EVENING HERALD aiirnsDAY, dkckmubuzo, ism. THIRD EDITION MAHANOY CITY. Mahanot City, Dec. 20, 1801. Wlltinm Kutile U ill. Thomas K. Satnuols Is attending to business at Tamniiua to-day. S. G. Seager, of the Fair store, attended to business at llazleton yesterday. Holler skntliiK la Armory ball this evening. A Urge crowd is expected. Mrs. P. J. Ferguson, of Shenandoah, visited her parents in town yesterday. Howard Burclilll, of the school ship "Saratoga, is visiting his parents at the Kaler House. John K. Brenntn, in "Tim, the Tinker," will appear at Kaier's opera house on .December Sfith. Richard Cleary, of the Lehigh College, Bethlehem, is visiting his parents here for the holidays. Maurice Haywood, a hustling liHuraute agent of t'rnckvllle, boomed business in town yesterday. Robert Smith, who has been taking a course ut the Gettysburg college, is home for the holiday. The concert at Kilter's opera house last evening by the University of Pennsylvania Banjo and Glee Club was a gratid success Almost every se.it whs taken. ' isi liae-.f was 6ICR, we fcavo tier Custom. ?&sa sho was a Child, sho cried for Castorfa. Hixea she becanio Miss, she clung to Castorfa. Wisw she hod Children, she Ijavo tbm Castorta WEBSTErt ..J STARK. rnii'iitiithm of ThHr Statues ly tlio Statu nf New HumiHlilre, W siiivutoS, Dec. 2J. The statues of Daniel Welntcr nnd General John Stark were formally presented by tho stato of New Hampshire to the congress of tho United States today for permanent exhi bition in Statuary hall in the Capitol The f'lvimmles lxvran with tho reading of a letter from the governor of Now Hampshire to tho president of tho senate, announcing in a few words that tho stat ues huo been purchased by tho state and given into tho custody of tho architect of the Capitol of tho United States, and that a formal ncceptniiopof the name Is awaited. Senator Chandler then dellvured an ora tion referring to tho life and services of "WVIiMer, introducing the. eulogy by a de scription of the statue. It is a ninrblo mi del, designed after tho Webster statue dedicated in the city of Concord, N. II., June 1?, INSIi. Tho statins is a trlllu moro than seventeen foet high and cost 812,000. The Jtgurn is eight foot high and weighs 2,o mi )o mils. Tho lead represents Web ster in the closing years of his eventful career, and tho likeucs is said to bo accu rate 1 iy thobo who saw htm near tho end ul in- life. The poso of the entlro figure Is inji tve and commanding. The presentation of tho Stark statuo gare Senator G.tlllngur an opportunity to eulogize tho hero of Hunker Hill and Hcn ninut m His renown as a warrior passed beyond t ho sea. His during and successful exploit-, in tho battle of Bennington filled enemies aliroad with fear and apprehen sion, .. hilo tho victory ho won inspired thed spoiullng armies of tho United States with uvsli hopas and great expectations. The statu" of this great patriot is a re duced model of tho one dedicated Oct. 211, 1S!M, it, the grounds of tho New Hump shire capitol at Concord. M. tlrlsHon KiicccimU llurdeau. Pauis, Dec. 10. M. Brisson, who was prime minister on the fall of M. Jules Ferry in l.-.S."i, was elected president of tho chamb t of deputies yesterday to succeed the hit- M. liurdeau, by a vote of 210 to 2U( ci-t for M Meliue, tho French Protec tionist leader. Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to the Kvkniko Herald who re not recetvlng their paper regu larly find people who wish to receive the paper as new subscribers, ore requested to leavr their addresses at Hooks & Brown's stati' ncy store, on North Main street. For rheumatism I have found nothing equal in Chamberlain's Pain Halm. It rel-e-. the pain is applied. .1. W. You'u. West Liberty, W. Vu. The prooii n lief it afford" Is alone worth niniii ime. the cost, 50 cents. Its con t iiii' will effect a permanent cure. For -n'e oy Gruhler Bros, Coming; Events. Dei. 21 Inter-State Milkmaids Con venti"ii. st Ferguson's theatre, under the au..pl' of Y. W. C. T.U. Dec. 24 Ninth annual ball of the Na tional Social Club, in Bobbins' opera house. Jan. 4'h, '05. Annual supper in Bob bins' opera house under the