The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, exocpt Sunday by
MMRAi.n vviiT,inHimi oostpant,
Publication ofnee and m hanloal department,
KM fiast Cos Street.
ha Tleiflld dellrered. In Shenandoah and
surrounding towns tor Six Cents
meok,p.jable to the carriers, lljmall, Three
Dollars u year or Twonty-Uvo cents per month,
(B tdvanoe.
.irfrertdcmmtt charged according to spare
WO position. Tho publishers reserve the right
10 change the position of advertisements when
CT it tho publication of news requires it. The
rttht Is also reserved to rejoct any advertise
Want, whether paid (or or not, that the pub
lehers may deem Improper. Advertising rate
QiKde known upon application.
Entered at tho post omco at Shenandoah, Pa.,
91 second oloss mall matter.
Shenandoah, Peina.
Evening Herald.
Thk Democrats of the United States are
etlll mtl-Clevelahd.
THE Democratic Administration can
float bond issues, but It can't stop the out
flow of gold.
T1II3 prlzollghters seem anxious to put a
a stop to their brutal business by killing
one nnothor off. Well, their plan has Its
It is not entirely clear whether Secre
tary Carlisle's pet income-tax scheme Is
primarily a contrivance to discourage
thrift or an Invention to foster perjury.
SKCltUTAllv CAKLISI.K is determined to
Jaave his bill go through, nntl so he is go
Ing to rush it along under gng law. That
Is one way of showing the couutry what
it wants.
Tub report of the commission on the
Armenian atrocities is not expected be
fore next spring. Promptness would be
the death of all who live and move and
liave their being in red tape.
It is decided by a court of South Caro-
Una that a militiaman holds his arms by
authority of the United States, and no
Governor can compel him to surrender
them. What progress there has been
down thero since 1801.
The watchman on duty in the sentry.
box which has been set up facing tho
entrance to tho White House must be
having a lonesome time of it. So far
beard from, not a person has attempted
to pass the picket-line since Election
No citizen deserves more earnest com
mendation just now than the thoughtful,
forbearing man who, while honestly be
llevlug that he knows a sure cure for all
he Ills of the currency system, yet re
strains himself from thrusting his for
inula upon the attention of Congress and
the nubile. Thero are too many doctors
at work on the case already.
As soon as the Democratic statesmen
et accustomed to the chilliness of the at
mosphere in the hall of the House, Messrs
Wilson, Springer and Holmau should get
together and name one of their number to
make a formal report on the causes and
consequences of tho tidal wave of 1S91.
document of that character would be an
Important addition to the mortuary rec
ords of Amerijan politics.
With a bungler liko Voorhees to shape
Its currency measures, tinkurs like Wil
son to botch Its tariff undertakings, and
like Greiham to make its diplomatic
policy a world's laughlug stuck, the Ad
.ministration of Mr. Cleveland seems des
tlned to p.4ss into history as a memorial
to the broad and comprehensive Inconi
petemjy of its supporters. Its record will
probably prove valuable to posterity solely
us a frightful example.
BY Secretary Carlisle's plan it Is in
tended to put out notes of State Banks
no matter whether decently protected or
uot, as If they were substantially the
kind of currency In which the people have
foeeome accustomed during thirty years
of Republican safety. The Democratic
belief Is that the people are stupid enough
to accept such notes without question,
and thus to substitute this heterogeneous
style of paper lor the notaa which are
now protected by the United States. It Is
ueadleoa to speak of the Injury whtcli
would be done to workinginen, and to all
-others who may receive mch notes In
ordinary payment for wage or for pro
Quote. The people have n right to a
"etter currency than the various states,
acting each for itself, will ever provide, i
-ami the Republicans will not be true to
their duty If they do not resist to the tit-,
most every revolutionary step in thedirec-1
tlon of a Democratic currency. It pleases '
Mr. Cleveland to think that he has been
;able to reconstruct the tariff, and before
lie goes out of olllce will be able to recon
struct the national monetary system.
