The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 28, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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tubllshod dally, except Sunday by
'sbllcatlon omen and mechanical department,
North Market Streot.
TJcmnlH ' aollvered In Shenandoah and
i cb jieuaia 8uf t0UndIng town9 ror Slx Cont8
t week, payable to tho curriers. Uy mall, Three
Dollars a year otTwenty-llvo cents per month,
Advertlnemnnl charged according to epace
cd position. The published resorvo tho right
to change tho position ot ad Artlsemcnts when
rartho publication of neA require It. Tfhe
-Istat Is "almffffswved tjrrsject any advertise
atnt, whether paid for or not, that the pub
htrs may deem Improper. Advertising rates
cado known upon application.
Entered at tho post office at Shenandoah, Pa.,
a second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, I'cana
Evening Herald.
FKtDAY. DECEMBER 28, 1894.
If Mr. Cleveland lmd wanted to go
gunning for lnme ducks, his trip to the
South would have been unnecessary. His
own party bus bsen full ot the crippled
fowl ever since the November election.
Anotiibu unsuccessful attempt to re
store Qtucn Ijlliuokulaul to the throne of
Hawaii bus been made. Its collapse,
however, seems to have b-en of so lgno
minions a character, and tn have excited
such universal derision, that It may coil'
fldently be expected there will henceforth
bo an cud to all royalist conspiracies. Tho
natives no longer appear to show any in
terest in the fate of their former sovereign,
and are perfectly coitent with the en
lightened rule of the present government.
Under the circumstances, the English ad'
venturers who have been the prime mov-
era in all the royalist plots that have
taken place are now unable to Bnd any of
the islanders willing to follow their lead.
Ahono other suortcomiuns, the presen!
Administration Is chargeable with (dip
plying postage stamps that are a source
of great annoyance and inconvenience,
One ot the prime virtues In a stamp is
that it shall stick. Beauty In a stamp is
of secondary importance compared Altli
this The stump that does not stick is a
stump that falls of lis manifest destiny.
Nut only Is the mucilage on theBtimp
at piesftit furnished from .Vushlugtou
scanty anil inadequate, but the colors on
their I.icj are s.i ponrly laid on that they
"inn" ou the slightest provoculou. It is
not I be I'jstolllce Depirtment but the
Trertnny Department which is really ro
sponsible for the bail quality of the. stamps
and tli us another sin must be laid at the
do. ir nf Secretary Carlisle. An Admiuis
trillion which is unnmil to the task o
supplying potiic stamps capable of per
forming thulr full duty cannot expect to
be v n'il.i.oned high on the scroll of his
Tiik closing months of 1894 h ive beea
marked in Europe by such an awakening
of revolutionary activities as had not
teen seen before for m iny a yetr. In al
most every country there has been open
and sometimes violent demonstration
agniusl the existing order, and to day the
commanders of the great annul camps
are f ir more concerned with suppressing
or preventing domestic revolt than with
Guarding against foreign nttacks. Local
causes and conditions are probably in
part responsible for this state of affairs
but there Is also reason to believe that
more general forces are at work, and that
this remarkable concert of action Is the
resit It ot deliberate Socialist tc prearrange
ment rather than ot chance. What will
come ot It all, it would be vain
prophesy. That all Europe, or that any
one important state, will be perverted to
Soul illsm is not to be expected. Thnt th
agitati m ot social topics, even thougl:
dtartoj by theeuemtesof social order, will
result in some good, Is entirely prob
able. There is much room for improve
ment In the social condition ot even the
best state in the world, lint what is to
bo most feared is that this Soclallsllo
madness will provoke reaction, and will
drive the true liberals In every country
Into the ranks of the ultraconservative
and repressive parties. This has actually
occurred lu Belgium, where the party of
moderation and progress has vanished,
ami there are uow only Clericals ami
Socialists. It would be an uuapeakable
misfortune should it occur generally
throughout Europe. Yet nothing is more
certain to cause such a reiictlou than the
uutui.onlng clamor and menace of those
who r j "expecting all things in un
IT is alitor nouteuso to urgue that thu i
Douiocrallj curreuoy bill ought to bo put j
through beciUde thu Treasury U la i
trouble. Thu fact la that thu Treasury is :
iu trouble becuune this dangerous bill i ")nN w' r08TEK.
ii i. . .t.i ,. i .i.. nlPiilpntentluriua. Thu JanuniHa Rovorn
peudiug. Its passage would not In tin, J., r h, ,lvUl of ti.oi.tUliVtiii.- it.
slightest respect remove thu dungers of and it iitluUtor lu this city hiw exprtMscd
thu Treasury, but would In all probability hl siUUfactlou th It.
