t" Tired, W eak, Nervous Could Not Sleep. Prof. L. P. Edwards, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and irritablo through overwork. I suilered from brain fa tlguc, mental depression, etc. I be came so weak and nervous that I could not sleep. I would arise tired, discouraged and blue. I begun taking Dr. Miles' Nervine and now everything is changed. 1 sleep soundly, 1 feel bright, active and ambitious. 1 can do more in one day now than 1 used to do in a week. IJpr this great good I givo Dr. Miles' Kcstorativo Nervine the solo credit. It Cures." Dr. Miles' Norvlno Is sold on a positive guarantee thattho first botlla will Benefit. Alldrugglsts soli It at tl, 6 bottles for (S, or It will bo scut, prepaid, on receipt of prlco by tho Dr. Miles llodlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind. Gilmore's Aromatic IViite A tonic for ladies. If you are X) suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and nervous . . . it are getting tnin ana an run dowrt, Gilmore's Aromatic v Wil. 1 will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters." It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to wo- ymanhood. It promotes diges tion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by .A.. WASLY, 106 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa 'VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. COO Pago Hook on Treatment of Animals nud Chart Hem l-'ree. otresc Fevers, Congestions. Inllainniatloii A.A.jbplnal iMeninBitU, Milk 1'cver; JI.ll. (StrnliiH, Ijilinentsn, Rheumatism. ;.(!. Distemper, Masai Ilificliarscs. I).I. Hum or (.rubs, Worms. K.K.CouuhBf Heaves, 1'netimonla. I'.l'. (!ollo or Gripes, Hellyuclie. (i.(i. ilIlKcnrrluifC, Hemorrhages. II. II. Urinary nud Kidney Diseases. ' J. I. Eruptive DImpiihcs, Ulaime. J.K. Diseases of Digestion, I'arnlrsls. Blngle Bottle (over CO doses), - - ,00 Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual,. Veterinary Cure Oil and Modlcator, S7.00 Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, - 1.00 Bold hyDrngclitUt op .tnt prfplld anywher. nd Inuj qaiatlly oa receipt of price. HUUPIIRKTS' JIED. CO., 1 11 A 1 lamiluun St., Itew fork. HOMEOPATHIC ffftf$ SPECIFIC No.fiQ fn n. m vonrm TTirt nnl nf cttcufnl rflmedv fnp Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, nd Prostration, from over-work or other causos. fl per vi&U or 6 vial a and Urge vial powder, for $5. Bold by Drogglit,or icut potipftidon receipt of price BClIPHnilTS,UED,CO.tlllAlltnmUm6tlNwTork T. M. REILLY'S okntbalia's POPULAR : HOTEL ! Where you can always get a glass of Cool Beerand Refreshing Wines. Whiskeys, etc, Don't forget the pUtt T. RI. Rellly'ft, Locust Avenue, OENTR ALIA. PA, HARTMAN STEEL PICKET FEN OB la'the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper man a wooden lence tor resiaences. lawns.cem etery lots or any kind ot fenotng. M. H. Master nas the agency and carries It In stock nt hta murine uno cranm' orKH, IZ7 N. MKUin 31 HOTEL KAIBR, OHAH. UURCHHiL, Prop. North Main St., MAHAN0Y CITY. Largest and finest hotel In tho region. Finest accommodation. Handsome fixtures Pool and Billiard "oorns Attached When In POTTS VI LLE, Stop at PHIL. WOLL'S HOTEL 200 North Contro Street. Meals nt all hours. Ladles' dining room ttaohed. Finest wines, Honors, cigurs. W fit A 'BIG COMBINATION. 1 To Materially Advance tlio Prioo of BesBemer Iron Oro, ROCKEFELLER INTERESTS BARRED. Tito Owners of tlio Vermillion, Norro nml Colby Groups of Mines, Who Control Three-fourth of tho Iron Oro Output, Hamlet! Together. DVLUTit, Minn.. Jan. 11. Tho details of Vj lint Is to bo one of the biggest combina tions In raw materials In tlio United State nro now under consideration. Tlio probnv bllltlcs tiro thnt within ft fow weeks tho combination will bo effected bo that thoro shall bo no competition, and so that rea sonably good prices shall ho obtained for three-quarters of tho Bessemer Iron ore mined in this country. xnoro will be but tlirco comnanlos in tlio deal. Those aro tho Mlnnosotu Iron com pany, tho glnnfc of thom all, with an ex pected output of 400,000 tons from Us lower mine and 000,000 tons from Its Chandler mine, both on tho Vermillion raniro; tho Norre, of tho Gogebic, which