The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 22, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by PUlll.lSlllNH CIIMl'AKl.
-Miration office and m nantoal department.
4M Cast Coa Street,
n't,- tl.-aij ' delivered In Sheuuauon anc
J4""" su.roujidl) towns (or Six Ceuw,
epir,ptrttDie 10 tne earners. UTronii. rnroi
..rMirn a year or Twentv-tlvo rent per mouth,
fvt-r.(Mitira ehtvrgeu becordliiK to apace
x.r i position. The puhlliber reserve the right
f nangn the poMllou ol Kdvertleemente whop
'. urine pablfeaiton ut newi require It. Tt
lil-.t ix also rofwrvod to reject any mlvcrtlt-..
!tit, whether pnlJ (or or not, that tho pl
filters may deem Improper. AdTertlBlw: rat,
minVrown Upon application
".HitTi d at tbo pout ofdeoat Shenandoah. t.
i nrc) doss mil matter
"iik NfKtrrxn unit AT.n.
Shenandoah, I'enm
vening Herald
No doubt JapHn la grutrful that glieilitl
not hnve Gresham's aid or sympathy.
Secretary Groiuam U wont Is called a
Unlkbs present coudlilons uutiergo a
radical cniuine, there will lie an angry
dispute between Mr. Cvlls e and Mr
tSreihim when Kama teps forwnnl lo
award a wreath of buckwheat siraw o
the man w 10 has proved lilniBe If to be tlio
pr ze 'ilunderer of the Cleveland Admin-
I-t at Ion. The achh vements of both geu
tlemen are t-o nearly equal that the referee
m ly yet have to declare It a draw.
I 111-: shark that brought the ship's pa
p--s of the tramp steamer Capac'safely
from Hlo de Janeiro to Guadaloup?, in
the Weit Indies, a distance of cevera
thousand mllon, really deserved a postal
subsidy, though It is now beyond the
reach of any token of rewaid or npproba-
t ou. It Is not known exactly how long
the fish held the custody of these docu
men's, but it was much longer than Jonah
occupied the whale. The occurrence is In
teresting to rveryboily concerned except
the shark, which had to be cut in two be
fore becoming celebrated.
Mlt. CAI'.LISLK'S state bank plan would
not relieve the Treasury in the slightest
degreeitlt were adopted. On the contrary
it would only aggravate the existing dU
trust and the dllllcultles which theTreus
ury has to meet. If it were passed, it
wO'ild first of nil impel national banks
hell their Government bond?, amount
ing to beveral hundred millions, In which
money Is now locked up, which, under
Mr. Crtrllsle'b plan, they conld umj more
profitably. This sale would at once de
press the price of bonds and lower th
credit of the Government, and make It
far more dlfileult for tlieTrenmry to rahe
money for Us expenses and the redeuip
tion of its notes. It would be simply
nmazinii folly to precipitate upon th
market, already weakened by the belief
that tho Government revenue will not
equal its expenditures, so larqe an amount
of bonds. Idle capital would find invest
meat there, rather than in the Industries
which need its help. Prostration of
Government credit would injuriously
affect all other securities, and retard re
coveryeveuit it did not causa another
Jons l uiiNB, SI. P., would be more mi
ce-hMi us n propagandist If bo had rathe
mini' decent maunerf. The spectacle o
thi luielgner, u fortnight afier landing
on in hhoivs, publicly posing as an ex
pull. hUi-nf the Constitution, aud tellli
Ann-i u'hiis what Wnshtugton and Hamll
ton una .luiiersm meant to mike on
(Jover. niHiit, Is ludicroui enough to pr
v )ke a itiilvtrsal guffaw. Hut it is as 1
solen, as it is absurd. The American
public uannot be tharged with iutoler
nnce. It. has permitted Most, and Mow
bray, nnd others of their kidney, to com
over here and rant and rave to the;
hearts' content. It let John Burns, M
P., come also, and did not seek torestral
him from preaching his gospel of plunder.
And If, when he returns to Knglaud, he
sees fit lo make speeches and write books
abusive of Amerloa, It will not object, nor
be surprised. Hut It does expect, and has
a l ight to JeuiHiid, that while he is here
h nl keep a men-itrnhly oivll tongue in
hU .ii-iiil'. Km miiv foreigner to rail
a ii .mi rrv hi- i- vi-dtlng and in
sult i denounce its government Is u
gr.iss il itlou of the lavt of Inwpitnlii y.
