The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 22, 1895, Image 3

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    EffllN 5MM AH ASPlli MttSff iTl :T. iii.J ijfl'tt
Heart Disease 30Yrs!
Short Breath, Palpitation.
Mr. G. W. McKinsoy, postmaster of
Kokomo, Iud., and a bravo cx-soldlcr,
says: "I bad been severely troubled
with heart disease ever Blnce leaving
the army at the close of the late war.
I was troubled with palpitation and
shortness of breath. I could not
sleep on my left side, and had pain
around my heart. I becanio so ill
that I was much alarmed, and for
tunately my attention was called to
Drk Miles' Heart Cure
I dfcided to try It Tho first bottle
mWo a decided improvement in my
condition, and flvo bottles have com
pletely cured me."
G. W. McKINSEY, P. M., Kokomo, Ind
Dr. Miles Heart Ouro is Bold on a posltlva
euaranteo that tho first bottlo will boneflt,
All druggists aellltatU, a bottles for IS, or
It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by the Dr. Miles tfodical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
Supported by hor own talented
company in tho romantic
melodrama in four acts,
An exquisite story of beart
and home, sparkling with
humor and merriment.
ZLiIttle 3Pu:n.s37
Tho' wonderful nnd bewitching
-"'actress, will appear and intro
duce delightful singing and
dancing. The Shetlnnd pony
Prince, nnd trotting dog Spot,
display almost human intelli
gence in playing their respective
parts. Don't forget to hear our
orchestra of ten artists.
Prices, as. 35 and 50 Cts.
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Presented by a company, In point ot general
excellence unsurpassed. The great
scentp are :
Public Square, Rio Janeiro.
The Congress of Navies.
Moorish Slave Yoked to an Ox.
Ruined Monastery on tho Parahiba.
Review of tho White Squadron,
2 Carloa.s of Scenery 2
100 People on the Staga-100
Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c and $n
Reserved Beats at Klrltn'a drug store
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sis., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Cosi'itLLO & Cassidit, Proprietors
fa'the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
iuuu t huuudu touta tur icoiucuiwoi wnuoow
otcry lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Masteii
tins the agency and carries it in stock at his
marble and granite works, 117 N. JAKDIN ST.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
Httacnea. xunest wines, Honors, cigars.
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslough. : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get It Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears Ilka ateel and is sold bv Tflrv nroml
cent clothier In the state. None genuine with
out Jifunmersiougn uroa. ibucl,
ed U';"1 'die Prv-sido-'t by a
Oo::iv.:;.) :al ilution, j
Tho Hawaiian Comul General In Lomluu
Declnro Tlint llor Majesty's OoTernuieitt
Will Nnt Mft a Finger In I.lllitoknlatil's
Interest The Uprising Suppressed.
Washinotok, Jan. 23. Tho Hnwnllnn
situation la llkbly to absorb tho attention
of tho liouso committco on foreign affairs
nt Its next meeting, for threo resolutions
proposing tllfforont notion on tho question
woro Introduced yesterday nnd referred to
that commtttoo. Representative Ureckln
ridge, of Kentucky, introduced ono for nn-
uoxntion. iw lr,i,Tvs:
"Kraolveu, Tnat it Is tho sonso of this
house that tho president shnll nt onco en
tor into negotiations with tho republic of
Hawaii, looking to tho nnuoxntlon of tho
Ilawallau islands upon terms allko honor
able and initially satisfactory to .the
United Stat.' of Amorlca and tho repub
lic of Hawaii."
Representative Storcr, of Ohio, ono ask
ing Information concerning alleged Brit
ish connlvenco In tho rebellion, nnd Rep
resentative Bockner, of Kentuoky, ono in
Which It is sot forth that this country
vlows with satisfaction tho successful pas
sago of tho two republics of Franco nnd
Hawaii, through crises whloh, but for tho
firm formulations of thoir governments,
might havo ondod In resolution and dis
The Hawaiian Royalists Must Fight Their
Rattles Unaided.
London, Jnn. 22. Mr. HofTnung, tho
Hawaiian consul general in London, has
recolved n dispatch from S. M. Damon,
tho Hawaiian minister of finance, stating
that tho revolution in Hawaii has boon en
tirely suppressed, and that communica
tion between tho dlfforont islands has been
resumed. Regarding tho reports in circu
lation as to tho British support glvon to
tho revolutionists, Mr. Hoffnung says
thcro was no question of Great Britain in
tervening in tho affairs of Hawaii.
