The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 17, 1895, Image 3

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Palpitation of the Heart
Shortness of Breath, Swelling
of Legs and Feet.
' "For about four years I was troub
led with palpitation of tho heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
the legs and feet. At times I would
faint. I was treated by tho best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re
lief. I then tried various Springs
without benefit. Finally, I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After
beginning to take them I felt better! I
continued taking them and I am now
In better health than for many years.
Since my recovery I have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to somo poor
E. JJ. BUTTON, Ways Station, Go.
Dr. Miles Heart Curo Is sold on a positive
guarantee that t ho llrst bottle will benefit.
All druggists soil ltattl, 0 bottles for 5, or
It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Sr. Allies Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Touch and Go.
Touch the spot in the
back, chest, limbs or side,
where the pain is, with an
Porous Plaster
and the lameness, soreness,
stiffness, congestion, will go
at once, leaving comfort,
health and strength behind.
Imitation, art never reliable. Therefore al.
way! Insist upon having the genuine ALLCOCK'S
Allcock's Corn Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns
and bunions.
Brandreth's Pills
' are a marvelous specific for cases of
biliousness and indigestion.
The Awful Tornado. The
Great Rigglnff Scene. Six Tars
Furling a Monster Sail.
Collision of Two Ocean Liners
at Full Speed. The Mlghti
Open Sea Scene, with Waves
Running Mountain High. Chicago
Harbor at Nipt, and i
other scenic wonders.
"To bold as well as win success,
Keep all your play-bill promises."
Prices: 5, 35 5 Hlltl 75 Cts,
Reserved Heats at Klrlln'n drug store
Supported by her own talented
company In the romantic
melodrama in four nets,
II H l-c K k 1 '
an exquisite siory ui ucuri,
and home, sparkling
humor and merriment.
ZLIttle :ja,:inLS37-,
The wonderful and bewitching
actress, will appear and intro
duce delightful singing and
dancing. The Shetland pony
Prince, and trotting doc Spot,
display almost human intelli
gence in playing their respective
pnrts. Don't forget to hear our
orchestra of ten artists.
Priect. 5, as Htid 50 Ct.
Reserved soata at Klrlln's drugstore.
"Hlf ill
II&Ta Tnii BoreTbro&t. Ilmnl. rv,nnA.rv,iAM.4
Boots, Aches. Old Bores, nicer In Mouth, nlr
i'Uin Write Cook ltemcdy Co., U07 Mil
oatoXenjpIe,Cblcttio,Ill.,for proofs of cotes.
Capital U500.000. Patients cured nine yean
yo tfldmy sound and well. loo-yye bookfve
JURE.StH0 4o.fJS-W0MAIfS6Aft
Wilcox BPKCirio Ca,rrtiULr,&,
Oonfliot Between a Judge
Twelve Jurymen,
In n Suit for Damages Agnlnst a Railroad
Comnntiy tho J ml go Ordered n Non
suit nntl the Jurymen Entered a Vigor
ous l'rntcst.
CniCAao, Jan. 17. Novcr has a United
States court In Chicago been tho witness
of such a scono as occurred In Judgo Scn
mnn's court yesterday. An cntlro iury
rebelled against tho order of tho Judge, and
though cloven of tho Jurors afterwards
submitted to tho directions of tho court,
ono Juror, Julius Clayton, refused even
under protest, to oboy tho court. With a
long Imprisonment staring hirn in tho face
far contempt of court ho was firm, and at
tho closo of tho day scored a virtual victory
over tho Judge.
Juror Clayton was sitting on tho dam-
ago suit of Mario Cahlll against tho Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad,
which bogan on Monday, Jan. 8. Miss
Cahlll used tho crossing at Forty-socond
street and Packer's alloy to reach her
place of omploymont. On tho morning of
Nov. 25, 1893, sho was struck by a switch
ing ongino of tho defendant rood. Sho was
dragged under tho engine, ono foot being
severed. Tho crow of tho train saw tho
accident, and tho engine camo to a stop.
