The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 10, 1895, Image 4

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Solicitor Warwick Gets the Itepubll-
CHn Nomination
PHILADELPHIA, Jiin. 10 In tho Ilomib-
llenn city i-onvcntlou City SollcltorCharles I
If. Warwick was nomiuatcd for mayor,
receiving mi votes against 8.18 for Senator
lJolos Penrose, and ono for ex-City Treas
urer Georifo 11. McCreary.
Tho convention was tho most turbulont
and exciting that has assembled In this
ity In recent years. Threo days ago tho
domination of Penrose seemed assured,
ljut almost at tho last hour It was deter
mined by tho party lenders to nominate
"Warwick. The rejection of Penrose was
lii-ought. about by tho opposition of David
iartln nud other leaders. Congressman
31. H. lllnghain, who placed Mr. Pen row
Su nomination, was very severe on the
"'cowards who have attn-ked tho fame of
Senator Penrose." The stormy scene in
the convention began when District At
torney Graham roio to nominate Sir. War
Wick. Mingled hisses and applause last
ing five minutes caused a suspension of
liuslness, and tho greatest confusiou pre
vailed. Tho only part Martin openly took In the
convention was to move that the nomina
tions close after Ponrot mid Warwick hud
lieen named.
The convention refused to make War-
vick s liimiiuaitou unrtiiini jih.
Inhumanity In i;;nll.
Bdks-os Ay Kits, Jan. 10. Too lire which
wcurrod on board the excursion steamer
Terceint, off Xlethcroy, in the harbor of
Ttlo de Janeiro, on Monday hi3t, was due
to the explosion of an electric motor. Of
tlio2JJ p.tssensers on board about 120 are
nid to have been drowned by jumping
overboard during tho p.inic which fol
lowed. Forty bodies have alroady been
recovered. Tho ferryboat Qutntu. which
was passing by the Tcrceira, refused to
lielp the passengers f the steamer, as the
Jktsous on board the ferrvboat drew rcvul--vers
and compelled the captain of the
i-raft to prucc (1, tearing tliut the flames
from the excursion stea.ner wuuld set lire
to the lerrj luut
What Hard Water Does.
The hard water necessarily in common
vise for drinking purposes in many plHces
tends to cause the deposit of calcareous
matter In the Kidneys and Bladder, pro
duclng the agonizing and dangerous dis
eases known as Gravel and Stone. Form
erly the only relief from these affections
twos by pRinful surgical operations, and
even they were of questionable value.
JCotv the work of removol of those foreign
substances iron the delicate organs they
dog, Irritate and torture, is safely,
sp;edily and painlessly done by Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Roniedy. No other
medicine can be relied upon so implicitly.
Xn every case of Kidney Disease It should
'fee resorted to at once.
Scott's Alleged Lyncher.
O'NEILL, Neb., Jan. 10. Pinkormun.
Sloy and Mulligan, tho alleged lynchers of
JJarrctt fc-cott, tho embezzling county
treasurer, waived preliminary examina
tion and were bound over in $1,200 bonds
to appear in tho district court next month
-A large number of letters havo been ro
wived from detectives nil over tho country
who want to bo employed to forret out tho
snystcry, one man going so far as to say
iio would reeovor the of Barrett Scott
torSSOO. It is believed that tho family
-wish to keep the u.moof thenuthorof this
Snst letter from the public until ho Is in
the clutches of tho lnw. Meantime tho
"search for the body is being pushed for
ard IHsr I-ovy By a Slu-rlir.
Siiamokis, Pa., Jan 10. The sheriff
yesterday levied on the plant of the Penn
-Anthracite Coal coniua iv, at Nrt-tttlle.uenr
Nt. C'annel, on a writ of attachment is
nued by tin executors in he Paoker estate,
vm account of the company having de
faulted in payment of the remainder of
S.eavy mort.ufe. The mine, breaker.
Tuilroi.d, ixiy dwelling houses, a nehonl
Ji uise and company store forma poition
of the buildings levied upon. The entire
)lant will le sold at sheriff s sale in Su n-
Viury on Saturday morning, Dec. 20. This
is u valuable mine, as It embraces 2,010
acres of tho best anthracite coal land in
the state.
Many stubborn and aggravating cases
of rheumatism that were believed to be
incurable and accepted as life legacies,
Sinve yielded to Chamberlain's Pain
33 aim, much to the surprise and gratifl
cation of the sufferers. One application
vill relieve the pain and suffering and Its
continued use Insures an effectual cure.
