PUP EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday by 4JSHAl.lt VVni.lHMNit VOMVANT, 'Dbllcatlon office and mechanical department, North Market Street. nl iJonalrl Is dellrered In Shenandoah and nB Peralu surrounding towns for Six Cents A week, payable to the carriers. Uy mall, Three Dollars a year orTn enty-Qve cents per month, t advance AdverlitemrnU charged according to space pd position. The publishers reserve the right to cningo tho position of advertisements when ever the publication of news requires It. The lght Is also reserved to reject any advertise W-ent, whether paid for or not, that the pub- Uhers may deem Improper. Advertising rates aade known upon application. Sntered at tho post offleo at Shenandoah, Fa., ti second eloss mall matter. Til if xrEtrixa hkuat.i, Shenandoah, Posna Evening Herald. MONDAY, DKCEMBKK 31. 1834. It U about time for tlie steal and only Paratnount Blount to emerge from ob scurity and say something about Hawaii. In view of Admiral Walker's report, the Administration will almost, feel bound in self-defence to call on Blount for aid and comfort. The whereabouts of tho Pura mount one are unknown, hut UN possible that n senrclilnt; party properly organized and equipped might discover Mm In the obecifrity in which he began to sink almost the moment he returned to this country after his remarkable mission in the I'a;lflc. Stoisiks were recently put forward In Rome public prints to the effect that the victorious Japanese troops at Port Arthur had relapsed Into barbarism, and had wautouly outraged, tortured and slaugh tered tbe helpless non-combatant Inhabl tanta of that town. It was said that the Japanese had fallen to tbe level of Chi nese brutality, that tbe war teemed to be degenerating Into a struggle between Bar ages, and that the foreign correspondents at Port Arthur, though inured to all the ordinary evils of war, had fled In horror from tbe awful fcene. Tuete storie bore upon their face tbe brand of reckless sen sationalism, and were, from the first, largely discredited by men of voher judg ment. Lapse of time lias brought no con firmminn of them, bit', only cumulative disproof, until now, in general and iu par ticulur, they are shown to have been ho untrue that to call them wild exaggera tions would be gross flattery. Ski, lion have two strangers, coming hither together, from the sumo place and Dominnlly on the same vision, presented a more -trlkiug and Instructive contrast th.in have Messrs. John Bums and David Holmes, the delegates from the trades uni ins nf England 10 the recent conven tion if theAmerhu.i Federation of Lrbor at Denver. It will be remembered that when they landed here Mr. Burns was re garded as by ai the mora Important. He it was ,vho win Interviewed, whose por trait adorned the public prints, whose going and c linings weru chronicled as the chlet news of the day. The two have now been iu this country three weeks, an 1 havH discharge 1 the formal duty on wliioa they came. It Is now possible, with some degree of jus mess and accuracy, to sura up their work in America, and to estimate their worth as leaders of social and industrial affairs. Mr, Burns, after enjoying much consplouousness in Xew York and elsewhere, went to the Denver convention to which he was accredited, and made a speech or two. He hnd little to say of trades-unionism or of the prac tical Interests of the workingman, but m ich nf political agitation and Socialism. H urged upon the convention the adop tion of a Socialistic and revolutionary p at firm. He made a speech to the geiier.tl public, In which he railed against the m-rimi trovernuient and American Institutions RPtierally, and grossly in sulted the people whose guest he was. Thn, when the convention sensibly re jc'tvl 'he Socl illstic platform by an over whelming majority, he shook the dust of Dinv.ir from his feet and wentnwiy to discover other "picket editions of hell" to quote his own chaste phrase. So much for Mr Burns. Ills real mission here was to preach Socialism, and his character, as dlsuloswl by bis words and acts, seems to be 'hit if a