The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 09, 1895, Image 4

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Local News Gleanings Condensed
Hasty Perusal.
Good Ice harvest.
Full moon next Friday.
No electric fans running these days.
The humane man is careful of hi horse
thee days.
1895 will be a "good" year If you help
to make It so
Storekeepers now complain of after
holiday dullness.
Merchants are now making their an
uual bargain sales.
The slippery pavements are the cause
of a number of bad falls.
County teachers have finished nearly
one-half of the school term.
The liverymen are now enjoying their
harvest, likewise the ice men.
The bunting season is over, nnd how
Klad the "cotton tails" will be. 1
It's a cold day for the young man with'
a small Balary and a girl who likes sleigh
If you don't believe that a man has
more standing than a woman, get Into a
crowded trolley car.
It sounds very quear to say that an
overcoat is most used when it is worn out,
but that is the bort of language we have.
Many stubborn and aggravating cases
of rheumatism that were believed to be
incurable and accepted us life legacies,
have yielded to Chamberlain's Pain
Hal aa, much to the surprise and gratifi
cation of the Biifferers. One application
will relieve the paiu and suffering and its
continued use insures an effectual cure.
JTorsale by Gruhler Uros.
Mahanot Citv, J in. it, 1S95
Holler skating school will be opened on
Friday evening, next.
Miss May Burt, of Malzeville, visited
town friends yesterday.
M. McGuire has severed his connection
"with the "Daily American."
Omega Club held a hop in Armory hall
last evening. It was well attended.
"Xlesars. Frank Jones and Johu J. Jones
attended to business at Pottsville yester
Wilfred Clarke will appear in "A
"Widow Hunt" at Kaier's opera house this
Abraham, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah
Brayford, of West Spruce street, died
Richard Cleary has returned to the
Xiehigh University of Bethlehem to re
sutue his studies.
The Four Leaf Clover Club held a busi
mess meeting at Uriah Millard's barber
ipUop last evening.
Mi's.- Johu Cunningham attended the
Suneral of a relative at Germantown,
Philadelphia, yesterday.
Edward Davis' "Uncle Tom's Cabin'
"Will be produced at Kaier's opera house,
Wednesday, January 10th.
Drs. J. Arthur Jones, H. C. Bowman,
George F. Brendle and P. Hermany at
tended the annual meeting and banquet
of the County Medical Society at Potts
ville yesterday.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are uot receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
I eave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on North Main street.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
Is the truthful, startling title of n book
About No-To Bac, the hrfrmles3, guaran
teed tobacco habit cure that braces up
jileofinlzed nerves, eliminates the nico
tine poison, makes weak men gain
i-trengtu, vigor and manhood. You run
mo pbysicial or financial risk, as No-To-
i3ac is sold by Mrs. A. Wasley under a
guarantee to cure or money refunded.
JJook free. Address Sterling Remedy
Co., New York or Chicago. 12-31-13t
Notice to Taxpayers.
Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers
of the borough of Shenandoah that on
nd after February 1st, 1805, five (5) per
oent. will be added to the taxes for 1694.
Receiver of Taxes.
December 30, 1S94. 12-29-tf
TTla Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria.
37bca she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
tvrben she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
HKbw s hod Children, she (;avo tbm Castoria
Buy Keystone flour. Be snre that the
Sc&me Lkssio & BAElt, Ashland, Pa., la
printed on every Back. tf
Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the
fraEette, Middletown, N. J., believes that
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy should be
fen every home. He used it for a cold and
t effected a speedy cure. He says : "It
2s indeed a grand remedy, I can recom
mend to all. I have also seen it used for
whoonintr contrh. with the best results."
25 and SO cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Care guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No.
, South Mai street. 9-13-tf
There is cood reasea for the nooularitv
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Davis
oz JJUKard, of West Monterey) Clarion
r'Jo., Pa., says ; "It has cured people that
our physicians could do nothing for. We
aersuaded them to try a bottle of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and they now
recommend it with the rest of us." 35
.and 60 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Mrs, Brldgeman, R. O. M., teachea
wiolin (specialty) cello and piano. Corner
ud J ardln and Lloyd streets. 0-3-tf
Compelled the New York I'ollro lloaril in
ltoliistulo illlll.
Nr.wYoilK, Jan. 0. The celebrated cu'o
of rtoundsman John W. Goodwin against
the polico board, which was the longest
and most persistently fought litigation in
tho annals of tho polico department, ended
yesterday in tho board reinstating Good
win to his former rank, and paying him
$5,000 back salary and (1,143 expenses for
prosecuting his suit. Goodwin at once
got his shield, and It was pinned on him
again after an absence of six years.