JForsale by Gruhler Bros.
Two Children llurncd to Death,
Font Waynk. Iud.. Jan. 10. Tho two
children of Mr. John Torraln, of New
Sluven, five miles oast of this place, were
lburned to death by a fire which destroyed
tthe house, tho mother being absont at the
Xather and Son Sent to 1'rlson for Ufa.
Mobilk, Ala., Jan. 10. Daniel and
James Wilkinson, father and son, were
convicted yesterday of the murder of Ed
ChestaBg, a negro, and sentenced to life
Imprisonment. The Wilkinsons aro white
iarmers, and killed Chestang because of a
remark madeby tho latter that reflected
en them.
To Kxclude Nuni as Teachen.
Harrishuug, Jan. 10. Mr. Smith, of
3Phlladelpbls,lntr.duced a bill In tho houso
last night to make it a misdemeanor for
ny public sohool teacher to wear a ro
llglouB garb. Penalties are provided in
Jienvy fines and finally disqualifications as
Carried Away with the Tide.
SHEPIUW8VILUC, Ky., Jan. 10. While
attempting to mra a raft of saw logs in
alt river W. 13. Bowman, Tom MoCluro
nd Willie Pfwitw jod were oarrled away
with the tide aud drowned.
There is good rensen for the popularity
PLnmWlaln rmirh nnmfwlr. Davis
,'.'. r - - ' . .
Co., Pa., cays : "It has cured people that
our physicians could do nothing for. We
Sersuaaeu them ro try a oonie oi 'junui-i r ; .uUU.muVt, r
erlaln's Cough Remedy and they now j killed by George tateelo, a commercial trnv
xeoommend It with the rest of us." 35 olor, who in turn was killed by Thomas'
nd 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler j rlonds. Stoelo was mistaken for a rev
Zroi. I tnuo officer.
Surprisingly AltriutlM, IMctitrn
muted by Traveler Do Wlinlt.
London, Jan. 10. Hurry Do Wlndt, the
travolor and journnllst, who lutentla to
lecture In America to refute the state
ments of Georgo Kennan In regard to Si
berian prison life, gives a surprisingly nt
tractlvo picture of tho llfo of prisoners In
Siberia. Describing a typical political
prison, that nt Akatu, In tho Ncrtchlusk
mining district, ho says that tho prisoners
arc confined In roomy, well lighted and
warmed colls, decorated with jugs filled
with flowers that had been picked by the
prisoners while en route to their work In
tho mines, a inllo distant.
Tho convicts march to their work dally,
smoking and singing choruses. They havo
three good meals dully and aro supplied
with nu unlimited .quantity of beer at
dinner. Only threo of tho prisoners woro
chains, which wolghod seven pounds, and
theso were romoved during thoir work.
Tho condition of tho mlnosls quite as good
and tho labor less than In English mines.
Tho mon sleep On mnttrossos aud pillows.
There Is no work done on Sundays and
saints' days, and concerts and plays aro
given. Mr. De Wlndt gives tho following
Instances to show tho ihccrf ul exlstenco of
even tho most dosperato convicts:
Gottzo, tho leador of tho Yakutsk prison
mutiny in 18S9,llves in a largo woll lighted
coll. Ho Is supplied with writing mate
rials and receives parcels of Russian,
French, German and English books. Ills
wife lives In tho vlllago, and Is nllowcd to
eo him weekly.
Slnvlnsky, ono of tho heads of Interna
tional nlhllltftn, who was Implicated in
nearly all tho recent explosions, Is in sim
ilar quarters. Ho also receives books and
has his own medlcino chest.
Emlllanoff. who was Implicated In tho
murder of Czar Aloxandor II, now lives nt
liberty at Khavorsk.
Kaloujin, an ex officer of the navy, who
attempted to blow up tho czar's yacht,
serves In a bank and has a circulating li
A Shrewd Hotel Swindler.
Whkemxo, W. Va., Jan. 10. About
three weeks ago a well dressed man call
ing himself C. A. Burns, and professing
to represent tho Lucent Oil works, of Phil
adelphia, registered at tho McCluro Houso
and about a week later induced tho hotol
people to cash a draft for $50, ostensibly
drawn by tho Philadelphia house. Tho
draft proved to bo bogus. It now turns
out that Burns Is working tho gamo stead
ily. Since Burns loft hero It is learned
that ho has swindled at least ono of the
guests of the houso out of a largo sum by
persuading him to Indorse a noto for him
nt the City bank. It is supposed he has
worked many hotels by his schomo.