mstn'crless, conceited, shifty p-'ltlcil Hltilnr. Mr. Holmes va less in evldenuj while In New Yorlt, Chicago and elsewhere. At D nv-rhe did not Indulge In so many rhetorVil pyrotechnic In the convention or belore the general public. He seemed to remember that be hud coma as a dele gate, not iw a drum major. He devoted himself in iu legitimate work of the con vention, modus.) but very tffectlvely. He opposed all Socialistic and revolutionary -schomes, and uiged tbe Federation to have regard for the Interests of labor In the promotion of true tradeiuulonlsig, like .kxt of England, which has done wore to Improve the condition of work lngmeu than any other such organization in the world. 11 stayed la bis place until the end of tbe convention, and just before the final adjournment made a brief speech which contained more good taste and sound sense than nil the rodomontade his colleague has emitted from Sandy Hook to the Kocky Mountains. "I hope," he said in conclusion, "that since my arrival upon your shores I have said nothing calculated to wound the sensibilities of the American people; and I also hope that I may not be held responsible for anything which may have been said out side of trades unionism." The answer of the convention and of the American pub- llo to that hope Is not uncertain. They recognize in Mr. Holmes a man who came hither on a legitimate and honorable errand, and who discharged thnt errand faithfully and well; a man of sterling worth, whom it Is a pleasure and a profit to have entertained, and who will go back to England with tbe cordial respect of every right-thinking American. FINANCE AND TRADE. Fewer Failures nnil Smaller Losses This Year Tlrnn Ijt. Nf.w YoitK, Dec. Si. It. (. Dun & Co.'s wis'kly review of trade snys: Commercial failure in IH',11 already reported number H .:., iiiruinsl ln.mu last year, with liabil ities of 101, against 31i.77il,88!l last year. Next week the final report for 18111 will probably Include- about -KM moro fuil ures, with liabilities of about 1,000,000. From these accounts banks, bankers, financial and transporting companies nro excluded. Manufacturing failures already number u.76'1 against 3,422 last year, but liabilities urmmly MI.4Dl.2b7, against ilsa.Oill last year. Tbe trading failures al ready numli.'r 11,311, against 11,012 last year, but liabilities aro only tS7,8U'.),057, muiist l3o,0ti2,;).U lust year. Tho statement by sections shows a du-e-reuso of alxmt two thirds In defaultod liabilities in tho mlddlo and central north ern states, one half In the west and south, aud a third in other sections. Holiday trade has metoxpectations. Pur chases liavo boon numerous, but smaller than usual in amount aud moro confined to needful articles, thus anticipating or dinary trado. Bradstreots" says: General trado pre sents tho usual holiday characteristics. A majority of wholesale dealors und manu facturers are, beginning or have finished taking acdnint of stock or arranging set tlements for the nuw yoar. Tho main ac tivity has been for Christmas specialties in retail lines. Tho practical conclusion of holiday trado has brought about a mod ta.ite reaction, and this emphasizes tho dullness noted In preceding weeks. Job bers claim tho outlook for trado during the late winter and early spring is for very conservative buying. But in Mime lines, notably heavy textiles, the recent cold weather has stimulated sales and reports from retailers west and south Indicate that stocks aro low almost beyond pre cedent. Minister Donliy Has Mnilo No Demand. Washington, Dec. 2!). United States Min'ster Denliy has mndonodeimmdupon the Chinese government for anilhfaotlntt for the killing of the two Jnminusu student spies, as reported, nor Is this government in a position to mako any such demand. About six weeks ago tho minister did ask the Chinese government to explain how it caino to pass that these students woro ex ecuted before his return to China from the. Unltod htates, when tho Chiueso minister at Washington had promised that their case should bo kept In uboyanco until Mr. Denliy arrived on the sceno. No aiuwer