The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 31, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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    EVcNlNG hERALl)
Maiianot City, Dec. 31, tan.
Gorge Pntternon is sijnurnitig lu West
J. J. Kattlgan transacted liuslnes at
Hon. Clmrlt-f N. Ilrumm visited friend--!
in town yesturda) .
Prank Keller, of Pottsvllle, culled oil
old friends here yesterday.
James Grant, of Shenandoah, spent
ptrt of Friday with frlendH In town.
MlSHco Carrie and Kmlly Snyder were
e itertalned by their friends at Awhln tid.
Senator-elect J. J. Coyle attended to
important business at. Philadelphia yes
terday. 7.. A. Cook, formerly of town, hut now
residing at Buffalo, N. Y., Is visiting
frlendH here.
A red, white and hluo supper will be
Riven by the Daughters of Liberty in Ar
mory hall ou Lincoln Day, February 112th
The F. A. M. Social lub gave their
first hop In the Armory ball Friday even
ing. It was attended by society people
from all parts of the county.
Reuben O. Williams, the phenomenal
whistler and warbler, delighted a large
nullence at the Welsh Congregational
James .Mnllarkly, who claims to have a
home ut Ashlaud, created some excite
ment on West Centre street yesterday
morning by going barefooted through
the snow. After runuing around awhile
attempting to break windows and crying
nloud for food and shelter, he made an
attempt to break in the door of Geo.
Yiengst's butcher shop, hut was caught
nud taken to Christ. Logan's where he
was given food and a pair of shoes and
stockings. He was attain seen this morn
ing in a srnloou drinking a glass of wator,
which he teemed to enjoy as much as a
hot "Tom and Jerry."
Holiday Bargains.
A special sale of Christmas goods for
the next two weeks. Dallas handkerchiefs,
niufllers, muffs and toys. Also a final sale
of ladles' and misses' 'coats. Carpets at
reduced prices.
13-12-tf 30 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Local News Gleanings
Hasty Perusal.
''.14 dies to-ulght.
Sleigh bells jingle.
The old year is dying.
The shovel brigade is still busy.
Now the bargain sales will begin.
The rabbit season closes to-morrow.
Holiday times help the doctor's business.
Many a total abstainer has a skate ou
these days.
Although dead men tell no tales dead
letters often do.
The young folks enjoy the snow better
thau anybody else.
Have you got your good resolutions in
shape for New Year f
Country landlords and liverymen were
glad to see the snow.
Snow looks pretty but it makes a heap
of work for some folks.
Don't fall to keep your sidewalk free of
snow and ice this winter.
The boy with a new sled isjustinit, and
the skater will be by and by.
If the first snow storm is a specimen of
the kind we are to have it will do.
Sleighing is not manslaughter till the
liveryman' hills come in. And that's no
Dr. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy
All It is Claimed.
The interest takon in the almost mlrac
uIuub cures made by Dr. Kennedy's
V iivorit-e Itemedy, at Athens, N. Y., and
other places, resulted In the Albany, X,
Y., Journal sending a special representn'
tive to Athens to investigate the oases,
and It was tound that many of the cures
made by this medicine were simply won
In the oases of Mr. Lewis Clow, who
bud chronic kidney disease; Mrs. Casper
Brook?, sulTerlng from female troubles,
and Mrs. Win. Tiffany, who suffered from
Keueral prostration, all of these cases
were abandoned by their ntteudlug phy-
sicirns. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Ilemedy was then used by them and in
every case an absolute cure was effected.
Important Notice !
All persons are hereby forbidden skat
ing or otherwise trespussing upon the
dams of the Shenandoah Citizens Water
and Gas Company, under penalty of the
law. Anyone caught violating the above
Injunction will be at once arrested and
prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
By order of the com pany.
12-21-lw Superintendent.
