The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 21, 1895, Image 4

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Cariii'glo Workmen Not Frightened Off by
Wholesale DUclmritos.
Homestkad. Pa Jan. 31. Tho em
ployes of tho Homestead steel plant havo
stolon a march on tho company, and tho
Amalgamated Association has again so-
cured a foothold In tho works by tho or-
gaulzatlon of at least ono lodgo, tho first
since tho ond of tho big strtko of 1891
The organization was noccssarlly accom
plished with much socrocy, and It Is Un
derstood that only tho most trustworthy
In each of tho departments word solocted
lor tho Initial stop, and through thom it
was hoped to regain tho old tlmo power of
tho association In the mill. Tho original
charters of tho eight lodge which expired
prior to tho famous strlko will then bo
probably returned to tho officers. Tho
lodgo already organized In what is termed
a general lodge, which will embfoooi work
ers of all kinds. Prom tills lodgo thoy
will bo graduated Into tho sub-lodges to
be organised in eaoh department.
That the combination spirit is rlfoamong
the men was evidenced by tho 'attendance
at the open mass meeting yesterilay. ,l?o
tweuu 1,000 and 1,200 men wore present.
I'lvslilont Garland, of the Amnlgatitat6d
Association, was made president of the
in t'tina and tho newsnnnermon secretar
ies. No more open meetings will bo held, 1
tho worn -in tuo future being done in
Strictest secrecy.
Denouncing Labor Loaders.
PnoviUKNCpJiin- Sl.A loiyL'jggjtJ
meeting ' of District Assembly 'No'. 00j K.
of L., was held in this-clty Hist night,- and
It resulted In the passage of resolutions
denouncing tho high officials of- Jlio or
ganization and' cautioning workmen to bo
Wure of tliow Tho attendance, Which In
cluded sovoral Knights from other Now
England states, was unusually largo,
scarcely a member being absont. Tho
resolutions adopted declare that "J. H.
Sovereigii, Johh W. llttys, M. J. Bishop,
T. B. McGuird, Henry B. Martin, J. M.
Kenny and C. H. French, clulmlng to rep
resent the order of 'K of L., ivro ondfcavor
lng to collect money from 'the 'workihir
peoplo of tills country to support them-:
Beives in KlionOss and cnnblo them to1
barter with political leaders.-"
Another of Qulgley's Victims.
BlUDGM'Oi:T,Conn.,Jun.21. Tho Bridge-"
pore national bank, or this city, holds
$10,000 in bonds of tho city of Davenport,,
la., ns security for a loan of f8,000 mado'
by Edwin O. Qulgley, tho self confossod
bond forgor of New York. Tho loan Was
Jnado six months ago and is not duo yet.
President Forest has not yot ascertained
tho validity of tho bonds. In 1893 Qulgloy
made a loan of $30,000, and by settling
promptly whon it was duo, although tho
time expired in tho midst of tho financial
depression, ho gained good standing with
tho banks hero.
Probably a Case of Suicide.
IjAkcasteii, Pa., Jan. 21. Tho body of
an unknown man, with arovolvcr clutched
tightly in tho hand, was found last night
Kiusa io mo railroad tract, west of Jlount
ville, a few miles from this city. Tho sup
position is that it is a caso of suicldo. Tho
name of tho suicldo, according to papers
found on his porson, Is S. S. Winchester,
of Wilmington, Dol. Whilo in Lancaster
no told a number of porsous that ho was J.
H. Brown, of Baltimore, and under thnt
namo ho had beon receiving newspaper
.mm ui. uu eating nouse whore no took oc
casional meals.
Mr. I'littlscmV KlIglblHty.
Philadelphia, Jan. 21. Tho contro
versy over ex-Governor Robert E. Pattl
son's eligibility for tho mayoralty Is at
tracting tuo attention of tho politicians
'Iho claim mado by the Republicans is
that his having votod in Harrisburg do
bars him from tho franchise in this city is
stoutly resisted by tho Democrats, and
each side quotes legal opinions without
limit in support of their nrmi merits
Jileantimo tho QX-govcruor's accoptanco of
tho nomination is anxiously awaited, his
imrusnns claiming that ho will undoubt-
euiy accept.