put out Uili year nearly 1,000,000 tons, and tho Colby group, also of tho Gogoblo rango, which lias beou nut into such shapo that 1C can como woll up toward tho capacity of tho Norro. Thcso throo companies win mlno fully thrco-fourtlis of tho Bossomor out put of tho country. Tho expectation Is that tho salo of tho ores or theso companies will bo made chlolly by ono firm of Clovcland brokers, and tho Idea is to put tho prlco for noxt season's dollvory at about $3.50 per tou, instead of $2.50 to $3.00, tho prevailing prices for tho pust season. The combina tion will ovon then bo soiling oro for loss than tho samo quality over sold, with ono oxcoptlou, In this country. Tho reason that draws tho big ci-acorns Into this deal is said to bo tho opinion of tho Rockefeller organization that It holds tho long end in Iron affairs. Tho other companies think this Is a good tlmo to ro in ovo this Impression, and so no attention will bo paid to Mesaba ores in the combi nation. North Carolina Legislature. Balkiqii, Jan. 11. The legislature la getting ready for somo offcctlvo but con servative work. Bills have boon intro duced In both houses to reduco tho legal rato of interest from 8 to 0 per cent. Tho last loglslaturo made somo amondmonts to tho charter of tho stato Farmers' Alliance by which tho work of that organization was considerably weakened. Senator Nowborno introduced a bill to repeal thoso amendments, and tho bill passed its throo readings. Tho souato will arraugo to havo Its standing committees appointed by iv Bpeclal committee, and not by tho presi dent of tho sonato, as is customary. This Is because tho presldont, who is tho liou tenant governor of tho stato, holds his oflico by Domocratio suffrage. Armor l'liite for Ituusla. BETiiLEilESt, Pa., Jan. 11. Lioutonant J. P. Meigs, tho armor export of tho Beth lehem Iron company, has arrived homo from Russia, having in his pocket tho con tract of tho Russian government with his company for 1,500 tons of nrmorplato. Tlio contract calls for non-IIarvoyized armor plato, which will bo used on two warships which tho czar's government Is building. Twelve hundred tons will bo of slxtoon Inch thickness and 300 tqns of scvon Inches. The contract roqulros that 600 tons be de livered in St. Petersburg within seven months from tho receipt of drawings and and the balanco In five months. Kecoption to the Dlplomatlo Corps. Washington, Jan. 11. Tho reception to tho dlplomatlo corps, tho first of tho four evening receptions given by tho president each year, was hold last night at tho Whito House. Tho corridors and rooms woro decorated with banks of oxqulsito flowers, and tne Marino baud was In attendanco. Nearly all tho mombors of tho various em bassies and legations wero prosent in their official uniforms nnd wearing thoir orders and decorations. Tho mombors of tho cab inets, many sonators and representatives and a number of army and navy officers also attondod. Mine Workers Aid NebrnftUu KtirTerers. Wiieelino, W. Va., Jan. 11. A train of twonty cars of coal will boont from Fair mont, this state, to tlio Nobraska sufforors a contribution from tho miners employed In tho vicinity of Fairmont. Tho coal will bo donatod by tho mlno ownors, and tho miners will givo thoir labor In digging It and loading tho cars. Tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad will haul tho train froo of cost as far as Chicago, whoro it will bo taken by somo othor road to whatever des tination is designated by tho govornor of Nebraska. Wire Workers Locked Ont. Salem, O., Jan. 11. For refusing to ac cept a 80 por oont. reduction in wngos tho wlro drawers of tho salom wlro Mall com pany woro oruereu uy auporintonucnc Boaokes to tauo thoir tools from tho mill, nnd woro locked out. Tho men insist upon the company keoplug faith with thom by paying they scalo of wages, which thoy say was agreed upon. It Is stated that tho company will bring In new men to fill tho places of tho local men. Tho Deoreofie of Immigration. Washington, Jan. 11. Roports from Immigration authorities at Now York show that tho wholo numbor of immi grants arriving during Uocomber was 11,100. Of this number 1J were debarred entranco ns paupers, undo.') us contract