The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 11, 1895, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
axitA.1,11 MHLiniiiNa cosri'Atrr,
sbllcatlon ofllco and mechanical dopartmont,
North Market Street.
tJ01Tfll J 1" delivered In Shenandoah and
Jierata eUrroundlng towna for slI Centa
week, payable to the carriers. 13y mall, Throe
Dollars a year or Twenty-five cents por month,
' advance.
.Idcerftsemnit charged according to space
led position. The publishers reserve tho right
ehango the position of advertisements when.
m the publication ot news requires It. The
rttht Is also reserved to reject any advertise
ent, whether paid for or not, that tho pub'
IShers may deem Improper. Advertising rates known upon application.
Xnterod at the post omcoat Shenandoah, Pi,
second does mail matter.
tujs xrisirixa urjiazd,
Shenandoah, Penna.
r.yening Herald.
There are worse things than an extta
g viloti of Congress n continuance of the
present regular sbskIou, for example.
High ah ve the crash and smash of the
bungling work ot the currency tinkers of
the Administration comes the sonorous
shout that "Mr. Cleveland is a friend of
sound money." The "sound" part of it
thut Mr. Cleveland favors is evidently the
roar of thf gas escaping from the rips in
an over-luflated currency balloon.
IF earnest talk could clear away snow
nud if rosy promises could sweep tho
pavements from curb to curb, the streets
ot this town would have been models of
cleanliness many days ago. The moral of
this observation is what the condl-
tion of oar thoroughfares requires is less
talk and more shovels, fewer promises
and more brooms. All of which is re
spectfully submitted to whomsoever It
may concern.
Now that the Philadelphia Grand Jury
has found two bills charging Anarchist
Mowbray with saditlous utterances, that
zealous English exponent of the doctrine
of chaos is doubtless more than ever dis-
gusted with the crudeness and inadequacy
of American institution1'. Nothing so
shocks an overworked Anar mist agitator
as to run up against a government which
insists upon its right to punish men who
w.vnt to destroy It.
WnAT Congressmen ought to have seen
before the new tnrlft was pissed some be
gin to se dimly now, that larger revenue
from duties averaging 40 per cent, on
woollens, Instead of OS per cent, in 1892,
mean importations worth SS-l.OOO.OOO In
stead of $37,600,000 In 1892, and that change
necessarily involves the closing of Ameri
can mills producing over $50 000,000 worth
of goods, and that necessarily involves
smaller wages or no wages for millions of
worker?, and less ability to buy clothes or
anything ele. Events ne gradually dem
onstrating some of these things, which
any other Congress but this would have
accepted as axioms. Before people can
buy largely, even of goods at half price,
they must earn largely.
WHAT causes the spells of good and bad
times t Crops in part, all ovtr the world.
Far more largely the speculative spirit,
which often rises when crops fall. But
these natural variations are at times made
of no account by others which are not
natural, but depend upon regulation of
finances or trade between different coun
tries. If Germany and European coun
tries fix their laws so that they buy leas
meat or grain from us, that will leave our
farmer j lees to spend. The European re
strict ion may itself be the consequence of
a stupid blunder In our laws, mainly be
cause rulers were ignorant ot treaty obli
gation", but also because they had a
bra nless partisan prejudice against the
reciprocity plan of a former Adminlstra
tlon. Thus we sow partisan prejudice
and ignorance, and in due time the crop
Is smaller buying of American goods by
Ameiloan farmers. Or we sow sense
less theories of Free Trade, and they sprout
in a t srifT which clones hundreds of
American mill In oule- that people may
have a c ".nee to yct cheaper foreign
goods, and the fruitage in a decrease of
buying all m-'itirid, because the people
have not m- nnch an before to spend. The
worst times this coiuirv has seen for fifty
year came with tie ilefUionof thepeopla brother, Ameer Ul Mulk, who haa selzwl
. 1 r v.i..-i vni 1000 ' the throne ami proclaimed hlingnit ruler,
fot HibuDKt of Natinnal policy In 18U2. It lg Ueyed that the notion of the mtir
Tliev i-anu Jtint when busluei, reviving derer and usurper will cause a British ex-
woiiderfully in 801 and 1S02, had reached
the hiiiheai pitltiteverat talued, yet eemed
oertaiu to k muoh higher. IJeoaiue
thtngH looked so iright, everybody had jail Thomus Grant, a prUouer held on bus
made readv to do a big business and the ' plolun, wm positively Identified by Mi. W.
, , , , , ill. Price, wife of tho binlnesa man who
ahrlnkage involved prostration for many. ; WIS )1)urllenHi on ti10 nllt of Doc. 11, as
What tho country voted for it Is getting one of the burglars who shot hor huhb.ind.
It is the stupider kind of foolishness to 1'rloB pluketl Grant out from among
, several other prliMiuera.
pretend that the world has somehow '
arrlvod at producing more wheat and
more cotton and more oloth than It can
use. Double the production, with proa
perlty, and the world would readily con
sume it all.
