The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 10, 1895, Image 3

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    1 IMl ml I ViPKAtlririA i M H Ul II if li
Palpitation of the Heart
Shortness of Breath, Swelling
of Lcjys and Feet.
Tor about four years I was troub
led with palpltatiou of tho heart,
shortness of breath and swelling or
the legs and feet. At times I would
faint. I was treated by the best phy
8iclans in Savannah, Ga., with no re
lief. 1 thon tried various Springs
without benefit. Finally, I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After
bajinning to take them I felt letter I 1
continued taking them and I am now
in better health than for many years.
Since my recovery I have gained fifty
pounds in weight. I hope this state
ment may be of value to some pooi
E. B. SOTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
Dr. MHoa Heart Cure ianold on n, positive
Cfnnrnntn Hint, llin Ursfc bottlo will tionoflt.
AH druggists soil itnt$l, 0 bottles forts, or
It vlll bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
vs thoJUr. Miles meoicai uo., uiunart, ina.
329 -N. i5ih St
Below Callowhlll,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Thlriv Years' Continuous Practice In all special
dlfoases of both sexes. Lois ol Manhoid,
errors oi louin, ana hh aiseasex oi mo tuoou.
Norves, bliln and Kidneys, Debility and Loss
of Menioiy resulting lrom Abiue, Kxces'
Irjprndence or Inheritance are permanently
ea red by Dr. Lotb, Geek lis advice at once,
--lie euainntees a nosltlve and radical cure In
eWery case he treats, bringing back Health and
vigor in tbe moat serious cubck. Con ultatlou
and examination Iree and strictly confident
tb l. 'Olllco hours, dally and on Middays,
from 9 A . M. to 3 P. M and 8 to 9 fvenlngrf.
send or can for iree book on Errors or Youm
and obscure diseases of tolh sexes.
Hands Off.
Why try to press back a
side ache with your hand,
as so many do, when an
Porous Plaster
will not only relieve the
pair! but prevent-its return.
The best remedy known for
weak back, strains, sprains,
lameness and all local pains.
Rear III iUllld Not oneof the host of coun
ttrfelts and imitation isatfood as the genuine.
Allcock's Corn Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have no equal as a relief and cure for corns
and bunions.
Brandreth's Pills.
A safo and sure remedy for diseases
arising from impurity of the blood.
is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, liwnaom'
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M, H. Masteh
nas the agency and carries it in stock at hi;
marble and granite -works, 127 M. JUDtNf ST
, '
Fines!, Purest, 'ilenlthest.
Chris, Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal1 St., Shenandoah.
t-qtitv8. IWROHILL. Prop,
Norlh-Kairi St., MAHANOY' CITY.
Lurewitflnd flrjeptbgtelln (he region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome Aztures.
' ' fooof ana nilllard hriomfl'AtlaoMd) 1
, Stopa.t ,i ) ) 4 t
! 200 North Centre Street.
Meals nt all hours. Ladles' .dining room
attached, jnneac wines, minors, cigars.
Defaulting State Treasurer Taylor
i Stole $350,000.
i :
Present whereabouts unknown1
lie Should Have Turned Over tlio Affairs
of Ilia Olllco t" IIU Snrcemor on Tues-
tlny UN Failure to Appear Led to mi
Iurrtigatlon. I
,' ItEDFiiiLT), 9. D., .Tnn. 10. Probably tho
most sttirtllnp; fnlluro that has ever oc
curred in South Dakota or tho northwest
was rovenled yesterday In word received
from William Wulior Taylor, tho outgoing
state trpnsurer iitul provident of tho First
National bank nud Northwestern Mort
gage Tmst comymiy, of this city, that ho
would not appear to make Ills settlement
nt Pierre with his successor, Treasurer
olect Phillips, of Deadwood. Tho news
mid closing of his bank hero canio like a
thunderclap from a olear sky, beoause
both Taylor aud the financial Institutions
with which he was connected wore re
garded as firm and reliablo beyond ques
tion. V Tho news from Piorro demonstrates that
no money is hold there to the credit of the
state treasurer und none Is hold in the
bank hero. It is ostlmated thut about
$850,000 Is missing with Taylor. Asldo
from tho financial loss tho notion of Tay
lor Is felt terribly by all who havo known
and dono business with him and the finan
cial enterprises with which ho lias boon
connected In years past. Ho and his en
terprises hero have handled many thou
sands of eastern capital, and his bank hero
has always boeii regarded as one of tho
Arm, safo institutions in tho stnto. The
battle hero Is not' compromised financially
by Taylor's default'. It is stated author
itatively that after the examination of thd
bank, and its credit is restored, it will ro-
orgunlzo anil open up for busliioss. 1
'l-fttMrii jidf. cnnn it, r Tltloiirvn nn .Intl '
4 by a cltlzon of this place. Ho went from,
Chicago to Jtow York, slnco which tlmej
no information lias boon received as to his
whereabouts. It develops that a plaster
mortgage reached Itodflold yesterday.