Terrlblo Earthquake In Persia,
LONDON, Jan. 21. A disnatch from
Teheran, tho capital of Porsia, statos that
the town of Kuchan, in tho province of
luiorasan, which was destroyed by an
earthquake fourteen months ago, and
which was subsequently rebuilt, was again
destroyed by an earthquake shoclc on
Tliurl ly last. , There was, ason tlio prev
ious occasion, great loss of life. Onohun-
tircu women, wno were in a bath hbuso,
were crushed to death by tho falling build
ing. He Was Unjustly Accused.
'HlCHMOXn, Vn., Jan. 21. L. S, Ely, who
was brought from New York a fow days
ago ch ii'gB.l with -embezzlement 'froln C,
E. Yeid'r-r & Co., ' his former employers,
lins Ix-en set at liberty. The chilrgii arose
out of tho absence and misunderstanding
of certain vouchers in making up Mr. Ely's
ai'coiiiit with tho firm. The ohartre has
been withdrawn, Verdler & Co. admitting I
that tUoy had made a mis take in ,tho mat
Lift Imprisonment for Thoft.
Mabti n-BIHg, W. Va.,'Jmi.3l. Several
days a - William IiimltK, colored, was
fom.d iru'liy In the circuit court atthU
place of o Mug waste from tho boies of
cars Stan-ling oit the trucks of the 'Balti
more nu 1 Ohio railroad. On Saturday
Judgo E. Povd Vauikm-r sentcuo! 'libit
to tlu pei...otitiury for life, It being' his
third cemv etion before the court. This is
Recording to a provlstou of the state luws.
lMnlll 'lo Vli-gJiilH Lawyers Fined.
Rn vyoKl:. Va., Jan. 21 There wo mi
cxelniia s' no at the hustings ooiirt dm
lng tin- rr!U of aerimlimW-.:o. Prosocu.-
lng An y Colonel John. W. Hartwdl,
villi- i'xa i.'iUig witness, got into anal-t.-rcation
.th Cptln W. w. Berkeley,
counsel f '.- tl-8 defeuilant, which resulted
in tasaing of 'Mow. Court dJHours I'ntei-fi-red
and separated the IjulllgurtMitfl. -Judgo
Wuods lined both parties A0.
John L. "Talka Through Ills lint."
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 21. John L. Sulli
van, who Is In Llnooln with his oomuony,
Bay he will re-enter ttie ring next yen"
prepared to redeem ills lost laurels. Hu
tliought Kltwdmmons would give Corbett
tho tightest fight lie ever had, and said ho
would not be surprised If he (Sullivan)
Vnuhl be the rn-xt man to meet tho Aus
L..;,uiimthu event of Corbett being de-1,-atntl
Tho rhl1nleli1ila Will Tnko No I'art In
tlio llmviillnn ICovolt.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. In convocation
Inst evening tho president seoinod ontlroly
willing to discuss tho Hawaiian quostlou.
Ho said: "No Information has boon re
ceived which Indicated that anything will
happen In Hawaii making tho prosonco of
ono of our naval vossols noccssary, unless
wo nro prepared to entor upon a policy
and course of conduct violative of ovcry
rulo of International law and utterly un
justifiable Allwhotako any Interest In
tho quostlon should keep In view tho fact
that Hawaii Is ontlrolv Independent of us
and that In Its relations to us It Is a foreign
"A shin has boon sent to Honolulu, not
becauso thoro has boon any chango In tho
policy of tho administration, and not be
cause thoro seems to bo any imminent ne
cessity for its prosonco thoro. Tho vossol
has beon sont in preclso accordance with
tho policy of tho administration In ovory
caso of tho kind, and from motives of ox
tromo oaution, and becauso there Is a pos
sibility that disturbances may bo ronowed
which might result In dangor to tho per
sons or property of American citizens on
titled to tho protection of tho United
States. This courso was at onoo deter
mined upon as soon as Information
reached the government of tho rocont re
volt." Tho Instructions to Admiral Boardsloo
are: "Your purposo as tho United States
Senior naval officer nt Honolulu will bo
tho protection of tho lives and property of
American citizens. In caso of civil war In
tho Islands extend no aid orsunnort. moral
or physical, to any of tho partlos engaged
therein, but keep steadily In viow your
duty to protect tho llvos and property of
such Americans as shall not, by their
participation in such civil commotions,
forfeit their right in that regard to the
protection of the Amorian llag."