Tho rittstmrft miners' Convention limlnt-
lng Upon Arbitration.
PiTTsnuno, Pa., Jan. 11. Tho miners'
district convention dovoloped a strong sen -
tlmont against allowing tho miners to
work for anything thoy pleased until tho
annual meeting at Columhus noxt month,
and tho result of tho day's discussion was
tho adoption of a resolution announcing
that tho minors wero ready and willing to
abldo by the decision readied by tho joint
convention of miners and operators two
weeks ago.
Tho resolution adopted at that meeting
was ono presented by W. P. Hond, calling
for an arbitration board composed of tliroo
miners, three operators and throo rcputa
blo citizens to investigate tho condition of
tho district.
Before adjourning finally tho miners
appointed as tholr representatives on this
board President of tho District John A.
Cairns, Organizer Cameron and Harry
Wilson, an oniployo of tho Mansfield Coal
and Coke Company. The carrying out of
the plan will bo Insisted on by tho miners.
Smith Dakota's Tlilovlng Treasurer.
PlKKHE, S. I)., Jan. 11. The attorne-t
gonornl has brought suit on the bond ol
Treasurer Taylor. It is understood that
tho bond will be contested. It Is belloved
Taylor is hiding in the east. It Is known
that ho had when he left here fully ISoO,
000 In cash, and he could have drawn in
Now York $100,000 moro. It la believed
that lie has certain confedorntos hero who
aro keeping him advised of tho proceed
ings. A strong attempt is being mado
hero to throw doubt on tho validity of tho
bonds, and It Is suspoctod that tho plan Is
to forco tho stato Into a compromise with
tho bondsmen for a imxlornto sum, and
tnon wnen a sottioment Is completed and
Taylor 1b promised immunity ho will
mako good tho losses of his bondsmen.
Africa Joins the l'ostal Union.
Washington, Jan. 11. Tho postoQIco
dopartmont received ofiiclal notification
thivt Capo Colony, regarded as tho most
Important acquisition In Africa for tho
unlvorsal postal union, owing to Its posi
tion as tho ontranco for all African malls,
had joined tho union on Jan. 1. Tho ar
rangement, howover, will not reduco tho
postago rates for that country, owing to
the recent order of Postmaster Goneral
Bissoll making uniform rates for tho
world. Tho only countries not now om-
bracod in tho union aro China, Ornngo
breo fetnto, JUatnuola anil Wnshonaland,
anil bamoa, Frlondly, St. Holonn, Ascen
clon, Comora, Pltcalrn, Iloratonga and
bavngo Islands.
Chicago Collectors Accused.
Chicago, Jan. 11. Sensational charges
aro mado against tho West Town collect
ors, which, if proven true, means that tho
city has lost many thousand dollars
through tho collusion of ofllcluls and tho
undervaluation of property. Private do-
tectives arrested S. Trout, Charles Now-
man and a man named Well. Tho men
woro caught recolvlng $20 from W. II.
Durunt, a grocer at No. 1419 West Madison
street, in full payment of an assessment of
570 against his property. Tho mon aro said
to bo In the employ of tho collectors. Thoy
wero nctu lor trial.
Trains Hurled by Landslide.
WlLLlAMSl'OItT, Pa., Jan. 11. Threo
freight trains on tho Fall Brook and tho
Philadelphia and Erlo railways leading
Into this city havo boon partinlly burled
by landslides resulting from the heavy
snows and rainfalls. Fifteen miles of track
on tho first nivmod line, between Black'
wolls and Cammnl, aro literally covored,
and traffic from the west to this place Is at
a standstill. In ono caso seventeen cars
aro under tho landslide. A second sent to
Its aid suffered a llko fato. Tho third is
under tho snow a fow miles away. Thoro
Woro no fatalities.
Sirs. Gougar's Suit for Suffrage.
IiAFAYETTK, Ind., Jan. 11. Tho suit
brought by Mrs. Helen M. Gi ugnr to de
termine tho rights of vomo'j under tho
constitution whether they havo tho right
to vote was begun here yesterday before
Judgo F. B. Everett. At tho last election
Mrs. Gougar attempted to vote, and on be
ing refused sued tho election board for
$10,000. Sho Is president ot tho Woman's
Suffrago association On motion of Cap
tain luce Mrs. Cmugitr was admitted to
practice law, waiving legal examination.
full of an lilovatcd Train.
BitooKLYS, Jan. 11. An onglno of tho
Brooklyn Elevated railroad ran off tho
track yesterday and fell to tho street, drag
ging an empty car with It. Fireman
George Baumnnn was pinned under tho
engine for an hour. Ho sustained a com
pound fracture of tho skull, and was ter
ribly scalded from head to foot, besides
being lutornally injured. Ho will proba
bly die. Engineer Charles Fish had both
legs broken.