II .lmiiRO of t trill has thrown out of (
employment ninny thousand men, and '
suhji clod olher. to a Kirn'rat rHit..t,icm of
j wanes amounting nl present to ill least
1 10 per cent, for those employed. Nobody
j can tell what the effect of his monetary
J scheme Would bo If it could be pruned,
but It Is hoped tlmt Id the Senate, where
dobnte has not yet been suppressed, there
will be amplelopportuulty toshowoxactly
what Democratic wildcat banking means.
If tho people once get a fair Idea of the
difference between the currency they now
have and have enjoyed for thirty years,
and the currency which the Democrats
propose, tho majority In 1894 will be
eclipsed by the majority In 189(1.
Chairman Wilson thinks that if Con
gress at the present Bhort session does
nothing but pass the appropriation bills
and a few other routine measures it will
justify the charge that the "Democratic
party is Incapable of afllrmatlve and
coherent politics." The country Is pretty
well convinced on the point nlready, but
It is cheering to note that Mr. Wilson at
last recognizes that "an Impotent party
everybody dismisses with ridicule and
contempt." That is exactly thewayithey
dismissed his party In November.
During President Cleveland's first term
the robbery of the malls by petty thieves
in the employment of tho Postal Service
and the various post ofllces reached a mag
nitude previously unknown for over twen
ty years. Under President Harrison they
nenrly ceased. Within the last year they
have been resumed. Itisdifllcult to trace
the exact location of these thefts. Prob
ably the postal officials know more than
tho public are ever allowed to know. In
order to save their Adminlstrotlon from
the charge of inefficiency they take some
course which serves to attract public at
tention as little us possible. However, the
fact remains that It Is dangerous to send
nctual cash in n letter by mall.
flow n Guest's Order Is Disposed of lit a
Great lCrstaurnnt.
Tho waiter carries ills ordor to a man
who Is known as tho ' dummy man" and
quietly repents it to 1dm. Tho dummy
takes down on a slip tho number or tho
waiter, tho time tho order was given and
tho ltoms of H. All this is shortbnnd, but
not tho shorthand written by tho giddy
young thing who chows gum and can't
read her notos. Tho dummy man la the
Inventor and patentee of Ills own, which
lias its advantages, oven If It docs make
an order look liko n Chinese, laundry
For instance two short horizontal lines
stand for a sirloin stoak. If thero Is n
little clrclo just nbovo tho lines, it means
thnt tho man who gavo tho order Is not
going to call on his llancco and will tako
onions on his steak. If tho clrclo stnmls
at tho end of tho lines, It means ho wants
When tho waiter has given tho order to
tho dummy man, his work Is toiupornrily
over. It Is tho dummy man who really
starts tho machinery. Itight bohind him
stretch tho groat ranges manned by 20
cooks. Turning to thom, tho dummy man
quietly calls olT tho order In its different
portions. Thero is a cook for each depart
ment or seotlon or tho commissary, so tho
vcgotablo part of tho order is turned over
to tho vegetable cook, tho fish to tho llsli
cook, tho steaks go to tho broiler, wliilo
the game, fowl and roast meats nro dealt
with by tho carver.
When tho orders have boon soparntoly
prepared, they aro turned over to tho chef,
who Inspects them carefully. If thoy pass
muster, tho order goes on to tho dummy
man, who checks it up by his record, gar
nlshos it, puts it on tho steam tablo to keep
hot nnd presses a button. This causes a
drop bearing the waiter's number to fall
in tho dining room nnd Is tho waiter's no-
tlco that his order Is ready.
Pcoplo generally supposo the chef to bo
n busy cool; working at tho rango with
his crew of men. Huch is not tho case. In
tho modern restaurant tho chef's entlro
duties nro tboso of an overseer and disci
plinarlan. Strangonslt may seem, behind
tho scenes It would bo considered n loss
offenso for subordinate cook to send out
n tough lobster or an underdono steak
than to talk. Beyond tho doors tho chef
Is absolute master and holds each man to
Ills work. Tho rosult speaks for itfclf.