Tho brakoman of tho train, bollovlng that
tho ongino could bo backed off tho young
woman, signalled tho engineer. In back
ing away tho whcols again caught tho girl,
and tho other foot was severed and ono
leg and a shouldor brokon. In tho ovl-
denco before tho court tho brakoman nnd
the engineer admitted tho facts as stated.
Tho attornoy representing tho road imulo
a motion, after all tho evidence was in,f""."nu J ,
that a nonsuit bo ontorod on tho ground I
.... 3
mac mere was no responsiuiuty nttacneti
to tho road; tjiat the action of tho switch
engine crew was not wanton nor wilful.
The Jury was requested to rotlro, and tho
motion was argued. Judgo Seaman said
he would grant tho motion, and ordered a
After a hot wranglo botwoon the attor
neys Judgo Seaman dolivcrcd his charge
to tho Jury. Ho had, ho said, nothing but
sympathy for tho woman, but under tho
circumstances thcro was nothing for tho
jury to do but to render a verdict for tho
defendants. "This," ho continued, must
bo your verdict. So say you all?" address
ing the jury.
Not a man of tho twelve moved nor
mado a motion of assent. On tho face3 of
tho jurors was seen a dogged determina
tion. Juror Clayton roso, nnd In a qulvorlng
volco said to tho court:
"Judge, those aro not my sentiments. I
cannot agroo to render such a verdict."
The other jurors followed Clayton's ex
ample. Judgo Seaman's faco flushed a
deep crimson, and thon, ono after another,
nearly every juror made a similar state
ment. Judgo Seaman oxplalnod to tho jury
that they wcro not judges of law, and that
tho responsibility of tho verdict was on
him alone. Finally all tho jurors oxcopt
Clayton agreed to render the verdict or
dered by tho court. Tho matter was argued
at longth by tho judgo and juror, each
maintaining his position in a vigorous
but manly and dignified manner.
Tho caso was finally dismissed on tho
stipulation that tho order of dismissal
should bo equivalent to tho rendering of a
verdict by tho jury upon order of tho court
and under tho protest of tho jury. Tho
jury was anxious to ronder a vordlct of
24,O00 for tho woman.
To Orgnnlzo tho Immigration Service.
Washington, Jan. 17. In conformity
with tho net of Aug. 18, 1894, tho secretary
of tho treasury has sent to congress a plan
for tho organization of the immigration
servlco. Tho plan submitted is now In
operation, and It has been found, says tho
secretary, that tho number of persons om
ployod nro ubsolutoly necessary. An In
crcaso is recommended In tho salary of tho
superintendent from $4,000 to $5,600 per
Three 01 veil Up for Lost,
Lewes, Del., Jan. 17. William T. Birch,
No. 4 patrolman of Greon Run, Md., lifo
saving station, with two young frionds,
Charles Baker and Charles Hudson, loft
Watonnolon Point In a skiff on Sunday
afternoon to cross Chlncotoaguo bay for
tho station. Thoy havo not been seen
since, and it is bollovod that thoy per
ished. Tho lost men lived at Glrdlctroc,
Md. Birch leaves a wlfo and child.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
Philadelphia Exehanges.
New Yohk, Jan. 16. Less than 100,000 shares
of stock were dealt la on the Stock Exchange
today, and one-half of the business was done
In Chicago Uas and Sugar. The general mar
ket was Irregular during the greater part of
the day, but in the later trading a firm tone
prevailed. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 85$ W. N. Y. & Pa-... &H
Pennsylvania Si
Erie 10
Heading - WK
St. Paul 60H
Lehigh Nav. . if
N. Y. & N. E 33H
New Jorsey Cen. SI
D L & V. 1624
West Shore KHJg
N. Y. Central lH
Lake Erie & V... ISM
Del. & Hudson... 13 W
General Markets.