Goodwin was formerly attached to the
Oak street police station, under command
of Captain Cnrpontor. In August, 18S1). a
carriage in -which Goodwin and his wife
were out driving upsot near the station
house. Goodwin was carried into tho sta
tion house slightly hurt. Ho was charged
by Captain Carpenter with boing intoxi
cated Tho capta'n demanded his resigna
tion nnd extorted it from him.
Goodwin signed the paper, but addod
the words, "Under duress." Sergeant
McGanu, under ordors from Captain Car
penter, erased the wordsi It was upon
this that tho contention hinged In tho nu
merous hearings of tho caso before tho po
lice board and in tho courts. Tho supromo
court finally decided that the scratching
out of tho two words entirely changed tho
document, and that it was not to be con
sidered as a voluntary resignation.
Milling Helra Dlxcorered.
Chicago, Jan. 0. After searchlne for
more than six months lawyers havo found
tho heirs to tho ostate of tho lato John Mo
Cairory, who died hore last Juno, leaving I
auoui taju.uuu wortn of proporty. After a I
most careful Investigation these heirs havo 1
been found and their claim tn ahnma in
the great fortune established, In his will
the testator deolnrod that ho had sovoral
children whoso names ho could not remom
ber. Thcso children were Sarah, Susan
anu Margaret McCauory, born between
1841 and 1840, and after placing thorn in a
boarding school in Washington their I
tutnor disappeared In 1852, never com
municating with them again. Tho names
of tho descendants of these three daugh
ters nro given, and claim is laid to a sharo
in tho big ostate. There aro many other
heirs to tho cstato, as McCaffory was mar
ried three times.
Dunraven'g Challenge Accepted.
New YoitK, Jan. 9. Tho America's cup
committee mot nt tho office of Commodore
James D. Smith and formally accoptod
the Dunraven challenge of Dec. 0. Tho
arrangements for tho races will now bo
pushed with vigor on both sides of tho
water. Lord Dunraven will build a new
Valkyrie, 89 feet on tho load water line.
It is expected that E. D. Morgan, Goorgo
J. Gould, C. Oliver Isclln, August Bel
mont and some of tho other wealthy mem
bers of the Now York Yacht club will
form a syndicate, and glvo Nat Herrcshoff
enrto blanche to build a 90-footer that will
beat tho world.
Had Keen Given Up for Lost.
Philadelphia, Jan. 9. Tho British
ship Abbio S. Hart, Captain McIIenry,
from Iloilo, in tho Phillippino islands, was
towed Into this port yestorday after a voy
age mado up of a combination of battles
with tho olemontsand ravagosof southern
fever. The disease, which was doubtless
contracted at Batuviu, developed after
leaving that port, and in a short timo thrco
of tho crow tiled, and a number of tho
others hud to bo left In tho hospital at
Cape Town. All hope for the snfoty of tho
vessel had been abandoned, as 232 days
havo elapsed since she mado sail.
Turkish Injustice to Armenians.
Vienna, Jan. 9. Advices received hore
from Erzlnghiau, Armenia, say that forty
three Armenians wore tried for tho al
leged murderof aMusselmanat Armedan,
in tho district of Kcmunch. Of this num
bor twenty-four wore condemned to death,
In splto of the faot that some of them pro
duced passports showing that they woro
in Constantinople at tho timo of tho mur
der. Five others of tho accused wero sen
tenced to penal servitude for life, and the
remainder were sentenced to imprison
ment for terms ranging from throo to six
To Search for Sunken Wealth.
Washington, Jan. 9. The treasury de
partment has awarded to Francis M. Kp-
ley, of East Orange, N. J., the contract for
raising tho British frigate Hussar, which
struck a rock and foundered off Fort Mor
ris, or Stony Point, East rlvor, Now York,
during tho revolutionary war. Tho Hussar
is supposed to havo had on board $4,800,-
000 in British gold. Eploy's compensation
is to bo 90 per cent, of tho treasure found,
tho remaining 10 per cent., togethor with
whutovor elso is rocovorcd, to go to tho
The Pennsylvania Legislature.
