The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 16, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by VVHZISIIINO OOllVANy,
publication office and mechanical department,
North Market Street,
t'hn TJotiaTA Is delivered In Shonandoah and
fl fieisio. surrounding towns for Six Cent
week, payable to the carriers, lly mall, Three
Sollars a year orTwentyflve cents per month,
ft advance.
AdvtirtUtmrnt charged according to spoor
ad position. The publishers reserve the right
in change the position of advertisements when
tver the publication ot neM requires It. Thi
lghttls also reserved to rejoot any advertise
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Sntered at the post office at Shenandoah, Pr.
ii second close mall matter.
THE JSrEA'JlfG )risiiAT,n,
Shenandoah, Penna,
Evening Herald.
Ill: mtut have a heart of stono who
does not feel a touch of pity at seeing the
Democrats pleading with Senators Sh'er
man and Allison to do something to help
them out of the hole th)y aro In on the
currency question.
UxnEI! the Gorman Tariff mnnufnc
turers are ,ivon free wool, but the poor
laborer Is given starvation wnes. Those
tiro the New Year's gifts of the dishonest
TM Democracy : Benefits to the rich
Corp 'rations, but conditions of want and
ttroery to the wage parner.
THE Countess of Claucarty, once Belle
Bllton. Is going back to the music halls
to earn a living for herself and the Mar-
qui", who has worn out the pttlenco of
his creditors. Tho marriage was a great
ecandal, but ho was in great luck In con
tracting it.
Heniiy Clav Evans was In November
last elected Governor of Tennessee. Of
that there is no reasonable "doubt. Tim
lie wns elected on the face of the official
returns, there is no possible shadow
doubt. Nobody ventures to dispulo it.
He Is, therefore, entitle,! to be seated
Governor of the state, lint he is a Hepub
lican, and Tenuessee bus hitherto been
Democratic state. The Democratic
leadeis who are now iu control of the
state government and Legislature are,
therefore, planning to keep him out o
the office to which he was houestl
Ictel. Of this purpose they make n
secret, and they are actually at work
their attempt to put it into effect.
"KEruDLlcAXS block the way, but pro
pose nothing. They show how bad every
measure is that Democrats attempt
pass, but suggest nothing better." Such
Is the babyish complaint of some journals
and of incompetents at Washington. But
it is false. The K-publtcam have shown
for thirty year how the Treasury can be
protected from danger, how the currency
can be made sound, and how industry
can be made, prosperous. Nothing -
necessary except to leave Republican
laws alone. The men who insist upon
repealing or altering those laws, to -su
their own Ignorant notions or malignant
Orel-dices, must themselves face the
responsibility of making changes, destruc
tlve or otherwise.
The adoption of the bicycle by th
military authorities ot Europe has led to
a discussion now In progress at the War
Departments of Berlin, Paris nnd Vienni
as to how soldiers mounted on wheels are
to comply with the strict regulations
that prevail with rcgnrd to the saluting
of their officers. Several accidents, ridic
ulous as well as serious in character, have
already been cnused In the German an
I'reucu armies by military cyclists at
tempting when mounted to go through
the prescribed form of salutation on meet
lag their buperlora, and It is urgent that
some means should be devised of enabling
a soldier, while a wheel to pay the custom J
ary honors to his commnnaers wituont
rtiuulrfg the risk ot breaking hit neck.
EMEKoreo irora the cavity Into which,
with the U t reus mis, ha retired after the
hurricane of Xovem ler, Profwor Wll
sou diou irgas his jiunderbuss in the di
leotloa u, tie Trusts. "Either they or
the DdUiocrauo par y must rule in this
oouutrtf. and either tl.ey or the Demo
or.ttio party inuat dUappear from the
o uutry," he obWve. The- ptwr' mnu
doe i not even knew tint tptttuiug ot hU
own dalr i'.' Tfc tfrmfc Trutts not only
"took ConKrew by the ThroAt," hut usud
CUlrinn i Wilion uh their oouitnandernf
force to put Ik WhUkey aud'Sugar bill
through the House. Hie and hU patty
ranted and protettad, and then in Uw
druuktmuew ot ptrtlsau fanatiolsm oon
tinted. The Trusts ruled the Demoorntio
party, .but Urn aleotlon provad that . they
did n.) i rule the eountry. The party went
down vlt4uadrre majorities enough to
tell Mr. Wilson that the people will not
be. ruled either by the party or by the
Has Penetrated Occultism So lrar That lto
Has llccn Mndo High Mtick-u-iiiuck Ovrr
Two Tribes of Sncrnl Monkeys Ho
teats Modern Civilization,
Tho people hereabout, Britishers nnd na
tives, had told mo so much of tlic fakir
presiding over tho Hnnumnn templo on
tho suinmltof tho Jnlko.ln tho Himalayas,
that 1 made ready tho other day to climb
tho 1,600 feet to tho mountnln top In com
pany of n devout Hindoo.