Mr. I' oster deslros ti havo It undorsttfod
Increase them greatly. Uhls Is ouvloub that he gius to Japan purely lu u prlvatu
when It Is considered that tho new bill, capacity as un adviser of the Chlneso plon
whU. It does not formally na- 'SSS'S
tlonal banks to change their basis of clr ( United States. . , ,
ulation, does exposo them to audi unfair
nd destructive competition by state
banks that they would be most power
fully Influenced to abandon the national
system, sell their bonds nnd organize
udcr the new bill as state banks. This
would leave them free to continue the cir
culation ot notes of less than 110 each,
while as national banks this most profit
able part of their circulation would be
withdrawn. The change would save them
from two taxes amounting to one per
cent on their entlro circulation, which
state banks would not have to pay. It
would offer the chance by convenient
arrangements with state officials to get
back Into their own keeping as state
deposits at least a part ot the guarantee
fund of 30 per cent, ot their circulation
which the state banks are permitted to
place with a state official, who can then
keep the fund as he does other funds
wherever he thinks safest pud best, while
the national banks have to place their
funds with the Treasury. These are but
part ot the inducements which would
operate to break down the national sys
tem, and to substitute notes of forty-four
different kinds ot state Danks. One of
enormous potency is the opportunity to
loud money on real estate which in some
sections would enable the banks to In
crease their ctpltal and business almost
Indefinitely, nnd, until the crash comes,
their prollt3 also. The men engaged in
conducting national banks are not so en
tirely different from others engaged in
money lending that they would shrink
from the risks attending lonns of this
character. What restrictions state laws
may provide can only be guessed from
experience under state banking laws be
fore the war, when Democratic money
brought repeated disasters. Thirty years
under the national system have proved
that It Is eminently wise In its restric
tions and safeguards, and the disposition
to overthrow these, and to rush again
into the saturnalia of wildcat banking,
Is not one which any sober business man
should encourage.
Thrcu Men I'rrluips rutatly Hurt anil the
(lurftU Terrorized.
Kanhas City, Ji.,l)ec. 28. A terrible
lwllor explosion caused terror to tho hun
dreds of guests in the Midland hotel last
night, and fatally Injured two and perhaps
threw men. No dainago of any account
fwas dono to tho building. Tho victims aro
uinei I'inglni'er i'reil i'atton, fireman
.liihn Alba nnd Electrician Ttiloy Mowen.
The two first named will die, nnd thero aro
not many chances for tho recovery of
Tito explosion was caused by a defective
Hue In tho boiler, 'f bo door of tho boiler
was blown out with torrilloforco, knocking
down the throe men, who stood before It,
and crashing through a two foot wall. Es
caping steam scalded them fearfully. The
explosion shook tho Immense structure
und caused the guests to Ueo from their
Spent tint Night In the Rigging.
Jl!ItKY City, Deo. L'8.- Tho storm was
not so severo along the coast as was ex
pected. It was thought Wednesday night
that tho galo would be tho worst for years,
but during tho night tho wind shifted and
ml need tho danger to almost n minimum.
South of tho Hook tho snowfall was very
light, tho (lakes melting as tlioy fell. The
three masted schooner Hodman It. Nlck
crson went ashore about half n inilo south
ot tlm Stone Harbor lifo saving station.
Ono of tho crew was drowned. Those wiio
were rescued suffered terribly. Soven men
spent the night in tho flor o storm lashed
to tlio rigging, and wcro i- uost oxhausU d
when taken olt by tho lifo savers. Two
were insensible when taken ashoro.
Coxey anil Ilrowuo Still In St. I.oiil.