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life
Is the truthful, startling title of a book
about No-To Iiac, the harmless, guaran
teed tobaooo habit cure that braces up
nlcotlu'.twd nerves, eliminates the nico
tine poison, makes weak men gain
Htreugth, vigor and manhood. You run
uo physiclal or finanoial risk, as No-To'
Bac Is sold by Mrs. A. Wasley tinder a
guarantee to cure or money refunded.
Book free. Address Sterling llemedy
Co., New York or Chicago. K-31 13t
Notice to Taxpayers,
Vntlna la Viaalttf irlvaii tn Mm ts vnn Vara
.1,0 i.i. iJ Bi.u.,.n.inoi. .w ...
th v1rtlnn of thlrtT dvs from d,a
five (6) per o-wit, will be addwl to the taxes
for 1801.
M. J. So AN LAN,
Receiver of Taxes.
December 20, 1881, 12-UO-tf
It all Has Hoot in a Gay Hoarder The
Wife Hloped.
List April Mr-. MehuUkj , of Turkey
Hun. flop il with one of her boarders. Jos.
Sunn-, and J-WO it tier h i-ImiiiI'- money.
Tliec mile went to PiUshUru nud a short
while alter Hie woman Wrote to her hus
band a lid olfrred ill iVtUrn toi'forglveness
to come back to her huslund and be a
good mid 1 rile wife to hlita. The bar
gain wa- made, the husband borrowed
money mid lixcd up another house at
Turkey Hun anil the wife weut to live
with htm. .Mime also returned lu town
and, "trnnge as it may seem, was again
allowed to become h boirdir atthe house.
Saturday" night the IiiiOmihI, wlf-- ami
biarder o une to town aud visited several
drinking places. The husband left oue of
the place- for a ino.nent and when he re
turned the wife and hoarier had
disappeared. Mehulsky struck out
for home and fouud his wife
there. He upbraided the woman and
beat her. She has an ugly
looking black eye as a memento. While
the beatlug was In progress S.oue, the
boarder, broke Into the room and beat
the husband, inflicting a bad scalp
wound. Yesterdiy the trio were before
Justice Williams. Mehulsky charged
Stone with assault and battery and the
woman aud Stone each made a similar
charge against the husband, and each was
placed under $300 bitH for trial at court.
The husband alro made a charge against
Stone of telliug one of his friends that he
Intended to kill Mehulsky so that the
road would be clear for him to marry the
woman. This c ise will be heard to night.
Smokers' articles, silver match boxes
and tire clgnr tul'ies at Hreunau's cigar
ore. 12 21-tf
GOOD BYE, '94.
The New Year Will Receive Its Greetings
To-night the people will bid farewell to
the year 1801 and extend welcome hand
to Mint of 180.). The customary prepara
tions are being made for the reception, nnd
nsthe minute hand laps the hour hand on
the dlil of the clocks at the midnight
hour an outburst, of greeting may be
looked for. The uuil stocks of fish-horns
are laid In, the colliery whistles and
church bells are in trim, a dozen of cholre
of more or less merit are ready for the
first movement pf the baton nnd the siege
will be up to the records of past years.
The Grant Hand will forego its usual
New Year's Kve serenade and give a free
concert at its headquarters in the Frnney
Notice Is given to the people that they
need not become alarmed when they hear
the fire hell toll at midnight. The Colum
bin boys will , bo at the end of the rope.
Watchnight services will be held jtf
nenrly all the churches. Some will Legln
at 0 o'clock and others later. Tfc'ey win
close at twelvo o'clock and theij the choirs
will begin the assaults.
Tho IIkrald will hp,VeT its staff of re
porters on duty toght and record all
ftUtt eW.StraCIid necklaces, rings, etc.,
that may be awarded tho screnaders and
any accidents that may arise from flying
bootjacks, arm chairs or other mlsiles
hurled by rudely awakened citizens will
be correctly recorded. Weanwhlle we
take this opportunity to wish our patrons
a Happy New Year.
All the Prisoners Ksrnpetl.