PillLADlXPniA.Jan. 10. Flour steady swlnter
Buper., $2.1033.20; do. extras, $2.353,40; No. 3
wfntA-fnttillv 9.'i Zhfi&i ttfe Pnnnavlvnnln roller
straight. 53.GO&3.7S; western winter, clear.
$2.w2.70. Wheat qulet.steady.wltli W4o. bid
I and BOHjO. bid for January. Corn Quiet, steady,
with 40a. bid ana 4UV40. asKea for January
Oats oulet, unchanged, with 'Wie. bid and
874f. naked for January. Hay stoady; good to
choke timothy, $12.50813. Heef quiet. I'ork
more active; new mesi, $13.7513; short clear,
Sl'j.&u. Lard steady; western Bteam. $7t city,
Sa.37i..iH,0.!0. Hutterdull: western dairy, 10
10c.; do. creamery, 15035c; do, factory, 10
15c.: Elftliis. 23c-; imitation creamery, 12lBc.
New York dairy, KlftSUo.; do. creamery, 10&
SJo.: Penntilvnnla creamery prints, extra,
20c.: oxcentiunal lots hlglior; do. choice, i.
do. fair to good, 22'42lc; prints Jobbing at m'7'4
30c. Cheese dull; large, (JiJllMo.; small, Dkjtft
12c.; part Bklms.iiMsWic.i full skims, 2JJU. Kegs
dull: New York and Pennsylvania, 23o.; Ice
house, 1710o.; western fresh. 22Hc.; touth
ern, 2UQ21o,
IJve Stock Markets.
New Yohk. Jan. 10. Heeves lower; native
steers, noor to fair. 84.30ffll.85; choice, $5.40
corn fed Texans. 81.55; oxen, $2!.25; bulls,
$2.5(l?o3.15j cows, SI.45&3.33. Veals Bteady at
I $.Vi".50; fed and barnyard calves slow at 82.35
2,75; western lower at S3.7(lW. oneep nnu
lambs firm, active: common to good sheep,
I2.5ua3.65: bunch of exoort wethers Bold at
S4.02U; lambs, tt.25es.40. Hogs lower at 81.75
EAST Liberty. Pa.. Jan. 18. Cattle steady,
nnouanged. Hogs dull; receipts heavy, but
no buying; decline in prices expected. Sheep
steady; extras, $3.4503.00; good, IZ.IKQi com
inon to fair lambs, 12.153.55.
Threats to Dr.trov the Town hy I'lro
American' Property I5iulunc;irt'd.
COLON, Colombia, Jan. 1". The great
est excitement prevails hero among the
native population, and tho American rest
dents nro anxiously ho lng for the arrival
of a United States warship. This state .f
affairs is duo to tho fact that placards
have been posted in a number of publlo
places announcing that a plot has been
formed to destroy Colon by flro, and that
this will bo done If wages aro not promptly
raised in proportion to tho cost of living.
Tho most serious trouble is anticipated,
as tho plottors threaten to destroy tho
property of tho Panama company, an
American concern.
Washington, Jan. 17. Tho department
of state has received no lato advices from
United States Minister McKlnuey re
specting tho Panama canal. Ho Is, It is
known, keeping a watchful eyo on tho sit
uation thoro, and in so doing Is aided by
tho United States consuls at Colon and
Panama. Tho last official information re
ceived Indicated a very unsatisfactory
state of affairs on tho Isthmus, and tho
minister, who mado a careful Inspection
of tho canal work, took a very hopolcss
vlow Of tho completion of tho project un
der existing nusplcos and of tho effect on
tho country of Its collapse. Thoro was no
special roferenco to labor troubles, but
much was Bald of tho stagnation that pre
vailed. Should thoro bo serious troublo on tho
Isthmus Our govcrnmont undoubtedly
would feel constrained, in view of tho
American interests thoro, to send warships
to Colon and Panama. This was dono
once before, some years ago, when revolu
tionists undertook to sack and burn Colon.
