The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 03, 1895, Image 3

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    MANY FATAL tfffi
Palpitation of the Heart
Shortness of Breath, Swelling
of Legs and Feet.
"For about four years I was troub
led with palpitation of tho heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
the legs and feet. At times I would
faint. 1 was treated by tho best phy
sicians in Savannah, Ga., with no re
lief. I then tried various Springs
without bcnctlt Finally, I tried
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. . After
beginning to fate them I felt better I I
continued taking them and I am now
If! hnt.tTM IHllflt -Mnn IV,. ...n..., ninKd
.... .1 . 1 .. !.-!.. T 1.-51.1- 4-4-n
E. B. SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
Dr. Wiles Heart Curo is sold on a positive
i ,i ...... ..-it t i r. rn.ic
tho Dr. Allies Medical Uo., lilkhart, Ina.
Pilsner Bepfs
Finest, Purest, Healthest,
ri i i ii m rri i fl -i . j a ff i i
t o-n i y , -
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
n&TO you Soro Throat. Pimples, Copper-Colored
tytrttav cnnnfl mil -izr1 1 1 tl)nn irafiiinti 1rdk
fiii n i f a 1
IIIIU I'l A. II II1U 11. JJitilllii Ml..
fTi;n v lit iiTi iKfin.n ntr.nnu n i. in inn nin
In America for the treatment of Special
runro uf-T m WHiiii im m irt a, v ai iuulciCi
raroceie. iosi Mannooa. etc. ireaiment dv
l, II n iinnAlulln P..niiinlnt4Aia c ,4 1
, m- to y, p. rr suno&vs u to iz ro
1 131 7 Arch St.
I3 1IUUI PhiladelDhla. Pa.
The Only ncnulnn Ipcrinlist lu Amor-
ica, iifiiwiiiiniHiiuiiifi: iviiau
" Others AdVcrllsi'. 1
Special Illneniiefi, Vnrlcono Veins and
vurun in id in uay.
a,Jitc;i (i
ilesamothoao yei
iteiiei nt imce.
il,i"rimary. orSeoonSars
I rnrpdi Mvtitlfflv nnvi
harmlessmuthoa.O years KuropeKn Hospital
and 32 practical experience, as Certificates and
Diplomas prove. Send flvo Z-cent stamps for
book "TIMITII," the only True Medical
Book advertised. It la a true friend to all
sufferers and to those contemplating marriage.
The most stubborn and dangerous cases solic
ited. Write or call and be saved. Hours, 0 to 3;
ev'gs, 8 to 8 tor examination ami troatmentln
chronic and dangerous cases. C'nll dally O to
1 .fill t Wed. Anil Knt tmm U J . an.o . -
a 30 i Bun., 0 to 12. Treatment by mall. ' "S
. f 1 1 1
If your clothier doesn't keep
nmmprRlnncfTi Rrno
Swell, Reliable, New York
i iv a. i un
Mahe him get It Their celebrated
t clothier in the slate; None genuine with
Uammcrslough. llros.' lahel.
' WholesBjejagentfor,
rattan : mm, is. Jn, upon ,
Lager ltd Saazer Pale Beer
no finer made. Fine liquor- una Clears
iuuxouih Mam hi.
When In PtTTSyiLt,E,. f "
Stop at
U 1.11 I III.-..
200 North Centre Street.
untied F'-iext '.rlues. llouor-i. clears
Safe ami Reliable Horserto Hlr-
ruai uuuii vw-.w-
i . ., . . .i lira nt rnurn. n rnrii Lnn,cii t,u
. . . ttiitntf nvnrer
r ! w rv ill l ni m n iiniiii I mjm. M. m
r.arffBst and finest hotel in the region. .
Pool aid Billiard Booms Auaoneu.
ager and
Terrible Oonflagration in a New
York Tenement House.
Bight Negroes Meet a Firry Death In
Georgia and Four Others In Kentucky,
Seven of Whom Were Children Her
Head and Heart Found In the Ashes.
I Nkw York, Jan. 8. Threo persons woro
suffocated by smoke In n tonomont bouse
lire on Pitt streot. Tho dead are: Ijona
Licman, Sadie Ltoinan, her 2-year-old
daughter, and Honry Licman, hor son, 8
months old, Thcro wero also throo chil
dren and two grown people overcome by
tho.smoko, all of whom recovered. Thoy
are: Fireman George Lo Forrest, of En-
iglne 17; Ruchacl Jacobs, 35 years 'old;
Yetta Jacobs, 13 years old; Lena Jacobs,
0 yenrs, and Joseph Jacobs, i years, her
Tho house Is a flvo story tonomont, with
four families on a floor and a Chlnoso laun
dry on tho ground floor. At 1 o'clock Mrs.