la borers, whllo 10 wore admitted on bond. Of the wholo number 3, 103 were temporar ily detained for more thorough inspec tion. Vienna Under a Snowy Mantle. Viunsa, Jan. 11. A terrlllo snowstorm has swept over Vienna, loAviug tho olty almost Isolated. Rtillway nnd vehicle Irafflo are reduced tu a minimum. Ovor 8,600 men are at work clearing tho gtnvis. Tho supplies of vegetables, mentuud in. Ik havo almost failed. Thoro aro seven feet of snow In the suburbs. Speedy Lrglitlutlon In KmitiaH. Toi-eka. Kan , Jan. 11. The house broKo tho loglslatlvo record yontordny bj pusstig tho Cubblson antl-lotlory hill This Is tho quickest work over dono In a Kansas legislature, it lwing only tho sec ond day of this session. Tho Weather Tomorrow. For Pounsyivnula, Now Joroy, I'1'1" ware, Virginia and tho District of Colum bia, rain; cooler; westerly winds. Slightly lmvnr fiiiilhnitllpi l Imllejltod for the Ulld- dlo and south Atlantla statu and in the I lake region. LIFE hUMM, A Pain-racked Sufforor Tolls An Interesting Story. now He Was Tortured For Years And Finally Cured By Munyon's Remedy, Charles Wnrk. of 14 N. Twenty-fourth St., Philadelphia, lms been a constant sufferer from rheumatism for years. He was cured by tlio two of Munyon's Uheu mutism Cure. This is his story : "I was nfflicted with rheumatism in the right shoulder nnd suffered the most ex criiclatlntr ncronv. Shurn shorting nalns darted through It so intense I could not sleep nights. Even tho weight of the bed clothes was more than I could bear; neither could I lie on the right side or on my back. Life became a perfect burden to me I could not raise my hand to my head, and when I attempted to put on my coat or any article of dress, the torture was enough to drive me wild. Many remedies were suggostod nnd tried, but none diu me the slightest goon, ami i ue can to desoalr of ever belnir able to oh tain relief. Somo tlmo ngo, however, I nrocured-Munyon's Itheumattc Cure. It nffotded me relief alter the first few doses, and by the time the little 25 cent bottle was gone I was entirely free from piiin. I have had no return of my old enemy, and I feel satisfied I am ner maneutiy cu.eti. it, seems so wontteriui I cm hardly realize it, and can only rIiow my appreciation of the merits of the cur1 by recommending it to other suf ferers." Munvon's Rheumatic Cure is euaran teed to cure rheumatism in any part of the body. Acuto or muscular rheuma tism cured in from one to five days. It never fails to cure sharp, shooting pains in the arms. lees, suits, imcu or breast, ot soreness In ony part of the body in from one to three hours. It is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swoolen joints, stiff back, and all pains in the nips ami loins, unromc rneuma- tlsm, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the dock are speedily cured. Munyon's Homceopalhto Home Remedy Couirmnv. of Philadelphia, cut ut) SDectf les for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Professional C&rd: jyj- . KIBTLHR, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Oaica. 120 North Jardin street, Shenandoah. M. 11 BURKE. ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, SniSNANDOAn, PA. Onico. Eiun bulldlne. corner of Main and Centre streets, Huenuncloah. yy N. STK1N, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN AND S VRQEON, Office Ilorr 2. Fgin's New Building, coi ner Alain and Centre streets. Shenandoah, fa Office Hours: f to It) a. vn.i 1 to 8 p. rr..; 7u p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street Dt, WENDELL KEUEK, Successor to DR. CHAS. T. PALMER. Jtl'K AND J! A li HUJIOT.ON, 801 Mahantongo Street, Pottsville, Pemn Political Cards. nOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR, Second Ward, BENJAMIN O. .CHURCH. Kubjcct to Republican rules. ntOR, SClHjioL DIRECTOR, Third Ward. T. R. EDWARDS. Subject to Republican rules. TTIOR SCHOOL DIRECTOR, Second Ward, JOHN J. PRIOE. Subji ct to Republican rules. Jioa HIGH CONSTABLE. JAME3 EMANUEL. Sub'ect to the rules of the Republican party. Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do, and the water yon drink isn't even nt tor tnac purpose, use Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. Laser ant Finest, Purest, HealthesU Chris. Schmidt, Agt 207 West Coal St., Shenandoah. Of Thpp1317ArchSt. IfliBllGUi PhlladelDhla. Pa. The Only Genuine Rpccliillnt In Amer ica. rioiwiiniMiiiiu. IIUU. Otlicru Advertise. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Sneclal I)lseunen, Vnrlcanu Vein and Strictures (No Outline) I'ermaiieutlr t'ureu In i to iu unm. i ..(..-.. ........ BLOOD POISON ! and practical experience, aaCerllflctttes ond I boo "TRUTH," the only True .Medical I luiolc advertised. It la a true friend to all I uininmaM nrnrn npnn nvn z-txiiiHuiiuiwiuf i nutlerers ana to those oontempiating marriage ! ThA m(Mt Rtnhhnrn nH flnnirermia casefl SOllO. 1 1 ted. Write or call and be saved. Houra.Btoa ;I ev'RS. o to 8 for examination and treainiemiu i cliroulo ann aanirerous cases, uiu uunjr i. u 1 .SO t Wed. and Bat. from to 1 i evgs, o USUI jun.,0toii Treatment by mail. 'AMSr PILLS! Safe and buhe. semd 4c m"wu'K'3 sAFe OUARD:' Wilcox Specific Co-,PrULA,PA. snereers DRUB ' STOKluB i( - ' ' ' 1 1 Governor Turney Makes a Formal Olahn of Ee-eleotion. EEFUSED TO OANVASS THE VOTE, Wk Democrat Itefitso to Allow the Itenult to be Declared Until Action Is Tnlicn on a Motion for Invent Igntlng Alleged Frnuila at the Ilnllot llox. Nasjiville, Tcnn., Jan. 11. A now move was made In tho gubernatorial fight yesterday. When tlio sonato met the pe tition tif Govornor Turney asking to be nl lowed to nppoar before the joint conven tion of tho two houses "to contest the re turns and to show that I was olocted, and that II. Clay Evans was not," was road. This was In tho nature of a surprise to ninny, tho fact that such a petition was to be presented not being generally known. No notion was taken on the petition. There was hut a short session of the houso, tlio chief Interest centering around the senate, where u lively debate was in progress all day. Upon Senator Butler s resolution to fix a day for the meeting of the joint convention to canvass and nn- nounco the vote for governor Senator Belne, Democrat, offered a substitute which postpones the convening of the joint convention until an examination into nl loged frauds and irregularltios shall havo been mado during tills session of tho legis lature. Tho dobato was opened by Senator Butlor, and generally participated in by bonators of both parties. Tlio Republican nrgumont, outlined by Senator Butler, is that tlio constitution of tho stato provldos that tlio returns sent by shoriffs to tho sponkor of tho sonato shall bo openly canvassed nnd nnuounced in tho presence of the members of both houses in joint convention, and that no objection can bo mado against tho correctness of tho votes shown by tho faco of tho returns. Tlio Domocratio senators contend that tho faco of tho returns is only prima facio evi dence, and tho correctness of tho returns can bo assailed and nn investigation had if nllogcd frauds aro proven; that all proper corrections must lie mado and thon tho canvass of tho votes mado nnd an nounced by tho speaker of tho senate. Tho debate was along these lines and was quito animated at times and attracted a largo audience, tho houso adjourning to attend, when tho sennte adjourned tho debate had not ended nud was resumed this morning. Thoro is much activity shown by the leaders and managers of both sides. Rumors havo boon afloat that from nlno to thirteon Democratic legislators had promised to voto for tho seating of Mr. Evans without an investigation nnd con test of tho returns, nnd Domocratio man agers havo been busily engaged in run ning these rumors down. They say thoro Is no truth in them. Conferences and muotings bjlilnd closed doors by both sidos aro going on, and there Is much hustling being douo by tlio steering committees. PripoIug a Tux on lleer. WASlliNQTt)N, Jan. 11. Tho sways and means committee of tho houso met nt 10:30 this forenoon, on tho call of Chairman Wilson. It is tho first gathorlng of tho committee in many mouths, nnd it is an ticipated that important action may bo takon In view of tho deplotod rovenuo of tho treasury. Mr. Wilson called up tho resolution introduced by Representative Penco, of Colorado, regarding a rovenuo to bo mado by tho beer tax, nnd tho prob ability is that