Wo found him sitting In front of tho
shrine contemplating tho fascinating pan
orama beneath him, tho slopes of tho
buow abode, " vlth wonderful Simla,
that has rlson In tho desert almost with
tho rapidity of nn American city, thogroon
lnndscnpos dotted hero and tlioro with an
cient ruins, small clumps of mango trees
nd lonoly palms towering lit their height,
ns If on sentlnol duty. Ho Is n powerful
man, in sptto of his ngo nnd inodo of liv
ing, with n strong, almost haughty faco.
Around his hips ho woro n whlto linen
scarf, lonvlng hla legs and fcot frco. A
loopard skin was drawn over his shoulder
nnd a turban on his bond. Tho fakir nn
sworod our greetings in good English, no
poko slowly, but his words woro woll
"I am Charlos Willlnm do Housotto,"
ho said. "My father onino from tho south
of Arnorica to Simla In 18115 nnd engngod
In tho morcuntllu buslnoss. I was born an
board of a sailing vessel flying tho stars
nnu stripes. My mother, long slnco dead.
camo from tho north of tho Union, but my
father was of Jfronoh doscont. Ho was
very successful in trndo and gnvo mo tho
bcnollt of what Is called by you pooplo an
excellent education.
"Among our nntlvo houso sorvnnts wns
Sadhu (dlsolplo) who had originally
sorved tho vonornblo Ilrnhmnn In this tem
plo, nnd who afterward, upon tho donth of
tho fakir, became his successor. I loved
this good man, and whonover I had occa
sion to visit him I stnld for hours In nnd
around his shrlno. All oniloavors to In
terest mo In study nnd In tho llfo my par
ontB nnd friends woro leading foiled. I
longod for tho seclusion nnd freedom of
tho hormit, nnd ono morning, oftor con
suiting with tho holy man on tho moun
tain, I mnda good my escape and ontored
upon my novitiate, with n staff and beg
gar's howl ns my solo capital. I boenhio n
rover, a tnondlcant, anything you choose
to call It. Tho good religious folks fed
mo, and the hoavens woro my covor for IS
long years, during which timo I visited nil
tho remoto vnlloys and all tho temples
standing beside tiio stupendous glaclors
until my soul wns full of wondor nnd nwo
at tho work of God.
''Twolvo times I worshlpod nt tho holy
sourccs of the Ganges, tlion to return to
Simla, strown with nshes and clad In my
locks, that during my wanderings never
had folt sbours. My father had died mean
while, leaving mo Independently rich. But
what wns maney to me? I novor wont near
tho official administering my fortune.
Aftor learning of my father's donth I pro
ceeded at oneo to tills templo and took my
placo nt tho foot of tho holy man. I bo
enmo his dlsolplo, ond when ho died, years
niter, ho nominated mo his successor.
"1 detest Europeans, not ns individuals,
but asmomborsof a degraded community.
I am better off hero. As far as nationality
goes, cortnlnly I belong to tho so called
civilized world, but I would rather dio
and rot as n honthon outcast than submit
to tho dictations nnd believe in tho teach
lngs of tho lying, deceitful English alergy,
dovotod to nil tho vices and luxuries ovor
Tim fuklr's buslnoss Is to rctoivo tho
oITorinBS front tho natives and dlvido them
among tho nnos nftor deducting his own
share. Do lloqsetto told us tho monkoyi
of tho Simla region aro divided in two
groups, living apart from each- other In
dliforont districts of the forest, vyhl&h they
loavo only nt tho periods at migration, re
curring every third year.
"You nhould seo my friends preparing
for their wandering, said thofaklr. "No
English regiment thnt ever trod Indian
solfmoved In such splendid order. Thpy
inarch indeed as If drilled by tho Prus
sians, nnd Iron dlsoipllno Is maintained in
tho ranks, ninv their routo be evor so long,"
"It is said In tho valley you possess pro
diglous influence ovor tho four handed lof
glons. 1 remarked.
"I nominatethclr klng,",6afd thofaklr,
smiling. "Ills majosty does tho rost.