Tho entlro kltehnn of tills mammoth res
taurant runs liko clockwork, and at the,
busiest time, when there are GOO guosts
without waiting to bo berved, n man can
speak at ono end of tho great kitchen and
bo heard at tho other. Chloaco Tribune.
Laugh and Llvo Long,
It lias been aptly bald that thero Is uot
tho remotest corner of the inlet of tho
mlnutu blood vessels of tho human body
that doos not feel some wavelet from thu
convulsions occasioned by good hearty
laughter. The life principle of tho cen
trnl man is sdiakon to Us innermost depths,
sending new tides uf life and strength to
tho surface, thus umteilally tending to In
sure good health to tho persons who in
dulgo thorclu.
Tho blood moves more rapidly and con
veys a different impression to all tho or
gaus of tho body as It visits them on that
particular mystio journey when thu man
to laughing from tout conveyed at other
times. l'or this reason every good, hearty
laugh in which a person indulges tends to
lengthen hid iifo, o.mveylngas it does now
and distinct stimulus to tho vital forces.
IToro Two l'aclia of Curds.
During his visit to the Pen nnd Pencil
club Snndow performed the feat or trick
for it Is said to bo n trick of tearing n
pack of In two and then tearing ono
of the halves into quarters. Tills was
I done by Herrmann, and Dlxey also does It,
, but nil wore struok with wonder when
I Snndow put two packs of cards togother
nnd broko them in two ulmostns cleanly as
I If out with a knife. Philadelphia Times.
Pasquler had a scolding wife nnd was
accustomed to say that "a scold's speech is
merely the exorcise of her lungs and the
patlanco of all who hear hor." Not to bo
outdone by his wife, he scolded back again,
and, as be said, bad peaoa by means of
eon stan t war.
jfitill Being Evolved by the Lextns
Investigating Committee,
rnllre Hrrgoant Taj-tor Declare That He
Itt'gnlarly Carried "Contributions" to
1'ollro HcndqunrtnrK, Whtcli Wero Ho
celtod hv tho liiHjirctor.
New YoltK, Dec. 10. Polloo Sergeant
John J. Taylor, of tho steamboat squad,
testified before tho Loxow committee yes
torday that ox-Inspector Honry V. Steers
had systematically exacted moneys from
policemen who were paid for extra work
by steamship and railroad companies,
pthor witnesses sworo that Captains Max
F. fcjchmlttberger, Anthony Allaire and
Georgo Castlln had been guilty of similar
offenses. A futile offort was mado by
counsel lion to elicit from John w. iicp-
penhngen additional facts of Importance.
Concerning tho pnymont by Captain Creo
den of $15,000 for his captaincy. Keppen
Jingon repeated ills former statement that
no had received tho monoy, nail patu nu,-
,000 of It to ox-Assemblyman John J. Mar
tin, who Is now said to be dying of paraly
sis, and bad retained fo.OOO for blmscir.
Mo reiterated ids belief that tho flO.OOO
was paid to Commissioner (now police Jus
tlco) Voorlils.
Tho day's developments before tho in
vestigation commltteo entangled police
hcadnuarters In the'ne.t of official corrun-
'tlon. Despite tills fact, howuvor, publlo
sentiment Is far from ns turbulent today
os It was on Friday, when Captain Creo-
den's confession sot tho city ngog with ex
Still, in official circles, tho news of tho
day's exposures lias brought amazement
unbounded. Superintendent Byrnes, when
told of Sergeant Taylor's testimony against
ox-Inpector Steers, manifested great as
'lain amazed, astounded," was his only
comment, nnd no argument could induce
him to pronounce an opinion, inspectors
Williams en 1 Conlln ovlncod similar feel
ings. Serguaut John Harloy, who was
formerly detailed to duty in Inspector
Steers' ollleo, said: "I havo always, and
do now eouslder Inspector Steers a man of
unblemished diameter, nnd I cannot be
llovo that lie over accepted any bribe
And so many other olllelals of tho police
department expressed tbomselvos.
