The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. X.-NO. 1.
Christmas G-oodp,
" Suitable for Presenis.
Must be peen to be appreciated at
Santa Olaus at Schmidt's.
Hiindeonio prcecnta for young and old.
Plain. Embroidered ami Heinstliiihcd bed Mieuts and pillow cases,
500, 650 ami as, , .
Toweli-. iwo rows drawn wmk at, 35c.
Doubli lie:il r.-t. all Milk, 7,4c.
Beautiful pin cualiii'tis.
All eiiiliii.ideid kIUc handkerchiefs, IOC.
GeniH' Initial kilt at 8 .
HandMiniu nnibiollas with naturil wnod handles, 75c.
T.iblu llneus and napkins.
UU-1S V. Main St.
English Dinner Sets, $7.50..
Decorated Toilet Sets, $1.95.
New lot of
Chasaa Ouster Plates
Cheap at
Successor to CM, DUNCAN I WAiDLEY.
We Hair Now
a full line of Men's, Women's and
Children's slippers for the holidays.
Prices from 35 cents up.
Remember that we carry a full line of
the snuir proof duck boots. Rubbers
of all stylo at the lowest prices.
14 South Main Street,
The Result
quick sales.
Our Choice Family Flour at $3.00 per barrel is selling fast
and giving satisfaction every time. Try a barrel
while it lasts.
In Foreign nnd Domestic 3Pruits
Hie Largest Stock
The Greatest Variety
The Lowest Prices
The Heaviest Sales
We have ever had.
Florida Oranges at 20 and 25 cents
Linoleums aud Oil Clothu at the Reduced prices are quick sollors
65 couta is a very low price for two-yard wide Linoleum.
Tablo Oil Cloth 1 yards wido reduced to 15 cents a yard.
Wo offer bargains in Remnants and
new spring styles in Ale queues aro now hero.
For Sale
Now in stock nnd to arrive in a fow days
Two cars choice "White Oats.
One car Eino Middlings.
Two cars No. 1 Timothy Hay.
One car Corn.
Our chop is mado of cleau,
oat hulls in it.
8 South Main Street.
Shenandoah, Pa.
of low prices and good goods is
a dozen are cheap and quality
short, length of BrusBols Carpets.
sound old grain no corn cobs or
Republican Standing Committee Pre
paring for Spring Elections.
The Crawford County Hules Have Bern
Adopted and They Will Be Enforced
at tlie Coming .Primaries.
Ax tln-ri' sjem to be a disposition on the
part of the Republicans ot town to mako
nneiirly beginning for the spring elections
the Stnndliig Committee of the parly met
hut night to arrange their part ot the
preliminaries and provide for, the enforce
ment ot the Crawford county system of
primaries, as requested by the voters at
tue Citizens' primaries last spring.
This year's Standing Committee is com
posed ot Adam More, Flint ward; W. J.
Wutklns, Second wnrdj A. 1J. Lamb,
Third ward; Thomas Hutts, Fourth ward,
and John L. Hnssler, Fifth ward. Messrs.
Wntklus and Hasslerare new members,
the former being elected by the com
mittee to fill II. C. Boyer's place during
his illness and Mr. Hnssler was elected to
succeed Jeremiah Itoxby, who -recently
moved from town.
The changes lu membership required n
re-orgaulzatlou of the committee and it
was accomplished by the election of W.
J. Watkins as chairman; A. 13. Ltmb,
secretary, and John L. Hastier, treasurer.
After some discussion as to the merits
of the Crawford county system and the
cost ot printtng material to lutroduce It,
the figures for the latter being nomiual,
the committee decided to adopt the re
quests made at last spring's primaries nnd
the primaries of this year will be hel.luu
der the new system.
Among the rules adopted for the y
tern are the following: The committee
will furnish all blanks anil ballots for
use at the primaries and defray the cost
of printing from the assessments made
upon people announcing themselves as
candidates. A candidate for High Con
stablo will be assessed $1.50; for Borough
Auditor, $1; all candidates f or. ward office
50 cents each. The assessments must be
paid before the committee will place the
names of candidates on the primary
tlckots. The name of each candidate
must be placed with the committee at
least three days before the date llxed for
holding the primary.
As there will be no election for Chief
Burgess or Receiver of Taxes this year
no assessments were llxed for these olllces.
No time was fixed for holding the prima
ries. This will be considered when the
committee meets again, on January 15th
It is believed that the new system for
holding the primaries will give better
satisfaction in all quarters. It will give
the voters of the respective wards u chance
to learu who the candidates are before
the primaries are held and no "snap"
tickets can be sprung on a primary. The
names of all candidates in the
respective wards will be placed on
one printed ticket, the name of each
voter will be recorded and a tally sheet
showing the result will be posted at each
polling place. By the recording of voters
it is hoped to deter Democrats from tak
lng au active part in both the Republican
and Democratic primaries In one year.