has yet been received from tho Chinese government, but it is oxpected that it will in tho end shift tho blaino upon some, provincial governor. Tho Japanese gov iirnmcnt has admitted that tho men were spies, and were properly surrendered to tho Chlncso The Fuel Supply Cut Oft Fiikmont, ()., Dee 31. While men wen making repairs yesterday to tho regulator of the Northwestern Ohio Natural CJas et.mtmni' ill, nTtilrwIim i-u'i nriul .'rv.1-ltw. - I .' - - - ...... ,. .v.., tho regulator and erio-.i-'v injuring C. 1.. nioveus, i;uanes iirauie. aim J. JJ. IjOVO lalitl. The fuel i?iis siimtlv til tin, eltv ttitil to 1m shut, ,fT. anil tliinwimild it Ikiitidu were left without fuel. The usually quiet Mummy was turned Into a day of activity unil the nennli. u-oni bent Itnv uL-lenitalt log for wood and eo..l. Tho gas cannot bo luruou on lor fcevenu nays. Any one who hns children will rejoice with L. 11. Mulford, of Plalnfield, N. J. His little boy, five years of age, was sick with croup. For two days and nights he tried various remedies recommended by friends and neighbors. He snys: ''J thought sure I would lose him. I had seett Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy ad vertlsed and thought I would trv it as n Ust hope and am happy to say that after two doses he slept nntll morning. I gave It to him next day and a cure was ef tected. I keep this remedy iu the house nuwnudassoon as any of my children show signs of croup I give It to them and that is tbe last of It." 25 and 50 cent 'oottle for Bale by Gruhler Bros. Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to the Kveninq Herald who are not receiving their paper regu larly und people who wish to receive the ouper as new subscribers, are requested to '.eave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's itatlonery store, on North Main street. kfhm Baby waa stck, we Rave her Castor, JPfcno aha was a Child, aha cried for Rastorla, TTt&a aha became Miss, she clung to GostorUi J'ctr &a hod Children, aha ?avnth-m Costork Coming: Events. Jan. 4th, '05, Annual supper in Hob olus' opeM house under the auspices of tne Welsh Baptist church. Mr. Ira P. Westniorr, u prominent real jstale agent of San Augelo, Texas, has rtoQ.I r.,am.Alal.,ld '..H ..nl... 1 ' w, ,.. uv. n WU(,V, VUUICItt (lilt Diarrhoea Itemedy In bis iHiully for sev eral years ss occaslou required, and al ways with perfect success. He way-; 'I And It a perfect cure for our huby when troubled with colic or dysentery. I now feel that my outfit Is not complete with, out a bottle ot this Itemedy at home or on a trip away from home. For sale by Gruhler llros. Hay Keystone flour. lie snre that the ame Lbssio & IlAKit, Ashland, Pa., la Tinted on every sack. tf What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, blorphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing' Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castorlatsso well adapted to children that I rocomraend itasmjperiorto any prescription known to mo." H. A. Archer, SI. D., IU So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. Y. "Thousoof 'Castoria' Is so universal and ita merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse ft. Few aro tho Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Mjlrtyn, I). 1)., New York City. Tmt Centaur THE FROST IN FLORIDA. It Causes DeHructlim to Fruit That Will Affect the State for Years. Jacksonville, Doc. 31. Reports by wire from flfty-ono correspondents In tho orange. dVttricts of tho statu lndlcato that nt least 1,800,00) of unpicked oranges nro solid globes of Ico, nnd moro than 300,000 boxes of oranges In warchousos or lying in bulk preparatory to paoklng aro frozen. Tomatoes, cabbago, beans, peas and all vegetables In tho northern half of tho stato aro ruined, except tho plnoapplo plan tations, which nro not much injured. On Friday half of this season's great orango c .