The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 14, 1895, Image 2

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t'ubllshcd dally, except Sunday by
!iMitAs,i rvnzisuijfo company,
Publication offlco and mechanical department,
North Market Street.
Hhe Tlerttld X a6llvercd ln Shenandoah and
az PeralQ Butroundinc towns tor Six Contg
a week, payable to the carriers. II; mall, Throo
Dollars a year or Twenty-live cents por month,
a advance, i
dvtUemtnt charged according to space j
d position. The publishers reserve the right j
10 change the position of advertisements when-
...rllin Tuihltnntlnr. nt nfmm rami 1 ma It. Thf,
Ithtls also reserved to reject any advertise-
tent, whether paid for or not, that the pub
lahcrs may deam Improper. Advertising rates
.jade known upon application.
Xntered at the post offloeat Shenandoah, Pi.
second elo8 mall matter.
Shenandoah, Poena.
.veriing Herald.
NOTWITHSTANDING it proverbial slow
ness, Philadelphia mule ti very quick
turn on tho Republican mayoralty nomi
nation. Phesiuknt Cleveland aud Senator
H 11 did not agree to an arbitration until
they discovered that the elections hud
left them uoihlug to arbitrate.
Dakota, tried to run a bank aud the state
treusury at the same time und had ro
tijarkuble success in "busting" both,
r r
If you don't wa it tho grip keep your
ieet dry. It you have the utlp don't
neglect it. Some people seem to think
t .nt ihe grip is h jokt but these people
have never had It.
President Cleveland in his Hawaiian
letter to ConureHs says: "We have not
felt at liberty to entertain the question
ourselves." Apparently he has learned a
heap since he tried going it alone with
Paramount Blouul.
Congrkbwian WiLbON says that the
Democratic party is hstil to trusts. In
waul way has it givea evidence of any
such ho-i.lltt f The Democratic Admin'
Istratlou and the Denocratic Congress
have done nothing at oil to interfere with
the trusts or to check the violations ot
law ot which nil tiie trusts have been
The position of tho Democratic conspira
tors in Tennessee, who are scheming to
prevent the Republican Governor from
occupying the seatlto which he was elected
is that the votes of the people don't count
unless they show a Democratic majority,
The situation down there simply shows
the Southern Democracy in its old atti
tude of refusing to acknowledge the will
of the people by whom it stands impeached
and discredited.
Each of the 450 priests in the Pittsburg
Horn a n Catholic dlowse has been noti
fled of an order recently issued by IU,
W". Richard Phelan, bishop, prohibiting
taelrt-'tendance on bise ball, foot ball or
other gtr.ue j of sport, as well as attend
ing the theaters. The order has been
ratified by higher authorities and must
be observed. The reason given for issu
ing the order is that the absence of prlesth
uttendlng amusements or sports has
caused Inconvenience to persons needing
their services.
Now the Cry-Baby Democracy clamors
for Republican aid to repair the lncalcu
luble damage done by its WhUkey and
Sugar Tariff. The answer is obvious.
T ,e Republicans would by any decent
party be r cognize. 1, since the elections
of November, asenlltled to determine the
c ure of legislation on the great ques
tions which divide parties. If the Demo
cruta wish to concede thut responsibility,
aud to furnish votes enough ln both.housea,
to pue swell measures ;as Republicans
cotivider neeeeiury to the public welfare,
the Republicans will aooept, reluctantly
but fro.m a sense of duty, and try to put
thloic btrjght as far as they oan. If th refu, u(tr having been
kicked twit of "power for their lnoiptoity,
Mud still iu-d-a upon ruunluK thing
iheiUMcdv.-x ttj Republlcrtiia will not in
urftre. IUe uo.iuUnl i,ut not the moral
right to iili'en-giMli!i.ii rest with the
DnnioorUi kltll. Theeut ti e responsibility
goes with It, if they cbooge u exsrelae
the ..ohnicil right o I to de y.the moral
obhtf alou to re-ueot thB delnr! will f
the people. The lUpiiblluwuB will not
aotutpt lespousihillty iu tractions, picking
up Urn. )arc of the burden only which
DemooMU rtmluse they cannot carry, and
leaving tie DeuioorUa to muddle aud
botch other m ittern. Government U a
problem of Infinite Interdependence. The
tariff und the currency cannot be separ
utol, uor the tariff mid tne appropria
tions. If Demoerata insist upon having
their own foolish way about the currency
and the appropriations, they must alto
stand responsible for the revenue they
make necessary,
l'l-oplicolca Vov I SDR.
Mrs. Kelly Hnrtmau of Lynn, Muse.,
hns either been Impressed or rocolvod out.
of hor own hend to inuko n series of
prophooios for this yir. Somo of lier
predictions niiy body without occult pow-
or could fonwoo as, for instnnco, that
thoro will bo croot rowing in coiitroB,
wih . UUUsunl oxoitomont and discord. "
Unusual .oxcitoinout in oongross has boon
tho usual thing for bo long that wo nro
well tised to it now and don't wind it.