morning, and was duly lllcd in tho regis
ter of deeds offloe, transferring to a com-j
pany In' Chicago all his real ostato and.'
chattels In this city and Spink county.
Next to tho state tho blow falls terribly
hard on his principal- bondsmen, who re
side h6ro. They qualified In sums rcpro-i
senling all tlfoy havo in tlio world. Thai
ontlro City used the 'bank for a depository ,
hence' a deadly paralysis has nffoctdd Ml,
the arteries Oil trade uud social life.
Walter W. Taylor was boni In 'Indiana,
about 1851, and for a time associated with:
his father, William Taylor, In tho wholoi
sale coal business at Lafayette, that state..
From the time ho was 18 years of ,ago lid
had almost exclusive charge of tho buslt
ncss, and demonstrated a wonderful ca
paclty for grasping tho details and intrl-
cacies of a very largo trade. Ho camo to
'Dakota In 1880, and established tho First
National bank of Kodflold, which ho soon
made one of tho leading financial institu-i
tions of this section of tho country. He
took au active part in politics, from the
first was earnest lu tho struggle for state
hood, and was a delegate from Spink,
county to tho first stato convention, held
in Huron in 1889. At tho convention of
18!X), hold at Jutcholl, ho entered the race
for state treasurer, and seeurod the nomi
nation after a spirited and exciting con
test. Ho was renominated and elected for
a second term, which lie completed on tho
ilrst of January of tho present year.
Nuw loiilv, Jan. 10. Numerous iin
qulries from tho west readied banking
houses hero in regard to the whereabouts1
of W. W. Taylor who, as outgoing state I
treasurer of South Dakota, failed to ap- j
pear to turn over his olllco to his successor,
und against whom utv alleged' shortage In
the stato funds is recorded.
Taylor did businoss with tho Chase Na
tional bank ' of this city. According to
Prosldont H. W. Cannon, of tho Chase Na-1
tlouul bank, however, his accounts with
that Institution are all right, his indobtcd
uoss being amply secured.
Mr. Cannon said to u representative ot
tho Associated Press rolatlvo to tho mat
ter: "Mr. Taylor was hero about flvo weeks
ago, on ft matter of business connected
with tho bank. 1 havo not seen him since,
and have no idea where ho is. I do not
know wlioro Taylor is, hut I am certain
that ho is not in Now York."
James M. Brown, banker und broker,
who residos in Brooklyn aud Who Is'u par
ticular friend of tho missing ox-stato treas
urer, said that ho had seen nothing of Tay
lor for sonio weeks past. Ho felt certain,
ho declared, that Taylor was not in this
vicinity. '
Governor Flslilmck to the Alltilsters.
Little Rook, Ark., Jan. lO.-rTho city
pastors recently passed resolutions con
demning Governor Fishback's views in rc-
. . , . i i . . . i . i. .. i.i fi'i.
gam lu iuu suumuii ui mu mvtui uvu. xutj
governor bus addressed a lengthy roply,
in which hd says'i "Intelligent, sonslblo
people who are atoll obsorvuut of passing
events' will toll yoii that tho chief obstacles
in: tho 'way 'of rolicto'us antt moral progress
.havo bojon hypocrisy ( and folly. Thore
wore not wanting men of your typo who
i.wero ready to 'pass resolutions against tho
purity of tho Ha vlour himself pocauso' ms
(honest common sense dared to rebuke cer
tain impure inari who would "have 'stoned
to death tho fallen woman."
