The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 04, 1895, Image 5

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"o of
Ru sport."
lie Weather.
Pweather lore, " founded on nat-
carnnccs, is the only true weather
nl.i ..-II . .. I 1. ,
Yves are continuously spent in thu opon
tf-Ir, have always been considered tho most
"woathorwlso" from their dally observauco
of tho appearances of tho sky. So far as
my own experience goes, I havo observed
that a dappled" or "mackorol sky never
long dry," ns tho old proverb says is a
pretty sure fororunnor of a speedy down
fall. Light, llcccy morning clouds aro
another sign of rain. Another well known
appoaranco is "Noah's nrk," which is
when tho clouds represent tho shupo of
tho hulk of u ship, and if tho ends paint
In tho quarter of tho provalling wind it
Is a certain sign that rain will speedily
A very palo uluo evening sky and sickly
flickering stars aro an invariable sign that
wo shall hnvo rain on tho morrow. With
I regard to approaching storms, 1 havo al
ways found a very gllttorlnr, sunny day,
having a, peculiar glaro, to bo tho precursor
of a storm, and a hazy circle round tho
moon is an indication of stormy woather,
Wo aro told by sclentlflo meteorologists
that no ono can toll tho state of weather
which wo are to have for more than 18
Hours, anu tins i nrnuy uenevo. lorn
shiro (England) Herald.
Prepared to Do llig Duty.
Tho prosecuting attorney in a western
Kansas vllliigu had been out with tho boys
tho night before and taken a leading part
in u frco fight, in which ono saloon had
been cleaned out and considerable damage
done to tho glassware and fixtures in an
In tho pursuance of his regular duty as
'an official ho appeared bofore tho police
'magistrate the next morning, fully sobered
and ready for business. In front of him
was a staok of lawbooks, and ho held in
his band n warrant for his own nrroat on
tho ohargo of drunkenness and disorderly
"Your honor," ho said, rising and ad
tossing tho court with emphasis and de
liberation, "as villago attorney I am hero
to ftroseouto tins case, anu as defendant."
he added, jabbing a long bowio knifo into
tho tablo and laying a hugo navy revolver
down by tho side of it, "I am bore, sir, to
defend mysolf I"
"Enter a nolle pros., Mr. Ferguson,'
said tho magistrate hastily. Chicago
TurntU the Tables.
While a Howdoln college professor was
Holding n recitation someinlsohiovous stu
dent Induced a hand organ man to come
op to tho hail near tho professor's door
ana piny "rwcot .Mario," the boys u II join
lng in the chorus. The professor came
out, bat in hand, and passed it to ovcry
une of tho students outside, exhorting
them to bo generous. Taking tho money
collected, he gave it to the hand organ
man and told him in German to leavo th
eauipus, which ho did without delay, while
it slowly dawned on a dozon crestfallen
students that a practical joke had ten
perpetrated.- Lowiston Journal
The Toast of tho Evening,'
It is not always a pleasant thing to be
called ui)i)ii suddonly to address a publlo
meetiug or any sort, as is amusingly illus
trated by tho following speech, of one who
was certainly not born an orator, at the
oponmg or a free hospital:
"Gentlemen ahem I I Irlso to say
that is, I wish to pnmonu a toast, which
I think you'll all say ahtm I think, at
least, that this toast 1h, as you'll say, tho
toast oi I no occasion.
"Gentlemen, I belong to a Rood manv
of these fitngs, ami I say, gentlemen, that
this hospital requires no patronage at
least, what 1 mean Is, you don't want any
rccouimt'iiuatirn You'vo only got to bo
ill got to lie ill
"Now, gentlemen, I find by the renort
'turning over thu leaves In a fidgety way)
final ii'om tno j oar seventeen no, eight-
n no, an,- yes, rni right eighteen
Iindrod and fifty no, It's a 3 thirty-six
eighteen hundred and thirty-sir. no less
man iuu.uuu.uuu no, ulii" (to n commit
ixjnian at his bide) Klir Oh. yes. thank
Vou yes no" aft-
Kr a closo scrutiny of the rcnortl "two
hundred and tii'.rty-ono ono hundrod and
ninety three thousand, two hundred and
thirty-one! Gentlemen, I beg to propose
success to this admirable Institution!"