Furthermore sho says that at loast throo
prora,nont politicians will die. Heaven
1 .
K1VB II1HIU I1HI1IU' I 41 lliu auiuu-
er politioinus (aim a goou ninny oi
them) would follow suit, tho country
would havo a happy rolonso and n rost
us well.
Royalties nnd rulers nro going to have
n bad timo. Quoen Victoria will bo very
ill nnd mnybe die, and President Cleve
land will not feel very woll himself.
The Priuoo of Wales will havo much
troublo, and thero will bo sickness iu
his fnruily. Amerionus ore sorry for this,
for Wales 1b beginning to show that ho
possesses somo of the good hard senso
and not a little of the kindly heart of
his f ntlior, Princo Albert. There will ba
two doatlis in tho British royal family
iu 1805, says Mrs. Hartmau, and in
our own roigning house littlo Priuooss
Ruth Clovelnud will hnvo an illness.
So much for royaltios.
Bloatod capitalists and millionaires
may look n littlo out, for they will not
havo a good timo. They will sustain
groat financial losses, nnd tho doath of
ouo of thorn will causo considerable ex-
citoinent. We doubt that. Tho doath of
oven a hundredfold millionaire never
yot has caused any groat oxoitomont in
this country. Wo aro too much accus
tomed to millionaires.
Threo great mon are to die by vio
lence, and nn unusual numbor of promi-
nout paoplo nro to quit this lifo also,
quiotly in their beds. Lot us all take the
best of caro of oursolves.
Thoro aro going to bo iu 1805 enough
oxcitomout and stir to have lastod tho
good old times a generation. The labor
agitation will oontiuuo moro fiorcoly
than ovor, and at tho ond of tho year
working people will find thomsolves do
oidodly better oif than thoy aro now
Woll, thoy can stand it. Two vory in
fluential mon will bo of groat benefit to
tho causo of labor. Thousands of- mon
who road this prophecy will thoroupon
ask: Is it I? It will bo n bad year bo-
causo of train robbing and criino, espe
cially in tho west. Thoro will bo a
droadful carthquako or two in tho south
wostorn United States. Whothor poli
tics iu Texas has anything to do with
tlieso tho prophet sayeth not. Bosidos
tho oarthquakos tho soor tolls us thoro
will bo nnusual storms on laud, such as
wo had in 1804, and a tremendous groat
ono at soa. Throo hugo buildings will
fall, probably somo of tho skyscraping
hotels and apartment houses built on
tho now plan of economizing ground
rents. A big stoamor will bo burned at
sea, and thero will bo constant horesy
trials and theological agitation in tho
church denominations.
Tho yoar 1805 will, howovor, bo a
wonderful ono for tho advaucomont of
soiouco, invention and labor reform, wo
aro told. That lots us down a littlo oasy
and givos us somo small ground for hope.
Mrs. Hartmau says, further, that tho
powors of darkness aro going to pull all
iogother and muko ono intoiiso, all
around ofl'ort to crush out spiritualism
aud tho spiritualists, but that thoy can't
do it, and after a timo "all will be
bright and beautiful."
If half tho things this seer predicts
como truo, 1805 will bo n jolly rough
old year to most of us, and wo shall not
lack oxoitomont. On thowholo, perhaps
wo cannot do hotter than to tako to our
solvos tho ndvico givon by ouo of tho
lady's spiritual advisors, "Be courago
ous and firm. ' For oursolvos that is
Wliatwonro going todo. Woshall stand
firm as a rock and not bo afraid of lions
unloss thoy got away from a circus aud
nro running about at largo.
Tho fatal firos that havo ocourred in
different parts of tho country this. Jauu
nry show that not oyon ,yot has much
progress been jnado in coustruqting ofll-
cioufc firooscapos, with all tho parado
that has boon made aud tho money that
lias been spout Tho most tragio burn
intr wns that of the historic Dolavnu
Houso at Albnny. How tho poor oham
barmaids upon the upper floor oould
hnvo been ronsted alivo ns thoy wero can
only be explaiued by the lack of any
proper meau of esoajie. It i to be hoped
.that tho ledsou of tho Deluvan will not
be loflt on proprietors of other hotels
throughout the country that are fnr
uished with no better fire awupee than
this old structure had.
Live stock men nay that the reoent
embargo iu Emojw against Auierioim
Rattle is not caused by pleuropneumonia
I T" WW 8 lw
iff bill. Whan Amenon put a duty on
imported 'luxar, Uarnmny, I'raiwse and
Delirium found that American beeves
had pleuropneumonia - and American
lioas had trlohiuofia and restricted their
imports. A dose of reciprocity will oure
both diseases..