For o - who Is a member of the chief
governing bo ly of his own country to do
so !h soniidalous I eyond description. up
pose an Atneriiau member of Congress
were to go to Knglaud aud make stump
speechw, reviling the Queen, denouncing
the government, telling his hearers wli.v.
the lirltLh Con-n union really means,
and liiunchiug blapbemous diatribts
agni.ini thesooiitl order, would there not
be a pr ly po;her f Would there
i not be a .
storm ui I'Mtetin aumm such
, , .,i n,.: i .. t . . i . i
.u.onoer euuny WH.t onn
Burin, M, P., ha been doing.
hat do
American workliigmen think of It t They
nvo not generally lacked patriotism, Do
tliey enjoy hiving a foreigner, a confessed
enemy of American Institutions, come
hither nnd insult them and mallgu their
country f '
KHK'N AN V . A ,K !
u li.iiw.ivjj wu imu i nuuauuu ,
sitr.r.nnrnj '
Mrs. Lizzie C. Wilt's Grateful Account
of Her Recovery A Simple Remedy.
Kiom Advance Arua, Qreenvllle, Mercer Co.,
With feelings of uncertainty Mrs. Wilt
begun tho use of Dr. Konnedy's Favorite
Uemedy, but toslay It has no better
friend than she. Mrs. Wilt is well
known, for she has lived for yea-s within
feiv miles of Greenville. Tho follow
ing letter, addressed to Dr. Kennedy, will
make Interesting rending for many n sick
person :
I)EAlt Sill : For 25 years I have been
troubled with sick nnd nervous head
aches, so bad that much of the time I
was unable to do anything, for I would
be so weak and prostrated after.the severe
pain was gone. I tried everything I
could hear of, but they all failed to do
me any lasting good. Last spring my
son whs using Favorile Itemed, and he
insisted on uiy trying I'.. I did bo, aud
used less than a bottle, and found it was
just the medicine I needed, for 1 hnve not
had a headache since.
It also benefited mo In other ways, for
my he.ilth was poor, aud it acted as a
tonic. I hope this letter vill reach the
eye of some poor sttffeior, for I know If
they will only try Favorite Remedy they
will be thankful for it. Yours truly,
Mrs. Lizzie C. A'ilt, Grejnville, Penna."
Such a mark of commendation coming
from one of our re-lilents should place
In the minds of all the great value of
this medicine.
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
is pronounced by the majority of phy
sicians as the superior of all blood medl
cines and nerve restorers. It cures rheu
matlsm, neuralgia, nervous and bilious
headaches, nervous prostration nnd the
tired feeling resulting therefrom. It is a
Bpeclflc for scrofula, erysipelas, dyspepsia
anil for the troubles peculiar to the female
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
can be pnrcbased at $1 a bottle or six
battles for to.
Where and When Services Will he Con
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Keformed church, Itev Itoberi
VHoyle, fiastor. Services to morrow at P
,. m. and i:'J0 p. m. Suud.iv school at 1:30 1). m.
5verybody welcome.
Kchelos Israel CtinrresHtlnu, West Ow
treet. Uev. J. Mitnlck Itabbl : scrvloe
.very Friday evening; rtalurday and Uuuda.-i
ttternoon ana evening,
Welsh Baptist church. Preaching services a;
u a. m. anu p. m. ny I tie pastor, itov. 1). i
Cvans. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Everybody
Itoman Catholic church of tbo Annunciation,
3norry street, above West street, Uev. 11. V
y Itelily, pastor. Massos at 8:00 and 10:110 a ro,
espers at 3:00 p. m.
Ht. Gcorgo's Lithuanian Catholic church
orner Jardin and Cherry streets. Uev. I.
Vbretnaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at lu
. m. vespers at a p. m.
English Lutheran church Preaching
10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p m. by the pastor, Itev
1, f. Men, .i. iJ, jnu.iv scnooi at 1:311 p. in
prayer meeting i flursaay evening at 7 o ciock
12erybody welcome
Kbenezer Evangelical church. Uev. It. M. I.lch
nwaluer. pastor. Services to-morrow at 10 a.
a In German, and 6:30 p. in. In English. Sunday
1choolatl:30p. m. All aro heartily Invited to
First Methodist Episcopal church. Hov. Wm.
owick, pastor. Services at 10:30 a m. and
d:80 p m. -unday school at 2 p. m. Epworth
League at 5:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
iro always welcome.
Presbyterian church. Kev. T. Maxwell Mor
rlson, pastor. Burvlces at 10:30 a m. and 6:S0
p. m. Sunday school at xi p. in. Christian
Sndcavor Society will moet on Tuesday even
ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening at :aif. ah arocoruiauy inviieu.
English Ilaptlst church, South Jardin street
services at iu:sj a. m. ana at o;j p. id.
Preaching by tho pastor, Uev. W. H. Harrison
PralKe service ut ts p m. Munday school at 2
&m. iMonoay evening at 7:3U tne x . f. B.
. will meet. Wednesday evenlug gcnerfcl
grayer meeiini;. uveryuouy welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. Itev. John II tUi
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30
p. m. wisiey prayer meeting at 8:i p. m.