auspices of the Welsh Baptist church. Any on who has children will rejoice ,. Mul lord, ot Plalufleld, N. J. ith L. li. Hi- lit 1 1. boy. live years of age. was sick p. For two days aud nights he ius ivm-dles recommended by nd neighbors He says: "1 ure I '-nn.il lose htm. I bad ai t lin's Cough Remedy ad ml 'Itniuh 1 uid try It as a siul "in banpy to sav that after h" slept until iminii g. I gave next day and a eure was ef '.eep this remedy la the house i it h cr at tr 1 van f, . is . t. . ,'h SC , i Vftl-. I I las' u. ' two do It to llliu I fecteil. I now an i i soon as auv of mv children show slg i that is i bottle lo s of croup I give It to them nnd 'a-t of it." 25 and 50 cent sii- hv OrnliW Bros. For Christmas Presents Visit Wilk.ii' "i'h and see the rich stock of useful goodr. (or sensible holiday buy lug. Thousands ol fine hemultched and embroidered handkerchiefs reduced to 5 coats. Hundreds ol fine silk haudker chiefs at lSJi cents, Just half the regular worth Kid gloves, silk garters, furs for women, or children. Flue hosier, drain goods, c juts, wraps and shawls. Pre-ents like these are always appreciated. L. J. Wilkinson, 20 South Main street, 13-18-tf. J Shenandoah. Pa. DECIDED AGAINST THE MINERS Operator Win Their Cnno Itcforn tliu Mass Itlun Arbitration CnimaltU-c. Cllvixaxii, Dec. 20. The Aiasslllou nr bltratlou coiiiinitteo makes public Its de cislon on the pending dispute betweon the Minors and operators. Tho report Is in favor of the operators. Father Kuhn, the third arbitrator, onuounoed that ho could not concur. Tho Mnsslllon miners, to the number of 3,000, woro on strlko during the past your for nearly seven months. Tho board presents an unanimous report ubolishlng tho heretofore existing differ ential of Ufteen cents and placing the Masslllon district on tho some basis as the Hocking valley. It Is declared that the operators havo proven their ability to ob tain men to mnuthomlncs for Bixty oonts; that thero Is no roason why tho screens used here should bo smaller than else where; that tho high price has excluded Masslllon coal from tho lake trade; that, lielng Iiardor, tho coal has a greater per centage of lump, and that it is moro dllli cult, all tilings considered, to mlno Mass lllon coal than any other. The verdict has created tho greatest ex citement nt Masslllon and thoro Is much disappointment among tho miners, who confidently oxpected at least slxty-flvc conts, as they had been offered that price ns a compromise buforo tho submission of the question to tho board of arbitration. In speaking of tho work of tho commit tee Father Kuhn said: "I held out for tho miners as long as I could, and I advanced every claim I honorably oould, but there was no question that the operators had presented a ease accompanied with cumu lative evidence. Not so tho miners. After preparing their evidence in chief thev brought In no rebuttal. Tho operators came to us with a case that was propped up at every corner, and in tho faeo of the ovMcnco the other two Judges decided the ca.se, which I havo signed under protest. CHINAMEN ON STRIKE. The Singular Labor JUIIIeulty That Coii frontH a rlilliulolplila Undertaker. PllIl.ADKl.flllA, Dec. 20. A unique ac quisltlon to tho annals of labor organiza tions will bo tho strike which a local un dertaker now has on hand. Recently he secured n contract for the removal of a number of bodies from an old down town cemetery. Of tho corpses thoro burled thirteen were Chinamen, and, according to an agreement mono at tho tlmo of in terment, those bodies were to bo sent to China If over exhumed. Tho undertaker consulted Leo Toy, mayor of Chinatown, and lie furnished seven Chinamen who ngrood to dig tin tho corpses, strip tho boues of any remaining uesn, anil Dolt ami Uloiicn them for ship ment lor the lump sum or 5100. They h gan work on Monday morning, but at noon struck for S100 moro. After a narlev their demand was granted, and they re turned to worlc. Jjast night thev do mantled another Increase of $100. Tho un dertaker says ho will put Italian laborers at the job, while Mayor Toy is making strenuous efforts to raise tho balance of cash, declaring that It