HAIimsBUHG, Jan. 9. Both branches of
tho legislature will reconveno at 8 o'clock
tonight. Tho greatest interest attaches to
the proceedings of the houso, as commit
tees in that body will bo announced by
Speaker Walton, aud tho legislative hop
por will be opened to recolvo bills. Nearly
every member has four or flvo pet schomos
which he is auxious to have considered
speedily, and It Is thought that there will
be a regular deluge of bills of various
The Opposition to Senator Culloin
Springfield, His., Jan. 9. The general
assembly met here today, and tho candl
datos for United States sonator to succeed
Shelby M. Cullom wore very busy. Tho
fight will be In tho Republican caucus, nnd
Senator Cullom, who desires a re-election,
has opposing him Editor Josoph Medill
and William K, Mason, both of Chicago,
Tho Democrats will cast their soventy
nine votes for Franklin MacVeagh,
The Denver Stranglers.
Denver, Jan. 9. The more the stories
told by Alphonso Lemairu, or Charles
Gulohard, which is his real name, and
Victor Monchuunln rogurdlng tho Market
street strangling cases are investigated the
strongor bocomos tho suspicion that they
have been concerned in tho lntorost ol
"Los Clievalllers d'Armour," the Fronch
Macquereaux, who have been suspected ol
the murders.
The Income Tax Suit,
Washington, Jan. 0. -Tho case of John
G. Moore, of New York, ngalnst Commis
sioner of Internal Revenue Millor, to test
the constitutionality of the income tax
feature of the new tariff law, came up yes
terday in the district supreme court, and
was set for a hearing on the 15th lust.
1'each Grower Auk Legislative Aid.
Lambkutvillk, N.J., Jan. 9. The peach
growers of New Jersey have circulated 600
petitions to be Mint to tho legislature to
force railroad oumpaulea to curry pouches
100 miles for six oontg, inite&d of ulno,
Which is the present rata.
Charge of Grow MiMimimgt-meiit. I
CHiOAiK), Jan. I) Pivhid.'iit Louder
bach, of the Lake Street Elevated rnllwnv.
introduced a lot of gi-usuHonnl facts in his
report at the annual mooting of tho stook
hnldi'rs. Mr. Lotulorbnch scored tho
former management of tho company nud
urged tho innncdiato appointment of a
conference commlttoo to prevent fore
closure nnd tho appointment of a receiver.
Ho said that to earn oven tho iutorost on
hauls Issued In July, 1801, required a total
nvorago of 50,000 passengers a day, whllo
tho actual numbor carried since last March
averaged 87,135. Tho report intimated
that tho former officers of tho road woro in
tho pay of tho contractors, and that some
of thorn received large blooksof stocks and
bonds In addition to their salaries. Tho
present officers wero ro-elcctcd.
lAtve, Disappointment, Suicide.
New Yokk, Jau. 9.A story of lovoand
disappointment ended yesterday, when
Charles Haellln, n young dancing master,
stood beneath tho window of tho woman
ho loved aud blew out his brains. Tho
man fell dead besldo tho house of Anton
Schcurman.a wealthy cigar manufacturer,
in East One Hundred and Twenty-soventh
Btroot. Young Hacilln met Schounnau's
daughter at a dancing academy whero ho
was employed, aud was her acknowledged
lover until Dec. 19 last, when ho was told
thut ho could seo Miss Scheurman no morn.
Ho had boon melancholy ovor slnco.
Delu Taken to Jnll.
Chicago. Jan. 9. At 5 o'clock last even
ing soveu of tho men convicted of con
tempt by Judge Woods loft Chicago in
chargo of olllcers to servo out their sen
tences in tho Woodstock jail, of McIIonry
county. Tho party was mado up of Ku
gono V. D L. W. Rogers, Sylvester
Koliher, James Hogan, William E. Burns,
R. M. Goodwin aud George W. Howard.
Mr. Gregory, ono of tho counsel for tho
defendants, represented tho Cook county
jail to bo overcrowded. Tho request to
transfor was suggested to their attorney
by tho prisoners.
Spniilnrdi liccoinhig Reasonable.
MAimin, Jan. 8. It is reported here, as
the outcome of statements said to havo
been made by tho Spanish minister for
tho colonies, that as a rosult of tho nego
tiations with the United States concerning
American exports to Cuba and Porto Rico
tho United States will again bo accorded
tho benefit of the minimum tariff sched
ule. An A Bed Couple Found Dead.
Baltimore, Jan. 8. August Trumplcr,
aged 71, and his wife Dora, ased 09 years,
were found tlead in their bedroom on tho
socoud floor of VMl Ljadenliall street.