Tho i'liViauclpnlaOfr for Honolulu!
San Francisco, Jnn 21. Tho flagship
Philadelphia left hero for Honolulu yos-'
torday, and it is oxpoctcd sho will mako
tho run to tho islands In about six days.
Tho oceanic steamer Australia loft at 10
o'clock this morning. Sho had a small
passenger list, as some of those who had
Intended to mako tho pleasant ocean voy
ago havo decided that Hawaii is a good
placo to keep away from at present. Sho
carries 2,000 stands Of arms and about 75,
000 rounds of ammunition to representa
tives of tho government.
Aluminum War Vessels.
Washington, Jan. 18. Probably wlthn'
vlow to giving scopo for tho latest ideas In
naval construction, Secretary' Herbert has
modified tho advertisements for tho thrco
torpedo boats to bo constructed, so as tol
permit of tho substitution for stool of any'
motal or alloy in hull or machinery. It is,
understood that tho chango has been mado
at tho instance of bidders who desire to
submit proposals to build the boats of
aluminum bronze. Another reason for the
chango may bo found in soino recent,
French experiments, whoroln a great sav
ing of weight was mado by tho uso of alu
minum' for hull construction.
A British Columbia lloodlcr Kscnpes.
NANAIMO, B. C, Jan. 21. Tho sensa
tional disappearance of Pollco Mnglstrato
f lanta, as an outcome of tho royal com
missions Investigation, is no longer a mys
tory. It is now known that ho has reached
tho American sldo. A hurried investlgiv-.
tlon of his affairs shows that for yoars he
has been in tho habit of using public,
money as well as property of Intestates for
his own uso. It is ostlmated that ho has'
gotten away with a very largo sum of'
Not Guilty or Murder.
HAniilSDORG, Jan. 21. Tho trial of Ed
ward Hoppenhavor for the murder of John
Englobort last Ootober closed with a vor-'
diet of "not guilty." Tho ovidonco during
tho trial wont to show that Englobort had
boon drinking, and that ho appeared at
Hoppenhaver's house ot night and tried to
get in, though warned to leave. Tho
mothor of Hoppenhavor wont to tho door
.1 opened it, and when Englebert rushed
publlo competition hud boon courted,
is claimed othor aldermen will haV"10"11' obtaining about 180. Warn
slmllnrnlmrfn-alirnno-ht. nmiinKt. tliimi. tllOIU agalllSt an alarm, tllO two rob
IlraiUonl's Alleged Poisoning Caso. clow. J
Bl'.ADFor.I), Pa., Jan. 18. Ragonnis Rof iinath-of Kx-Coneressman Martin.
slmo, an Italian, who was found inn hov(WuKEL1Jt0i w. Va., Jan. 21. Hon. B.
suffering from poisoning ll fow OVOnillg TIrt.ln. nun of li.nsr, n,,.l
ago, died at tho hospital Wednesday nlgli( ulHr Ucmlocrut8 in tho state, died nt Ms
Many Italians accuso Mlko Darbonl of nc lno ln Grafton yesterday. Ho was born
ministering tho poison. D'u-boni lms ie( u distinguished lawyer, helped
tho town. It is said that Darbonl is wuntoaku tho gtnto con8titution and twlco rep
ln Italy for murder. Tho coronor Is lnvetd tho Soctmd (Wilson's) district ln
br t
Verdict Against a Railroad Company.
Reaping, Pa., Jan. 18. Barbara
mar i younit Klrl obtained .rverdlct fo1118' J,lU' SXAftor a conference that
Jl, against tho Novcrslnk Mountali!0. hUrs ?
Railway company for tho loss of a foot liV,otfcJuej S0?!?1 a"lH?.1g10'
being run over on tho defendant coni10 Promised to enter tho cabinot,-Pro-
pnny'a railway on South Ninth street. 7? $v? ? fln" -
innHnn fnr a nmv trlnl . r,t1 1, H,'U P?' "to SXCCUtO ills financial
fo !
pgram, in inducing M. I'olucalrre to'oo-
company s attorney. gthb portfolio of finance. '
Killed ln an Altercation. - Spain Adopts the Modus Vivendi.
