1 EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday by MXHAl.lt VVlll.lMllNU OOMVANT, rMibllcatlon office and m banloal department, 316 Hast Coa Street. delivered (n Shenandoah And i rounding towns for Six Orate woelc, payable to the Barriers lly mall, Three Dollars a year or Twmtv-flvn cents por month, ' I dTanee. Aavmtmrment cnarged according to space Md position. The publishers reburre the right rt ChanjfP the position of advertisements when tvertbe publication of news requires It. The rHht le elso reserved to reject any advertise M.rtit, whether pal J for or not, that the pub lhrs mav deem Improper. Ad ertislnc rates tc aue knows upon applluatlon Sntered at the post omoe at Shenandoah, P., to second oloss mall matter. THIS KVMK1NO llKRAT.lt, Shenandoah. 1'enna. Evening Herald. THURSDAY DKUK.MHKHG, 1801. It looks now as though fi rover Cleve land would rumble down the centuries as the only man that ever Insisted upon being President nnd Secretary of the Treasury at the same time. The effort does uot amount to greatness, but Is re garded as a fairly good imitation of It. It was scarcely necoseary for Senator Sherman to make a fcrmp.l denial of the report that the President bad asked his assistance In formulating a new system of currency reform. The idea that a past grand master In the science of finance llko Mr. Cleveland would seek the co-oper-ntlou of an untried greenhorn like John Sherman In any such enterprise is rather too glaringly preposterous to be Eeriously considered. The radical fault of the message Is that It obstinately Ignores the prostration of liuslneis by a change of public policy, nnd the incompetence and failure of Con Kress to provide adequate revenue, sug gests no means of raising more money except by borrowing, and threatens re newed agitation for lower duties and a delicate and dangerous reconstruction of the currency system, nt a time when busi ness can by no means bear a further shock. It Is the utterance of n man who will not see his own mistakes or the terrible mischief dono by him nnd hla party, who will uot listen to the people when they demand a different policy, nnd thus goes stubbornly ou to disturb Indus try, to diminish revenue and to nuger the people still more. y "luxaeAsc In the volume of business at this section of the year la not to bo ex pocted. Preparation for the holidays, for stock taking, for yearly settlements, and uncertainty about the settlements of others : the competition of orders by many manufacturing concerns, and the disposl tion to defer new undertakings until yearly settlements are over; the session of Congress aud doubts about financial leg' lslation, the beginning of winter, with bad roads, all tend to lessen new transac tions and for a time the working force. Payineuts through clearing houses, nftor nllowauce for holidays, are generally smaller in December than In November. Hence, the decrease in business, by many observed, is uot necessarily an unfavor able sign. Hut there lire causes of do crease this year which make the outlook horuewhat unpromising. Prices of the great farm products are low boyond prece dent, prices of the chief mannfactured products are lower than ever and tending downward, the working force is now be Ing a little diminished, but has all the time been much smaller than In past years ; wages of labor are low and limit the purchasing power of the people, and the uncertainty as to finonctol legislation Is In no way diminished, but really In creased by reports of Executive aud Con gre-stonul purposes. The volume of bus! neis repreteuted by exchanges in Novem ber has been only 3 per cent. 1 trger than last year, und i per cent, smaller than in 1832 HUMAN' government, like divine, must of necessity onve its penalties for violated law. Tbo noble deoislou of the people for better government would quickly appear as empty as a Pope's bull agalUBt the comet, If It dltl not bring punishment for those who dishonored themselves and their country by abuse of their trust. And the penalty, to be effective, must be of a kind which the offender can feel. The most conspicuous and powerful offender in National matters is the Sugar Trust. This law-defying combination is clearly esponslble for the worst disgrace that ia ever fallen upon an American Con ress. By corrupt means, In order to llunder the people of many millions for .tsown enrichment, it secured the pass nice of a revenue bill disastrous to Ameri can Industry, nnd dishonorable to the party In power, whloh so shamefully failed to provide for the expenditures of government that the treasury hag just liceu obliged to borrow 160,000,000, and to fasten upon the peoplo for ten years a charge of t2,S00,000 yearly. The Insolent dictation of this Trust, anil its shameful methods which the courts are still trying to Investigate, kindled the just Indigna tion of nearly all upright members of Congress. It Is only justice that the first and heaviest blow of retribution should fall upon a corporation which has thus dishonored legislation and affronted public opinion, and that it should come from the very Congress which yielded to Its threats and