Both wero in their night clothes. The
death of tho couplo was caused by suffoca
tion from coal gas.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; colder;
westerly winds. For New Jersey, District
of Columbia, Mary land, Virginia and Del
aware, fulr; colder; northerly winds.
The Coining .Man in France.
Paris, Jan. 9. At tho opening of tho
new session of tho chamber of deputies M
Henri Brisson was ro-oloctod president of
tho chamber. M. Urissou was elected pres
ident of tho chamber of deputies in sue
cession to tho into M. Burdeau. Ho is a
strong presidential candidate, and is look
ed upon as probably being tho coming
man m French politics.
Mr. Gladstone in
PARIS, Jan. 9. Mr. and
arrived hero last evening.
Mrs. Gladstone
Thoy wero met
at tho railroad station by
three Armon-
iaus, who, on bohnlf of tho
ony of Paris, presented Mr.
an address of welcomo and
quct to Mrs. Gladstone.
Armenlau col-
Gladstone with
offered a bou-
Fleeing Armenian Prisoners Killed.
Vienna, Jan. 8. Fifteen Armenians
who wero imprisoned at Shabinkaroliissar,
province of Pivas. charged with being con
cerned in a political agitation, escaped re
cently and wero pursued by troops, who
shot hvo of them. Tho others.escaped.
A young lady had given n vapid young
gontloman pliotugtnph. lie was on-
nniorcd with it and niuile the remark,
"Some duy, with your permission, I shall
plead for the possession of tho lovely oriei
Ho did not expect this:
'Then Psiiall guo you tho negative."
London Answers.
Was Sudden Death.
George Gilfillan, of West Raspberry
alley, who was absent from home when
a reporter called at his house yesterday,
stated to-day that his wife was in perfect
health previous to his leaving home for
Mt. Cnrmel after the Christmas holidays ;
that she died suddenly of heart dlseaso
yesterday morning at 0 o'clock, and tho
reporter was misinformed when he called
at the bouse and was told that the de
ceased bad been ill for three weeks follow
ing confinement.
Chance for Bargains.
If the people wish to secure bargains on
the sheriff's sale at Shamokln they should
not miss this opportunity, but call at once
while the stock Is complete. The prices
will suit the hard times. Bring your cans
along for molasses, vinegar and lard. If
storekeepers wish to buy soaps, spices.
paper bags, floor oil cloths, molasses
spigots and store fixtures they should call
at once at 84 East Centre street, opposite
McElhenny's. l-8-2t
Relief in Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure.'
This new remedy Is a great surprise, on
account of Its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages In male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing it
almost immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold
by Isnao .Shapiro, druggist, 107 S. Main
St., Shenandoah, Pa. 1 9-8m
Smoke Brennan's famous cigars. They
are the best in the market, for fine trade
only. 13-Sl-tf
Full Time Durlngr 1895
When you get your watch or clock re
paired at Strouse'a jewelry store. That is
a guarantee that it will be all right. All
work warranted. 1-2-tf
ltcpulillcxns unci I r,ullts IJ'.t Tojfptlier.
Kai.mmii, .Tun. 9. The Popul'c-t and U
publican members of tlio North !aro!''i -general
assembly met in joint cnuc i-i i.ii
night, and an oven nud equitable division
of tho patronugo was mado. Hon. . V.
Wnlsor, Republican moinbor from David
son county, was nominated for speaker.
Tho Democrats nominated Mr. J. F. Ray,
of Macon county, for spenkor. Today Mr.
Roy received u complimentary vote from
tho Democratic minority, but Mr. Walser
was clocted speaker by a largO majority.
Governor Wnlto Iletlres from Ofllec.
DENVEit, Jan. 9. Governor Wnlto went
out of oHloe and Governor Melnlyro came
in yesterday. Tho simple ccromonleg were
witnessed by a lanro and distinguished
nudlcnco nt tho Tabor Oporu houso, whero
tho legislature hud ussoinblcil in joint ses
sion. Tho oath of office wis administered
to Governor Mclntyro by Chief 'Justice
Hoyt. After Governor Walte had spoken
a fow words of farewell to his associates
and of greeting to ills successor, Govcrnoi
Mclntyro raid his inaugural address.
A Shortlived Truce.