ItAlKKUi, N. C, Dec. 31. All tho pris
oners who wore confined In tho county jail
of Person county have miido their escape.
They were able to secure their liberty by
cutting through tin- Iron iloor of tho cago
nud then tunneling through tho brick
wall. The sheriff Is In close pursuit.
1.1 Hung Cluing Again Displaced.
I'KKIN, Dei-. 31. The ex-vlceroy of Nnn
kin. Liu Kun Yl, has been appointed to
the chief com maud of all the Ohineso
forces, thus Mipci'ncdtug Li Hung Chang
and Prlneo Kung, tho emperor's uncle,
who was only a short timo ago appoiuted
to that position.
Mmtlng In North Carolina.
HAI.F.Iiill, Dee. 31. The cold snap, which
was one of the most severe that North Car
olina has over experienced, has abated.
The lowest ti inpi'r.itmv reported is 10 de
grees below zero in i A mountains. There
is good skating In most parts of tho state.
Assnlleit hy llclielliiius Natives.
London, Deo. 31. A dispatch from Capo
Town says It is reported from Delagoa
bay that rebellious natives attacked two
Portuguese gunbo.its ou tho Incomatl
river, arrested tholr progress aud killed
tho ollleer in chief command.
Lord Chiirihlll Still Consrlous.
Loniion, Deo. 31. Lord Randolph
Churchill Is still cunsclous. The hemor
rhage which caused the pressure on tho
bruin having temporarily ceased, tho im
provement ill his condition Is maintained.
Rpent Stolen Money In Speculation.
Huiison, N.Y.,l)ee. 31. W. V. Hossinan,
the bookkeeper of the National Hudson
Hlver bunk, of this city, was arrested Sat
urday night on tho charge of embezzling
$10,000. He confessed to taking that
amount, and said that ho had spent the
money In stock speculation in Wall streot.
A Cantata.
"The Fro3t Queen," will be rendered in
the Trinity Reformed church, on West
Lloyd street, to-morrow evening at
o'clock. This production was prevented
on Christmas Day on account ot services
in the church.
Mrs. Brldgeman, It. C. M., teaches
violin (specialty) cello and piano, ' Corner
of Jardln and Lloyd streets. 9-3-tf
Ninth Annual Ball.
The ninth annual hall of the Phoeni
Hose Company No, 2 will be held in Hob
bins' hall on Monday, December 31st
(New Year's Eve) and a good time is as
sured to all. The dancing music will be
furnished by the Schoppe full orchestra
I The receipts will be devoted to a fund to
i Py for the proposed new building of the
Care guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No.
8 South Mai street. 9-13-tt
An I. i.rl I i I'Hsti tlie Work r the Sen
ln .Horn ItHpllIly,
TV i sup ,n, li e ;. Hutli houses of
'"" v. rl resiiiiir tholr sessions on
T i,i day ix-xt, and It Is expected tlmt
In will be a nttlii'r more determined ef
foit to pr,'s f'irwitnl this Work of thn ses
sion for i In' next two months than has tcnr.i-d the prweetllngs during tho
month which has already elapsed.
The necessary Work of the session is tho
p.uwagu of the appropriation bills, of which
there aro fourteen. Of these none have
passed the senate and only flvo havo re
ceived the sanction of tho houso. Of thco
five the senate committee on appropria
tlons has passed favorably upon the pen
sions nnd military academy hills, whilo
tho army, fortifications nhd urgent do
fli'lenoy hills aro still under consideration
by the committee.
The Nicaragua canal discussion will,
barring the possibility of displacement
nnd adjournment over until tho following
Monday, 1 resumed after tho morning
hour on Thursday, with Senator Morgan
occupying t ho floor. Mr. Morgan has been
devoting the holidays to tho preparation
of a reply to Senator Turple's attack upon
tho canal bill, and his friends expect him
to make a vigorous and oxhatitlvo de
fense of tho measure aud of tho enterprlso
whose Interest it is intended to promote
Ho will probably speak an entlro day, mi''
possibly two or three days.