Admiral Jouott, then commanding tho
North Atlantic station, hastened to tho
isthmus with two ships. Ho took aboard
many refugees, and when It became evi
dent that tho government was unablo to
protect valuablo terminal properties of
tho railroad a body of United States ma
rines and bluo jackets were landed and
mi fr i a T
Thn ITnlr.od Stnfrna or
in the town.
Tho United States cruiser Atlanta is at
Truijlllo, on tho coast of Honduras. In
case of noed sho could run to Colon In two
or threo days. Thoro aro also at least four
men-of-war at San Francisco that could bo
dispatched to Panama at threo days no
tice, and arrive there In about ten days.
Looking to the Arbitration Board.
BnooKLYN, Jan. 17. It Is generally be
lleved hero that tho strike of tho trolloy
motormen and conductors will bo settled
amicably boforo night. From present In
dications arbitration will bo resorted to to
effect this. The strikers havo expressed
their willingness to put tho matter en
tirely In tho hands of tho stato arbitration
board and stand by the doclsion which may
bo rendered, provided that tho companies
will do tho samo. The officials of thoconi
panles have not yet determined upon this
courso, but met at 11 o'clock today to de
cide Thoy aro now in session. Tho strik
ers aro quiet and orderly.
Iteunlon of Mosby's Command.
ALEXANDHIA, Va., Jan. 17. Tho surviv
ing members of Mosby's command hold a
reunion hero yesterday. Among tho dls
tlnguished members of tho command pres
ent woro Colonel J. I. Mosby, Lieutenant
Colonel Chapman and Major Richards
Many pathetlo scones occurred during the
day, when the "boys ' throw tholr arms
nround their old commander and tears
rolled down tholr cheeks. Last night there
was a banquet. There were present about
150 of tho surviving members of tho com
Suicide In Ills Sweethenrt's Presence.
Buffalo. Jan. 17 Robert T. Palmer,
a traveling man for tho Simmons Hard
waro company, of Philadelphia, shot and
instantly killed himself at tho homo of his
mother, In this city, last night, In tho
presence of tho woman to whom ho was
engaged to bo married, Miss Loulso Masse,
n school teacher. Ho was despondent bo-
causo ho was not making much money.
This proventcd his marriage.
Tho Vice President's Daughter Dying,
ASHEVIIXE, N. C, Jan. 17. Vlco Presi
dent Stevenson's daughter, who has been
ill horo for tho past three months, Is now
at tho point of death, and tho end Is ex
pected hourly. For tho past threo days
sho bos been slowly sinking nnd tho fam
ily havo abandoned all hope. Tho attend
ing physicians say that sho cannot live
many hours longer.
Delaware's Deadlock Still Unbroken,
Doveh, Del., Jan. 17. Tho sonatorlal
deadlock continues. Two ballots wero
taken by tho legislature yosterday. The
result of both was tho samo as on Tuesday
except that Senator Pylo, a Wnlcott
(Dem.) man, was absont. Tho Hlgglns
managers claim that some Addicks men
will break to Hlgglns and that the lutter
Will win.
New Jersey's Hoard of Agriculture,
Trenton, Jan. 17. Tho Now Jersoy
stato board of agriculture, at Its session
yesterday, elocted tho following officers
for tho onsuing year: frcsiueut, jj. u
Denlse of Freehold; vice president, E. B
Voorhees of Now Brunswick; secretury.
Franklin Dyo: treasurer, William R,
Ward of Nowark
Governor I'ennoyer Itetlres,
SALEM, Oro., Jan. 17. Both branchos of
tho legislature met In joint session. Tho
vote for governor was canvassed und Will-
lam P. Lord doclared elected. Governor
Pennoyer then dollvorod his final message
to tho legislature, after which Governor
Lord was sworn In by Chief Justlco Bean
Stephenson Gets a Stay.