Elklns' Klectlon Anna red.
Wiikelino, W. V., Jan. 11. Hon. C. B.
Hart, editor of tho Whoollng Intolllgon
cer, tolegraphs his paper from Charleston
that tho nomination of S. B. Elklns for
United Statos senator by the Republican
caucus tonight is assured. Mr. Hart says :
"Tho small minority will submit grace
fully to the largo majority. Tho opposi
tion to Elklns has been only us a ripplo on
tho ocean."
Victory for an Exchange.
CniOAQO, Jan. 11. Tho Chicago Llvo
Stock Exohango won a decided victory
yesterday when tho suit of tho attorney
goneral to forfeit its charter was decided
in Judgo Clifford's court. Judge Clifford
declared that the bylaw of the exchange
for tho regulation of its (itisiness, and de
fining tho mtiiiner In tvluch the members
shall solicit business, are valid.
Tlio Knjuli of Olillrnl Munlereil.
Calcutta, Jan. 11. The rajah ot Chlt
ral, a country south of the lllndii Kusli
I mountains, has been murileral hy his
' pedltlon to ue sont to punisn ami expoi
I him.
Identified aa a Murderer.
Glkvklani). Jan. 11. At the oounty
Lee Mantle for United ritatcn Senator.
Hki.kna, Mont., Jan 11. The Hopub
Hcan cauoiif nominated Leo Mimtlu, of
llutto, for the unfilled term of the senate.
Mantle wns appointed two yours ago. but
rt-as not seated by the senate. HbwIU bo
leoted by u vote of more than two to
31 r. JT.
Nervous and Weak
AH broken down, unable to sleep, distress anA
burning In ay stomach, smothering: and ohoklni
pells this was my condition whan I bogan to
take Hood's Sarsapartlla. I havo taken 3 bob
ties and feel Hko another man, can work
with case, weigh over 300, and Bin cured. I
hall ever bo ready to praise Hood's Barsapa-
tllla. J. L. OittssiNOKH, Now Grenada, fa.
N. 13, Bo sure to get Hood's and only Hood's-
Hood's Pills nro endorsed by thousands.
Determined Opposition to the laeonie Tex
In ttic Senate.
Wasiiinotox, .Jan. 11. Tho Income tax
enmo up for considerable discussion In tho
senate yesterday In the course of the do-
bato on tho urgont delleloncy 1)111, which
contains a provision for carrying tho law
Into oporatlon. Mr. Hill (N.Y.) offered an
nmondmont designed to afford an oppor
tunity to contest tho constitutionally of
tho act, upon which ho spoko briefly. Mr.
Quay (Pa.) also mivo notlco of sovornl
amendments ho Intends to offer to tho
bill, ono to repeal tho Income tax and tho
others to Insert tho McKluloy tariff and
tho woolon schedule. Mr. Cattery (La.)
commonced his speech on tho Nlcaraguan
canal bill, but had not completed It wuon
tho senato adjourned.
Tho proceedings of tho houso woro ex
ceedingly dull, most of tho dny being con
sumed in tho consideration of tho District
of Columbia appropriation bill, which was
passed. Sovoral bills of minor import
ance relating to steamship matters woro
passed and also ten private pensions bills.
Premier Dupuy's Victory.
Paris, Jan. 11. In the chambor of dep
uties M. Mlllerand, Socialist, moved that
tho chambor order tho releaso of M. Goralt
Ulchtird, tlio nowly elected member, now
undergoing Imprisonment for attacking
President Cnslmlr-Perler In Lo Chomnrd.
Premier M. Dupuy said that tho govern
ment would resign If tho releaso of M.
Richard wero voted. Tho motion of M.
Mlllerand was rejected by a vote of 309 to
218. M. Dupuy opposed tho motion of M.
Ilnbert to grant umuosty to political pris
oners, and it was rejected by a voto of 315
to 107. A voto of confldcuco in tho gov
ernment was then adopted by n'voto.of 330
to 101, uud tho chamber ndjournod.
Senator Vest's Finance Bill.
Washington, Jan. 11. Tho meeting of
tho sonnto committee on flnanco was en
tirely dovold of results. Tho Republican
members mado the point that talk was ot
comparative llttlo valuo ns long ns thore
was no loglslntlvo proposition boforo thorn.
Tho Domocruts explained that thoy had
considered It a wasto of timo to formulato
a bill until thoro should bo some compari
son of notes. Tho commltteo was in
formed during tho meeting that Senator
Vest had a bill in contemplation, nnd
there was a partial promise that It would
bo completed In timo to bo Introduced In
tho senato for tho uso of tho committoo on
Frlck Joins Now York's Union Leagne.
New Yohk, Jan. 11. At tho regular
meeting of tho Union Lcnguo club last
night Honry C. Frlck, mauager of tho Car
nejiio Iron works, wns elected a member.