seductions. TlIK Japanese government has acted with good judgment In declining to re ceive an envoy who represented the Vice roy rather than the government at Pek ing. The situation in China is fraught with tlio uncertainties of civil war and national disruption nnd Count Ito is jus tified In insisting upon treating for peace directly with n duly accredited agent of the Throne. At the same time Japan, having much to gain from the continu ance of a war in which the Chlneso mili tary and naval services have completely broken down, a naturally taking advan tage of every technicality for delaying peacemaking. Its shrewdnoss and practi cal skill in diplomacy are exciting alarm and consternation in Groat Britain, where there is growing apprehension of the dis solution of the Chinese Umpire. Japan c itiuot be forced to negotiate peace against its will unless there is a concerted action on the part of England, Franco nnd Russia. That there has been a secret understanding among these Powers for many years respecting n possible partition of China we do not doubt; and the State Department at Washington ought to be exceedingly wary In being drawn Into nny European entanglement In Asiatic nltalrs. All the Foreign Offices are fully employed now with Intrigues In remote quarters of the earth. Even Germany, which has nothing nt stake In China, Is npporently mnking n determined effort to secure a port in Morocco, nccording to the latest news from the Mediterranean. All these matters lie outside the Bphcro of American interests and the State Depart ment is justified In maintaining a benevo lent attitude of impartial neutrality nnd nwaltlng the natural order of events with out prematurely committing Itself to any course of action. There is n lond call feincutho election for n ballot folding machine in states whero tho Australian system of voting has beeu nUoptod. In Now York city thero were as many as 22 different bal lots, all to bo folded by bauds often tinios so stiffenod with labor that they could uot perform tho task. Somo of tho voters gavo up in despair aud did uot vote at nil. Besides tho mcasuros to bo voted in favor of thcro wero thoso to bo votod against. Tho votes cast had to bo folded and doposited iu tho ballot box. Tho rest had to bo folded aud given to au inspector, who toro them up. Tho loss intelligent voter becamo muddled and weary beforo he had com pleted tho reading and fumbling. Iu many cases men no doubt voted for can didates and wensuros they desired to vote against. Tho folding machiuo would help matters. Hovcmbcr is ouo of tho happiest, jol Host months of tho year. Why? Bo causo tho chyrsanthoinum shows como then and gladden tho heart of man, woman aud child. That would bo enough to cast a halo over tho month ovou if wo did uot have tho horso shows and Thanksgiving. Tweuty-ouo of tho 4-1 states olect United States senators this winter. Rclmefrr Again DcfVutcri. Chicago, Dec. H. Sclmofer met defeat for tho third time last night, and is now M far behind that It seems impossible for him to win out. Ho could only succeed In making 181 while Ives ran his 009. NewMpnper OlUco Iturned Out. HAZLETON, Pa., Deo. 0. lly tho explo sion of n barrel of kerosene In tho baso- mont of Tbo Tribune building hero tho entire plant, Including pruss, type, etc., was destroyed by flro. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho Peruvian rolx'ls nro claiming that they lire surely cloning in ou Lima. It is reported that tho government of Ecuador Is suffering for the want of arms aud ammunition. William Dickerson, who married n 12' year-old girl at Atlanta, Ga., a few days ago, is now in juii tor mgamy. Tho proxlneial legislature of Quobo voted ?l,lUo,.VMUl for the subsidizing ot tho various railways of tho province. D. II. Truxlor, state liquor commissioner of South Carolina, will resign in a few days and be succeeded by Colonel V. A. Mlxson. The Illinois Stnto Millers' association decided to refuse to join tho movement for a general shut duwu ot all tho mills In tho United States. A young widow named Joscuhlno Begin shot aud killed J. Herbert In Ids butcher shop at Sherbrooko, Quo., bocauso he re fused to marry her. H. M. Judge, ono of tho loading lawyers of west Alabama, and n very prominent man In state polities, committed suicide by shooting at Birmingham. An Odessa dispatch reoords a largo in croaso In the Russian forces along the Turkish frontier. This is supposed to no count for the disturbed state of Armonla, John Hums, M, P., the English labor leader, accompanied by John W, Bonn, M. P.j David Holmes nnd Samuel Gom pers, left New York for Denvor last night. A DENIAL FROM TURKEY. Tho Armenian, It Is ( Irtlliinl, Started tlio Atrnclntii Slaughter Washington, Dec. 0. The Turkish le (rnllou has rnvhvil tho following official eommunlontlnii ns regards tho Armenian troubles: Towards the end of July last, tinder the instigation of an Armenian linmod llainpurtzmim, tho mon of the Ar menian village noar Mourn formed sepa rate bands, and armed with gtttiSpdaggers, hate-hots and other Instruments, attacked the trllie of Dellkan, killed a few men of that trllie, and afterwards