But tlioro tin y como. Look for yourself,
In nn lmaant tho treos and bushes
around tho tomplo woro nllvo with whis
kered monkoys, looping from tho branches
or walking oroct on their hind logs, with
staffs In their hands. Tho "gros" of tho
army remained on tho torrnco of tho torn
nle. whllu ono monkey walked grnvoly
into tho sanctum. Tho fnklr took my nrm
and led mo In too. "This Is tho 'Mnhnr-
ascha Sahib' (king)," ho said, "who is
privllogod to cat In front of my own flro
placo. Tho prototype of proud dignity, is
ho notf"
His mniosty sat down on tho furs spread
upon tho stono floor nnd took from tho.
hands of tho fakir n bowl filled with maize,,
nnd wnu ginger, i iion no uegan to biiu
'slowlv nnd dollborntolv. navlng no atten
tion whatevor to hlsaudlenco. Tho king's
"general," called iKotwnl Jueanwhllo kept
ordor without- ilo wns a mg montiey,
nonily ns tall and weighty ns tho "Snhlb"
hlmsolf, who stood bond and shouldors
above the Tost of his trlbo. Tho Kotwal
marshaled his troops with imposing di
oretiou, and only oneo in awhile was it
neoomary for him to tiso the mighty club
ha carried In his right tiaw. 1 noticed that
be punished ,nioukoys who endeavored to
put away mora than their share Uy tauu
Ium them "behind the front" Actual dis
obedience was lnvftrtably punished by the
stick. Not until all uxittmry monkeys hail
been fed did tho general receive his meal,
which, however, consisted of the boscnior
iMtls the fnkiry afforded, when nil had tin
lshed, the monkeys salaamed goodby, to
which tbe fskir mads aiiAwer, "Jm lxtta
(Go, myi soiMjlt fllmla (India) Oar. Ghl
aago lucw Ooeoii.
!ltiiiti IIat Vuarm.
The lenvi s of several plants often con
tract in a lwjunrkablo way to form lodging
nlaoes for young instots t:i to hutched
from bbns laid iu thosubstanueuf the loaf.
When an egg has been laid In a lent of tile
ehiekwoed, It contracts into glouular form.
Tho juniper leaf sends out a small nh
Iftr iKidj. or e-xoresoonoe. while the leaf of
the poplar puts forth a juice that dries
Into a rod globe.
glliu Ououiubera.
Tho whole fcnorot of raUlntr soedlesa cu-
ouathors llw In ooverlng tho first Joint of
tjj vlna after It starts to "run" and then
muting the vino from tho original stalk ns
toon as thu Joint takes root.
Distressing Skin Disc iso from Birth,
Cured in o Weeks by ( tttlrurn.
Now Healthy ns Cm Ke.
5tV b.lbv UOV had bmsn mifTcrlnir fmm l.lrtV
with some sort of au eropili.-.i. Tho ilocioi'
called it eoseiua. Ills lliUe neck wus one
aim epoel niaas of ml,
lnflnnifil llcsh. Ill arm
and across and under ills
tlilBlm, thcrever the fat
the same. Kor four weeks
nfftsr his blnh lie suffered
with this eruption, .1
initfl I got tho Cittern,..
Hmebiks, th.-rewaslli
BleMi for anv one. In flv i
week she vaa coinplctel
nurtitl. llfiWnift!. h wel'
old Fcbnutrv 1, and jon o .-lit to rco h'i (.; ,
now, smooth, ovon, n 1 a beaut. ful pink an.
tthlto color. He ia 3 he:r..l.y ns ha can bo.- Tl,
CtfncJltA ItEaot.VBst has Own 1. m tone, vicr,
and Uronpth. I e-ifoseh en- t.
w 3i, .. uAiiU-M.u, 154 ii. iia M., ewyoru.
From tho aeo of two months mvbabvsuiTere.'
with the ecreina ou her faco and bo.ty. Doc
lunxiMiuuuG aau. usout UTieeiiA JinMEOira.
round them In eery respect satlsfaotorj-. Tin
child has now aheautlful skin and Is cured. AVe
cbcorfully rccnmmctwlHie same to all mothers.
llavo effected tho most wonderful cures of tor
turing and disfiguring skin and ecalti diseases
of infants and children ever rocon.od. Thev
afford Instant relief, permit rest and sleep, anil
point to n speedy cure v,lityi tho best physicians
fall, l'arents, savo your children j ears pi need
less suffering. Cures made In childhood aro
Sold thronahoat the world. Trice. Cuticcra.
60c; Soai-2oc; Kesolvekt, ft. 1'oTTEn Ukuo
AND Cuem. C'onr., Bole Proprietors, Boston.
" How to Cure Ekln Dlsensca," mailed free.
Ql PV'C Sk,n nnd Bcnlp pnrlOed nnd beautified
UHDI u by CuTiccitA Soap, Ahsolutcly pure.
In 6SE MrsCTE Tttn Ciitlcurn Antl.
Puln I'latpr relieves rheumatio,
sciatic, hip, kidney, chest, and mus
cular pains and weaknefs.
Wo Uo Slllllona of Split SUol Klnfrs, bat
Don't, Mako Any.
"I'vo handled and sold 40,000 gross of
split keyrings since 1807," said tho llttlo
man in an overcoat and n whlto ewonter,
and not ono of them wns of American
'Why, how is tlintf" nsked tho reporter.