Brooklyn, Jan. 17. Justlco Gaynor
yostorday granted ox-Police Captain
Stephenson's application for a stay, on tho
ground that there is a reasonable doubt as
to tho correctness of Judgo lugraham'!
charge to tho Jury In a vital point.
A oyclono visited tho vicinity of San
Mlguol, Cal., yostorday. Robert Peck was
killed bv a flying troo.
Goorgo O, Jones, candidate for govornor
of Now York on tho Greenback ticket somo
years ago, died in Now York city, aged
Four thousand unemployed workmen of
Montreal assembled nt tho city hall, de
manding bread. Tho mayor promised am.
The Argeutluo Republic ministry has
resigned on uccount of tho president's re
fusal to oraut amnesty to nolltical or-
United States senators olected: Colo
rado, Edward O. Wolcott (re-elected); Ne-
hriiskn. John M. Thurston: Montana, iam
Mantle, T, H. Carter; Oregon, J.N. Dolpl
Howard J. Jolloy is missing from Mom
ml thousand dollars b?
longing to the Chesupeake and Ohio and
Southwestern railroad, of which ho was
pasicuger agent.
BO Illfiil?
Aro You Nervous, Tired and
Fretful ?
S M Would You Give lo be Scdikly Made
Well ?
You Can Get All Over These Feelings
If You Will Do as We Say.
So many people ore being cured of ner
vousness, weakness, tired feeling, sleep,
lesness, loss of nppetite, bad taste in the
mouth, biliousness and constipation, by
that wonderful medicine, Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedy, that it
seems as though all such diseases must
ion disappear.
And sothey would if everybody would
tnko the oue medicine which is known to
cure them. Mrs. MHry Blood, of Eliza
bethtown, Essex Co., N. Y.. had the good
judgment to see this was just whnt she
needd. She took it and got well.
"About threo year- ago," she says,
was taken with a my tenons trouble,
trembling so that I was obliged to give
p and go to bed I hud spells of violent
vomiting, which ran into dyspepsia of the
worst form. Oae dHy I was taken with a
severe spell ot shaking and trembling,
and became terribly alarmed.
I consulted physicians nnd took their
treatment, but cot no bttter. rhev said
it was a severe case of prostration of the
nerves, but they could not help me. I
took many kinds of medicines, but with
out benefit.
I continually crew worse until. If tho
least excitement came over me I was
completely exlmtistecl, and obliged to give
up entirely and go to bed. I was a com
plete wreck: lor about two years. During
this time I doctored continually but with
out any good results, for I had pains all
over my bony ami sintered awiuuy.
Nobodv can tell how bad I won. One
day I took up a paper and taw Dr. Greene's
Nervura b ond and nerve remedy ndver
feed, and the wonderful cures it bad per
formed, and told my hubnnd I thought
it would suit my case, we lmmeinateiy
sent out ana cot a bottle.
Tlie lirst bottle l took helped me. nnu
after I had taken live bottles 1 was com
pletely cured. Myself and daughter did
the work, includlne washing, for city
boarders, eighteen In the family, nnd did
it easily
"I could sleep well nltthts, my food
dicested well, my nervousness all left me.
aud I felt like a new woman. My husband
sid mr sleemnir well was worth one hun
dred dollars to him in not keeping him
awake nights ns I used to.
I thluK Dr Ureene's JNervura moon
and nerve remedy is one of the best medi
cines mere is, nnu l sincerely ueiieve tuac
If everybody would take more 01 it tney
would be far better I cannot say enough
In Dralse 01 tnls medicine, l most gladly
and joyously write this for the public
benent. and send my blessing along witn
Such stronc testimonials as this count,
If nil the suffering men and women in
this broad land could know the great good,
the strong nerves, pure blood, and perfect
health wmcn wouiu come to tnem by
using Dr. GreDe's Nervura blood nnd
nerve remedy, how quickly they would
take Mrs. mood's advice, nntl get well.