-op of 5,000,000 boxes was still on tho trees. Tho tall of tho northern blizzard switched around through tho Florida pen insula, and within tho space of a fow hours Florida had sustained u loss that, estimated In monuy, would roach Into tho millions. Tho destruction will bo felt for many years, directly or Indirectly, by all tho pcoplo of tho stato. Previous to this tlmo tho uoldent weather known was In 18M, but thoro is no record to show juht how cold It was then. Heports from tho Interior of tho state show that t!io oold weather lias extended from one end of thnp 'nlnsulato tho other Tlio lowest tempeiMtiU'e nr. Tampa was l and thewune was reported at Tim v lie At fVipir Key it w:is said to In nx low us 10, nod at .Uiy West U vas down lo ll Tho cold weather p:a'4 Im'.m; wit:i tho plumbing and water s'ippl.v n .lae!von vlllo, many pooplo' fin I'M'; I'ip'r w.tt-r pipes frozen. The occui'Miiei v u mi uo lihiial that it was som i.i .i ,i . iv ro-. dents could realize ! a ..u ,v u h.i i a tlially frozen. Tii 'i u w.i.s n i m t'. river front, as w.n t'le i-usm in I 'i bin this was doubtless due to ih w'..x ! I'li'ii was ieo in shallow pl.ie.is. Ii nvovur. a:t. there were icicles everywhere. Tnu oiild pell is now broken. To lteform tlm T.MieintniM. New YoitK. Dec. 31. The tenement house commission has held Its last meet ing, and iti. r -port has lioon practically de cided on. This report will bo presented to tho legislature as soon as a committee, is appointed to receive It. Hlclianl Wat son Gilder, chairman of the commission, intimated that ti statement inado by Dr. Tracy, of tho health department, would constltuto tho koynoto of tho report. Dr. Tracy testified that tho death rato could bo still further decreased by an improve ment In tho hunltary construction of the houses, by tho introduction of small pars aud public baths, aud by tho destruction of some of tho worst of the bulldlng3 now in oxlstonco In How York. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves the nam as amilier. J. V. Young, West Liberty, W. Va. Tbe prompt relief it affords is alone worth many times the cost, SO cents. Its con tinued use will effect a permanent cure. For sale by Gruhler Bros. NUGGETSUr NEWS The denth is iinnuui.u'd In London of Christina Geoi-flrlna Hosettl, tho poetess. Governor Oates, of Alabama, says that tho Carlisle currency plan und tho Nica ragua canal hill will bo defeated. O. II. HuddloHton, the railroad agent nt Shellburno, Intl., was hold up by throo men tit the htation uud robbod of $L'00 aud a gold watch. Hon. John J. Fitzgerald, ox-prosldont of tho Irish National league, and one of tho most oxtonslvo rullroad contractors In tho country, died at I.lnolu, Nob. A. H. Wobbor and his wife were mur dorud by roblwrs nt their homo In Sacra- 'montn, Cul. Webber win n wealthy grocer Tho thieves took all bis money. Frank McDonald and Patrick Sullivan, Kt. Louis tough, attacked Kdward Stolu liank, a merchant. Kteliiliank killed Mo Donald und fatally wounded Sullivan. 1895 JANUARY. 1895 Su. Ho. Tit. Wc. Th. Fr. Sa. TTi s j.o n 12 13 1 14 lis 16 j 17 25 19 20 1 21 ! 22 23!2i 25 20 7 j 20 1 21 30 j Si MOON'S PHASES. x First A J!:S3 fi Third -17 fi:66 Quarter t a.m. U Quarter i p.m. itSja 11 aim. 9ooq 25 p'.m. Castoria. Castorln euros Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dfc gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For soveral years I have recommended your 'Castoria,' and Khali always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., lasth Street and 7th Ave., 1 Jew York City. Com' any, 77 Mciuiat Street, New York Crrx I'lie tit. Dmv.i uy a Train. CltU'.u.o. i) e. .(.. -A Chicago, Hock Island aud J'.ielllc pivenwr coach bcln'T rnpiillv sw'ti-'e O l it 1 t'tn Hic'c Island do pot yestirda." nfierioon crashed Into 11 earrings at th I'.irlfle avi'T.io and Harri son street cr i ilnsr Tho driver and four ladles iu the carriaie worn badly Injured, the carriage demolished and one of no horses so badly Injured that it had to jo shot. Tho accident was caused by tho carriage being shut In 011 tho tracks by tho gates dropping wit Hunt warning. Fierce Snow Storm In Alabama. Birmingham. Ala., Dec. 31. Tlu worst snow storm ever known In Alabama Is prevailing. Tho weather Is very sovero and much suuorlng among tho poor is re ported. Many cattle