"It is understood that Mr. aud Hrsi
W. K. Vauderbilt will oocupy the mnr
blo place at Newport next summer.
All's woll that ends well.
-rije armor pluting of Andrew Caruo
gto's ohook is thick enough to stand any
ballistio tost.
' !
How Mrs. Reoso Became a Convort
Her Arm Was Useless, and Could Not
be Moved Without Pain How
She Was Cured.
Mrs. John Reese, South Pottstown, Pa.
cava: '.'It Is now about a vear since I was
cured of one of the worst attacks of rheu
matism I ever had. I had tried all
kinds of remodles and had several
doctors, but nothing did me any good; so
I conducted to try Munyou's Keinedles l
never had ony faith In homeopathy; 1
confess now I am a firm believer ln It.
After taking tho Rheumatism remedyH
few days l was able to raise my arm,
which 1 had not moved for two weeks
without the most Intense torture. Within
a short time I was completely cured, and
It was permanent, for during the past
year 1 havo not nau tne slightest return
or tne disease."
Munvon's Rheumatism Cure is iruar-
anteed to cure rheumatism in any part of
the bodv, Acute or muscular rheuma
tism cured In from ono to five days. It
never falls to cure sharn. Mioolluir nidus
In the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or
soreness in auy part ot tuo nouy in iron'
one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to
promptly cure lamenesB, still nnd
Bwoolen joints, stilt back, and all pains
ln the bins and loins. Chronic rheuma
tism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the
buck are speedily cured.
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up
SDeclflcs for nearlv everv disease, which
are sold by all druggists, m"stly for 25
cents a bottle.
Tho Kctiirn to General lie-sumption Comes
Vory filowly.
New Youk, Jan. 12. R. G. Dun & Co.'a
weekly reviow of trade says: Nolthor tho
beginning of tho now year nor tho failure
of tho currency bill lias brought any ma
terial change to business na yet. Tho Idea
that business would suddenly tako a now
start after the holidays had rathor less
foundation oven than usual, but tuo nopo
of strong rovlval a littlo later Is still cher
ished by many.
Thoro has not been much timo for change
ln tho Industries, but differences observed
since thq now year began are not ln tho
(II rectlon of higher prices or larger itemauu.
hero aro moro Indications than ot lato
that stocks of different kinds of goods
have been accumulating ln conscqucnco
if past lucroaso ln production.
Tho weekly output of pig Iron Jan. 1,
reckoning In somo furnaces only tempor
arily out of blast for tho holidays or re
pairs, was 108.411 tons, njrnlnst l()8,iba Dec,
showing practically no chnngo. But
stocks of unsold pig incroused during tho
month about 20,000 tons weekly, so that
actual consumption In tho mnnufacturo
seems to have Inen about 148,000 tons
weekly asralnst 157.000 111 Novoinber. In
any case the industry is doing vastly hot
tor than a year ago, when tho output was
loss than 100,000 tons, but Indications ot
excess of production over demand aro
found In further wenknoss of prices.
Tho for tho past wook havo boon
20 ln tho United States, against 474 for
tho same woek last yoar, and 51 In Can
ada. against 57 last yoar.
Bradstroots revlow saya: The second
week of tho now year brings fow reports of
nn incrcaslnir volume of orders for season
ablo goods. Weather conditions In tho
cast havo been unfavorable, those west
and south tho revorao. Chicago, St. Louis,
Boston, Now York and Philadelphia re
port rolatlvoly greatest improvement. At
somo centers It Is too early to judgoof tho
outlook for trado. Production of Iron and
steel is going on in excess of demand, but
manufacturers expect that neocssary re
pairs, renewals and additions by railroad
car manufacturers and other industrial
enterprises will havo a stimulating Influ
ence In tho near futiiro.
Ktilldni,' nt the Whisky Trmt.
ClIlCAOO. Jan. 12. Tho United Stntos
circuit court of appeals took up tho nppcal
of tho whisky trust from tho doclslou of
Judge Gro8,cup, nwarding ?37,000 of ro-
bates to the Gotteehnlk company, of Bal
timore, l Jie lBSUu tnat is . made slrlKos at
thb foundation of the trust. In order to
keep its hold upon tho trade tho trust
granted to all dealers who handle Its goods
exclusively a rebate of from two to flvo
cents a gallon. Gottschalk & Co. wero
distributors for tho tni3t, and hnd u claim
for 110,000 rebates. Tho firm deollnod to
fill out the form required by tho trust, and
wore refused the payment of tho rebates.
Suit for its collection was then begun and
In April last Judgo Grosscup rendered
judgment against tho trust, for t37,ll.07,
from which decision an nppcal was taken.
Accused Hank President Surrenders.