Steers was for many years captain or
tho city hall squad. Ho was mado in
spector when Superintendent Murray took
charge of tho department, and retired two
years ago. At that time ho was chief in
spector, in command of tho detective oillco.
His pension of 2,5oD per annum goes with
tho now defunct olllce of inspector. Ho is
n conspicuous and popular member of tho
Washington Heights Methodist church.
Tho sensational evidence against steers
was not brought forward until lato In tho
afternoon, Counsel Goft having paved tho
way with a number of witnesses, who
swore that steamship and railroad com
panies had paid tribute to the police for
guarding their property. Ono after an
other a stream of policemen swore to this
faot, nnd then tho big sensation of tho ses
sion was sprung as n fitting climax to tho
day's proceedings.
Inspector McAvoy, who succeeded htcers
ns iuspoctor, was also Implicated by Tay
lor's testimony that tho money was sent
to headquarters after Steers retirement.
Inspector McLaughlin was not inculpated,
becnuso lie succeeded Steers only as chief
of tho detective bureau, and consequently
did not handle tho collections from tho
bteamboat squad.
Many rumors concerning alleged indict
ments against pollco olllccrs accused be
fore tho Iaixow commltteo aro current
throughout tho olty, but beyond Sergeant
Taylor's testimony tho doveloyments in
connection with police cases yesterday
havo been of no palpahlo Import.
licforo any business was transacted by
tho commltteo tho senators and their coun
sel indulged In a public discussion, tho
upshot of which was a decision that any
action, original or civil, against Captain
Crooden wore barred und Illegal; that tho
testimony and proceedings of tho Loxow
commltteo are privileged, and that Captain
Croeden's reinstatement by tho pollco
board was a cotnmemlalilo proceeding.
At the request of Harry Hill, who some
mouths ago testified that ho had soen Gov
ernor Shepard In a disorderly house In
this city, this testimony was oxpunged
from tho record.
Police Justice Voorhls appeared In tho
chamber anil announced his desire for vin
dication in connection with tho Creeden
Best Citizens Ignoro the Iaw.
Jacksonville, Dec. 19. Wliilo all tho
men were at work in the field n young no-
gro called at Mr. L. W. F. Sanderson's
homo, about three miles south of tills
place, and beelng that there was no ono at
tho houso but Mr. Sanderson's 10-ycar-old
daughter tho negro mado an Indecent pro
posnl. Ho then attempted to uso forco,
but sho screamed, and tho negro beenmo
frightened and ran. SIlss Sanderson then
ran to a neighbor's houso nnd gave tho
ularm. The nogro was pursued nnd nr-
rested, but tho constnblo was overpowered
and tho prisoner lynched. Ho was found
hanging by the ueek dead, with tills card
pinned to his breast: "Dono by 100 of
JIarion county's best citizens." Tho jury
verdict was that tho negro camo to his
death at tho hands of parties unknown.
Ijthor Itlots in HrltUli Honduras.
New Orleans, Dec. 19. Mall advlcos
from liellzo, British Honduras, tell of
labor riots which occurred there on tho
11th and lStliinst. Tho rioters were wood-
choppers who fulled to recolvo higher
wages on demand. Then thoy began to
wreck the stores of their employers,
smashing a number of articles and carry
ing off many gold watches. Fortwohours
the town wits at the mercy ot the mob,
who compelled the police to release an ar
rested ringleader. Finally thoy were sup
pressed by the lauding of a detachment ot
sailors ana niariues tram a Jiritisii steamer,
Students Suspended for Hnzlii?.