St. Louis, Due. 38. Tho object of Mnr
hul Carl Browne and (Sonernl Coxey in
coining hero to attend the meeting of the
n.itlonal oxeoutlvo commltteo of tho IJeo
plo's party is to endeavor to secure recog
nition from tho party for their bill for tho
coinage ol money. They will also urge
the passage of n resolution declaring the
urgent need of the people for legislative
Uisistaiicc through tho public Improve
ment plan itlivndy advocated and declar
ing that the money question nlouo should
occupy tho platform of thu People's party
lu tho campaign ot 'DO.
ISx-Senrptury Pinter Will Act lu thw In
terentH of China.
WAMirNHTOX, Dec. 2S. John W. Foster,
ex-sociMtary ot state, has brain requested
by the Chinese governm-nt to go to Japan
und moot tlm plenipotentiaries of the for
mer government, to aid thorn in their no
gotiulions for peace. Ho has uceopUid the
Invitation, and expects to leave Wasliln,?
ton within a day ortwo, sailing from Van
couver lor Yokohama on Jan. 7, miiIjus in
formed of a delay in tho departure of tli
What s
Castoria, is Dr. Snmucl Pitcher's prescription for Infants
nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a, harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Prlend.
"Cantorlnlsso -well adapted tochlltlrcnthat
I recommend It as superior to any prescription
known to mo." II. A. AnciiEii, M. D
111 So. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Tho uso of 'Castoria' is bo universal and
Its merits so well known that it seems a u ork
of supererogation to endorse It, Vcvr nro tho
Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach
Cahlos lUiira, 1). 1).,
New York City.
The Centaoh
rmii' Virginia Murders.
Kinton, Va., Dec. 28. Yesterday was a
bloody ono on New river. A fight occurred
at Hush linn between a white man and n
negro. Tho white man shot tho negro sev
eral times and left hlin lying ou tho ground
dead At Loop Crook a general fight oo
curred, in wbicli three men were killed
and several wounded. Two of the killed
were fairly cut to pieces.
Kx-MlnWtor Dayton Married.
1'liKNTON, Dec. 2S. Miss Harriet Maria
Stockton, daughter of General Holicrt V.
Stockton, ox-controllor of Now Jersey, was
married yesterday afternoon to William
L. Dayton, ex minister to The Hague. The
ceremony was performed at tho bride's
home In the presence of only the iinmo
iliuto families of the contracting parties.
Canadian Li-cUlutnrs Snowlioiittil.
QUKIIKU. Dee. 2S. This fortress city,
from its elevated and exposed position,
felt yesterday's groat snow storm mom
than any city in the Dominion. Many
members of the provincial legislature, now
In session, were made prisoners in tho par
liament hui'ding all day, while others
could not reach it.
Tn Mlrlti Toys the lYnulty.
Sioux CITY, la., Dec. 2S. Two Sticks,
tboa-jitl In llan chief, murderer of four
cowboys near 1'lno Uiilge agency two year-.
ago, was banged at tho agency today. Two
Srieks was a prominent participant in the
t'uster massacre and lu tho 1'lno Ridge
Hi-nth (if Kx-I'reniileut Klluurl.
Montkviiiho, Dec. is. Dr. Kllaurl.
formerly president of Uruguay, is dead
Dr. Kllaurl was twice elected president
I'ho second timo ho resigned and was suc
ecded by Idlarto Horda, tho present chief
ungistrato of tho republic.
By tho fall of a mill chimney at llriggs
vlllo, Mass , fireman John Adams was
Instantly killed.
Trustoi-s and legatees of A. T. Stewart
havo sold the Metropolitan hotel In New
Vork for l,(ilK),(l.
Part of tin: proceeds of Colonel Ilreckin
Hdgo's lecture at Cincinnati last night
were secured by Miss Pollard's lawyers.
President John McUrldo, of tho Mine
workers, advises against accepting the lie
vision of tho arbitrators in tho Mnssillon
,0.) mine district.
Joseph indwell and William F. Fiml-
ay, prominent farmers, wcro killed by a
iraln at Swlckart Crossing, O., while driv
ms across tho track.
Closing (Jtiotittlons of the Now Vork and
I'lilluilelpllla Kxclinilges.