I Au KmWanry for Arbitration.
NEW Youk, Jan. W.-Anloifg tho posaou
gers ou the Whto Star llpo steamer Tou
tonlo yosterduy was William S. Cromor,
M. P., who represents the Hufforaton divi
sion of Sborpdltoh in the English house of
coihinohsi' 'Mr. Creiner is ond of the party
of progress, aud brings with ill m n memo
rial to President Cleveland and congress
favoring arbitration ou all matters in' dis
pute betwoen the tftiited States and Kug-
laud. Tho meiiiDrlalt of which Mr. Cro
mer has n large numuor ot priutou copies,
bears the slgmttuitMopHUS members of par
liament. ,1 (
, Seeking Another Conference.
PlTTSM'Kii. 10- It is learned hero
thut the tin plate workers aro .seeking an
other couforvni'o with tho manufaefurors,
with tlio object iu view1 of sat'tlltig the
contest over (lie wage scale. Voting blanks
ure being circulated among tho. locals for
this purpose, but should the votAdeoldy
that another conference uo iuK.ea it is cer
tain tliiit the manufacturers will not grant
thb'requilst. 11
' The Weather.
For thir" District ot ColuiUlilu, eastern
Pennsylvania. Now Jersey, Delaware and
Maryland, ruin or snow, northeasterly
winds. For Virglulu, rain; warmer; east
erly winds. Ham is indicated for tho mm
dls states and tho Atlantic coast states as
fur1 south as Florida. -t '' '
An End to Which Many aro
Blindly Rushing.
I'nths Lesd
lo This Tcr-
lible hi
Are You Hopelessly Struggling Along
This Dangerous Road?
The world-renowned poet, Gray, says :
"The paths of glory lead but to the
grave." All paths lean to tne grave, out
especially do those dangetous walks of
life, overwork, strain ou the system, tils
fdpntlon, impropet attention to the rules
of health, involving sleepless nlili s, tired
bodies and weak and shattered nerves,
lead to an early death, or h more dreaded
and fearful fate.
Notice the strehgth and powerful ad
vice in tho following letter, written by
Mrs. J. Wesley Mann, of Northfleld,
Mass, i
"About 18 months ago, my daughter
Jennie went into a large store ns clerk,
and wr? obliged to make long days of
about 14 hours, and the work proved too
hard for her. She was completely run
down, being prostrated by nervous de
billty. She had terrible resllr-ss nights,
and was unable, to sleep hardly at all
Her head troubled her, being dizzy, and
her limbs ached, and frequently she
would sit down and cry, she was In such
' They had Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy in the store where she
worked, and the proprietor recommended
her to tak! i-, which she did.
"She wrote me while she was taking
the Nervura, that it had done wonders
for her. She is now entirely cured of her,
nervousness, and has not been to well iu
"She was so nervous that she could
hardly sit at 'table, and any little noise
would startle her like a wild partridge
"She has now used three bottles, and
we are .thankful to say that she is well,
thanks to kind Providence and Dr
Greene's Nervura blood Rnd nerve rem
It is beyond the power of words to tell
the wonders that are done everv day bv
that greatest of all medicines, Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve rmii
edy. No medicine ever before possessed
such wonderful powers to cure. Try it,
and see what it win o tor you. it win
make vou strong and well.
It is not a patent medicine, but the
prescription of the motet successful llv
inn specialist in curine nervoui nd
chronic diseases. Dr. Greene, of 35 West
Hth St, New York City. Ho has the
lnrcest nractice in the world, and this
grand medical discovery is the result of
his vast experience. The great reputation
of Dr. Greene is a guarantee that his
medicine will cure, and the fact that he
can be.consnlted by anyone, at any time,
Iree ot charee. personally or oy letter.
gives absolute assurance of the beneficial
action or this winneriui medicine.
KuilH-i.' .Senatorial Contest.
Toi'EKA, KaU., Jan. 10. The senatorial
contest becomes more complicated each
duy, aud will not shape Itself for somo
tlmo yet. According to the adherents or
the different candidates each makes dally
gains of votes. 'From figures compiled by
the friends of various candidates it ap
pears that J. AV. Ady leads tho race. Kx-
Senutor Iugalls, Calvin Hood und J. It,
Burfou have strong following, 'the elec
tion will pot oc6ur fot ' fifteen days, tho
HepUblicans going intb caucus some tlmo
next week.