Cahlislb, Pa., Deo. 19. Six students
havo been suspended from Dickinson col
leire fur one month each for hazing.
few days ago tho Btudents entered tho
room of a fellow student, out his hair and
poured stnlo boer on his head. The hazed
student made no complaint, but tho fac
ulty heard of the luizlug and took notion
In tho matter.
Not Oullty of llrllie Taking.
Boston, Deo. 10. Patrolmen Ryan and
Smith, of Station 8, who liave been tried
by the board of pollco commissioners for
alleged urine taking, were rouuu not guilty.
the great
there is
for all
afflicted with
in a single
application of
CtrriccnA Yoiiks Wondetj), and its cnri)3
of torturin , dlsttKurinK, humiliating Hu
mors aro the most wonderful ever recorded.
Bold throusnont tho world. Price CcTirur.A,
60c; Siiai-,. . Ues.'LYBnt i. rnrrcn man
and I'llEM Cofip , Polu I'ropilelors, Uoiton.
"How ta Uuio Jery 81.13 DUoasOj" free.
For Horse:, Cattlo, Sheop, Dogs, Hogs,
500 Pace Itnnlc nu Trent nirnf of Anlmnls
ami Churt t?ent Free.
A.A.iMUnnl .llelilmlim.lllllll 1 evrr.
ll.ll.MnilMN, J.nmciicKK, ItlK'NiiniHsni.
.. -Distemper, Nasnl llUcliart'es.
l).l)."llol nr i i in us, norm.
K.K-rnuglm, llrnvcs, l'lieuinonin
I'. I'. Colic or (irlpi'K, llellynche.
li.C..lliHcarrlnnc, llemoirlmtes.
11.11,L'rhinry nnd Klducy Diseases
Il.rnpiive iiif.n.c, lunnirp.
,K.--llatMiBcs of invention, i'arnlysls.
Single Bottle (over 00 doses), - - .GO
Stable Cnse, with Specific, Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil anil Medlcator, S7.00
JnrVtierluury Cure Oil, - 1.0(1
Sold bytlrnnl!! r .fit prrpkld anfttbenuil InaBf
quantity on receipt of prlre.
iiniriiiiPis'MBn. co., i n a i iimuum su, scwyorn.
In use SO years.
Thn rmW tmrronntnl remedv for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
od Prostration, from over-work or other caasea.
VI per vial, or fi mil and .urge vial powder, for $5,
Sold l7 IrnLtB, or leiit postpaid ta receipt of price.
BCnrJIItElS'JIED. CO., Ill MIS WWUm SL.ftewlork
Formerly keptbyThos. Gibbons,
Main and Oak Sis., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer always on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costello & Cassidv, Proprietors.
(Successors to Coaklcy Bros.)
No. 26 Kawt Centre Street,
Our Motto: nest Oualltv at Lowest Cash
Vrlces. Patronage respectfully solicited.
The Safe Dcnoslt Dnlldlnir and Savlntr Asso
ciation of lteadlncr. 1'a.. olfers for salu a few
hundred shares ot stock. This is a good, reliable
and nrosneroiiB association In which to tako
snares. Having reauy sale lor au monoy, tne
Tiremtum received is lartre. consenucntlv the
stock will mature much sooner than associations
located In towns where there Is no trreat demand
for money, and building operations are very
limited. The value of each share is 82OT at
maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share.
jHontniy tiues, ono noiiar per snare, r ive per
cent, interest allowed on all payments made In
advance for 0 months or longer. Members may
withdraw ono or all shares at any time by giv
ing tiays written notice, anu are eninieu to
tho lull amount ot dues paid, with u per cent.
Interest after one year, thereby mak!nc it an
11 per cent. Investment. All shareholders are
entitled to loans from fund on real cstato
security. No shares will be forced out.
Tne lunu is run on tue lame conservative
principles as our local funds which havoheon
tried for years and found safe. Any one wish
ing to Invest In a 8aviiig Fund will find It to
uieir luiuruai 10 can on tne local agents ana
receive full particulars, Rev. II. A. Koyscr,
D. J)., of Slahanoy Olty, Is 0110 of the directors.
127 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah,
unaueoN's theatre.