Tho consul gonoral says that tho British
government will not lift n flngcr in regard
to tho internal politics of Hawaii, and ex
presses tho opinion that tho falluro of
Great Britain to rccognizo tho onvoys sont
by ox-Queen Llliuokalanl to this country
was probably tho reason of tho present
outbreak. Tho royalists, ho said, have
boon counting upon tho support of Great
Britain, and they now know that thoy
havo to rely upon their own effort. In
conclusion Mr. Hoffuung said: "I am not
surprised at tho news of tho revolt, and I
am afraid It is but tho commencement of
serious times, ns tho native party out
numbers tho republicans."
Not a Soul Was Lost.
Louisville, Jan. S3. Thoro is the
strangost nows from down tho river. Not
a single soul was lost In tho wrecking of
tho steamer Stato of Missouri, according
to tho captain and others of tho crow.
Whon Captain Joseph Conlon completed
a list of thoso saved It contained tho name 1
of every ono on board tho boat. Howover,
until this list was completed, Captain
Conlon, Engineer Wlllnrd Aloxander nnd
other officials of tho boat wcro of tho opin
ion that at loast ton lives had boon lost.
Another Hank Victimized by Qulgloy.
Newark, N. J Jnn. 23. Vlco President
E. S. Cnmpbell, of tho National Nowark
Banking company, said that Edward O.
Qulgloy, tho Now York dofaultor, had vic
timized that Institution to tho oxtont of
130,000 with forgod Hnrrisburg, Pa., city
bonds. Tho bank mado a loan on a mar
gin of 20 per cont. Tho bonds wero pro
nounced good by oxports. Tho loan was
callod on Jan. 13, whon tho forgery was
dotectod. Tho bank oxpocts to realize all
of tho $30,000.
nia Brains Battered Out.
SnAMOElN, Pa., Jan. 23. Whllo Rich
ard Gilham was oiling machlnory at tho
Cameron mlno his clothing was caught in
tho bolting and ho was whirled against
tho sldo of tho engine room with such forco
that his brains woro battered out. At
about the sumo hour tho workmon wero
battling with a Are lnsldo, caused by Ignit
ing mlno gas, and a few hours lator tho
hoisting ropo parted and a wagon dashod
to tho bottom, compelling tho mlno to shut
A Boy's Ufo Saved by a Dog,
READING, Pa., Jan. 23. A small boy
broko through tho Ico on tho Schuylkill
canal, near tho Ponn street brldgo, and
would havo drowned had it not boen for a
largo dog that accompanied him. Tho dog
was noticed by tho skaters swimming
around in tho holo in tho ico and grabbing
somothlng with his mouth. Upon inves
tigation tho object was found to bo a boy
about 11 years old, who was quickly res
cued from his porllous position.
Arrest of a British Olllclnl by Turks.
Constantinople, Jan. 23. Mr. Cobb,
tho British postmaster hero, whoso arrest
by tho Turkish authorities has been an
nounced in these dispatches, wns arrested
for, protesting against tho seizure, of mi Ar
menian pohtbng destined for Smyrna and
a brutal outrago committed on an At-
moninn postman ompioyeu m me Jirmsn
service. Mr. Cobb was also Insulted, and
wns only liberated on
tho British embassy.
tho interference of
General Clay's Child Svir Itoithrul.
Richmond, Ky., Jan. 98. The story that
tho young bride of General Cossius M.
Clay has deserted mm is untruo, White
hall was visited yesterday and u thorough
investigation was nuulo by the representa
tive of tho Associated Press. Thoro is no
jarwhatevorln tho mansion of tho gonoral,
nnd the false roports nro attributed to
thoso who so bitterly opposed tho match.
A Warlike Attitude.
Citt of Mexico, Jan, 23. Tho warship
Gonoral Saragossa has boon ordorod to
a Guatemalan port to tnko on board tho
Moxlcan chargo d'affaires, Souor Joso
Godoy. If the Guatemalan govorumont
doos not answer tho last and final noto of
tho Moxlcan govornment thoro Is bolioved
to bo tho most Imminent risk of a declara
tion of war.
The Peacemaker Killed.