it will bo f uvornbly reported, Jlr. Wilson's bill for taking on tho ono- tenth of a cent (inferential on sugar from countries paying an export bounty is also being considered. Trnln Robber Slorgnnfleld Objects. Cincinnati, Jan. 11. Charlos Morgan Hold, accused of tho Aqula Crook oxpress robbory, was brought before J udgo Wilson yosterduy. The prisoner objected to tho court as being prejudiced, bocnuso.tho judgo was tlio attorney of tho Adams Ex press company and also an owner of its stock. Tho judgo overruled tho objection, stating that ho never owned u dollar's worth of stock of that compnny, and had dono no lognl business for it for twelvo years. A long hearing of witnesses to identify tho prisoner followod. Tho heur- lng was unfinished. Taylor and Woodward Escnpe Again, Capk Town, Jan. 11. Frank Tnrbo, alias Frank Taylor, nt ono time tho lender of the notorious Johnny Irving gang of Now York, nud William Carroll Wood ward, alias tho Hon. Lionel Musgrave, who wero arrested somo time ago in London charged with participating In a fight with cutlassos, and who subsequently forfeited their ball and were urrostod in this colony, have escaped from tho custody of tho pollco and ure supposed to have gono to Klmborly. Continuing the Lexow Committee. ALBANY, Jan. 11. Senator Lexow has Introduced a resolution directing that tho special senate committee which has been Investigating tho New York police depart ment bo ompowored to Investigate tho other Now York city departments on ro- quest of tlio mayor. Tho resolution -was tabled till Tuosduy noxt, when tho roport of the pollco investigation will bo sub mitted. Not Compulsory Arbitration. Washington, Jan. 11. Iu a lottor to Chairman McGann, of tho houso commit tee on labor, Carroll D. Wright calls at tontion to popular errors regarding tho Wrlght-Kornan arbitration bill. Tho bill he declares, does not provide for compul sory arbitration, and does not hold lnbor organizations rospouBlble for tho acts of individuals. Expelled from Church for Dancing. WAltUENSliuitO, Mo., Jan. 11. Tho churohos of Warrensburg, the center of western Missouri church conforenoos,havo declared war upon all who dance, and have commenced wooding thoir congrega tions of such unworthlos. Tlio action Is creating much fooling, nud mombors nro withdrawing from the dlliorout bodies. California's Governor Inaugurated. Saciiamf.n'IO, Cut., Jan. 11. J. II. Budd was inaugurated governor of California in tlio presence of n largo assemblage, his plurality having boon sottleu y the legis lature yesterday as l.SKKl. Lieutenant uov- ernor Mlllurd, who is ill at his homo in Los Aiigeles, was sworn in by teleplwue from tho assembly chamber. Urging Decreaited Production. Jackson, Miss , Jan. 11. Tlio conven tion of cotton (.'.V w i adopted nn. address to plunturs ur.r .'ic reused production of 85 to 60 per oral ..ir next your, and declar ing overproduction thu causa ot lo w prices. WITH READINU IN BETWEEN. I bought tho finest book today A-ridln on tlio tratn. On-1. tldity eon's I bet you'll soy It's worth It twleo again. Tho things nn things it tells about, From dl'monds down to dye. With pictures of 'em printed out And how and whoro to buy. Tho greatest lnteroetln lot Of new Inventions well, I dunuo what It hasn't got Or what it doesn't tell! No, 'tBln'tno"shoppln gnldo," 'cnusolt Has readln'a In between. I kinder think It's called n lit- Krarv mcuftizlnel Mndcllno 8. Bridges In Ladles' Homo Journal. WHY OUR GIRLS MARRY ABROAD. Is It to Seek Relief From tho Itcstloss As pirations of Their Countrymen? Why does the American girl marry tho Brltonf Has sho any adequnto jUHtlfl-n-tlonf Do you suppose It payshor, nnd can suoh n choice on her part be defended on large grounds ns promotlvoof the greatest good of tho greatest number? Is it n fact, as lias been lllppnntly suggested, that she moves to England to got country llfo be cause we have no good roads hero yet, or, on tho contrary, oan It bo demonstrated that one reason our country roads are so bad is that tlio American girl cannot nffldo tho country und promptly carries nor man off to town nt tho earliest moment that sees his endeavors blossod with tho neces sary lncrensef Is it her fault thnt country