Shearer, the housekeeper, discovered that
the place was afire, mid an alarm was
turned In. Officer Fox was attracted by
the woman's cries and rushed through tho
house, yelling to tho occupants to run tor
their llvos. Somo who wished to savo their
belongings had to bo pushed down tho
stairs. Tho llro escapes on tno lront or tno
house were soon lined with pcoplo frantic
nnd whltefnced, who wore climbing to tho
street. Fox was tho flrsfc to descend tho
ladder, carrying Lena Jacobs In his arms.
Mennwhllo Policeman Houney and O'Nell
had rushed to tho scene, and In searching
tho rooms had found Itachael, Yetta and
Joseph Jacobs lying on tho floors and oar
rlcd them to tho street.
By tho time tho first ongino reached tho
burning tenement tho flro had crept up
tho stairway and reached thq top floort
Fireman Io Forrest was ono of tho first
,vho dragg6d a line of hosu Into the burn'
ing building. Tho smoko was so densq
that when ho got to tho second floor the
fireman fell, overcome, into tho arms of
Fireman Ilufllcr. Tho latter, with tho aid
.of ifngineer Turman,. carried him to tho
streot. The liroman, together with tho
Jacobs family, wero takon to placos of
safety and soon resusoltatcd.
It was an imr nnd a half boforo th)
ugly blazo was extinguished. Tho firemen
woro then ordered to search tho .house
soo that no ono had been suffocated. Thol
first report was that no ono was left in tin
house. An hbur later tho housekeope
wont to the rooms of tho Lclman famll;
and dlscovored tho dead bodies. Tho;
wero, not, burned at all, but had been suf
focatod. Thoy wero near a rear pair o:
stairs, and had evidently been overcomi
as thev wero rusuiutr to tho entrance
Found Her lleud and Heart in tha Ashrsi
Columbia, S. C, Jan. a. Mrs. Famiit
Barton, a white woman, aged 77 years
was burned to death at her home, abou
twenty miles from Columbia. She livei
alone, and nothing was known of tin
burning until some neighbors passed tht
plnco and found the house in ashes am
amongst tho ruins the head and heart o
tho woman.
Campers Futally llurned.
MILAN, Mo., Jan. a. Luin Crooks, who
left here with his family for tho southern
part of tho state, traveling in a wagon,
camped eight miles south of this place
Wednesday night. Whllo his wlfo wait
getting supper her clothes caught flro and
sho was fatal I v burned. Two of her little
daughters caught hold of hor and wero
badly burned. .
Ilurnml to Dentil at n Cnrousnl.
Hansom, N. 1)., Jan. 3. Meagre reports
come from tho old' Glssetou reservation,
nine mllos south, that a llro' occurred
Tuesday night In which several lives wero
lost. A carousal, In which tho tough
white and Indian element predominated,
was In full blast when tho building tool;
fire, and a number wero cremated.
Four Colored Children Cremnted.
Williamson's Station, Ky., Jan. 3.
Tho homo o Daniel Whlto (colored) near
this placo was totally destroyed by flro at
midnight. Four children who woro aslceri
in tho building wero burned to death,
Whlto and his wlfo cscapod with their
baby In, tJelrinlght dothes.
" I
Ktght Negroes lltirued to Death.
DouoLAS.Ga., Jim. !J. News has reached
hero tjnvt eight negroes woro burned to
death ,n day or two ago at Phillips Mill, in
this county. Ono of tho negroes was
about grown, and tho others wore chll.
dron. Thoy were all In a house which ac
cidentally caught flro.
FJght llodle In tho ltuln.
London, .Inn. 3 Flro broko out In a
laundry on- tho Edgwator road, and. tho
llamos spread so rapidly that when the
building was consumed tho, charred ro
matned of its eight inmates wero found
umong tho ruins.
llt An Old Couple SurTncated.
, New Youk, Jan. 3. John B. Borga
inln, agod 80 years, and his wlfo Kate, 70
years old, wqre found (load at their home,
In the.,basomonb of -'o' Lorpy stroot, suffo
cated by escaping gas.
Terrible Ohnrge Against Vagrants.