LENAON, Mo., Jnn, 23.-Rufus Stono,
residing near Decaturvlllo, was shot at
Zlon church by Lum Farmer. At n ro
llcrlous sorvlce Fnrmcr and nnothor party
became mbrolled whon Stono lntorforod
as a peacemaker. Farmer drow his re
volver nnd shot Stono In tho right side,
from tho effects of which ho died.
Rhe '
But Sno iiuis
Know ,Jau How f-lie
And That is the Most Curious and Interesting-
Part of It.
Sho never could tell how she got Into
the terrible prcdlatnient.
Noono can ever tell exactly how trouble
comes about.
But with Shakespeare we realize :
"One wee doth tioad upo-j another's heel,
80 last they follow."
And Mrs. Eva Dyer, of 40 South Orange
Ave., Newark, N, J., who tells the follow
ing interesting story, indeed, felt the
truth of this.
"About flV8 years ago," she began, "I
was taken suddenly sick, and I continued
to grow worse until I was unable to do
any work at all. My nerves got so bad
that I would have spasms nearly every
day, and I would feel so I was dying, in
every ono I had.
"My stomach was In such a weak con
dition that it wouldn't contain the
lightest food, and altogether I was so
weak and run down that I was obliged to
remain in bed the greater part of the
"I tried doctor after doctor, but their
medicines did me no good, and I was
ready to give up hopes of ever getting
better, when a friend advised me to try
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
"So I resolved to try it, and have found
It a success. The first bottle I took I
thought I felt some better, and so I con
tinued taking it. I have now taken
seven bottles, and I feel that I am cured.
"I don't have any more suasras and my
stomach is to 1 can eat anything without
its hurting me. I am no longer weak or
nervous, and 1 am able to do my own
work nnd feel like a new woman.
"I advise everv one who is sick or ail
ing, to try Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy, and be convinced of its
wonderful power to cure, as I have been."
Tnousanus of people are to-day in a
predicament more or less like that of
Mrs. Dyer. They may not be so seriously
sick ns she was, but they may com even
to a worse condition, if they allow their
present ailments and weaknesses to run
on. Nine times out. of ten the great
prostrations of health, the breaking
down ot mind and body, the utter wreck
and shattering of these delicate fibres
which send weakness and despair throb
bing and shivering through unstrung
nerves, are traceable directly to the
neglect of the first slight and apparently
trivial symptoms.
It you would save yourselves from the
black night of sickness, the hopelessness
of despair, do not allow the first symp
toms, the dlzzv. aching head, the ner
vousness, the restlessness, the sleepless
ness, the utter weakness of weary days
and hours, to continue for one moment
when you know tnat Dr. Greene s Nervura
blood and nerve remedy will surely cure
yon will sursly make you strong and
Phvslclans recommend it everywhere.
Dr. Greene, of 35 West lith St.. New
York City, Its discoverer, is our most
successful physician in curing nervous
and chronic diseases, and he tells you to
use it, that It will make you well. You
can consult him free, personally or by
Municipal Wnrfarii lh' Attnnta.
Atlanta. Jan. 23. Tho investigation
Into local ntlairs has developed a red hot
fight betweon tho city council and board
of nollco commissioners. The special com
mittee of tho council recommended tho
suspension of Chief Detectlvo Wright und
Dotectivos Loouoy nnd Cason. Thoy also
reoommended a creneral investigation of
the nolico forco. Tho police commission
ers resented tills interference with their
rights. Last evening the city council met
tfnd ratified tho uotlou of Its oommltteo.
This throws down tho gauntlot to the
,, ,,; tt. inan.
1 :,"'" ,f" "
Maryland Will Keep Itosontlml.
Baltimore, Jnn. 23. Requisition pa
pers were Issued by Governor Hastings,
of Pennsylvania, for Anrou Rosenthal,
now under nrrest In Baltimore, for forg
ing the name of Samuel Wortheimer, of
Pittsburg. .The prisoner, It is alleged, un
der the name of Simon Lehman operated
his ganio of swindling in Baltimore uy
buying goods and offering bogus checks
In pnymont. .Marshal Jfrey toiiny saiu:
think Rosonthal won't go out of this town
until wo got through with him. He will
got a term hero, nnd then Pittsburg will
bo wolconio to him, but it will bo somo
years boforo ho will bo In Pittsburg."
Tennessee's Gubernatorial Snarl.