The new system will also do away with
the uncertainties attending the conven
tions held by conferees and hereafter
the people will voto direct for their
candidates for the borough offices.
The candidates for these offices receiving
the majority of the votes cast at the pri
maries of the five wards will be declared
the nominees of the party. The candidates
will And good features in the system by
having their names placed properly be
fore the people at a nomiual cost ami be
ing exempt from the "striking" and "bell
ing" system which has often been in
dulged in by conferees.
The only place In town to purchase your
Christmas confectionery Is at W. V. Otto's,
27 South Main street,
News About the nines.
No Buch display of watches, diamonds
and jewelry ever displayed in Shenan
andoah as you will find at Strouse's
jewelry store. Every article guaranteed
to be first-class and as low in price as you
pay for Inferior goods. We always lead
both in style aud quality. No trouble to
show goods. Strouse, the reliable
jeweler, corner Main and Centre streets,
Shenandoah. 13-20tf
Christmas tree trimmings, novelties In
toys, dolls and carriages at the Pittsburg
Novel ty Store, 25 West Centre Btreet. (it
Killed at Mt. Carmel.
John Simon to-day received a telegram
Informing him that his brother, Daniel,
was killed on the Mt. Carmel and Shu
moklu Electric Railway last night. The
victim was itbout CO years of age aud left
a large family.
If you want good cakes and pastry
during the holidays use Kelter's "Pastry"
Flour. 1213-1 w
Bargains In Footwear.
Call aud see our variety in footwear,
Great reduction In prices. A. F, Morgan's,
11 West Oak street. 13 18-tt
Ellis Lewis spent to-dny visiting friends
at Mithauoy City.
Clarence Breunen, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting relatives In town.
Rudolph Schwauk, of Bluefleld, West
Virginia, Is visiting relatives here.
Rev. W, ,F. Colclough, of Monroton,
Pa., Is a gue(st of William Cooper's family.
Peter Griffiths, of Girardvllle, was a
business visitor to town yesterday after
noon. Richard Rushworth, ot town, has gone
to Pullndelpbla, where ho expects to
Thomas Waters, Jr., nnd wife, of St.
Clair, are in'town to spend the Christinas
P. J. CUary this morning went to
Pittstou, vjhere he expects to secure a
situation. I
F. II. IlSpkius, Jr., recently ot tils
place, is n LBotormau on one of the Phil
adelphia electric railway Hues.
M. J. Scaulan went to Ml. Carmel this
moiiilng to utteud a meeting of the tax
collectors of the county to devise better
menus ior collecting taxes.
George Rlddleberger, one of the accom
modating employes at Dives, Pouieroy is.
Stowart'd store in Pottsville, was a visitor
to town yesterday nfternoon.
Evangelist George Williams, who is
conducting revival services nt Mnunuoy
City, was in town to day, the guest of
Rev. W. II. Harrison. Mr. Williams will
assist in the services attending the re
opening of the English Baptist church
on the second Sunday of January.
Candy! Candy!! Candy!!! The cheap
est in town. At W. V. Otto's, 2T South
Main street.
Mr. Edwards a Candidate.
EDITolt HEltALD; I notice that a warm
contest has already been precipitated in
the Third ward for the Republican noml
nation for School Director. It Is gratify
lug to sea 'the Republicans of the ward
take n u early Interest in the approaching
election, but why there should be a spirit
of coiuesttfor that particular office I am
ut loss to understand. There has been In
the Held for several weeks a gentleman of
undoubted intelligence, integrity .and
ability. That gentleman is Mr. T. R.
Edwards. As one of the citizens ot that
ward I was Instrumental lu inducing Mr.
Edwurds to become a candidate and that
step was taken after it had been under
stood from Mr. R. A. Davenport, whose
term Is expiring, that he would not be a
candidate for re-election and that he
would lend his influence to Mr. Edwards.
The latter gentleman I know was op
posed to becoming a candidate and that
he is one is not due to any voluntary
action on his part. In view ot these cir
cumstances l cannot refrain Iroux ex
pressing surprise nt finding that Mr.
Davenport is now making an active can
vass for a re-nomination.
Shenandoah, Dec. 10.
The finest kind ot Chiistmas confection
ery at M. L. Kimmerer's, 34 North Main
street. 12-18-tf
"Princess Bonnie."