BltAZlL,Ind.,Jan. 3. A baud of vagrants
'camping Oast of this city aro creating con
sldoniblo uijeiislness among tlie farmers of
the whole community. It was reported
,to the polle. hern that a child died the
other day, and that its parents toro Its
body to pieces and fed tho fragments to
tho bears thoy have, with thorn. Their
thefts wero so humorous In Putnam
county, that thoy wwo driven to this
j (county by a band of farmers armed with
' shotguns, aud It Is tho intention to treat
thorn at tils placo In n siinllar ipanuury
i 4-Fatul Itnco Jtlot nt'Slit-ppton.
IIAZLKTOX, Pa., Jan. 3. In a (lht be
tween SlaVsand Hungarians at SuoppUm
!Mrs. Andrew Lifansky was fatally stabbed
)y Josepli Haudyka, whu was llmelf
(Stubbed In tl(o abdimien, It is thoughtfa
tally... .Mrs. Mary Lyuutti was badly cut
qi) the ariu. sil.eplien Hodako's .skidl was
fruitiiri)diandia down tthers Wdraicut and
brulKed. Twenty men aro now In custody
as a result of thu riot.
, , H'aiited'lo jieii n Tniln Wreck.
Camdkn, Ark., Jan. 3. - An attempt
was innde-to wreulc a Cotton Bolt truln
uour Buona Vista A half dozen crosstles
wurq put im tho trngk, but luckily wiro
discovered, lu tbuo to jlug tho train, T,wo
negro boys, 13 aud 11 years of ago, have
been arrested and hnvo confessed. They
say thoy wuntod to see u train wrecked.
Something of Utmost
A Matter Which Deeply Con
" cerns' Everybody.
It Means Less Expense and
More Money. ,:'
It is Just What all Persons
are Looking For.
Probablv the Greatest Dis
covery of the Ago.
The greatest and most wonderful en
terprises In the world are those which
have the strongest aud most powerful in
tellects back of them, which result from
years of study by thinking men, and
which are built upon a foundation so
sure and Arm that no possible emergency
can weaken them. This Is exactly the
case with the subject In question. It has
astonished the most learned men every
where and the greatest Intellects of the
age acknowledge Its genuine worth and
marvelous superiority. And what makes
it still more valuable Is the fact that It is
something a large portion of the people
No other discovery in the world has
proved so useful, has been the means of
so much saving, and has so completely
won the hearts of the people as Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy,
Its Irresistible poxver to cure has aston
ished the greatest physicians in the world
One great reason why this wonderful
remedy has taken the highett place
among all the medicines of the world,
why people prefer it to all others nnd
have more confidence in it than any
other, is the fact that Dr Greene, him
self, personally nsihmes the entire respon
sibility of his medicine.
There are many remedies of uncertain
value with no one to vouch tor them, uo
physician standing behind them with
whom persons can consult in case the
medicines tall to prounce the desired ef
fect. But here is one which is the ills
covery and prescription ol the best known
and most successful tpecialUt lu curing
nervous nnd chronic diseases, Dr. Greene,
of 25 West 14tb St.. New York Cltv. who
is in active practice, and tanils ready at
all times to answer any and all questions
regarding his remedy and Its effects.
And right here is nnotherl great advan
tage. Dr Greene actually renuests all
perous taking his wonderful remedy to
consider tuemseives uuuer nis direct
personal care and tieatment, and to con
sult him. free of charge, personally or by
letter. He will carefully answer nil let
ters, giving his advice and all necessary
The great and world wide reputation of
Dr. (ireeue Is a guarantee that his medi
cine wilt cure, and the fact that he can
be consulted bv anyone, at any time, free
of charge, gives absolute assurance of
the sure and beneficial action of his
valuable remedy. No other medicine In
the world offers so many or such strong
inducements, nnd no other can give such
certain and powerful assurance of curing
disease. These facts give everybody the
utmost confidence in Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood and nerve reined . Use it
,It,wiU mak.a you strong and well.
Sold X Child fitto Slavery.
VlCTOltlA, B. C, Jan. 3. Tho prelim
ary examination ' Of Peter Bellinger,
charged with selling Arthur Laminar,
nlias .Bellinger, Into slavery among 'f.u
Indians, commenced bworoiii local mimlF
.truto, yesterday afternoon, - By. the- ti'-f
jA0DyriPf JnitliiRH It W,iS (iloarly luj.v)l ) It
Bollinger sold tin1 rhihl t i Chi if T ".':'
psQ,o of .th Clinch ! r i riii.-, iS i..m
wiJl bo cominltU'il uu- .1...'.