New York, Jan. IS. Wllllnm W. Wes
ton. nrosUlont of the Ilonoadale, Pa., Sav
ings bank, surrendered himself yesterday
in CSofT's r.nnrf, nn im llnllntmnnt.
b1irghg him with huvlug aided and abet
ted tne alteration or certain notes. Tlio
c'oiiipliilnant is II. Simmons. Tho grand
jury rcturnod an lndlctmout against Wes
ton, who surrendered here boforo the papers
ln tho case could bo sent to Honesdalo. Hv
was balled out by William Brookllold. P
J. Kellnm Is ln the Tombs on a charge
somewhat similar to the one against
Urt;iiir an Increased Appropriation,
IlAlsiiluuuuu, Jan. 13. Adjutant Gen
eral Greenland states in his report to Gov
ernor Puttiaou for 1KM, the advance sheets
ot which nave just bcim issued, that the
annual appropriation for tho expenses of
tlio National triiard of the state Is not suf
ficient to keep It on the high plans it has
attained, and iviMiumoud that the appro
priation I) ' ln i ' "Md from ao,000 to H5Q,-
000 a year. '!',, item of pay alone was
greater by (7,tK,j in l'fjl than In the pre
vious year aud i0.(WO In exoew of 1WI.
Mayor Strung, of New York, will ap
point ono or two women to the school
Alice M. HartlBy has been sentenced to
eleven yeu lu prison for killing ex-Sena
tor Ij. IJ. Jrtney. at ivanu, nuv.
Tha gtJiooner wvn u. jeouaru, or Jiuston,
vma wraebed off Batomun's Point, H. I.
OrW ved ly tho breeolios uuoy.
Sidem. O., thinks it how a suicide club.
tMfmBii having killed tli 'insolvos ithlu
tWo wBoks, and anntlier ai t.-mpted it
By a gHsolliirt stove I'lplo.'im at Kola
milKou, Miidi., Mr, ilary ll ir';in.-. nn ' sod
James wi're terribly bunu'd, nnd the hniuc
was di'ritroyeil. '
The nronriotor of the Liudell hotel, St
IjoniB, refused to entertain Slssi-n-tta
Jones, the "Black Patti," and she threat
ens suit for damages.
Sufferings of Firomon at a Confla
gration in Bradford, Pa.
As a ItflSuU a Hundred of tho 3Ien Wero
Frostbitten, tho Condition of Two of
Tlmm llelng Critical The I'roperty 1mb
ISstlinntod nt 8 1,000.
BltAPFOKD. Pa.. Jan. 14. Karly yester
day morning flro broko out In tho Shcohnu
Houso, m Mechanic street. Tlio conun
grntlon Is suld to havo been caused by an
overheated stove. Somo of tho hydrants
wore frozen, nnd boforothoy could bo used
the flro had spread so rapidly that a gon-
ornl alarm was sent ln, tho wholo depart
ment responding promptly. Tho lire raged
fiercely for four hours, and before it wns
subduod had autted seven buildings, l'l
eluding tho big Columbia block nnd the
Nutbaum block. The total loss is osti
mated at $81,650, on which there Is about
748,000 Insurance.
A hlith wind was blowing at tho time
nnd tho thermometer registered 8 below
zero, making difficult work for tho depart
mont. A hundred of tho flremon wero
taken to plnces of Bholtor with frostbitten
ears aud fingers, and two had to bo con
veyed in a carriage, being unablo to walk
J. V. McQulsUm had his hands bndly
burned aud afterwards frozen. Robert
Slsco and Robert Holm, of tho Cltlzon
Hoso company, nro so badly frozen that
their condition Is critical. Ico fully an
inch thick froze on the flromon's clothing,
placing them in armor that Impeded their
work materially, Owing to thefiorconoss
of tho gnlo It was an exceedingly hard flro
to fight, and for a timo It seomod that this
part of tho'town would bo wiped out. An
alloy running back from Main Btrcot and
Intersecting with ono from Mechanic
street, formed a square ln which tho flro
mon succeeded ln confining tho blaze.
But few of the occupants of tho Mechanic
stroot houso wore out of bed whon tho flro
broko out. nnd the inhabitants had vory
narrow oscapes from cremation. Two of
tho womon, Mary Callahan and Mary
Doroan, jumped from tho socond ritory
windows In their night dlothcs, nnd both
sustained very sorious lnjurlos. Although
Miss Callahan's loft wrist and ankle wero
both fractured ln tho terrible fall, sho
dragged hcrsolf through tho snow to a
placo of safety, almost perishing Irpm tho
cold on tho wny.
Tho flauios also destroyod tho houso.
owned nnd occuplod by Mrs. Mary Potor
son, nnd that lady, with hor two daugh
ters, saved nono of their possessions but
tho night clothos ln which thoy oscnpod
In tho Smith building, when It was ablazo
from foundation to roof, and It wns
thought ovorybody was out ln safety, Mrs
J. F. McQulBton, ono of tho occupants.
rushed from her rooms with hor clothing
and hair ablazo. Tho firemen saved her
from cremation. Hor husband was badly
burned about tho hands In working with
tho flames, nnd boforo tho flro was oxtin
guished had his hands and cars frozen.
