cc EVENING HERALD WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23, 1695. THIRD EDITION JUDGE RICKS EXONERATED, t3harges Agnlnst Mm VlsmlMcd ny tlio IIouro Judiciary Committee. Washinoton, Jim. 23. Tlio attempt to impoacU Jud'io Augustus J Rlcka, of Clovclaud, failed in tho house judiciary committee by Jin adverse voto of 0 to 7, und Instead of tho resolution for Im peachment which Mr. Dully, of Tex as, hail prepared to report to tho hou -o one will be pre sented denounc ing tho fco system, whlch,ln tho opin ion of mombors, has made tho pro ceedings possible. T h o resolution adopted by the jttdgh mens. conimltteo Is aH follows; "Resolved, Tliat wlillo tho com mittee Is not satisfied that Judge ItickB lias been guilty of any wrong committed wlille judge that will justify It In report ing a resolution of Impeachment, yet tho committee oaunot too strongly consuro the practice undjr whloh Judge Ricks made up his Recounts." Judge Ricks gave a personal explana tion to the oommitteo of tho accounts in the Birdsell eases, which he had handled lis clerk of the court, aud which furnished ground for the Investigation, aud testi mony agaiuht hliu was given by Martin W. Sanders, who had been his deputy clerk and succeeded to tho clerkship when Judge Kicks was promoted to tho bench. Tho rovlew of the case, which was often bitter and acrimonious, changed tho opinion of no member of the committee, nnd tho charires were Ignored, as It hud been expected they would bo, when all tho members could be brought together for a voto. The case was mado largely a party question, although Judgo Ricks had four Domocratio votes, and as tho next con gress Is strongly Republican, thero Is no probability that it will bo rovived. Refused to Appoint a lleeolvor. Trenton, Jan. 23. Chaucellor McGlll refused tho application of Samuel K. Wil son for tho appointment of a receiver for tho Trenton Passenger Railway company. Mr. Wilson alleged that tho company was insolvent, ho being tho accommodation Sn dorsoron $75,000 worth of tho road's paper, nbout S10,0JO of which had been protested previous to the application for a recolvcr. 'i ho paper has since been takou up, und now suit has been brought by tho manage ment of tho road against Mr. Wilson to recover 6100.000 which ho Is charged w itli having received from the sale of bonds. Mr. Wilson Is vice president and ono of tho heaviest stockholders of tho road, anil lie is at loggerheads with the other oillcers and directors. j PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE. Over Ulglit Hundred l'roposod Now Xnws Already Introduced. IlAHRlsnuito, Jan. 23. Yostorday vras a busy day in tho legislature. In both branches much routine business of gen eral interest was transacted. Now bills continue to pour in, and it Is thought that upwards of 800 havo already found tholr way into tho two bodies. Many of those havo been brought out of committee and read tho first tlmo; others havo -passed finally In ono branch or tho othor, nnd will soon bo turned over to tho goivernor for lils action. Tho nominations oil Alex nndor Port, of Huntingdon, nnd ox;-Judgo Augustus S. LnMls, of Hollidnyslmrg, iv managers of tho Huntingdon reformatory wero confirmed by the senate. Bills wero put through tho holism finally providing for additional law julgos in Washington and Wostmorolnnd counties; providing for biennial organization of councils In second class cities; requiring actions togcthor by husband and yuo for injury to tho person wrongfully i ulUctod upon tho wife. Tho Clareuoy bill, for tho relief of fire men disabled in tho performance of tholr duties and for the families of firemen killed In tho sorvico, was read fiho flrss tlmo. Tho bill provides that 1 per cent, of tho tax paid by foreign flro lnsuraaco com panies shall be paid by tho state trea . .rer to regularly incorporated firemen's roil associations which are placed unidcr tha supervision of tho insurance commissioner, to whom they must mako report