New Yoiik, Dec. ti7. Speculation ou the
Stock KxcuaiiKe reached u point of extreme
stitKimtlou today, the sales belni; less
thun has been done lu a biuvle hour on a fairly
active market. Only the small traders en
tered Into tho tleullinrs u lilt-.h were for the
most purt for the actountof the short Interest
and to close out long contracts which showed
a profit. CloiiiB bids:
U-hluh Valley 3IV4 W. N. Y. & Pa... -
Pennsylvania &' Krie
IleailhiB 15M ., I.. & W
si. Paul Btl West Shore
Lehigh Nav t'H N. Y. Central. .
N. Y. As N. K. pf.. JIM Iake Krie A W
Sew Jersey (Jen. . UOJs Del. As Hudson
lcnerul lurketH.
I'miJllim.l'iiiA.lJue.SJ. i'iour steadily licIJ;
winter Htiper , $2. lif-fc-!.:!: wtntvroxtruu, JJ.i
a.KI: No. 3 winter fnmll. atiuu
roller Btralidit, ja.tVXuVJ western winter,
rleur, $i..MI.7(l. Wheat dull, uncliitnueil,
u iili Stlie. bill anil SUVjo. iiskoil fur Ducember.
Coruiiuiet, llrui, aHIi 4S4i . bldumUOa. aBkoil
tor Uvcemuer ii,i!8Hiroiii, uiguer, mmm.
bid anil !WH'- ke.l for Iivceinber. Hay dull;
Uiiml to oUoloH uniiitliy, $Hjl;l.50. ltcef dull.
Cork lower: iu " iiiuhh, $i.".inHJ.: taially.
short clear. $11 Anlti. Ijinl weak: ivust
ern stt'n. $.U; 'illy. S-i.WkitO.6aV4. llutter
uteniller; wuattTii dairy. llKttltio.; do. cream
ery, liQDJo.: do. tjelory,9M'dlV).; Elgliif, -'k-.;
Imitation crenmrry, Ifl)l).; .ew vorKilairy,
Ifi jil'.lo. ; do. crrimery, UaStJc.; Cennsylviinln
c-roHinery iirlnts. extra, 3de.; exceptional
brands hliihvr; ilo. choice, Sic.: do. fair to
good, WW It. ; prints jobblnR at '-T;)o. Cheese
pllel;, U;Sll'4o.; small, UXi'iUlic; part
skims. UVriUc.i toll skims, X&iiu. Kgsa llrmcr:
New Yom and Cenusylruiilu, 'JSH&tlo ; In.
house, l(2&3ic.; western fresh, 21!k'.
southern, J04l. Stock MnrUnts.
Nkw Yoiik, ll.t. S7. European cablon ipml
Anwrlcan Bteorn at lofflllio , ilrowoil wcIk r.
ri!frlKrnlor li-ef HiWHie. I' ilnis steaily: ,
hi iM-rnu veals, f'-m; luray-t-4 calve", & 1
.i.afi: westBrn culvoii, 8.3"i.1.7 Hhwpiu .
iiiiuih liinticr; ior to pr in n'les,!.
tl loininon to .uinliain i.. : . - --. .
prime nominally (ioti1 at 81.74. ilo.'i (Inn
KAhV UllBltTV, I'll.. lJto. 3. -Catll Mnny
prime. $'i,i,'i.3."ii iiooil, fH.lVjll.i'l; bulla, tuu
and rows, StfitUl). Uua atea ly, 1'iiUailei
phlm, Jl.tKkai.O); coiiunun to fi-ir Vorkers,
li.-Jl'Hi.m; roiikClm, Blieeu uteailyi ex
tras, kooJ, iMil.'tU; oouuuou to
fair Uutlia. V-'UW.
Cnstorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Dlarrhcoa, Eructation,
Kills Worms, glvca sleep, and promotes di
Without injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
your 'Castoria,' end shall always continue to
do bo as it has Invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Paiuihe, M. D.,
lXth Street and 7th Ave., New York City.
Coki - ast, 77 Mdiuiav SrnKET, New York Crrr
Giimores Aromaiic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous ;
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aro m at i c
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks and restore you to flesh
and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regulator and corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
UliIUGOE phiiade uhla. Pa.
ThoOnly fU'iitiinn Specialist in Amer
ica, rotw l(iistiiiiilliitf What
Olliers Ailvirll-c.
SiM'rial DIscntiCH, Viirk-OMe Vrlui and j
ninciun-ito nuitia) rrrninneiiiiy
Curen -In l tu it Dnitt.