Out of tho 210 votes 300 woro for Mr.
Frlck. Tho resignation of Mr. Einstein
did not como boforo tho club, as it hud
been accepted by a commltteo. Thoro now
remains no Hebrew mombor of tho club.
Tho nowly elected ofllcera nro as follows:
President.., General Horace Porter; vlco-
presldonts, Mayor William L. btrong,
Robert M. Galloway and Locko W. Win
Murdered ly His Sweetheart.
PEltllY, O. T., Jan. 11. News of tho de
liberate murder of I. T. Leahy by ids
sweetheart comes from Clovoland, forty
miles east of hero, In Grant county. Mrs.
Sarah Alfred, a widow to whom Loahy
was ongaged to bo married, quarreled with
him over tho dlsposlon of n orlb of corn on
tho woman's farm. Tho latter becamo
oxnsporatod and called to her brother to
bring a gun. Ho did so, and Mrs. Alfred,
aiming it at hor swoctheart.put tho charge
from two barrels Into his body. Ho was
Instantly killed. Tho woman is under ar
"Wo Call It tlio Gym."
Tho Vassar girl wa3 homo on n visit.
"Dorothy," querlod Aunt Mlncrvu in a
tono freighted with earnest purpose,
"which do you say ut Vassar 'gymnay-
slum' or 'Rymnawslumf' "
And Dorothy promptly answered, "We
call it tho gym." Philadelphia Times.
Tho maxim, "Murder will out," la dis
proved by statistic. Hi the ten years end
ing with 1888 therowere 1,708 murders
committed In Kngland and Wales, and In
1,001 of these oases no trace of the crimi
nal was over found that leu to his appre
In many tropical countries tho scorpion
growd to the length of a foot.
In the Wrouc l'lace.
A well known young broker rccontly
wroto n notelut to a popular society belle,
I Inclosing a number of tender phrases and
concludlnc with n Latin quotation, with
his usual inod.'sty tho young broker ndded
this noBtscrim.. "Sea buck of Wobstor"
nnd placed an asterisk both nt tho end of
tho foreign phrase and tho beginning of
the postscript to indicate that thoro woro
othura Who liau usou tno quotation noiuru.
A few days later he received o sweetly
scanted missive which went on to say:
"Doat-Hornard I received your vory wel
como letter and read it very carefully. In
obedionoo to your directions, I looked all
throuah tho back of Webster's Dictionary,
but couldn't ilnd anything anywhere In
tho horrid old volumo totcll'mowhnt that
funnv llttlo mark mount.
She had lmaidnod that ho had invited
hor to seek tho meaning of tho abterlsk in
stead of tho quotation it. Louis Post
Proposed Now Laws for tlio Stato
of Pennsylvania,
A Kill Introduced In the Senato with That
12nd In View The, Labor Union Trade
mark HIU Introduced Governor I'attl
son's Nominations Hung Up.
llAnniSBUKO, Jan. 11. In tho sonnto
yostorday tho bill reducing tho bond ot
Philadelphia's city treasurer from $150,000
to $60,000 was passed. Among tho bills In
troduced woro tho following: Itoqulrlng
assessors to mako a biennial enumeration
of nil porsons between six and twenty-one
years, and of children betweon six and six
teen years, and report to tho dopnrtmont
of public instruction; providing for adop
tion of trademarks by labor unions; ap
propriating $200,000 for high schools; reg
ulating the establishment and mainten
ance oMilgh schools; allowing school di
rectors to establish free kindergartens for
children under six years ; allowing a mnr
rlod woman to establish a deed or Instru
ment without examination apart from her
husband, abolishing death penalty for
murder in the first dogrco. Nominations
sent in by tho governor woro Inld over, in
cluding that of Kobort Watchorn for fao-
tory Inspector and Gcorgo B. Lupor for
lnsuranco commissioner. Adjourned to
Monday oveniug.
In tho houso theso bills woro introduced:
Amending tho liquor llconso law, roduo-
ing tho licenses ono-hnlf and imposing
penalties on minors; to require railroad
companies to glvo notlco at stations
whether passongor trains aro on schedule
time; providing for tho appointment of
meat Inspectors In cltlos, boroughs and
townships; to rcgulato the food supplies
of charitable institutions; relating to tho
payment In ftdl of wnges to omployos for
time- on duty, and making tho violation of
the act a misdemeanor; to regulate tho
establishment, classification and malnto-
nanco of high schools; appropriating $10,-
000 to tho stato dairy and food commis
sioner; making It n misdemeanor lor any
teacher in tho publlo schools to wear a ro
liglous garb or Insignia of any religious
ordor; restricting the uso of tho highways
by armed bodlos of men and boys; to pro-
vent organization of trusts.
At noon tho senators woro conducted to
tho hall of tho houso and tho voto ot tho
last stato election computed.
Scott leaned County Honey to Friends.