Nashville, Jnn. 38. Dobato upon tho
contest election bill consumed nil of yos-
torday in the sounto. At 0 o'clock nn
ngroemout was roached to tako a voto on
tho third nnd last reading of tho bill today,
andnsopuratovotowlllbo taken In both
houses for tho olcctlon of a United Stntos
sonator. Senator Harris, tho nominee of
tho Democratic caucus. will bo chosen, no-
publicans will voto for Mr. Sauford, of
Knoxvillo, nnd Populists for A. L. Mills,
their candidate for governor in tho Novem
ber election, .
She Don't Know How
Got Intj It,
Loss of L' awl Much Damage to
Pt'j rty in Chicago.
: TWO kilitd, ma:iy badly hurt.
One Jinn NVurly Cut In Two by n Lnrgn
1'allltiK Section of 1'lnto Glut nnd An
otlmr lUown from n Load of Lumber
nnd Instantly Killed.
Chicago, Jan. 23. Two persons wow
killed and several badly Injured yesterday
by accidents resulting from the high
winds, A portion of tho scaffolding of tho
now Fort Dearborn bulldlug, at Clnrk
and Monroo streets, was blown away, and
falling fourtcoh stories burled two men,
ono of whom, J. D. Burko, a ticket brokor,
wus thought to bo fatally Injured. Tho
othoM moro sorlously injured wero: A. J.
Donaldson, clerk, shoulder crushed: W.
Luslus, printer, scalp wounds; Frank
Woodward, teamster, arm crushed; P. 9.
Fisher, restaurant omployo, badly bruised;
i. U. Irwin, clerk, dangerous internal ln-
Jurlosj Georgo Boy, stenographer, head
badly cut.
During tho afternoon tho gnlo seemed to
lncrcaso in vlolunco, and falling signs nnd
chimnoys wore Humorous. Joseph Huntnl,
n tcamstor, while standing on a load of
lumber, was caught by a gust of wlndund
dashed to tho ground. His neck was
broken nnd ho died instantly. Leary T.
Steward was passing the Hartford build
ing when a window in tho tenth story was
blown in. A largo part of tho falling
glass struck Steward In tho log, sovoring
an artery.
Tho thirty foot flagstaff on Kinsley's
restaurant was torn from Its bnso and
hurled to tho strcot, dangerously Injuring
Edward Harpor, nn expressman sitting on
his wagon. It Is thought that his skull
is fractured. A llttlo latter a heavy
plato glass window in tho Hartford build
ing at Dearborn and Madison streets was
blown In. James Henson was struck by a
largo foiling section of tho glass and killed,
belug cut. almost In two. Several pedes
trians wero bndly cut.
Tho top of tho heavy chlmnoy on tho
Methodist church block was blown off last
evening and fell upon n crowded streetcar
which was passing. Tho roof of tho car
wns bent In, but nobody was Injured.
fitorm 1'anlo in Missouri.
MARSHALL, Mo., Jnn. 23. A terrific
electrical storm, accompanied by thunder
nnd followed by heavy wind nnd a dclugo
of rain, passed over this city shortly after
midnight. People woro panio stricken
nnd sought places of safety. At Nelson
considerable damngo was dono, roofs bo
lng blown off, storo fronts washed in nnd
other damngo accomplished. Tho ther-
momcter has fallen 43dcgs., and is still on
tho descend.
Fatal Cyclone In Arkansas.
Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 22. A cyclono
struck near IMggott, Ark., fatally injuring
two persons and seriously wounding nluo
others. Much property was destroyed. At
McCnlues Mill, two miles south of Piggot,
scvoral dwellings wcro totally demolished
and eloven pcoplo, wounded, two of whom
will dlo. No details of tho disaster havo
been rccelvod hero.
Tho Union Paclflo Foreclosure.
OMAHA, Jan. 23. Tho Union Paclflo at
torneys who wont to St. Louis to assist In
foreclosing tho first mortgago hero re
turned. Speaking of tho suit, Judgo
Thurston Bald: "Tho situation of tho prop
erty has reached n point whore foreclosure
was inevitable Tho llrst mortgago In-
tcrcst is in default, and the Bystem in tho
hands of receivers. Tho first Installment
of tho principal will bo duo Jnn. 1, 1890,
nnd there la no possibility of this nmount
being had by foreclosure. This foreclosure
docs not prejudlco tho govornment Inter
est in any posslblo way. Tho government
can como into this case and forccloso it in
dependently, but always subjoct to tho
first mortgago.