1 John Hums' Hmliiii !: " 'i ' n.
Boston. Jan. :t A , n-u,-
of John Burns, Si. P., Ii -..! 'i I' ,1. '.
hall last nlHit. fnlliivv.'d in-;-. mnv
lng,at whlcji -Mr. iiurn Kmu:: 1 . Ko-.k
S)Us Franco K. Willnrit and lv Ib-.i,-SomerM't
wro am:i'ig the so -. Bv."
nvnilabloluca of nwiivin tli.- ml was o
cuplcd half no hour Iwfniu the time Hi
mass.meutiii'r buguu, aud hundreds wor.
turned away.
.t 1
The Disorder In Samoa.
Auckland. X. Jan. 3. Advices ro
calved hero from Samoa say that there has
been much disorder outside of tho Apia
district. The collection of tuxos has not
heon nttemptt'd for the past year. One
native has been sentenced to death and
ptjiowlmvo been imprisoned for killing
three DlocK in.'U. 1 no natives wero pre
paving to eat the bodies of their vlotinis
whon arrested.
Itloh Oil Strike In Colorado.
Floiienck, Colo., Jan. 3. Tho richest
strike ever mada lu the Florence oil fields
has been made by tho United OH company
at Coal Creek, two miles rrom this city,
i Tho flow of oil has a lltiy pdilnd pressure,
! ..- ..,1,,.,. .c.tllu linpfk tlm imuuitw) la
, IV untv, .-..- ..v- -J ,.-Vi"". "
nnlv nine ounces. The now WH Is said to
be equal to any In, Pennsylvania.
I'M-iipi-il Prisoner Ileouptiired,
Taiilkouaii. 1. T. Jan. 3. Jim Cook
brother of tho noted BUI Cook, niado his
oscnno from. tho national prison yestorday,
but was tracked In a newly fallen snow
alljday and was recaptured last night by
fihujill t'&wv nu posso.. Jim is borv-
, ing an eight year sentence for murdorlng
Sequoyan Jtoustou.
v . rr r 1
Thurston, y 111 Succeed Sliiiidcrson,
Lincoln, Nob., Jan. 3. John Si. Thurs
ton, present general, solicitor of the Union
Pacific road, will bo tho next senator from
JJobjrfiska, as tljp successor of General
'Munderson. This decision was arrived ut
in a cnupus of' thu Republican members of
the legislature. Tho selection was ununl
l wo Terrors Bite tho Dust in Ok
lahoma Territory.
And a moment Later Uoth Fell, Pierced
with UulIoU TwaSIIsslsslpplTrnln Itob
hers Itnully Overcome Three Armed Of
ficers of the Law,
GUTlir.lK, O. T., Jan. 3. Two star des
pcradocB who have infested Oklnhoma Ter
ritory for a long tlmo have been run to
tho ground and niado to blto the dust. Be
fore thoy died thoy fought thulr would-bo
captors a hard battle. Tho outlaws aro
Bob Jiooro and Goorgo East, both of whom
are suspected of having been Implicated lu
tho Cauudlau, Tex., express robbery nnd
tho killing of Sheriff McGeo.
Deputy Marshall Bill Williams and u
strong detachmontof deputies had been
chasing tho outlaws for several days. Thoy
had traced them from place to placo, but
hud not got within fighting distance till
Tuesday. Although the sides wero un
equal, half a dozen or more deputies to
two outlaws, tho latter wero armed to tho
toetli, and their natural denperuteness.
strengthened by tho position in which the
deputies had put them, made thomno easy
mark. Thoy were rounded up lu a deso
late valley In tho southwestern part of
Washita county about noon, and when
commanded to surrender took a stand and
began using their Winchesters.
Their aim was good, for In tho first vol-
loy ono of tho"posso fell, seriously wounded
by n ball In tho sldo. Tho next Instant.
however, both lay stretched upon tho
ground dead with bullets from tho depu
ties' guns In their hearts. Tho outlaws
woro a verltablo walking arsonal, and had
they not boon killed so soon would doubt
less hnvo laid somo of tho deputies to rest.
They aro both old offendors with onvlablo
reputations among tholr craft, nnd their
riddance Is joyous news to tho territorial
ofllcials generally, as they wore the con
stant droad of Oklahomaus.