Sabbath school nt 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evening at 7:30. Class meetings
ruesaay ana weanesaay evenings ut 1 o'clock,
Praver meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats tree, nyuno not having a church home
Is corllally tnvfted lo come here.
All Saints' Protestant Episcopal chuich, Oak
treet, nour Main Morning service at 10:30
,nd evening at 7 o dock. The rector ofll
elates at morning serv eo alternately and at
every evening service. Tho lay reader, Charles
BasUlus ohlclaius in tho .ibsence of the
rector, u. il. lirlogman. Sunday school at
p. in All Boats free and everybody made
heartily welcooie.
J ' ToOacnu Spit or SpokeyuurLlfci rtwa
Is the truttful. startllnc title of a little
book that, tells all about No-to bac. the
ivntl fluff It 1 linrmloaU ollufQlitood tnlinrrm
habit cure. The cost is trlfllug anil the'
man who wuntB to quit and cun't runs no
physical or financial risk in using "No-to
nac." soul ny nil urugglsts.
Rook at drug stores or by mall free.
Vddress The Sterling Remedy Co., In
liana Mineral Springs, Ind. w&s-ly
Coming: Events.
Dec. 24 Ninth annual ball of the Nn
iomil Social Club, in Robbins opera
Annual Btipper in Rob-
Jan. 4th, '05.
litis' opera house under the auspices of
he Welsh Ilaptlst church.
Auy one who has children will rejoice
with Li. 11. Mullord. of Plalufleld
3, i. ,1.
Ilia little uoy, live years of age, was sick
with croup. For two days and nights bo
tiled various remedies reoomineudeti by
friends and neighbors. He says: "1 ,
thought sure I would lose him. 1 had 1
seen Chauiberlalu's Cough Remedy ad '
vertised and thought I would try It ns a 1
mi iiu nun urn mi 1 ij iu .-ny wmi inter.
two doses he slept until morning. I gave
It to hlnuittxt day ami a cure was ef
fected. I keep this reined v 1 'S- house
nOW anil ns HOOU MS nilV ill III- ellllllreil
show signs of croup I give 1 1 m tbeni nnd
it'lltfolieWGruhleflC! 60
Sunday Parers.
I urn tbo only authorized agent for
imimcieipuiu touncmy; iw, also ng..nt
fr all ntliw I'hJlndelphU nnd New York
omiuay (wpers. jiu 01110m leit. 111 tne 01-
fl(e Q .Squlr0 T. T. Wlllluma will hare
roy prompt attontioo.
I 11-S-es-tf
D. T. WnaAtii.
Hundred Ciwe tii-l, r lnv, -H it on lu
til' t .Clllll, llf Ulluloll.
W.t'CI UT"-j. Dl'r J), -ill.' nr nf V
G. TU;.n .-li.ut at 0 'titrevllK U T , U the
outcome of mi Invent: igatlon that hits b".i
Hi nrosm-iw by tho panslun , liureim for nl
miHt a your. Tho extent of tho frti't'lulout
oporntloiiH are not definitely known, but
nuout I.mjcasos n which ho ncto I M at-
torney are on fllo at tho bureau, and
100 cino are under Investigation In tho
neighborhood of Scranton, Va. Tho scheme
was Hbnllnr to tho hu? Dway f r.iud at
Norfolk. Tho names of n iiumtwrof prom
luent people of Scninton wero Involved
lu tlio frauds, thou ill tho lnuoe-
Mime of them of Intention of
been established. Alderman C. T. Mor
gan Is implicated In tho fraudulent trans
actions, the :.i.iln charge li.-ing nilowiinco
of tlv use of ills official seal ou tlu fraudu
lent papers. I to luw oonfewed his guilt.
Tlio exposuro of tho attorney vrns
brought about by tho complaint of n
widow claimant, by whom bo was accused
of robbery of part of an amount granted
her some time ago as arrearage. Tilling
hast fled to UlnghamtDii, N. Y., and from
there ho was tracrd to DulTulo. His where
abouts wore subsequently ooneealed for
several ninntlis, a difTleult search flnallj
resulting In Ids apprehension at Centre
vllln by SfK" l.-.l Kfiunlnor W. F. Mehuoker
who hrul been making tho investigation.
An Aroimeil Muj-or Mnrreiiilev.s,
Romk, X. Y . Dec. 3g. Home's nllegi"!
defaulting mayor, David Ulllott, ravohlin
self upto the uullrr-ities Inst nUht. H
was sulnrqui-ntly t-akeu lwfot" United
Mates (Jimmis.slonnr llowliintls ami Man a
Examiner Van Vrankin. He ontvrod ti
plea of not guilty and immediately fur
nished bill lr the sumi of ?7,0M for his up
pcaranw on VYdiie-ilay morning. (Jlllofl
Is charged with emb.Kziug tlio fuuiU ol
the Central National bank of Homo In the
sum of jCi.OO.) while acting us teller. He
says he will lie abl.'to exonerate himself.