is a profanation for any but a Chinamen to liaudlo Chines- bones. The Air Ship u Vulture. Qli AXTico, Va., Dec. 20. Professor Lang ley, of tho Smithsonian institute, has been experimenting hero for sovcral days wltl the air ship, about which much iias re contly boon written by scientific men. To the unscientific observer it appears that Professor Longlcy has not mado a success of aerial navigation, although ho is not discouraged over tho results of his efforts so far. Tho machine was started from a side hill, moved through tho air about a hundred yards and then fell. It was found to bo Imperfect in somo parts of the mechanism. No Claims Against Guatemala. WAPHlNtlTON, Doc. 20. Sonor Lazo Ar- rioga, tho Guatemalan minister, furnishes n denial of tho news recently published about some claims mado against tho Guat emalan government by the ministers of Germany, Belgium and the United States on account of alleged outrages suffered by subjects and citizens ot those nations. "Wo havo no trouble with foreign minis ters or governments," said Sonor Lazo Arriaga, "except the incldont of tho boundary question with Mexico, ami this, 1 hope, will soon be adjusted. Kcveracd a Strike ltt'Holution. PlTTSDUltG, Deo. 20. Tho miners of this district nro still undecided whether to nuiko a fight against tho 20 por cent, ro Auction in wages. At their convention in this city yesterday u motion prevailed that tho cut bo resisted, but later this action was reversed and it was decided to hold another meeting hero tomorrow to take final action. If tho miners do not strike the only reason will bo that their organ izatiou is not financially strong enough torn long light. DUdm mid Orlllu to Fight. Philadelphia, Dec. 20. George Dixon, champion featherweight pugilist, nnd Voiing UrilTo wero matched yesterday to fight twenty-flvo rounds boforo tho Seaside Athletic cluli, Coney Island, on Jan 10 for a purso of ?8,000, the winner to tako all tho money. Tho details of tho match wero ar ranged at a meeting between the pugilists mm their managers and James Kennedy tho club s matchmaker. Hays. It Is n Case (if ltlackinall. NoilFOLK, Va., Dec. 20. Mr. J. B. Mo- Elveen was arrested in Lynchburg on u warrant from Atlanta, Ua., for gambling and brought to this city. Ho had been away from Atlanta, where ho is highly connected, for somo tlmo.nnd nothing det rimental to his character has been heard Mr. McKlveen says It Is a pleco of black mall, and that ho bus novor played u gamo of cards In his life. Knhheil by Masked Men, Sioux Cm-, la., Dee.. 20. Two masked men went fi tho house of Juhn Collins Into at night, and at tho point, of guns compelled him to give up f4,HU in guhl ho had concealed. He hail kept tho money In tho iiouso beoaue his wife, who issuing forad.voroe and alimony, had attached all his property she could llnd. Tho thieves took tho money and two liorsos and es caped. Unseated for Corrupt I'rurMrcs. Touonto, Dec. 30. Dr. K. a. .-'.mytho, Conservative, who was ruturned at the provincial election for Kingston, was tin feted yetrday, oharged with corrupt pr.n-iioM by Ida ogeiita. This is tho th . '. hi. c'.i v.ioaot stu ou the elections, ..a. t!'. Lili' ia i. are likely to capture thorn ml. 1 NV U ! v J. . ..lul laUaOlO. I-'alr weather, with slowly rising tompcr nture, will provalHu all districts. DELICATE OPERATION. Dr. Biddlc Makes Successful Removal of alVermlform Appendix. Dr. J. C. Blddle, superintendent of the State Hospital at Fountain Springs, as sisted by Dr. D. S. Marsholl, of Ashland, and Dr.Bleller nnd Bronsou, of Glrnrd- ville, performed an operation upon Johu Schaeiler, a young man 18 years of age, ot Glrardvllle, yesterday, that, It is thought, will result in his recovery from a painful illness. He has been sick for somo weeks past, and Dr. Bleller, who was tho attending physician, finally diag nosed the case as appendicitis, and decided that the only way to save the patients' life was to perform on operation, to which tho (young man readily consented. Dr. Blddle made the incision on the side ot the abdomen, and a large quantity of pus was discharged, and at the lapse of four minutes the vermiform appendix