Two Train ltobbers Got the llest of Their
MACON, Miss., Jnn. 3. Just boforo tho
arrival of tho northbound train yestorday
City Marshal Scott was wired that two
suspicious characters suspected of being
tho parties who robbed the train on tho
Alabama Southern railroad two nights
ago near York station, woro on tho train,
and to arrest thorn at Macon. Ho aroused
Sheriff Darrah, but tho train reached hero
before thoy got to tho station. Thoy met
two men on tho plank walk which leads
to the station, but had no reason to think
thoy woro tho onos waited. Arriving at
tho depot, Deputy Unlf d States Marshal
McCune tild them tho iwo thoy met wero
the ones wuuted. Scott and JlcCuno got
iu a hack to head them off, and Sheriff
Darrah followed them back on the walk.
Scott aud MeUti'ic halted tho men, and
what next occurred is still a mystery. Ono
of tho robbers seized Slarshal SIcCuno
suddenly, disarmed him, and holding him
betweon himself and Scott ordered tho
latter to throw down his gun. Scott could
not flro without hitting McCune, and
obeyed orders. The second robber thcu
picked up Scott's shotgun aud halted
Sheriff Darrah, who camo up at that tlmo
Scott and Slctmne, being disarmed, wero
powerless to do anything further.
With ono robber pointing his gun, and
tho other with his pistol In his face, thoy
searched Darrah, but so hastily that they
fulled to And his pistol. Tho threo officers
wero then told to move on. Tho robbers
leisurely walked back towards tho rail
road and crossed tho railroad bridge and
wero not hoard from afterwards. Blood
hounds wero put on tho trail, followed by
thirty mounted men.
Tennessee Snubs ArkaiiHas.
Hot Sl'lilNos, Ark., Jan. 3. Tho circuit
court of Momphls, Tenu., lias refused to
houor ii requisition from Governor Fish
back, of this state, which has been duly
Blgncd by tho governor of Tennessee, for
an ex-negro preacher named W. O, Kalth,
who is wanted hero for arson and perjury.
The negro employed counsol and set up a
plea that ho had been acquitted of the
charge in tho courts hero, and that the of
ficers of this county sought to bring him
back hero for tho purpose of having him
mobbed. Tho-prisoner was released by tho
judge on a writ of habeas corpus. Tho5
authorities hero win maico unothcr ellort
to secure him.
Looks Cheering for Strikers.
HAVKIillILL, Siaas., Jan. 3. Tho out
look in the strike situation is hopeful for a
speedy settlement. Tho action or v. W.
Spauldlng in calling Agent Pomeroy to
acouferenco Is favorably commented upon,
and although It cannot bo learned just
what was said or done it Is generally be
llovcd that tho big manufacturer has do
elded to accede to tho demands of his for
mer employes. If Mr. Spauldlng does this
tho other manufacturers will undoubtedly
follow his example, theroby ending tho
strike and tho disliked contract system.
Charges Agulnst a Mine Olllelal,
SlIAMOKIN, Pa., Jan. 3. Joseph II.
Dawes, of Contralla, a niomlx'r of tho
miners' examining board of tho Seventh
anthracite district, and John Davis, of tho
sumo town, and Samuel Moloskt, of Mt.
Carmcl, huvo been arrested to answer tho
chargo of having sold miners' certificates
to Incompetent workmen and Ignorant
foreigners without requiring them to ap
pear before tho board to undergo an ex
amination. Congrcssmtiii-Klcct Miles' Home Dcstroj-ed.
PisiNCKBs ANNK, Mil., Jan. 3. The resi
dence of Congrossman-clect Joshua W.
Miles, ono of tho handsomest In tho town,
was destroyed by flro yestorday. Mr Mllos
has boon confined .to his room for some
time with uu attack, of indigestion and
slight fever, but ho is rostlng comfortably
toduy, despite the rather oxolttpg escape
from tho flames he and his family had
after being aroused.
Alleged Train Wrecker ICelensvd.
Battlk CliKliK, Slich., .Inn. 3. Krnost
SI. Jowett, one of tho men arrested for
wrecking tho Grand Trunk train hero,
was from custody yestorday. It is
thought that It will be impossible to se
cure enough evidence to convict any ol
tho accused;
No Case Against Ilaltlmnre's Police.