There are thousands of persons who are
not sick with nnv particular disease, but
are just out of order, have weak nerves
and tired bodies. They do not eat or sleep
well, and wnke tired mornings witn uuu
feeling head and coattd tongue. They
don't feel well, have lost their snap and
enercrv. and work has become nn effort.
All such people will find in Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve remedy the
magic wand which will make them well.
It is not a natent medicine, out tne pre
Hcrlntinn of the most successful livintr
specialist in curing nervnuR and chronic
diseases. Dr. ureene. 01 aa west utn St..
New York city. He has the largest prac
tice In the wor'd, and this grand medical
discovery Is the result of his vast expert
ence. The great reputation of Dr. Greene
is an-uarantee that his medicine win core,
and the fact that ho can be consulted by
anyone at any time free of charge, per
sonally or by letter, gives absolute assur
ance oi the beneiiciai action oi vnis won
derful medicine.
Upward Lightning Strokes.
It Is hard fur tho mind to conceive of
lightning flash taking other than a down
ward course when it btrlkcs objects on tho
oarth's surface, but thcro oro many well
authenticated cases of tho holt taking the
opposite dlrcotion. A enso in mind hap
pencil at Manchester In August, 1888
where tho bolt was distinctly soon to strike
tlie baso of n largo cast Iron chimney and
then to take an upward slant, burning u
crooked river in tho motnl from tho point
of conloct to tho top, whom it oscaped into
tho atmosphere and exploded in tho man
tier of an immeiiM) lire bull.
At Montkello, la., on Juno 31, 1893, a
treo near tho residence of G. II. Georgo
was struck bv a lightning ilnsh and torn
In a manner which clcnrl) Indicated that
tho current had passed upward from the
The director of the Iowa weather sonic
corns tolls mo that, while upward lit,lit
nlim strokes aro reckoned as freaks and
phenomena by tho layman, they aro not of
Infrequent occurrenco und havo often been
ronorted by meteorological obsorvers.
In one or two of tho Solomon Island
and at eoverul places on tho Indian oceu
coast of Africa the upward stroke is said
to be tho rule and the downward tho ex
coptlon. St. Louls.RejDublio.
Tho Death List Slightly Eeduood
from First Reports,
Sfuny of the Undies So Terribly Mangled
a to Defy Identification The Work of
Itellef Progresilng ltnpldly A List of
the Identified Dend.
Butte, Mont., Jan. 17. It Is now esti
mated that tho number of persons killed
by Tuesday night's torrlblo explosion of
giant powder Is sixty. Nonrly fifty aro al
ready, known to havo been killed. Today
tho city Is in mourning, and all flags nro
at half mast. Tho relief meeting called
by tho mayor was largely attended nnd
committees appointed for tho collection of
money for tho rellof of tho nflllctcd fam
ilies. Tho pcoplo aro responding liberally,
and n sufficient amount to rollevo distress
Is already guaranteed.
Tho flro occurred In tho Butto Hardware
company's warehouse, In which giant
powder was stored. First reports of tho
caso aro fully continued by later develop
ments. At tho undertaking establishments this
morning tho fragmentary bodies of tho
dead aro displayed for Identification.
Scarcely any of tho remains, however, are
recognizable, and the complete roll of
dead will probably novor bo known.
Tho following Is the list of tho identified
dead :
Charles Alson, George MoDonnld,
Charles Gcuttouberg, Conseguo Burns,
Goorgo Gnlbralth, J. J. Mcllale, Professor
Robblns, John J. Eurlght, C. E. Tracey,
Matt Grosser, Ofllcor Frank Kranbeck,
James O'Leary, Albert Goddard, William
Pierce, John Foster, Mlko Meade, lioorgo
Wilton, William Smith (colored), J. B.