Striking Minors Willing to Compromise.
Dubois, Pa., Jan, 14. Tho prospects for
a speedy settlement of tho coal minors'
strlko aro apparently vory good. Tho mon
nro willing to work on short timo if their
comrades who wore recently dlschnrgod
aro taken back. Thoy say thoy will make
this concession In order to keep tho fam
ilies of tho Idle miners from starving. Mr.
Elliot, tho general manager for Bell,
Lewis & Yates, the ownors of tho mlnos
ln which tho strlko Is in progress, has
gono to Buffalo to lay tho proposition
from the mon before the members of the
firm. Upon tl,o r.'p'ly ho will bring back
depends tho Immediate outcome of the
Panic nt a Church Funeral.
NEW Havkn, Jan. 14. Tho funoral of
the murdered Italian, Rnphaol Dulgrogo,
took place yesterday from tho ' Italian
Catholic church. During tho sorvicOs the
pillars supporting tho gallory snapped,
and a p;mlo ousucd. Women und men
Jumped from the pews, and In their rush
broko tho windows und burst tho doors
from thoir hinges. Vlnceuzo Lulgl und
his wlfo jumped from tho second story
window. The man fell on his sldo on tho
pavement, breaking his arm. Sovornl chil
dren wero bruised by being trampled upon.
I'liynlclan Chnrged with Inriintlrldo.
HOHNKL.L8VII.LE, N. Y., Jan. 14. Sheriff
Tlnkham, ot Windsor county, Vt.. arrived
hero with extradition papers for Ur. J. v.
llider, who Is under nrrost cliargeu with
murder iu Vormont. According to tho
slierilt's story Itldor was tho attending
physician at the birth of nn illegitimate
child ln Rochester township, and that tho
father of tho child, in the presence of a
witness, lured him to make way with tho
child. Sheriff Tlnkham says that Itldor
will cither hang or rocolvo a llfo sontonco
if found guilty.
IHMRHtrotiK Flro at Ilarnesvllle, O.
Wiikei.Ino, W. Va., Jan. 14. Early In
tho morniug tho town of Barnesvlllo, O.,
thirty miles wostof this place, experienced
the most disastrous conflagration iu tho
history of the plaoe. tho loss being esti
mated at from $75,000 to $100,000. Tho
origin is susposed to have been from u nat
ural gas fire ln tho novelty store of M. T.
Ward, on .Main street, and it quickly
spread to adjoining business houses. The
fire wns only stopped when it reaelied tho
llreproof isriwlnold block about 3 a. m.
Tlin Mlurvlnur In St. Jolm'a.
St. Jorei's, N. V., Jan. 14. Owing t
tho difficulty of obtaining uionoy to sot
tho rollof works goiug tho government has
not Immmi able to accomplish as much as
desired. Timy will huve to make somo
advance this wk as tho number of por
sous without food is lucrouslug dully. The
eiergyiiiKii are trying to arouse their eon
gregatiiiUH and to Induce tiiein to give
more towards the local charity fundi, but
few are ln a position to rMpond.
Dtwpnndouoy und Suicide,
PlTTOHUIki, .Ian. 14. ITrederick Iler-
ninnn, laborer, til years old, living at 72 J
Kind! stroot, Allegheny, dim! at the Alio
gheny Oeimral liospltal from the effects of I
a due of poison. He hud leen suffering
rroin a canoer oi te stomach, und a day or
two ago Ids attjidlng physician Informix!
him that Ids oaxe wa hopeless. Ho irruw
'very despondent uiidswnllowod the poMon.
IlervUlies Attnvlc Keyptian OiitiMmtn.
Loudon, Jan. 11. A dUpauiu from
Cairo says that tho dervishes atlackul thu
Kgyptlan outpost KK) miles wn.i of Wmly
Halfa. Several Hgypti.uis wei-j kilm.l A
camel wirps under Captain Tredwuy Is
purituing the dervishes.
Poor Pie .
is responsible for many of man's (and woman's) physi
cal -woes but the pie needn't be poor, and it may
bring joy instead of woe. How ? Use nothing but
COTTOLENE for shortening and the pie crust will be
delicate, flaky, delicious, aud so healthful that even a
dyspeptic can eat freely of it and be
comfortable. COTTOLENE can't be
equalled as a shortening, and is abso
lutely healthful. Genuine has this trade
mark on every pail. Take no other.
Mil K. Delaware Are., FhUada.