UHi. t ,t Orr .c.
Plflflfi DhlCiTJ IT iry or Secondary
UIAIUU I UIOUil cured by entirely now
iiurruiesa method, o years' European Hospital
and :i2 practical experience, as Certificates and
Ulnlomas nrove. fc-end live 2-cent stumtis for
book "TRUTH," tlie only True iledlcal
Hool: advertised. It la a true friend to all
aunerersana tottioee contemplating marrlao.
The most stubborn and dangerous cases aollc-
uoa. wnieorcauanqDesaveu, iiours,9to3
ov'gs, 6 to 8 for examination and treatmentln
chronic nnrt dangerous cases, Cull dally 9 to
i in f xvu. uituoni, iruiiitfioi; evfjs, o I
nuu,,B iu it, .irraimeni dj ma it.
Dr. Humph re y BpeclQrs aro scientifically and
carefully prepared Itemedles, used for yean In
private practice and for over thirty years by tho
people wltu entire success. Every single Bpeclna
a special cure for tho disease named.
They cure without drugging, purging or reducing
the Bytcm nnd are in fact and deed the Sovereign
Kemedleti or (tie World,
DO. Ol'RKS. rsiOH.
1 Fcverti Congestions, Inflammations.,
Ji WorinNf Worm Fever, Worm Colic..., ,'-!5
3 Tuelhhiffi Colic, Crying, AVakefulness ,25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults f25
7- CoucLm, Colds, Bronchitis .25
8 Xruraleln Toothache, Faccache...... ,25
f)-IIeudachcH, Blck Headache, Vertigo.. .25
0 IlyHnt'PMlii, Biliousness, Constipation. .25
11 SupureBed orl'niuful reriods... .25
12-White, Too lofuso lVrlods. ,25
13 Croup, liaryiiultU, Iloarwuess.... 25
14 Halt Uheum, Erysipelas, eruptions.. .25
15 Hhcuivatliiiii, lUieumatlo Fains ,25
Ki-Mulurlu, Chills, Fever and Ague ,25
lU-Cuturrli, Infiucnra, Cold in tho Head. .25
20 WUooplna Cough ,25
27 Kidury fJiienucif .25
-iS-Nervonx DehlHty 1.00
30 ITriimry Wonknesn, , 25
3 1 JsoioThroiil, Qulucy, Ulcerated Throat ,25
lunuIIUKYs, avitch iiAzr.i, oil,
"Tho IMie OIulineiit."-TrUl SUe, 25 Cts
Sold hf Pruccltt, or vent rrlId on rectlft of price.
lILMrillttiS'MtU.lO., inllSHUIU 8t..MCW)0ItK,
DRUG iJCacr Akin cnur ctun dn. f nnuwnMaM'it raff
SIORIUHGUARd:1 Wilcom Specific Co,Phiuu,pa.
SATDRDA.Y, DEC. 29tb, '94
In all o( Its superlative excellence, Tbo
mimier work of Hpecucular Romances,
In lour acts and sixteen tableaux. Wrltte
bv th 'lie ban Harms. Murvelnus. moral.
t'lumpbant and unmatched. The b girest and
irrnndtmt show o i)ih year. 8 bewltcnlngly
lovely pre ulers ,1. A q lartatte ol Creech
quadrille dancers.
40 Exceptionally Beautiful Ooryphses iO
Car loads ot sumptous icenmv. Ions ol
massive armor. 3 urand ballets S. A host of
European specialties Hundreds ot 1'arlsian
ootmimea Tne positively unexcelled trans
lormaiion tceue.
Prices, ajc, 50c, 75c ana n
Keserved seats at Ktrlln's drug store.
Sensations Ooutinuo Before the
Loiovr Investigators.
Then nflrcell flontlsOiierHtor Declares That
thr Agont of tlio Society for Hnpiiros-itn
Vice Acceptetl n Itrllio of 81,001) from
illfn Comstock's llenlal.
Nkw Yoiik, Deo. 28. Tlio fenttiro of the
Ijoxow coininlttco's lnvoiitlKittlon yester
day was tlio introduction of ovldoncu go-
lnir to show that Anthony LoiONtin'k.
aRcnt of tho Society for tho L'rovontlon ol
Vice, luul tauon a bribo of fl.OIJO from u
(jrpon good-? man to prod!"" tlio dls.uiHsa'
of un Indictment namst him.