To what the largo and variously stated
figures referred no ono In his audlonco
ever felt positive, tint all agreed, as ho had
said they would, that this was tho toast of
,"ie evening. xoutu'a companion
d havo
auiblWWHrroobers to have
ea lor cliaugo for a fo bill, so as to lo
cate tho money drawer, as well as got It
unlocked before they rushed In on tho man
In charge of tho ofilco. But they declared
that Sparks' Injuries were not tho result
of iron knuckles or a slung shot being used
on him, but a bump in file tod by contact
with the vault or something equally hard.
Una center table near tho money drawer
were over 15,000 in envolopes for the lotter
carriers, yesterday being their pay day.
Although it was in trays that could havo
been easily carried off, it was not touched.
Sparks thought this was because thoso en
velopes were covered by a newspaper.
There was a much larger amount still in
tho vault, which was open, and which was
not touched. Tho detectives referred with
suspicion to tho door in tho screen boing
left open at a time when tho assistant
cashier was ulono with $807 in his own
drawer, another drawer equally full, $5,000
on tho tablo in envelopes and the vault ac
cessible Sparks described ono of tho robbers as a
small man with a dark coat, wearing a
black muilbr, and thu other as a largo
man wearing a long black overcoat, and
having a black moustaeho. They loft tho
screen door open, lie said, just as they
found It.
Sparks was arrested last night, and
shortly afterwards confessed that he got
away with tho money himself. Ho was
short $2SD.:W, and wan to settle us soon as
Cashier Tucker returned from lunch,
when lie know he would bo caught. While
Tucker was lunching Sparks took $583.08
from tho drawer, put tho $5113 in bills bo-
tween the loaves of a magazine and $31,68
in coin in an envelope, hiding both. After
his confession ho told where tho money
was, anil ?j8.J.(8 was recovered, bparks is
married anil belongs to a good family,
His friends will makj up tho shortage of
$283, but Inspector Salmon says that will
not savo him from prosecution.
The postoillco building adjoins Foun
tain Square, in the center of the city,
where tho streets uro always crowded dur
ing the 'day. Tho fact of an alleged day
light robbery in such a locality had much
to do with tho local excitement.
The Strike at Homestead.
Homestead, Pa., Jan. 4. The trouble
hero is not ended, notwithstanding a tem
porary compromise in the 119-inch mill.
The temporary sottloment was effected by
the company agreeing to allow tho men
110 tons a day, whether that amount was
worked or not. Tho men are inclined to
kick over tho traces, becauso they would
get pay for only 110 tons, evon if 115 wore
turned out, and it Is a question whother
thoy will accept tho compromise, which
gives tho shcarsmcn's helpers tl.60 a day;
whereas formerly thoy earned between $1
ami Jo. Aside from tho trouble In the 110
inch mill, a number of tho others are shut
down because, tho men say, not enougli
signatures to the scale havo been secured.
At Bruddock, where tho ore handlers are
on strike, tho company's ultimatum was
madu known, and out of 400 men present
only six voted to accept it.
Urged to Desert the K. of I
Columhus, O., Jan. 4. Tho Mino Work
ers' Journal contains an address from Sec
retary Patrick McBrydo, of tho United
Mino workers, to thoso mcmbors of the
Knights of Labor who do not approve of
the recent convention at Now Orlonus in
barring out tho representatives of tho
miners, Ho urges them to refuse to longer
pay taxes to tho Philadelphia machine,
but tako stops to elect uolegates to a con
vontion that will conduct tho affairs of
tho K. of L. in tho interests of the mcm
bors, Instead of tho personal interests of
Hayes anil Sovereign.
Kidnaped Ills Own Child.
Wabash, Ind., Jan 4. A bold caso of
kiduaplng occurred hero yesterday. Philip
Scott, of El Heno, I. T., came to Wabash
aud stole ills 4-year-old daughter from his
divorced wife. Scott loitered about Mrs.
Scott's homo till the little girl appeared,
when he grabbed her and ran for tho Big
Four train southward Olllceru aro after
him. Much excitement was caused by tho
kidnaping, and tho mother of the child Is
frantic. ,
Arrested fur Abduction.