annually. Among tho new bills introduced w to: To license pool roomi In cities; amending the marriage license net by providing that persons must bo married In tho comity in which tho license is issued; increasing tho license feo to 81,000 for bottlers, brewers, etc. In tho senate tho bill to create a banking department, enlarging tho scope of tho .existing system und fixing tho annual talary of tho commissioner to be ap pointed under tho act nt i3,000, passed finally. Among tho bills Introduced wero: For tho annexation of cities of tho second -class and cities, boroughs and townships, .to, el ties of tho second class; authorizing sohool hoards to direct instruction to be given by means of pictorlully illustrated works lu any brunches of study. NEW JERSEY LEGISLATURE. The Antl-OamblliiR Amoiidmunt Will bo Submitted to l'opulur Voto. THftKTuN, Jan. 83. Among the nomina tions sent to tho senato yesterday by Gov ernor Wurts were tho following: For ju tleo of th'-iuirenio court, Charles S. rln of (L'aiudm ( reappointed;; for l.iy judife of tjbJ court of errors nnd nppoa.i, Robrt S. Grt-011 of Union (reappointed i; for htto wikiKil superintendent, Addlrm B. I'olan l (reappointed). The voto two liouftes fo.r United Htatos senator wi.x.i William .T. Sowoll, 01; Allan MoDermo.:. 11; Fran ;lln Murphy, 5. The hnuso passed. Assemblyman Cod dlug's concurrent resolution providing l t the subnniwlo to the people of the state of an anu'iulmeut to tho constitution, pro hibiting raeetraek .and other gambling. There wiw not ft single voto in the nega tive. The Iioum) nWo passed Assemblyman Gruber's bill prohibiting the employment on public works of any person who Is not u native or naturalized cltlten, or who huu not declared hU Intention to beoomu a .citizen. Othor bills passed ware: Pre Venn ing a common informer bringing suit against corporations for failure to file thMrlistof oflltvrs with the norrotnry of State, restoring to (ieorge C .. of PutiTnon, who had been couvlctcu ! bribery in paying JlMflMM' to got a poiuo uppolntiixnt MAHANOY CITY. MAHANOY UlTV, Jan. 23, 1895 E. W. Ash, of Ashland, attended to business In town. Profescor Wright attended to business nt Pottsvllle yesterday. Conrad Kessler, of Ashland, spent yes terday with relatives In town. Owen A. Miller, of Philadelphia, Is so journing with friends in town. Messrs. Jnmcs nnd William ynn visited friends at Pottsvllle yesterday. Messrs. T. F, Gorman and Ed. Hen nessey sojournad nt tho county seat yes terdaV. , , The Omega ball, which was to have come off in Armory hall last evening, was postponed. Miss Marrian Shawl, of Nlflllutown, is spending a few days as the guest of Miss Carrie Hess. - Miss Ida Kepler, of Delano, spent last evening at the guest of her friend, Mrs, W.H.Snyder. " John Burnard, contractor and builder, of Sailors' Hill, attended to business In town yesterday. Frank H. Walte, manager of tho Ash laud opera house, witnessed the production of '"not Tnmales" last evening. There are more candidates for offices in the First ward this year than in any previous year, and election day promises to be a hot one. The two year-old child of Thomas Mouroe, of Eust Centre street, was badly scalded about the face nnd hands yester day while playing around a boiler full of hot water. Dalsey Beverly and an excellent com pany will appear in "silver mm" at Kaler'H opera house on Saturday, 2Cth Inst. A matinee will be given in the afternoon. John Ward was committed to the county prison yesterday, charged with being a general nuisance. Tho charge wai made by some men who work in a boiler house at Gilberton. They claim he discharged a revolver at them. A large sleighing party of prominent people drove to Batnesvllle lest evening and put up at Joseph Whittle's hotel. A supper was served and the people enjoyed themselves by singing and dancing all night. They returned this morning. Frank Smith was injured at .Vorth Mahanoy colliery last evening by a fall of coal. He was engaged in driving a heading in slope No. 3 when some coal fell, striking him on the head and limbs. His injuries are a cut on the head, a fracture of the left foot and an ugly looking bruise on the right wrist. Smoke. Brennan's famous cigars. They are the host in the market, for fine trade only. 12-21-tf l . ., . -. ftaii. Chicago, J .n. l.'o:t"d S'iites M.v shal Arnold bronf.u I.ono V. 