Rlolby, the di-faultlng ox-cashier of the
bank, exonerates Glllott, mid says that tho
latter Is no way to blamo for the shortage.
lllelby a shorlago is reported as $30.UU0.
The lledllctions at Homestead.
Pi nunuiio, Deo. 22. Annount-iment is
made to the workmen of the Homestead
Steel works flint tho scalo for 1805 will bo
ready for inspection on Deo. 24. Tho new
fii'ivle shows slight averago reductions In
wages, but to offset tho cut the company
roes to reduce rents and cost of fuel I
proportion The wages of tho laborers a
not to bo reduced. Tho scalo for tho Ed
gar Thompson works will alsobeprcsentr
homo time next week, and will show n
ductlons similar to thoso nt Homestead.
Thcro will likely bo Individual remon
strances, but tho men, as a whole, will
i" 'ii'itless sign tho now scale without
Cook's la1s TtenuUed.
Prkt.y, O. T., Dee. 2i. A gang of men
attempted to break into Farmer John
Yankln s houso, several miles east of here,
but several well dlnvtod shots from Yan
kln's and Ills daughter's revolvers drove
them away. As tho gang left on horses
Yankln shot one of tho men and ho fell to
the ground, but was taken away by his
companions. Later tbo men attacked tho
house and nearly riddled It with bullets.
It Is thought that tlio gang was a part of
tho Cook gang. a
Curried tho War Into Court.
WiLKKKUAlillli, Pa., Dec. 22. Tho war
between tho Delaware and Hudson rail
road company and tho Scranton and Pitts
ton Traction company, at Trucksvillo, has
lioen curried Into court. Tho former com
pany has entered suit against I ho Trac
tion company to prevent it from interfer
ing with or crossing tho tracksof tho plaln
tlil's road. Deputy sheriffs served tho in
junction, and the armed men whom the
Traction company had employed with
drew. Killed by a nursling ripe.
New M AiiTiNSViLi.K,Vu.,Nov. 2. Whllo
Cuptaln James Ch-gg, foreman of n pipe
lino gang for tho New Martinsville Natural
Gas company, was e.-iulking a plpo under
it 1,000 pounds direct pressure tho plpo
burst, throwing Captain Clegg nearly a
hundred feet into tin- air and killing him
instantly, ills neck being broken. Half a
dozen other workmen ubotit- him wero
knocked down and severely injured.
Highwaymen In Alabama.
liirtMlNGUASI, Dec. S3. J. T. Thornton,
a prominent grocer, left his store yostcr
day afternoon to drive out to Ensloy City
to deliver somo goods. Threo hours later
home farmers discovered bis dead body bv
tho roadsldo. His pockets had been turned
and his monoy and watch taken. Tho
murderers, aro believed to bo a gang
of highwaymen who have recently been
homing up lariners.
TJireu ltui-mul to Doith in a Hotel Vlrc,
VALLIIJO, Cal., Dee. Tlio Philadel
phla House, better known as t.iu .Sailor.'
Houso, was destrojed by fire early in tho
morning. .lack Finn, John Hell and
George Josslyn were burned to death. Jos
slyn wus quartermaster of the United
States steamship Independence.
j All ArBj,, oreen, Scheme.
WASIilXUTON, D.r. L'J.-Complalnt of u
srn goods scheme was forwardod to tho
postoflloo department yesterday, which in
closed a clrctiliirglviug tho address of tho
operator of tho scheme as Jamas Cox, 701 1
Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa.
Murder In the First llugree.
NKWYoitK, Deo. 22. Gujrgo W. Cram,
who hxs been on trial for murdering his
wife, Rachel, on Oct. 8 last, by shooting
her at thoir home, was found guilty of
murder in tho first degree.
Mrs. Perrlne, moilier of the prosldont's
wile, is visiting nt tnu Whllo Houso.
The Chicago JrSifi l Jury found nine ad
ditional election fraud Indictments 'yostA'r
duv. William Walteiu, of Avooa, Pa., wus
found tleadiu tin roadway. I'ho coroner
Is invohtitfutiug.
,f .,., . v,u v,..i- ii,.,i
H i rup.irieil la New York that Goorgo
oaver lAipr h ii r'tirod from tho Uuitod
fetatog Cortta c n. pany.
J Kn1.nltf,tln I'l.vee 1 Rnhl t In. rmrltl,.