The production of "Princess Bonnie" at
the Ashland opera house next Saturday
evening Is exciting considerable interest
among theatrical patrons in all the towns
north of the mountain and Manager
Watte is busy filling orders by telegraph
and telephone from all points. Some very
desirable seats are on sale at Voshage's
drug store, Ashland, for the convenience
of Shenandoah people. The electric cars
will run through to and from Ashland be
fore nnd after the performance.
The finest Chocolates 30 cents a pound
at W. V. Otto's, 27 South Main street.
Christmas Attraction.
Qulgley & Coyne, who recently con
eluded an extended engagement nt the
Bijou theatre, Philadelphia, have been
engaged to appear during the Christmas
holidays at P, J. Feeley's cafe, 30 North
Main street. Theegentlemen have earned
the reputation of being two ot the best
comedians aud specialists on the Ameri
can stage and the patrons of Feeley's cafe
will Hud an opportunity to pass the even
ings ot the holiday season in an excep
tionally enjoyable manner.
Brumm's stock of watches, jewelry and
silverware is simply "out of sight."
Walnut, peennnut, creamnut and Eng
lish walnut candy nt M. L. Kemmerer's.
A Warning to Investors.
Parties about purchasing holiday gifts
would look well to their own interests
and save money by calling at Strouse's
jewelry store, nnd select a gentlemen's or
ladles' gold watch. Diamond jewelry and
silverware lu endless varieties. tt
Go to M. L. Kemmerer's, 34 North Main
street, for your Christmas confectionery.
The Crown Perfumery Company's genu
ine Imported Crab Apple Blossom, Lan
tier Fils,. imported May Bells, and Lilac
Blooms, Tarrant's Trailing Arbutus, Lun
borg's White Rose nnd Wright's Mary
Stuart, are the leading perfumes ot the
day. Cut flowers. Huyler's caudy. AU
ut the Shenandoah drug store, Egan
bulldlug. 13-10 Ot
Our 30-cent chocolates are fine. M, L,
Kcmmeier. 12-20-tt
T?Ml1. nratu.. n..aD.l A..A. .1 .. .
White House. Oysters lu all styles pre -
pared at short notice, 11 20-tf
Clothing and Shoe Thieves Pulled Up
Young Polish Men Prove to be the Perre-
petrators Evidence Against Them
In Two Cases.
A nest ot thieves compowil of young
Polish men of this town and Wm. Peuu
has been ime.u thed by the efforts of the
authorities In tr-iclug the clothing stolen
from a dummy in front ol a North Main
street clothing store on the night ot the
13th tiiMt.
Two days nfter the theft it was learned
that Joe Pickaloski, n!ta3 "Smithy," of
Wm Peun, and Peter Lutwi, of town,
were the thieves, but they eluded arrest
until yesterday, when they were placed
lu custody and locked up. It was then
found that two other young Polish men
unmed William Koslcskl aud Joseph
Mehulskl had nu interest In the affair
and on n search warrant one of
the stolen coats was found In Mehulskl's
house In the First ward. At the same
time It was learned that Mehulskl had
purchased a pair of shoes for lifty cents
from Pickaloski and Lutwln. A search
warrant brought the shoes to light at Me
hulskl's houhe nnd they were Identified
by William S. Snyder as having been
stolen from him on the same night that
the clothing dummy was robbed.
To-day Piokalo-kl, Kutwin, Kosloskl
and Mehulskl wero arraigned before Jus
tice Williams aud nfter the evidence
against theiu was presented each was put
under $500 bail for trial at court. Martin
Mehulskl. Josephs' father, was put under
?5C0 ball for tilal on a charge of receiving
stolen goods.
Are you aware that W. V. Otto's fruit
cake is the best in town ? 27 South Muln
Scanlan In Luck.
Tax Collector Scaulan made a double
collectlonof taxes yesterday by apeculiar
combination of circumstances. Joseph
Goblinskl and his family were nt the
Lehigh Valley depot ready to take a trln
for New York. Goblinskl had seut his
brother to Mahiuoy City via the
electric railway with Instructions to
meet the train. Scanlan happened to
come along and asked Joe for his tax
receipt. One for 1S93 was shown, but
Scanlan wanted to bee one for 1S!1I didn't have it, but he very
cheerfully paid the taxes and then beard
ed tae train with his family. Simultane
ous with this Scanlan received a message
that a Polish fellow from Shenandoah
was waiting nt Mahanoy City. Scanlan
also boarded the train. Arriving nt the
neighboring town th? collector alighted
and accosted a Pole who was about
leaving. Joe Goblinskl shouted through
a car winilow, "Dats my brudder.'
Scanlan demanded taxes and Joe again
said, "Yes, p'ay him taxes ; he's nil right.'