'b:i other director j of r,m A. R. V. befo.i Judgo Grow in at 1.) o'clock t:iis morn ing. All ga v b.i'l In tho sum of and wero roliM.d from oustody. Thoy ui now froe on iho oliar.e for whicli Out wero oouvic l until April 1, as f.v supremo com . win not inin tlio norm. of tho points nt 1ruc, which will consunu soveral days, u.itil MareJi SC. In tho mean time their trial for conspir.icy to obstruct interstate conimorco ami tho passage ot tho mails w.i. luvlu. Tho trials begin Thursday nfljrnoon nt H o clock. Argnntlna's Now Buxxos Ayi:i, Jan. 23. In Ills mossnge to congress cunvt ving his resignation President h.-uviz 'iia said that ho wn impelled to in view of 'tho decision of congi-ess on tlio ijU Mtlon of general am nesty, which decision h i regards as a vc- ltuuie stimulus to military auarcny ana a discredit to the nation. Congress ac cepted tlio resignation with only ono dl soutiug vote. A cabinet has been constl- itutotl us follows: Minister of finance. Seuor Romero; foreign allairs, fcjouor Ber- jnojo; juntii j. Henur Paz; interior, Sonor Zorllla; war, General Winter. Beulcm-uil to Jllcutroeutloiu New Yobk, Jnn. 2:). Thomas Kerrigan ind Richard Leach, murderers, wore yus terday sentejioed to death by Judge Ingra ham in the :ourt of oyer and terminer. Kerrigan was convicted last week of tin murder of Aaron Alexander In April last. Leach was convicted of the murder of his wlfo in Novembor. Both men wero sen tenced to dio in tho week beginning March 18. and do it too in a way that he will like. Ever v man that wears collars and cuffs should know about the ' CniAULOlD " Interlined. A linen collar or cuff cov ered with waterproof " CkixuivOID." They arc the only Interlined Collars and Cuffs made. They arc the top notch of comfort, neatness and economy. They will go through the day with you in good sJiapo , no matter how hot or bow busy you get You can clean one yourself in a minute, without dependence on basy wives, unskillful hired girls or un certain and distant laundries. Simply wipe thqtn off.. a i Every piece h marked as follows : You must insist upon goods 6o market' and take nothing else if you expect saaafacUon. If your denier should not Iwvc them, we will send you a eimple pobtpald en rcceiptof price. ColUirs 25c. each. Cufls. 50c, pair. Give sizel and specify staud up or turncd-dowi collar ns wonted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 4J7-iit UroudHiiy.l NHW YOllK. tsmBEBBsaaaEm iTST MARK. w ADDS VIGOR TO OLD AGE. The Weakness, the Chilliness tif Years by Paine's Celery Compound. Men and women past their grand cli macteric at sixty or sixty-five, often ex perience a chilliness and a feebleness that causes them needless alarm. Needless, if thev perceive tho meaning of these infirmities and take puins at once to correct the beginnings of weak ness nnd debility, ns it is so easy to do if begun at once. A ptrengthenmg, invigorating nerve food is ull that they need to arouse the vital organs from their sluggish, un healthy condition. Paine's celery com pound, the great nerve-food and blood purifier first prepared by Prof. Edward K. Phelps, ,M. D., LL. D. of the Dart mouth medical school, is today within the reach of every home in tho land. It is the usual prescription of countless Dentil lVtialty for Train Kolibern. jEFfi;i:sON (JlTY. Mo., Jan. 23. The house committ.