', mmmg cattle In Muxlco, nml Texas hoj
; na I
HouglMS Putumn, BeoretM of tho Marl
eu v.) couegv. anu grmii .n'O-rttUon 1
t h.. r.unikit i,',,liibli.iii.f.i. . .-...-ill 1 1
yettrday nt Aliirlutta, uvoil :i.
Tlw ikii of the spocml cj.i.-jii' . u'
Crwf-i.-d AlIj.I ai..i.i;v ompr.::y ,
that tho institution was completely
wrecked by IU niUuttig president, AlUert
I Whipple.
r. J, rznocsoN, manager.
Grand Christmas Porformnnce
Matinee nnd Evening,
John E. Brennan,
In the refined Irish Comedy-Drama,
Suiat'TIM, :-: THE :-: TINKER."
Reunod Irish plav. pleasing slmtng,
wondfrful danelug, good noting. The
Tinker Q'lnrtetto IU sing beautiful
Irish song's.
Prices: 35, 35 unci 50 CtH.
Reserved Heats at IClrlln'' drug store.
r, 1. rEiiouaoN, uanaoeh
The Ever-welcome W. II. Powers'
Dramatic Irish Drama,
Introducing tho young and talented
Irish comedian,
and nn excellent company. New and
inagnlflclent seenerv. New songs
nnd dunces. Brighter nnd
better than over.
Prices, as, 3S acl 50 CtH.
Reserved seats nt Klrlln's drug store.
r. j. rBitouson. haiiadbk
SATURDAY, DEC. 29th, '94.
In all of Its superlative excellence. The
master work of Spectacular Romances,
In lour acts nnd sixteen tableaux. Written
bv the late t has Harms. Marvelous, moral,
triumphant and unmatched. The ti gs'esi und
granaeti snow or in year, a oewucniugi
lovely premiers 3. A quaitdttJ ol Frecc!
quadrille dancers.
40 Exceptionally Beautiful Ooryphoes 40
Car loads of sumutous sconoiv. tons of
massive armor. 3 grand ballets .1. A host oi
Europos i specialties Jlunareus or rarisian
o istumes Ti.e positively unexcelled trans
formation tceue.
Prlcen, 25c, 50c, 75c Mttd $1,
Reserved seats at IC'rlln's drug store.
Gilmore Arom-ntic Wine
A tonic for ladies If you are
suffering from weakness, and
feel exhausted and nervous
are getting thin and all run
down, Gilmore's Aromatic
Wine will bring roses to your
cheeks and restore you to flesh
and plumpntss Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is
the best regu:. ;c ind corrector
for all ailments peculiar to wo
manhood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold by
106 N. Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa
131T Arch St. Phila. Pa.
ripen t'urt-ii in .iu loiMMiayH, liinlrlteH,
iJnrTlrHiii iieiiNtH, ervniiM ueumtrl
nnil I-rrui'H of VouiIl IoHHof lnf mill
iricinrcs u ntuiiHj cured ur a Utv
Lost ?-Ianh:)C(! n u Smnll SlirunUen Or
nnus I'uMy Hestorcd
HclenlUlo method never falls unless
cpaelstwyoml hurucnuU. Hcilerut:
once, aud you fttl like u man uiuoiik
men in mum una i.ody. Alt lonscBii
obeckeil Iminctllalely auJ rotitlnuctliS
U lianrovemenL livtrir ritiRtHflu tn'i
Imppy mnrrKM Hlo renioveil KerveSa
torco, will, energy, train power.
tbo comblnea jJU' trcatintnu Vlctlmi oJ
abuses a-nl exct'sst-H, rrlaliu your manhood '
HunVrera from tollv. ovtrworfc, early errors, 111-
1 teal til nnd fXCCUdCH in murrlcd life rpfrntu
viicu 1,1 1111? or Kisc. nit riHinrisi iixr
your Rtrt-ngtli. Don't ilOHimtr, even If In thel
last bu;i'h. Don't 1 discouraged, tf quacUs'
have robhPd you. I will vroo to you that
medical sclenue and honor BtUl exist Bend
Uvaa-t-ent Btumm for hook TRUTH." the
only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter
what they udvertlso to ttuvo themselves from
exposure) their tilcka and devices, calltugi
themaelvea celebrated and famous, giving free
advloo and cuarunteo, c ha rein c enormoue
prices for cheap, poisonous druKS. and there
by rulnhiR thousands. Hour! 0 to 3. Kven
ings,o-ajw. v ea. ana nau jve gs, e-u.aa bun.,
rtoupo au amiciea wuu aancerous ana
hopeless cases should call for examination.
Dally, from V-l. Wed. and Bat. eve' its. 6-9. and
j8un.,l)r& YVrlteor call. Treatment by mall.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hit
Pear Alley, Rear Colfee Houso,
The beHt rltts in town. Hornee taken to
board, Huullni; promptly attended to.
