The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 17, 1895, Image 4

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Mahanot City, Jin. 17, 1893.
ChnrU's Tlttuan, of Shenandoah, visited
town friends yesterday.
Philip Mollreen, 15 years old, fell while
skating nnd broke hla nrm.
D. 11. Shaffer, the undertaker, la con
fined to hla home by sickness.
D.i W. Hughes, of Mt. Cnrmd, trans
acts busiileii In town yesterday.
John Burnard, contractor und builder,
ot Sailors' 11111, visited friends In town
Harry Schue, 14-year-old son of Henry
Schue, had a leg broken Tuesday night
'While coasting 'down- the CtMnetery'blll.
-Mlohael"PalltstTrho was' convicted at
the' November term of court on a charge
ot' Assault ' and battery tnada 'bysMri.
Leaver, was committed to prison In da
fault of paying the coats and' fine, which
amounted to 1171.70.
The Chataraqu Literary and Scltnttflo
Circle have completed arrangements to
give a course of six lectures on social
science. The first will take place on Jan.
31, In the parlors of Mrs; G. H.-B. Lyons,
on West Mahanoy avenue. 'Tickets an
being sold for the event and can be bought
of any ot 'the members.
The "Y" held their weekly meeting at
the residence of James Clifford, on East
Pino street, Tuesday evening. The follow
ing program was rendered: Singing;
scripture reading, Sadie Snyder; Instru
mental solo, Mabel Dennis; select read
lng, Laura Horusby ; vocal duett, Misses
Skealh nnd Shuck; recitation, Aunle
Combe; solo and chorus, Mr. Piigh and
party ; comic reading, Mattie Clifford
singing essay, Pauline Skeath ; critic,
John Jones.
You Don't Have to Swear Off,
Says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
In an editorinl about No-To-Bac, the
famous tobacco habit cure. "We know
of many cases cured by No-Tc-Bac, one, a
prominent St. Louis nrchttoct, smoked
and chewed for twenty years; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of
tobacco makes hint sick." No-To Bac
sold and guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wnsley,
No cure no pay. " Book free. Sterling
Remedy Co., New York or Chicago.
Fire Alarm Boxes.
The following list kIiowb the location
of the alarm boxes ot the Shenandoah
fire department :
15 Coal nnd Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centre strf ets.
S4 Bridge and Centre streets.
25 Main and Centre streets.
34 Main and Poplar streets.
35 Main and Coal streets.
42 Gilbert and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
53 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To Bend an nlarm open the box, pnll
down the hook once and let go. When an
alarm is sent in the fire bell will sound
the number ot the box and repeat the
-alarm four times.
If the alarm Is sounded from box 15
"the lire bell will strike one, then pause
and strike five, which will Indicate that
the fire Is In the vicinity of No. 15 box,
Every alnrm is repeated four times.
Many stubborn and aggravating cases
of rheumatism that were believed to be
incurable and accented as life legacies,
have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, much to the sumrlse and crratlfl-
cation of the sufferers. One application
will relieve the pain and suffering and Its
continued use insures an ellectual cure,
Forsale by Gruhler Bros.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown'i
stationery store, on North Main street,
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dls
ases relieved In six hour3 by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure,
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
eases In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
nextloor to the post office, Shenandoah,
Pa. m 10-8m
Full Time During 1895
When you get your1 watch or clock re
paired at Strouse'a jewelry store. That is
s guarantee that it will be all right. All
work warranted. 1-3-tf
Them Is orood reasen for the nodularity
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Davis
& Buaard. of West, Monterey. Clarion
Co., Pa., ays: "it has cured people that
our nhvHleians could do nothing foHk We
persuaded them to try a bottle of OUam
dnrlaln'u flnnrh Ttnmedv and tbev ' now
It with the rest of us." 25
and 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Bargains In Footwear.
Call and sea our variety in footwear.
Great reduction In prices. A. F. Morgan'?,
11 West Oak street. 1218-tf
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she beeame Mies, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & BAKU, Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack.
You will never find Breunau's cigars
fa dive saloons. They are for fine trade
only hotels, cates and drug stores.
