The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 09, 1895, Image 3

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    Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I have beon taking
your Ilcstoratirc Nervine for tlio past
three months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved fly Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever beins well again. I was a
chronic suilerer from nervousness and
could not sleep. I was also troubled
with nervous headache, and had tried
doctors in vain, until I used your
Nervine. mi:s. m. wood, Ringwood, m.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is cold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell It at SI, 6 bottles for IS, or
It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. lilies' Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
BV 4r,h Cf Below Callowhlll,
fl. lUUl fll. Philadelphia, Pa.
Thirty Years' Continuous Practice In all special
dltoaes of both sexes. Lo.s ol Manho. d,
Erronsol Youth, and nil diseases of the Blood,
NsiHf t, Skin and Kidneys, Debility and Loss
of.ijAPmoiy resulting Irom Abuie, Excess
Imprudence or Inheritance are permanently
cured by Dr. Lobb, seek his advice at once.
Be guarantees a positive and radical ci're In
every cae he treats, bringing back Health and
vigor In the most serious cases. Con libation
and examination tree and strictly conflden
tl 1. OtUce hours, dally and on tsuudays,
from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M.. and B to B tvenlngx.
Send or call for irce book on Krrors of Youth
and obscure diseases of both sexe-.
Is not complete
without au ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Xntlit upos having the genuine.
H-17Arc!i St. Phila. Pa.
9 hi vlfY" !!,'"' " myn. matches,
Ulcersfelclii IliieiiHCM, Nervous lability
Strictures (No Ciittius) Cured for a life.
Lost Manhood ami Hmnll Sliruuken Or-
Biins D ully Restored.
ScIentMo method never folia unless
easels beyond iiumnnulil. Heller at
once, auuyou fM utoKmun unions:
men la mind nncl body. All losses
r. ,ml"aiuieiy mid continued I
.uH.uvcu.eni. Kvery obstacle to
Impwy married Hie removed. Nerve
the combined NtrptSSnl" ffiSBS 3
S...r " . r.T, your manhood 5
ounv eio iiu." luuj , uverwurK. early errors Ill
health and' excesses In married Ills regain!
yuur eireiiKiu, vuui ciesrjair. even if t tm
lost stases. Don't bo discouraged. If auarksi
medical science and honor still exist. Hendl
Uve2-cent stamps for book " TItllTir." ,h-l
I only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter?
what they advertise to save themselves rromfc
exposure) their tricks and devices, calling!
themselves celebrated and famous, giving freel
advice and guarantee, charging enormousfl
B prices lor cnenp, poisonous drugs, ana there I
by rulnlncr thousands. Hours i 9 to 1 Even 1
lines. S-& 80. Wed. and Sat. ve'ra. 6-9lS0. Bun.. I
I9-1& Notice All afflicted with dangerous andl
siiopeiess cases snouia can ror examination. ii
ualiy, rrom u-l. wed. andHat. eve'gs, 6-9, and!
, wriieorenll. 'ireatmentby mall.ll
siier Beers
Finest, Pnrest, Healtheat,
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
807 West Coal St,, Shenaiidoul .
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and priest hotel In the region. "
Fines! accommodations, nandsome fixtures,
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
A J,
uomooratio upposmon to secretary ,
Carlisle's Measure,
The Pennsylvania Democrat, In Opposing
tlio l'lan, Makes Caustic References to
tin, Chief Magistrate Tom Johnson, of
Ohio, Also Speaks In Opposition,
Washington, Jim, 9. Yesterday was
thu last day of tlio general debato on tlio
currency bill in tlio house, mid tho oppo
nents of tho measure hail tholr Innings.
AU tho spenkors except Representative
Cox, of Teunosseo, antagonized It. The
fuaturo of tho day was tho speech of Mr.
Sibley, of Pennsylvania, who mndo nn at
tack on tho president and arraigned tho
Democratic party generally for drifting
away from its traditional moorings. His
speech created much confusion and a great
deal of a sensation.