Kormerly kept by 1'aoi. aibbonn,
main and Oak Sts., SUou.intlt-ah
freeli and cool Doer nlwj on up,
IVIHOH, Liquors, ClKrx.
(Jostello Sc Oasbuiv. Prnnrlew-
', fllJENANDOAIl'S llEhlAUtF
oor. l.loyfl uJ Wlilto hw
All fork (nwraatead to ba Brat-elas lu ertrj
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain 8a peo
laity. Goods called for and delivered, A trial
nt-Ministers Hnve -lnile No Flfort to Ne
gotiate Terms.
Wamiinotox, Deo. 23. Minister Denby
cnblestho state department that the Chi
nese government has appointed two peie
commissioners, Chang Yin Huuu an 1
r-iiao, who will proceed nt once on tlvir
mission from Pnkln to tho Jntianeso mini
tul. '
Chang. Yin Htinn Is nt nresont a mem
ber of tho Tstijig LI Ynnioti, or Chlneso
niporlnl eouncll. Hn was a fov vear-i n
Chinese minister to Washington, nnd Inn
tne reputation of bjlng thoroughly skilled
In tho dlplomaoy peculiar to oriental
countries. Shao Is now netlnrf eovernor
of rtio rich Chinese provlnc-i of, and
In mldlllon holds several minor oillee.s m
tho Imperial gorornmont.
there Is some sn .'ouhiHon hero ns to
whether an armlstloo will bo declared
ponding the e . miuim iUou of a . -aty ol
immob. Such n oourso Is muni In fie civ
of wars lin-nen civilized round 1 , !)
leru U rum i to bulluve th,-
eso are IndUp.iKcd to trust the Chinene in
e smalltist logree, and if au armistV i
irranedit .ill bv upon Mieli e-m-litli i-
ns to itssuro'lie Jap,.ue.-,e thia th.-y w II
h.-.o none of tho advantng-j of tho pojition
which they How hold.
It oan positively b? stated that In no
caso havo tho United States ministers to
lapan anil Ciiina, whllo engi ged in medi
ation, tindertaken oven to discuss the
inns of final peace. All such matters as
the amount of tho war Indemnity to Ikj
paid by tho defeated country, tho gtiaran
oo of the independence of Corea, tho r.e
oupatlon of Port Arthur nnd the Island of
Formosa have lioen loft untouched for tho
discussion of tho ponco commissioners, and
tlio solo olTorts of our ministers havo been
directed to bringing tlui principals to
gcther todiscuss terms of peace.
WlNon AmeiiilH llll 11111.
WAHltlNOTON, Dec. 22. Cliiilrmnn Wil
son, of tho wiiys and menus committee,
Introduced n bill in 'jo luHine rcpenllng
thnt portion of tho new tariff act which
Imposes a differential duty of 1-10 of ono
cent per pound on sugars imported from
countries paying u bounty on sugar ex
ports. Tho repeal of this duty was urged
by President Clevelaud In his lust nnmml
mossage. Its incorporation in the tariff
bill has been stated to bo ono of tho re;i-
sons given by tho German government for
tho prohibition of tho importation of
American meats Into that country.
Paint's Murder Mystery.
I'ANA, Ills., Doc. '22. The Pnnn murder
mystery grows In interest. Tho new de
velopment today is a report that Notih
Foster, the alleg -d murderer who dlsnp-
ueared from hero lust nrior to the murder
of young Arthur L. Blnulon, left hero
nbout a year ago In tho company of Henry
Frank, who travoled on foot, ppimlliur.
Frank was found detul shortly afterwnrd
In Missouri, having boon killed mystorl
ously and found near a railroad track. It
Is surmised by some thatFoitor is a "Jack
tho Hipper" limnlno nnd killed both boys
wnllo tramping with them.
No Fours nT nu Indian Uprising.
Omaha. Dee. 22. Tho report of a thrcat-
neil uprisingat Pino It lilgo Is unfounded.
The fact that Indians of tho reservation
have abandoned their farms In largo num
bers, together with tho approaching hang
ing of Two Sticks, tho Sioux chief, for tin
niutdorof three cowboys, has disturbed
nany settlors with tho fear that they con-
1-ilut.Hl war. Deputy United states
Marshal Knliinson denies that there I?
ouuso for apprehension. Ho says that tho
Indians are rather glad that Two Sticks
is golug to bo put out of tho way.
Irwin Released on Hull.
PiTTHiiuito, Dec. 22. Goorgo M. Irwin,
tho discretionary pool operator, was ro
leased from jail into last night on ?20,000
bail. His attorneys yesterday wont to
Holliduysburg mid secured from Assoc!-
nto 'Justice John Dean, of tho supremo
court, the order for Irwin s release, which
supersedes tho decree of tho common pleas
court romnndlng him to jail for contempt
in refusing to deliver bis books.