Passenger trains leave Sbenandotb
'enn Haven Junction. MMiali Ghusk
ilh'hton, 51&tlngton, Whlto Hall, Catasauqu,
i 1 ( . t,H.v.,HVH. ..- nTA.II...I
1.W, 7.38. 9.15 a rr . IS l. 2 57, 5.27 p. m
For New York and Philadelphia, 6.W, 7.v
ii.l6 a m., t&4t, 2.6? p. m. For Qualtake
-vwltctbacK, ucrnaroa ana nuasonaaie, n.ui
IS a. m., and 2.57 p. m.
For Wllkcs-Barre, White Haver., Plttstoi
UacoyvlUe, Towsnda, Sayre, Wavoily '
Slmira, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 6.27 p. ui.
For Rochester,. Buffalo, Niagara Fallt
:ie West, 6.M, B.15 a. m. and 2.676.27 p. m.
I'or nelvldere, Delawaro Water Gap
troudsburg, C.01 a. m., 2.67 p. ra.
For LambertvlUo and Trenton, 9.16 a. a
For Tunkhannoclc, 6.04,9.15 a. m., 2.67,5.27 1 .
For Ithao and Geneva 6.04, 9.16-a. rr '
For Auburn 9.16 a. m. 6.27 p. in.
For Jeanosvllle, Levis ton and neasr H e. r
.S8 a. m., 12.43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6.01, 7.f
J.15. a. m., 12.4. 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
ForHllver Brook Junction, Audenrlod an
Ucizleton 6 04, 7.38, 9 15 a, m . li8, 2.67, 5.ST7 am
3.08 p. - .
ForScranton, 8.04, 9.16, a. m.. 2.61 anu 6.1
0 m.
For Bazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton aud Frcr
I. 04, 7.S8, 9.15, a. m., 12.48 2.67, 6.27 p. ir .
For Ashland, Olrardvllle and Lost Creea, i I
r.46. 9.18, 10.20 a. m.. 1.00, 1.40. 4.10. 8.SS p. m.
For Havoc Run, Oentralta, Mount Cartr.
dnamokln, 9.13, ll.H a. m., 1.82, 4.20, 8.13. 9.1f
p. n.
For YatcsTllle, Parle Place, Hahacoy City at.
Jelano, O.0t. 7.38, 9.16, 11.06 a m., U.4?. 2
77, 8.08, 10.63 p. m.
Trains -will leave Shamoltln at 6.15, 8.1b
II. 45 a. m.. 1.66, 4.809.80 p. m., and arrive ai
jcenatdoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.43, 2.57, 6.27
1.15 p. V
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvlllo, 6.C0, 7
D.08. 1L05 11.P0 a. m., 12.48, 2.67. 4.10 6.27, &c
P. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.Ct 7.6
9.06, 10.15, 11.40 a. m., 12.82, 8.00,. 440, 5.W '
7.6b, U.40 P. m.
Leave Shenandoah forEazleton.6.04,7 r- V.1S
. m., 12.48, 2.67, B.'J7, 8.08
n. m.
i.eave uazicion lor
Shenandoah, 7.8.'- 10.0
a 96 a. m . 12.15. 2.66, 6.83; 7.25, 7.66 p. tr
Trains leave for Raven Hun. Centralis., hl
Oarmcl and Bhamokln, 6.45 a.m., 2.40 Y- i&
ananrrivo atnamoiin at7.4u a. iu. ann s.
, m.
Trains leave Bhamokln fur ShenandoaL -.
7 65 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Bk
anfloah at 8.49 a. m. ana 4.68 p. m.
Trams leave for Asmana, airaravnic anc jlosi
roet, 9.40 a. m., 12.o p. m
For Uazloton, Black Creek Junction, K . i
laven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentcr
iothlenoro, Easton and New York, M9
' 30, 2.65 p, m.
p 01 Jnuaaeipnia, i.dd p. in.
For Yatesvlllo. Park Place, Mahanoy Uliy i
Dolaco, 8.49, 11.85 a. ra., 12.80, 2.65, 4.68 6.03 p x.
L.eave iiazjeion tor Boenanaoai... o,b" "
m 1.05, 6.30 p. ra.
Leavo Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle, I. 65 hi
9.30 a. m.. 2.40 p. m.
ueavo rottsviue ror anenanaoaa n.tu i
m., 1.86, 6.15 p. m.
! nuiimss'ii. wiiitiuit, ueni.oupt
South Bethlehem, I i
HAS. S. LEE, Heal Pass. Apt.,
outh llethlehou
329 N. 15th SL
Below Onllowhlll,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty Years' Continuous Practice lu alt special
lloot-en of belli pexo. Lo.s ol Manho'd,
rrors ol Youlh.iimi mi aiseasee oi tne uioou.
Nrtrv, Hlio and Kidneys, Debility and Loss
ir Memoiy re-uiiinK irom Aume. excess,
Imnrudenceorli.hi'rlTance are rermanfmly
cured by Dr. Lo b, seek 1 Is advice at once.