Inspoctor Williams' onl.'ii! on tlio wit
ucss stand was also continued, nnd tho ox
lgtcnco of jmuol iiousos and a largo uuin
berofliouses of ill fa mo lu hU district
while lio wivs onptain was shown. Ho Raid
ho found tho housos of ill .iiinothcro when
ho came to tho district, and loft them un
molested "liccnuso thoy wcro fashionablo."
Mr. Goff also Introduced tho Inspoctor to
the knowledge that Japanese law would
not have allowed him to own real estate in
Hakodate at the timo ho claimed In Ms
testimony on Wednesday that ho owned
property thoro.
At tho conclusion of Inspector Williams'
examination Louis S. Strocp, a green
goods oporator, was called. Tills witnoss
created a sensation by tolling a story In
volving Anthony Comstock.
"On May 83, 1889," said Strocp, "two in
dictments wuro found against mo for op-
rating In green goods. Anthony Coin-
stock was tho prosecutor. Comstock told
mo that if I would give up thonamo of my
accomplice I should got off with a light
punishment. I rufused to do so. Kdward
lSechtel called and gavo my wifo S.i.OOO In
hills. Tlio bail was at that timo fo,000,
but was reduced shortly after to $3,000. In
August, 18U0, 1 culled on Comstock with
my brother, who told mo that tho state
indictment vould bo dismissed on pay
ment of $1,000. Comstook said: 'Mind,
tho 51,000 Is not in thu sliapo of a bribe. It
Is a subscription to tlio society.' "
'I asked him whether if I paid him tho
money I might not bo brought up at all.
On Comstock's promlso I paid mm $1,000.
On tho following Friday tho indictment
was dismissed."
Mr. "Jolt produced tho indictments
which lioro an indorsement bearing date
Sept. iO, 181)1, that tho district attorney
having moved that for reasons affecting
the administration of laws tlio indictment
was dismissed.
"Conibtock subsequently callod on ino
nnd asked mo to swear that Ucchtol was
an accompli of mluo. I refused, und ho
threatened to bring mo before tho United
States court. I asked him for timo to con
aider the matter. Iiechtel was arrested on
thu charge of stealing $100 from the Amer-
can Kxpress company. Ho was brought
leforo Commissioner Shields. Negotia
tions wore carried on with him by Com
btook, and ho paid Comstock $1,000. Tho
following day ho was discharged. United
States IMstrlot Attorney John A. Mott
'I was then arrostcd, and employed
Lawyer Hess. 1 told nil about Comstock
to Commissioner Shields. Comstock was
asked to tell what happened in his olllco,
but declined to do so. I was held for trial,
und was convicted on tho charge of Issuing
green goods circulars last Juno, My caso
lias boon appealed.
Hobort ntreep, brother of Louis, cor
roborated tho foregoing testimony.
Mr. (ioir said that tho commltteo, while
Inquiring into the abuses of tho pollco de
partment, hud u perfect right to inquire
into the administration of tlio law so fur
us tho statu was concerned, and that was
tlio reason ho had submitted this evidence,
It hud been shown that green goods oper
ators could escape punishment by bribing
Mr, Comstock, tho agent for tho booicty
for tho Suppression of Vice.
It is understood tnnt the commltteo will
not sit after today, so that a great doal of
work will havo to bo crowdod into tlio day,
and a night session may bo held. Super
intendent Byrnes, Inspectors MoLaughlin
and MoAvoy, and several captains havo
yet to Ik) examined, so that today s session
may be ono of tho most Important of this
Anthony Comstock said today: "Streep's
testimony is rank and Infamous perjury.
Streep never directly or Indirectly gavo mo
value, not oven a postage stamp, and
nover lu all ot ills trials, ovonas a witness.
was it Intimated that ho gavo me a penny.
By the wuy, iu speaking of Golf, I'd like
to know why it was that when ho was nn
assistant district attorney Olin I). Gray
was not prosecuted. I found in this man
Gray's possession a million und a half
dollars worth of Louisiana lottery tick
ets. Onthewhnlo it is a most Infamous
plot to traduce my character."