O'Neill, Neb., Jan. 11. Thoro is talk of
petitioning tho legislature to ouor a reward
for tho apprehonslon of tho alleged lynch
ers of ox-Treasurer Scott. This movement
has not taken definite form yet, but It has
been strongly talked upon tho streots.
Thoro was a report that Scott hod previous
to his disappearance mado a confession to
his counsel, Judgo Barnes, of Norfolk,
implicating a number of prominent mon,
but Barnes says Scott never mado any
confession to him of any kind, and that ho
only knows that Scott loaned somo Holt
county money to supposed friends.
A Condemned Bridge Collapses.
CAitnoNUALE, Pn., Jan. 11. A $10,000
loss resulted last night from tho collision
of coal cars on n wroughtiron bridgo span
ning tho Erlo tracks, about live miles
north of this city. Tho bridgo carries a
branch truck of tho Ontario and Western
railroad. It was coudomued when com
plctcd, but no action was taken on tho
condemnation. When It fell ono end re
mained attached to tho abuttment. Tho
other fell, with fifteen gondolas, upon tho
Erlo tracks.
Bzctn Hont on Revolution.
SAN FltANCtsco, Jan. 11. Colonol Jorj
Quchl, who camo hero from San Salvador
to induce General Antonio Ezeta to return
to that country, has departed for home.
Ezota says ho will also return to Sidvador,
whoro ho has every assurance that tho poo
plo will wolcomo him back. Ho says ho
will remain hero for two or threo months
longer to perfect his plans for starting his
revolution, for which ho belloved the Sal
vndoreaus aro ready.
The Indian Appropriation Reduced,
Washington, Jan. 11. Tho Indian up
prlatlou bill has boon finished by tho
houso committee on Indian nffairs. Rep
roscntntlvo Holtnan, tho chairman of tho
commltteo, explains that provisions aro
cheaper this year than usual, that most of
tho Inhabitant:! of the United btatos aro
forced to practice unusual economy, and
that the Indians should share the same
Closing Quotations of the New Yorlt and
Philadelphia Exchanges,
New Yoiik. Jan. 10. The share speculation
today was In the mum irregular and unsettled
ami it was not until delivery hour that the
speculation developed any real Btrength,
Thoro was a sharp advance In tho financial
trading, but the gains were not sufficiently
large to wipe out tne earner losses. Closing
Lehigh Valley 33
W. N. Y. & Pa.... M
Pennsylvania 60i
Heading 13
St. Paul - SO
Lehigh Nav 49
N.Y. &N. E mi
New Jersey Cen... 904
Erie 10
!., L. & W 160K
West Snore
N. Y. Central
Lake Erie & W... 15?i
Del. & Hudson...-128Hi
General Markets.
PniLAnEMMiiA, Jan. 10. Flour steady: wln-
tersuper, 2.10ijli.3u; do. extra, gg.USQiMO; No.
2 winter family, SH.50ffli3.00: Pennsylvania
roller, straight, $8.(a.78; western winter,
clear, $ Wheat dull, arm, wIthOO)6c.
bid and tuiljic. asked for January. Oom quiet,
steady, with lKa. bid and idido. asked for
January. Dats nulet. steady, with 3Tio. bid
Land ;te. akd for January. Hay Arm; good
10 cnoice tiiuotuy, SUl' Beet dull. Pork
dull. Lurd easlsr; western steam, $7.): olty.
ttl.tK;.o.75. Butter steady; western dairy,
IU44IO0. i do. i-nmim-ry, W&itio.; do. factory, 10
15e.; Elulnn. 26o.; Imitation oreumury, 13
18c.; Now York dairy, 10&20o.; do. oreamnry,
Walo.; Pennsylvania oreauiery prints, extra,
8To.; do. fliolce. y)o.: do. fair to good, SMc.;
prints Jobblnu at 383310. Cheese quiet; New
York, lursro, 0i&nJ4u.: do. small, OliMfclSc; part
skims, 3Wac.; full skims, a3o. Kgea weak;
New York and Pennsylvania, 83o.; Icehouse,
UKS!0o.;weKtern, fresli.lKo.i southern.lOilc.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yoiik, Jan. 10. Euronean ealilwi
quoto American steers at liaiBo. per lb..
dressed, wolglits; refrigerator beet at 01661
10J4o. Calves steady; poor to prime veals, $5
Q7.50;barnyard calves, S2.S53;western cal es,
f2.60y.35. Sheep Arm, lambs a shade lower;
poor to prime sheep. S2&3.75:
choice lambs, J.0SV&aai.75. Hogs wsak at
1.104.08H for extreme weights.
KAST LlUKiiTY, Pa., Jan. 10. Cattle stwulv-
and unohangel. Hogs stronger; heavy I'bila
dolphlas. $1 4594.fi1: aniutnon to fair Yorkers.; rougus. 5Ji oneep null: prlmu,
HitJ.H); fair, .Ha tt; ooiiimon tu fait
lambs, J2.10((iJ.lio
You Will
never need another dose of Dyspepsia Medicine
after a meal, if your food is cooked with Cottolene,
the new vegetable shortening, instead of lard.