Comedy Htars,
Wonderful Gymnasts
Mimic and Initiator. . Musical Comedians.
Vocalists and dancers,
(joaracicr Ariibte.
CONLEY AND MADDEN, lrlBh Comedians,
Concluding with a Merry One-Act Comedy,
In a Scientific Athlctlo Display.
Prices, 25, 50 and 75 Cents
Iteaerved seats at Klrlln's drug store,
V r j
ml! w. ,-(! rn' -1 '
u int. w- t ''ii'iiiit e.
KT. ..!.!.'.. . !'.. V '. T'ie ineetlilT
ef the shiimhoUlerc, tit le Colrmerelnl
Imnk of New Koti" 11,-md was rewmictl Inat
night. Tho o-urdia."M imulo by iirinn
iiieinbom. of Which m rtlr.i teM if the
Ixuik were, according to a revlseu x'uitc
mont, n follow:
Duilnr, ttBl.OUO; GoodrhJRO, WH.W):
Gocxlfoilmv, mf.OOTj Job, fl&.OOJ; 1'it Is,
$3,000. The bank hold neeurltv for th
overdrafts at Duller autl .Job, which par
tially covers tho amount of their Indebted
ness. Tim specie In tho ponsosqlon of tho bank
when It failed was $0,000. Tho total
amount of overdrafts Is $1,011,000, and tho
defalcation through Uookkeeper Crowdv's
falso entrlos, $30,000. Duo on deposit notes,
$403,000, ami duo London and Wostmlnstcr
bank, $309,000.
Tho legislature lias appointed aconimlt
teo from both housos to investigate tho
banks. There aro no developments In tliu
matter of tho legislature providing a cir
culating medium.
Decided Afrnlnat tlio Insurnnco Companies.
Kansas City, Mo., Dee. 10. Tho Jury
In tho famous Dr. Frakcr Insurance caso
returned n verdict in favor of tho rela
tives of Frakcr, who sued flvo companies
who hold policies on tho doctor's life when
ho wns drowned nt Kxcelslor Springs, Mo.,
July 10, 1KW. The pollclos aggregated
$11,033, and tho plaintiffs havo been
granted judgment for tho full amount. At
Kxcelslor Springs, Mo., July 10, 1803,
whllo on a fishing trip. Dr. Frnzcr slipped
from tho bank and was drowned. Not tlio
least trace of him could bo found, and his
complcto disappearance being so excep
tional, sovoral of tho insuranco companies
refused to pay tho pollclos held by lilm,
alleging conspiracy to defraud.
Decided 111 Favor of the Colleges.
New York, Dec. 18. Judgo Trunx, in
tho supremo court, handed down his de
cision iu tho Faycrweathcr will caso, in
volving seven or eight million of dollars,
In which ho finds for tlio plaintiffs. Tills
knocks out tho deed of gift of $3,000,000,
which was distributed by the executors,
and distributes tho estate, according to
Mr. Faycrweather's deslro, to tho smaller
colleges. Dartmouth, Amherst, Williams
and Hamilton colleges, and tho University
of Rochester, who brought tho action, will
get big slices ot the estate. So will the
lifteeu other collegos and Institutions
which had similar bequosts In tlio will,
but did not con tost. Among them aro Yalo
and Princeton.
Told of Ills Father's Murder.
Buffalo, Deo. 10. Tho featttro of tho
day in tho Zawnczkl murder trial was tho
testimony of young Wlndlslnus Uarle
witz, tho 12 year-old son of tho niurdored
man, who told with faint volco and chok
ing sobs of what ho saw on tlio night of
tho assassination. Tho littlo follow said
that Ills father had been thrown to tho
lloor nnd his mother held his feet, nnd
whllo Zawaczkl sat on his stomach Lcd-
low choked him with his hands. Lcdlow
boarded with Ilariowltz, and hired Zawao-
zkl to help commit the murder. After tho
murder Mrs. Bariewltz married Lcdlow.