urb starving In bar ren patches, and two uogroo3 woro frozen to death at Attalla At Birmingham snow hua almost blocked tralllc. Thosnow storm extends all over tho northern section of thu stnto. It Is feared that much damago will bodonolntlio mines by tho bursting of water pipes and Hooding tho mines. rorty-0110 Humeri to Death, Klamath Falls, Ore., Deo. 31. Forty 0110 people woro burned to death and six teen were seriously injured during a flro which occurred ou Christmas Kvo at a Christmas trco festival, held in Christmnn Brothers' hall, at Silver Lake, Lako county. Of thoso injured at least llvo will dlo. Tho flro was caused by tho upsetting of an oil lamn. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphreys' Witch Hazel Oil as a curative and healing ArTLiCA'fiON. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning;; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerationand Contraction from Burns. Belief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts, and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Kheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. ami $1.00. Botd by Druggists, or snt post-paid on receipt nf prloe. iui'iums' smi. to., 111 ita nmuosu, .v wk. 8lIENAND0All's RELIABLE Hand Laundry Oor. Lloyd and White 8ts All work guaranteed to be flrst-class in evorj particular Bilk ties And lace curtain e speu talty. Goods called for and delivered A trial -tollclted. T. M. REILLY centralia's POPULAR : HOTEL ! Where you can always eel a glass of Cool Beef and Refreshing Wines Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the plat. T. M. Rellly'h. Locut Avecue, CENTKALIA, PA. For Painting Tbe Season Is here: and Paper Banging Get your work done by Mnhanoy City's lending artist, W. H. SNYDER Perfect Work. Bargains In paints and o11b, plain ana stained k'&ss. All the new patterns In wul 1 nnnnr. All dntlv and weAltlv nanMnt. novels, novelettes anil stationery 133 West Oontro Street. Headquarters for tho KVKHINO HRIIALD. 'ANSY PILLS! I""" Safixho BUHE.SHDo.nVroairs&Aft LBUAKU wiitan MPicirio eismLwa, dhuo FAMOUS HOI'ISL BURNED. Tho Headquarters of Now York Stato Legislators. HALF A DOZEN BADLY INJURED. Two of These Mny Die of Their WattniR Iteportt That Iludles Are Hurled In the Ittllns nuentsof the Hotel Ie All Their Kffrcts. ALBANT, Deo. 81. Tho candidacy of the sovoral nion for speaker of the asscmhly received a startllnp; baptism of flro here last night, for tho Dolovan House, that famous hostelry known from Mnlno to California, the ineccn of politicians and tho center of all big stalo political events for forty yours, vvn-s completely d'-stroyed. Flro Btioh as that of last night haj seldom boon seen. It wa 8:1)0 o'clock, nnd tho politlca. headquarters of both Mr. Fish and Mr Jlalby wore llllod with politicians and nowspapor men. Tho outburst of flames boforo an alarm could bo given to urous.i tho InmatoH of tho rooms was something appalling. Up tho elevator shaft thore snot a solid column of flumes, while up tho staircase near this perfect fluo shot an other column As tho mass reached each of tho flvo ors It branched out into tongues of leaping destruction, and It seemed as though tho wholo Interior of the structure was a seething mass. Jiortunatoiy tho list of guests was not very largo, and tho majority of thoso rog istercd were politicians and wero down on tho second lloor, whoro Mr. Fish aud Mr. Mnlhy had headquarters. Thoro wns a rush for tho stairs In tho front and tho ser vants' stairs In tho back, where tho ilames had not yet reached, and in a fow minutes thero was n tumbling mass of humanity coming down thoso fow means of ogress. Thoso on tho two upper floors could not nvnll themselves of theso exits, for tho flames wero rushing along tho corridors, nnd peoplo on tho street, who had not yet socn tho flames, heard a crash of glass nnd saw figures como tumbling out of tho win dows. Within ton minutes after tho first alarm at lpast twelvo persons were dang ling on tho insuluclcnt ropo flro escape or hanging on to window sills. Tho department arrived quickly, but it took soino tlmo to