Baltimore, Jan. 3. Tho grand jury,
which bus been investigating alleged col
lusion betweon tho police and gamblers,
miwlo a speolul report to .the offect, that In
sufficient evidence to provo tho churge had
been presented.
Many Persons
Cannot touch food prepared with lard, and yet all
such people can eat freely of food shortened with, or
cooked (even fried) m COTTOLEN E. For dyspep
tics, and those with delicate digestive powers, Cetto
tene is invaluable. Having all the good features of
lard, with none of its unheal thfulness, its wonderful
Passonger trains leave Shnmndoit foi
Penu Haven Junction, MnucL Chunk .
alchton, Slstlnpton, Whlto Hall. CataetuQ'r
AllcntoYvn. lletulehoin, Eastou ina Weather
6.01, 7.88, 0.15 a rr. . 12.4 K67. 8.27 p. m
for Now York and I'liiltdelpl i, a.u, J.i
9.16 a. u,., 12.48, 2.M p. m. For Qunknke
dwltctbach, Gerhards unci tludsondale, fl.04
5.11 a. m., p. m.
For WllkeH-Ilarre, White Eaves, PittBtoi
Laceyvtlle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly i
Elmirs, 6.04, O.Ifi a. ni 57, f.27 p. m.
For Rochester, llud&lo, Niagara Falls
tho West, H.04, 0.iS a. m. and 2.67 6.27 p. m.
For Helvldere. Delaware Water Oap t
Stroud8burg, 6.04 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trocton, 9.16 a. m
For Tunlthatinock, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 6,27 1-.
For Ithaca and Qeneva 9.04. 9,15 a. m. 6X
P-JB .
for AUDurn .io . m. o.mi p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levis ton and Bearer He ado -
B8 a. m., 12.43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard. 6.04. 7.!.
9.15, a. m 12.41. 2.67, 5.77 p. m.
trot anver urooK junction, Auaenrica ac
EftrlotOtt 6 04, 7.38, 9 16 a. tn , 12.43, 2.67, 5.27 an.
8.0S p.m.
Foracranion, o.w,, a, m ana c.i
p m.
For Bazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Frenlar
8.04, 7.88, 9.15, a.m., 12.49. 3.67, 6.27 p. re.
For Asniana, uiraravuie ana l.ob; ureoi, 4.-1-,
7.48, 9.18, 10.20 a. m.i 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 8.85 p. m.
For Kaven Run. Oentralla, Mount Carmo ai,
Sbamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.82, 4.20, 8.22, 9.1A
P,m .
For Yatesvilio, Park Place, Mahanoy City am
Delano, 8.04 , 7.38, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.48, S.t
5 27, 8.08,10.63 p.m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 5.15,
11.45 a. m., 1.55, 4.80 9.30 p. m., and arrive tt
Shenandoah at 6.04, 9.16 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 6..
U.15 p. m
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60,
9.08, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.43, 2.67. 4.106.27. 8.t
p. m
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.00, 7.60
9.05, 10.15, 11.40 a. m., 12.82, 3.00,. 440, 6.20, 7.1
7.65, 9.40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazloton, 6.Q4, 7.1? 9.15
. m 12.43. 2.57, 5.37,8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.8.1 10.O
II. OS a. m , 12.15. 2.66, 6.30, 7.25. 7.56 p. m
1 rains leave for Raven Hun, Centralla, i
Caimel and Shamokln, 6.45 a.m., 2.40 p. rr
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. ra. and 8
p. m
Trains leave Shamokln tor Shennndoar. .
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Hb
andoab at 8.49 a. m. and 4.68 p. m.
Tramb leave for Ashland, Olrardvtlls an l.os
C.'ieek, O.iii a. m., 13.30 p. m
For Haz'Oton, Black Creek Junction, -'t
y.avcn Juncnon. llaucb Chunk, AUtnto-t,
Bethlehem. Kaston and New York, 8.49 i .
eso, 2.55 p. m
For Philadelphia 12.30, 2.66 p m.
For Yatesvllle, Park PUce, MahaLoy Cli j.i c
)elano. 8.49, H.E8 a. m., 12.30, 2.55. 4.58 6.08 r ,
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah fl.Su
a, m., 1.05, 6.80 p. a.
Loave Shenandoah (or Pottsvlllf '65 H 41
0.30 a. m.. 2.4C p in.
Leave PottflvlllB for 3henaudoat. 5 i i
..m.,1.3!-. 6. IS p. rn.