Organized for IlurRlury.
Chicago, Jan. 10. By tho discovery of
n "fence" In Iji Grnngo, a suburb of Chi
cago, and the arrest of Peter N. D. Keldon
and Hudolph lledborg, tho. pplico think
they have uij3urthcd an organized band of
burglars, which has brunches In all tho
principal cities of the west. Kolden has
intimated that 'wish 'an1 organization ex
ists. From his statements tho police bo
lliive tlittt' thp headquarters of tho gang
are located In San Francisco, and arrests
thoro'nrb likely to result.
Through an Open Switch.
Chattanoooa, Tenn., Jan. 10. Alout
11 o'olock p. m- the fakt passenger train
for Now Orleajis tm tlio Queen and Cros
cont system was badly wrecked four miles
south 'of Attullo," u switch having been
left open. After striking tlio switch tho
engine run some distance and turned over.
Firoiium Hoy Johnson, of Chattanooga,
arid anjunkliown negro tra'(nj) were killed.
Ehglhoor Elliott's urin wis broken'. No
pdssiiJigu'rs were Seriously' Injured. 1 '
Miss Drexel Itenounros tho World.
PlIILADBLl'WA, Jan. 10. Tho ceromo
nios that murii the final ' retirement from
the world of Mlw Kathurlno Droxeltook
plueo ut the Conveut'of'tlio Blessed Saora
niont, near Torrosdulo, of which she is tho
head and founder. -Atchblshop 'Hyan re
ceived her Unal Vows. In the order Wlss
Drexol is kuown us Mother Katharine.
An Octogenarian Sentenced.
ProVidkS'ck, ian. 10.!-IiOvl 1. Clark, 80
years old, was sontonccd to eight years'
imiirisoninant for shotting Kooiior Hood,
of the Cuin'borland Tbwii farm, last buiji
mOr." Clark Is n vouper, ft "forty-niner"
nnd rf orlpillo. Thoshbdtlng was tho 're
sult Of Keeper 'Head's attempt to prohibit
"rk from Bnuiklng iu Ids room.
Xteceives a Setback by tho Voto
01 tllO J1OUS0,
Though the Measure Hai Nut Cniun to n
Vote the Defeat or the Itule Cnniinlttre
l'ractlcally Slielvca tho ltlll for the I'rei
out Seailnn.
Washinoton, .Tan. 1 10. Tho Carltslo
currency bill, which has been under de
bate In tho house for nbout two weeks,
was ditched yesterday. It had not strength
enough to surmount the first parliament
ary obstacle placed In its path. The com
mittee on rules, In obedience to the decree
of the Democratic caucus ou Monday,
brought In an order to chwe general de
bate and proceed undor tho ilve-mlnUto
rulo until Saturday, when tho final vote
should bo taken.
But tho supporters of the bill showed n
lamentable weakness. They wero unable
to order the previous question, the dmnaiul
therefor bolug refused, first by a rising
vote of 93 to 101 and then on nn aye and
nay vote of 12i to 130. The advocates of
tho hill wero dumfounded when tlioy dis
covered that they had been lieaten in the
preliminary skirmish, and the order was
withdrawn. .This was tlio first reverse tho
committee on rules had suffered in four
years. An analysis of the vote shows that
nil of tho 121 votes in favor of tlio motion
wero cast by Democrats, while 83 Repub
licans, 3S1 Democrats and 8 Populists voted
against it. Of the 89 Democratic votes
against tho motion it was pointed out that
2 i wero cast by Democrats dofoatcd for re
election. After tho voto the diplomatic and post
office appropriation bills wero passed. Tho
formor carries $1,503,118 and tho latter
After tho adjournment of tho house Sec
retary Carlislo was In Sponker Crisp's prl-
voto oifico for an hour conferring with
house leaders on tho effect ot tho reverse
suffered by tho currency bill. Tho secre
tary expressed regret that tho rule had
been defeated, aud ho shared tho vlow of
other? present that tho defeat closed tho
prospects of tlio bill In its present form.