Senator HIM DnlVuteil In Ills Tight Arnlmt
tlielnrouin Tax Appropriation,
Washington, Jan. 17. After a dnliato
covering a week the senate voted down Mr.
Hill's proposition to refer the legality of
tho Income tnx to the courts, only live sen
ators joining with Mr. Hill In supporting
the proposition. Although Mr. 11111 failed
lu referring to tho Income tax to tho
courts, ho secured tho ndoptlon of an Im
portant amendment limiting tho Inter
rogntorlos of tho officers seeking to collect
uio tax. Tho nmuudment will havo tho
-Hoot, If ngreed to by the house, of com
pelling tho treasury department to chnngo
Its regulations as to collecting tho Incomo
tnx. Mr. Lodgo's effort to havo tho In
como tax oillolal placed under civil sorvloo
rulos was defeated. Tho Incomo tax ap
propriation bill passed. Mr. Aldrlch so
cured tho passage of a resolution calling
on tho president for information ns to tho
negotiations with Gormnny relative to tho
tariff and retaliation,
Tho featuro of tho day In tho houso was
tho debato proolpltatqd by Mr. Walker
(Mas9,) during the consideration of tho
Indian appropriation bill, on tho eurrenoy
situation. Mr. Walker charged tho Dem
ocrats with Inability to meet tho situation.
This led General Tracy and Mr. Warner
US. r.) to make , tho counter charge that
.the Ilenublicans, by voting solidly against
the previous question on the day when tho
special order was up for consideration, had
prevented tho possible- passage of a bill. A
general explanation of the position of tho
various factors in tho houso followed. Mr,
Reed and Mr, Warner wero particularly
sarcastic, tho former dcolartng that tho
Carlisle bill Jiad not strength enough to
stand alone, and had fallen of Its own
weight, whllo tho Inttor warned tho Re
publicans of the situation with which they
would bo confronted when tho extra ses
sion wns called. Mr. Simpson created a
lough by his assertion that If tlio two
parties dodged responsibility for tho de
feat of currency legislation tho Populists
were glad to assunio It and would bo proud
ot it. No progress was mado with tho In
dian bill.
Tho Cnso Agnlnit Judge Kicks.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho jmllclnry
.commit too has decided to tako two days
next Saturday and Monday for debate on
tho Ricks impeachment resolution In tho
houso. hovoral Democrats nnnounco that
they will sustain Judge Ricks on tho lloor,
and assert that tho adoption of tho resolu
tion will not bo mado a party question. In
caso the resolution succeed It Is probable
that Mr. Bailey and Mr. Lane will be ap
pointed managers on tho part of tho houso
to prosccuto the caso before tho senato. Mr.
Bailey thinks that tho sennto should be
able to dispose of tho matter this session.
Striking Shoemakers Recruiting.
HAVERHILL, Mass., Jan. 17. Yesterday
was tho most Important day slnco tho re
cent labor trouble began here, tho striking
shoemakers gaining additions which
nearly doubled their numbers. Tho grant
ing of Injunctions against certain of the
strikers aroused great Indignation umong
thoso still at work in factories, and ugly
rumors nro heard. At a mass meeting res
olutions wero unanimously adopted con
demning In vigorous langungo tho action
of Judge Bond, of tho suporlor court of
Massachusetts, for granting tho Injunc
tion against tho labor leaders of tho city.
Hill's Declaration for Free Silver.
New YoitK, Jan. 17. Alotter from Sen
ator David B. Hill, of Now York, is pub
lished hero today which will attract con
sldcrablo attention as bearing upon tho
campaign of 1890. In It ho declares that
tho free coluago of silver, as well as gold
"must bo hold out as tho goal which tho
country must ultimately reach." Tho
letter was written nearly two years ngo.
just prior to tho momorablo oxtra session
of 1893, to Mr. Clark Howell, editor of tho
Atlanta Constitution, who gives It to tho
public with the consent of Senator Hill.
A Chapter of Mine Accidents.
SnAMOKlN, .fa., Jan. 17. Tliero was a
chapter of serious accidents In the mines
yesterday. Androw Rosermorskl wns
killed by falling down a manway at tho
Cameron mine, Frank Rokons received
what may prow) fatal Injuries by being
struck on tho head with an ux at tho Burn
sldo mmo, Ueorge Wis tier had an arm
fractured at tho Hickory Rldgo mine, and
Edward Jones had his shoulder blauo
broken nnd CUfferd Brome was lntornally
Injured nt tho Cameron colliery.