"Bccnnso tlioro are noho mndo in this
cottntry," replied the llttlo man, with a
smile that lifted ono comer of his gray
mustneho. "No, sir," he continued, ' the
making of split steel rings Is an . art that
wo haven't got hold of yet, somehow, nnd
I must sny 1 often wonder nt it."
Whore nro theymntle, thenf"
The best, sir, nro made nbout B7 miles
outride of Paris, nt n little manufacturing
town whoso niimo I enn't just now recall.
Tho noxt host rings nro mado in Sheffield,
Knglnnd, whlio rings of nn inferior qual
ity mndo from Swedish iron nro manufac
tured in Alsace. I don't know that tho
steel In the Ifrouch rings Is any bettor than
thnt UFed by tho Shclllold manufacturers,
but tho Frenchmen In this, ns In so tunny
other things, hnvo got tho hang of making
their things look well. Tho Sholupld Tings
are polished with oil nnd emery, and thnt
gives them n dull, steely look.'Whllo the
renoh rings nro polished by tho dry proo
ess, with what they call crocus powder.
a sore of coarso rouge."
'What nro tho extremes of slzo in split
ringsy the man was askd.
"Tho smallest that I'vo evor handled,
ho replied, "wero three-sutconths of nn
Inch across. Thoy nro glided when they
reach this eountry nml nro used in cheap
Jowolry. The lnrgoat keyriligs I over sold
wel-o 2lA inches in dininotor, and those I
sold to the wardens at Sing sing. Iu fact,
they nro called prison rings. That keyring
witli tho two little knobs, oF bosses,
through which you slip the ring is also of
French manufacture, and indeed I have
never Eetn any Ainiricun keyring, except
that clunifey llttlo thing, whore you have
to move amend n small round double-plate
with n notch In it, add then spring out the
open end of tho ring through this notch.
must suy,," continued the little man mus
, lnaly. "loftwi wondorwhy wodon'tmnl
riuas over. hero. Why. lust think, 1 sell
oyer. 160, 000 rings n year, and tiiere must
bo millions of them handled every year In
this conn) iv . -,v ork bun.
Pa ofettoicraal Cards
8. KISTLErt, M. D
.Office. l'J) North Jardln street, Shenandoah,
m. nunKE,
onice. F.tran buildlmr. corner ot Main and
Centro streets, iHtiennnrtoah.
Office Hoom 2. Kean's New Duildlnc.
ner Main end Centre streets. Shenandoah.
Ofllce Hours: B to 10 a. ro.: 1 toS p n.; 7tr
p. m. NlBht oftlce No. '.su west uaK street
( fne. Wntor Corapmy
building, 20 WfBt
Lloyd street
Uueceaaw to
DR. oh as. t. palmkk.
1 ,101 MahrtiitoiiKo Street, Putteville, Fennn,
in the cheapest and best fence made Cheaper
tbuivniwooden (once lor roslaenoes, lanns.cem .
nia thu airencv and carries It In stock at hla
Imarble tnd granite works, IZ7 N. JIKD1N ST.
CUAROl' Wilcox HPEClFISCa.Pluui.PA.
Ua?.-S ft
nituff Q
udgo Rioks May be Called Upon
to Defend Hia Title,
Tho Judiciary Committee of tho House,
by a Voto of Seven to Six, Decides That
Allegntlonn of Dishonesty Mndo by n
Labor Union Aro Tenable.
WA8iiiaTON. .Tnn. 10. Congress was
given a decided surprise yostcrday by tho
houso committed on the judiciary, which
decided by ft vote of 7 to 0 to report a reso
lution for tho Impeachment ot ouugo
Augustus" J. Illoks, of Clovolnnd, for mal
feasance In oirico. Not for many years has
United States ludgo been called beforo
tbe bar of tho sonato to dofond his right to
wear the ermine of oillce against criminal
charges, and only three or four tlmos In
the history of tho government nns an nn
poaciiment trial of aniomberof tho federal
Judiciary been conducted.
Few members had looked into tno
charges preferred by tho Central Labor
Union ot Clovolnnd. tho accuser ot juuge
Itlcks, that while sitting on tho bench he
paid to hlmsolf feos which ho claimed ho
had previously earned as clork ot the
court, nnd to which It Is now asserted ho
was not entitled. Tho number of years
which have elapsed slnco tho transaction,
nnd tho contention ot thojudgo's friends
that tho proceedings wero Inspired by n
ruling prejudicial to tho interests of labor
unlous which ho mndo recontly tondeel to
lessen tho Interest which ordinarily would
havo been taken In tho case.
Now that tho ludlclarv committee has
deemed tho matter of sulnclont gravity to
warrant lmpoachmont, it has become sud
denly a doclded sousntlon.
