The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 11, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, eiccpt Sunday by rviii.isuixa comvanv,
rubUcstion office and m hantcal department,
Vi flast Cob Street.
TJaitalis! ,s delivered In Shenandoah and
J. EC flCIalu urroUndlng towns (or Six Cent
meek, parable to tne carriers. By mll, Three
Dollars a yoar or Twenty-five cents per month,
1 x advance.
AdwrHnemrnls charged according to space
td position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements when
ever the publication of news requires It. The
right Is also reserved to reeot any advertise
tint, whether paid for or not, that the pub
lihers may deem Improper. Advertising rates
nude known upon application.
Entered at the post offloeat Shenandoah, Pi.,
st seoond oloss mail matter.
the jsriittimi nmiATiB,
Shenandoah, I'cnni
Evening Herald.
The Ontlook pnys: "Wanted. A
newspaper that in its uows columns
Will toll the trutli about politionl mat
ters. " No. This is how it should mid:
"Wanted. All uowspftpeni in tin !r
rjovs columns to toll the truth about
nil matters." Thou the newspaper
would receive in the ooinuiuuitv the
consideration and rospect they should
Czar Alexander III did not have much
fun upon his imperial throne, but he
had the pleasure of eating all the p,od
things he wanted, and lie did it too
Tin y killed him Anally, but hu had a
od time eating thorn all the same.
,rbett fears the accident by which
' t.-imuioiiH killed Con Rivrduu at a
,nnng exhibition In a theater may in-
r th profession" of prize fighting.
1l is to D8 hoped it will.
. oilist ConiiETT declares with some
,'iw of truth that modern foot ball la
tore brutal than prize fighting. This
'reposition, however, Is not so much a
m ndloatlon of prize fighting as It Is an In
' i ct ment of foot ball.
1 r President Cleveland Is so anxious to
find an ofllco worthy of being adorned by
William L. Wilson, he might name that
gentleman for Secretary of the Exterior.
That would Just about fit Wilson.
No cLOSur.E and no popgun bills that
seems to be the program of the Senate.
Certainly the majority will show sense
t t they sit down on any attempt to achieve
the impossible in cither direction of the
present session.
It is difficult to contemplate the mys
terious nctlvltj of Senators Gorman,
Drlce and Smith without concluding that
Mr. Cleveland may he treated to another
spectacular exhibition of Perfidy nnd Dis
honor before the season Is over. All signs
Indicate a hard winter for the Cleveland
brand of "personal comfort."
No I'EnsoN with a humnne Impulse con
cealed anywhere in his makeup can read
President Cleveland's melancholy mes
sage wl'liout acknowledging mat tne
writer of It Is greatly in need of public
sympathy. Thoossence of Mr. Cleveland's
utterances is that the country Is going
straight to everlasting smash, and that he
needs a lot of ahle-bodled help to hold it
, A befobm which has long been desired
will be introduced by the final enactment,
of the bill in relation to public printing
and the distribution ot public documents.
The reform will not be bo far reacbiug as
Home of the advocates ot sweeping changes !
have desired, but such legislation as now
"fius attainable will prove an Important
'-rep in the direction of rational progress
It is expected that the bill will not only
do away with a variety ot a bines, but
secure h saving of hundreds of thousand
of dollars. Among other things, it pro
vides for the placing ot government pub
lications In depositories throughout the
country, where they will be aooeaslble to
the people. Public libraries are also to be
pupplied with sopies in a more complete
nnd satisfactory manner than heretofore.
lAl'AS's dissatisfaction with China's
teinporlising policy in peace negotiations
is certainly well founded. Seldom has
t here been more notable exhibition of
"wayt that are dark and trick that are
vain" tbau lu China's o induct both just
before and during the present war. Du
plicity, shiftiness and deceit have marked
almost every step of It. Perlmps the
crowntug stroke was the sending ot an
unaccredited envoy to discuss terms of
peace. It was a pretty t'rtck ; or would
have been had It succeeded. That envoy
conld lead the Japanese government on to
commit lteelf, without himself, binding
China to a single item. It he succeed wl In
negotiating favorable terms, China could
take advantage ot them. If not, China
, ould repudiate him and all his words,
The Tokio government has done well in
sending him home again, and in remind
t ng those who sent him that such devices
are vain.
NEW AT THE 15 U i Ebb
fclu- V!s Ho Interested III Dm lteiiorter's
htory Tlial She Wanted to Stop yulto
on on Hint Titlk Almilt It Hail to Tlx
Her Hair and (let Iter Clienliig Clum.
For a reporter with but llttlo to write
and plenty vt time In which to write It
there Is nothing more pleosnnt than to
dictate a narrative to a cheerful type
writer, particularly if bIio ms young and
have nice, soft hair to distract the eye and
well formed, white fingers and lie, ex
reeding!' pleasing. Hut for n reporter
With a long yarn to write and n limited
amount of tuna to finish It things some
times have a different aspect.
! Near the newspaper offloo Is a typewrit
ing office which many men frequent. A
new girl canio there one day last week a
Toal nice girl and an oxecllent perntor
hut she had never dono that kind of work
(before. While 6he was sitting In tho main
jroom upon the afternoon of her first day n
InowBpnper man came bustling in. and
" Mrs. T., have you got anybody to take
In two column story in a hurryf"
"Yes." replied tho manager. "Ilero Is n
lyoung Indy who has Just como to us. Miss
Brown, Mr. Smith, i'ou can go into
that corner room."
In threo minutes tho young lady was
keated at her machlno, the newspaper man
kns sorting out his notes, nnd tho door
rwas closed, so as to leave them undis
Now, If you will, please begin," tho
nowspaper man said. "In those days of
stern reality nnd suffering and strugglo
for existence a romantlo cplsodo comes
upon ono with tho refreshing delight with
'which n traveler in n desert beholds an
oasis." '
Cllckety, cllokoty, click went the koys,
land then:
i "Isn't that lovely? Is It going to be n
The nowspaper man looked up in amaze
incut, but it was utterly impossible to lx
angry wltli sueli blue eyes regarding mm
in admiration.
"No," he sold. ''Please go on. In the
monotonous routine ot police court oases,
howover, thcro was ono yesterday behind
which lay a story so romantic and so pic
turesque that it would almost seem to
have been created by a groat novelist who
had striven to exceed all his past efforts. "
, When this had been recorded, and while
1 tho newspaper man was wondering what
i lie would say next, tho young lady, smll-
ilna mnKt rmhnntlv. nrnttlnd on In this
. "That's Just splendid. It sounds like n
real novel. Did you ever read 'Clarissa;
or, The Forlorn Honor' It begins some
thing llkothnt, only it isu'tso interesting.
Do you know I nover took dlotation llko
that before? Tho last place I worked in I
had nothing to do but copy letters. Oh,
'dear, wasn't it tlrcsomo, though!"
', Tho newspaper man felt his collar get
ting too small, but nftorswallowlngsomo
!thtng that seemed to stick in his throat
ho sold as gently as possible:
"Won't you pleaso go onf I'm in somo-
what of a hurry. hat have you got
"Where?" in great surprise
"I mean pleaso road over what I havo
"Oh, how stupid I ami 'In theso days
of 6tern realty' how do you pronounco
that word, In two syllables or tlirccr
Thank you 'stern reality nnd suffer
ing' "-
And she read what sho had written.
Then Just na tho newspaper man had sot
tied bock in his chair, determined to dic
tate to the end without giving her another
opportunity to Interrupt him, sho Fald:
"Exouso mo. I think my hair is coming
Sho went to a llttlo mirror in a corner
of tho room, examined her linlr carefully,
and then after touching up tho puffs of
her sleeves and smoothing her waist she
sighed and returned to her sent.
"Thero, now, I'm all ready."
For tho next few minutes she had to
work so hard that sho hadn't time to say
a single word. But soon the page was
filled, and she had to insert a new snoot,
nnd that was her unnartunlty.
"Gracious! How fast you dictate! It
almost takes ray breath away. Hut do
vou know, I like it. I think it's good
practice. Were you thcro when all that
happoned? Myl I wish I could bo a ro
The newspaper man wont on with ids
dlotation. He was fust growing hopping
mad, but he hadn't tho heart to say a
harsh word to the girl. Sho was really
rery pretty, and us she Ijooame interested
in the story a delicate final) umutlod her
cheeks, and It was n positive pleasure tu
watch her. Hut a newspaper man lias no
! time for pleasure during business hours,
and these charms did not Interest him at
much as tbey might havo done under oth
er circumstances. But he struggles! bravo
ly on,
"Ohl" she suddenly exclaimed, stop-
plug in the middle of a sentence. ' Did
that ronlly happonr"
"Yes. yes. Will you please go onf
"Well, the ideal I wouldn't have be
lieved It Do you know, I don't believe
half what I read in the papers, but ot
course If you say so it must be true."
"I'm very sorry I can't oliat with yon
Miss Iirown, but really I'm In a groat
"Oh, I beg your pardon. I forgot all
ubout tlmt. "
For nearly ten minutes there was not a
break iu the dictation save where a sheet
became full and a fresh one hod to bo In
terted. The typewriter kept her lips firm
ly pressed together, as It sho' were exert
ing all her strength to keep silent. It was
clear to see that It could not last muolt
longer. In tho mlddlo of a paragraph she
suddenly stopped and with a brief "Kx
cusc me for a moment" left the room. In
a few seconds she returned with her jaws
moving convulsively aud a pleoe ot chew
ing gnm in her hand.
' Won't you have soiuet" site asked po
litely. 'N-n-no and I'll tell you what or
I guess I won't have time to finish this
story today. I'll some book some otlier
"Oh, you're not going are youf I'm
awful sorry. I was Just getting iuterettod
in the story."
"Very sorry or how mucht Hore,
All rlghtr (ioodday."
And Mixing the few sheet that lay on
the desk the newsjiaper man went away
and finished tho story with a pun. Chica
go Times.
A Marrow KMstpe
Jess I dou't think this gown matches
my comploxlon very well, do youf
Juck Whloh onet
Jess Whatf
Jack Which gown, I mean Boston
A Proposition Looking to Culm's I mlpppii
ilenc! Through Negotiation,
Washington, Dec. 11. Senator Morgan
occunled tin-attention of the m-nato yes
tordfiy for two hours in a speech 'n favor
of the bill providing for tho cumdructlen
of the Nlcaraguan canal. Ho expressed
himself favorable to government owner
ship In the enterprise and declared that
prompt action .diutild lc taken, as to nbati
don the project now would bo a dereliction
the people would not forget. Senntorfcall
introduced two resolutions of interest, one
requesting thu govurnmout to commence
negotiation with Spain for the recognition
of Cuba s independence, nnd for the guar
antee by the t'nited states of tho payment
of such it sum (f!s shall be agreed on be
tween tho United State and Spain for
Spain's relinquishment of her control of
Cuba. Tho other resolution deolnt-cd that
the interests of tho world require that nil
governments shall unite In negotiating
with China nnd Japan for a settlement of
tho war.
The houso devoted tho day, under tho
rules, to business reported from thu Dis
trict of Columbia committee. Several
bills of purely loonl Importance were
passed nnd a resolution was adopted set
ting aside tho third Saturday In Jnuuary
for euloglos on tho llfo nnd character of
Marcus P. Idstn, late ropresontatlvo
from tho Tenth Kentucky district. A
jolut resolution wns also passed to pay tho
officers and employes of tho houso nnd
senate their salary for tho present month
on Dec. SO.
Proposed lEctorins In South Carolina.
Columdia, S. C Dec. 11. Some im
portant bills wero Introduced In tho legis
lature yesterday, and being known as "ad.
ministration" mensuros aro likely to pass,
One bill takes tho control of tho police
from tho municipalities of 2,600 lnhab
ltnnts or more and puts their appointment
nnd control into the hands of police com
missloners selected by tho governor, who
can removo them nt pleasure, lunos col
lected by mayors or recorders when for
state offenses go to the county treasurer a ud
for city offenses to the city treasury. Tlif
law Is the result ot tho failure of the towns
and cities to enforce the dispensary law.
Another bill for the reorganization of the
militia is proposed. Companies wlilcii
fail to obey the governor's orders shall I
liable to punlnhment by Imprisonment
and fine. The election of a United Stat
senator takes place this aftornoon. Till
man will be undoubtedly elected over Sen
ator Butler; tho incumbent.
Investigating Trinity's Tenements.
New YottK, Deo. 11. Before the tene
ment houso committee last week cviden
wns produced showing thnt tho Trinity
church corporation property was in an un
healthy condition. Colonel (Jrugcr dill
not consider Its tenements In any worse
condition than those owned by private In
dividunls. but lllchnrd Watson Gilder
president of the tenement houso commit
too. disagreed with him. Tho attention of
tho health board wns then cnllcdtothe
mntter, with the result that tho board ol
health has started Its inspectors at the
work of Investigating the tenements com
plained of.
Flood liutl Loss of I.lre.
COLON, Deo. 11. Heavy r.iliw hi
caused a Hood and some hiss of life In th
department of Mngdnlami. The town i
Santa Marta, capital of the it ;"" "
wns Inundated on Thursday nnd lilt
seven houses nnd the hospital wr- d
stroyed. Hallway comiivi'ilrntiun wit
tho town has been cut off, three bridge
nlong tho line having been washed awn)
Tho electric light plant in tho tow.i w.i
dostroyed. Santa Marta is n seaport town
of the Ilepublio of Colombia, una Is situ
ntcd on the cast shore of a bay of the Cnrll
beau sea. Tho population Is ubout 3,5UO.
Cornell Students to Vote on Athletics.
Ithaca, N. Y., Deo. 11. The advisabil
ity of tho Cornell athletic tennis engaging
In intcrcolleginto contests In the future 1?
evoking tho greatest Interest among the
professors nnd students. The students,
fearing thnt the faculty n-a:- put nn end
to their lntoroolloglnto othlotlcs, will bol
lotontho question themselves, bellovlna
that If a large majority of the students It,
recorded in favor of participation in tin
games, the faculty would not take con
trary action. Tlie students wu. vote on
Thursday and the faculty wi'l cmvineto
decide the mutter on Friday altemoon.
Another County Treasurer Short.
ShkhdVuAN, Mich., Dec. II. William
Krratt, the Sheboygan countv treasurer,
is several thousand dollars in arrears In
Ills necouuts Ills brother, Henrv Krratt
vho Is deputy treasurer and n trvasurer
I'lect luu ueou uuniocossful thus liir In try
ing to secure bondsmen. William Krratt,
who Is a hardware merchant, h:u. modo an
assignment to ono of his bondsmen.
A Fleeing llnrglar Ki:Ud.
Ottumwa, la., Deo. 11. Burglars rohliod
the Burltngt'in depot ot Bnt.ivia dining
tho night, and then taking a hand car
Started toward Ottmmwa. Detective Har
rison, with another nmcer, started on nn
engine from hero and met them. A battle
Was fought i"vl one burglar w..s k ilod.
The oher two eqenped. H irrUou received.
floh wound. y
A Corrupt .VlderKwa's Confiaiilor-..
Haveuiiili., Mass.. D -o 11 H. die H
Hoyt, the Haverhill uUR;uit:i rev at!
convicted of iiucepting brih , m . ., iu!
oonf'Kion of his conn.ieilon with .
bribery cuse tu District Atro.-n.-. M' ).!
Mr. Hoyt ;in that as Hoyt has I wo no .
gu eminent witness he will pun
VoorliwM Wants Sliver Ooliinav.
Wamiinotos, Doo. Voo
hoes, in an Utorvkw, declared that in w..
endeavor to icuro legislation fu, .irahli 1
silver nt tli" pr.wut .inn of eo.i .v
"Stiver," lie declare, "is tin uiin,e oil',
constitution -md houid '(. ! t.a t'i
same terms t i it g. Id b oxneil '
mm: fwi
) Clock Spring Made.
lOnlv IVUcrt Comb.
h'orcpaugh Circuses,
Ask s,our He, lcr ot
Si'ilINU ttUUV
Byj) our Hum ' n tin' U '"'J
Nourishing tun) Appetizing mid Cnn lie
IJaeily Made nt Home.
Somo ot the lieef iiottdcrs In the market
tmtll and tufcie of the chemist's shop ant'
aro not readily taken by an Invalid whos -palate
n quin s to be coaxed A happy Iden
struck l... vrito sovernl months ago thai
beef powder might without di.Tlcultyli
prepared fresh and on a smal' made by nnj
ordinary ' k Tho cxpi rlment was mndr,
and tho result was satlsfiietory beyond ex
pectntlnn H-cf powder undo nt Iip'-ioI-appetizing,
h.m a delicate nn ma and l :ivo: can lit. .en with p'nmn l in'. .Ud
who turn tith aversion fiuin uiilnmn
food. If n little pepsin be taken at tho
samo time, it I ; illgChlcd even wneu we
ordinary peploulzed fond aro not retained
Tho mode i f preparation lssinipie n-iiu
beef Is cut intoTmnll pieces. Ihesoare
put Into 1 llliigfatdrlpplngsor butter for
n couple of minutes until tho surface U
browned. They are men romoveu imm
the fat and placed on n strainer for a few
momenta. Afterward they nro placed in n
mincing machlno. The resulting mlnco Is
placed In n slow oven nnd iirieu. ino dry
ing process may tuko from 5 to S4 hours,
or even longer, according to tho heat em
ployed. When tliorougniy urieu, tne meat
la oulto crisn and can be ground in n cof-
foo mill thnt has not been used for nny
other purpose.
In the drying process the meat loses n
trlllo more than four-Ilftlis ol its wcignt.
This beef powder oan bo taken in various
tvnvs with hot water or soup, wltn masn-
ed potatoes, w 1th bread und butter inn
sandwich or with a llttlo pepsin In n starch
Tho writer has given this liomcmadc
beef powder with such excellent effect iu
several cases where there wns much diffi
culty with ford that ho thinks other, may
find It um-HuI. Dr. W. It. Huggard in
British Medl-d Journal
Th Trrmrlerfiil Afrirnn Knlfl Plant, discov
ered on the Cunuo IUver, est Africa, is
Nature's Sura Cure for Asthma.
Endorsed by European l'hyslclans nnd Hos
pitals a a positive Constitutional Cure for
Asthma. 7,000 recorded cures in BO days. It
never falls. Cures Guaranteed. No Pay
until cured. IrgeTrlaU'nsc sent FREE
by mail, prepaid, to any sufferer. Address
KOLA IVFORTIKG C0..UC2 Broadway, New York,
One week, beginning
MOWn AY 'RVF.N'iT- TIFP, i nth I
JIlUlNJJfl.1 PiVJlilN VJ, ULiij. 1UU1
The Laugh Producers,
In Hepertolre:
Monday "Colorado'
Tuesday 'Our Bersle'
Wednesday ...."Friend or the Family"
Tbursday - "Mulberry Bend'
Friday "Streak o' Lightning"
Saturday ,-Tho Search Light"
Matlue6 Saturday 'i p. m.
.Sin-lug mid Dancing Specialties.
Price), 10, io, nud 30 ecu
Reserved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Ulr
Poar Alley, Roar Coifeo House.
The best rigs In town. Horses u ken to
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
Stop at
200 North Centre Street.
Myitis at all hours. Ladles' dining roon
sltaohen. finest wines, nnuors, cigars.
OHAf . HUUCM1.L, Prop.
North Main St , MAHAN0Y C1TT.
Largest nnd finest hotel tn Ibe region.
Finest accomraoda'lon. Handsome fixtures
Pool ncd Ullllard ' noma Attached.
Formerly kept by Tbos. Ulbbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
Fresh and cool Heer always on tap.
Wines, Liquors, Cigars.
Costkj.lo & Cassidy, Proprietor
For tho . . .
Sot Season
Cleary Bros'
Temperance Drinki.
vltuerMl waters, Wen beet Bottlers ot
the nue latter were.
17 a&e IS Pf.tth Alley,
ShoeacdMh, Ft
pring Curry Comb
Polt ns n Brush. Fits even' Curve. Tho
t'scd by X". i-. Army nud l U.irnum nnd
and Lendine; Horsemen of tlie World.
It. .implc ln.iilij r'-l l'.inl 2; cents.
CO JID CO., 10iLrijcUobt.,t;out!i),ud, Iuaiioa.
His Remarkable Control Over His
Companions in Orime.
Singing and Laughing In tho Corridor of
the County Jail at At. lMul HuDi'liounres
the Confession of IllUt as a "l'nlte troin
Top to llottoni."
Minneapolis, Deo. 11. Clans A. Bllxt,
the confessed murderer of Catherine Ging.
Is n pitiable objoct. Now that tho awful
secret which he held has boon revealed, he
seems utterly shattered. Tho tears
course down his chock, in nn unending
fashion. Kvery few minutes ho sends for
Chief of Police Smith, whom ho seems to
regard ns tho only friend ho has on earth,
and breaks out Into lamentations over his
hard fate.
Tho belief Is growing that Harry Hny-
ward mado uso of hypnotism to gain so
strong nn iniluonco over his tools nnd vlo-
tinis. Cliuis lillxt says ho did. Ho told
tho officers that Harry had controlled him
with hypnotic power, as ho also did Miss
Ging. The inurderor shuddered when he
mado this stutcmont, nnd appeared to
stand in mortal terror of Harry even then.
With gestures of tho hands ho illustrated
the menus Harry used to hypnotize girls.
Ho said whenever Harry told him to do
anything and ho refused, ho would make
a fow passos at him with hid hands, nnd
tho result was that ho did whatever Harry
told him.
Tho timo ho fired tho tarn Harry, ho
snld, threatened to kill him If ho did not
obey his command. "Ho looked through
mo with those oyos and I went nnd set flro
to the.bnm without saying another word,
said Bllxt, qulveringly. "On tho morning
after the fire he mado mo sign n paper say
ing that I haft set flro to tho barn. I signed
my name to the papor, and after that
whenever he wanted me to do things for
him he showed mo tho paper nud threat
ened to send me to Stillwater for ten years
If I refused."
It is now remembered that Adry Hay-
ward, the brother, in his oonfession al
luded to tho terrible influence Harry had
over him, an iufluenco not entirely of fear
He could not explain it, hut gavo tho im
pression that it was almost impossible for
lilin to resist Harry's wishes when they
were pressed upon him. It is known tlmt
Harry had a wondorful Influence over the
dead girl. She did anything ho told her
to do with impllolt oonfldonce, nnd he
often boasted to Adry that the girl would
do exactly as ho told her to do.
Blixt spast record Is being pretty thor
oughly looked up, and somo comment Is
made on tho fact that ho uns been thrice
married, and that two of his wives died
suddenly. It seems that suspicions wero
entertained ngalnst him in Cnunou Fulls
at tlu timo of those deaths, but no action
looking toward nn Investigation was
taken. Ills pooplo uro rospoctablo farm
ers, who still livo near Cannon Falls,
The grand jury yesterday returned a
formal indictment that Miss Ging enmo
to her death by n shot fired by somo un
known person or persons. Tho officials
hnvo i,ractIcnUr b1vu1,ui nopoot wring-
ig a confession from Hnyward, nnd It
seems that tlie case will como to trlnl in
duo time. In which ovont it is llkoly to be
como a celebrated case.
Horry Haywnrd la apparently deter
mined to fight the thing out to tho bitter
end, nnd few more developments nro ex
pected. Assistant Attoruoy Hall assorts
that he has ovldonco of Harry Hnywnrd's
complicity In a number of otlier dark
crimes, but he will glvo no hint of what
they wero. It is certain that, arson and
kidnaping were among them, If not mur
Hnrry Hnyward Is still In tho Hamsoy
county jail at St. Paul. Ho has not yet
made any confosslon, nnu Is not llkoly to.
Hnyward Is conducting himself In a pe
culiar manner. All day biuulay he was
making considerable nolso In the corridor,
singing and laughing. He nlso joined in
the rollgluui oxercisos conducted In the
building, nud joined heartily In siuglug
hymns. Ho had somo conversation with
one of the prisoners of the jail after he
read the pujiur yesterday containing the
confession of Ullxt. Hnyward said to him
I'lils whole story of Bllxt's lsn fake from
top to butt' Jin, and is Hindu to savo hU own
neck. I' will give something which will
paralyze the whole gi lnxy of detectives
and crtimniils, nut 1 will wait until tl
proper time conns H.iywaril had' met
tlie prisoner no tints auiirewMt in ono 01
the gnuiblin,,' h msos In St. Paul, where
he dnpedt5,UH
Tlie burning of tlie elevator at Ilaniel
in tliis county, on which Miss Giug had
mortgage, is now ascribed to Harry
Haywnnl. it Is known that he was very
anxious for hor to realize on her loan of
il.tKi at ouoo, and thnt she made tlmt ef
fort through her financial ogonts but was
unsuccessful Just at this juncture the
elevator opportunely burned, and tlie in
surauoo money .paid tho mortgage. The
owner, Julius Jeussou, says that tho fire
beyond question wns incendiary.
An effort is being mndo to connect Hay
ward with tho murder of Jjena Olsen nt
Uuluth gome months ago. The case is not
unllko the Ging case, but thoro Is as yet
no evidence that Hay ward had anything
to do with A. A. Austin, the mystorloui
stranger who Is supposed to have mur
dered tlie girl, and for whom the police uro
still searching.
It is possible that no indictment will be
returned against Adry Haywnrd, who first
oonfessotl. He will be wanted as n witness,
md while culpable tlie state is so anxious
to mane a good case against Harry liny
ward that it will probably decide not to
Indict nun aud tnereby elose Ills moutn.
"Commended" for llesjiectlug Lnw.
Richmond, Ky., Deo. 11. Tlie grand
jury yesterday returned an Indictment
against W illium Taylor (colored) for the
killing of David Doty on Friday last. The
defendant was brought before the circuit
court and pleaded guilty to tho indict
ment. Notwithstanding the Intense ox
oitement tlmt has prevailed ever slnoe the
murder there was 110 demonstration upon
the appearance of the prisoner. Thelntter
for the first time showed alarm, knowing
full well that ho Is a doomed man. The
uction of Doty's friends In abandoning tho
Idea of lynching Taylor upon tne promise
of tne ollicors to give mm a ieuy irjai
warmly commended.
Tli Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer
sew showers; northeast winds, becoming
southeast, l'or the District of Columbi
nnd Delaware fair exi ept east wind
Itain will occur n , u Kugl.tnd, tl
middle stati s and tne lake region 'I'h
tcmueratun vtll ruuniu nearly station
ary iu ulldulrjus,
liood's Saved
Cn8nnyHThn,ry HyLife
" For years I was In a very serloui conditio:
with catarrh of the stomach, bowels and blaiMer.
I suffered Interne!
from dyspepsia, anl
In tact was a mlier
able wreck, merely
a skeleton. I isecv
ed to go from bad
to worse. I really
wished I was dead.
I had no rest day or
. night. I did not
know what to do. I
nan taaea so xnuea
modlolne of the
wrong kind that It
had poisoned me,
and my finger nails
begnn to turn
blnclt and oome off.
I began to take
Mr.W It. Young,
rottar'i Mills, Ta.
Hood's Bariaparllla. I had faith in the medicine,'
and It dldanore for me than all prescriptions. I
have gradually renlnl perfect henlth, am
entirely free from catarrh of the bowels, and
pain In my back. My recovery Is simply mar
velous." vr. It. Yoono, rotter's Mills, raj. "
Hood Cures
Hood's Pills relieve distress after eating,'
1317 Arch
IIIIUDI Philadslnhla. Pa.
The Only fSriiiilnn Hprrlnllst In Ainer
Icn, fs'ntttillislniulina What
(llliers Ailvcrtlse,
Special Discns-es, Vnrlcnso Veins nnd uillimu) I'ermniicntli'
Cured tn 4 to 10 Dujs.
Kcllef nt Once.
BLOOD POISON cured bv entlrelv now
hurmlesamcthoiL 8 vrar&' Karoneim llosmial
nnd 32 practical experience, nsCvrtlticiites and
jjipiuiuiss prove. rena Live a-ceni Bianip' inr
book "TJtlJTII," tbo only True Mettiai!
Bonlc ftdvertlwd. It la a true friend tj all
sulTercra and to those contemplating marrinire.
TtlG most Rtuhbnm and dnncrfrniiH rmni I p.
ited. WrlteoroallnndbesATed. Hours. y to 8;
e v'ks, 8 to 8 'or examination and treatmen 1 1 n
Chronic and dnnfreroua cases. C oll dntlv ! to
1 .:iO Wed. and 8at. from 9 to 4 ; ev'na. 6 t;
9 'M ; sun., 0 to 12. Treatment by mail
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
Sour boots do, and the water you drink
in't even' fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Boer and Porter
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Where you can alw ays get
a glass of
ool Beer and Refreshing Wines,
Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the plae
T. Iff. Itellly's,
Locust Avenue, CENTK ALIA PA.
is the cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Master
nas the agency and carries It in stock at bis
narDio ana granite worics, inn jakuin si.
sner Beers
Finest, Purest, Healthesu
Chris. Schmidt, Agt
807 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Wholesale agent tor
elgenipaa't hm I J Export
Lfiger ui Sum Pi!t Beer.
No nner made, Flno liquors and Olgara
m Mouth Main at.
SS&tOGlSL 33X"Oli.OX)3,
Egan Bldg., Shenandoah.
Blocks, cratn. etc bought for cash and car
ried on margin. Ton sliares stools or 1,000 busb
els grain bought or .old on Urst margin ot lis.
Teiepnonu uuuucvuuu. wnsuiuaisn .yvUiaiiy.
Dally market circular mailed fiee onappllca
Hand Xaaundry
Oor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class in every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain saspeo
laity. Goods called tor and delivered, AJtrlil
(Successors to Coakley Uros.)
ISo, iO East Centre Btrcet,
Our Motto D st yuai'tv at Tj
Prices. I'aironago reL-iif jiK i- i
vrest t aih
nil n