Cltlrens Iturn n Sulonn.
CltAWFOllDSVILLE, Ind., Dec, 23, Citi
zens of Xowmarkct, to tho number of
twenty-flvo, marched to tho Newmarket
saloon aud applied tho incendiary torch
Tho building aud contents wero burned
to the ground. This Is tho socond time In
two years that tho place has been burned
out, tlio people- i "'Hiring tnat no saloon
will bo tolcr, , iu tho vlllngo.
IlUliop ?rnlz ICenlKiiatloii Declined.
DlSNVKlt. JJuo. !. Tho Denver Times
says: Won. U received Informally iu thi
city from Washington that tho resign.,
Hon of Bishop Mutz, which was forwarde
to Homo u month or so ago, has not beoi
nnd will not bo accepted by tho popo. The
nows from Washington conies trom a
Bourco that leaves little or no doubt us to
its being correct.
Lyneliem Hunting B Murderer.
ATLANTA, Doc, 22. A special from Quit
man, (Su., says; Job Isman, a prominent
cltlzon of this county, was waylaid and
murdered whllo on his way homo by Wnv
crly Plko, a negro, with whom ho had had
a quarrel hero during tho day, Piko
has lied, but a posso Is in pursuit of him
and a lynching will follow If ho Is cap
A Kentucky Murderem Captured,
BAltnoUKVILLE Dki-ot, Ky Dec. 23.
Mrs. John A. Cox, who killed her hits
band nt Gray's Station on Tuosday with
an ax, has been arrested and brought hero
and lodged In Jail to nwnit nn examina
tion trial. Her four small children wero
all with her.
To Appeal from Judge Woods Decision,
ClHCAClo, Deo. 22. It has been decided
by tho attorney for Dobs nnd tho other of
llclalB of tho American Hallwny union to
make an appeal from tho decision of Judge
Woods. Tho caso will bo carried to tho
United Stntos supremo TOpr(,
A Murderous Itobber1)! Confeftftlon.
GLOVEK8VILLE, N. Y., Deo. 22. L'liarlos
V. Hulling, tho murderer of Kloas, ut Ing
ham's Mills, has uiado a confession in
which ho stntos that robbery was his solo
motive lu tho killing, ilolllug Is ,11 tho
jail ai donusiowu,
Ix.rd liundolph ChurcldU Critically 111
London. Deo. B2. Tho Mornlnu says
is renortwl thnt Ijiird llandoloh Churchill
Is paralyssed In one side mill that he has
loBt the fiuiulty of relglllzAB people. Ills
mother ami aUter have gone to Mur.-'.llca
to meet I m.
riilivitottn CnuvU-teil of Murder.
AlPA'SVi Doo- S9. CUu Nou, ou trial for
tlio murder of Cbu Illug, who fouml
(rSllty'of Yuunlorln tliusocoud degroo yes-ter-luy
afteruoou. ,
Saraaparlll& ti carofullj
prepared by eiperlon"'
pharmaclsti from Sn?
p&rilU, DndelIon, Man.
L drake, QodcFlpaltiewa.
rsgettbla remedloi. Tito Combination, Pro
portion and Pjroceai are Peculiar to Hood'i
Bawaparllla, eitlng It strength and ouraUra
power Pocullar to Itself, notpo.
fiSSed bv OtllAI tnaH(.ln. TTruvtl.
Cnre Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sorai, Boll 1
Pimple and all other affection cauisd by '
tmpure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Slot:
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
uneumaiuai, Kidney and Llrer Com-'
plaints. It Is Not What
wo Say, but what Hood's
Sarsaparllla Does, that
Tnlli tho Story Hood' a
Hood's Pills are gentle, mild and efltoUre.
Home 7
treatment often prevents
the necessity for hospital
treatment. Every wise
housekeeper keeps an
Porous Plaster
on hand for immediate use
for congestion arising from
taking cold, for lame back,
sore muscles, sprains and all
sorts of pains and aches.
There lire Imitation, bjrth. .core. B
vaie ot Ihem. Oct the genuine ALLCOCK'S.
Allcock's Corn Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have no equal as a relief qA cure for corns
and bunions.
Brandreth's Pills
are of great benefit in oases of torj jfn .
liver, biliousness, ana rheumatism:
1 5"u a iw, ra
IN EfrECTNO IMUilt 18. 13!)
TTtna leave BhctiAcnot. x to',.--?
ror How York vl PliPidalpl.ta 'sc.. .u ,
10. 6.25. 7.2". , 12.3J. "..W, 5.'"- .) " in y
tlO, . ui Tor N(ifYor'' vie w.
weeir ny3, O.AV' -1
For Rcidlotr ami Phil wle lt) ' . -iv.