OIL CITY, Pn., Jan. 19. Honry Grimr MAtfttlD.' Jan. 21. Tho bhanlboro'f 'dorm-
aged 25, was shot and killed ln an
Russian ampaSb-uuor to licrmany.
An Unsolved Murder Mystery.
Pottsviixe, Pa., Jan. 21. Charles Bow
ser, ,tb.if colored boy charged with tho mur
der of Thomas F. Bourko, was acquitted.
Tho mystery surrounding tho caso may
never bo solved.
John V. Lovoy, tho first Domocrat to
vote ln Bourbon county, Ky., died at Paris,
Ky., aged 80.
A bill in tho Wost Virginia legislature
provides for electrocution of persons sen
tenced to death.
' While robbing a store at Loa Angoles,
Cab, Wllliuni Bean was fatally shot by
poteotlve Aublo.
The heaviest snow storm ln years Is In
programs in California. The snow Is from
seven to ten feet deep,
,MfMYAUfluJd, one pf tho allogod Aoqula
Crook train robbers, was removed from
Cincinnati to Fredericksburg, Vn.
At Osawotipio, Kan., City Marshal
Htdms was shot by iHMtoHiue burglars
whom he surprised. The murderers then
Kx-Secretary of State John W. Foster,
who wus appointed to act in nn nd .iry
capacity to tho Chinese poaoe envoy, has
Hrriwd, nt Yekuhauiu.
A duol lias lituiu faugiit be'twtvu IVlneo
Moi-nui-v, a oousiu of the kin t of Borvin,
Hirl l-ieut-nnot Ki.tUi.iownky. Neither of
thi-duellUu worehiii't.
The eaHNtgMifBt is auuounoed of Miss
JuU.-i Mtnc, daitghler of Colonel BVimI
.: uit -li1 .r-.indilauhter to the groat gen
ftul, to William Lalnber, of New York.
Local News
Hasty I'erusal.
May be another Ice crop.
Ground hog time is not far off.
Valentines will soon be appearing.
Increased demands on the coal bin.
The days nre prcceptally lengthening
Do not neglect to send us local events
from your neighborhood.
After Januarvis cone It won't be long
till Spring will be coming.
It can't snow too hard for liverymen
who have plenty of sleighs to hire.
Alcohol is good to clean pipes with.
Some men xmly have to breath through
When n fellow has a train of thought
Interrupted, It doesn't always follow that
the wheuls'ln hls'head stop.
The pp&t two weeks have furnished a
fine variety of weather, varying In tem
perature from fever heat to Zero.
The State Editorial Association will
meet In the city of Harrisburg at tho
Lochiel Hotel Thursday, January 24th.
To-morrow Night's Attraction.
Dalsey Beverly, supported by her own
talented company, appearing In the
romantic melodrama in four acts, "Sliver
Bird," an exquisite story of heart and
home, sparkling with wit, humor and
merriment. Little Pansy, tho wonderful
and bewitching child actress, will appear
and introduce delightful singing and
dancing. The Shetland pony Price and
trotting dog Spot display almost human
intelligence in playing their respective
parts. Watch for our street parade and
old-maidsKband. At Ferguson's theatre
to-morrow evening.
Heavy Malls.
The mails received In town to-day were
the largest in the history of Postmaster
Mellet's term. Some of the carriers were
obliged to carry two pouches on their
routes this morning.
Tho Irish Leader Writes of Our Superiority
Over Great Ilrltaln.
LONDON, Jan. 21. Mr. Mlchnol Davltt,,
tho woll known Irish loador, has written a'
column letter to Tho Chronicle protesting;
against tho wholesale charces of corrup
tion hurled by -Mr. Benn and others against'
tho Auldrioun people. Ho asks whether'
such men u i liaynrd, Cleveland, Harrison
and itforf." must bo dubbed corrupt be
causo u i v.- politicians of tho baser kind,
have ti-.ul.'d upon their representative posi
tions, and whether every city in tho United'
States needs a Loxow coininlttoo, bocauso
New York and Chicago havo oxhibltod
somo instancos of cross municipal corrup
tion, invariably followed by tho punish
ment, or ostracism of tho guilty persons.
Mr. Davittadds:
"It Is a sdporlatlvo absurdity. Seasoned
ignornnco and conceit mako tho English
critio Impervious to ridicule whon ho rides
the.high horso of British superiority."