was re moved. The troublesome little member was In a terribly diseased state, nnd some foreign matter was found to have lodged there, which, to have remained there but a short time longer, would no doubt have earned the patient's death. Holiday Bargains. A special sale of Christmas goods for the next two weeks. Dallas handkerchiefs. mufflers, muffs and toys. Also a final sale of ladles' and misses' coats. Carpets ai reduced prices. P. J. MoNACiHAN, 12-12 tf 30 South Main St., Sheuandooh Holiday Cards. The HEliALD Is in receipt of a package of holiday publications, from Bap uu-1 Tuck & Sons Company, limited, of New Yoik, London and Paris; consisting o: some very arthtic Christmas and New Year curds, calendars and booklets, nUo some specimens of patent dressing dolls, a never falling source of amusement for the young. These dolls have become so widely popular that the manuf tcturers have been encouraged to add two new sets, the "Prince and Princess" series, four styles, each containing one doll and four complete interchangeable costumes in each box, and the "Fairy Tale" series, three styles, each containing one doll and four complete interchangeable costumes in each box. The holiday novelties and the dolls are perfect gems of the color printer's art and have that delicacy ot tone, richness of color and high artistic beauty which characterize the publico, tlons of the Baphael Tuck & Sou's Com p.iuy. Best violin btrings, Holdei man's. Mrs. Brldgnnan, R. C. M., teachet violin (specialty) cello and piano, Cornej of Jardlu and Lloyd streets. U-3-tf Best violin strings, at Ilolderman's. Maher at the Theatre. Peter Maher and his specialty and ath letic company appeared at Ferguson's theatre last night before a small audience In the lower part of the house, but a crowded gallery. The first part of the progrumcousisted f an olloof specialties of a very pleasing character and closed with a sketch in which Peter Maher, the pugilist, appealed and boxed. TheBpecial ties were excellent and gave entire satisfaction, but the star was 11 disappoint meat. As usual the critics were out In force and Maher did not make a very favorable impression. His sparring part ners were announced as Fi.rster, of Can ada, and William Hennessy, of Boston. He sparred three bouts with the former nnd one with the latter. The prevailing opinion is that Maher's road to the pugi listic championship is a long one. Advertising: Catch. A numbtr of our town merchants went into a catchpenny advertising scheme engineered by a couple of non-reslden s who know their p's and q's and the re sult Is a distribution of a few copies of a paper with its four pages en tirely filled with advertising matter, the issue being nothing more than an ordinary advertising circular. The only thing to indicate that the sheet is a Christ mas issue is a solitary old-style cut of S.mta Claus. The advertisers represented paid high prices for their spaces and no doubt feel chagrined over their laves1 - meat. But It serves them right. There are three printing ofllces in this town and any one of them could have given treble the value ior less than half the cost of space in the circular patronized. F. & A. M. Anniversary. Ashland Lodge, No. 204, Free aud Ac cepted Masons, celebrated its aunlversiry 11 . Ashland last evening by holding a ban quet, which was attended by prominent members ot the Order from all parts of the county. Shenandoah was represented at the tables by Bev. Bobert O'Boyle, George W. and F.J. Portz, William Stein, Thomas J. Broughall, Bichard Knight, William Thickens and W. G. Greggory. After the address 01 welcome by Jesse H. Ilabb, W. M., and 'he blessing by Kev. W. F. D. Noble, addresses wore made by the following nanie.l guests : George II. Helfrich, "History of the Lodge;" Bev, Bobert O'Boyle, "Craft;" W. A. Phillips, "Our Belief vs. Our Practice;" C. S. W. Schomo, "Oratory;" W. G. Gregory "Charity." Candy! Candy! Candy! The finest assortment In town at lowest prices. Fresh candy made every hour at 10 cents per pound. Give it u trial and you will come again. P. Itosaf co, 34 West Outre street. Remnants of Briibsel and Moquette carpets, 1 to 2 yaids long, for mats and rugs. 12 14-lw At Keiter's. Mr. Ira P. Westinore, a prominent real .