Del a ware's Governor Slandered.
Dover, Jan. lT-Tho houso adopted nnd
sent to tho senate a joint resolution con
demning in unqualified terms tho publica
tion In a Philadelphia nowspapor of an ar
ticle In which It wns Intimated that the
governor of Delaware could neither read
nor write. Tho resolution nlso provides
for the appointment of a joint committee
from both branchos of tho legislature to
Investigate Into tho authorship of tho art!
clo in question.
Not a Filibuster.
Savannah", Jan. 17. Tho steam yacht
Amadis was reloasod from custody last
night by Captain Rogers, of tho revenue
cutter Boutwell, on (telegraphlo orders'
from Washington. Tho Amadis Is a steam
yacht chartered by N. li. Bordon, 01 xer
nandlna. Fla.. nnd was seized by tho rov-
enuo cuttcciJoutwell on tne supposition
she was engaged lor a uuuustenng expe
dition to Cuba or Venezuela.
Fatal Quarrel Over a Debt.
Nohbistown, Pa., Jan. 17. In the heat
of anger, bocauso ho was'dunned for a bill
George" Bookman, 01 west .roint, Upper
Gwynedd township, about seven miles
from Norrlstown, shot his neighbor.
Harry Rclsswlck, and fled to escape arrest
on tho charge of murdor, in which tho
shooting is almost sure to culminate,
Relsswiok's death Is oxpectod at any hour.
The Gnme of Retaliation.
Washington, Jan. 17. The treasury
department has received Information
through the secretary of stnto that tho
Kovernmouts ot llussta ana 1'oru impose
dutv upon imported petroleum and Its
products, so petroloum Imported Into tho
United Status from those couutrlos will bo
subject to a duty of 40 per cent.
ITow the Grocery Men Sutler.
Trenton, Jan. 17. At the convontlon
of the New Jersey Retail Merchants' asso
ciation, John C. Hendrle, the
ported that the number of delinquent
debtors to members of tho association for
the past six years is 14,005, and that they
owe 480,iKU, principally lor grocery inns,
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersoy,
Unlawuro. District of Columbia. Mary
land and Vlrtriuia. fair: westerly wlrfds
Fair weather Is Indicated for all secti'jus
of tho country, with the possible oxcoptiou
.7 r.
The 10 mouths-old child of Henry Root
died lust evening.
A slelnlilng party of sevontcen ladles
left for Swilrtz's hotel, below Tamaqua,
yesterday. They bud a good dinner at
tne hotel and returned here last evening.
E jglne 012, which wns wrecked at No 4
last Saturday, Is again on the road.
The Lehigh Valley shops are working
nlue hours a day this week, a reduction of
an hour on the previous schedule.
Passenger engine No. 54, which was in
the shops for six weeks, undergoing re
pairs, Is out again in charge ot Charles
Edward Evans Is doing duty as a juror
on tho BoWter murder trial now being
tried1 at Pottovllle.
Engine 148 broke a cylinder at White
Haven yesterday. An engine was sent
from here tb take Its place and the dis
abled one' was brought to tho shops.
A Summer School of Law.
As early as 1836 a law school, in connec
tion with the Dickinson College ofJCar
lisle, Pa., was established, and among Its
graduates were'the late Gov. Curtln, Gov.
Ramsey, of Minn., and many other dis
tinguished men. After a suspension of
several years, the school was revived In
1890'by incorporation, Its corporators am
bracing many distinguished jurists of
thla and adjacent stales. It has steadily
Increased In tha number of Its students,
the efficiency of its work, and the perfect
ness of its instrumentalities. A new de.
parture la announced and the first Summer
School ot tho state will commence on the
first Wednesday of July next. Carlisle Is
beautifully and healthfully situated, 'and
summer sojourn there will be pleasant.
The course Is adjusted to the needs of
students who are about to offer them
selves for examination and toothers. The
school is under an nble faculty. We
nderstand that full particulars may be
obtained from the Dean, As a state In
stttutlon that has already won high rank,
this school can be commended.