Ho says tho faiilts of American publlo
Ufo are thoso of populnr bribery. Tho
American government may bo nil thot It
is alleged .to bo, but it does not govern
200,000,000 peoplo, a quarter of whom exist
on an livorago Incomo of forty rupees
yearly, with their salt taxed in tho bargain
America's sins nro small whon compared
with England's doings In India, Ireland
and olsowhorO.
Tho Chronlclo, In nnodltorlal, advocates
tho taking to heart of Mr. Davltt's warn
lug, and says: "Wo would willingly glvo
a good many British statesmen for ono
Abo Lincoln."
Hill Cook's Mot hods In Toledo.
Toledo, O., Jan. 21. Shortly aftor 0
o clock Saturday night two masked m6n
ontored tho grocery store of William Mc-
Guthrio, on Oak streot, in a populous part
of tho city, und pulling their rovolvors on
ijo proprietor, his wlfo and n customdr.
-ocoedca to help themsoives to tho cash
irs then disappeared. The pollco havo
ngress irom ihto to lBbO.
Premier Itourgeols' Cabinet.
altis'u'n.a finally adopted the modus vlvoridl
with tho United btates. It Is believed that
tho government proposals regarding re
forms in Cuba and tho tariff on cereals
will bo carried.
ilr. if. Jm Orlatiinger
Nervous and Weak
All broken down, unable to sleep, distress and
burning la -tj itomich, imothtrlae and ehoklnt
pells this nti my condition when I began to
take Hood's Saraaparllla. I bare taken 8 bot
tles and-feel Hue anoiker mnn, can work
with easA, weigh over 200, and nta cured.
(ball vr be ready to praise Hood's Sareapv
tllla, J. L. Qhissinouii, Nw urenada, Pa.
Hood's Cures
N. D, Bo lure to get Hood's and only Hood's,
Hood's Pills are endorsed by thousands,
Thoy Woro Met by ) Ulcers When Thoy
Wont to ltob.
Momenck. Ills., Jan. 21. An attempt to
rob tho Kxchnugo bank, of this town, yes-
.torday morning w.ould havo been - success
ful had It not beon for dctcctlvos from
Chicago, nlded by thot town marshal and
assistants, who nftcr a fierce battlo with
tho robbers, succcodcd In capturing Weed
Lovo, of Molnonoe, who became separated
from tho rest of tho gang In tho confusion
of tho fight. Thoro woro two and possibly
three others in tho gang, and thoy got
away hi tho dnrkness. Later ono of tho
burglars, named Scliaff, was captured and
tho dctcctlvos nro In pursuit of tho others.
Robberies lii Momeuco havo boon so nu
.merous during tho past fow months that
'tho Chicago detectives hod boon oiuployed
recently to forret out tho porpotrntors.
'Tho oporatlve sont horo gained tlid confi
dence of tho gangnnd learned of their plan
jtorob tho bank Saturday night. Had they
(Succeeded they would hnvo Boourcd about
f in cash, in ono or tho men arrested
'havo beon previously imprisoned on a so
rious chnrgo. They hnvo not, however,
at any tlmo been known as sober and In
dustrie ms citizens.
Ono that you can keep clean nil
,tb?J'iKVj-si coilax'lint does not.jL
Wilt wucn you get over-iieaicu ;
that docs not fray on the edge, or
tear out at the buttonholes, and
can be cleaned by simply wiping
off with a wet sponge or cloth.
These collars and cuffs are made
by covering linen collars or cuffs
on both sides with waterproof
"celluloid," thus giving strength
dud durability. They are the only
waterproof goods so made, and
every piece is stomped as follows:
Ask for this, and refuse to tnkc
any imitation if you expect sat
isfaction. If your dealer does not
Iteep them, send direct to us, en
closing amount, and we will mail
you sample. Collars 25 cts. each.
Cuffs 50 cts. pair. State size, and
whether stand-up or turned-down
collar is wanted.
427-39 Broadway,
new X0TK.
Weeks' Museum
Orand dlspluy of birds and animals ot all
selections and dnest paintings In the county.
Best Beer Porter and Ales
Finest Br.i- ds 1 Cigars.
Free lunch every r irnln4 end evening.
John Wekks, Proprietor.
O W Davidson, Hartender
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyait's Saloon
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys
beers, porter and ale sonstantly - on tap.