-state agent ot Stiu Angelo, Texas, has l-iil i-iiamueriaui'i uonc, cnoiera anu ! '.an licott Remedy iu his faintly forsev. r.il years us occasion required, and ai nays with perfect succet-s. He says : "I Und It a vh-rlect enre for our baby when lioubled with colic or dysentery. I now teel that my outfit is not complete with out a bottle of tills Remedy ut home or on n trip away from home. For sale by Gruhler Bros. nig Mlno l ire In Nmn Sc.iillu. HALIFAX. Doc. 20. A serious flro oc curred at tho Hprlnghlll collieries, throw lug out of work 400 111011 and Involving a property loss of about 8100,000. It was with tho utmost difficulty tho flro was pro vented from working down Into tho mines. It started In an oil house on tho western slope, and communlonted to tho northern slope, destroying numerous buildings, trestlo, and other wooden work. l'olsoued by Colored Stockings. Boston, Ind., Doc. 20. Miss EvnDooloy had both legs amputated at tho kneo. Tho nmputatlon was mado necessary by the poisoned condition of her limbs, which re sulted from wearing ml stockings. Her recovery Is doubtful. l)n Gnmn Predicting Trouble. London, Dec. 20. A dispatch from Bue nos Ayros states that Admiral da Gama, one of the leaders of tho Brazilian Insur rection, pred.cts a fresh invasion of tho state of Bio Graudo do Sul before Jan uary. the I mnou, SSATtONAL, NEURALGIA ana similar Complaints, m&nnuotnrea nnaer tuo Btrineeoi proscribed by rmlnoiit physicians!. M. EtiCilTEffS 6ii a Kim,sKiniFt Onlroeiminowllb Trade Alerk1 MiumfactnrcriOonimorzteuratlirr.liichtcrof F.Ad.IUchter&Co.,17W:rrin!.,HKS 29 HIGHEST AtVflHDS, 12 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks, fi2s 0 ts in sneiianiioi'. tor bj t J) K rut' iuuoi-fc 11. Hun, ;s. Mum rtgglststtWJ,. HOLIDAY GOODS Fine China, Gut Class, Bnc-a-Brac, Silverware, Toys, Tables and Lamps. ergeman&Co I POTTSVILLE, PA. Reduction Sale. For the next S0d.t s . ill s'-ll all our ready- trimmed HATS a "s anlleps. Children's Cloaks, Caps anu Ha kr re )1 reduced for the hultday trade. Our llt,e 01 lnen embroidered HANDKERCHIEFS for holiday presents is the ilne&t and cheap st in ine town. Our 15a grade 2 for 25c. " 20o ..2 for .S5c. " 2So " 2 for -lOo. " 35c " ... 8 for 65c. Now York 29 "N. Main St., Shenandoah. ED. BRENNAR Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Str. Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors, Handsome Bar Fixtures. Best Brands of 5 and 10n Cieara AMUSEMENTS. jrjiEIlGDSON'S TREATISE, I". J, FKRGUSON, MANAGER. Grand Christmas Performance Matins.) and Evening, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25th THE GENTEEL IRISH ACTOR, John E. Brennan In the rcflned Irish Comedy-Drama, "TIM, :-: TOE :-: TINKER. Hennei Irish plav, pleasing sin. lug, wonderful diuclng, cood pcilng. The Tinker Quartette ill sing beautiful Irish songs. I'rloetM 5, 35 mul 50 Cts Reserved Kents at Itlrlin' drag store. pKUQUSON'8 T1IEATKE, F, J. rERQUeON, HANAQER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27 The Ever-welcome W. II. Powers' Dramatio Irish Drama, THE IVY LEAF Introducing the young and talented Irish comedian, W. H. POWERS, JR and an excellent compinv, New nnd mognincieut scenery. Now songs und dances. Brighter und better than ever. Prices, as, 35 nl 50 Ctt? Reserved seats at Klilln's drugstore. J Hooks & Brown . . . Presents for the Old and tho Young. Plush and celluloid dressing cases, boxes of writine- paper, shaving sets, work boxes, toilet cases, albums. Also a splendid variety of dolls, blocks, games, iron toys, China tea sets, rocking horses, celluloid novelties, wheel- uu.iiuw, uon carnages, magic lanterns, iSc, &c. Our Christmas bargains will nnsn vntir nvflii. Cninr ririrl ho mn- vinced. 