Cottolcno aids the digestive powers lard destroys
them, which will you choose? The genuine
Cottoleno is identified by this
trade mark steer's head in cotton-plant
wreath on every pail.
Made only by
Tho N. K. Falrbnnk Company,
132 W. nelaware Ave., Plillada,
Passenger trains leave Sbecacdoat
Pcnn Haven Junction, tfauch
titehtnn. Slattncton. White Hall. Catasaii("."
Allentown, nethlohcm, Easton andWeatbor
0.01. 7.SS, 9.15 rr , lS.f , 8 57, 5.87 p. m.
JPor Now York and PhJlsdelpliU, 6.H, 7.
9.15 a. m., 12.43, Zbl p. m. Vot Quakakc
Swltc) back, Qerharda and Uudsondale, 6.04
9.15 a. m., and 2.57 p. m.
For Wllkes-Bsrre, White Haven, PlttBtc
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Wavctlj ,
Elmira, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Rochester, Uuffalo, Niagara Fl a.
tho West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.87 p. m.
Tor Ilelvldere, Delaware Water (lap
trcudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.57 p. m.
e or Juamuerivme ana xrenion, a. i..
For Tunkbannook, 6.04, 9.15a. m., 2.67.5.S7 p.
For Itbaca and Geneva 6.04, 9.16 a. m .?
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 6.27 p. in.
For Jeanosvllle, Levis ton and Bearer Mei c
B8 a. m., 18.43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard. 3.M. 7.S'
9.15, a. m., 18.43, 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
j'-ortsnvcr urooK junction. Auacnrioa am
Bazleton 6 04. 7.S8, 9.15 a. m . 12.48. 2.67. 5.27 anc
8.08 p. re.
For scranton,, v. id, a. m., v.t ana tu .
For Bazlebrook. Jcddo. Drllton and Froui
9.04, 7.89, 9.15, a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27 p. tr
ror Asniana. uiraraviue ana uost ureex. i. tt
1.48. 9.13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, p. m.
jb ur it. veil nuoi uourui muuc i murine r
Shamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.82, 4.20, 8.2, 9.1b
p. re.
For YateBvllle. Park Place. Hahano v Citv an.
Delano, 6.04. 7.33, 9.15, 11.05 a rc 12.43. S.3
187, 8.08, 10.63 p. m.
Trains win leave snamoitin at, o.m
11.45 a. m.. 1.65. 4.80 9.30 u. m.. and arrive 1
Shenatdoah at 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 12.4!, 2.57, 6.W
11.16 p. rr,
Leave Shenandoah (or Pottsvllle. 6.10. 7.S
9.0V, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 4.10 5.27, S.f
"'Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 0.M, 7.
9.05,10.15,11.10 a. m., 18.82, 3.00,. 440. 5.20 . ,'
T.titi, a 4J p. m.
, LeaveSbenandoahforHaiietoa,6.t, 9.1b
a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.S lO.Of
11. B0 . m , 12.15. .se, b.SU, 7., 7.t)0 p. Ii.
Trains leave for Raven Ban. Centrallb. 1
Oarmel and Shamokln, 6.45 a. m., 2,40 p. ro.
nno arrive aianamoKin ni a. m. ana i.
p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokln fur Sbenandoab at
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Bits
andoah at 8.49 a. m. ana 4.68 p. m.
Trams leave tor Asniana, uiraraviue anu ua
reck, 9.10 a. m., 12.80 p. m.
For Ilazleton, Black Greek Junction, itr
lavon Junction, Maucb Chunk, Allentuen,
-iothlchcm, Eniton and New YorV, fl.19
!.8i). 2.66 p. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.65 p m.
i'or Yatesvllle. Park Place. M ahanov C1U t.u
Dslauo, 8.49, 11,35 a. m., 12.30, 2.56, 4.68 6.03 y. n
Leavo Hazleton for Sbonsndcab, 8.8U, 't.r
a. m,, 1.06, 6.30 p.m.
Leave Shenandoab for Pottsvllle 6 55. .
9.30 a, m., 2.10 p. tc.
Leavo Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, n.ES, ,"'
.m.,l.RS,5.15p. m.
KUtiLuv ii. Wilbur;, ueni. oupi.,
South Bethlehem. Pi
CHAS. S. LEK, Genl Pass. Agt.,
Mouth Uethlehnm -
00Q V JC.h CI Below Callowlilll,
053 0. JUID OU Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirl Years' Cont.nuous Practice In all special
dlFeaxes of both eexen. Lois ol Manhood,
Errors of Youth, aim all oiseases or tlio Blooa.
Nsrvof, tib In and Kidneys, Debility and Loss
of Memoiv rofultliiir Irom Abnte. Kxcess.