Tho friends ot Judgo Itlcks declare thnt
there aro largo possibilities that tho im-
poachment may not bo nntlcrtakon. Thoy
depend on members who wero nbsonl from
tho stormy committee mooting yesterday
to join with them on Friday In voting to
substitute n minority report for tho ono
which Mr. Bailey will prepare, and which
will bo a strong arraignment of tho judgo
If couched in tho tenor of his speeches yes
terday. There Is doubt of tho parliamen
tary possibility of such a stroke, but the
short timo remaining to this congress in
spires tho bollof that tho enso will go over
to tho noxt congress. Iu that event the
lmpoachmont probably will not to under
taken, as tho division was practically on
party linos, with tho llopubllcans support
ing Judgo Kicks.
Tho function of tho houso is that of a
grand jury in Buck casos. It decides
whether suillcicnt cause is shown to justify
a trial, nnd appoints maungcrs who act ns
prosecuting attorneys. Tho sonntors sit
in tho capaoity ot judges or jurors, with
tho cidof iustlco of tho supreme court pre
siding. Tho senate has nothing to say
nbout whether an impeachment is to bo
conducted, but if it does nofSoo fit to fin
ish this trial beforo March 4, all the pro
ceedings taken will bo void.
Tho .Strike 111 Hrooklyn.
BROOKLYN, .Tan. 10. Tho second day of
tho big trolley striko was not character
ized by much oxeltomont. Tlioro were
many llttlo clnshos between tho pollco and
tho strikers, but nothing ot a serious na
ture in tho way of a riot occurred. Up to
noon everything was comparatively quiet.
Aftor that hour, howovor, tbs strikers let
themselves out n trifle, and tho pollco had
soino dlillculty In kooplng tho great crowds
under restraint. Uotli sides nro conlldent
of victory.
Tin l'lnto Workers Itoduco Tholr Scale.
PlTTSliuT.o, Jan. 10. Tho couforencobo-
tween tho tin plate manufacturers and
thoir men adjourned without roaohlng a
compromise on tho wage tmostiou. The
workmen agreed to moot tho manufac
turers half way aud take n reduction of JB
per cent. Tho new terms havo been ac
cepted by tho Cumberland. Tin l'lnto com
pany, and thnt plant will rosUmo opera
tions nt once. Other mills aro oxpected to
soon follow this example.
Saved a Train at n..lSurnlnc- llrldgc
PAitis, Tex., .Inn. 10. Mrs. Isaiic Pan
prevented a terrible wreok on tho St. Louis
and Snn Francisco, railway, threo miles
narth of here. She discovered a bridgo on
flro near her home. "With n red tnblo cloth
sho wont out to tho bridgo, whore slio
stood In tho bitter cold for nearly two
hours before thotruln arrlvod. Tho engine
was within forty feet of tho buruod bridgo
when it wns brought to n halt.
A Youthful Murderer.
Hintoj.', W.Va-., Jan. 10 News reached
hero yesterday of tho klllingpf J, II. Hud
son, onoof tho best known citizens of Mon
roe county, by Osborne Garton, n school
yoy, aged 10. Thoy quarreled about Hud
son's daughter, with whom young Garton
was In love. Hudson attacked the boy
ami was stubbed
Closing Quotations nf the New York and
I'hthidolplila ISxchangea.
New Youk, Jan. 15. It was a dull and un
interesting day in tho stock market, and tho
chamreln prices on the day's transactions aro
inslgnlrleant except la the oagaq of a few of
the specialties. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 35 '.';N. Y. & Pa 6
Pennsylvania' 51 'Erie 10
Heading 12 1)., h & W 1(3
St. Paul Gu!
Wit Shore 104
N. Y. Central 09
Lake Brio & Y... 151
l)l. & Hudson.131
Lehigh Nav 48K
N. Y. & N. E WH
Nww Jersey iVa.91H
CUnerat Jlarketn.
PHUJinicLPHiA, Jan. 15. Vhmr flrra; winter
anpr., a.l" do. extras. $S.264W,ia; No. 2
wlntvr family. HW&l.OO; Pennsylvania roller
atralitht 'i wSt H: wentom winter, olear-,-82.5urji.;n.
viMtt dull, lower, wUhaoMe. btd
and hid for January. Coyniiulet, steady,
with 41k.-. but and 40I.4O. imkwl for January.