Now that the rulo was defoated, Mr. Car
lislo atfreed with tho houso leaders that it
was desirable to let tho bill Test for a time.
He did not suggost any now measure or
any material changes iu tho present ono.
In tho senate Mr, Cockroll, from tho ap
propriations committeo, reported tho ur
gent deficiency bill. In roply to 'a ques
tion by Mr. Quay, Mr. Cockroll' said tho
committed hud made u amendments tii
the hill us pussed by tho houso to those,
provisions relating to the lucomo tux.
Then Mr. Quay sprang a sensation by
referring to tho defeat of Mr. Penrose as a
candidate for the Republican nomination
for mayor of Philadelphia. Mr. Quay
"I desire, if tlio souator will permit, to
commend tho matter to his attention and
consideration, because it is too lato to in
troduce nn amendment of that character
nt present in the somite. I nsk tho sen
ator whether it would not bo well in the
bill, instead of smothering the names and
Salaries of employes in tlio reports made
by corporations under tho IncOmo tax law,
to compel n publication in such form as
that tho list of names and salaries of such
employes shall bo accessible to tho public.
"A clrcumstanco which huppencd within
tho last thirty-six hours has called my at
tention to tho probublo Importance of
somerlii'ig of that kind. It happened that
a gentleman who Is very high in pdlitical
position in tho city of Philadelphia, no
less n personage than u national commit
teeman, In conversation with a distin
guished member of tho other branch of
tho national legislature, and n Judicial of
ficer of tlio city of Philadelphia and ono of
tho leading monibor.s probably the lead
ing inembor of tho Pennsylvania state
senate when giving us a reason why ho
could not preservo plighted faith, and
could not do what ought to be dour In re, aiil
to uu important nomination to be mado
there, stated that ho was under u s.ilurv,
and had Moon under a heavy salary from a
great corporation for the last three years
u salary large enough to maintain his
family and ho was compelled to do what
tho corporation wished him to do, and n it I
what he himself desired and folt that he
ought to do. '
"Tho aniondmeut I suggest is pertinent
simply in tills respect, that men in such a
position, with high power for good or ovil,
ought not to bo permitted to musqucrado
as noting in tho Interest of tho public or
in tho interest of any party when in reality
they aro serving those' great corporate
bodies. Thoy ought to go about und meet
their fellows fairly and openly, with tho
dollar mark of tho corporation upon their
foreheads, nnd I think such nil' amend
ment as I suggost should bo Inserted in
tho bill bofore it passes."
Tlio bill will lie called up for considera
tion in the senate tins afternoon. I
At 2 o'clock Mr. Pasco addrossod tho
sonoteon thoNicuroguacunal bill, In which
ho announced that while favoring tho con
struction of an iutoroceanlo canal yet he
was opposed to tho pending bill. j
" A Yenr-Old llabo dent to Jail.
TitKNTON, Jun. 10. Mrs. Kozlali Ford
was arrested on Tuesday on a chargo of
keeping a disorderly house, and was com
mitted by Police Justice Coutior. Sho
took hor 1-year-old child to tho county jail
with hor, but tho jailor rpf used to receive
them, Last night Justloo Coutior com
mitted tho child also, charging disorderly
conduct against it, and ulleglng that tho
babe cried und made a noise in court. The
jailor again refused to receive tho child,
but lator did so ou tho advice of County
Judgo ' Woodruff, who declared that it
would bo inhuman to part them.
Alleged Scheme to Ilefruud Uncle Ram.
Baltimoiik, Jan. 10. Attorney C. K.
Garrltoo was plaoed on trial in tlio United
States district court yesterday, charged
with conspiring to consummate a mar
riage betwoon John Colo, a dying and
pomi-consolous pensioner, nnd a young
woman, In order to secure- ITS u month,
Which would, In tho absence "of Inarrlago,
revert to tho government. , Gurritee con
tends that lie Is being persecuted by the
pension examiners.
The Charge Against Judge Kicks.
WAbiiInqton, Jun. 10. Conslderatloitbf
tho charges against Judge Kicks, of Clevo
lundovasugidn postponed ( (y tlio house
judtoiury conmilttco until 'Monday noxt.