Imprudence or Inheritance are permanently
curea uy ur. IjOi 0, seen 1 is aavice hi once.
He Guarantees a positive and radical cure In
every cae he treats, bringing back Health and
viaor lu the most serious cases. Consultation
and examination free and strictly conflden-
11 1. umce Hours, aatiy ana on Hanuays,
irom v j. ai. 10a r. m., una d 10 v evenings.
Send or call for lrce book on Krrors of Youth
and obscure diseases of both sexes.
(Successors to Coakley Bros.)
No, 26 Cast Centre Street,
Our Motto; Best Quality at Lowest Cash
Prices, Patronage respectfully solicited.
If you desire to Invest In stocks In a safe
and lecltimato manner without care and wor
ry, subscribe to our discretionary accounts,
which will pay you from 2 to8nercent,weekly
In any active market. It will pay you rtore
tban double the average rate of interest tn any
ordinary business pursuits. Deposits received
from?20to Jl.lOO.
We will be pleased tofurnlsh you referenrei
as to our success In the past, and what we ie
doing for others. If you are situated wbere
you cannot rail on us in pereon, address j'v
commnnlcatlons to the
Metropolitan News Co.
tH Conyrcat St., Host on, itn.
Weremltprofltsoncoaweekand prlnciri ei
three daj s' notice. Parties prefenlng tc ct
tbeir own Investing, are advlfced to subfcilbt
to our Dally Market Letters, which pivejoc
Important Infonnation on active stocks, ana
will enable you to make money If you do ycni
own speculating. Hates, 1 per month; cj
with telegrams of important changes, :C.((
per month. Address,
MetropolHan Nfws Comnany
loe Vox itsns. lliuton, Jtlutt
Or. Pcaai's PeinBtyroysaS PiBEs
Ther are prompt, sale ard certain in resnlt. The genuine (Dr. Peal's) never dlsaa.
nolnt. Bent any wbwe, Jl.Ot, Address I'jul Mbpiouib Co., Cleveland, O.
Boia by P. P. n. KIltLTy,Dtua t.t, ah.nnndoah, P.,
IN EFFECT NO EMBlflt 18. 1P91.
Trains leavo Shenanaoisb as fnllow"
For New York via Philadelphia, week fli
t.10,6.25, 7.20, a.m., ia32, 2.55. f.K p.m. Sunday
t.0, a. m. For New York via M ' ' Chunk,
week days, 5.23,7 20 a. rn . 12.32, ? 65 j :?
For Reading and PhlladalphK, weeV daTi
110,5.25,7.20, a.m., 12.82, 2.55, 4.W .-. re Sun
ny, 2. lu, a, in.
For Pottsvllle. week days. 2.10, 7.20.
a. in..
it.oft, h.m p. tn, aunoay, rn.
For Tamaqua and Mabanqy Olty, week dayl,
J. 10, 5.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,32, 2.65, D.55 P. m. San
day, 2.10, a. m,
For wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lswlabs:i'(
week days, 3.25, 11.30 a, to., 1 85. 7 21 p. ra ,
Sunday, 8.25 a. m.
For Idahanoy Plane, week days, 8.10, 8.,
t.VJ, 11.80 a.m., 12.82, 1.35, 2.65,5.55,7.21,9 8S
p. m. Sunday, 2.1U, 3.85, a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, woek days, 8.27.
7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.20. 9.85 p, m. fur day,
5.25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West 71
II & O. R. It,, through trains leavo Readme
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A R. R. R.) at 3 20,
7.65, 11.28 a.m., 3.11, 7.27, n. m.. HunoV 3 28 a. m 3.18. 7 27 p. m. Additional
tial'S from 24h and ( hestnut streets station,
week days, 1.45, 511, P.23 p. m. Sundays, 1.85,
S.23p D3.
Leave New York via Philadelphia l)k dt j
8.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 18,15 V. Bur
lay, 8.00 p. m. -
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weeTt day,
(.80. 940 a. m., 1.10, 1.30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Roadlnt: Terminal,
week days, 1.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m., and l.oe,
J.U2, 11.30 p. m. Sunday, 11.30 p. m.
Leave Reading, week days,1.86,7.10,10.06,l. 55
a. m., 6.65. 7.67 p. m Sunday, 1.85, a. 21
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.85, 7.10 a. m ,
18.80, 6,12 p. m Sunday, 2.35 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.13, 8.50, 11 23
tn., 1.20,7.16, 9.2S p m. Sunday, 3.18 a. ro.
Leave Mabanoy Olty, week days, 8.15, 9 tl,
11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.39, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 845
a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Piano, week dt ys, 2.46. 1 CO,
5.30, 9.87, 11.69 a. rj., 12.58, 2.06, 5.20, e.26,7J8 10 10
p. m. Sunday, 2.1,i 1.00 a. m.,
Leavo Wllllamsport, woek dayu, 7.42, 10.10,
a. 3.E5, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
ind South Street Wharf for Atlantto Olty.