The amount was paid by the brother, who
hurriedly took his chango nnd jumped on
the train before the receipt could be given
him. Scanlan says he never strnck better
luck since he has been tax collector.
A pocket book containing a sum
money. Finder will be suitnbly
warued by calling nt HeiiaU) office.
The Councllmanlc Jaunt.
The Borough Council, members of th
Joint committee and several other invited
guests left towu In carriages shortly after
nine o'clock this morning to Inspect the
pumping station and steel pipe line of the
publlo water works atBraudouville. Just
as the start was being made from Mc
Elhenny's cafe ouo of the carriages was
disabled by an accident. Another vehicle
was supplied and the belated members ot
the parly got off in good time. An ample
supply ot refreshments was taken by the
Sunday schools and families supplied
with Christmas confectionery by M. L.
Kemmerer, 34 North Main street. tf
A Jewish Rite.
The rite of circumcision was performe,-
on the son ot Max Gladtke, on North Pear
nlley, to-day by Rev. Chadowski, the
Pottsville rabbi. Alter the ceremony re
freshments were served to a large number
ot guests.
Gold and silverware In all the latest
nnd most unique designs for Christmas
presents nt Yost's jewelry store. 1210 Ot
Sparring exhibition at Robbins' opera
house to night. Admission to all, 25 and
35 cents. James Foster will meet nil
comers to night, Dan Rolrdou preferred.
Fosteii & Wonoo.
Get your Christmas confectionery at
M. L. Kemmerer's, 34 North Main street.
Oysters 1
If you want good oysters go to II, Mchl's,
108 iSHSSsjCeutre street, next door to Beyers'
barber shpp. The best selected oysters in
1 the town,
Private parlors for ladies,
0-15-th tat
polid&ij innouqcBiiient
We desire to call your atten
tion to our most beautiful col
lection of novelties in gold and
sterling silver, diamonds and
other precious stones, clocks,
bronzes, jewelcry, silver table
ware, etc., all bought of the
best and most reliable houses
in this country.
All goods carefully selected, of
uusurpassed beauty, most attrac
tivo.graceiul aud unique in appear
and), with the newest ideas of a
rich, exclusive character confined
in Shenandoah entirely to this
Our stock is beyond doubt the
best selected and most magnif
icent in this county. The cele
brated B. & H. Banquet Lamp ,
aud gold finished Onyx Table
a specialty.
It will be to your interest to
give us a call. Prices the low
est at
Cor. Main and Lloyd Sts.
A Final Word
For 1894.
We wish to bring to your notice that
our line of HOLIDAY GOODS was never
ko complete. The prices will surprise you.
Never will goods be sold so low for years
to come. An excellent variety of
Plush Albums,
Celluloid Albums,
Celluloid and Plush Handkerchief Boxes,
" " " Photograph Boxes, '
Writing Desks, Writing Tablets,
Manicure Sets and Toilet Cases.
Toys in Endless Variety.
Dolls (.a beautiful line), trumpets,
tool chests, pianos, chairs fir dolls aud
little folks, doll carriages, wash sets,
mechanical toys, musical toys, &c.
Come and see our stock before you
make y mr purchase". We will do our
best to please you and assure prices that
can't be beat. Don't forget that
we give nway toour customers absolutely
FREE on January 15, lb95.
F.J. Portz & Son
21 North Ma,. Street.
Send in your holiday announcements.
Tho Hkhald's job printers have be'J
uuusnully uusy this week, but all work is
being turned out promptly.
Mrs. E. Garner, of No. 13 South Jardln
street, a very worthy woman, Is desirous
otsecurlngiwoik in dressmaking and knit
ting. Moving houses ou rollers is not nn easy
task, judging from the slow progress
made on the building nt corner of Jardln
aud Cherry streets.
Beautiful Christmas presents at the
lowest prices to be had at Yost's jeweliy
store, 102 North Main street. 12-10 Ct
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No.
3 South Mai street. 0-13-tf
The largest and handsomest stock of
watches, jewelry nnd Bilverware In tho
county at Brumm's. Low prices and
great variety is our Inducement. 12-18 tf
A Chance to Save Money.
150 barrels choice winter wheat roller
flour, ?3 per barrel. Quality guaranteed.
12-14-lw At Keiter'b.
Now Is your time to visit the Pittsbur
Novelty Store. 12 ls-ot
A Quarter Buys
4 pounds fresh, Standard Colli
cakes. These ain't old stalo etook.
1 pound mixed tea. Finoet in
tho county lor tho money.
4 pounds pulvarizod Bugar. Not
hard and lumpy, and, fino m slick.
2 poundg freeh, mixed nuts. No
122 North Jarttin Au A