President Kberharilt Oiistrd.
PiTTSHtilt'i, Dec. 31. John P. Kbcrlinrt
has been defeated for the presidency of L.
A., 3(10, K. of L., bottor known as the Na
tional Window Glass Workers' associa
tion, nud Simon Burns, of Gas City, Ind.,
elected. The fight has been tho hottest In
the history of the order. Eberhardt had
been president for n number of years.
Burns was a candidate for several years,
and though often defeated has finally
won tho position. Tho election took placo
last year, and Kberhardt was declared
elected. The Burns men miido a contest,
which has just ended In their favor.
ICiln llnwn by a Trollry Cur.
EASTON, Pa., Doc. 31. A trolley car de
scending a steep grade on Walnut str-et
yestenlay afternoon crashed into a slolgli
occupied by Alexander CruUsliiink and
family. The sleigh was completely demol
ished and Luslio Crukstiank, aged 10 years,
was dragged In front of tho fender and so
severely Injured about tho head that his
condition is critical. The others narrowly
escaped The horso became frightened and
wicked the sleigh on tho track iinmedi
atoly in front of tho car.
' ntui'ilrr KiuIh a Faintly -Quarrel.
Giieensvimjc, Miss., Dec. 31. .Triage J.
Scott lies dead at Wayside, n sniAn station
ten miles south of hero, as Jfch"u result of a
family quarrel. W. (ft; Glouston, son-in-law
of Scott, did the shooting. Tho trag
edy occurred liv tjlu ,.lcU room ot Gm.
ham's store, T)r. Blackburn, also son-in-law
of Judge Scott, being tho only wlt
noss. .-t'lve bullets wcro fired into Scott's
and ho dlod Instantly. All parties prominently connected. Ulouston sur
rendered to tho sheriff.
WrecUccI by Natural (Jus Kxptoslou.
Elwood, Ind., Dec. 31. The bulldlngin
which Alllo .Sees' barber shop and lodg
ings aro located was wrecked yesterday by
a natural gas explosion, causing a loss of
:,(XX) and badly injuring six persons, as
follows: Mllo hY'OS, head, face and back
badly cut; Fred Betzner, head face and
hands cut; Harry Goatco, badly burned,
gash In bond; Alfred Anderson, badly
burned aud injured Internally; Jerry
Claxton, right leg broken; Charles Hand
eft leg broken.
Iliubert Still lroteilB Ills Innocence.
Camuhn, X. J., Doc. 31. Sheriff Barrett
visited tho Camden jail and read tho death
warnyit to Thoodore Lambert, colored,
who is sentenced to bo Jiaugeil for tho mur
der of William Knlrcron Thursday. Lam
bert replied that ho would llko to make
ono rvquokt; that was that tho sheriff
would use his lnilucnco to prevent an au
topsy on his body, and that It be turned
over to his relatives for burial. Ho still
protests his Innocence of tho murder.
No New Trial for 11e7ek.
S0KANTON, Pa., Djo. 31. The courts of
this county refused a new trial to the Aus
trian, Franz Hzek, oonvicted of muro
in tho first degree for killing his kw
heart, Mario Kerzio.becuuso sheannouii.
her intention to obey her older sister a-
marry man she did not love. A new trial
was asked for ou tliB ground that the evl
deuce of throe important witnesses who
spoke the Kranlsh dialect was Incorrectly
1 n torp rouxl.
bliortngp lu the Kx-Collector'i Accounts.
Lkxinhton, Ky., Dec. 31. Expert ac
countants at work on tho city books havi
discovered a shortage of ill,(XM in tho city
collector's office during the term of ox-
Mayor J. Hull Davidson, of this city,
collector. It is said that tho work is
tho handwriting of Deputy William B,
Welsh, who lust summer was drowned in
tho city reservoir. The belief is now gen
oral that committed suicide.
Walton for Speaker.