Railroad Olllclals Under Arrest.
Kansas City, Jan. 10. At Topekn
Judgo Foster, of tho United States dis
trict court, ordered tho arrest, of B. L.
Martin, president of tho Union Terminal
company here, and the secretary and super
intendent of tho company, and United
States Marshal Neoly niudo tho arrests,
Tho orders are issued on tho information
of tho Union Pnclflo company, claiming
that thoir tracks havo been torn up by tho
Terminal people. Tho tracks havo boon
rolaid, but furthor attempts will, It Is
said, bo made by the Terminal people to
gain thoir point.
Big l'lre nt Union City, Ta.
Union City, Pa., Jan. 10. Flro which
broke out hero yesterday afternoon de
stroyed an entire block of buildings in the
heart of tho town. An explosion in Can
field's drug store blew out tho front wall,
Chlof Wager was knoekod down and Fire
men William llappold, Normnn Anderson
nnd Dan -Conway were buried beneath tho
dobris and dnugerously injured. Tho loss
cannot bo ascertained, but It will exceed
tho insurance by $50,000.
KlUlns Klectiou Now Asfturod.
CnAllLKSTON, W. Va., Jan. 10. Both
branches of tho legislature met yosterday,
heard tho governor's long message and ad
journed. William G. Worley was elected
president of tho senate, and William Soy
mour Edwards was elected speaker of tho
house. Elklns' election Is unquestioned
now, ns his managors named all the of
ficers of the legislature in both branches.
Tho Republican caucus will meet uoxt
Friday night.
Demands of Street Car Workers.
Bhooki.YN, Jan. It). At a meotlng of
the street car workers It was voted to mako
a demand for 12.25 per day for inotormon
and conductors (an Increase of twonty-flvo
cents), compliance with tho ton hour law
and the settlement of disputes by nrbltrn
tion. There will probably bo a strike
which will tlo up thlrty-flvo trolley linos
and throw 8,000 to 0,000 men out of work.
Gono to Join Dchg.
Chicago, Jan. 10. Director M J. El
liott, of tho American Railway union, sur
rendered himself yesterday and was taken
to jail In Melleury couuty to sorvehls sen
tence in tho strike contempt case. Elliott
was In Pennsylvania attending the fune
ral of his child, and was unable to appear
when Debs and his associates wore taken
into custody. ;
Hmhczzler Carter Sentenced.
Philadelphia, Jan. 10. Edward S.
Carter, formerly clerk of tho National
Bank of Commerce, was sentenced in the
United States circuit court to six and a
half years in the Kings county penitenti
ary for the embozzlemont of $30,000 from
tho bank.
Six Years More for Senator Hoar.
Boston, Jan. 10. The Republloani of
tho Massachusetts legislature renominated
Hon. George F. Hoar for United States
sonator. The Democrats nominated Hon.
John E. Russell.
Tho Moxloo-Guatomala boundary nego
tiations are progressing smoothly.
Rebels of Rio Grnndo do Sill, Brazil,
have declared an independent republic.
Hon. J. H. French dlod at Belolt, Wis.,
aged 76. Ho was United States Treasurer
undor President Lincoln.
Twenty lives and ,000,000 In proporty
have been lost by inundations in the prov
ince of Mendoea, Argentine Republio.
In an altercation near Puroell, I. T., x
Deputy Marshal Swain killed Carl Vin
cent, and wrw himself killed by Vlnoont's
Near Smith's Mill., Ala., James Dor
man, a Kolb leader, was shot and killed in
an election dispute by Vuu Purvln, an
Gates follower.
In Hardin county, Tenn., Gut Thomas,
noted UBspermio nnu moonshiner, wus
Hazlclon's Movement Bids Pair to be Suc
cessful This Time.
The people of Huzleton and vicinity nro
most emphatic in their efforts to bring
about the formation of Quay county,
which is Intended to form n part of
Luzerne and Schuylkill counties. The
project has been on foot for years and,
although it has been knocked down re
peatedly, It 1b now in the ring smiling
and more vigorous than ever.