Referring to tho published, reports that
tho executive department of tho govern
ment, in tho person of tho secretary of tho
treasury, was using its power to lufluonco
votes in favor of the bill Mr. Sibley said:
"If I havo read tho constitution of .tho
United States correctly, it defines the
powers and duties of tho chief oxeoutlvo
and tho powers and dutlos of tho member
ship of this houso; and I toll you that to
day If over a robuke was noeded to ono
who has trampled down tho prerogatives
of tho people It Is to that man who has
used his influonco, or attempted to uso It,
to create In himself tho solo govorning
power of this nation. It has come to tho
tlmo when to bo tho government of this
people requires something moro than a
combination of brains, lolly and brass.
"Wo saw our distinguished executive
after tho election of 1&9U," Mr. Slbloy con
tinued, "hio himself away for recroatlon,
Whoro on earth did ho go? To tho classlo
shores of Hog Island. The Illblo says that
when thoy aro set at llborty each man will
go to his own placo. Where did ho go to?
To Buzzard's Bay. And ever slnco tho
old ship of stato has boen bumping her
nose Into Hog Island and floundering in
tho wators of Buzzard's Bay with pros
perity but u cablo longth away."
Tom Johnson, of Ohio, also created a
stir in his speech opposing tho bill At
the outset he said ho thought ho owed an
apology to the houso for speaking against
a bill which was as deiitl as this was. Ho
denied that this bill was designed to take
the government out of tho banking busi
ness, and asserted that no bill could be
dovised for sound currency Issues which
would not place them under government
supervision, and in offect mako thorn al
ternately redeemable by tho government.
It was the olllco of government to furnish
money. This bill proposed to confer on
banks without limit a right that oould
only bo conferred ou a monopoly. It gavo
them a monopoly or It was a failure. Ho
attempted to demonstrate that the bill
would confer tho samo monopoly ou tho
banks that' tlio Bank of England and tho
Bank of Franco had.
Tho leading men of tho various olcmonts
opposed to tho Carlisle currency blll,Dom
ocrats, Republicans and Populists, hold
Informal conferences with a view to agree
ing on a plan for forcing tho contest to a
speedy close. As a result or tho talks tho
combined opposition may voto against tho
rule to 1 reported hy tho rules committee.
As tho rule Is regarded as indlsponsiblo to
passing tho measuro tho dofeat of tho rulo
would bo equivalent to a defeat or tho bill
Further debate on Mr. Lodgo's resolu
tion asking for Information why tho Amer
ican ships had boon withdrawn from Ha
waiian waters took place in tho sonata
yesterday. Mr. Palmer (Ills.) delivered a
speech against tho resolution, regarding
it as un invasion by tho senate of tho
powers of tho presldont. Ho defended tho
acts of the present administration In Ha
waiian affairs. His remarks provokod a
number of Interruptions by Republican
sonators, including Messrs. Lodge, Tollor
and Aldrlch. Mr. Uruy (Uel.) nlso opposed
its adoption. .Tho uuy closod with eulogies
on tho lato Alfred II. Colquitt, of Goorgla.
Alleged Iirntnl Treatment of Lunutlcs.
Chicago, Jan. 9. Charges of u serious
nature nave boon preferred against tho su
perintendent and attendants at tho county
insane asylum at Dunning. Tho charges
como front John II. Itaddlo, a discharged
employe. Ho alleges that helpless patients
are often baaten and kicked, and that In
ono ward throe basoliall bats aro kept as
instruments for tho enforcement of discip
line, while in another three pollco clulw
ure used, and lit another ward u loaded
club to control the patients and to exact
oliedii'iieo from them. Ho nlso Bays that
the patients are kicked and clublxHl when
thoy are ill and unablo to ho out of bod.
To be Ilroiiglit Hack from flerinnny.
Sl'HIsui'iKi.i. Ills., Jan. a Governor
Altgcld honor d tho application of tho
state's attorney of Cook county yester
day by issuing nipiisltlou papors upan
President Cleveland for extradition from
tho German empire of Claronco ?. Rlx,
wanted for forgm-v and embezzlement,
who is now at Hamburg, Gormiuiy, Rlx
embezzled u largo sum of inonoy from the
Singer Manufacturing company, of Chi
cago. '
Robbed by Masked Ilui-glars.
Kin.'ii.ay ()., Jan. I). - At midnight threo
masked men went to the residence of
William Want, a fanner, and at tho point
of u revolver compelled him to hand over
all of Ills money about $00. Tho old man
resisted until the robbers threatened to
burn him on the stove. William Welgel
was arrested as ono of tho rubbers, nnd
warrants were Issued for Thomas tihlrloy
and Churlea Wutsou.