Ht. Jiiliu's Hankers Arrested,
St. John's., N. R, Deo. a. James Gobd
fellow, Frederick Goodrifgo, Kdwln I)u-
der and Ja: ion llutchlugs, dlroctors, and
Henry CooUt, manager of tho Commercial
batik, wcro arrostcd yesterday, charged
with presenting a false report of tho
bank's condition to tho shareholders at
tho lust uueuul mooting, A warrant wu&
also Issued for tho arrest of Hon. James
Pitts, another director, who Is now in Hai
tian. Tlio directors ond manager were ud
mlttud to ball In tho Bum of $5,000 each.
Killed While .Shoveling Snow.
Altoona, I'u., Dec. Hi). John Hartmuu
a hrukumun In the Altoonu rallroard yard.
while shoveling pnmv, was struck by
passenger train. He died In tho hospital
half an hour luter. He was S3 yours old
and murried. Freight Conductor Daniel
Ulveu, of Hnrrlsburg, who was injured In
the wreck a mile east of this city ou Christ
mas night, Is dying In the AltoouuJio
' pital.
All That's Claimed
" I had a poor appetite, that tired feeling and
was run down, but Hood's Sarjaparllla has
done me a great deal ol
good. I have a bstter
appetite and do cot
feel tired, I ean res.
ommend Hood's Sana
partita as an excellent
spring or fall medlolne
to keep the blood la
order. My 1 elf anil
three daughters have
taken over six bottles,
and It has done ui
mush good. We de
not sew hare to call
upon a doctor, as for
msrir, in the spring
Albert KtnMf time, and I eaa say thai
Auburn, Pa. Heck's SarsaparlUa Is
all that Is claimed for It, I most heartily rt
ommend U, and shall always keep It la my
house." Albert Kiksbt, Auburn, Pa.
parilla Be sure to get
Hood's Pills aro purely vcgetablo, aad do
not purge, pain or gripe. Bold by all druggists.
a x i tiro a
N. STK1N. M. U,
PHrsrcun At.v t-vnaKON.
Office Hor-m 2. FMn'p Kew nnlM'nir m,
Cr Mfltn nnd Ccntro trfnrs. Mirnnnnah.
Office Hours: f to 1(1 a. lo.s 1 to 3 n. c.i 7to
p. m. Night office No. S30 Wist Oak street.
Offlce-lSO North Jaials etrtei. 3bjiiii'. .
muruHnoAH. .
n'.O lTrta. K..lln . 1 . - j
Centre streets, (Jhennnd.-na.
No. 23 East Coil Utreet.
Office Hours 1:30 to 3 and 6:50 lo ti p. m
successor to
301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna
HEMOVEO To 648 N, Hjttti St.,
I above Oreen.rblla, Pa.
Formerly at SC6 North dtcnnd St Is the old-
est In America for the treatment of Spteial
MJiseaers ana touinnti error, varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
ccall a specialty. Communications t-icrrdly
confidential. umd stamp for book. Uduio,
m. to Op. rr sundnvs P tn IS! m
If your clothier doesn't keep
HammerslouKh : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Make him get it. Their celebrated
$15.00 Molton Overcoat
Wesrs like steel and is sold bv eve-v promi
nent clotbler In tbe state. Nom genuine wltb
out Hamrceislough llros.' label.
The Properties
olin B. Reber. Pre
Located on
East Lloyd Street and
Cor. Main and Lloy.d Streets,
Bbensndoah, Pa., will bo
Sold at Private Sale.
Apply to A. II. K0ADS, Agl.,
1Z-17 3tvv3w 111 N. West Ht., Shenandoan.
ia the cheapest and best tenon made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.cem-
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Mastib
nas the oeencv and carries It tn stock at his
marble and granite works IZ7 N, J1KDIK ST.
Wholesale aeent for
FtljEdlfll'l Hi J, iftrl
Li(cr ui liuu Pile Eetr.
No finer made. Fine liquors and OlRara
120 Mouth MaluBL
Shknandoah's RbIiIABLB
Hand Laundry
Cor. Lloyd and Wblte Bts.
All "orV irunrantccd to be first-class In every
particular FllkDesand lace curtain easpeo
laity Goods called for and delivered A trill
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear Coilee House.
The best rigs in town. Horses taken U
board. Hauling promptly attended to.