Week-Days Express, 9.00, a. m , 2.00, 1,00,
LOOp. m. Accommodaalon, 8.00 a. m 5,45
p. m.
Sunday Express. 9.00, 10.00 a, m. Accom
nodatlon, 8.00 a. m. and 1.30 p. m.
Returning, leave Atlantic Olty, depot, corner
Ulanllo and Arkansas avenues.
Week-Days Express, 7.35, 9.U0 a. ra. and
1.00 a' d 5.30 p. Jn. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m
and 1.32 p. m.
HuuCaj Exrress, 1.00. 7.30 p. m. Aocoramo
datton, 7.15 a. m., and 1 15 p. m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
O. G, HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Act
Philadelphia k
I. A. SWEIGAKD, Gen. Sunt
t BomrrLKtLi. Drvisiow
NOVEMUEK 25, 1894.
Trains will leave Shenanli. in after the above
late for Wlpgan's, Qtlberton, Fraclrvills, Hew
Oastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Keadlnj,
Pottstown.Plioonlzvllle, Norrlstown andPhfl.
idelpbia .'Broad street station) at ':C8 e1 lltt4
t. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays Ferl'oUs
rllle and Intermediate stations 0:10 a. m
Fot Wiggan's, ailberton, rraokvllle, New
Jastle. St. Clair, Pottsvllle at o: 8. 8:10 a. m
tnd 8:lo p.m. for Hamburg, lleaJlng, Potts'
town, Phcenlxvlllo, Norrlstown, Philadelphia,
tt 5:00, 8:40 a. m., 8:10 p. m.
Trains leave FraokvlUo for Hbocandoab at
:0:40a.m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 an HMp.11,
Jundays, 11: IS a. m. and 5:40 p. m,
Leave Pottsvllle for SbenandOkL ii i . 15.
tl-,48 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m.Supdayv
t 10:40 a. m. and 5:15 p.m. f
Leave-Phlladelphla (Broad street station) for
ibenandoah at 5 57 and 8 85 a m, 4 10and 7 11 p
n week days. On Sundays loavr Mo 50 a ra,
Leavo Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week day.
at 820, 405. 460. 516, 050, 788, 820, 8 50, 10 SO,
(dining car). 11, 11 14 am, 12 noon, 12 41 (Lim
ited 1 21 and 4 22 p m dining cars), 1 4), 2 SO
taming car), . 0, o, 0 00, j 13, e iz, iu p m..
12 01 night. Sundujs, 3 2'), 4 05 4 51) 5 15, 812,
950, 1330 (dining car), 1103 a m 1241, 230
imning cari, 4 uu iiimuea 1 a , o m, 0 eu, 0 ov.
' 13, K 12, 1000 p m, 12 01 nlgbt.
Express far Boston, wlmout cbange, 11am,
weekdays, and 8 50 p m dally.
For Baltimore k d VTasatngton 8 50, 7 20. 8 11,
10, 10 20, 11 18, II 8b a m, (12 85 limited dining
tar,) 180, 8 48, 4 41, (5 1 Congressional Lim
ine, dining car), 555, (dining car), 817. 655,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p m, and 12 OS
night week days. Sundays, 8 B0. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
liffitnin 4 41 KKK Mtnlnir cart. 0 55 (flintni-
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Lieave Marnei aireev x-uiiaucipuut,
fixpross, 8 60 a m, 2 10, 4 00 and 6 00 nm week;
lays. Sundays, Express, 8 45 and 9 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood and
Holly Beaeh, express, 9 a. m 4 00 p rn week
lays. Sunday, BOO am.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean Olty and Avalon,
Express, 9 00 a m, 4 00 p m week days. Hun
days, 9 00 am.
For Homers Point, express, 850, am, 400 p
m week days. Sundays, S 45 a ra
9. M. PBITOSt J U.WOjt
OeuU Marar- Pej'f'At
oii?." T;,031' ""Pies, copper-uoiorea
Ac?.e.?t 01d Bores. Ulcers In Mouth, Hair
ialllCKt Write Cook Uemedy Co., 1107 aiu
onlc'remple,Chicnao,Iu.j;orproofs of cures.
Capltaiaesoo.OUU. l'atlenUcurod nlneyears
JK19T n and gellj loo.pi,cwtiiokn-ee
REMOVED To 648 N. Eifjhlh St.,
H above Oreen, I-hila, Pa.,
Formerly at 20B North Hecond St . Is the old
est In America for the treatment of Special
pueanes and Truthful Hrrora. Varicocele,
ti ydrccele, Lost Manhood, 1 1 0. Treatment by
" ,rv"l- j lummunicauons sacrcuiy
.u..Uuu,,, - -im Bfnmp for nook.
I. m i,,ii rr -unlike Uj)12n