Then tho tostimony preferred by tho
Cleveland lnbor union' mon will be taken
lip. The charges which Sumtiol T. Hltchle,
of the, Canadian Copper company, has
mado will not bo considered by tho oom
iiiltteo until tho first cubo lias been dis
posed of. '
Wlfl Ts'.t UU. -liBl.. T,yftlllK.
Wasiiiv,, v ,1m. in I ii iii-obnliillty
that this rongress will undertake the In
vestlgatiou of l,viiol)lnir of negroes, for
wlll?h "i"ttiv8 uiair
rtwolutlon, Is not great. Tli
Introduced a
io house com
mittee on labor, to which tho Blair reso
lution hud been retorted, voted to report
it back to the house with a request to bo
discharged from Its consideration After
discussing the matter the committee con
cluded that nn investigation of the pro
posed nature did not come within its prov
ince, having nothing to do with labor mat
'ters. The r'Nollltion covers all HCts or uu
lnwf ul Violence, nnd was directed at whlto-
eap outrages as well as lynchiugs.
Itlg linn I by Hunk Ilurglnrs.
Toledo, O., Jan. 10. Tho safe In tho
Merchants' National bank of Dellanoo was
blown open with dynamite Monday night,
and about $8.1,01 stqlcn. Tho officials of
the institution were unable to open tho
vault Tuesday morning, and us there was
no signs of any one having been In the
bank the night lieforo they thought noth
ing of It. An oxpert was sent for, nud
When he opened tlio outer safo yosterduy it
was dmcovored that the Inner safe hod
been blown up. The loss will not affect
the standing of tho bank.
Mine. .ToninuxN Defence.
ANTWETtr, Jan. 10. Madame Henri ,Ton
laux, who Is on trial on tho chargo of hav
ing murdered her brother, sister and un
cle, In order to obtain the money for which
their lives were Insured, was examined
yestorduy. Sho indignantly repudiated
the chargo of poisoning, and declared that
her object In effecting Insurance upon tho
llvos of her relatives was to obtain money
to pay a secret dobt of honor, amounting
to 30.000 francs, that had been revealed to
her by her mother on tho letter's death
A Italtlmore Cup Defender.
BALTIMOHH, Jan. 10. Major Braokett,
president of tho Baltimore Contounlul ex
position, proposes to appoint ft commlttoo
of flvo lending citizens to ralso $35,000 for
tho construction of a cup dofender to par
ticipate' In' tho' 1897 International yacht
races. Nathaniel Mooro, solo possessor of
tho design of the famous clipper Balti
more, Which In tho forties was monarch of
the seas, feels confident that ho can build
another world heritor.
He Hobbcd Ills Father.
PlTTSBUIiO, Jan, 10. At tho central sta
tion In this city a son of Pollco Captain
Hnughoy, of New York, is boing hold
awaiting tho urrlval of his father. The
urros't was accomplished by tho aid of thu
long distanco telephone, over which an ac-
.1 . ... 1 , 1.1
uumtu ueM;i Jii!uu ul wiu uu iwut ms cum1
pnulon was given. Young iiaughey wni
induced by his companion, who Is older.
than he, to stjnl money and jewelry from
his father '
Death nt a llallrnad Crossing.
Bi.oosidai.k, O., Jan. 10. At the cross
ing of tho Big Four, in the cast end of the
village, a freight train struck n currlutri'
containing William Benz, his wifo und
10-yenr-old .daughter. Benz was almost
instantly killed, Mrs. Benz sustained a
fracture of tho limbs and her daughter
was Injured internally, probably fatully,
U 1 I V7f from the wonderful Afri
nlflflMLXHnn Kola Plant, discov
ered on the Congo River, West Africa, is
Nature's Sure Cure for Asthma.
Endorsed by European Physicians and Hos
pitals as a positive Constitutional Caro for
Asthma. 7,000 recorded cures in DO days. It
never fails. Cures Uuaranteed. No Pay
until cured. Large Trial fuse sent FREE
by mall, prepaid, to any sniil'erer. Address
KOLA IMPORTING CO., 1162 Broadway, New York.
Formerly at 206 North Ht oond St lsthtiuld
est In America for the treatment ot f venal
intense and youthful Errors. Varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc Treatment by
man a specialty, uommunicanons ftcrcaij
confidential. .nd stamp tor book. Hours,
i. m, to 0 p. re Sundavs to 12 m
Or Thpp131T Arch St.