Choice temperance drlnWn and cigars.
Editob and Pbopribtor pnori 1664 to 1894.
EoitOb and Publisher,
Jhe Ledger,
Improved, Illustrated, convenient In form, Is
one of the largest and best newspapers pub
lished anywhere progressive and of high
During 1895 the PUBLIC LEDGER'S former
high place in Journalism Will be -not only
maintained, but advanced by improvements
In every department. In the extension of its
news service, literary attractions, and spec
ial features. To enable the publisherto make
the proposed Improvement, and to meet the
steadily and rapidly growing circulation of
the Ledger, Messrs. Hoe & Co. are nc-w con
structing for It four New Sextuple Presses
of the latest and most approved design.
These presses -will Increase the facilities for
rapid printing as per cent., enhance the
typographical appearance of the paper, and
give more distinct Impressions,
All the news condensed and classified:
Important Matters in full, Classified Adver
tisements, as interesting as news and
much read.
Independent Comment on the Events of
the day.
Reliable Financial News ond Market
State News of Pennsylvania, New Jersey.
and Delaware, complete and classified.
Social Events, Qames and Sports, the
Fashions of the day. Literary, Art, Farm fand
Garden, Scientific and Labor notes, Building
Society news and Household articles.
The DAILY LEDQER (Sunday excepted),
by mall, to any address ln the United States
or Canada, 50 cents per month.
Saturday's LEDGER (weekly), a great
home journal, which should be ln every
country home, $1,00 per year.
Iff Make alt remittances payable to
Editor and Publlther.
I Collar
I crjfja Mark.-
CO., ,
Monongahela Whiskey,
Pure rye whiskey, XX,
Fine Old Bonrbon, XXX,
60c a qt.
fl a qt.
J1.25 a qt,
Superior Blackberry Brandy.
, tl a qt. S3
fl.OOnqt. A
(1.60 a qt. 1
superior Cognao Brandy,
imported Jamaica Rum,
V UENGLING'S Stock aud Fieah Ale,
Uest brands of 60 Clears and
Political Cards.
pou man contaule,
Subject to Citizens rules. '
Sublect to the rules of tho Citlzons party.
Subject to Citizens rules.
pOK SCHOOL iTlREOTOR, Second Ward,
SubJ ot to Citizens rules.
Subject to Citizens rules,
Subject to Citizens' rules.
J70R SAIjErt-TJwjrpfOperty at tho southwest
f r corner 01 Coal and liowers streets. Kxcel-
lent investment. Apply to Marecnmiat. i-m-ti
hlehly educated narrot.
T Price iJOO,
Reading, Pa.
Address 1033 Cherry street,
12-20 tr
POK Bale. At cost, new Baclrus watermotor.
L jj ivo (oi norse power, just irnmtne rac-
lory. Arnily at the Hbrat.d office. North
Market street, .Shenandoah, Pa.
FOR RENT, A large new store-room, with
plate glass front, dwelling and cellar.
Excellent business location. Kent reason
able. Apply to O IV. Newhouser, 120 North
Main street, ' 10-15-tt
I70R RENT. Cheap, an apartment in the
. Tltman bnllrllng, corner Main and Centre
streets. Well llphted and heated by steam.
Sulta&le lor nn office, or sewing room. Apply
to O. E. Tltman. l-S-?w.
CJli) A A a day to BgentR selling the Hoyal
OIj.UU White Metal Plater or taking
orders lor plating. Trade; secrets, formulas,
receipts, etc., forntphed free. A good agent
can mke two to thi eo thousand d' liars per
yi-ar with the P oval Plater. For terme, etc.,
address Gray Co., Plating Works, Colun;
bus, Ohio
Democrat c Primary Mep.tings
A a regular meeting of tho Demooratld
Standing Committee, held on this date, tho
committee organized by electing M. - Hi
Master president tnd treasurer of the com
ml tee ; J. A. Toomey v ce president, and Ei
J Devers Fecretary The committee rteclded
tonfsefsul) candidates for nomination as foil
lows : For Council, Kl.OOcaeh ; School Boirdj
$1.00 i High Constable, ll.fO; Auditor, 50o f
Asnessors, f0c The con mitt eemen Irom each
ward to co.lect tho above amounts and tnrri
them over to thetreosurer. Candidates' names
will 1 ot be pel mltled to go before tho primaries
unless the r assessments are paid on or beforo
the dale o- holdlne tho primaries.