'our years later, as tho resultof a quarrel,
Zawnczkl revealed tho plot.
A Howard for the Shearman Murderers.
Jamestown, N. Y., Dee. 10. Tho Shear
man family offers a reward of $2,000 for
tho npprehcnslon of tho murderer of Mrs.
Winslow Shearman nnd hor daughtor,Mrs.
Cynthia Davis. Just now tho man most
wanted wore, when last scon, a long ulster,
nnd walks on feet cloven nnd a half inches
long. This last item is most Important
for tho tracks found in tho rear of tho
Shearman houso !aro of thoso dimensions.
This characteristic was seen by sovernl per
sons, ills description answers that of a
man whom several mon saw hurrying
ncross lots away from tho vicinity of tho
Shearman farm.
Tho Murder of Tanner Colmrn.
GokiiAM.Mo., Deo. 10. Tho blood stained
overcoat which was found in tho barn of
Byron D. Coburn, who was murdered Inst
Thursday, lias been positively identified
ns ono worn by James Iiowls, Coburn's
hired man, who llrst gavo tho alarm. This
tightens thu net of circumstantial evi
dence about Lewis, who is now under nr
rest. It becanio known today that Lewis
bought poison whllo iu Portland. This
led tho nuthorltios to disinter tho body of
tho murdered man for tho purposo of a
second autopsy. Tlio stomach was re
moved, nnd Its contents will bo carofully
Ilohhed n Itallrontl Stntlon,
Saixm, N. J., Dec. 19. The safo In tho
rnllroad station at " oodstown was blown
open by thieves at 1 o'clock in tho morn
ing. Dynamlto was used to forco open tho
safo iloor. About ?S0 was scoured. Mr.
Smith, who resides near by, hoard tho ox-
plosion and saw tho burglars leave tho
building. Thero wcro flvo men in tho
party, nnd ho fired at thom.
Hunker Kelly Itapldly Sinking.
New Youk, Dec. 19. Eugeno Kelly, tlio
banker, is still alive, but hU death is but
a matter of a few hours. Ills family phy
sician, Dr. McCreary, is with him, and by
the dying banker's bodsldo nro his flvo
children Eugeno, Jr., Edwardll., Thomas
II., anu Hobert, and ids daughter, Mrs.
Probably Fntal Tariret Practice.
rillLUl'SUUKCl, N. J., Deo. 10. "While
Patrick Preudcrgast and sovoral others
wero shooting ut n target with a rovolver
Prendorgast was accidentally shot in tho
neck by John Devlng and so badly Injured
that his recovery la doubtful. Dovlng has
given himself up.
In a fight between coke strikers and
non-unlonlsta at Unloutown, X'a., ono
striker was perhaps fatally shot.
Tho New York oourt of appeals post
poned the cat) of nr. iiiichiinan, tl ooon
vloted New York wife poisoner, until tho
January term.
Govornor Flower hns appointed J. Seavor
Pago, of New York, n member of the
Greater Now York commission, vico G. It,
Uathcnrt, ueoeasetl.
As a rtMiilt ot Its Investigation into al
leged St. Louis election frauds tho grand
Jury handed down twenty lndictmouts,
anil llfty more are expected.
Whllo on her way to school near Salom
W. Ya., 10-year-old Annio Custer was
criminally asaulK-d by an unknown man,
The wretoh was oapturiHl after a light
Sinoe tho appointment of tlio commis
sion to inquire Into tho Armouian out
rages Turkish oppression hns greatly les
soned. Many arrested Armenians havo
been llberatou.
ihelr I
ilr, Geo. II. Vtettertch
The Plain Facts
Ara that I have had Catarrh 10 Yeara. Ni
catarrh oi did me any good, but Hood'i Sat
JL parilla
aparllla h.lped me ""V 4
woad.rfully. Sly head i UFcS
Is cleared, aense of smell ft j "
returning. Hood's Sar- XisJ' AaxiivAj
lanarllla It doing my
wife a world of good for That Tired FmI
". uiuKua 11, uiBTTEKicii, Uobbla.Fa.