Interests tond too much to fall to tlio core of a residuum that Is too poor to get away. or lias tho country llfo nut much to do one wny or tho othor with her British propen sities? To bo honest, thoro nro othor conceiva ble reasons for marrying tn English gon tloninn bosldos his country roads. Ho may bo a oliarmlng gentleman they aro said to bo so ouco in awhile who can win n wlfo by plain porsonnl courtship, ond whom nnv woman would bo justified In marrying on goncral principles nnd with out speciflo oxcuscs, or ho may bo a gooil "aYcrngo" sort ot n man wnoso nuvuniage ovor his Amorican brothor is n matter of sizo or comploxlon or halo nppeoranco. I havo known American women wno ven tured to assert that tho fcmlnino oyo ro joiccd mora in tho typo of mnlo human thnt trends tho pavemonts or. I'recauiuy nnd Pall Mall than in tho contemporaneous pedestrians of Fifth avenue and Broad way. Or mnybo It Is his superior stolidity thnt electrifies in tho Briton. It is to bo feared that there is truth In that talo Mr. Kipling or somobody was telling of how tho phlegmatic morchnnts of tho cast had discovered that tho way to beat tho Amer ican was simply to put him off nnd lot him fret himself rocklcss. Stolidity Is not qulto the snmo ns repose, but to porsons who nro suffering from an ncuto dearth of reposo it may appeal ns a tolorablo substl tuto, so that ono can Imngino an Amer ienn nuiid, worn with tho restless nsplrn tions of hor high prossuro countrynion. turning with slncoro rolicf to pillow her fair young head upon n bosom behind which lurked no threat of heart failure North American Rcvlow. The Ut.es of Hot Water. Tlio host mothodsof using hot water an as follows: For sprains of the nnklo nnr wrist or nny joint the part should bo thor oughly soaked for half nn hour nt a time. night nnd morning, in very hot water, writes A. Mnrcy, M. I)., in n very voluo bio list of ' domostlo household remedies In Tho Ladles' Homo Journal. Thosi suffering from n sevoro sprain will not ro quiro moie than tho llrst soaking to con vinco them of the advantage or hot ovci cold water. A flannel bnndnco should be applied firmly after each trentm For bruises very much tho samo mctlu.u should bo followed, although tho application need not bo continued for so long a time, hor wounds nnd Eoroa tho best mothod is to drip or pour for a few minutes. For styes nnd Inflamed eyelids, and oven for sore eyes, uso water ns hot ns cnu bo borne by sopping. To stop bleeding very hot wator npplkii to tlio raw surfneo will bo found olllca clous. For many forms of dyspepsia nnd biliousness, particularly a catarrhal con dltiun of stomach, u goblet of hot water, drank after tho night's fasting, will give relief. For continued application, in the form of n poultice, ns In caturrh of the breast, pleurisy, pneumonia, etc., a jacket of cotton batting, wrung out in vovy hot wator by means of n towel nud covered with oiled silk or waxed paper, should bo used. Use and Abuse of Toothpicks. Tho toothpick, judiciously used, is of undoubted value. Of tlio matorlals used as toothpicks tho bost Is tho quill, with tho sharp point removed, but with this, us witli all othor forms, caro must bo ob served. By indlscrlminato application tho gums may bo so irritated and injured as to causo recession, nnd thus lncreaso tho existing trouble, or Inflammation of tho tooth mombrano may bo causod, a most annoying condition, and ono in which the still more vigorous uso of tho toothpick gives temporary roliof, only in reality to add fuel to tho nro. Motnl toothpicks aro good because blunt pointed, but aro too thick to pass betwoon tcoth at all closo to gether. Wood need only bo mentioned to bo condemned, for It Is a by no moans un common occurronco for small fibers to be come dotaohed and jammed between tho sookct and tooth, loading to chroulo pori ostltls and oven loss ot tho tooth it tho condition is not recognized. London Lan cet. Enthusiasts. A fearful sound burst upon tho air. It was the volco of a woman. On closer analysis it proved to ho the combined voices of sevoral women. "Havo courage," shouted tho bravo youth, who is nlways at hand when there Is femlniuo dlstross. "I will savo you. " And in reply camo tho