He guarantees n positive and radical cure ln
every ciue be treats, bringing back Health and
vigor ln the most serious cites. Cou-ultatlon
aud exnnilnatlon Iree and strictly confident
11 1. Olllco hours, dally nnd on fuiuhiys,
irom a, w. 10a t'. m ann o 10 im rvenius.
Bend or call for tree book on Krrors of Youth
and obscure diseases of l oth sexes.
(Successors to Coakley llrot.)
No, x6 East Ceutre Btreet,
Our Motto: Brst Quality at Lowest Cash
Prices. Patronage respectfullysollcltod.
If you deelro to Invest ln stocks Inag&fe
andlcgitlinato manner without caro and wor
ry, sutiecrlbo to our dthcretlonary acconntt,
which will pay you from 2 to8percentweekly
ln any active market It will pay you more
than double theaverage rate of interest In any
ordinary business pursuits. Deposits receh to
from 880 to Jl.100.
We will be pleaded to furnish you refei tm t a
aa to our success lu the past, and what w e ate
doingfor others. If you are Bltuated vrnr
you cannot call on us lu penou, addieta H
communications to the
Metropolitan News Co
48 Cantrest lit., Jtotton, 3in.
We remit profits once a w eek and prlucip c i
threo days' notice. Parties preferring to ci
their own Investing, ate advised to aubs'iltt
to our Daily Market Lottern, which gjvejet
inilir.HAnt Infnnnntlnn nil DCtlvfl Stocks. aijC
will enable you to iiiakommiey If youiloyoon
with telegrams of Important changes, II0.U1
per month. Address,
Metropolitan Nrws Company
48-CONQRC88 8T.,
Lock Vox tiH63. llottoH, Mutt
RwiiiuuHiin n rmisuis,
Iho purcat drugs
by f. V, J). KIM,!,
Dr. PeaB's EPennroai B.Bs
Thoy are promp.t. le and certain In result. The cunuine (Dr. JMl') ool.r dluiM
nolut. Boot auyubwe, l.ot,. AddreMl'aAi.MEOiwB0., QeTUga,0,
m - -rs SYSTEM
Trains leave Shenandoah aa followe :
For Now York via Philadelphia, woor (lri
tlO, 6.25, 7.20, a.m.. 12.82, 2.55, 6.55 p.m. ! unday
1.10, a.m. For New York via Mai-' Chunk,
week (lays, 5.25,7 20 a. m , U.32, S.R5 0. -
For Reading and Philadelphia, wool ivjt,
t.W, 6.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2 56, r- rf j. rr Bus
lay, 2.10, a, m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, i.ln, 7.20, a. m.f
t.S2. 2.65, B.55 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week dayli
t.10, 5.25, 7.20, a. m., 12,32, 2.55, 6.65 P. m. Sun
day, 2.10, a. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lowtscirz,
week - days, 3.25, U.80 a. tn t.W, T2i p. t ,
Sunday. 3.21 a.m.
For Mahanoy Plane, ween days, t.n. -7.20,
U.80 a.m., 12.32, 1.35, 2.65,6.55,7 21,9 35
p. na. Sunday, 2. lu, 3.25, a.m.
For Ashland and Shamoltln, wook davs, 8.2",
7.20, U.80 a. m., 1.85, 7.2). 9.85 p. m. Bar day.
125 a m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West vis
B fc O. R. R , through trains leave ReaiiT
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. R. R.) at 3 80,
7.65, U.28a. m., 3.11. 7.27, P. m Hundu- SCS
.65,11.28 a. m.. 8.46 7 27 p. m. Additional
t al from 21i h and ' hfstnut streets station,
week dojs, 1.45, 6 41, 8.23 p. m. Hundays, 1.35,
H28p m.
LeavoNow York via Phlladelpnia.wuPkdtyt
iOO a. ra., 1.30, 1.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.16 nlgt. Ba
day, 6.C0 p. m. la
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, wit day
1.80. 9,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Termlstt,
eek days, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., and .(r,
1.02, 11.30 p. m. Sunday, 11.30 p. m.
Leavo Reading, weeii days, l.i6, 7.10, 10.06, 1 55
a. m., 6.65, 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.36, r. -
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.35, 7.40 a. m ,
12.80, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m.
Leave Tamanut, week days, 8.1 H, R.60, II 23 .
m.,, 7.IB, .2? p rn sunaay. a.ia a.
...aunuu.v v.,.,.
week davu.
8.45, 9 l.
. m.
1.51. 7.39 V.H
p. m, Sunday, 3 45
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week di ys, x.'l 4 CO,
J.30, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.63, 2.03, 6.20, 6.28,7.13 0 10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4 00 a. m.,
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7.42, 10.10,
a, 3 35,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Mtreet Wharf
tnd Houth Street Wharf for Atlantlo City.