Hood's Pills are efficient and (antle. a&a
1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa.
ennen cured In :iO fo.MMnjM. matches,
UlecrN,klii ItNenm-H, iNervniin Dcblllt)
nml Krrorn of outli, Lot ofl'nwrr nntl
Mlrlctiiros rs'oCiiulna Cured for n Ilfe-
ii mi-.
Lost IHi'.nhnod nnd Hninll Shrunken Or
Kiin Fully Jleatorotl.
ScIentMc method never falls unless
cacolabeyond humnnaM, Holler nt
onco, and you feel liken man umong
men In mind nnd body. All losses
checked ImmudlaU'ly und continued
Improvement. Kvery obstacle to'
tmpny married llfo removed. Kervej
lurut?, win, energy, brain power.
When fnlllnir nr nm rratnnui l.i
the combined N13W treatment. Victims oil
Hunt's mm excesses, reclaim your manhood 1
Sufferers from folfy. overwork, early errors, Ill
health and excesses in married llfo rpn-ntn
your strength. Don't despair, even If In the1
lost stages. Don't 1ms discouraged, If quacks'
navo roooeii you. I will prove to you that
medical science nnd honor still exist Send!
flvo 2-cent stamni fnr lionlf 1'IMt'i'ir " ti.
only Medical book exposing quacks cno matter
wuai u-y R'averusp 10 save tnemseives from
exposure) their irlcbs nnd devices, calllngl
themselves celebrated and famoiiq. clvlnir frpp
advlco nnd guarantee, chanrlncr enormous!
prices for cheap, poisonous drus. and there
by rulnlnir thousands. Ilmimi o to a TCven
Iuks,b-&:.0. Wed. nnd Sat.'gs, 6-9. BO, Kun.J
a-ii ioiice am amiciea wun uangerous nna
hopeless cases Bbould call for examination.
Dally, from O-l, Wed. nnd Bat. eve'gs, 6-9, and
sun., 0-12. Wrlloorenll. Treatmentby mall.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals nt all honrs. Ladles' dlnlnc room
attached. Finest wines. Honors, cleara.
Wholesale agent for
elgeoipan'i hm, I J., Export
Lager nil Saazer Pile Beer,
No finer maOe.
Fine liquors and Cigars
120 Bouth Main Ut.
Bhenandoah's Reliable
Hand Eaauaidr
Oor. Lloyd and Walte Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class in every
particular. 811k ties and lace curtain sa speo
laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trill
ib the cheapest and test fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences,
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Mastbr
nas the agency and carries it in stook at Bis
marble and granite works, 127 II. JAED1H ST,
Noith Main St., M&HAN0Y CITY.
Largest and finest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
tools. BroK.era,
Egan Bldg., Shenandoah.
Stocks, craln, etc, bought for cash and car
ried on margin. Ten shares stock or 1,030 busti-
els groin DOUgnt or eum uu urai. mariiiu ui tiv
Telephone connection. Mallordersaspeclalty.
Dally market circular mailed free cm applica
For Fainting ....
The Season la here:
and Paper Hanging
Get yonr work done by
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Perfect Work.
Bargains In nalnta and oils, plain and
stained glasB. AH the new patterns in
wall paper, AH daily and weekly papers,
novels, novelette and stationery.
133 Weat Oontro Street.
Headquarters for the Evbnikq Hbuald.
Yonr Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
yonr boots do. and the water you drink
isn't even lit for that purpose. Use
Loronz Schmidt's Boer and Portor.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
5UHE.SHD4o.lOII"W06UM3 SAffi
Wilcox Bpecifig Co,Piia,P-
si mm guard:'