WlLKEHUAMtK, Pa., Jan. 4. William
Kunkle and Paul Halght were arrested
hero an the chargo of abduction, In per
suading a 14-year old girl to become an in
mate of house of ill repute. Tho girl Is
weak minded, and was only found after a
long search. Tho woman In whoso house
she was found has escaped.
Two More Alleged Lyncher! Arretted.
O'Neill, Nob., Jan. 4. Milt Roy and
Jim Plnkorton are under arrest, charged
with being members of the mob which Is
supposed to have lynched Barrett Scott.
The leader Is undor surveillance. The
prisoner deuy their guilt. Scott's fato U
itlll a mystery.
the hiDH and loins. Chronic rheuma-'
tisni. sciatica, lumbago or pain in the
back are speedily cured.
MUnyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up specif
ics for nearly every disease, which are
sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a bottle.
Professional Cavdo
Office Boom 2, Egan's New Building, coi
ner Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa
Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.: 1 to 3 p. e.; 7 to
9 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street
iy, B. KIBTLEK, M, D
race- 1M North Jtialn street, Shenandoftk.
'UllSTAHDCUn, ri.
Office. Egan building, corner ot Main ant
Centre streets. rbenand,ah.
Successor to
301 Mahantongo Street, Pottaville, Penna
Laner anc
Pilsner Beefs
Finest, Purest, Healtheat.
Chris. Schmidt Agt
307 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and finest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool aid Millard Rooms Attached.
m the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.cem
eterv lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. MASTER
nas the ogenoy and carries it In stock at hip
maroie ana granite woricfl, IZ7 N. jaiuih 31
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Fear Alley, Rear Coffee House.
The best rigs in town. Horsea taken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
For Painting
The Season is here
and Paper Hanging
Get yonr work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains In paints and oils, plain and
stained glass. AH the new patterns in
wallpaper. All dally and weekly papers.
novels, novelettes ana stationery.
183 Wont Centre Street.
Headquarters for tha Kvknimo JDlBALD.
leal i
not feol a?
Nevertheless his attenn
for political gossip for some dfl
It is understood that Mr Hill wn3
to the last cabinet dinnor. but declined
All tho members of the cabinet wore
tho dinnor, besides senators and repre
sentatives and othors from private life.
There were fifty-four guests present. I ho
full Marino band was in attendance.
No Report on the Ricks Case.
Washington, Jan. 4. Owing to the rc-'
cent illness of Representative Bailoy.chalr-
man of tho Hicks investigating commit
tee, no report has yet boon prepared for
presentation to the houso. His inability
to mnko a repott makes tho outcomo of the
proceedings at Cleveland more uncertain
than before. What report the full com
mittee will concludo to make is very un
certain. Tho quostiou Is likely to bo de
cided somewhat on party lines, with tho
Republican members as supporters of
Judgo Ricks and tho western aud south;
oru Democrats favoring censure or im
peachment. There is little probability that
the matter will bo carried to a conclusion
by this congress.
Extravagant Waste Alleged. '
New Youk, Jan. 4. The Atchison Pro
tective committee, of which Theodore W.
Myers is chairman, has Issued a circular to
stockholders of the company, soliciting
contributions to a fund for the prosecu
tion of an independent investigation of
tho aflulrs of tho company, and tho prose
cution of thoso upon whom rests tho re
sponsibility for the alleged extravagant
wasto and misappropriation of money ug
gregating tl0,00O,OUO, aud for tho alleged
falsification of the books of the company,
A Father's Revenge.
PINE BLUFF, Ark., Jan. 4. GcorgoLamp
kin, a meat seller, was shot on the street
and killed by J. S. Reap, another meat
dealer, who llred two shots into his vic
tim. Reap gave himself up and was placed
in jull. Illicit relations between Lumpkin
and Heap's daughter, In addition to
trouble Heap subsequently had with his
wife, preyed upon the unfortunato man's
mind, aud the tragedy resulted.
Desperate Duel with Sabers.
NICK, Jan. 4. A desperate duel with
sabers lias beon fought between two Ital
ian oiHccrs, Tojanl and Vergori, near tho
French frontier. The fight lasted an hour,
at tho expiration of which time Vergori
was killed by u cut on the right side of
tho neck, which sovered tho carotid artery,
Tojanl was so severely wounded that ho
is not expected to survive.