A public meeting held In Hazleton last
Tuesday night demonstrated a unanimity
of sentiment that presages success. Thu
movement is now in tho hands of shrewd,
calculating men who seem well versed la
nil tho arts and devices of the lobby, and
a failure this time would certainly dis
courage all attempts In that direction for
the future. One of the most shrewd
tactics has been the change in the
name for the proposed territory,
"Hazle" was first selected. It had
a pretty sound and looked pleasing to
the eye when in print, but it had no more
weight with the eyes and minds of the
powers at Harrlsburg than "Mud." The
politicians who are engineering the
present movement were quick to observe
that a name ot some force would have to
be selected. A name with a string to it,
as it were. "Immortalize some good
worker," suggested a long-headed in
dividual and this brought out the ques
tion, "What is the matter with Quay J"
to which came the response in chorus
He's all right I" and Quay it is. It was
a shrewd more. Matthew btauley saw
the advantage in an Instant. He reasoned
that when his work in the political sphere
of theio United States Is at end aud the
many documents bearing his name will
have become discolored with age and tho
records In the public offices shall have
been shoved into the deep recesses of the
storage vaults to make room for the rec
orus ol the days to come his name may,
to a more or less extent, pass from view
nnd memory, and at times he may be en
tirely forgotten. In the new county, he
concluded, could be founded one 'of the
largest and most substantial monuments
ever created to perpetuate the name of
man. When the Senator will have passed
into the hereafter he will remain in sweet
remembrance with the dear school mnrni
as she asks Johnny Simpkius to stand up
and tell her how Quay Is bounded and
other details as to the general make
up. And as Matthew Stanley hovers
over the innocent youth and hears him
recite the multitudinous resources and
blessings of Quay the white-robed ex-Sen
ator's wings will flutter with ecstasy.
But other reasons are put forth for the
establishment of the new county. The
people of Hazleton claim that tho new
county of Quay will not necessarily in
crease taxation. On the contrary, they
assert, statistics reveal that thirty two,
or nearly one-half of the counties
of Pennsylvania, raise less to defray the
total court expenditures than is now col
lected from Hazleton and contiguous
territory. They also cite in support of
their movement the inconvenience that
attends the present legal institution of
Luzerne county, the vexatious delays,
tho connivance at crime and the iinpos
siblllty to prosecute many suits without
incurring enormous expense Taey con
elude with the cry, "Justice shall b,e
done freely, fully nnd speedily."
The people of Hazleton are certainly
worthy of commendation. They display
enterprise and energy that could be fol
lowed with profit by many towns in
Schuylkill county, and if their zeal con
tlnues their city will soon be In the Wilkes
Barre aud Scranton class.
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure.'
This new remedy is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 S. Main
St., Shenandoah, Pa. 1 9-3m
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening- Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly nnd people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses nt Hooks & Brown';
stationery store, on North Main street,
You Don't Rave to Swear Off,
Says the St. LouIb Journal of Agriculture
in an editorial about No-To-Bac, the
famous tobacco habit cure. "We know
of many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one,
prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years; two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of
tobacco makes him sick." No-To-Bac
Bold nnd 'guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley,
No cure no pay. Book free. Sterling
Remedy Co., New York or Chicago.
Thon Daby raa sick, we pavo her Castorlo,
Jfhaa she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
-Than she became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
fbon sha had Clilldren, Bhe iavo tbm Ca3torti
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure thnt the
name Lkssio & Baer. Ashland, Pa., Is
printed on every sack. tf
Carlton Cornwall, foreman of the
Gazette, Mlddletown, N. J., believes that
Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy should be
in every home. He used it for a cold and
it effected a speedy euro. He says j "It
In Indeed a irrnnd remedv. I can recom
mend to all. I have also seen it ueed for
whnnninir couch, with the best results,
25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Smoke Brennan's famous cigars. They
are the best in the market, for flue trade
only. 18-21-t'
Mrs. Brldgeman, R. O. M., teache
violin (specialty) cello and piano. Corner
1 of Jardlu and Lloyd streets. 0-S-tf
.I11 . . Vri'i idly Murdered.
JaoV -.Iks. J.ii. pi. The mall
rider "ivvjiu ijin v'id and Brandon, in
Rankin, an i-djo ,i;u,r oouuty, a white
boy about It) yuaiM of e, named Jones,
was robb -d yesterday, and It Is feared
there was a t larder. Yesterday his initio
was found with the brldlo reins cut. Both
rider and mall b:,gs are still missing.
Cannot Muzr.le Gladatmin.