HAWtlSUUno, Dec. 31. A conference
was held hero last night between tho Re
publican leaders and prominent mom
bors of tho house, at which arrangements
wero completed for a liouso caucus. Rep
resentative Nlles, of Tioga, will proslde.
Henry F. Walton, of Philadelphia, will
bo placed In nomination for speaker.
Iteqlietted to Succeed Wekerlo.
Buda I'ebtii, Deo. 31. The king of Hun
gary (Emporor Francis Joseph) gave an
audience to Count Khueu Hedervary and
requested him to form a cabinet. Count
Hedervary subsequently had a conference
with Dr. Wekerle, the prlmo ml ulster,
who resigned on Monday last, and other
Liberal leaders.
Thrown from R Sleigh nnd Killed.
Lancabtkii, Pa., Dec. 31. John Kuhn
u baker, dlod yesterday from Injuries ro-
oelved lu a runaway accident on fcaturday,
lie was driving a horso attached to
sleigh when thu animal became frightened
ut u train of cars and throw mm out, dash-
lug his head iifainst a post.
ltefuiied to Indict un Accused Altlernui
Chicago, Deo. 31. The gruud jury, by
unanimous vote, refused to indict Alder
man John Powers for soliciting a bribe.
Alderman Powers hnd been charged with
attempting to seoure i3fi,000 to repeal an
anti-cigarette ordluauoe.
Walking Aorowi the llelaware.
LAMBEltTViLLK, N. J., Deo. 31. Tho
Delaware river is froieu over above the
bridge, nnd pedestrians are crossing on
the loo today. If the cold spell continues
teams will be able to crots tomorrow.
Ntrippitlg a ttlg I.falc.
W kMUx . i, Der. -J l. --The throo now
senator who will be ohouid to till the vn
oaiii ios in the states of Wyomlliir. Wash
ington and Montana will probably not hi
paid I he luu k sitlikies which have horefr)
fore lx 'ii paid to senators elected or ap
pointed to fill THcmiflM. ThaV worn out
out by an express provision In tho legisla
tive iippnjpi-i.itiju ulll of tho last session.
Under tin- system which has proYailisl
horotgforo e.ieli man tiuo.sjn would, have
rco.'lved tij.- pay for tho entire term Of six
years, notwithstanding two .yours of the
tlmo has already elapsed. '1110 new pro
vision will work a saving to the govern
ment of 30,000 In this instance, and ot
larger sums in' tin) future. The now law
provides that I he sulaww of senators shall
begin on the date of their election or ap
Youthful Hi loves Arrested.
PoTTHViLf.K, Pa.. Dl'c. 31. Frank
WrliiirorfcH. aged 12 years, and lluriv
Miller, aged U years, who have been com
mitting petty roblieries in Pottsvlllo for
some time past, were arrested Saturday,
chnrged wii.i nibbing Isaau Kershuer, a
fanner of South Miiuhelm township, of a
largo sum of money. The boys rode on
tho farmer's wagon, and extracted his
wallet from his Injldo overcoat pocket un
detected. They divided the monoy be
tween themselves and two other boys of
their own ago, Joseph Wrlngcrfolt and
John Anderson. All wore arrestod and,
with tho exception of Mlllcr.nroouton hall.
A Life Kttver ltewnrded.
May's Lanuinu, N. J., Dec. 31. Horry
Wcstcott, tho noted swimmer nnd llfo
guard who, for two or three seasons was
attached to tho life saving stations of
Capo May and Atlantic City, has gono to
tho state of Washington, whero ho expects
to become necrettiry to Superintendent
Hobb. of the Northern Pacific Railroad
comp.uiy. Tho position was secured for
him by i man whom ho had saved from
drowning last summer.
Murder Charge Disproved.