-o on criminal jurispru dence recommended tlio pussage of Speaker Russell's bill making train robbery pun ishable by death. NUGGETS OF NEWS Premier Tricoupis aud tho whole Greek ministry has resigned. It is feared that tho lako steamer Chic ora, which left Milwaukee Monday morn ing, has been wrecked. Tho senatorial deadlock In Dolawaro still continues, both Higglns and Addlcks men holding firmly to their choico. At tho urgent request of President Fauro, M. Bourgeois Is again attempting tho formation of a cabinet for Franco. Edward Solomon, tho composer, and nt ono tlmo tho husband of Lilian Russell, died in London yostorday of typhoidfovor Clem Rlchter nnd John Glltmau, brako mon, wero Instantly killed In a wreck 01. tho Pittsburg, McKeosport and Youghio gheny road near Conncllsvllle, Pa. Thero is groat excitement at Mount Sterling, Ky., over tho nrrest of Jamod Roach and Richard Forman for complicity in tho recent lynching of Thomas Blair. Governor Bro tn is pushing the caso. Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the Gazette, Mlddletown, N. J., believes that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be in every home. He used It for a cold and It effected a speedy cure. He says: "It is Indeed a grand remedy, I can recom mend to all. I havd also seen it Used for whooping cough, with the best results." 35 and SO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros. The Trlnl of Hol f'ltzilmmoiu. St. Louis. Jim. 23. Bob Fltzslmmonn. who Is pluvlog hero, has cnmvlh'd nil of his dates for next week, and will go book to Syracuse X. Y., to answer tho Indict ment for manslaughter. Ho will fllo a now bond to appear boforo tho court, nnd will tln-n resume tho road. "Lanky" Bob says that ho anticipates no troublo from the indictment, as his lawyers assured him that tho grand jury returned tho truo bill to satisfy popular clamor, but it will not be X'rossod. There is good reasen for the popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Davis & Buzard, of West Monterey, Clarion Co., Pa., says : "It has enred people that our physicians could do nothing for. We persuaded them to try a bottle of Chain- oeriaui'S uougn iteuiedy and they now recommend it with the rest of us." 25 nnd 0 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros. Tint iihu of fuller .Sage. BALTiM0itr.Jiin.23. Tho trial of Hon,( I). B.ikci', George P. Sago, whooi capedl'rom .lie Harford county jail and Yftis ronrrchtfiU nt Lansing, Alloh., where ho was passing himself oil ts a proaohur, began lu tho criminal court yesterday. There are two iudlctmouts against Sag', ono charging hi in. with forging a draft tor ,11,000 on tho Natloual bank of I'awtuoket, jl. i, anil wi inner cnnrging jum wit' forging n draft for $0,000 on the Farm 1..' und .Morcliauw' bank of Ta.uu, la. Tin .-c divlftrf wore deposited by Sago lust Apr lu tho Harford National h.uik and vi.ij driven on.u)y,)).iJ'. Many stubborn and aggravating cases of rheumatism that were believed to be incurable and accepted ns life legacies, nave yielded to ouamueriain's Pain Bain, mnch to the surprise and gratifi cation of the sufferers. One application will relieve the pain and suffering and its cnuunueu use insures an uueotual cure. iorsuio by urunier uros. -,- m Met physicians in cases of rheumatism, neu ralgia, sleeplessness and the many other results of starved nerves and depleted blood. Says Mr. H. T. Gleason, of West Da mascus, Penn., whose portrait is given above : "The oast year I used five bottles of Paine's celery compound for rheumatism It cured that trouble and helped me to sleen and rest better at night. I am nearly eighty years of age. "Last month I again tried it, taking two bottles, and as a result feel better than I have any time this winter." Paine's celery compound makes happy, vigorous old age possible to every one. Fire Alarm Boxes. The following list showsthe location ot the alarm boxes of the Shenandoah fire department : LOCATION. 15 Coal and Bowers streets. 10 Bowers and Centre strf ets. 24 Bridge and Centre streets. 25 Main and Centre streets. 84 Main and Ponla" streets. 35 Main and CohI streets. 