With Rheumatism
For Quarter of a Century.
Relief Came at Last to the Patient
Sufferer How She Was Cured.
Sarah H. Smith, PlnevlUe, Bucks
county, Pa,, says : "I was a great sufferer
from rheumatism. I had the disease for
over twenty-live years, and the torture I
have undergone during tho past qunrter
of a century no pen could describe. Every
attack I had, my entire body whs racked
with pain, and I was In a terrible condi
tion, I tried doctor pfter doctor uad every
remedy that could bo suggested, hut nil
with the same result. None of them ever
gave me the slightest relief. I hart had
the disease so long thar. it hnd become
chronic when I began to use Munyon's
Rheumatism Cure. It wns not long before
I felt a great deal better, and after using
it a short time the rheumatism left me.
I havo not had a trace of It since, nnd
am convinced that I am permanently
Munyon's Rheumntlsm Cure Is guaran
teed to cure rheumatism in any part of
the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism
cured In from one to five days. It never
tails to cure sharp, shooting p-iius In the
nrms, legs, sides, hack or breast, or sore
ness in any part of the body in from one
to three hours. It is truaranteed to
promptly cure lameness, stiff and swoolen
joints, stiff back, and all pains In the hips
and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica,
lumbago or pain In the back are speedily
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearlv every disease, which are
Bold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a
Where you can always fet
a glass ot
Coot Beer am) Refreshing Wines,
Whiskeys, etu. Don't forget th- pu
T. n. BUtt'-"
Loeust Avenue, OBNTK-M.! .
If your clothier doesn't keep
Harnmerslough : Bros
Swell, Uellable, New York
Make him get It. Their ce'ebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
vVeors like steel and is sold by 'every promi
nent clothier in the stato. Nont genuine wltt
out Hammcrslough liros.' label.
is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheapei
than n wooden fenco for residences, lawns.cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Masteh
aas the agency and carries It In stock at hU
narble and granite works, 127 N. JABDIH ST
For Horses, Cattle, Sheen, Cogs, Hogs,
SOOFngo ItooU on Treatment of Animals
uud Chart bent lrcc.
COTiESj Fevers, Concest ions, Inllnminntlon
A.A.i Spliml .UeiiinidtlH, Milk Fever.
It. II. Strains, Liamcness, Rlieniuiitisin.
(!.). --lMstemiior, Nusnl DixcliariccH.
II. II, --Huts or (.rubs. Worms.
K.K."C'oiiu1ih, Heaves, I'neumnnla.
f. I'. C'ollo or C.ripcs, llellsnclie,
l3.:.IHIrnrrlUKC, Hemorrhages.
ll.ll.IJriiinry ami Kidney Diseases.
I.I.liriilillve Diseases, Dlanae.
J.K. Diseases of invention, rarnlysls.
Single Dottle (aver SO doses), - - ,C0
Stablo Cnse, with Specifics, MntmaL
Veterinary Curo Oil and Medlcator, 67.00
Jar Veterinary Cure OH, - 1,00
Sold byDraffgliiLt or lent prtptlil aojwben tad lour
qnantlly on rtctlpt of price
IIl'Ml-lIUKIS' BED. CO., Ill Al I mHUm SL, Sew Tort.
In uid 30 yean. Tho onij accesfal remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Froatr&Uon, from over-work or other causes.
81 per Till, or 6 vials and Ursa vial powder, for f 5.
fio14 by iralU, or eul poftpKldoa receipt ol price.
UCHFIIKKTS'HKD. Cat 111 A 111 WIUUm SL, VcwTertu
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
IT above Green, Phils, Pa.
Formerly at 206 North Second St. Is the old
est In America for the treatment of Special
IHteatetantt Youthful JUrrort. Varicocele
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
mall a specialty, Communications eacrtdly
sonndential, snd stamp for book. Hours,
t. m. to 9 p, ir Sundavs 9 to 12 m
Shenandoah's Reliable
Iatnd Laund
Cor. Lloyd and White Bta
All work guaranteed to be first-class lu ever)
particular. 811k ties and lace curtain sa spec
lslty Goods called for and delivered Atrial
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining roan
attached. Finest wines, llnuora, cigaro
(Successors to Coaktey Bros.)