PAINHsvil.LH, O., Dec. 31. Andrew Hor-
iglsto, who disappeared several days ago,
nil who wits supposed to have been imir
erod, turned up here Saturday, having
become uncuiisoioils in a fight with two
men nniii"il LiHtllla and Isaacson on
Thursday night, when ho found himself ir
hnyst.wk. I.ustllla and Isaacson, tl
men u.i .i r arrest for the supposed 1111
uor. win no men lor assault with lntciycio
Cnusrd by n Cureless Smoker,
BIIiliEKOIll), M".. Die 31. ThJ .-Itv
v.. , ii.ii, ... ...... ..r tl... fi.,.1- .i-...ii ...
-.."Ji.iS .i." ...-u-.i ni.llin'S in
WjiMfy, was Cbthlly duKtmyuil by. flro yes
terday, uutalllng a loss ot more than illX),-
0)0. James Hillott, a fireman, was nearly
frozen to death, and ono of tho prisoners
in tho polio station, which was in the
building, was unconscious when discov
ered. A lighted cigar stump carelessly
thrown Into a water closet started the
Two Killed by 11 Traill.
NvA-nic. N. Y.. Due. 31. As John linn.
tor, of Cottage Valley, nnd Jacob Tracer,
a butcher of South Brooklyn, wcro wnlk-
lnr? nltmir the West Shore r.illro.-id rrnnt
north of Wi'sT 'Cvm'k station thev were
struck by tin- ('hii'.i io limited express nud
instantly uuii'ii iiiinier leaves a wiuow
nnd Tracer a widow nnd three Children.
iTbe Railroad iYar?,!
1Tb Clergyman,
ITI7Q Business iao,!
I and all other men who have to
I look neat while at work, should
know about "CEWJUMD COI,- :
I.ARS and CUFFS. They look ex-
nctly like linen, wear well nnd
being waterproof do not wilt
down witli heat and moisture, i
They do not soil easily and can j
be cleaned in n moment by bim-
ply wiping off with a wet sponge
or cloth. Do not confuse these m :
your mind with composition
poods. 15 very piece of the genu
ine is stamped like this :
Ask for these and refuse nnythinc f.
else if you wish satisfaction. Re-
member that goods so marked
5 are the only waterproof goods
made by coating a liucn collar a
with waterproof "Celluloid, "thus p
S giving strength and durability.
If your dealer should not have
the "Celluloid" send amount di-
rect to us and we will mail you
S sample post-paid. Collars 25c.
I each. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State size
nnd whether staud-uii or turned-
down collar is wanted. g
2427-29 Broadway, New York. 2
Carpels, Fealta, Maltas, k
RTio'o riT who can taste our candlea
OHO O till H,f, fll nffo-.
nrfrT (3.tt1 tlou for the young man
uaa -vsrirx who brlngs tiem They
Just melt In the mouth; the girl's eyes
melt with tenderness the young man also
melts, and the question Is settled. Try It
Ice Cream, all flavors. 10-t N, Mala St
Chas. Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
"Du tchers
Tho finest and most tender beef to be
found in Shenandoah, l'ork, mutton,
veal nnd cut meats of all kinds.
A fine line of choice, aud fresh groceries
and prime family nonr, butter and eggs,
a m
- .-Til
s tt-vr v
S rs0 Ha
"V ITT- r-4 lO . Ti "fc -M-v
Presents for the Old and the Yotmg.
Christina" is almoH lur. Have yon made youraelectton of gifts t
We have an endless variety of
Work Boxcs. D611s, Writing Paper,
Albums, Blocks, Books,
Iron Toys, 0ellnloid Novelties, Wheelbarrows,
Toilet Cases, Magic Lanterns, Rocking Horses,
Jewelry Boxes, Novelties, Stationery.
Prices Always DRLiglit.
No. 4 North Main
Our 21st Christmas Greeting to the Public.
Wishlnjj all a Merry Christ tuns and a Happy New Year.
Clearing Sale. All Goods to Go,'
Closing out some Ladles' and Children's Hats, down from 85o to BOo ; French
Felts, down from $1.50 to 75c, and trimmed hats 1 8 off. Fedora Hats, 60n trimmed.