Outs (niiit, unchangml, with 374e. hid and
tny. asKi-d rarJantitry. Hay rpiletl Hood to
ohiili-t timothy. flMOfalil. Ueef quiet. Pork
dull l lower;, wattern steam. 7.u2t;
city, HutUir weaker; western
.preaoiur j . l.Vfi 2Tk ; Elirbis, 26o.; Pennsylvania
creamery prims, extra. 27o.; do. oholco, aio.;
do. fair tot,-ood, luic.; prints Jobblms atitSi
81o. OUhww hvavy. lluu llrmer; New York
and Pennsylvania, atjj.l,v.; ioehouae, 17
19c.; western fresh. SiaaJtic.; southern, tti)
Live Stoc-K Alarkets. j
Nbw Yohk, Jan. 15. European cables quoto '
American teer at l04ailWe. w'lb.t refrltf- 1
erator beuf at UOIOa. Oulvon steady at i
7.60 for veals. Sheep and Iambs llrm; gluten '
EUl.76iorof export weathers, 11.50; lambs,
Sli5.1J5; dressed mutton firm at 67o. ; droased
lambs higher at S5.i.
Bast I.iiikhty. Ia.. Jan. 15. Cattle rioelpts
light and iMiaea uiiuliaagwl Hnsateaiiy and
uncUauged. Sheep barely uteady: good slieop,
(2 nvfi3; best lambs, JtJiVat.SO; common to
fair, $ UnSJ.CS.
Cottolene is clean, dcli
catevliolesome, appetizing
and economical. It is so
Rood tliat it is taking the
place of all other shortenings. Be sure
and get the genuine with trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath on every pail.
Made only by
The N. K. Fait-bank- Company,
CHICAGO, and iji North Dataware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for
Tenn Haven Junction, Maucu Chunk, 11
ilghton, Slatineton, "White Uall, CatasauQu
Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton and Weather)
S.OJ, 7.38, 9.15 t m.. 1S.4S, S57. 5.S7p. m.
Tot New York and Philadelphia, 8.04, 7.3:
9.15 a m., 13.48, 2.f" p. m. For Quakakt
Swltctback, Qcrhards and Iludsondale, S.04
J.lfi a. m., and 2.67 p, m.
For Wllkes-Darre, White Haven, Plttsto
Laceyvllle, Tonanda, Sayre, Waverly n
Elmir, 6.04, 9.15 a: m., 2.57, 5.27 p. m.
For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls a
no Went, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 6.77 p. m
Tor Belvldere, polaware Watr Qrv
troudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.57 p. En.
For Lamhertvllle and Trenton, 9.15 a. c
ForTuulihancnclt. 6.04. 9.15a. m.. r. .
For Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 9,16 a. m V
For AUburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For Jcanesvllle,Ijevlstonnd Beaver Met-' t
7.38 a. m., 12.43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7,5.
S.lfi. a. m., .12.4S, 5.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled ai.
Hazleton 6 04, 7.38, S 16 a. m , 12.43, 2.57, 5.77 am
J.08 p. .
ForScranton, 6.04. 9.15, a. m., 2.M anu b.
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Frcelsu
5.04, 7.88, 9.15, a. m 12.43, 2.57, .27 -p. tr
For Ashland, airardvllle and Lost Creek , i. I
f.46. 9.13, 10.20 a, m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. B.8f p. m.
For Raven ltun.Centralla, Mount Caritt -Btiamokln9.l3hli.ll..m.a.S2,
1.20. 8.J2. 9.1t
p. rr.
For Yatesvlllc, Park Place, Mahanoy City at
Delano, 6.04 . 7.38, 9.16, 11.05 a tn.. 12.48. 3.f
i 27, B.08, 10.53 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln a; 5.15, B. It
U.45 a. m. 1.55, 4.80 9.S0 p. m., and arrive i
Shcna: doth at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43,27,5.27
11.15 p. c
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.W, 7.1'
9.0?, 11.05 11.30 a. m 12.48, 2.E7, 4.10 6.27. 8.C
p. m
Iibave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 6.00, 7.6,
9.06, 10.15, 11.40 a. m 12.82, 8.00,. 410, 6.ST1 - '
7 55, 9.40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6.04.7. tr 9.16
L. m.. 12.48. 2.67. 6.27. 8.09 n. in.
Leave iiazieion lor nenanaon, iv.u
1 1 Cd . m , 12.15; 2.U, 6.E0, 7.25. 7.56 p. rr.
Trains leavo for Haven Bun. Centralis, a
Carmcl and Hhamokln, 6.45 a. in., 2.40 p. n.
a c a arrive at tsnamokin at7.4u a. m. anc s.f
p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokln fur Shenandoal, i.
7 55 a. ra. and 4.00 p, m., and arrive at Hhi
mrtctth at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58 p. m.
Trains leave lor Asniana, uiraraviue anc losi
reeV, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. m
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, hei t
a a voh Junction, Maucn Chunk, Allentos,
t9thlehem. Raston and New York. .4 -?.80,
2.55 p. m
For Philadelphia 12.BQ, 2.65 p in.
For Yatesvllte, Park Place, Mahanoy Ol ty u,
Jelano, 8.49, 11.85 a. rn 12.30, 2.55, 4.68 0.03 p. i
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoatk 8.3U "
a, m., 1.05, 5.80 p. m.