TheOnlr Oenulnn gpcrlallat In jiner- I
iifiu nniu-uUHUimimir wiint
Others Advertise.
Hpeclal WsenNcn, Vnrlcose Veins and
Cured tn .1 to 10 Daya.
Keller nt Once.
BLOOD POISON cured by entirely new I
hurinlttmethod. 6 yeans' European Hospital I
and 32 practical experience, as Ortulcates and I
Diplomas prove, bend tlvo 2-cent stamps for I
boot "TltUTlI." tho only True ilodlcall
Boot advertised. It la a true friend to alt I
sunerers ana to tnose contemplating marriage. I
The most Btubborn and dangerous cases sollc-'l
ItecLi Wrlteoccallandbosaved. Uoura.stol;
ev'KS. 8 to 8 far examination and treutmoutln
chronls'and dangerous cases. Call datly II to I
i,au vea.naesacrromuto s; oy-gs, o v;
3u; bun,,vtoiz. Treatment by mall.
Where you can always get
a glass of
Cool Beer and Refreshing Wines.
Whiskeys, etc Don't forget the plant
TP. m. Rellly?.
Locust Avenue, OENTU ALIA PA,
(Successors to Ccakley Bros.)
Wo. 36 Enut Centre street,
Our lotto:, . Beat .Quality at Lowest Cteh
Price?, Patronage respectfully sollblt,ed
Is not complete
without au ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
IruM upon having tho genuine.
If your Clothier d"in't krep
Hammerslough : Bros
Swell, Reliable, Now York
Make him get it Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears like steel and Is sold by every promi
nent clothier In tho stato. None genuine wita
out HammorBlough Uros.' label.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand JLatmdx?
Cor. Lloyd nd White Sts
All work guaranteed to be nrst-cl&ss lu every
particular. Silk ties and lace curtain sspc
Ulty. Goods called for and delivered A trti 1
Frofea8icm&i Cards
N. STEIN, M. D.,
Office Room 2, Fgan's New Ilulldlnr, coi
ner Main and Centre street. Shenandoah, I'a.
Office Hours: R to 10 a. m.: 1 to 3 p. a.; 7 to
9 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street.
j- 8. KISTLKB, M V ,
VSict-:tn Nortli Jf.iCln svrtm cunni
Office. Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Hbenand ah.
Successor to
301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Pennn.
Political Cards. -
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
'Subjrct to Republican rules.
Sub ect to the rules of the Republlca" psrty
The Safe Deposit HulldlnR and Saving Asso
ciation of Heading:, Pa., olTers for sale a few
hundred shares of stock. This H a good, reliable
and prosperous association tn which to take
shares. Having ready sale for all money, tho
premium received is large, consequently tho
stock will mature much sooner than associations
located in towns where there is no great demand
for money, and building operations are very
limited. Tho value of each share Is $V0O at
maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share.
Monthly dues, one dollar per share. Five per
cent. Interest allowed on all payments made lu
advance for 6 months or longer. Members may
withdraw one or all shales at any time by giv
ing 30 days written notice, aud are entitled to
the full amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent.
Interest after one year, thereby lnakicg it au
U per cent. Investment. All shareholders aro
entitled to loans from fund on real estafe
security. No shares will be forced out.
The fund Is run on the jame conserratlTa
principles as our local funds which have beeu
tried for vears and found safe. Anyone wist
Ing to Invest In' a Saving Fund will find it to
their interest;to call on tbe local agents and
receive full partlcnlara. Rev. II. A. Keyser,
X). V., of Alaliauoy City, is one of tbe directors.
187 North Jardln Street, Shenaudoah.
For Fainting , . , .
The Season la here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains In painta and oils, plain and
stained glass. All the new patterns la
wall paper. AH daily and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 West Centra Stroot.
Headquarters for the Evening Hbbald.
Wholesale agent for
relgeiipiii's hn, I J Eiport
Lager aad Saazer Ftle Betr,
No finer made. Fine liquors and Clears,
120 womb Main HU
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do. and the water yon drink
isn't; even fit' for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Portor.
Macajjer Shenandoah Branch,
4Jt 1
S 1