Tho Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
nnd Dolawaro: Decidedly colder ton';rht;
westerly winds. For tho District of
Columbia, Maryland nnd Virginia, fair
coolor; westerly winds. Lower tempera
ture is Indicated for tho middle and south
Atlantic states and tho lake regions.
Failure of a ningliamton Ilank.
BikqiiAmton, N. Y., Jan. 23, Tho Mer
chants' bank of this city has been closod
by ordorof a stato bank examiner, who
has boon going over tho affairs of tho
bank for soveral days past, discovering n
deficit of M5.000. Ernstus Ross was presi
dent, and his son, F. Hoss, cashior. Its
ennitnl stock is $100,000. Following tho
closing of tho doors came tho assignment j
Of Koss OS eons, privnto uanK, ruai eiaiu,
Swindler Sllilfroloy Indicted.
New Youk, Jau. 33. Tho grand Jury
found an indictment against William E.
Mldgeloy, formerly president of tho Amer
ican Casualty and Security company, of
Baltimore, for grnud larceny In tuo llrst
degroo. Tho ohavgo is that Mldgeloy ro
tnlned n 21,000 cheek given to lilm, whllo
with the company,, by Beecher, Schandt
& Co. Mldgeloy Is now uudur $7,500 bond.
Judge Clark Again Confirmed.
Wasiiinoton, Jan. 32. Tliero was no
delay by tho senate in re-oonlirmlng the
nomination of Hon. C. I). Clark to be
Judge of tho Eastern and Middle Tonnos- j
see dlstriots, after the judiciary commit
tee reported the matter. Mr. Hill stated
thnt the sub-oonnnlttoe had made a thor
ough Investigation of the charges and had
found them unfounded.
To be Senator l'clTor's Colleague.
Toi'KKA, Kan., Jnn. 33. At 7 o'clock
lost night Luclen Baker, state sonntor
from Leavenworth county, received fifty
four votes In tho Itopubllcnn caucus for
United States senator. This is tho num
ber neoessary to nominate. Senator
Thachor withdrew after tho twentieth
Argentine' President Ileglgns.
BUENOS AYHES, Jan. 33. Prosldont
Ponn called a meeting of tho chamber of
deputies for today to rocolvo his resigna
tion. Vlco Prosldont Urlburu succeeds
Sonor Saonz Puna and will probably
govoru with tho holp of tho Boca party.
Ylotory for Stall Carriers.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 98. Tho United States
court of claims handed down about 800
judgmonts in favor of lotter carriers in
Fort Wayne, Ind., Buffalo nnd New York
Crisp Pastry
Free from all the disagreeable greasy effects that result from the
use of lard will be had, if COTTOLENE is used. Pish and
cake fried in it are simply delicious because it adds a flnvor to
them that cannot possibly be obtained from the use of any other
frying material. Get the genuine COTTO LE N E, as there are
trade mark
, Sold in 3 and
N. K,
IN trriOT NOVEMBER 18, 1891.
I'iseeticcr trains letve ShentnOoth fo
Penn Haven Junction, imuclj nhunk l.t
hlgbtoE, Shulngton, Whltr Call, Calteaoqu.
Allemcmc, Bethlehem, Eutou mn4Wetter
.04, ;;&, .is s ro , if.4a, ssi, 5.27 p. re.
JTor Ntw York and PhlUflelphls, fl.Di, 7.V-
6.15 t. a.. 11.49, 2.17 p. m. For Quafturt
Hwltilbtrk, Gerh&rds and Hudeondale, eM
9.16 a. m., and 2.67 p. m.
For Wlltcf"Brre. White Hiven. Pltmtrt
Lsxeyvlllf, Tcwnnfl, Ssyre, Wsvcrh i
Elmir. C.f4, 9.15 . m., 2.67, 8.27 p. n.
U e Wrst, 6.04, P.15 a. m. md 7.57 6.27 p. a.
For Btlvfdfre, Delaware Witcr Gar
".troudsturg, C.04 a. m.. 2.67 p. m.
f or j.tmtienviue ana Trenton. v.u a. m.
For Tunkhacnock,e.04, 9.1S a. rr., 117, 0.77 p. .
For Ilhaca and Geneva CM. 9.1ft 1 it '1
For Auburn 9.16 a. m. 6.37 p. u .
For JenncHTllle. Levlston s nd Hi ae Ueaoov
7.88a. m., 12.43 p.m.