Leave snenanucan ror i-otisviue do .
9.30 a. rn., 2.40 p. tn.
Leave Pottsvllle 'or shenaudoh., - 41
a.m.,1,86,5.16 p; m.
ROLHIN H- WILBtln, Genl. Hupt..
South Bethlehem. l-
yAS. si LSk.; ueni; I'M. agt.
-4ottb Itetfalentitu
puccecsors to Coakloy Bros.) -'
No, 26 litiHt Centre Street,
t4 tdk- NANUltAII, PA,
pffiST m mm
Our Motto: lhit Quality- nf'Lowcst Cash'
Prices. Patronage rtBi-ectlully solicited.
If you desire to Invest in stocks In a nit
and legitimate manner without care and wor
ry, subscribe to our discretionary accounts,
which will pay youfrom2to8percent.weekly
in any active market. It will pay you rooie
than double tbe average rate of interest in an j
ordinary business pursuits. DepflSltSreceiTf 6
from 20 to 1,1.00.
W0 will be pleased to furnish you ref eteitf
as to our success In the past, and whatwe ate
doing for others. If you are situated vbfrt
you cannot call on us In person, address yoci
communications to the
Metropolitan News Co.,
48 Congress St., Boston, Mas:
We remit profits once a woekandprinclrsl ct
three da) b' notice. Parties preferring-to C(
meir own investing, aro auvlscd to BUhscrlte
to our Daily Market Letters, which givevtc
will enahh
mortant Information ooactlvn tnpti irii
will enable you to make money if you do voti
own sneculatinc Kates. S4'Kr mnnth-
with telegrams of Important changes, iJC.fli Address,
Metropolitan News Company
Zocfc lion VU13: Voston, Jlass
Eometlmeanm nreilaM",
tho purest drgs
NotH bu V. P Di fClJtJfNi
Clock Sprinc Blade
Only l'ertect'Comb.
1 Korepanglt Circuses,
Ask yonr Denlor for
fourtjgjlkiaavia' si-itisu cuuby
k IU I 1.1 A
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows I
For New York via Philadelphia, -week flajrfi
HO, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.32, 25.5.55 p.m. Sunday
110, a. m. For New York via Mauoi- Ohunkt
week days, 6.25,7 20 a. ra., 12.32, 2.55 n. re
For Reading and Philadelphia, week dayi,
UO, 8.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2J5.i, S.Wp. ja Sua
Hy, 2.10, a. tn.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10,7.20, a. m.,
2.32, 2.55, 5.65 p, m. Sunday, 2.10 v m.
ForTamaquaand Mahanoy City, week dayi,
1.10, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,32, 155,5,65 P. m. Sun
da v, 2.10, a. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lshlabirf,
?rnek days, 3.25, 11,30 a. m.,,1.85. 721 p. M,,
jtmday,8.2S a.m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10. 8.a.
'.20, 11.70 a.m., 12.82, 1.85, 2.55, 5.55, 7 25, 9 83
p. m. Sunday, 2.1U, 8.25, a. m.
For Ashland and Sbamokln. reck days. 8.1 ,
f.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.85. 7 ao. 9.85 p. tn, But day,
125 a m.
For Baltimore. Washington and the WeM Tls
U. O. R. R , through trains leave Res1""'
Terminal, Philadelphia (P. 4 R. R. R.) at 3 21,
'.55. 11.29 a. m., 3 41, 7.27, D. m.. Hund- 828
' .55. II 26 a. m . 3.48 7 27 n. ra. Additional
t-at' i from24'h and hstnut streets station,
weea aavs, i.4d, &4i, r.-ip. m. aunaays, i.i,
Leave New York via Phlladelpma, week day
j.00 a. m 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m., Ills night. Su
day, o.oo p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, was k da ji.
I.S0. 9J0 a. m 1.10, 4.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Readlns Terminal,
week da j 8, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., and 4.01,
1.02, 11.80 1 p., m. lnnday. 11.80 p. m.
Leave Reading, week lay?, 1. IS, 7.10, 10.06, 1 55
iiBL, 5.65, 7.57 p. m Sundayl.SS, a .3
Leave-Pottsvllle, week days, 2.85, 7.40 a, a,
13.80. 6.12 D. m - Sunflav. 2.85 a. m.
Leave Tamaaua. wee
:c aays,, o.du, it 'a .
m., 1.20, 7.15, 9.28 p m Sunday, 8.16
Sunday, 8.16 . iu.
Leave Mahanoy Cliv, week days. 3.45. Pi'.