A Funeral.
The funeral of Michael J. Thompson
took place this morning from his late
residence in Brownsville. High mass was
celebrated In the Annunciation church on
West Cherry street and interment w
made In the Annunciation cemetery.
The Spring Elections
Will soon be here, but we are always
with you with low prices in ladles' nnd
gents' gold arid silver watches. Jewelry
of all description. Silverware and clocks.
Accused 1'oHtmaster Acquitted.
WlLKlsn.UtRR, P.u, Jan. 17. -George
Sackctt, postmaster at White Huvcn, was
arrnlgnin before- Unirisd btntos Commis
sioner Hnhn, clmrgnl with violating th
postal laws. Cuusriv",sman Illnos wiw t!i
prosecutor. Th" postmaster wns nccui-ed
of destroying campaign literature sent mi
by Mr. Hlne-t lirjviotu to tho last olecrmu
Tho defendnnt was discharged for lack of
Mrs. Meyer Helen. ed from Prison.
New Yoi::c. Jan. 17. Mrs. Mary Moyor,
wlfo of Dr. Henrv C. F Mover, who Is
now serving a life sentence In Sing Sing
prison, was discharged yesterday by Judge
Ingraham. Airs. Moyor was accused by
Karl Mullcr as uu accomplice In killing,
by poison, Ludwig Brandt, or liaum.
Proposal to Increase the Nnvy.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho most Im
portant legislation decided upon by tho
sub-commltteo wnicn is engaged in uraw-
lng th" naval appropriation bill is an in
crease of tho navy by the addition of 8,000
enlisted men.
The Mnsslllon Strike Knded.
Cleveland, Jan 17. Tho strike In tho
Masslllon coal mining district camo to uu
nd yesterday, nil tho drivers nnd outsido
men who havo Decn on striKO agreeing to
o back to work for $1.00 a day.
Bevore Punishment for Train Ilobbers,
Jefferson Citv, Mo., Jan. 17. Speakor'
Russell introduced a bill in tho house
making train robbery punishable by from
ten years In tho ponltentlary to bnngli g,
FREE CURE. roslMve Oun
It h euinatlsm
etc. It is (rum
tne new roiyne
slan Bhrub, KA
leal name; Ptper
Methystieum) de
scribed lu New
Dee.. 1692. Endorsed bv the Hospitals and l'hy
& bm m w. irat uitzcitc, 01
!( an nt TCtirnnn am n. RilrA Rnpelflo Cure for Kid
ney and Bladder Diseases, llheumatlsm. Diabetes,
iirit,it i)ipRfm. ltr pit. mint npnnsiis. Liver 111s.
Ai 1,'pmn.le (InmnlnlntR. nnlli In hack. ete. A'old
at Two Dollurs a Jiotlle. Descriptive book sent
free to all. wo Know mat AIllA vi is a rosi
live uure lor inese discuses, ana lonrovoioyoc
Its Wonderful Effects, and for the Bake of Intro.
doctlon, we will send you enough foroneweek'i mall, prepaid. F1CKE, It you are a Suf
lerer. xi is an uuiainnir cure, a trim cunia
nnthlntr. Address. Till! I IIUIU'II KIIIIK
Cl'ltK CO., -120 Fourth Avenue, New York,
Is Nature's con
stitutlbnal Sun
Cure for Asthma. A great Modern Medical
Discovery. Curt uuarantefd or Jvb l'ay
Tot large Trial case, Free; by mall, a'ddresB,
KOLA IMPORTING CO, 1162 Broadway ,New Ycrk
Democratic Primary Moetinas
At a regular meeting ot the Democratic-
Standing Commlttte, held on this date, the
corammee orgamzeu oy electing ii. Ji.
Master president and treasurer of the com
ml'teo : J. A. Toomev vice nresldent. and 13.
J. Devers secretary. The oommltloo decided
to assess all candidates for nomination as fol
lows : For council, 11.00 each ; School Hoard
11.00: lllrh Constable. fl.OO: Auditor. 60c I
Assessors, SOo The committeemen from each
ward to collect tho above amounts and turn
them over to the treasurer. Candidates' names
will not be permitted to go before the primaries
unless meir assessments are pain on or ueiuro
the dale nf hnldlnff the nrlmarles.