MassilloS. O., Jan. 9. In purshancoof
an agreement to accept tho tcriits fixed, by
tho arbitrators.pcndlnga meeting botwecn
tho operators aud miners, tho diggers in
soveral mines resumed work yesterday
morning. They quit nt noon, howovor.tho
drivers nnd helpers refusing to work for
less than $1.75 a day. Tho drivers soy tnoy
are not bound by onV award.
Full oft with starch and gloss serene.
The linen collar starts the morn;
Full oft at noontime it is seen
All wilted, wrinkled and forlorn.
That's what you must expect of
sucn a collar; it's uie linen ot it.
The stand-up collars won't stand
up, and the turn-down collars will
wilt down. The easy, cheap, and
pleasant way out of this is to wear
" Celluloid " Collars and
Cdffs. These goods are made
by covering linen collars or cuffs
on both sides with'CELLULOID,"
thus making them strong andj
durable, anrt waterprooj , not anec-
ted by heat or moisture. There
are no other waterproof goods
made this way, consequently none
that can wear so well. When soiled
simnlv wipe them off with a wet
cloth. Every piece of the genuine
is stamped like this :
Insist upon goods so mnrlced ;.
if you expect full saiisactic a. and i
if your dealer docs not keep theni 1
senddirecttouscnclosingamoui t
and we will mail 2miple. State
size, and whether a stand-up or ,
turned-down cellar is wanted. I
Collars 25c. each. CulTs 501 . r;air. t
427-29 Broadway, NewYf!'.
ANTFD. A clrl for eeneral houseworft.
Apply aisuvi East centre street. l-l-tr
TTTANTED. A few capable men to represent
vv "iviosiuouipieiejNursPrieB in America."
Palary or commission. fSUwanger & Barry,
ivucuebier, in. x. 1-3 01
FOU SALE. The valuable property at No,
132 South White street. Ann v to Mnr.
shal Baugh. I2i South White street. 12-29.2W
raOIt HALE. A highly educated parrot.
I' Prlefi ftVl. AririrpKH imi Pliwri-tj dvcl
Reading, I'a. 12-20 tf
FOR Bale. At cost, new Backus water motor.
Five (5) horse power. Just from the fao.
tory. Apply at the Ueuau) office, North
niamci sireei, snenanaoau, ra.
17OU RENT. Cheap, an apartment in the
. Titman building, corner Main and Centre
streets. Well lighted aud heated bv steam.
Suitable for an office, or sewing room. Apply
IU J. X1UI1UU. i-B-Zff
-VTOTICE At a meeting ot the Hoard of
uunimmunu, lictu UMM. t lit, u BeJUl
annunl dividend of 8 per ctnt. was declared
payable on and alter Jan. 15th. 1895.
l-8.3t B. W. Yost. Cashier.
A MAN In every section at once to sell staple
goods to dealers; no reddling: expert
nce unnecessary j . best side lines $75.00 a
juuuiu, Dtiiaiy uuu expenses or large com
mission mado. iLinoN SoAr ani Manu
t-AuiuiUHG uompany, tancinnatl, O
mo MAKE BIG MONEY selling cur electric
jl leiepnone. nest seller on eartn. sent all
complete ready to setup) lines of any distance.
A practical Electrio Telephone. Our agents
making ti to 810 a day easy. Everybody buys!
big money without work. Prices low. Any
one can make $75 per month. Address W. I
narnsoa & jo., uierK o. n, uoiumous, Ohio.
PUBLIC SALE. Notice is hereby given that
thirty-tlvo (35) shares of stock in the First
National Bank of Shenandoah, Pa., will be
uututuui. ijuuiiu hluo un Buturuay, January JZ,
.1. V. -w ... iuvu.uiuiu&,ub luq Ulliug Ul
said stock being tho stock of A. J, Luburg, now
iuiud I'uBtswBbiuu ui iuv wercnams National
Bank of Shenandoah. By order of the IJoahd
op pntEOTOHs of the Merchants' National Bank
January 8, 1895. IS-it
Millions of Dollars
uo up in smoke every year. Take no
nsKs nut get yonr houses, stock, fur
niture, etc. , insured in first-class, relia-
uio uuuipumes, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
120 South Jardin Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Roar Coiloe House.
The best rigs in town. Horses taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Formerly kept by Tbos. Gibbous,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah
Fresh and cool Beer always on Up,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costkllo & Oabsidy, Proprietora.
Our 21st Christmas Greeting to the Public,
Wishing nil b Merry Christmas and n Hnppy New Year.
Clearing Sale. All Goods to Go.