No, 26 KtiHt Centre Street,
Our Motto: Ufet Quality at Lowest Casb
Prices. Vatronage respectfully solicited.
mnu m rn ret i
riillaileliihln I'olltlrnl Lenders Split on tlio
Mayoralty l'lglit,
I'HILADEUMHA, Jnu. 9. Tho ncpubll
cnu ward "comhino" of this city, which
lins controlled tho politics ot Its party for
ninny years, wont to piece last night as a
consequouco of tho mayoralty contest.
Throughout tho campaign it has been pop
ularly supposed that, with the exception
of Senator Porter, tho "conibino" was in
favor of Senator Punroso for tho ofllco.
Lust night, however, tho rumor beenmo
unrront that Penroso had been "dumped"
by tho loaders, and this proved to bo truo.
At tho eleventh hour a meeting of tho
"conibino" was held at tho Union Kepub
llcan club. Senator Porter occupied tho
chnlr, and tho main spokesman was David
Martin. What hud occurred between tho
lenders before the meeting could not bo
learned, but It was evident that the breach
was a wldo ono. Magistrate Durham, nn
influential member of the "combine," is
tho leader of tho Penrose forces, and ho
tried to bring up the question, but Mr.
Martin refused to talk or listen to any
thing conecruing Senator Penrose's can
didacy. Leader Martin's attitude has all
along b(vn uncertain, but Inst night he
boldly expressed lilft opposition to Pen
rose nnd declared himself for Charles V.
Warwick, now city solicitor, who has bivn
Homi'what of a dark bor; in this, one of
the hitterest lights known to municipal
Mr.. Martin brought things to a crisis
when, addressing Chairman Porter, hi'
said he bvlloved tho time had como when
the usefulness of tho "combine" as a po
litical organization was at an end. The
members were divided seriously uud irre
trievably on tho (uostion of nominating
a mayor, and in his opinion nothing could
bring them together again.
Then ho emphatically denied tho rumor
circulated that ho would retire as n polit
ical leader, and his words wero very gen
erally construed by those present to mean
that ho intends to bo tho solo and only
leader in his party. Ho concluded with
tho suggestion that tho meeting adjourn
sine dlo, and after tho murmur had sub
sided tho motion was carried unnnlmoualy.
Four Yf-iirs for a ltloter.
IiAFAYKTTK, Ind., Jan. 9. Peter J. Clark
was sentenced yesterday to four years' im
prisonment and to pay a lino of $2,000.
According to thu ovidonco Clark was tho
ringleader, or ono of tho leaders of tho riot
which took placo at tho Lafayetto Opera
houso on tho night of Jan. 24, 1893, when
ox-Priest Georgo P. Rudolph was mobbed
aud shot at and his mooting brokon up.
Senators Will Not LUten to Coxey.
Washington, Jan. a. Jacob S. Coxey
will not bo heard by tho senate committee
on finance in advocacy of his good roads
and bond bills. Chairman Voorhees so
declaimed to Mr. Coxoy after tho adjourn
ment of tho Ilnauco committeo yesterday.
Tlio efforts of Count Hedervary to form
a new Hungarian cabinet havo failed.
Tho striko of shoo workors at Haverill,
Mass., seems hopeful of settlement through
the stato arbitration board.
It is stated in olllelal circles that the
garrison at Suakim will assist the Italians
at Kassala against tho Dorvishes.
Adolph Hatenseifcr, a baker, was shot
and instantly killed in Now York last
night by Teallo Tuzklwicz. Tho tragedy
was caused by a business difficulty.
Tho new United States senators from
Wyoming will bo ox-Senator Francis K.
Warren for tholong term aud ox-Coufress-man
Clarence D. Clark for tho short term
Colonel Reuben C. Benton, ex-judge ad
vocate general of the Minnesota (i. A. 1?.,
and u commundcr-iu chief of the state
Loyal Legion, died at Minneapolis last
night, aged 04.
Whllo in an upper room at his fathers
houso at Washington, with two other
boys of his own age, the 14 year old son of
Judge I'otu'tland C. Clements was shot
dead ProitiMy au accident.