Constantimoi'I.i:, Jan. 10. In reply to
tho formal request of tho sultan that
Great Britain disavow tho speech recently
mado by Mr Gladstono on Armenian af
fairs, tho British government states thnt
Mr, Gladsluno Is not n minister, and it is
therefore unu'il t'i control Ills utterances.
A IVniMylvniila Murderer Caught.
Wl!KEi,rv4. W Va.Jan. 10. Thomas
Hare, wanted at Waynesburg, Pa., for tho
murder of Davo Roberts, was nrrested
here yesterday. In escaping through the
snow his i'eol were frozen, nud ho was
forced to go to a hospital, where ho was ur
rested. mm
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
mannfaotnred tinder tne strineont
kjiresctlbea Dy eminent pnyBioiansw
Frinlff fTAnnlnowllh Trade Mark" Anchor.'
F. Ad. Elchtorft Co., 17 Wanes Ct.,HSTC YOBS. I
12 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks.
& 50 ntP in rtnonandoah for Mile bv- k
& P D. Klrlln, 68. Main Ht , J. M 'IA
L . ' v- -VT T3 tmm Main ,fr
tf niim.7 r. Minn du
TANTKI). A.usc lveboy about 14 jeai
f ol we Apply to W. V. Otto, 27 Bout
MMn str ot. MO-tt
FOR SAI E. The valuable property at No,
'32 South Whllo street. Ann y to Mar-
shal 11-iugu, Vii South White street. 12-29-2W
rail BALE A highly educate! parrot.
Frlce $50.
Address 1033 Cherry street,
leading, 1'a.
iz zu II
PO it Sale. At cost, new Bacltus water motor,
-Ot. a tfl hnH. .nn.av Tl, ot (Vnm tin fi.n.
orv. ArPly at the HEUA'.n office. North
Mamet fi'reei, snonanaoan, fa.
IOR RENT. Chean, a'i Apartment In tlie
. Tltman tmlldlng corner Main aad Centre
Ktrects. Well llehted aud heated bv steam.
ultaole foranomce, or sewing room. Apply
iou is. Tiiman wwi
NOTICE At a meeitMg ot the Hoard of
DUecto i- ot the Firm. Nation Uiok of
bhenxndoali, held Jan .Hi, 1M), a seml
H'.nu il d.vlden't of 3 per ""-nt was decla'e i,
payable on aud after Jim. 15th. I8!.
s.31 . . w. xost uisnier.
f PO MKE DIG MONEY selling .'ureleotiic
Telephone. uel seller oo eartn. Mfntall
coir Ditto ready to ret un: lines of any distance
A practical Electric Telephone. Our neents
maning j tosiu a day easv. ttvcryooay dujs
big money without worn, l'rlces low. Any
one can mako t76 per month. Address W. 1
Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbas, Oh'o.
PUBLIC SALE.-Nottco is hereby given that
thirty-live (3.3) shares of stock in tho First
National Hank ot Shenandoah. Pa., will bo
offered at public salo on Saturday, January 12,
itw, ai in o ciock in mo morning, ai ine oince oi
C. w. Dengler, in tho borough of Shenandoah,
said stock being tho stock of A. J. Luburg, now
in the possession of The Merchants' National
Ilank of Shenandoah. Hy order of the liOAKD
or DiKECTOlisof the Merchants' National Bank
of Shenandoah.
January 8, 1895. 1-8-H
Mite : ml : Ji
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of a'l kinds prmoptly attended te,
We have a full line of
Celluloid Frames,
Agents for all Dally Papers.
4 North Main St.
Reduction Bale.
For the next SO days will sell all our ready.
trimmed HATS at cost and less. Children's
Cloaks, Caps and Sacks are all reduced for the
holiday trade. Our line of linen embroidered
for holiday presents Is the finest and cheapest
in the town.
Our 15o grade............ S for 25c
" S0c " ..2for85o.
25 ' ......2 for 40c,
" 850 .2 for 65c.
9S w II
29 'N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Bonds ta Sale!
StenU H Mr Bonds.
To tho amount of t20,000, bearing
.intorostat 5 percent, per annum.
Interest payable in January and
Local Investors will have until January
12th, 1805, to make purchases. After that
date they will be disposed of to any appli
cant. First come, first sorvod. Apply to
Borough Treasurer.
Our 21st Christmas Greeting- to the Public,
Wishing all a Merry Christ
Clearing Sale. All Goods to Go.