Closing Quotations of the New York and
rhilmtelplila Exchanges. "
New Youk, Jan. 3. Tho stock market was
characterized by weakness at the opening,
which extended to almost the entire list, mid
somo shares sold at lluures below the lowest
point touched during the year 1891. Closing
Lehigh Valloy 3) W. N. Y. & Ia.. 5
Pennsylvania 60 Erie U5t
Heading 125a I).. L. & W 158W
St. Paul West Shore
Lehigh Nav Wt N. Y. Central US
N. Y. & N. K 33 Lake Erie & W... 1U
New Jereoy Con . 87 Del. & Hudsou...ia3
General markets.
PllIMDKLPlllA, Jan. 3. Flour quiet: win
ter superllno. $:.1(k8".20; do. extras, S-'.2j
2.10; No. 2 winter family, S3 MS-'.liO; Pennsyl
vania roller straight. S3.tj0iak3.75; western win
ter clear, J3.50&2.70. Wheat quiet, steady,
with fi'JKc bid and M.MiC. asked for January.
Corn quiet, weaker, with 18)c. bid and ISHo.
asked .for January. Oats quiet, steady, with
38c. bid and 33u. asked fur Junuary. Hay
active; good to choice timothy. $13 54 13. DO.
Beef quiet. Pork quiet. Lard firm; western
steam. 87.10; city. $6.2H- Hutter firmer;
western dalrj, 10glffo.; do. creamery, lSSt-'io.;
do. factory, t315o.; Elglns, 3Ac.; imitation
creamery, lSOlSc; N'ow York dairy. $10jliUo.;
do. crcumery.lO'ftJo.; Pennsylvania eruumury
prints, extra, 7o.; do. choice, "tic. ; do. fair to
good, 23S3c.; prints jobbing at 38 -'He.
Cheese Bteady; large, DSUS40.; Birmll.Dli'&l'-V.;
partBkiras. 34(&9o.; full skims, 3t'io. Em
weak; New York and Pennsylvania, 36c: re
frigerator, lS-Jo.; western fresh, SiW&c.;
southern, 3331c.
Live Stock Markets.
Niw YoitK, Jan- 3. European cables quote
American steers at 10011c. per lb., dressed
weight; refrigerator beef, 7W4iOHc. Calvei
weak; barnyard calves lower: poor to choice
veals, $5&8; barnyard calves, t3.363.75;
weatern calves, f3.MIW..rjO. Sheep Bteady;
lambs lower; Inferior to fair sheep, $3.50
3.35; inferior to prime lambs. J.XT.VBt U3H
Hogs weak; inferior to choice, H.UK&HM.
EAST Buei'Ai.o, N. Y Jan. 3. Cattle
steady. Hogs slow and weaker for light
grade pigs; choice corn fed Yorkers, $4.7oa
4.75; mediums. et.7Siat.80; good heavy. Si. 80
4.85; roughs, $3.6501.35; atngB, (33.75. Sheep
and lambs slow and weaker; choice export
wethers. S3.COIW.75', fair to good mixed sheep.
$2.1533.03; common to fair, 81.75Q3; good to
choice lambs, Xo3!a.t; fair to good luib,
sued yev
gross earuli
in thu state, ba!
ures in 181)3, of $
per cent. The oper
however, beon dei
lcavincr a los.t in net nai7iw?
tlon of $4,801,171 38, showing tha't' reduc
earnings havo beeu more than half pr
viiled for ly nconomy in operation Ca
tal stock shows an increase this year
$21,740,851 L'0. and tho percentage of dl
(lends declared rematus tho same vt
lbU3 viz : a.O'J.
Fanners Ilorewhip Tramp.
Wkst Bp.ook, Conn., Jan. 4 T
tramps, members of a gang who hit
been robbing farmers in this section i
the past two weeks, assaulted a teael
who refused to givo them money Elu
farmers went to tho "swamp" whero t
tramps mndo their headquarters in adili
luated Duilillug. Two were captured a
drugged from the hut, stripped of th
garments and both tied to 11 tree. Th
three farmers applied whips to tho me
legs and backs. Both shrieked at tho 11
cut, and kept on shrieking until twe:
or twouty-ilvo lnslies hail been lnilicti
Thoy were told that if they did not let
in twelve hours thoy could expect wo
Denincrntlc t.alus In Georgia.
ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 4. Tho interest
tho county elections throughout Heor
was slight, and the returns uro coming
slowly. The result In tho state sho
heavy Democratic gains In nil counn
Many counties which were strongly Poj
listlc in tho last two elections returned
the Democratic fold. The negroes iu 11111
of tho countlos voted solidly with tho De
ocrats. Out of 130 counties in tho stuuT
tho total number curried by Populists will
probably not exceed fifteen.
Fugitive Found Locked tu a Car.
NKWAISK, N. J., Jan. i. Theodore
Finder, ot Cincinnati, was arrested In
East Newark. Ho was found locked in a
freight car, having como oast to escape ar
rest for sandbagging a citizen and robbing
him of (1,400. In his possession wore u
number of whlto letters cut from win
dows. Ho Is known as tho "Whitolotter"
thief. Finder Is held awaiting extradi
tion. When found ho was nearly ex
hausted from cold and thirst.
Small Demand for Locomotives.
New York, Jan. 1. The Railroad Oiv
zctto says: Locomotivo building has fallon
off tremendously in tho past year. The
decrease in tho nuinbor built is fully two
thirds, as compared with tho previous
year. Reports from thirteen companies
mako the total 095 locomotives for 1891,
against 3,011 locomotives built in 1803.
Three companies building nearly ninety
locomotives In 18U3 did not turu out a sin
gle new locomotive In 1801.
Diphtheria In an Orplntn Asylum.
CAMDKN, N. J., Jan. 4. Diphtheria ol
tho must malignant type lias broken out
in the West Jersey Orphanage for t'ol
orod Children. Dr. Aloxander McAllis
ter, who was called to the orphanage Wed
nesday night, found five cases, boven
new cases developed yesterday, with six
more in tho incipient stagos. Antl-toxine
has beon sunt for uud will bo adminis
tered. Tho orphanage is undor quaran
tine. Charge Against a Female rhyslcian.
ScKANTON, Pa., Jan. 4. Coroner Kelly
has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of
Mrs. Dr. King Vail for manslaughter, In
having caused the death of Mrs. Thomas
J. Wutklus, of this city, 011 whom slit!
criminally oporuted, according to tho dead
woman's anto-mortom statement. The
doctor has left tho city, and her where
abouts aro a mystery.
Family Devastated by Diphtheria.
Olkv, Pa., Jan. 1. The fuueral of four
children of Jacob K. Lovan, of this village,
who died of diphtheria, took placo hero.
The remains of tho two youngest reposed
In one collln. Thorn wore three graves.
Two of tho survivors who were critically
111 aro reported to Iw Improving. The
parouts are convalescing.
Premier Howell Not Seriously III.
HALIFAX, N. S., Jan 4, There is no
foundation for the report that Sir Mau
Kenzlo Bowell Is seriously 111. He had a
Mvero attack of coughing yesterday, but
his condition Is decidedly Improved, His
physician says there has been no cause
whatovtr for alarm.
war mM0-t-y
Ko, 26 East centre Btrect,
Our Motto: Brat Quality at Lowpst C&sa
Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited.
Formerly kept by Taos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costello & Cassidt, Proprietors.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do, and the water yon drink
Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Uhto yon 80 ro Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored
Spots, Acbes, Old Bores. Ulcers In Mouth, Hair
Falllna? Write Cook llrmrdr Co., llOTMo
onlcTcinile,t''hlcniro411or proof sof cures.
Capital HSOO.OOO. l'atlentscured nine yearn
ago today sonnd and welt. 1 no-pngg TmoU
Stop at
200 North Centre Street
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
tttacbed. Finest wines, Honors, cigars.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry
Cor. Lloyd nd Wbl'.: 8ts.
All work guaranteed to be urst-class in every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spec
laity. Goods called for and delivered A trial
JaWBi ,Wh A .WW Jtt jWm 1
Wholesale agent for
Ftltiifu'i IiihI, I, I, Export
Ligtr 11. Stucr File lau
No finer made. Fine liquors and Clrars
lajBonth Mala lit