Miller, Frod Bowman, Mlko Denglo,
Goorgo Holloway, Goorgo Balloy, Alfred
E. Williams, W. II. Nolan, Charles Han
sen, Elmer Greon, Ed Sloan, Alex Canby,
John Morgan, S. DoLongory, A. D. Cam
eron, John Sloan, Samuel Ash, David
Moses, Georgo Fifer, Peter Norllngcr,
William McGeo, John Fudge and Olo
Professor Robblns, or Robinson, who is
also known as "Two Bear, ' was a famous
hunter, nnd n friend of Thoodoro Roose
velt, of New York. Ho had spent all his
life In tho mountains, and was making
preparations to guldo a party through a
practically unknown portion of the Yel
lowstone park.
several visitors In tho city aro among
tho dead, among them being J. B. Miller,
uu Iduho lawyer.
Tho ruins are still smouldering, and it
Is believed that more bodies will be found
under the debris.
Inquiries aro coming from all parts of
tho United States, Inquiring about rela
tives and frionds w'io resido in tho city or
who wero supposed to havo been here at
tho time of tho explosion. It is admitted
by all that this is by fur tho most disas
trous surface explosion th"t has occurred
anywhere in the country during recent
Burns' Constituents Oppo Luxuries.
London, Jan. 17. Tho publication of
stories describing tho luxurious manner
in which Mr. Joint Burns, the labor leader
and member of parliament, traveled dur
ing his recent visit to tho United States
and the descriptions given of tho lifo which
Mr. Burns led on board the Cuunrd steamer
Etrurla, "eating turtle soup and hobnob
bing with millionaires," are causing much
excitement among his constituents in tho
Battersea division "of Loudon. Mr. John
W. Benn, M. P., who accompanied Mr.
Burns to tho United States, furnished a
largo audienco with an explanation of this
ndulgonco in tho luxuries of life. Ho said
that ho was 111, and consequently was
obliged to travel first class, therefore ho
asked Mr. Burns to share his cabin In
order that tho latter might nurso him on
his way across tho ocean.
An Kxplodlng Holler Kills Two.
Pittsuukg, Jan. 17. A boiler explosion
occurred In tho 40-lnch mill of tho Carne
gie company's plant at Homestead about
3 o'clock in the morning. Two men woro
killed, one in. illy hurt and several others
Injured. Tlie dead are- Henry Broune-
man, in;cd 'Si, single, and John Gurka,
coal wheeler, married. William Email,
laborer, was fatally hurt, Thomas Banks,
workman, dangerously scalded, but may
An Indian Convicted of Murder.
MALOXE, N. Y., Jan. 17. Tho trial of
Isaac White, a St. Regis Indian from tho
reservation. In tho northern part of Frank
lin county, which has bcon In progress
horo for a week, closed yesterday with a
verdict of murder In tho first degree. Tho
prisoner was charged with tho murder of
Mary Ann Lab ranee, with whom ho lived,
In August last. The woman was the
mother of two small children.
Charges Against Minnesota Officials.
ST. Paul, Minn,, Jnn. 17. A resolution
introduced in tho houso by Representative
Felg calls for an Investigation of chargos
thot public officials have rocolvcd $160,000
Interest on publlo funds entrusted to their
chargo, and further charges that f303,BOO
Is asserted to bo carried on books as cash,
when in fact It Is on tho books of banks
that havo failed.
Asphyxtnted by Charcoal Fames.
Heiqiitstown, N. J., Jan. 17. Lena
Anderson, 17 years old, granddaughter of
G. Washington Anderson, of Porrinsville,
and tho 3-year-old daughter of Mrs. S. P.
ileudrlokson, who had been left In tho
girl's charge, woro found dend at Mr. An
derson's home, both having been asphyx
iated by tho fumes from charcoal.
Fought Klg'hteon Savage Rounds.