For Stockton and Lumbrr Yard, 0.04. l.t
9.16, a. m., 12.4B. 2.(7, 6.27 p. re.
ForBUver urooK junction, Auaennca l
Bazleton 6 04, 7.88, 9.15 a. m , 12.43, 2.67, 5.27 ar
8.08 p. n .
j orooranion, d.ui,, a, q:,, anu c.
For Bazlebi ook , Jeddo, Driltcn and Frrsl'. '
8 04, 7.38, 9.16, a. m., 12.43. 2 67, 6 27 p. rr
- or Asciana, uirarcmuc ana lobi ureox, t.r
7.48. 9.18, 10.X0 s. m., l.On, 1.40, 4.10. p. m.
foi Haven Bun.uemraila, Mount carina an
Sbamokln, 9.13, 11.14 I. m.,1.82, 4.20, 8.22, 9.11
For Yatesvllle, Park Place, MahanovCitrar'
Delano, 6.04. 7.38, 9.15, 11. Of, a m.. 13.4K i f
5 27, 8.0tr, 10.53 p. m.
Trains win leave anamoicin at b.u
11.45 a. m., 1.66, 4.80 9.80 p. m., and arrive &
Sbt nai doth at 0.04, 9.16 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6.27
11.15 p. ix
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 6.60. 7.?
B.0X, 11.03 1L80 a. m 12.48, 2.67, 4.10 6.W, 8.
p. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandcah, 6.00, 7.6C
9.05,10.16,11.10 a. m 12.82, 8.00,. 410, 6.20. T.l
7.56,8.40 p. K.
Leave scenanaoan lor aai eton. o.B4.7.f r. B.ib
i. m 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 8.08 p. m.
Leave uazieton lor snenanuotc, iu.i
.(( m , IUS, 2.(1, 6.80, 7.25, 7.6U p. tr.
Trains leave for Haven Htm. Central!..
Oarael and Btamokln, 6.45 a.m., 2.40 r. rr a. ro. sno c.
p. m.
Trains leave Hhumokln tur Shenandoah i
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m and arrive at Htr
andoah at e.w a, m. and 4.68 p. m.
Trains leave lor Ashland, Ulrsravnip ar.-. Los
Greek, 9.40 a. m., 12.30 p. m.
x or uazieion, mr.cii ureox julcuoe, it, i
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Alle.utowr
Bethlehem, Eastern and New YorV. B.49 r
12.30, 2.65 p. m.
ror rnuaaeinnia z.dd p m.
For Yatesvllle. Park Place. Mahanov Cltf at
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a, m., 12.83, 2.55, 1.68 6.03 p. n
Leave Hazleton for Shorandoah, B.fv, 11.?
a. m 1.06, 5.80 p. ei.
Leave Shenandoah for Pcttsvtlle. t66, 8 4-
0.30 a. m., 2.40 p. m,
Leave ottavuie tor anenanaoan, v.r. u i
a.m.,1.86, 6.16p.m.
South Bethlehem, I'r
OHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. ARt.,
Bouth Bethlehem.
329 N. 15th St
Below Cnllowhlll,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty Years' Continuous Practice In all special
diseases of both sexen. Lois ol Manliocd,
trrors 01 loutn, ana an aiseaees 01 me moou,
Nerves, Bkln and Kidneys, Debility and Loss
of Memory resulting lrom Abuse, Kxcess,
Imprudence or Inheritance are permanently
cured by Dr, Loub, seek bis advice at once,
lie guarantees a positive and radical cure In
every cate he treats, bringing back Health and
vigor In the most serious cases. Consultation
and examination Iree and strictly confiden
tial. Olllce honrs, dally and on Bnndays,
from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.. und 6 to 9 evenings.
Send or call for Iree book on Errors of Youth
fand obscure diseases of both sexes.
131 7 Arch St.
i i nuui Fh ade Dh a. Ha.
The Only C?eiiutiiB iecInIlNt In Ainer- I
aci, nOlWllIlHllllKIllltf want
OtlitTM Atlverttwe.
HiM'clnl IM'ienNi-N, VarlcoHU VeliiN anil
jti'lctureH(,'o CuttliiR) I'lTiMniientlr
;ui-eu in -i 10 iu nays.
Uclicf nt flnee.
Ulfllin DniCnM Primary or Secondary
I ill lllill rLlloUil cim-d bv entirely new
I hurtult inn-thud 0 years' European lloapital
; ana 3i practical experience, na Certificates and
Dlnlouias prove, bend nve 3-centtampror "ritIITII. the onlv Truo Medical
Il.inlc ailvt-rtlmd. It la a truo mend to all
I'he .t. c. riubtMrn and dunet-roui canca fiollo-
lited. Witti c-oullandbeaaveil. Hours.OtoS ;
I ev stf. 1 - - examination ana treaTmcntin
cnrcni . if .mterous cases, lilii aauy 11 to
l.:iut v - I'lnMat. irom u co 4 ; ev'KS, 0 t:
j a JO; Bui , -i Treatment by malt
I Clock Spring Blade.
JOulv Perfect Comb.
'Korcpnugh Circuses,
Ask your Dealer for
sir Thooi
tern. miKjr
See oar name on the h.nrtlc. Sl'IUMl tUUUY COMB CO., 102 Lafay clto St, South Ilend, Indiana.
V A ;
fielua ana Altec lltinc
Sold by P. P D. KIJtLTN.
questionable imitations. The
given here is on each pail.
5 lb. pails. Mode only bv
Fairbank Company,
N. Delaware Are., Plitlada.
3 t
IN irrECT NO XMBER 18. 1894.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i
cr New York v1 Philadelphia, week dn,
Ji,6.25, 7.2f.a.m., 12.32, 2.55. 6.65 p.m. Sundr
.'C. a, m. For New York via Maucr Chunk,
r.rk diys, 6.W.7 20 a. m., 12.82, 2.66 p. m.
for Ilisi.EK acd Philadelphia, week dan,
' 1' , IS.2--, 7. . a, rr., 1?.32, 2.65, 6.66 p.m. Bon
w , r,io, r,. v..
fcr Pottsvllle, neck days, 2.10,7.20, a. m.,
..aj. t.'-b.Khf r.m. Sunday, 2.10 a. re.
i or Tarcftcua and Mahnroy City, week dart,
C.Cf, 7.5C, a.m., 12,82, 2.55, 5.66 p. m. 8u
(lay, 2.10. a. m
ror 'WUUtmBport, Sunbury and Lewlsbun,
nrcU days, 8.25, 11.81) a. m 1.85, 7.20 p. B.,
?ur.i)t.y,8.St a.m.
For Msbanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, f ..
.!'(, I1.5C a.m., 12.82, 1.E5, 2.65, 6.56, 7.20, 9 31
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.25, a. m.
ror Arhland and Shamokln, week days, 1.21., 11.10 a. m., 1.86, 7.20, 9.88 p. m. Bucday,
V.6 n. m.
r llaltlrrore WaehlnRton r.nd the West T'
A O. K. It., through trains leave Resdlrs
Trrmlnr.l, Philadelphia. (P. & It. B. B.) it 8 2T,
7.66, 11.26 a. m 3.46; 7.27, p. m HundiT 32
- 66. e. rr., 8.46, 7.27 p. m. Additional
t air n from 24th and fbrstnut streets station,
week days, 1.4S, 5.41, 8.23 p. m. Hundays, LS5,
(US p. tr.
I er-ve Kew Ycrk via Phlladelpnia, weekday?
Uv a. ro., l.SO. 4.C0. 7.80 p. m., 11.16 night. Sur-o-v,
B.00 p. w.
Leave New York via MauchChunk,weekCT,, 9,10 a. m 1.10, 4.80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
n;ek dnjs, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., and IB3,
S.r?, 11.80 p.m. Sunday, 11.30 p.m.
i.eave Reading, week dajs, 1.16,7.10, 10.08, 11 5$
a. tt., 5.66, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. rr
Lravo Pottf vllle, week days, 2.85, 7.40 a. m 1
12.3C, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.18, 8.50, 11.23 t.
m., 1.20, 7.16, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, 8.18 a. m.
Leave Kahacoy City, week days, 8.45, 9.11,
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.39, 9.64 p. m. Sunday, 8 43
a. m.
Leave Mahinoy Plane, woek dtyg. 2.46.
J.JO, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.68, 2.0C, 6.20, 6.26,7.68,10 1
p. m. sunoay, 4.uo a. m..
Leave Wllllamsrort, week daye, 7.12, 10.10,
a 1 8.85, 11. lip. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Btreet' Wharf
md outh Btrect Wharf for Atlantic C11 j .
Week-Days Express, 9.00, a. tn 2.00, 4,00,
XOOp. m. Accommodaalon, 8.00 a. m.. 5.45
p. m.
Hnnday Express. 8.00, 10.00 a. m. Accom
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 1.3Up. m.
Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot, corner
Mlanllo and Arkansas avenues.
Wcek-Days Express, 755. 9.00 a. m. and.
1.00 and 6.80 p. m. Accommodation, 8.16 a. nu,
and 1.32 p. m.
Bunaai Exr ress, 4.00. 7.80 p. m. Aecommo
datlon, 7.15 a. m., and 1 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
O. G. HANCOCK, Gen. Paes. Aft.
Philadelphia Pfc.
I. A. SWEIGABD, Gen. Sunt.
sonnrxKir.T Division.
JANUARY 11, 1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
late tor Wlggan's, Qllberton. Frackvllle, Non
Tastle. St. Clair. Pottsvllle, Hamburg. Readier.
L 'ottstown, Phoenlxvlllc, Norrletown and Phil.
toeipma uroaa street station; aioiua ana 1111a
1. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays For Potts
Mile and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m.
For Wlegan's, Qllberton, Fraekvllle, New
Jastlc, St. Glair, Pottsvllle at S:C8. 8:40 a. m
ind 3:10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town, Phoanlxvllle, Norrlstown, Pblladelphli.
tt 0:00, 8:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraekvllle tor Hhenandoab at
I0:10a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
Sundays, 11:18a.m. and 5:40 p.m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 1(115,
11:48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Sundari
it 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
ihenacdoah at 5 67 and 8 35 a in, 4 10 and 7 11 p
-n week days. On Sundays leave at 8 50 a m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
For New York. Expreus, week flayx.
3 20, 4 05, 4 60, 5 15, 8 50. 7 S3, 8 20, 8 50, 10 30,
(dlnlne car), 11, 11 14 a m, 12 noon, 12 41 (Llm
ltodl21 and 4 22. p m dining cars), 140, 230
(dining car), 8 20, 4. 5, 6, 8 50, 7 13, 8 12, 10 p ra
ta 01 night, Hundajs. 3 20,4 05 4 50, 515, 812,
1)60,1)30 (dining car), 1103 a m, 12 41, 2 30
(dining car), 4 OH (limited 4 22), 5 20, 8 SO, 8 60,
713, H 12, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
Express lor Uosion, wltnout change, Ham,
weekdays, and 6 60 p m dally.
For lialtlmoro at d Washington 8 60, 7 20, 8 31,
1 10 10 0, 11 IB, 11 88 a m, (12 85 limited dlnlne
Mr,) 180. 8 46, 4 41, (5 18 Concessional Ltm
11 . dining car), 6 65, (dining car), 817, 855,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p in., and 1203
night ,veck days. Sundays, 8 60, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18.
1138 am. 4 41, 5 55 (dining car). 6 55 (dining
car). 7 10 (din ing car) pm and 12 03 night.
Leave Muraet Htreet Ferry, Philadelphia,
tfxprcus, 8 60 a .m, 2 10, 4 10 and500 pm week
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 0 45 a m.
For Cape May, Angleeea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach, express, 9 a. ra., 4 00 pm woek
lays. Sunday, 8 00 a in.
For Ben Isle City, Ocean City and Avalci.
Express, 900 a m. 4 00 p m week days. Hun-
days, 9 00 am.
For homers Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 10 P
m week days. Bundays, 8 45 a m.
8. M. ehavoex J h WO'ii.
Oen'l Varas-r' ."',r' ' t
Knrnw Mum nmh
My , M
w a wuii j waaaaw
Soft as a Brush. Fits everj-Curve. The
Used by U. S. Anny and bv Ilarnum and
aud Leading Horsemen of the World.
It. Sample mailed post paid 25 cents.
mil ),..., nnl. wwk Bold WltD WH1TTMI
Cure Servous Cebilitri Lots of Siul Towsr in sitbti mx.
comuuiptlon or Inirn ttr, l.oo per bui by msrl, t boits for ti. with nin V
orner w oi a written cusr.utee to euro or refund tb moo!. AOOius
I'CAL ilEilCINE CO.. CI.reUod.OMo.
DruoiUt, aktnandoah, P,