.10, fi.25, T.20, . tu., V.X .K ' 1'
luv, :i.iu. a. ra.
ror pottuvuie. woou Jts-. -.' " i..
i.32. 2.K. 6.55 1. ro. SunUar. X10 v.
ForTsmaqa and Mfthnnoy City, w il 1,
HO, 6.25, 7.20, . m., U,S2, UM. S.M p. m
1av,S.10, . m. '
i"or wllllamsport, aunbury an'i iv ' - ,
eeli Says. 3.25, 11.80 ni. ' ' 2
Sunday. a. to.
For Mahanov Flano. wees wars. '
f.20, 11.80 a. jn., . 12.82, A S.M tf.: 1 8S5
p.m. Sunday, 2.UI, B.Z5, a. m.
r-or Asoiana ana anaixioviii ' . r.,
.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.8S. T.21. 0.3S - - (Jy
a. xa.
ForBaltbnore, WashlnKton ar- "th f
:. A O. K. K. tbrouirh trala-j b "' Ke '
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P ft"""' 3 21,
r.oa, ii.i a. m., j. , 7.r, u. m. jn-'-'.55,11.26
a. m 3.46, 7 27 p. w Additional
l,ntr.linm 9llh nnil i Y,F-etn,it KlrpPlq fltntlnn.
week (lavs. 1.45. 5 41. 7.23 p. m. hucduy-i, 1.35,
8.23 p. en.
mama ua nris.-Af.wwrt
Leave Now Yorlr via le.lkimpnii. . .1 v
i.00a.m-, 1.30, t.OO, 7.3-1 p. ut. 11.1 n'- M '
day, 6.00 p. m.
Leave New YorkvlaMaatn tni'inn, t n ,
1.80. 9,10 a. m., 1.10, 4.80 p. m
Leave pmiaacipnia, Koaatna lerniJisi,
neelt days. 4.20. 8.S5, 10,01) a in.. r.a:
U fa n. m. flundav ..ain. rr.
Leave Keadlnir. ween days.,T.iu,i;).i;
l. m., O.OS, 7.67 p. m sunaay, l.aa, .
Leave Pottsvtlle. week days, 2.35. "
12.80, 6.12 p. m .Sunday, 2.35 . ra.
LeavoTmaqu,weoic days. 5.1S, e.N 2i .
ra., 1.20,7.15. s.23 p. m. Sunday. 3.18
Leave Mananoy City, wooli days, 1.41, .
11.47 a,m., 1,6J, 7.38, 9.54 p. m. fjuadty, 8 45
Leave Mahanov Plane, week dtvs, 2.r 4f0,
S.HO.e.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.58, Z.0e, 6.S0, 8 V. f 8 10 10
p. zd. Sunday, 2.40, 4 ro a. m.,
Leave Wllllamsport, week day 7-12, 10.10,
3.35,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.16 p, u..
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htraet Wharf
nd tiouth Btreot Wttirf for Atlaatl' i- W..
woek-Daya Express, B.uu, i. io , z.uu,
1.00 p. m Accpmmodaalon, n.W a. m- 6.43
. m.
mindav Fxrjresa. .IW. 10.00 a. m. Aocom-
oodatlon. 8 1 0 a, m. and 4.30 p. m
KeturniLg, leave Aiiuutic cny, uuim,
atlanllc and Arr.ftus avenue.
Week-Uivs Kxoress. 7.3). 9.i0 a. m. and
i.Wa dASiip. vu Aceomiaodatlfin, 8.16 a. m.,
and 4.32 p. m.
raunaa t'.x rois, i uu, t wj p. it, aukuiuu
latlon, 7 15 a. m.. aua 4 15 p. m. 4
Parlor cars on all exprean trains,
O. O. HANCOOX, Gen. Pao3. Art
I. A. SWEIOAitD, Gen. Snt
iB the cneapeat and best tencc made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence torrosldenqes, lawns.oem.
etery lotB or any kind ot fencing M. II. Masibh
nan the agency ana i-arne
marble and granite works
arrlea It in stock at his
127 N. J1KDIN ST.
1 WholeuAle jyienc tnt
felpiipu'i hml I J Export
Lager ni Imu Pile for.
No Cnermafle. Pine liquors and Cigars
I20"oulh Malnrtu
Stocls. Broltors,
Egan Bldg., Shenandoah.
Stocks, Brain, etc.. bought tor iahand car
riedon margin. .Ten Shares stook or 1,000 bush
els grain bought of told on Urst margin ot 110.
Telephone conacotlon. MatlorrtersaspeolaUy.
uauyniaraei. circular mauca tree uunpyy
j&&nmm. jar,