chorus ot Indig nation: "You horrid thlngl Go 'way from here. Wo girls havo just joined this seminary, nnd wo nro practicing our collego yell." Washington Star. In a window of a bathhouse nt Pompeii woro found four panes of glass fastened in place by small nuts and sorows, so con trived as to allow tho removal of tho glass at ploasuro. TboMnulln, atrlboof Alabama Indians, had thoir 11111110 corrupted into Mahllo to furnish u designation for a beautiful olty. Tho wheat fly lias a destructive enomy n littlo black iohouraon Ily that lays Its egga with those of tho wheat fly. Students ot naturuliavo novor been ablo to oxpluln the chamolcou'sohaugoot color. Itasca is an Indian "source ot tho river." word meaning Why Is It that wc assert in our notices to tho public as a FACT, proven by testimony from people right at hand, easily reached, and their statements readily capable of con firmation, that our preparation is SARSAPARILLA The Hind that Cures Dyopopola, Rheumatism, Fomnlo Complaints, Norvous Prostration, La Crlppo, Blood. Norvo, Kidney, or Skin Troubles, Because ; almost every disease arises directly from Impure Blood; and in ALL, when the blood is made pure and clean as Nature intends it to be, the disorder is checked. DANA'S Sarsaparilla purifies the blood as no other reme dy docs. It has made CURES in cases of the diseases named above apparently beyond the help of man. Common sense will therefore ac knowledge that its timely use will prevent these diseases from taking root. FREE for the asking on Postal Card to 99 Broad St., Boston4 Mass., an interesting periodical, the " Life Boat," containing a short history of the origin and successful development of DANA'S Sarsapa rilla, and much useful information, and other entertaining features, especially prepared for this publi cation. Sco that you got DANA'S. I! FOR ALL A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Insist upon having the genuine. IT IS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE, f. SHARES FOR SALE. The Safe Deposit Iinlldlnp and Saving Asso ciation ot Hearting, Pa,, offers for rale a few hundred shares of stock. This is a (food, reliable and prosperous association In which to tako shares, llaviug ready sale for all money, tha premium received is large, consequently the stock will maturo much sooner than associations located in towns where thero Is no greatdeniaud for money, and building operations are very limited, The value of each share is (200 at maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share. Monthly dues, one dollar pcrBharo. Five per cent. Interest allowed on all paj inents made In advance for 6 months or longer. M embers may withdraw one or all shares at any time by giv ing 30 days written notice, and are entitled to tho full amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent, interest alter ono year, thereby making It an 11 per cent. Investment. All shareholders ara entitled to loans from fund on real eatato security. No shares will be forced out. Tho fund Is run on the Jamo conservative ?rinciples as our local funds which have been ried for years and found safe. Any one wish ing to Invest in a Saving Fund will find it to their interest to call on the local agents and receive full particulars. Rev. II. A. Keyaer, D. D., of Mftfianoy City, Is one of tbe directors. MASTER & BACHMAN, Agents, 187 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah. For Fainting .... The Season'ls here: and Paper Hanging Get your work done by Mahanoy City's leading artist, W. H. SNYDER, Perfect Work. Bargains in paints and oils, plain and stained glass. All the new patterns la wall paper. All daily and weekly papers, novels, novelettes and stationery. 133 Woat Centre Streot. Headquarters for the Kvknino HkrALP. Wholesale agent for PeljensfEii'j Kewark. I J Export Lager aid Saaier Pile Bstr. No finer made. Fine liquors and Cigars. 120 South Main at. If your clothier doesn't keep Hammerslougli : Bxou Swsll, liellaulo, New York -OLOTEI1TG- Make him gat it. Their celebrated $15.00 Melton Overcoat Wears like steel and la sold by every proml- , nent ciottuei iu me state, ixone genuine wuu ' out Hammerid.'ugh llroa.' label. IT"! I fj POWDER, Hi I POZZOHS'S 'I