Kenton, O., Jan. 17. A savago prize
fight with four ounce glovos took plnco
near horo betwoon Sherman Johnson and
John Munson for $100 a sldo, a purso of
$200 and to settle a grudge. Johuson wns
doclurod tho victor at tho ond of tho eigh
teenth round. Both men wero terribly
Chinese Generals Fear l'owder,
Tientsin, Jnn. 17. Mauy high officials
woro among the 2,000 Chinese killed or
wounded, nt tho battle of Kal Piling. Gou
oriils Shui and Ma woro near tho battle
flold with a strong force, but hold uloof,
neglecting an opportunity to defeat tho
Accidentally Shot aud Rilled.
CLKAHF1ELD, Pa., Jan. 17 J. Lynn Mo-
I'herson, ono of tho leading lumbermen of
tills county, accidentally shot and killed
ll nself while pulling a loaded rlflo from
ar.der hit sleigh scat at his home near tins
jlivce. j
1111! JI8MM
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every clement of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Iniiit upon having tho genuine.
!Jr ThppM31T Arch St.
UliIIIUGI phiiadelohla. Pa.
The Only (Scnulnn Spectnllst In Amer
ica, NniwitliKtnnillnK What
iiiiiltn .uvrninc.
Speclnl Dlsensex, Vnrlcoso Veins nnd
Biriclurc'n(.o uiiiuns; i-prinnneniiy
Cured in 4 to 10 Ilnys.
Relief nt Once.
Dinntl DDICnU Primary or Secondary
DLUUU rUloUil cured by entirely new
harmless method. 6 years' European Hospital
aud 32 practical experience, as Certificates and
uipiomas prove, bend ove a-cenc stamps tor
boot "TRUTH." the only True Medical
nook advertised. It Is a true friend to alii
I suuerersand to those contemplating marriage,
I The most stubborn and daneormiH rji.ra anlln.
I lied. Wrlteorcallandbesaved. Hours, 9 to 3 ; I
ev es, oto 8 ror examination and treatmentln
I cnronio una osncerous cases, uau dally l to
1i .u i eu. uuu oau irum v lo h ; ev KS, o iz
a 3u; Bun., 9 to 12. Treatment by malt
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
II above Green. Pnlla, Pa.
F( rmerly at 209 North Second St la the old
est in America for the treatment of Hp'rtal
D1.ieaaes and Touttiful IZrrorB. Varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
mall a specialty. Communications acredly
5onfldentfal. "md stamp for book. Houro.
. m. to 9 p tr 'undavB 9 to 12 n
Finest, Purest, HealthesC
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons.
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costello & Cassidt. Proprletorx
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South Jardln Street.
Also Life and Aooldental Companies
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
MealB at all hours. Ladles' dining room
.tttached. Finest wines. Honors, cigars.
The Safe Denoslt Ihilldlncr and Savinfr Asso
ciation of Reading, Pa., oilers for sale a few
hundred shares of stock. This is a good, tellable
aud prosperous association in which to take
Bharea. Having ready sale for all money, the
premium received is large, consequently the
stock will mature much sooner than associations
located in towns where there is no great demand
lor money, and building operations are very
limited. The value of each share is fjSOO at
maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share.
Monthly dues, one dollar per share. Five per
cent. Interest allowed on all payments made in
advance for 6 months or longer. Members may
withdraw one or all shares at any time by giv
ing So days written notice, and are entitled to
the full amount ot dues paid, with 6 per cent,
interest after one year, thereby maklcc it an
11 per cent. Investment. All shareholders are
eutUJed to loans from fund on real estate
Buiulty. No shares will he forced out.
The fund Is run on the 3ame conservative
principles as our local funds which have been
iried for years and found safe. Any one wish
ing to Invest in a Saving Fund will Und It to
their Interest to call on the local agents and
receive full particulars. Rev. II. A. Keyser,
D. I)., of Mahanoy City, Is one ot the directors.
127 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah.
For Painting ....
The Season is here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains in paints and oils, plain and
stained glass. All the new patterns in
walj paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery,
133 Wont Oontre Street.
Headquarters for the Evening Herald.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers