The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 12, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dull;, eiccpt Sunday by
tr.n.iT,n pviikisiiino coiri'ANr,
rubllcatloD office and m hantoal department,
la Cast Can Street.
bI Tjna1rl l delivered In Shcnandoih and
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it second doss mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pcnna,
Evening Herald.
SEcriETAitY Carlisle la still anxious "to
relieve the Treasury," but he need not
worry. The gold grabbers of Europe will
do the business for him.
The ultimate object of the Democratic
currency tinkers la to drive the country
back to the old system of state banks,
uuder which the value of n note depended
very largely upon Its distance from the
concern that Issued It. Back of all the
tinkering, arguing and theorizing of the
currency quacks lies n determined and
lll-coucealed purpose to destroy the pres
ent Xationai banking Bystem and replace
it with a scheme that will unbalance the
existing safety and equality of thej clrcu
lating medium and develop speculation in
bank notes Into a flourishing Industry.
'Jin establishment of a system of
rudimentary Instruction in Russia, prom'
lsed by the new Czar, will be one of the
most important educational procedures
of the modern or any other period, and Is
a necessary prelude to the complete civili
zation of that country. That and Parlln
mentary government will give them e
long lift ahead, and perhaps mitigate
tome of the National and bocial dlscon
tents which make the lives of Czars and
other high personages bo uncomfortable,
llussla is far behind all the European
countries tn the matter of education as of
civilization tn general, and lias a long
road to travel before sho overtakes them.
But her people are quick, ingenious and
teachable, and there is no telling what
destinies may await them when they are
educated up to the Prussian or United
States standard. Instead of constituting,
as now, a buffer between Europe and Asia
it may come to absorb both these great
territorial divisions of the globe and look
out upon the United States, its only rival
across both the Atlantic and the Pacific.
Anything is possible to a land of such
situation and resources.
It is not kind In the President to threaten
us with an extra session of Congress, uu
less his currency plans are adopted before
March 1th. Aut there is consolation in
the fact that if he calls an extra session
It will be a Republican Congress that will
meet Apparently the threat was intend
cd to drive tho present C .ingress into some
action on revenue and currency bills. But
members know right well that the Presi
dent does not want a Republican C u
Kress to act on these matters. His threats
in trul h, are the emptiest and rnosx fool
isu imaginable. Tlio uemocratlc mem
bers to whom they aro nddrejsed are per
feeuj aware that, he does not waut to
have sent to htm for approval or veto
such bills as ii Republican Congrats would
assuredly pass. Moreover, he does uat
waul to havo the Hawatlau business In
vestigated, or the Sanioan business, or
the Nicaragua business, or the Behrlng
Sea business. Still less does he wan. to
have the Nova Scotia aililr Investigated.
No the President is not hungry tp hove
any Republican majority in Congress look
Into thUgs this ytnr. What he profess
edly wants Is provision for the revenue
and the anticipated deficit. Buttheqttick
response of Democrats in both hotiios to
private suggestions from the White House
appears to indicate that the Presidtut has
nn Idea that his state bank scheme can be
forced through Congress at this session,
itud his fiee ooal and free iron ore hills as
well. He will find It slow work. Although
inembtrs of the House and the Senate,
who are particularly subservient to his
wlshc begin to talk and act as If they
wanted to do something in thsse matters,
they are all well aware that they have no
power On the tariff they cannot actjttn
less lu direction of smashing the Sugar
Trust, On the currency they cannot act,
- unless the Democratic Congress sends to
the President a free silver bill to be vetoed.
Ills party may readily advosate his stato
banking plan, Ingeniously devUed to kill
the National banks,, but It will never get
through theseuats. The President knows
only too well that nothing he really de
sires will get pissedjin a Republican Con-K'ess.
The President's Report on
Matter to the Soiiate,
Our lovtrnnnt llai Hrcclved No Notice
That Aiiii lean Cltlrrn Were Anions
tlii Victim, or Itriilnlltles Ar
menian Intrigue In TI1I4 Country,
Washington, Dec. 18 In compliance
witli tlif Hoar resolution the president
yesterday sent to tlio senate a letter from
Secretary Grcslmm relatlvo to the- Armu
nian outragos. The secretary states that
the department has received no Informa
tion other than tho statements of the
Turkish government, tho published press
reports and two telegraphic reports from
the legation of tho United States at Con
stantinople. Thoso statements and reports
contain nothing as to any cruelties com
mitted upon persons who nro described In
tho resolution as "citizens who have de
clared tliolr intention to become natural
ized." The secrutary Is not awnro that
there aro American citizens in Armenia
or elsewhere who aro such othcrwlso than
by birth or naturalization. Tho depart
ment is not Informed that Turkish sub
jects who Iiavo declared their intention to
bocome citizens of tho United States and
have acquired a domicile in this country
have, upon returning to tho land of their
birth, been subjected to cruelties.
In the nbseneo of authentic information
In regard to tho matters in quostion, no
"expostulations" have boon addrossed to
tho government pf Turkoy regarding
As to "proposals" mado by or to this
government to net In concert with other
Christian powers, the secretary says that
on the 30th tilt, tho American minister at
Constantinople telegraphed tho sultan had
expressed n deslro that a citizen of tho
Unitod States should accompany a "Turk
ish commission" to Investigate tho alleged
cruelties with Its solicitation, which is
doubtless ono of tho "proposals" referred
to In recent public rumors, was, though
lully appreciated, declined.
Stibseauejitly, however, tho British gov
ernment, one of tho principal signatories
of the Berlin treaty of 1878, having taken
steps In the matter, expressed a deslro that
o capable and upright citizen of tho United
States might participate with the commis
sion in nn Investigation now to be made.
With this reqt'ost, which was supported by
the porte, it was decided to comply, and
Mr. Jowett, consul of tho United States at
Sivus, was designated for tho duty.
In transmitting the correspondence to
the sennte tho president says In part: "I
have no information concerning cruelties
committed upon Armenians in Turkoy or
upon persons becauso of their bolng Chris
tians, except such Information as has been
derived from newspaper reports, and state
ments emanating from tho Turkish gov
ernment denying such cruelties, as do two
telegraphic reports from our minister at
One of these reports, dated Nov. S3, 1891,
Is in answer to an inquiry by tho stato de
partment touching reports in tho press al
leging tho killing of Armenians and is as
follows :
"Reports In American papers of Turkish
ntrocitics at Sassoun nro sensational and
exaggerated. Tho killing was in a con
lllct lietwccu armed Armenians and Turk
ish soldiers. Tho grand vlzlor says It was
necessary to suppress insurrection, and
that about fifty Turks were killed. Be
tween tliroo and four hundred Armenian
guns were picked up after tho fight, and
reports say that about that number of
Armenians were killed. I glvo credit to
this statement."
Tho other dispatch referred to Is dated
Dec. 'J, lb'Jl, and is as follows:
"Information from British ambassador
Indicates far moreUoss of life in Armenia,
attended with atrocities, than stated in
my telegram of tho 28th.
"I have received absolutely no Informa
tion concerning any cruelties committed
'upon citizens who have declared their in
tention to become naturalized citizens In
tills country' or upon any persons who
have n right to claim or liavo claimed for
any reason tho protection of the United
States government.
"In the iibicnco of such authentic do-
tailed knowledgo on the subject as would
justify our interference, no expostula
tions have boon addrossed by tills govern
ment to the government of Turkoy In re
gard to such matters."
The president also transmits a letter
from the Turkish minister at Washington
to the secretary of tho state a copy of a
telegram concerning ' the seditious doings
of tlio revolutionary Armenians In
The minister in transmitting tho tole
grain says: "Tlio intrigues of Armenians
residing in tho Unitod fetatos; their bold
faced slanders, as well as their public on
doavors to disparage the imperial govern
ment must, 1 nm sure, have given your
excellency ovmenco of the kind of people
who in reality compose thu Armenian
colony in the United States, people who
( J)oarly ,, noqulnj a,,,,; citizenship
for the purpose of returning to Turkoy
as acknowledged by Mr. Terrell himself
ami thus propagate their revolutionary
theories, the existence ot which Is no
longer established by mere assertions but
by documents published 111 the whole pres
ot the United htntus and by lacts.
"For all these reasons tho imperial gov
ernment is placed in tlio attitude of legltl
- mate self defense, and like all constituted
, governments should never allow that re
I bcltlon to bo organized and propagated in
I any part of Its territory. I am pleased,
therefore, to hope that, In view of the grav
. lty of tlio circumstances and of tho justice
and thorough equity of tho plou which I
I hail the honor to set forth In my note of
Nov. t, 1WH, the government of the United
States, with its well known sense of im
partiality, will now tuke It under imme
diate and earnest consideration."
Denouncing tho Carlisle Ilnu
DKNVKB, D.'C IS. The Rocky Mountain
NewB publishes a letter from General
Weaver lu which ho says: "The Haiti
jnorc currency scheme Is a bold and bare
faced proposition to apply the methods of
tlio stock exchange, the trust and the
board of trade combined to the entire busi
ness of the country. It Is an attempt to
transfer, n a gratuity, to speculators tho
highest attribute of soveriegulty, that of
issuing the currenoy of a great nation and
controlling Its volnmo."
1'rUoner ltt!Uutd by a Mob.
Atlanta, Deo. 12. A body of armed
men held up Unitod States Marshals Pore,
Skelley and Thomus lu the woods lu
Dodge county. Ga., and mode them sur
render a prisoner named Williams, who
was under arrest for violating laud laws.
Tho Itnllronil Pooling Hill the Home
by a Decisive Vote.
Washington, Deo. 13. Tho strugglo
over tho bill to authorize railroad pooling
was terminated yostorday by tho passage
of tho bill by the decisive vote of lOflto 110.
Tlio Cooper substitute, which placed the
entire control of tho conditions of pooling
In the hands of tho Interstate commerce
commission and gnvo thorn nbsoluto power
In the matter of revoking pooling orders,
was defeated, ns were all subsequent ef
forts to amend and recommit It, and tlio
bill passed as reported from the commit
tee. Several attempts were mndo to do
feat the 1)111 by filibustering, but they, too,
wore unsuccessful. Mr Springer Intro
duced In tho Iiouso Secretary Carlisle's
panning Din. it was ordered to bo printed
and referred to tho committee on banking
nud currency.
Tlio consideration of tho Nicaragua
canal bill was continued in tho senate.
Senator Dolpli mado a long speech In favor
or tho pending bill, In tlio course of which
ho advocated tho abrogation of tho Clny-ton-Bulwer
treaty. Tho venerable senator
from Vermont (Mr. Morrill) mndo some
romnrks in which ho crltlclzod tho cur
rency inflation bills reported adversely
from tlio finance oonunltteo. Tho day
closed with an executive session lu which
n largo number of nominations woro con
firmed. A rnrmur'fl Terrible- Crime,
South Haven, Mich., Doo. 12. Robert
Webster, an aged farmer living near hero,
set flro to his barn, shot and wounded
Eugene Heasy, a neighbor, and then com
mitted suicide. Keasy discovered tho fire,
ond after liberating tho animals from tho
barn went to tho houso to notify Wob-
Bter, when tho lnttcr suddenly opened the
door and poured a chnrgo of shot Into
Kensy's face. Ho then saturated the
houso with oil, nnd nfter Igniting It laid
down on tho floor was fatally burned. Both
Kensy's eyes aro shot completely out. His
noso is shot off, ono sldo of his fnco Is
nearly gono, and his scalp Is full of shot,
but his wounds aro not fatal. Webster
was dragged out of tlio burning house, but
too late to savo his llfo.
Alleged Western Murderers Cnpturcd.
Reading, Pa., Deo. 12. Tho pollco offi
cials hero beliovo that they havo captured
big game In tho persons of two men who
were recently arrested with pistols, chloro
form and other poisonous liquids on their
persons. They were nrrosted on tho charge
of robbing Tax Collector Daniel Brancher.
of Albany township, and gave various
aliases. The description of ono tallies with
that of James Jones, who is wnnted in
Texas for murder, and for whoso arrest
there is iv reward of 1,800. Tho other
prisoner is believed to be Thomas Lewis,
who Is wanted for tho murder of John
McCaffrey, at Grand Rapids, Mich., lbifiJ.
For his arrest reward of $1,600 has been
Ezeta Will Itcturn to Salvador.
San Fuancisco, Dec. 12. General An
tonio Ezctn, tho exiled vico president of
Salvador, is about to return to his country
and seek to replaco Prosidont Guttlerez.
Two Snlvadorlan officials, Colonel Jorge
Duehl and Colonel Merlano Pluto, have
arrived hero to induco Ezeta to accompany
them back. Thero will bo nn election in
Salvador on tho first Sunday lu January,
nnd Ezeta says ho will attempt to force
Gutticrcztorelluqulsh tho presidency then.
If ho does not succoed In this Ezeta says
ho will resort to forco of arms.
Tho Canal Commission's Kepnrt.
Washington, Dec. 11. Tho reiiort of
tho Chesapeake and Delaware canal com
mission was submitted to congress yester
day. Tlio board finds tho most feaslblo
route for tho construction of tho cannl to
bo the Back Creek routo, which Is substan
tially located upon tho line of tho oxlstlng
Cliesupeuke and Delaware canal. In the
judgment of tho board this routo will bo
best adapted for national defense, and
will give tho greatest facility to commerce.
lloynl WeddliiE Gifts.
London, Dec. 12. Tho Prince nnd Prin
cess of Wales presented Lady Margaret
Grosvenor, daughter of tho Duke of West
minster, who was mnrrled today to Prince
Adolphus of Took, with a wedding gift of
a pearl anddlnmond crescent Tlio present
of tho Duke and Duchess of reek Is a tiara.
Tho Duke and tlio Duchess of York and
tho Duke nnd Duchoss of Fife presented
Lady Margaret with a diamond coronet,
and the queen sent a diamond brooch.
Accidentally Killed Ills Sister.
CVMUEliLANli, Md, Deo. 12. On Mon
day the children of Euos Bennetto, n
farmer living near Flintstono, Md., six
teen miles from this city, were playing
with u gun. Ono of tho boys, n young lad
of 13, bad hold of tho weapon when his sis
ter, a young nnd beautiful girl. 10 years
old, asked tlio boy to hand It to her. When
ho attempted to do so tho gun was acci
dentally discharged, and the contents en
terod her head, killing her instantly.
Deserted bv Ills llomlsmeu.
HAItlilsnuno.Dec. 12. Collector Shearer,
of thu Ninth internal revenue district, has
been notified by his bondsmen that tlioy
must lie relieved of his bond of 10J,0JU l,y
Jan. 1 or tlioy will mako application to the
treasury department at Washington to bo
purmittod to withdraw it. They assort
that Shearer is not performing his duty In
conformity with tho law, and that ho has
shown himself unlit for the place, lie will
relievo his bondsmon.nnd lllo a now bond
Senator Hhcnnnu's linughter Wedded.
Washington, Deo. IS. The wedding of
MiB Mary Sherman, dauglitor of Senator
Shcrnum of Uliio, and Mr. James Ives
MoCollnin took pluoo today at noon at
Senator Sherman's houso on K street, and
was performed by the Rev. Dr. McKiin, of
tho Church of tho Epiphany. Tlio brides
maids were Miss Cecelia Miles, daughter
of Major General Miles, and Miss Hoyt, of
New York, ami tho best uiiui Leu Phillips,
of Washington.
A liinHry Itttlie Murdered.
Charlotte. N- C, Dec. 12. Sunday
afternoon ut Gaffney City, S. C, Joseph
Lnttlmer, a dispensary spy, was shot and
Instantly killed by nn unknown person.
The cause ot the shooting was on account
of the privilege Hi run spies by Governor
Kvaus to search private residences for con
traband whisky In violation of the dis
pensary law of South Carolina. Suspicion
points to ono S. J. Moore as the guilty
imprisonment for Life,
RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 12. Jesse Hat ton,
a negro, was sentenced in the circuit court
to the penitentiary for life for nssisslnnt
lug Matt Todd at his homo last February.
Hatton accompanied William Todd, a
orother, to tho house and shot Todd
through a window while he was reading a
yaper William Todd mot a life sentence
U .epteinber.
Tortured With Rheumatism
For Quarter of a Century.
Relief Came at Last to the Patient
Sufferer How She Was Cured.
Sarah H. Smith, Pinevllle, Bucks
county, Pa., says ! "I was a great sufferer
from rheumatism. I had the disease for
over twenty-live years, and the torture I
have undergone during the past quarter
of a century no pen could describe. Every
attack I had, my entire body was racked
with pain, and I was In a terrible condi
tion. I tried doctor pf ter doctor and every
remedy that could be suggested, but all
wun tne same result:. ioue oi tnem ever
gave me the slightest relief. I had had
the disease so long that it had become
chronlo when I began to use Munyon's
Rheumatism Cure. It was not long before
I felt a great deal better, and nfter using
It a short time the rheumatism left me.
I have not had a trace of It since, and
am convinced that I am permanently
Munvon's Rheumatism Cure Is guaran
teed to oure rheumatism in any part of
the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism
cured In from one to five days. It never
falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the
arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or sore
ness in any part ot tne oouy in iroui one
to three hours. It Is guaranteed to
promptly cure lameness, stiff andswoolen
joints, stiff back, and all pains in the hips
and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica,
lumbago or pain In the back are speedily
Munvon's HomceoDathic Home Remedv
Company, of Philadelphia, put up speci
fics for nearlv everv disease, which are
sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a
I a llulc, Chinamen Are Musrnlnr and
Athletic c-pechnens of Humanity.
Ono of tho surprises encountered by the
travoler when hoisflrstnnionrr Mongoheni
Is their physical development Amcrknnc
nro wont to judge tholr bodily s.ii.rim
by tho speoimons In the laundry hops t
Sam Leo or i Ping, nnd the 1- i .
lug of the Chinfnmn conei ' . hi- I . . ; '
arms and legs when be I; - I m '
lug Tibetans in the Him.. ..j.u - A"
chunks of men, with an nbn un..! j- i. . -i
lar development bad not bn.-i.... . .
my Idea that tho Chlnarr.nn .'.a. t. the:
slim, oriental, s .n.e. !....; ....u
tho willowy Hindoo, but when I lai..' . .
Singapore and first saw mini hc.isf.f umIk-
stripped to their woil; I was thuudeistrui..
St their massivo proportions.
The Chinese nro commonly enld to he i
diseased race.a pooplo permeated with blood
poisons, but one does not see it in tlio nv
erogo specimen, and ono does sco nt every
street corner men with limbs and torsos
like Sandow, men who would bo marked
down for football players in any American
college. Not but what diseaso in nlwnys
nn accompaniment of so crowded a popu
lation, not that its manifestations full to
Impress you, but the Chinaman, far ttox
being a taper fingered mortal, Is n tough
sturdy, flno fUlow, with thews nndslncwt
like nn athlete, and plenty of ambitlor
nnd courage within his racial lines. Nn
havo I found any exception to tho rule.
Tho Mongol from tho borders of India
where, going east, you first strlko lib
homely coarseness, to tho conllncs ot J a
pan, where you soy goouny to Ills lovely
cherry blossoms m.d ids smiling bows, If
everywhere, in physique, tho same strong,
enduring num. The Chlnuiuan is filthy it
mind, body ami estate, tho Japanese I
equally clean, but In merepLysleal qunlit;
they are very much alike. That the Mon
gol's nervous structure is less lino than th
Aryan's Is evidenced b the fact that tl,
average Chinaman will endure unblanchcil
tho pnln of n surgical operation whkl
would seriously compromise the reaction
nry power of v hite men, nnd i.ils, ll
anything, adds to ids value as a men lm
man animal T. A. Dodgo in I-oriim
If your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslough : Bros
Swell, Reliable, New York
Mate n!m get it. Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overcoat
Wears like steel and Is sold by eve'y proml
nen clothier in the siato. None genuine with
out HummerslougU llros.' label.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire
Pear Alley, Rear Coiiee House.
The best rigs In town. Horses th ken to
board. Hauling promptly utteuoed to.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
uacnea. r meat wines, iiouors, cigars,
North Main St.. BIAHAN0Y CITY.
Largest und finest hotel In iho region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool and Dilllard Booms Attached.
Formerly kept by Thos, Gibbons,
Slain and Oak Sis., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Beer alwsjs on tap,
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Per the . . .
Hot Season
Clear y Bros'
Temperance Drinke
Mineral waters, Weiss beer, llottlera ot
tne nnest lager beers,
17 and 19 Peach Alloy. Shenandoah, Fa
Political Cards.
Subject to Republican rules.
A Wooden llnlldlnK Which Has Keen
Treasure Iiouso For the Mlkndom
Japan possesses what Is undoutbedly tho
oldest wooden structure In the world. It
contains tho art treasures of tho mikado
ond Is situated at Kara, which for somo
years was tho Imperial residence. Tho
building is oblong In shnpo and Is built of
triangular logs of wood. It rests on piles.
Tho wood used Is of nntivo growth nnd
shows extraordinary lasting power, con
sidering tho trying climate which It has
had to endure for over 1,200 years. A pe
culiar feature nbout tho logs of which tho
building Is constructed Is that In tho parts
most exposed to tho weather tho logs nro
thinner by several Inches than those In a
more sheltered position, tho wood having
gradually worn nwny. Tho treasures
which tho storohouso contains nro of irrcnt
antiquity and havo only been seen by Eu
ropeans during tlio Inst tlireo years. Thoy
consist of rare and beautiful fabrics of
Persian, Indian, Chlnoso and Turkish
manufacture nnd nnclcnt articles of "vcr
tu" from nil parts of tho world. Among
tho objects of interest is tlio earliest known
specimen of Jnpnueso printing. Even to-
day many of tho words aro easily decipher
able. Tho treasures havo remained un
disturbed in tho samo building for 1,"00
years, and dcsplto the troublous time:
through which it has been in existence it
has never been Injured ordlsturbrd. Many
of tho treasures aro still packed up In the
storehouse chnmbor underground, where
thoy havo lain for hundreds of years, and
when they nro brought to vlow somo new
light may bo thrown upon tho early history
of tho country. They may nnd probably
will dlscloso much vnlunblo information
about tho other Asiatic countries, because
tho collection Is cullod from all parts of
Asia, and It Is to treasures such as these
that wo aro lndcbtod lor most of out
knowledgo of tho early nations of tho cast.
New York YV orld.
Another Trilmto to the Itraln Power ol
These ltcmarkable Insects.
I was ono day standing In my garden
near the trunk of an old willow tree, up
which n scattered lino ot ants was crawl
ing. After a tlmo I observed nn occasional
straggler coming down In tho opposite di
rection. Hero and thero a couple of ants,
ascending nnd descending, chanced to
meet, but thero was no stoppngo and no
talk. Presently, nt about llvofcct irom tho
ground, I smeared a littlo hollow In tlio
trunk with a largo spoonful of thick troa
clo to foo how long It would remain undis
covered. I then went nwny for u short
time, and on my return found nbout a
dozen ants busily feasting on tho treasure.
A mlnuto or two later ono of tho foastrs
crawled slowly down tho trunk with
heavy feet, and when near tho ground mot
friend, whom ho suddenly arrested on
his way up, and with his antenna), which
ho plied vigorously, held a good talk.
What was said I Know not, but tho friend
know and thoreupon marched steadily on
up tho treo to tho nowly found treasure.
Mcanwhllo tho bearer of tho good tidings
mndo his own way quickly back to tho
nest a few yards off In the grass, to which
I watched him. Ho was soon lost to view,
but beyond all doubt soon spread the news
of trensuro trovo throughout tho colony.
Within half an hour of that tlmo a long
unbroken lino of hungry nuts was march
ing direct to tho treo, making straight for
tho feast, remaining thero tor a tlmo nnd
then returning to tho nest In another lino
on tho other stdo of tho willow. This proc
ess of ascending and descending termites
went on for somo hours in fact, until
dusk when tlio numbers of advancing
guests grew less and loss and flnnlly
ceased. Before It was dark not a single,
ant was to bo seen, though early tho next
morning a fresh band of adventurers set
out In the sumo fashion, coming and go
ing nil day until overy morsel ot tho sweets
had disappeared.
Here, thcroioro, clearly somo talk of tho
surprising dainty hud taken placo between
tho two ants meeting on tho road to It,
while tidings had been carried to tho col
ony, which at onto roused nil tho Inmates
to go forth direct to tho feast, possibly led
by tho very guldo who had first discovered
it. So much for the general Intelligence
which enlightens ond guides tho whole
llfo and work of this wise nation of In
sects. London Quiver.
Yawning as a Itemedy.
Ynwnlno, though contrary to tho canons
of good society, Is -idoubtedly very bene
ficial to the individual, Muscles aro
brought into play during n good yawn
which otherwise would never obtain any
exercise nt all, and its voluo as a sort of
natural massage is considerable. Tho
muscles which movo tho lower jaw and
the breathing muscles of the chest nro the
first ones used during tho process of gap
ing: then the tonguo is rounded and
arched, the palate tightly stretched and
the uvula raised. The eyes generally close
tightly toward tlio termination of tho
yawn, tho ears are raised slightly nnd tho
nostrils dilated. Tho crack sometimes
heard in tho ear proves that tho aural
membranes are also stretched and exer
cised, something Impossible by any proo
oss but n yawn. It has recently been rec
ommended by somo doctors that sufferers
from nasal catarrh should make practice
of yawning six or soven times n duy and
goou results will louow. it is also consid
ered vulunblo In Inflammation of tho pal
ate, sore throat and earache. New York
Wire freats Tor Passenger Cars.
Wire seats are, wo hear, being experi
mentally Introduced by tho North nrltlsh
railway Into a number of their carriages.
Tho seat is composed of a series of specially
manufactured steel rings knit togethei
and firmly stretched, the chief featuiet
claimed being comfort and durability, al
though nn Important point Is the facility
with which tho seats can bo rigged up,
thereby materially expediting the process
of coach construction. This system of
metalllo seating hus already been used ev
erywhere, we beliovo, both in England and
abroad, with n certain measure ot success.
A Chance For llritanula.
English Yachtsman (n fow years hence)
I havo brought over my yncht and waut
a race, w litre Is your courser
American Yachtsman (who has profited
by experience in British waters) Up tho
ltarltun, tliouce 0 miles Inland by canal.
returning in a straight lino overland. I
shull usea canoe with wheels. Now York
Barley Is tho most widely dlffusod of
any of tho grains. It grows equally well
In Lapland and In tho vulloy ol tho Mlo,
tho only difference, being that In tho lat
ter country It Is capublo of producing two
crops a year.
Tho Spaniards gave tho name of Pueblo
no la Uolna do los Angeles to the city in
California now callod by tho last two
1 words of this ponderous designation.
Sanaparllla Is carefully
prepared by experienced
pharmacists from Sarj.
porllla, Dandelion, Man
rirnlrn Tlndr Tfr,sU.An.a
Juniper Berries, and other well known
getablo remedies. The Combination, Pro
portion and Process are Peculiar to Hood's
Barsaparllla, giving It strength and curatlv
power recuiiar to Itself, notpos-
essca dj otner medicines. Hood's
Cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Sores, Boilj,
Timples and all other affections caused by
Impure blood j Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick
Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh,
BheumatUn, Kidney and Liver Com
plaints. It Is Not What
we Say, but what Hood's
Sarsaparllla Does, that
Tells the Story Hood'i
Hood's Pills are gentle, mild and eflsours.
1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa.
iRinnn pn snM madder
1 uluuu i y uyil nnil Special Ills.
Ulcers, nam lilneimes, Mcrvnu Pelillltr
nnd Krroranf buiIi, I.ohh of Power mid'
... j.; . - " i.iuii-iii-a.i
Lost Manhood nnd Small Shrunken Or.
Biiux Pullj- Kvstoreil.
Scientific method never fnlla unless
case is beyond human aid. Keller tit
once, and j-ou feel llkeaman among
men In mind and body. All losses
checked Immediately and continued
Improvement. Every obstacle to
lmpny married llfo removed. Nerve
force, will, eneruy, bralu Doner,
nnen falllniz or loxt. nra i-oatm-an ,,.
the combined NEW treatment. Victims ol
utHi-rcs aim ciujaara, reclaim your manhood '
Sufferers from folly, overwork, earlv errnr. in.
health and excesses In mnrrled Ufa renin
your strength. Don't despair, even If In the!
lust BiuKi-s. uun i uu uiscouragea, ir quacks
have robbed you. I will prove to you that
medical science and bonor still exist. Pend
llve2-cent stamps for book " TRCTII," the
only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter
what they advertise to savo themselves rrom
exposure) their tricks and devices, calling
themselves celebrated and famous, giving free
advice nnd guurantee, charging enormous
pnceH ior cneap, poisonous cirugs, ana there
by rulnlnc thousands, llaiirni 0 to a Even
inRS,6-&so. Wed. and Rat. jive'gs, 6-9.30. fcun.,1
nonce aii nuuiciea wnu aangerous andi
iiopeiess cases snoma can ior examination.)
Dally, from o-l. Wed. and Pat eveVs. 6-9. and!
sua.. iwa. wriieorrnil. i reatmen t by mat l.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots do, and the water you drink
Isn't even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Where you can always get
a glass of
tool Beef and RafreshingWines.
Whlfllteys, etc. Don't forget the plaot
X. SI. RcIIIy's,
Locust Avenue, OENTRALIA. PA.
is tho cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a tvooden fence for residences, lawns.cem-
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Master
nas the agency and carries It In stock at his
marble and eranitn workn. in N. JASD1N ST.
Lager anc
Fiber Beers
Ifinest, Purest, Healthest.
Chris, Schmidt, Agt
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Wholesale agent for
FelgiDipm'i Ktwarki 1 1, Export
Lager nil Sum Fait Beer.
No finer made, Fine liquors and Cigars
12U South Main tit.
StOCli. 23X"Ol3COI(S,
Egan Bldg., Shenandoah.
Stocks, griln, etc., bought for cash and car
ried on margin. Ton shares Btock or 1,000 bush
els era In bought or sold on first margin of 119.
Telephone connection. Mailorders a specialty.
Daily market circular mailed free on applica
tion. Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Xaaundpy
Cor. Uoyd and White Hts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class tn every
particular, Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spec
laity. Goods called for and delivered. Ajtrlil
. i ii iB1! q