The Kind that Cures
Dyspepsia, Rheumatism,
Fomalo Complaints, Nervous
Prostration, La Qrlppo, Blood,
Ncrvo, Kidnoy, or Skin
A Pastor's Experience.
REV. K. T. JACQUAY, Pastor
of M. E. Church, FERDINAND,
Erie Co., Pa., writes us of his
distressing troubles with Dyspepsia
for six years, which DANA'S
CURED. He tried dieting, but
the lightest food troubled him.
Six months after his CURE, he
writes that he is still well.
Slept Well Tho Second Night.
Co., Pa., was much troubled with
her Nerves, and Weak Action of
the Heart, making her nights sleep
less, and her days miserable.
DANA'S CURED her ; slept all
night the second night she used it.
Do Not Bo a Skeptic.
Union Co., Pa., sufiered for ten
long years with Kidney and Blad
der troubles ; sometimes obtaining
temporary relief, but soon to be
come as bad as before. DANA'S
CURED him ; and he warns suf
ferers not to be skeptics as he was
at first.
So writes F. E. HETRICK,
Theological Student of BROOK
VILLE, Jefferson Co., Pa., about
DANA'S which CURED him of
Indigestion, fits of Gloominess and
Depression. He recommends it to
all his fellow Students as a reliable
Blood Purifier and Tonic.
Soo that you got DANA'S.
8t, John's Idle Worbnon Becom
ing Uncontrollablo,
Jlrnke Open the Doors In an Attempt to
Interview tlit, 3IInlaters, Who Were Con
vcnlrntly Abont Stores Ilrolccn Into
anil Looted.
St. John's, N. F., Jan. 9. A serious riot
occurred hern yastorday. Tho crowd of
unemployed workmen, largely Increased
in numbers, met boforo tho legislative
building and hooted the ox-premler, Sir
William Whitoway. who was formerly
their Idol. They inarched again to tho
dock where tho Tourmnllno Is lying in or
der to receive the captain's answer to their
petition of Monday. Captain Sir Richard
Pooro, tho commander of tho warship, re
ceived a deputation and told thoni that
the matter was In tho hands of tho govern
ment. The crowd lecame deeply exasperated,
and tho leader's suggestion that the min
isters be seen was quickly acted upon.
Proceeding to the chamber the crowd
found that their coming had been antici
pated, for they found the doors barred
against them. Nothing daunted In their
determination, tho crowd set to work to
forco an entrance, anil doors and windows
were soon buttered In, and Ingress was
gained. Tho pollco attempted to check
tho crowd In their work of destruction,
but the officers fared badly In tho scufllo
that followed, the rioters for tho time be
ing masters of tho situation. Their vic
tory, howovor, was barren of result, for
after goluing tho chamber thoy found that
tho mombers of tho executive were con
veniently nbsont.
In tho meantlmo tho pollco had sought
reinforcements, but boforo thoy arrived tho
rioters withdrew. Later tho crowd again
visited tlio governor nnd made another ap
peal to him, but this was nlso ineffectual.
Then thoy returned to tho legislative
Imilflltifr tint-, t.hla t.lmf, thfiv wero linnhln.
I to forco an entrance They, howovor, re
mained in the grounds, demanding relief
and bitterly cursing tho government.
Hoping to pacify thorn Prime Minister
Greeno appoarcd and addressed thorn. He
promised that in two or threo days exten
sive public works would bo commenced,
sulllcient to givoall remunerative employ
ment through tho winter.
His listoiieis refused to bo satisfied with
his promises, and demanded that imme
diate relief bo furnished them, Whon they
were told that It was impossible to accede
to this demand, tho leaders of tho crowd
held a short conference, and It was decided
to attack tho stores on Water street.where
largo quantities of provisions wero sup
posed to lie kept. The first placo attacked
was Dialer's. Tho placo was soon broken
open, but tho mob was disappointed in
finding no provisions there. Then atten
tion was turned to Steer's stores, which
wero quickly looted of tholr provisions.
At this point armed pollco intervened,
and tlio mob was driven back at the point
of the bayonet. Four men, Bussoy.Brown,
Coudy and King, thu promoters of the
riot, wero arrested. Tho crowd displayed
an inclination to attack tho pollco for the
purpose of rescuing tho prisoners, but the
officers prevented this by drivlug the mob
back and then suddenly closing the gates.