Closing out some Ladles' nnd Children's Hats, down from 85o to 50c: French
Felts, down from $1.50 to 75c, and trimmed
Velvet, 6U0 a ynru upj X'lusu, nil colors, uuo
Ribbons at a Sacrifice to ike Rcom (or Spring Stock!
Infant' caps, 25c up: Infants' long coalB, 75c
full line of infants' wear. Mourning goods
Closlniroutalotof Corsets, from $1 down
not be undersold. Cnll nnd get prices.
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
2G South TXn,lxx. Stroot.
Monongahela Whiskey, 50o a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, f 1 n qt.
Fine Old Bourhon, XXX, - fl.25 n qt.
Huperlor Blackberry Brandy, tl a qt.
Superior Coirnnc Brandy, 11 00 n qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, 11.50 a qt.
YUENGLING'S Stock and Fiesh Ale,
llrst brands of fc Cigars and
1 rasping
opportunities is a sign of the good judg
ment whlcn is tne cuaracierisuc or tne
wise man. We are offering the greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
lurnlshlnir, at reauceu prices.
Another ferlect .Niagara is me tan
In prices of gents' furnishings nt our great
sie. seize tne opportunity 10 secure a
rare bargain lu the finest, gloves, hosiery,
neckties, etc.
Another A ureal, run in gems lurn-
ishlnirs. All hands are stretched out to
seize these hsrgalns we offer.
Another Uuteh 't hem as They )l an in
nrice. Now is the time to secure your 29
cent white shirts.
South Main Street, SHEXAXDOAH.
A genuine welcome
Awaits yon at
Joe Wyatl's Saloon1
Fool room attached. Finest whiskeys.
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and c'gary.
5 avbeuviKj iittmiviiitgNj
Harold Holmes,
And his superb of players In
the groatest ot all romantic dramas,
The most successful drama of the
age. 210 times in London. 72
times in New York.
The dancnig sunbeomin her latest hit,
"Silence and Fun." The services of tho
well-known emotional leading lady, MISS
KATE M. HOWARD, formerly of Mr.
Frohman's force, has been specially en
gaged for the balance of the season.
Prices, as, 35 and 50 Cts.
Reserved seats at Klrlla's drugstore.
f. j. rsiionsoN, manager.
The Awful Tornado. The
Great Rigging Scene, Sli Tan
Flirting a Monster Sail. Ibe
Collision of Two Ocean liners
at Full Speed, Tbe Mighty
Oner, Sea Scene, with Waves
Running Mountain High, Chicago
Harbor at Night, and m
other scenic wonders,
"To bold as well as win success,
Keep all your play-bill promises."
Prices: as 35 5 and 75 Cts.
Reserved Scats at KlrUn'i drug More.
mas and n Happy Now Year.
hnts 1 8 off. ledora Hats, 50n trimmed.
a yaru ; veiveieeu, i.'uo a ynru.
up to 15.00. Christening dresses nnd a
our specialty. Nun's Veils. 1.25 tin.
to 85o; from 60o down to 40c We will
31 South Main St.
nLlauor Store
Draught Porter and welner Beer,
all kinds of Temperance Drinks.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
13 North. Jardin Street.
Chas. Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
The finest and most tender beef to be
found in Shenandoah. Pork, mutton,
veal and cut meats of all kinds.
A fine line of choice and fresh groceries
and prime family flour, butter und eggs.
For tho . . .
Hot Season
Cleary Bros'
Temperance Drmie
j Mineral waters, Wel&9 beer. BottiVraoI
me iiurai lager oeerH.
17 and 19 Peach Alloy. Shanssfal), Vt.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Handsome Bar Fixtures,
Best Brands of 5 nnd 10c Cigars.
Weeks' Museum,
Birds and animals of all selections.
Taxidermist, Robert Murray.
Coldest and Largest Class of Beer. Free Lunch
Free lunch every morning nd evening.
johk Weeks, Proprietor.
Q. W. Davidson, Bartender.
Piano Tuner.
pi.cos and orrans rirtiarn in bi
31 North Main street, Shenandoah, -will reselvo
prompt wttmtloi
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke every year. . Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in flrat-olass, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
180 South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Fear Alley, Rear Cof fee Houso.
The bestrl
t riffs in town. Horses taken t
Hanllng promptly attended to.
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
Fresh aud cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars. -
Costkllo & OAsaiDV, Proprietors.
123 B. Centre St., Shenandoah
Ivan J. Davies,
1 '