South Jiethleherr, F
"HAS S. LEK, Oenl Pass. Apt.,
' , Vf , NDNNKHAOHKR. ABSt, Q. P. A.,
Mouth Hethlehen,
Political Cards.
Subject to Republican rules.
Subject to Republican rules.
i1 If fyou desire to invert In Btooks In a safe
anu legitimate manner witnoui careaou wor
ry, subscribe to our discretionary accounts.
which will pay you from'J to8 per centweekly
in nny active market. It will pay you more
than douhlo the average rote of Intcrcstln an;
ordinary business pursuits. Deposits received
from 820 to 8l,iW.
We will bo pleased to furnish you referenced
as to our success in the past, and what we are
doing for others. If you are situated where
you cannot call on us In person, address joor
communications to the
Metropolitan News Co.,
4S ConyreaH St UohIoh, 3Tat.
Wo remit profits once a week and principal on
threo days' notice. Parties preferring to do
tholr own investing, aro advised to suhacrlte
to our Dally Market, letters, which give you
Important information on active stocks and
will enable you to make money if yort doyom
own speculating. Kates, 84 per month) or
with telegrams of Important changes, 120.(0
per month. Address,
Metropolitan News Company
TMek JIom ittlOa. llnnlon, Matt.
Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWJUiV,
It LASTS LONGFIl than other Soaps.
Price FIVE CENTS a bar.
aUjkBAHiXl tPlt
IbToluDt.rT ImiisiM
coa.uuiplioa or
rder bIt
success is easily explained. The
genuine, always has trade murk
steer's head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail.
Mad only by
Tho N. K. Falrbank Company,
183 Tt. Delawar At., P blind.
Trains leive Shenandoah as follows i
For Now York via Philadelphia, week da i,
tlO, 5.26. 7.20, a.m., 12.32, 2.55. 5.F6 p.m. Sunday
e.10, a. m. For New York via Mann Ohurk
week days, 5.25,7 20 a. m., 12.33, 2.56 p. T.
For UeadlnB and Philadelphia, week diT
4.10,6.25,7.20, a.m., 12.32 !.M. R 5 p re i
lay, 2.10, a. m.
For PottnvlUe. week days, 2.10, 7.30, a. m .
5.55, 6.5 p. m Sunday. 2.10 a m.
For Tamaqua and Mahai.oy City, week Ok-j,
MO, 6.25, 7.i0, a. m 12,32, 2.55, 5.55 P- m. Bun-
iV, 2,iu. a. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lnwlsbari,
neck days. 3.25, 11.80 a. m., 1.35. 7.21 p. m.,
Sunday, 3.2.. a. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weak days. 2.10. 8.25, M
r.20, 11.80 a.m., 12.32, 1.35, 2.65,6.65,7 20,9 33
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.25, a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week days, 8,a,
7.20, 11.80 a. m., 1.35, 7.2. 0.35 p. m. But day,
1 25 a m.
For Baltimore. Washington and the West Tla
U A O. R. R , through trains leave Rcadlnt
Terminal, Philadelphia (P. A R. R. R.) at S 20,
r.65. 11.28 a. m., 3.41, 7.87. n. m 8unrt 3 28
'.55 11 28 a. m., 3.46, 7 27 p. m. Additional
pal from 21th and hestnut streets station,
week days, 1.45, 6 41, 8.23 p. m. Sundays,
Leave New York via Phlladelpnia,weekdayr
9.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.16 ntghtV Bur
day, 6.00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk.wcekdayt,
4.80, VJ0 a. m., 1.10. 4.30 p. m. I
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Totimtnal,
ireek days. 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. atil 4.0,
1.02, 11.30 p. m. Sunday, 11.30 p. m. T
Leave Reading, wr-ok days, I.'-rt;7.10,10.0l' 65
t. m., i.m p. ra unaay,, a io
Leave Pottsvllle, week days. 2,85, 7.40 P
12 30. 6.12 n. m Sundav. 2.85 a. m.
ao.. 1 20.7.15. H.2X D. m. Hundav. 8.18 a. rr.
Leave Mahanoy Olty, week days, 8.45, 9.11,
11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.S9 9.54 p m. Sunday, 3 45
. tn
Lcavo Mahannv Plnne. week dtvs. S.4S 4 m.
m. -ounasy, S.4U, 4.uu a. m..
s. 3 , u.iop, in. aunaay, 11.16 p. m.