42 Gilbert nnd Centre streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 52 Chestnut nnd Coal streets. To send an alarm open the box, pull down the hook once and let go. When an alarm is sent in the Ore bell will sound the number of the box and repeat the alarm four times. ROW TO LOCATE ALARMS. If the alarm is Bounded from box 15 the fire bell will strike one, then pause and strike five, which will indicate that the flre is in the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm Is repeated four times. When Baby was sick, we gave her Costoria. When sho was a Child, she cried for Costoria. When sho became Jiiss, tho clung to Castorla. When she had Children, sho gave them Castorla. Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the aame Lebsio & Baer, Ashland, Pa., U printed on every sack. tf Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away Ib the truthful, startling title of a book about No -To Bac, the harmless, guaran teed tobacco habit cure that braces up nlcotinlzed nerves, eliminates the nico tine poison, makes weak men gain Btrength, vigor and manhood. You run no physlcial or financial risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by Mrs. A. Wasley under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. 12-3M8t Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to the Evening Herald who are not receiving their paper regu larly and people who wish to receive the paper as now subscribers, are requested to leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's jtationery store, on North Main street. Relief in Six Hours. Ulstresslng Kidney and Bladder dis- ases relieved in six hours by the "New Ureat bouth American Kidney Cure, I his new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys. back and every part of the urinary pas sages in male: or female. It relieves re tention of water hnd pain in passing it almost Immediately. If you want quick reliet ana cure mis is your remedy. Sold at the City Pharmacy, 10T 8, Main St. next door to the post office, Sheuandoah, i'a. 1 o-Sm Rupture. Cure guaranteed. No operation. In- qulrejat the Shenaudoah drufe jitore, No. 8 South Mai street. , . .WMf M. P. OOKRY, Monongahela Whiskey, 60c a qt, tl a qt, Pure rye whiskey, XX, - Fine Old Bourbon, XXX. $1.85 a qt, Superior Blackberry Brandy. Superior Cognao Brandy, - imported Jamaica Rum, ItUMfST T1fSS Ci u.ju t. 1 Y uuiuuauo ciuuii uuu r 1 iu Uct brands ot So Cigars Political Cnrds. jpOU U1QH CONTAULE, JADEZ POWELL. Subject to Citizens rules. F lO.t UIGH CONBrAIlLE. JAME3 EMANUEL. Sub'ect to tho rules of the Citizens party. JjiOIt COUNCIL, Third ward. DAVID It. JAMES. Subjctt to Citizens rules. pOR SOnOOL DIRECTOR, Second Ward. 1JENJAM1N O. CHUKOIL Hubjcct to Citizens rules. JTjlOU SCHOOL DIRECTOR, Second Ward, JUUB J. iMULitt. Subject to Citizens rules. pOR 80HOOL DIRECTOR, Third Ward. . T. K. EDWAHDS. Subject to Cithens rules. pOU SCHOOL D1UECTOR, Fourth ward. JOHN A. GRANT. Subject to the Citizens party rules. OR SCHOOL DIRECTOR, Fifth ward, THOMAS M. JAMES. Subject to Citizens rules. MISCEIXANE OUS. FOR SALE. A highly educated parrot. Price S50. Address 1033 Chtrrv street. Rending, Fa. 12-20 If FOR Sale. At cost, new Backus watermotor. Five (5) horse power. Just fmm the fac tory. Apply at the ueha'd office, North Market street, Shenandoah, Pa. TO f( a day to oceDts selling the Royal OL.UW Whito Mela) Plater or taking ore eis lor plating. Trade secrets, formulas receipts, etc., furn shed free. A good agent can make two to three thousand dc liars per year with the Hoynl Water. For ternic, etc., address Gray & Co., l'lntlng Works, Colum bus, Ohio. A MAN in every section atonce to sell staple goods to dealers; no t.eadllng; cxperl nce unnecessary ; btst side line; 175.00 a month. Salary and nzperses or large com mlsflon made lifton Soap and Manu factubihq Company, Cincinnati, O l(M7-ly-Wed8a Democrat c Primary Meetings. At regular meeting of the Democratic sianumg uommiitre comuuuee organized oy eiecung ju. ii, Mater president nnd treasurer of the corn eal tee ; J, A. Toomoy vice president, and E. J. Devers