get ladders up, and in tho mcnntlmo some of tho pooplo had dropped to tho street. On tho right sldo of tho building thoro appeared at a win dow Burroundcd by smoko n man nnd a woman. Tho man hod hold of tho woman, trying to persuado hor to wait for help, but sho broko away and sprang out. Shu struck a balcony nnd robounded to tho street. Tho man waited for a ladder and was taken down In safety. Ills namo was II. A. Foakos, and ho represented n cash register company In Dayton, O. Tho woman was his wifo, and will probably die. In ox-hpoaker Malby's room, which was to tho rear of tho elevator shaft where tho flro first appeared, thero was tho greatest excitement. Alxmt twenty politicians wero thero. Including Congressmen Cur tis and Weaver, Seuntor Kilbum and Mr, Mnlby. A rush was mado for the stairs nnd when tho party landed In tho street tho only 01 - Injured was found to bo As semblyman Itobblns, whoso hair and faco were badly burned. In Mr Fish a headquarters thero was less hurry, becauso tlioy wero near tho stairs. All got down safely, but tho ma jority left their baggage. K. A. Manches tor, of Auburn, postmastor of tho assem bly, camo towards tho baggago room for his grip. Hoturnlng ho found his way blockcil with names anil sniuke,aud rushed back to a window. Ho smashed It out and slid down tho rope flro oscapo. Although flvo stories high, thero wero no outsldo flro escapes, and tho only menus left for tho peoplo in tho cut off rooms was to uso tho rope lire escapes. lien Iloilman, of Brooklyn, was In tho third story. Ho opened his room door as soon ns ho hoard tho cry of flro. A burst of llanio mado him look to tho window as tho means of escape. In an instant ho had but. two alternatives a flery death or ft jump, llo choso tho latter and plunged through tho window. When picked up Irom tho sidcwaiK ho win round to bo badly Injured. Ho will dlo. Ills wife, who was In tho room with him, tried tho flro escape, but it cithor broke or clso sho failed to hold to It, for she, too, camo to tho pavomont heavily Her right leg was broken, her left auklu dislocated and sho was badly burned about tho faco and head. Kdward Walsh, a porter, was caught In tho hall. Heforo ho could get out ho was badly burned and had to bo takou to tho hospital. Ono of tho incidents of tho flro was tho escape of Miss Martin, of Now York. Sho was In tho fourth story window on tho Steuben stroet sldo when a laddor was raised. A messenger boy rushed up and uroko tlio window, thus frcolng hor. Of tho ono hundred or moro guests at tho hotel not ono Is known to havo saved moro than tho clothes on their person. At 10:80 the east walls fell In, and soino of tho flromen narrowly escaped being burled. At 11:80 tho Broadway wall foil out, aud ono of tho ilroman was burled In tho debris. Ilo was taken out, and Is not thought to bo dangorously hurt. Mr. aud Mrs. Bradley Martin, Brndloy Mnrtlu, Jr., and Mrs. F. T. Martin woro guests nt tho hotel, having como hero tp bury their son, hhermun. Mr. Martin, when ho reached tho sldowalk, offered anybody 1300 who would got his wife's jewels. No ono accepted, and they woro destroyed, Thero was a satchel filled with jewols valued at fo,000. There aro rumors thnt thero aro bodies in tho ruins, and that quite a number of people did not oscapo, Tho clerk says that ho Is posltlvo all tho guosts escaped, but docs not feel so sure of tho servants, of which there wero a great number. It will take a day uro to dotormlno. Tho department, with nino streams of water pouring Into tho building, could do absolutely nothing at all to stop tho on slaught of tho flames, nnd tho only work was to snvu surrounding property. Tho llro burned Uercely for six hours, Tho Dolovan Houso is fifty years old, and is ono of tho most famous hotels in tho country. It Is a part of tho estate of Edward C. Dclovau. Tho proprietors paid $10,000 a year rental, aud lately had made vast improvements In expectation of a big winter bcasou. Tho total Iocs Is estimated ut $300,000, with on insurancoof f 303,000. A IJueeu Appeal! to Uncle Sum, LonIiun, IVh 81. Tho queen of Mada gascar has sent an urgent appeal to tho United States to prevent Franco annexing her Island, aha Is bonding similar appeali to Germany and Great Britain. These three countries havo tho greatest trado In terests, The documents aro on tho way to . Washington. Ur, Oeo. JI. DteUeHch The Plain Facts Are that I haTe had Catarrh 10 Yean. Hi eatarr' ora did me any good, but Hood'i Su Hood's JL HiBvv par ill a wonderfully, ily head UFGf Is cleared. iVn.o of n.n R, ,aAai returning. Hood's Sar- un.mcia ia uoing my who a worm 01 good lor Thm Tired 1 UHOKQB 11. U1ETTKKICH, Hobble, Hood's Pllla are efOcleut and gentle. 