The primaries will be held on Thurtday
evening, January 24th, 1895, at 7 o'tlook, at Ihe
E laces designated below , First ward, at the
ouna of Tlmothv O'llrlen ! Second ward, at
thn hnnbA nf .1. If. p. Kchelflv : Third ward, at
Franey's Hall ; Fourth ward, at the house of
P. J. Stanton i Filth ward, at the house of
Daniel llrennan.
Uy order ot the Democratic Standing Com
J. A Toouet, First ward.
M. J, Hcanlan, Second ward,
M H. Mast Kit, Third ward.
T. J. MILES, Fourth ward.
K. J. DEVKits, Fifth ward,
Bhenandoab, Pa., January 15, 1895,
A MAN In every section at once to sell staple
r coons to acaiersi no bcuuiiiib, ra.
t nee unnecessary i best side line; f7o.uu a
month. Halary and expenses or large coat,
mission made. Clifton Boap and Manu.
r aotukino Uompant, Cincinnati, U
77,0 among
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manufactured under l bo stringent
tPreacriDMDy eminent pnyBiciansi.
Hnlv frfiniittin with Trntl Mark"Anchor."I
F. Ad. Elchterft Co., 17Vrrtca CL.HSW TOSE. E
12 Branch Honsel. Own Glassworks,
i A 0 nt. In Htenandoah for wile by
e ' D- K!r'L.!.?o,lSMitr'S4i
The Senate Confirms Mnjor llrown as Seo;
retary ot Iuterual Analrt.
HAmtisBUito. inn. 17. Tho nomination
of Major Isaac . Brown, of Carry, to bo
iocrot;ary o Internal affairs was sent (o the
gonnto yosterday by tho governor and. con
firmed. Nearly, a hundrod now hills, were
dumped into the. legislature. Anmngthpse
in the sonata were: A bill under which
cities and boroughs enn acquire tho planta
of private wator companies oy condemna
tion; prohibiting, tho employment of chil
dren botwecn the ago of U and lQ.years In
factories; requiring textllo employers to
furnish their hands with specifications of
work, nnd to keep work rooms nt apropor
tempornturo; making It a misdemeanor
for any person to glvo or recolvo mpuey or
valuable things for a voto nt a general or a
primary election; roqulrlng tho retention
by employers of alien lubor sufficient
money from their wages to pay county
and township taxes; a judge's rotlromont
bill, which provides that any judge of
record who shall havo sorvod consecutively
for more than twenty years, or for moro
than thirty years In tho aggregate, may re
sign and retiro on full pay, provided that
ho shall not prnctlco In tho courts or give
legal advice to corporations. Tho chattel
mortgage bill was reported from commit
tee favorably, ns was the bill requiring
but ouo verdict In nn ojectmont suit; also
tho bill authorizing tho creation ot live
now subordinate officers for tho senate.
Senato adjourned to Monday ovoulug.
iVmong the bills Introduced In tho houso
wero: Abolishing hanging nnd substituting
tho electric chair; to prevont deception lu
dairy products; dividing tho cities of tho
Btato into thrco classes with respect to pop
ulation, nnd providing cities of a popula
tion of 1,000,000 nnd over shall bo of tho
tlrst class, those containing 100,000 nnd
less than 1,009,000 second class; thoso con
taining n, population under 100,000 shall bo
01 tho third class; providing that stato np
proprltlon to tho school districts shall bo
distributed on tho basis of the local school
tax and tho amount spent for schools; ro
qulrlng school districts to rnlso at least as
much money by local taxation for school
purposes a3 tho district rocclvcd from tho
state appropriation tho preceding year.
Rohuked tho Slnntlurors.
FR0STnni(O,Md., Jan. 17. At tho funeral
services of Miss Lllllo Nickel tho ltov. Mr.