Tho police aro still lnsldo with tholr
prisoners, whllo tho rioters surround tho
premiss, hooting and stoning tho officers.
The Tourmnllno is under orders to land
should there bo further outbreak. All the
city police, foot and mounted, aro at tho
scene. Special polico havo been sworn In,
and they aro guarding other parts of tho
Tho govornmont has offered to resign,
feeling unable to faco tho ueeds of tho sit
uation. Voresters' Olticials Held Tor Criminality.
CHICAGO, Jan. 9. II. X. Rosenbaum,
ex-supremo chief ranger of the Illinois
Foresters, and Deputy Supremo Chief
Ranger A. K. Stovenson, of tho Canadian
order, wero held to the criminal court on
charges of acting ns agents of a fraternal
insurance agency without a license This
Is the outeomo of a long and bitterly
waged warfare between the Canadian Or
dor of Foresters and tho Illinois organiza
tion. Matters reached a climax when It
was learned that Rosenbaum, who was at
that timo high chief ranger for tho Illinois
order, was co-operating with a view to the
absorption of tho Illinois organization by
that of Canada.
A Noted Hot, her Kscapes.
St. Louis, Jan. 9. Frank Smith, a
notorious diamond robber, escaped from
tho workhouse yesterday afternoon. Ho
was arrested horo ou Nov. 4 aud sent to
tho workhouse for vagrancy. Officers
were hero to toko him to Chicago, whore
ho robbed Parthauer's jowelry store of
$4,000 worth of goods Oct. 30. Ho had
also served a term in tho Ohio peniten
tiary for holding up a train, trom which
ho secured $20,000. No ono appears to
kuow how he got away. Ho had shackles
ou at thu tlmo.
Street IlaUroud Ofllcialt Arrested,
Baltimore, Jan. 9. For failure to com
ply with the law compelling all street cars
to bo equipped with fenders warrants wero
yesterday Issued against Superintendents
House, of tho Traction company; Hart, of
the liultlmoro Passenger railway, and
Frederick, of tho Lake Roland company.
Each official will bo tried separately, and
If found guilty tho offending eompunios
will ho required to pay J5 daily for each
fonderless car. The moil all gavo bail and
were released.
Wreeked by Xutuml Gas.
NOBLKSVilXK, Ind., Jan. 9. The largo
two story farm residence of David I)ar
ragh, four miles southwest of hero, was
completely recked by a natural gus ox
plosion. Robert Darragh was frightfully
burned about the head, shoulders aud
arms, whllo his mother was blown to the
roiling in thu room whoro she wns sitting.
Sho fell upon her back and sustained in
juries from which sho cannot recover.
Urclng 1'olUh Independence,
BEItLIN, Jan. 9. Tho Vorwuortu, the
boclullst organ, publishes two olllclnt Rus
blan documents, addressed to the author
ltlos of Russian Poland, urging tho Im
mediate arrest of any one possessing
pamphlets relating to the restoration of
the kingdom of 1'olaud. Many pamphlets
of this description ure In circulation.
Accused Vol Ice Captain Acquitted,
New Yokk, Jun. o. Pollco Captain
Grant has been acquitted of tho charge
preferred ugaiust hlin before tho pollco
board of having clubbed striking cloak
maker one evening during thu autumn.
How ii MisBioiinry fculTereil. Death
Only Keller Kxpect U. Speedily
Cure.l by Or leura.
I linve lieen troubled wi.h chronic Fi-m ,i on
my limbs. The tielmn: ury annn, , a'l
uiatlo mo unlit fur vnW. I hail tr.i-.l in, my
retiHMlieu aetl roiifttilietl a
lioiiil .hs,cuin, vilio ir -m-rlbed
lor dip nine nnmtln
with no iernianent rebel I
uriuliially iriew worse mi l
unree. Desili would hue
been a rcliel, and it wa t h . -only
Hi. 1 1 1 exjiectcd. .Tti-r
then liiv wife ii thuiiK .")
fur a gMi 1 one) foaml tb
buok .! sent In mini' rmt-of-the
w iv i lace nini rrml r
through. She dhtiuue ! ibf ttrtenilini: i h
slclan nnd said we W'tulil try th3 t i ti i i
Uemkiiiks. I bpirun to ue lliem nl em Hi.)
lnblilleof lat Auut, jiroeuring a new -in l
when the llrit ehauteci. 1 am uuu w.l
and attend to u.v in isi nrv wnk. I :im
Secretary of tho (mm'ty llib'e K
(portrait Im loeiK Hum h vn eiui.'e,, ' i. n -
slonary work In the m.wtv l"r i, bwnn m.u.