Closing out some Ladies' nnd Children's Hats, down from 85c to 60a j French
Felts, down from $1.60 to 75c, nnd trimmed hats 1 8 off. Fedora Hats, 60c. trimmed.
Velvet, 60c n yard up ; Plush, nil colors, 85c ft yard i Velveteen, 20c a yard.
Mm it & Sacrifice to Ikh Rcom or Spring Stock!
Infants' nans. 2fic uti: Infants' Ions coatx.
full line of infants' wear. Mournluir uoods
Closing out a lot of Corsets, from $1 down
not be undersold. Call and get prices.
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
20 Botttb 3VCc,lxx Stroot.
Mouongahcla Whiskey, - 60c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - $1 a qt.
Fine Old Bourbon, XXX, - $1.25 a qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, tl a qt.
Superior Counac Brandy, $1.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, $1.60 a qt.
"VUENGLING'S Stock and Fresh Ale, Draught Porter and Welner Beer.
Bet brands of 60 Cigars and all kinds of Temperance Drinks, x
1 Grasping
opportunities is a sign of the good judg
ment which is the characteristic 01 tne
wise man. We are offerinit the greatest
opportunities ever know to buy men's
lurnisning, nt reoucea prices.
Another Perfect Niagara is the fall
innricesof cents' furnishings at our ereat
sale. Seize the opportunity to secure a
rare bargain in tne unest gloves, hosiery,
neckties! etc.
Another a ureas au in gents' iurn
shlnss. All hands are stretched out to
seize these bargains we offer.
Another uateh Them as They a an in
price. Now is the time to secure your 89
cent white shirts.
South Main-Street, SHENANDOAH.
londsFor Sale !
kmk hm Water Bonis.
To the amount of 820,000, bearing
interest at S per cent, per annum.
Interest payahle in January and
Local investors will have until January
12th, 1893, to make purchases. After that
date they will he disposed of to any appli
cant. First come, first served. Apply to
Borough Treasurer.
We have a full line of
Celluloid Frames,
Agents for all Daily Papers.
4 North Main St.
Eeduction Sale.
For the next 80 days will sell all our ready.
trimmed BATH at cost ana less. Children's
Cloaks, Caps and Backs ire all reduced for the
holiday trade. Our line of linen embroidered
tor holiday presents Is the finest and cheapest
in the town.
Our 15t grade 2 for 25a
" 20o ' .2 for 880.
" 25o " 2 for 40a.
" 85o " 2 for 650.
29 'N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Weeks' Museum,
Birds and animals of all selections.
Taxidermist, ftobert Murray,
Coldest and Largest Glass Beer. Free Lanth Dally,
Free lunch every morntng end evening.
John TYbbkb, Proprietor.
q, w. DAVinsoN, Bartender.
A genuine welcome
Awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's $abon!
Pool room attaohed. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tp.
Choice temperance drtoka and cigars.
75c un to (5.00. Christening drpNnpn nnd a
our specialty. Nun'B Veils. 41.2S nn
to 85c: from 6O0 down to 40c. We will
31 South Main St.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 B. Centre St., Shenandoah
13 North Jardin Street.
Chas. Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
The finest and most tender heef to be
found in Shenandoah. Pork, mutton,
veal nnd cut meats of all kinds.
A fine line of choice and fresh groceries
and prime family flour, butter and eggs.
For the... Olfiarv Rrns'
Hot Season : !
j Temperance Driika
' 'I
j Mineral waters, Weltw beer. BottleA of
I the finest lager beers. S
17 Mid 19 Peach Alloy, Shenandoah, Ps.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sta.
Finest Boers, Wines and Liquors.
Hindsome Br Fixtures,
Best Brandt ot 5 and 10c Cigars.
The STEAM RESDVATiHG C0fltcoais"nat
.ataHLPiano Tuner,
ni.nna ami orMns repaired. Orders lsftnt
31 Nortn Uftln street, Snmmaoh,wlU receive
eromtii t"t'
Harold Holmes,
And his superb company of players in
the greatest of all romantic dramas,
The most successful drama of tho
bro. 210 times In London. 72
times in New York.
.. Tle dnncnipr sunhoamin her latest hit,
"Silence and Fun." The services of tho
fr S&nown emotional leading lady, MISS
KATE M. HOWAHD. formerly of Mr;
i'rohman's force, has been specially en
gaged for the balance of the season.
Prices, as, 35 nnd' 50 eta.
Reserved seats at Klrlin'a drue store.
Evan J. Davies,