Brltt, of tho English Luthoruu church,
preached n powerful sermon, which Is
stirring up Frostburrr. Ho referred to tho
meddlcsomo butybodlos of tho nolthbor-
hood In scathing langungo, saying that
thoso who hnd Blundered tlio fair namo of
the dead girl "deserved to bo hanged up
by tbclr tongues," and those who had
listened to tho falsehood deserved "to bo
hnnged up by their cars, Mr. Brltt suld
that tho malicious man who started tho
stories about the girl stood guilty of her
murder. Somo tlmo ngo sho heard that
n traveling man had made remarks de
rogatory to her character, upon which sho
got a revolver nnd mado tho man rotract
what ho hnd said. "When unloading tho
weapon It was discharged, causing hor
Pattlson for Mayor of Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Jan. 17. Tho Demo
crntlo city convention yesterday nomi
nated ex-Governor Robert E. Pattlson as
tho party's candidate for mayor of this
city. Tho voto was 828 to 79 for Colonel
Banos. Tho convention was tho most
turbulont that has assembled In tills city
for a long time, There was a continuous
light from tho tlmo David W. Sellers called
tho convention to order, and lists wero
frequently shaken In tho faces of recalci
trant delegates. Sylvester Bounafon, Jr.,
was nominated by acclamation forrecclvcr
or taxos. Tho ticket is thus headed by a
Democrat and nn Independent Republi
can. The Case Against C. P, Huntington.
San Francisco, Jan. 17. United States
District Attorney Wright has concluded
to proceed with tho caso against C, P,
Huntington, for yhosa nrrosta warranf
was demandod on tho ground that tho
president of tho Southern Pacific has Is
sued an Interstate pass to Frank M, Stono,
an attorney and politician. Knight says
that Huntington is not tho only Califor
nia railway official who has transgressed
the law by granting Interstate passes.
Huntington denies tho charge.
Clans Sprockets on Hawaii.
San Francisco, Jan.17. Claus Spreckols,
the sugar king, declares that the Hawaiian
republlo Is a sham, and that It Is being
iuuiutuineu temporarily oy a low men In
terested In land speculation. Sprookels
says tho government Is dally growing In
disfavor, and cannot last. He points to
tho lact that at tho last monarchlal oloo-
tlon 11,000 votes wero polled, and that the
election undor the prosont government
had but U,000 votes.
Ailjutniit Genernl Stewart's Appointments,
HAltltlBBUItO, Jan. 17. Adjutant Gen.
eral Stewart announcos tho appointment
of Major John W. Nesblfc, of Allegheny,
to bo superintendent of tho stnto arsenal;
Captain George C. Kelly, of Lewisburg,
chief clerk of tho adjutant mineral's de
partment (reappointed); Richard W. Hay
ward, of Philadelphia, watchman nt tho
state nrsonnl, and Enos M. Russell, of
uurrmuurg, tusuiuuui oi ino Hug room.
Carlton uprnwell, foreman of the
Gazette, Mlddletown, N. J,, believes that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be
in every home. He used it for a cold and
1 1 effected a speedy cure. He says i "It
Is indeed a grand remedy, I can recom
mend to all. I have also seen it uted for
whnoDlncr couch, with the best resnito n
25 and 60 centoottles for sale by Gruhler
A nice present a box of Brennan's
Havana cigars, tl.25 per box.
MouoiiKiihela Whlskej, - 60c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - tt a nt.
fine Old Hotirbon, XXX, H.86qt.
superior lilack berry Hrnudy. ' tl a fit.
Superior CKuao Brandy, 11.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Hum, $1.50 a qt.
T U 1.11UL1UU O nuiUH UIHJ riKKU
Host brands of 6c Cigars
Folitiml Cnrds.
poit man com mum,
Subject to Hepuqllcan rule's.
Hub'oct to the rules of 'the Itepubllcan party.
w.a.:.. -
uojeojt ip Republl.can, rules.
.iuirj J. flUVlS.
Bubjr ct to Itepubllcan rules.
nVJfl 80HO.OL DIRECTOIt, Third Ward.
Subject to Republican, rules.
pOR BOTIOaL"'rttFijf OU,; F'lttb. ward;
IHUMftl r. JAMEiO,
Hubject tt Rpuljllcau rujts.