Week-Days Express, 9.00, a, in , 2.00, 4,00,
1.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m 6.45
p. m.
Bunday Express. 1.00, 10.00 a. m. Aooom
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
Returning, leave Atlantlo City, depot, corner
atlantlc and Arkansas avenues.
Week-Days Express, 7.35, 9.00 a. m. and
(.00 a - d 5.3U p. ja. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m.,
and 4.32 p, m.
Hunda Exi ress, 4.00, 7.80 p. m. Aocommo
datlon, 7.15 a. m., and 4 15 p. us.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
C. G. HANCOCK. Gen. Pass. Act,
PhlUWlphla P
I A. S WEIOAHD, Gen. Sum
JANUARY 11 18.6.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
late for .WUTBan's, Qllberton, rrackviiiD, Nbt?
aatia. Mt. u air.rottsviue. uumDurs-. ueaain
II ..... .n a XT,..ta,nn. mtA T J V. . i1. i
laerpma uroaa street station) at n:4t
. m. and 4: 15 p. m. on Weekdays For Potts-
rule and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m
For Wlggan's, Gllberton rraoMlle, New
Jastle, St. Olalr, Pottsvlllo at 8:' S. 9:40 a. n
ind 8:10 p.m. for Hamburg, Reaulng, Potts
lown, Phoenixvillo, Norrlatown, Philadolphib
it 8:00, 0:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Fraokvllle for Hiionandcah at
10:40a. m. and 12:14 , 5:04, 7:42 an I '0-W 0 m.
Sundays, 11:13 a. m and 5:10 p.m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shonandc&h at i0: 15.
'l:4Ba. m. and 4:40,7)15 and 10:00 p m Sticdays
tt 10:40 a. m. and 6:16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
ihenandoah at 6 57 and 8 85 t m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
n wteV days. On Sundays lntv- tt 8 50 a m.
loavn Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Tor New York. Expreb-s, week rtv,
at S 20, 4 06, 4 60. 6 15. 0 60, 7 33, 8 20, 6P 10 30,
(dining car), 11, 11 1 a m, 12 noon, 12 41 (Lim
ited 1 21 and 4 22 p m dining cars), 14, 2 30
IuiuiUK tui ft a wf tj, u, v, u w. 1 10. o i, 111
2 01 night. Buuaa b. 32if, 4 05 4 60 515, 812.
9 50,'V30 (dining oar), 1103 a ra 12 44, 230
(dicing car), 4 n (llmitod 4 22 , 6 20. 6 SO, 8 60,
T13, H12, 1000 p m, 1201 night,
Expressfor liosion, wltnout oliange, 11am,
weekdays, and fl 50 p m dally.
Tor lialtlinori. a d VTaafc.ncton 3 60, 7 20, 8 11,
1 10, 1020, II 19, II So a ro, (12 85 limited dlnlnf
ar.) 130, 3 48. 4 41, (5 1 Conjresslonal Ltm-
. dining ear), 6 65, (dining car), 8 17, 6 55,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p m, and 1203
night eek days. Sundays, 3 60. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
1133 am, .4 41, 665 (dining car), 855 (iSlnlng
car), 7 40(dlnlng car) pm and 12 03 night.
Leave Market street ferry, Philadelphia,
Hiprcss. 8 60 a m, 2 10, 1 10 and 5 00-a m week
mya. Sundays, Express, 815 and 9 45 am.
ror Capo May, ADglesea, Wild wood and
Holly Ueaeb, express, 9 a. in., loo p 10 week
days. Sunday, 9 00 a ra.
ForUea Isle Ulty, Ocean City and Avalon,
Express. 9 00 a m, 4 00 p m week days. Bun
days, 9 COa m.
For Bomeia Point, express, 860, am, 413 p
m week days, Sundays, 8 ib a m,
8. M. l'nV0ST in 1 ,'i
Oen" "ana- ' Ps'i -At
, Havo yoo Boro Throat, Plmplea, Copper-Colored I
?P?,f c?S?i 0Id 8or' f-w 'n M-uth. nalr-1
li alilnK? Write 'ook Itemed? Co., U07Ma
pnlc'i'cmpl(-,'h!eaiio,Ill.,forprxifao;enre8. 1!iilney'jur
REMOVED fo 648 N. Eighth St.,
" rrr above Green. Pblla, P
Formerly at 208 North Seccnd bt is thi u'd
st ln America for the Irnatmont of hpecial
ItUraHf and Youthful frrori. Yarloele,
Uydro(Mle, Lost Manhood, etc, Treutaietv by
mall a spoclalty Communications sacredly
v"i'ei'uiu "-na eiamp Jor bookV Jiours,
' ' v " uuiikvh v 10 VA 1X1
mommy, regulillntf medicine. Only h
should be usocL. if yo want th bi K
t 1
IlrugjUt, StonanJoah, i-s,
I Aid"