Velvet, 50c a yard up; Plush, all colors, 85c a yard ; Velveteen, 20o a yard.
Ribbons al a Sacrifice to Make Room h Spring M !
Infants' caps, 25c up; InfantB' long coats, 75e utf to 15.00. Christening dresses and a
full line of infants' wear. Mourning goods our specialty. Nun's Veils, tl.25 up.
Closing out n lot of Corsets, from tl down to 85c ; from 60c down to -10c. We will
not be undersold. Call and get prices.
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
5iG Soutli 2VlCvxx Btroot.
Monongnhela Whiskey, - 60c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - - f 1 a qt.
Fine Old Bourbon, XXX, - 11.25 n qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, tl a qt.
Superior Cognac Brandy, tl.OQnqt.
Imported Jamaica Hum, 1.50 a qt.
V UENGLING'S Stock and Fiesh
Hen brand of Ec ClgBrs
only 25c
a Hundred.
moil SALE. Tho vftluublo rrorerty at No,
r 132Pouth While stret. Apply to Mar.
shal It nigh, 121 South Whlto street. 1H-29-2W
70R BALK. A highly duoated parrot.
1 Price S50. Address 1083 Cherry street,
Reading, I'a. 12-30 tf
FOR Bala. At cost, new Backus watermotor.
Five (5) horse power. Just from the fao
tory. Apply at ttie Hkiiaid office, North
Market street, Shenandoah, Pa.
MEN AND WOMKN to make big monoy
with the Practical Plating Dynamo. Is
tno electrical mucmne used in tne great plat
ing factories KS.'O to 185.00 a woe It made
easy. Plates everything, jvo experience: Big
SroHts. Address IV. P. IlarrlEon & Co., Clerk
o, 14, Columbus, Ohio.
MMAev&.Pteino Tuner.
Pianos and omna r.nitrod. Orders left at
31 N orth iU'.n street, Hhomloh, will reeeivi
prompt Attention
Weeks' Museum,
Illrds and animals of all selections.
Taxidermist, Robert Murray,
Coldest ui Largest Elm tf Beer. Free Inch Dallj,
Free lunch every morning nnd evening.
John Whhkb, Proprietor.
O, W.Davidson, Bartender.
A genuine welcome
Awaits yon at
JoeWyatt's Saloon!
Fool room attached. Finest whiskeys.
Deers, porter ana aie constantly on tap,
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
Formerly kept by Thos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah,
Fresh and cool Beer always on Up,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
COSTKLLO & OASSIDY, Proprietore.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do, and the water you drink
Isn't even fit lor that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Boor and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
. 1 f
.Holiday Goods.
St., Shenandoah.
31 South Main St.
Ale, Draught Porter aud Weiuer Boer
tied all kit as or Temperance Drinks.
Reduction Sale.
For the next 30 days will Hell all our ready
trimmed HATd nicest and less. Children's
Cloaks, Caps and Backs are all reduced for the
holiday trade. Our line or linen embroidered
tor holiday presents is the Snest and cheap st
In the town.
Our 159 grade 2 for 2c.
" EOo ' ..2 for Soo.
" Z5o " 2 for -tOc
" S5o " .2 for 55c.
29 'N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Ste.
Finest Boers, Wines and Liquors.
Handsnmo IUr Fixtures.
Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars.
Fal I-Winter Millinery
Greatest Bargains in Town.
8 East Centre St, Shenandoah.
13 North. Jardin Streot.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
TnOPKKTY FOB 8AI.E.-A barcaln for
X cash DUrchasera. Two houses on West
Oak street. One of eight rooms and the other
six. Will be sold cheap, For further infor
mation apply to
123 E. Centre street.
For the... cieary Bros'
HotSoason 1
Temperance Drinks
Mineral waters, Welsa beer. Bottlers ot
the finest lager beers.
17 ml 19 Fetch -Alley, Shenwdo&li, Pa,
Enn 1. dam,