WA.NTBI). -Vounpnnnw tits a position In
.i store, druu . mir, or tutct" rshop
ipfnK the J-Jurlibli uiua inn, ronrn Ml
lai. H'TRii iMi xrd Ilibei laii laneuiges.
Aidrtss, 'ill West Coal stin-t It
pon ha LK. The i roptrly at the sou'hwesti
-in ner oi Coal ud Bowers streets xcel-
li nt iuvescment. Appiyto Muxech-c idt. 1-ia-tX
rOr l-nli
- v 0 'Rt, new 'aeltns water motor.
F Five (5) boifceiowcr.
just ir"mtne iac-
ory Atii'I.v al HiO IIEUA' d office. North
Mai ItetK' riot, Mheuandoah, Pa.
OR KKNT. Cli'-ao, ai hpnrtment In the
T'mii" httllrline;, corner.Muln and Centre'et. Well llchted 'und beited bynteon.
M.tufiip lor Hit clllee. or sew. ug room, Ap.'ly
to O E. 1-s i
$75.00 1
W and dr
WEEK pMd to ladles and (texts
4A ... I .1... T,nt.l r,lnU T,.. '
drle-" them In two inliiuies with-
ou; v etilni! tte hm d. No extvrlenir no es
sary. cIN at a rjlit; i er'ri,nent i ltli n. Vd-i
dre. W I'. 11a ilson i o.,Clirk No. H, Col-
umbus, Ohio
II.'ANTFD. A rosltlonasaclerlc In aclolh-.
V lng or dry .oods store. Can spe ih the,
Hungarian, LtthuaLiiiu, I'oiMi nnd Germm
languages. '-av had leveral years experl-,
enie. Addrrss Louis Rablnowltz, 131 o'lb
Whllo Hreet, Shenandoah. Ml it
Weeks' Museum,
Grand dlsnlav of birds and animals of all
selections and finest paintings la the county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales.
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning und evening.
John Wkkkb, Proprietor.
U. W. Davidson, Bartender.
A genuine, welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys.
beers, oorter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
IVE. JP. lVjX-G3y,
; ai : Ji
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to,
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sta.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors,
Uttndiome Bar Fixtures.
BeBt Brandfl of fi find lOo Cigars.
Reduction Sale.
For the next 80 days will sell all our ready.
trimmed HATS at cost and less. Children's
Cloaks, Caps and Sacks are all reduced for the
holiday trade. Our line ot linen embroidered
for holiday presents Is the finest and cheapest
in the town.
Our 15o grade
...2 for 25o.
.2 for Sao,
" 25o
.vi lor wo.
SO "N. Main St., Shenandoah.
I J Si o. on ! J
y SCO E-IIS eo ? fm
'31 South Main St.
q detail
LltTf 11U PWUW
and all kinds of Temperanco Drinks.
" 1 CS-rasping
opportunities Is a sign of the good, judg
ment which Is the characterlBtlo ot the
wise man. We are offering the greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
furnishing, at reduced prices.
Another Perfect Niagara is the fall
In prices of gents' furnishings at our great
sale. Seize the opportunity to secure a
rare bargain in the finest gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another A Great Fall In gents' furn
ishings. All hands are stretched out to
seize these brgains we offer.
Another Catch Them as They Fall in
price. Now Is the time to secure your 29
cent white bhirtti.
South Main Street, SHENANDOAH.
M. J;, LAWLQ6,
Justice of tlefieatie
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jardin Street.
Chas. Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
The finest and most tender beef to be
found in Shenandoah. Pork, mutton.
veal and cut meats of all kinds.
A line lice of choice and tresh groceries
and prime family flour, butter and eggs.
For the . . .
Hot Season
Cleary Bros'
Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters, Weiss. beer. Bottlers ot
tne linear, jager oeera.
17 &nl 19 Peach Alley. Shenandoii, Ft.
We have a full line of
' Stationery,
Celluloid Frames,
Agents for all Dally Papers.
4 North Main St.
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammer8lough : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him got It. Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears like steel and Is sold by every promi
nent clothier in the state, Nona genuine with
out Uammerslough Uros.' label,
oMtmPiano Tuner.
' PUnoa and organs rP!red. I Orders left at
ai North Ualn street, BbecEd(lh,wUl reeelvt