secretary. The oommlttee decided to assess all candidates for nomination as fol lows : For Council, $1.00 caeh j School Hoard, $1.00; High Constable, $1.10 ; Auditor, 50o ; Assessors, 60o The con: mitt cemen from each ward to co.lect tho above amounts and turn them over to the treasurer. Candidates' names will not be pet mltted to go before the primaries unless tbor assessments aro paid on or before the (late of holding tbo primaries. Tho primaries toIU be bold on Thursday evening, Januarv 21th. 1S95, at 7 o'clock, at tho places designated below ; First ward, at the bouse of Timothy O'Brien : Second ward, at tlio bouse of J. K. P. Sche tl- ; Third ward, at Hen J. Richards Hotel! Fourth ward, at tho houso of P. J. Stanton i Filth ward, at tho house of D.-niel Rrenna . By order of tbe Democratio Standing Com mltteo. J. A Toosiey, First, waid. M. J.Soanuan. e :ond ward. M. H Masti'b Third ward. T. J. Milks, Fotirih ward, E.J IiEVKHS F'fthward. Shenandoah, Pa., January 15 1805. Anthony Schmicker's taut, 104 SOVJLJl MAW ST, The finest pool und billiard rooms in town. Reading beer, porter and Pottsvllle ale con stantly ou tap. Give u a 0 JI. Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do. and the water you drink Isn't even fit for that purppse. Use Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. Safe and Reliable Horses to Hirt- SNEDDON'S LIVERY Pear Alley, Roar Coffee House. The best riga in town. Horses taken to board. Hauling promptly attended to. MURPHY BROS., Saloon and Restaurant, 19 North Main Street. Finest WhlBkevs. Beer. Porter and Ale nice always on tap. "Come and hit one," Choice temne ranee drinks and cigars. Free lunch 9 to 12 p. m. ED. BRENNAN- Cor, Cherry and Gilbert SL Finest Beers, Vines and Liquors. Handsome Bur futures. Best Brands of fi and 10f Gipare. 3V. Waiiter : anil : Jeweler 16 North Main Street. Repairing of all kinds prmoptly attended to. A genuine welcome Awaits you at Joe Wyatt's Saloon! MAIN AND COAL STS. Fool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and cigars. '"31 South Main St. inimrlnrp aqt. nutdii L-IUUUI UIUIU (1.00 a qt. ' J tl.B0 a qt. 1 1 I. T - Tl 1 T jjiuuguL iuiicr una weiner jduux. and all kinds of Temperance Drinks. 1 " CS-vasping opportunities Is a Blgn of tbe good judg ment which is tho characteristic of the wise man. We are offering the greatest opportunities ever know to buy men's furnUhing, at reduced prices. Another Perfect Niagara is the fall in prices of gents' furnishings at our great safe. Seize the opportunity to secure a rare bargain In the finest gloves, hosiery, neckties, etc. Another A Great Fall in gents' furn lshinas. All hands are stretched out to seize .these bargains we offer. Another Catch Them as They Fall in price. Now is the time to secure your 29 cent white shirts. W. J. SOANLAN, South Main Street, SHENANDOAH. M.J. LA R, Justice of the Peace V Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah AND LIVERY. 13 North jfirdin Street. Chas. Hooks & Sons 215 South Jardin St. Outchers and GROCERS The finest and most tender beef to be found in Shenandoah. Pork, mutton, veal and cut meats of all kinds. A fine lino of choice and fresh groceries and prime family flour, butter and eggs. Shenandoah's Ekliablb Hand Eaaundpy Oor. Lloyd and White Bts. All work guaranteed to be first-class In every partlcul&r. Blllttiesnd lace curtain e epeo laity. 'UoodB called for and delivered. A trial solicited. HOOKS & BROWN We have a fnll line of Books, Stationery, Celluloid Frames, Novelties, Periodicals. Agents for all Dally Papers. 4 North Main St. Weeks' Museum, 17 S0VTIT 3ZAXX Grand display of birds and nnlraals of all selections Htaa nnest paintings In the county. BestB-er. Porter and Ales. Finest Bracds of Cigars. Free lunch every aornlng und evening. John 'Wkisks', Proprietor. O. W Davidson, Bartender. WARREN J. PORTZ, Piano Tuner. FUnoa ana organs rpalrc2. Orders '.9ft at SI North Main street, Shenandoah, will reoelva n4 Evan J. Davies, Hub.