combat disease.
Paine's celery compound makes people
well. It takes away all the tremor and
irritability from the nerves, and gives
that calm, strong feeling of assured
health that invariably accompanies a per
fectly well-nourished bodily system
Get rid of languor, clear tho muddy,
unhealthy skin, plump out the body and
get back to a normal vigorous condition
with Palne's celery compound, and begin
Fire Alarm Boxes.,
The fc Rowing list shows the location
of the alarm boxes ot the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre streets.
24 Bridge and Centre Btreets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
82. Jardin and Oak streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
85 Main nnd Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
4ii Gilbert and Cherry streets.
40 Oak and Gilbert streete.
48. West and Poplar streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
54. Vest and Lloyd streets.
To send an alarm open the box, pull
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm Is sent In the Are bell will sound
the number of the box nnd repeat the
alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box
the lire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will indicate that
the Are Is In the ivlclnlty ot No. 15 box.
Every alarm is repeated four times,
Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any-
iniug uub pieasanc lor a man 01 a lamlly
to contemplate, whether he Is a laborer,
lueuuuuic, uiercuunt or puousner. das
O. Jones, publisher of the Leader. Mexla
Texas, was sick In bed for ten days with
the giip during Its prevalence a year or
two ago. Later in the season he had a
second attack. He says : "la the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Btmedy
with considerable success, I think, only
being Jn bed a little over two days. The
second attack I am satisfied would have
been equally as bad as the first but for
the use of this remedy." It should be
borne in mind that the crln is much the
same as a very severe cold and requires
precisely the same treatment. When you
wish to cure a cold quickly and effectually
glvo this remedy a trial. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evenino HERALD
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly nnrt people who wish to receive tin
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leaye their addresses at Hooks & Brown'
- it.- XT . 1. , I? J I " ' i .
lawuuri-y awituu iiurjwuu street.
Care guaranteed.. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, N
8 South Main street. 9-13-tt
Monongahela Whiskey, - Mks a tit.
Pnre rye whlskev. XX. - - l n nt.
Fine "Old Bourbon, XXX, - tl.25 h qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, fl a qt.
Superior Cotrnao Brandy, $1,00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, $1.60 a qt.
"V UENGLING'S Block and Freeh
Coming: Events.
Feb. 7. Grand raustcalo In the Trinity
Reformed church.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gavo them Castorla.
III' V U .:
Tho New York Comedy Success,'
Th -i gretet musical com'dy ever written and
win ue piesemoa here in lue punio eiabor-
ale form
that slgiiblized its brilliant
engagements in Ne
Jew York . Doat.n
aaa wiucuko ueaaea oy new ,
York's fav Tit",
Tho wprlfl'sgrefttoit sensational Hpanlsh and
serpentine aaccer, assisted ay tne greaien
gathering of High Class ' Comedians, '
Singers, Dancers, Instrumentalists
and pretty girls, ... - ,;,
Prices, 25, 35 and 50 Ct8.
.Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store, . 1
EOUND.- A false tooth, in Robbing' ball
Owner can have same by calling at this
0 tee and paying for this advertisement. It
OK Bale.1 At cost, new Backus water motor.
Five (S) horse power. Just fmm the fac
tory. AddIv at the Heua'.d office. North
Market street, Shenandoah, Pa.
(fcOK to tOO por week using and selling Old
ipaO ilcltable Plater Every family has
rusty, worn knives, fotks, spoons, etc' QuIaUly
ptateby dipping In melted metal. No ex
perience or bard w rbi a good situation. Ad
dress W. P. ltarrten & Co . Clerk JNo. H. Col
umbus, Obio.
FOR ItENT, A large new store-room, with
elate glasB front, awelllne and cellar.
Excellent business location. Kent
a tlo. Apply to O
W. Newhouser,
120 North
Main street.
1 MAN In evervroellon at once to sell stacle
A. goods to dealers; no r-cadltng; fxperl-
nce unnccessnry : dcsi siae line: iouu a
mouth. Hilary and excesses or laree com'
mission made mfton J?oav and MakD'
FAcinaiKO LoiipNV, Cincinnati, O
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat.
207 West Market Ht., rot'svllle.
Hours 8 30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 tc p. m., to 8 p.
m. Sundays, 9 a.m. to 12 m
Anthony Schmicker's
. .Saloon ai Bestaral,
104 souiir xtA.ur sr.
The finest cool and billiard rooms in town.
Reading beer, sorter and Pottivllle ale con
stantly on tap. aire us a o til.
Your Stomacb : ; :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do.afad the water you drink
Isn't even fit tor that purpose. TJee
Lorenz Schmidt's Boer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Saloon and Restaurant,
IO North Main Street.
Finest Whiskeys, Beer, Porter and Ale
always on tap. "Come and hit one," Choice drinks and clears. Free lunch
to ,12 p. m.
.MJSMrBfswPiano Tuner,
Pianos ana orrans repaired. Orders left ft
U North Main street, Snenandoah.wlll recelv
prompt attentlor.
ivr. of. ivLJhJXErssrf
WatcMate : ai : Ji
16 North ISain Street.
Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to.
No. SI Houth Jardin Btreet, Bhenacdoai
Orrioa Houus; liso to a and eiso to H P. ;
Except Thursday evening
No oHlee work on fhM.tlnii oxAstil v arranof
merit. A ttrict adherence to the office hotm
w aoiotuuiy ntoettary.
Wholesale and Retail
22-21 South Main St., Bhenandoah.
Agent for D. O, Yuengllcg& Bon's celebrated
eer, i-orier, Ales, etc
105 East Centre Street.
Families Supplied with Oysters.
Dining parlors attacked.
ath Ma'n S
Retail L,
Air, Draught Porter ami welner Heer
opportunities is a sign of the good Judg
ment which is the characteristic of the
wise man. We are offering the greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
furnlthlng, at reduced prices.
Another Perfect Niagara is the fall
Inpricesof gents' furnishings at our great
sale. Seize the opportunity to secure a
rare bargain In the ilnest gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another a ureat ifau in gents" lurn-
lshinss. All hands are stretched out to
seize these bargains we offer.
Another uatcn xnem as xney au in
price. Now- is the time to secure your 29
cent white shirts.
South Main Street, SHENANDOAH.
Jfl' J't w
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
13 North Jardin Streot.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyati's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantlv on tan.
Choice temperance drtoks aud cigars.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear Coif ea House.
The best rigs In town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Siaundrjy
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class in every
particular, Bilk ties and lace curtain s epeo
ialty. Goods called tor and delivered. A trial
Full line of
Wholesale and retail.
4 North Main St.
Agents for all Dally Papers.
Weeks' Museum,
ir bouts maix sthbb.
Grand display of birds and animals of all
selections and finest palntinin the wunty.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales. ,
Finest Brands of Cigars. - '
Free lunch every niornlnrna 'evening.
John Vkekb, Proprietor.
Q. yf. Pavipbow, Bartender.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
.Handsome iBar Fixtures.
Best Brands of 5 arid 10c Cigars.
SB-e. 12-21-tf
and fire o,m
m '