3?rioos uaJLwxyei DEtiglxt. No. 4 North Main Our 21st Christ.mMs Omi-inn. i n T,iio; Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. filfiflxinp' Sal a Closing out some Ladies' and Children's Hats, down from 85c toBOc; 1, down from $I.oO to 75c, and trimmed hats 18 off. Kedora Hats 60c ti et, 50c a yard up ; Plush, all colors, 85o a yurd ; Velveteen, !0c u yard Kelts civet at a toilet to Infants' caps, 25c up ; Infants' lone coats, TCc up to t5.00. Christenino dresses and n full line of infants' wear. Mourninc goods our specialty. Nun's Veils ?1 23 nr Closing out a lot of Corsets, from St down to 85c; from 60c down to 40c We will not be undersold. Call and get prices. ' j Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner. 28 EJouLtilL M. P CONEY, Monougahela WhiBkey, - 60c a qt. Pure rye whiskey, XX, - $1 a qt. Fine Old Bourbon, XXX, - $1.25 a qt. Superior Blackberry Brandy, fl a qt. Superior Cognac Brandy, $1,00 a qt. Imported J amalca Bum, $1.50 a qt. "VUENGLING'S Stock and Fresh $1.00 Linoleum reduced to 85 cents. 75c Linoleum reduced to 65 cen s. Floor oil cloth, 2 yards wide, 45 cents. Table oil cloth. 1 yards wide, 15 cents. 75c Brussels carpets, suitable for small rooms, reduced to 50c. Moquette carpetsreduced to 1.00. Isn't There a Boy or Girl logue irlviug full part!6ulars about the postal card to-day. Anthracite Building, West Market St. M. J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and .... Real Lbtato Agent, 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah PROPERTY FOlt BALE A blrgain for a csh purchasers. Two houses on West Oak street. One ot eight rooms and the other six. Will be sold cheap. For turther infor mation apply to 31. J. LiAWivUlt, 123 E. Centre street, PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS tor the ejection of a four roomed frame school bulldlne in ha lr.pjilnl on the northwestern rnrnnr nf .lnrdln nnri Cherry streets, in the borouiru ot Shenandoah, wiuubkwi.bu vy me uuurrsignea commit, tee ot the Shenandoah Bchool Board, until .Monday evening, December Slst, 1891. Plans and spolncnilonsmay hesen at the office of the -fotetary of theHihool Board, Room No. 3, weft street school building, and at the office rt V "V iiAlll., nuhll... 'll.LI street, Pottsvllle, Pa. The committee reserve the right to ieect any or all bids. No bids vwii uu tctnivvu uuer t o ciocb, p. in., uecem JWl, UIOL, lOP. it. j. muldoos, unairman, Maiik llOIIKE, CiiAtiLKs Hooks, W. t Tmbzisk, TlM( THV l.VKf'll 12-15-12t Building and Repairs Committee. MISCELLANEOUS. rpOIt BALK.-A highly fducated parrot. 1 beml rawrd wM be paid for return to r FUo(5) hot bu lower. Just frm the Juo' lory. Apply at the Hbua-d office. North I J OR RENT. A larte new store-room, with plate class Iront, i wellini; and cellar. Kxoil.cnt bulness locution. Item reason a 'ie '.ppiyio v , rewuouser, iot North wain Biruei. llMo-ti dtnc totfiOpor weclt using and selling Old UaU Ittllat'le Plater Kvery tnmllv has rusty, worn knives, totks, spoons, etc. Quickly pmium uj nipping in ineueu ireiai. xvo ex rerlence or hard w rlc: a eood situation. Ad dress W. P. nnlha & Co., Clerk No, U, Col- St., Shenandoah. vjuvhiiuj- uW l; 1 1 v JU 11 All (I nnrlct fn fin "Freneh trimmed. Make Eeem tor goring M IVXaIxx UStroot. "31 South Main St. A 1 auorStore Ale, Draught Porter und WeinerBeer iter's In this entire recion who would like a thorough business education? We furnish the very best at very small cost. All we want is your nania and address. You will then got our cata way we do business. Send it In on a ilkes-Barre Business CoHppe, Wade and Williams, Prlns. ' Weeks' Museum, 17 SOUTH S1AI1T STBEB. Birds and animals of all selections Taxidermist. Robert Murray. Coldest and Largest Class of Beer. Free Loicb Oatlj, Free lunch every morning vnd evening. John Weeks, Proprietor. O, W. Davidson, Bartender. Evan J. UNDERTAKING! AND LIVERY. 13 North Jardin Street. Chas. Hooks & Sons 21S South Jardin St. OutchersD.. In CKannndnnh. Pnrk. ITlllttOIl. veal nnd cut meats ot all kinds. A fine line of choice and fresh groceries and prime family flour, butter and eggs. oiE!3sri3sra-. Fall-Winter Millinery Greatest Bargains in Town. ANNIE MORRISON X.OJ.X ttUILBINQit 8 East Centre St, Shenandoah. WiUlRRNJ.PORTZ, Dawes, PluBos and orgas rtutra Oracrslctt st 21 Nortb MtJn trv. shnnUoia,wlUreoelT pmiunt ViotIn" A genuine welcome AwaitR yon at Joe Wyatt's Saloon J MillW tUKl. SIS, Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and clgara, 4