11.47 a. m., 1.61. 7,89 9 14 p. m. Sunday, 845
. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dt vs, 2.40 4 CO,
1.30, 9.87, 11.50 a. m., 12.58, 2.06, 6.20, 6.26,7.E3 10 10
,s ra. sunaay. z.vj, t.uu a. m
Leave vvuiii
WllllamRnni-t. tannlr flat 1(V4H
a. 3 36,
5.H.15D. m. Sunday. 11.15 n. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
nd South Street Wharf for Atlantlo City.
Week-Days Express, 9.00, a. n , 2.00, 4,00,
100 p. in Accommodaalon, 8.00 a. m.. 6.45
p. m.
Sunday Express. .0O, 10.00 a, m. Aeconi
nodutlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot, corner
itlnnllo and Arkansas avenues.
Week-Days Express, 7.3. 9.00 a. ra. and
1.00 a p. jx. Accommodation, 8.16 a. m.,
and T m.
Hunoai Ex ress, 4 00, 7.30 p. tn. Aocoicmo
latlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
S3. U.UAMUUUK., uen. Pass. Agt
Phllaaolp)d I A. SWEIGAHD. Gon. Sudi
, - ,sonnTr.niM. divistih
' JANUARY 14 18 5.
Trains wlllleaveiSUenacdot'i attsr tne aboro
late f or'Wlggan's, , Oilbsrton, FraoVytlle. New
Castle, Bt. Clair, Pottsvllle, Humburg, Re&dlne,
P0ttstOTCn,J?tiEnlxvlU4 Nonlstow aud Phil
idelphlaBrbad streetnULlon at ' :f8 xad 1U45
1. m. and4:15 p. m. on weekdays For
rule ana lntormeaiate stations 9i 10 a, m
For WlEgan'S, ailbcrton Frao'-'illle, New
uastio, St. uiair, pottsvllle at 0: 8. 9:40 a. Bl
ind 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Howtlng, Potta
town, PhconlxvlUo, Norrlatown, Philadelphia
it6:00, 8:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m
Trains leave Fraokvllle lor Hvenandoah a
10:40a. m. and U:14. 6:04. 7:48 ar ' H -r- p m,
Jjindays, 11 : 18 a. to. and 6:40 p. m.
',1:48b. m and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 r ra.Scndays
U10:40a.m. and 5; 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (broad street station) for
ibonandoah at 5 67 ani 8 35 a-m. 4 10 and 7 11 p
sweekdayB. On Sundays leav at 6 50 am.
LcavoOlroad Street Htatlon. Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week day,
at 320, 405. 1 50, 515, 850, 788, 820, 0 50, 10 SO,
(dining car), 11, 11 H a tn, 12 noon, 12.41 (Lim
ited 121 and 4 22 p m dining cars). 14', 230
(dining car), 320, 4, 5.6, 6 50,713, 8 12, 10 p in..
la it tiinhi. u -.? r o ft, ait: a eit e tr q in
050,1130 (dining car), 1108 a m 12 44, 2J&- ;
? 18, K 12, 10 00 p m. 12 01 night. jf
Express lor Uosion, wttuout ohangcril a m,
weekdays, lino. 8 50 p m dally.
ror Haltlmor .- d Watinmgton 8 W, 7 20, 8 81.
10, 1020, U 18. a 88 a m, (12 85 limited dinlni
Jar,) 1 30, 8 46. 4 41, (5 It Conrrenolonal Llm
ltff. dining car), 6 65, (dining car), 6 17, 6 65,
.dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p ra. and 12 03
night eek days. Hunclays. 3 60. 7 20, 0 10, 11 18,
1138 am. 4 41, 565 (dining car), 665 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave AlarKet street Feiry, Philadelphia,
Kxprese, 8 80 u at, 2 10;410 and 6 00 n m week
'ays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and u 45 a m.
For Capo- Mn Anglehsa, WllOwood ana
Holly Ueacb, express, a. m., 4 00 p m week:
days., 1 Sunday, BOO ai nt.
ForBea Isle City; Ocean City and Avalon,
Ex press, 9 00 a m, 4 00 p to week dayB. un
klayaiSCOa m.
For Bomers Point, express. 850. am. 4 in n
,m. .weekdays. aunday,45ftm,
9 so.. -nTuw J y. in
month'y, reerulatlng o-odlclne
Only haraleaa OSd
should bpusea.
u yuu.wuti the iiuii. cet
nunt, 'e 'rln1"'W'!t''nHiEDlne(pr.BBal')iieverdlan.
1 ., wh.n, Kt.u.. doreai PKifc Msutctha.fcievelandeSr
VrV!tist, Bhtan.ilnnh, P.
Soa as a Brush. Fits every Curve. Tho
Used by TJ. H. Anny nnd by Itanium nud
and Lcadim TTnnr,,,i Cf im
It. Kamnlc
conn co.. lMuikj.tuBfc.w.thDe.dfaliiS!
. A