.PUT, i Phllfidrlnlitn. I i)lnt. Htrrt m,n
ma Moutn Mtreet wnnrr for Atlantic miy.
v, ucR-uKys i'.xprcs, y.w, a ir , it
l-o p. m Acoominuuiiaiorr, e-.w a.
3. nt.
nodatlon. 8 1 0 a. m and 4.30 p.m.
KcmrnlDK leave Atlantic Llty, depot, corner
Atlantic and Arransns avenue.
Wcek-Days Kxprcss. 7,Si. a. m. and
4.00 a' d 5.EU p. .ti. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m
iud 4.32 p m.
Sunoa, t'r tops, 4 00. 7 30 p. m. Accnmmo
la t Ion, 7 15 a. in., ana 4 15 p. re
farlor cart- on all express trains.
C. Q. HANCOCK, Oen. Pass. Agi
Philadelphia IU
I. A. SWEIGAKD, Gen. Sunt
NOVKMBF.U 23 1891.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above
late for WlRgan's, Qllborton, Fraokvlllo, Now
2i3tlo, Bt.jClalr, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Rcadlnr,
Pottstown, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstowr nd Phil
tdelphla Broad street station) at ?:0S and 11:45
i. in. and 4 1 15 p, m. on weekdays For Potta
illlo and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. m,
For Wlggan's, OUborton Fraclrvllle, New
Jastle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 8:'8 9:40 a. m
nd 8:10 p.m. For Hamburg, Reaulng, Potts
lown, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia
it 8:00, 9:40 a, m 8:10 p. m.
i Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah ai
10:40a.m. and 12:14, 6:04, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
Sundays, 11:18 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
.Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at Hi 16,
It : 48 a. ra. and 4:40,7:16 and 10:00 p. m. Sunday
tt 10:40 a. m. and 5:16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
tcenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 a m, 4 10 and 711 p
n ween aays. un sunaayg ieav ii o bo a m.
Ueave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
For New York. Expreus, weak daw,
it 8 20, 4 05, 4 60. 5 15, 8 DO, 7 83. 8 20, 9 SO, 10 30,
(dining car), 11, II 14 a m. 12 noon, 12 41 (Lim
ited 121 and 4 22 p m dining cars), IV, 2 SO
(dining car), 3 20, 4, 5 S U 50, 7 13, 8 12, 10 p m .
12 01 lilElit. Hunda s, 3 2-), (ti 1 50 5 15, 8 12,
iS), I 30 (dining car), HOT a m 1214, 230
(Jinlnc car), 4 01 (limited 4 22 , 5 20. 30, 6 50.
7 13, -12 10 00 p in, 12 01 night.
Express for ilosiou, wltiuut change, Ham,
weekdays, and 6 50 p rn dally.
For Baltimore an Wasaington 8 60, 7 20, 8 81,
9 10, 10 20, 11 18, (1 3S m, (12 35 limited dlntnf
:r,), 3 46. 4 4-, (i 10 Confresilonsl Llm
ltti . dining car), 5 fiv, (dining car), 617, 6 55,
(dining car), 7 40, (dining car) p m, and 12 03
nlpht weekdays. Hundays, 360. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18,
11 33 rim. 4 41, 565 (dining car), 6 65 (dining
car), 7 40 (dining car) p m and 12 03 night.
Leave iluraul Direct Furry, Pnlladelphln,
bxprces, 8 50 am, 210, 4 00 and 6 00 pra week
lays. Sundays, Express, E 45 und W 45 a m.
For Cape May, Anglesea, Wlldwood and
dolly Beach, express, 9 a m., 100 p m week
lays. Sunday, 9 m) a m.
ForHea Isle City, Ooean City and Avalon,
Gzpress, 9 00 a tu. 4 ft) p m week days. Sun
days, tf CO am.
For aomers Point, exprebs, 8 50, am, 4 00p
tn week days. Sunday, 8 45 a m.
3. M. Pliaioui J t. rToOB,
Oen'1 Mr- -r.'l Pni'f' A-1
LOST 1608
Will ifuaon tasln fl weskh ol4-wltt. WBITTB1
MtiTotsDcVlitjr, t,OMOfS?ul,rowr la Ith.iMt.
fronaiiT euie. If nsicUfUd. sack troablst Uftd I
My, cl.MpM Woi kj mll,loi.. ir li. With Mrtt.
tiu jiuuIh la cut or rsfiaa Ik ntMi, Auimo
to- nMla.OaU.
Caw- - - - '"