To recommend the (i in i ii It I'M ill i t . ut.
fcriughuinanity wi'.l beaja.-t of ui un-.ii
work in the luture.
1!' . MASCV ftll.LKSlMl',
P.O. Mnx 11, .Un., I'.HiliivaiiCo.,. V.
The almost miraeuIniH cures dailv enVeted In
therein i m Hi mi ...i " pni.e ibeiu m l' tin,
greatest skin cures, bloml iiuririeis ami hunmr
remedies eer iiii)UUU'.l. 'o statement H
made regarding them nut justlned b Hi
strongest evidence. People in every walk .!'
lifo uso them and recommend them. Their wo -dcrful
popularity a. I sn'o aro due to the can-
effected by theni, and (his Is the most subsiir -tial
evidence of their cirati valuo. Svi
Greater than the combined sales of all other
lood and skin
Bold throunhout tho w-crM. Prlr-p, Oniri ha,
60c; SoAr, a.ic.j IIesolmint, St. Put mi Dm o
AND Ciiem. Corp., f olu l'ruprivtom, Uowtun.
j3" HowAo Cure SUu Plscuse,' ni.iil''! free.
nllllll'LliS, MacUii'iiils, rr-d.rmmh, ciupped, and
r I 111 oily "kin cuied by Ccticlisa Hoai'.
Weakness, Sorenesi, Tjimeness, Strains
and Pains r'-lleved In one inlnutn by
the Cutlcurii Anil - Pain Fluster.
First aud only Pain-killing plaster.
Professional Cards
7" N. STEIN, M. V.,
Office Room 2, Fgan's Now Building, cor.
ner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a, m.: 1 to 3 p. rc.i 7 to
9 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street.
DlceiltO North Jsrdlt urtei I .otrifto.
Office. Ecran bnllrtlnir. crime nf Vlaiw urf
Centre streets, Mhenandoah.
Successor to
301 Mahantougo Street, PottsvlUe, PenuRr-"'
Political Cards.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subji ct to Republican rules.
Sub ect to the rules of the Republican party.
The Safe Deposit Building and Saving Asso
ciation of Reading, Pa., offers for sale a few
hundred shares of stock. This is a good, reliable
and prosperous association In which to take
shares. Having ready sale for all luoney, the
premium received is large, consequently the
stock will mature much sooner than associations
located In towns where there Is no great demand
for money, and building operations are very
limited. The value of each share is VIM at
maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share,
Monthly dnes, one dollar pershaie. Five per
cent, interest allowed on all payments made In
advance for 8 months or longer. SI embers may
withdraw one or all shares at any time by ctv
Ing 80 days written notice, and ire entitled to
the full amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent.
Interest after one year, thereby lnakisg it aa
11 per cent. Investment. All shareholders are
entitled to loans from fund on real estate
security. No shares will be forced out
The fund Is run on the lame conservative
principles as our local funds which have been
tried ror vears and found safe. Anv nnn wish
ing to Invest in a Saving Fund will find It to
meir interest io can on tne local agents and
receive full narticulars. Rev. H. A. Kevanr.
D. D., of Mahanoy City, Is one of the directors.
137 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah.
For Fainting ....
The Season 1b here:
and Paper Hanging
Get your work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains In paints and oils, plain and
btalned glass. All the new patterns la
wall paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes una stationery.
133 West Centre Streot.
Headqnarters for the Evening HkhALD.
Wholesale agent tor
felgenifio'i leiarti I J Eipart
Lager iii Ssazer File Beer.
No finer made.
Fine liquors and Clears,
Your Stomacti : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do. and th e water you drink
isn't even fit tor that purpose. Use
Loronz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Marnger Shenandoah Branch.