2S Professional Cardo. , Iff N. STK1N, M. V., PUrSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Room 2. Eran's New nnlldlmr. oor. ner Main and Centre streets. Shenandoah. Pa. . Office Hours: 8 to 10a.m.: 1 to 8 p. rc.i 7w 8 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street. J, 8. K1STLEK, M D PH1B101AN AND BURIUO Office 1X0 North Jaraln street, Bhecandoa- "jyj- M. BURKK, ATTORNEY AT-LA W aniKAHDOAn, ta. Office. Reran hnllrltnff. corner nf Main ana Centre streets, Shenandoah. J PIKROE ROBERTS, M. D no. xa least ooai street, BHKNANDOAH, PA. Office Hours 1:80 to a and 6:S0 o 9 p. m. J-JR. WENDELL REDER, successor to DR. CHAS. T. PALMER, stx Aim BAit Bvnanoif, 801 Mahantongo Street, PottsvlUe, Penna. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL CONSULT THE OLD RELIABLE SPECIALIST 329 N. 15th St Bolow Callowhlll, Philadelphia, Pa. Thirty Years' Cont.nuoui Practice In all special dheaoes or botb sexe. Lo.s ol Manho d, t Errors of Youth, and 1.11 dlreases 01 the Blood. Njrven. Hkln aud Kidnovs. Debility unci Loss or Memniy ro-ultluK 1mm Abme, Kxcess Imprudence or lhherlianee are reroianeutly cured by Dr. Liu b, seek I Is advice at once. He guaiantees a posltlvo and radical cure In every cam he treats, bringing tuck Health and vigor in me most tf-rious carex. 1 on uiiaiion uud eianih atloo free and strictly contlden tl 1. Otllce hours,; dally and on Holidays, 0 from U A.M to 8 P. M.. and fi to 9 ivenlnen. Send or ca 1 fur Irte book on Krrors of Youth and obscure diseases or 1 olu rcio-i. SHARES FOR SALE. The Safe TJenoslt Bulldlne and Savinir Asso ciation of Reading, l'a., oilers for sale a few hundred shares of stock. This in a good, tellable and prosperous association In which to take aborua llnvliirv t-Aaili inla fni1 all mnnat 1 nremium received la latere. consenuentlr'liMa, Al stocK win mature mucn sooner tnan associa'iBV located in towns wn ere there Is no great detuHF for money, ana building operations are Try( limited. Hie value of &ch share Is f20Ui at maturity. Application fe25 cents each shire. Monthly dues, one dollar per share. Five per cent, interest allowed on all payment made in advance for 6 months or lea per. Member may wunaraw one or au Buares at any uiuu t civ lngSU days written notice, aud are ei'tltlrd to the full amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent, f interest after one Tear, thereby maklifir it an 11 per cent, investment. All shareholders are entitled to loans from fund on real estato security. No shares will be forced out The fund is run on the came conservative principles as our local funds which have been tried for years and found safe. Any one wish ing xo invest in a saving runu win xinu it to their interest vo call on the local agents and recelvo full particulars. He v. Ii. A. Keyeer.y D. D., of Alananoy City, is one of the directors. MASTER & BACHMAN, Agents, 127 North Jardln Street, Shenandoah. A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without au ideal OMPLEXIO I POWDER, Combines every element oil beauty ana purity. It is beauti fyinR. soothinR, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Avwr I Imlit upon having tha genuine. IT IS FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. I III I 111 H II WaRTMAN STEEL PICKET PBN0B' ia the ebeanHt and beat fence made. Obet than s wooden fence tor residences, lawns, o etery lots or any kind of f enolng. M. B. MAtt noa the atrenev and carries It In stock at marble and granite works, I 7 H, JUDIH HI i 1 V