The primaries win bo held on Tbnrfdy
evening, Januar- 21th lf05, at7oloelj, at the
places designated below : First ward, at the
bou e ol Timothy O'Brien! Second ward, at
tho horrent J. K. P.Sche flr ; Third wan1, at
Franey's Hall ; Fourth ward, at the house of
P.J. stsnton; Filth ward, at the house ot
Daniel Hrennon.
By Older of the Democratic standing Com.
J. A Toomet, First ward.
M. J. c-oanlan, decond ward.
M.H Mastfk, Third wurd.
T. J. Miles, Fourih ward.
E. J. DEVEBS. Filth ward.
Fr.enondcab, Pt., January 15. 1S95.
Citizens' Pi imary Meetings.
The primaries of tho Citizens' Parlv of the
borough of Shenandoah, Pa. will ba hld
under the Crwtotd county rules on Friday,
Jui. uary 25th, lg.'S. - etween the hours ot 6 and
Bp m . fat tho following places : First ward,
at the hou. e of Will am Kendrlck; Sfcond
ward, at he house of James sieElhenny: the housa of Uonlaminniotards!
Four'h wa d at the hinse of Paier Hilly;
Fifth ward, at Schmidt's hall. All candidates
must pi oe their names and a sessments with
m-i .treasurer .r .me committee. -John Jj.
asslor, before Tuesday, .January 22 d at 1)
p m. Positively no names will be placed on
me ticseis alter mat time.
.-ADAM nom, I'lrstward.
W. J. W.-TKiNB. Second ward.
A. U. ' a MB T lrd -ward.
TnoMAS 11TJTT8 Fourth ward.
JonN u Hassler, Fifth ward
Standing Committee.
Shenandoah Pa., January 18, HJ9S. 1 21-24
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert St
Finest Beers, Wnes and Liquors.
Handsome Bar fixtures.
Beat.Braniia of h .and l'flp, Cigars.
Finest, purest, Healthest.
CMs. Schmidt, Agt
207 We).t Coal St., Sheiianilpf
: and : Ji
16 Noilh Main Street
1 1'
Bepalrlng of all kinds prmoptly attended to;
North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY
Largest and finest hotel ln the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Billiard Itocms Attached.
Lap an t
--31 South Main St.
Draught Porter and WelnerBeer.
all kinds of Temperance Drinks.
1 Cv-pasping
opportunities is a sign of the good .'judg
ment which Is the characteristic of tho
wise man. We are offerintr the crreatet
1 opportunities ever know to buy men's
furnifching, at reduced prices.
-Another Ppvfpp.t NlntrwrA iftth fnll
In prices of gents' furnishings at ourgre
sale. Seize the opportunity to secure .a
rare bargain In the finest gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another A Great FallIn gents' furn
ishings. AH "hands are stretched out to
seize these bargains we offer.
Another Catch Them as They Fall in
price. Now is the time to secure your 29
cent white shirts.
South Main Street, SHENANDOAH.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance, and .
Real Estate Agent,
123 B. Centre St., Shenandoah
13 North. Jardin Street.
Ghas, Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
O utchersD-
The finest and most tender beef to ba
fnnnd .In -Shenandoah. Pnrb. rnntton.
veal and cnt meats of all kinds.
A fine line of choice and fresh groceries
and prime family flour, batter and eggs.
Shenandoah's .Reliable
Hand c!Liauxii3?3jr
Oor, Idoyd nd White Bts.
All work guaranteed to bo first-class la every
particular. Bilk ties ana lace curtain sa speo
(alty. Goods lled for nq aeuTerea. A trial
We have a fall line of
Books, -Stationery,
Celluloid Frames,
Agents for all Dally Papers. '
4 North Main St.
II your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslpujgh : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
la'e b'm fet It. Their celebrated
$i5.bO .Melton Overcoat
' -In . , i ' I
Wears like steel and Is sold by every promi
nent clothier ln the state. None genuine" with
out ilammersloiigh llros.f label.
Pianos and organs repaired. Orders left at
SI North Main street, Shenandoah, wm receive
prompt attention.
Evan J. D