foil on tho trllK-s of lli'klrnm nnd Badlknn. These bands bnrnod alive Hadji, nephew of Kumcr Agha, one of the chiefs of the Bck Iran tribe, and not only outrnged Mussel men women of the village of Klilll-Giuat, but itlso put tiit-in to death In an atrocious manner. Men wore also tortured In o more ferocious way. Not satisfied with all these lawless and criminal proceedings the same bands burued also n few villages Inhabited by Musselmon. Thanks, however, to tho moasures taken by the lawful authorities tho bauds In question were dlsiwrsod and tho Insurgent Chief HampttrUoum, as well as the Prlost Mlghirdltch, of Klzil-Killsse, and other guilty persona were arrested and brought beforo justice. The statement often pub lished In some of the Kurojieau newspapers to tho effect that the troops fired on de fenseless men and women Is utterly un true. No unarmed Individual was killed. Twenty insurgents having surrendered, were treated with all posslblo considera tion, nnd after their dejiosltions before tho logal authorities of Mous were taken thoy were given their freedom. It was thoso twenty Insurgents who Indicated tho plnoo where tlio Chief Hampartzoum and his accomplices were hiding themselves. Tho above facts show thut among tho In surgents only twenty surrendered, mid that, with tho exception of the brigands who broke in revolt no one else was ill t routed. Conspiracy to html n Silver Statue. Ciiicaoo, Dec. 0. Tho silver statue of Ada Rfhan is under guard of half a dozen detectives, as a result of a discovery of a plot to steal the Image. Tho statuo has boon on exhibition at tho retail storo of Carson, Pirle, peett & Co., and recently a man representing himself as an omployo of tho Montana Silver Statue company, owners of the statue, called nt the storo and secured tho address of tho night wntch mnn. Wednondoy night tho man pre sented to tho night watchman an order signed by tho Montana company, saying that Geuerul Manager Hlgbee, of the com pany, was dead, and asked that the statue be delivered to the bearer. Tho watchman refused to honor the order. Tho detectives claim that a well planned conspiracy has been laid to steal tho statue and melt It down. lie Objected to liictlculo. PARIS, Ky., Dee. (1. Jack Howerton, aged 36, a young white former, near Paris, was married In Cinelnnati on Tuesday to Matilda Taylor, n negro woman of this city. Howerton is related to prominent Jiuuruon county families, Whllo Hower ton and his negro bride wero at tho rail road depot hero yesterday somo of the by standers began to guy Howerton. Ho be camo enrngtd and drew a pistol and llred. The ball strurk Butch Coughlln, nn Inno cent spectator, in the leg. Tlio crowd closed In on Howerton ami bruised him badly. Howerton was arrested and is now in jail. TJio Arillntnont Myhtcry Itecnlleil. London, Dee. 0. Tho suit of Major Dud ley llambrough, of Steep Hill Castle, Islo of Wight, against tho New York Mutual Llfo Insurance company to recover $20,000 insurance upon the life of his son, Lieu tenant AVimlnor Dudley llambrough, who was shot and killed at Ardiamont, Scot land, in 1WI2, has resulted In a verdict for the company. The affair was known ns tho Ardlaimmt murder mystery. Tho young man's tutor, Alfred J. MuiiKon,was tried on the charge cif murdering tho lieu tenant, with the result that the jury re turned a Scotch verdict, "not proven." Grave Itnhhcra Held for Trial. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 0, Prloi,of B. J. Alexander, of Cotner university, and Stu dents 1). L. Mohan and J. A. liurford were held to the district court for trial ou the charge of grave robbery. The hearing has been in progros for a week. Two more defendants are charged, 'i ho men aro alleged to bavo stolm a bodj from Wyuka cemetery, aud when arrested they wero dissecting the cuduvcr in the medical colleco. Lameness of the back or limbs, Stiffness of the joints, Congestion in the chest, arc relieved and cured by Allcock's Porous Plaster Po Not Do Ilroelved tr wr "jMt u food" pUl fcotkt vpon having tli ctnalu. Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, llava no equal aa a relief and cure for cents and bnnioaa. Brandreth's Pills aro not merely purgative, but tonlo. They purify and toue up tbo system. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH I Clock Sprinir Blade. (Only Perfect Comb. forepaut'li Circuses, Ask your Dealer for & oar name on tha handle. SfUI.Ml VUY irnrmijr r.w Promotion for Cnptnln Ward, New Yoiik, Dec 0. It Is practically settled that John M Word, late captain nnd monoger of tho Now York Baseball club, will bo elected a director of tho club ot tho annual meeting In February, and thot ho will bo eventually the managing director of tho organization, succeeding In thnt position IS. B. Tnlcott, whoso other business Interests forbid him longer ro malnlng In tho place he luw occupied slnco tho retirement of John B. Day. Dlil Not Steal Slate Scrip. T.TTTT IT UnnV A -1. 11,... ft Ttm In.wln thn pnai, nf .T t. T4.,t- fur tho Inppunr rf $10,000 worth of state scrip, returned n vor- ma oi ii'-quuiai. uay was mo expert ac countant employed by tho bondsmen of nr.'Trnjuiim, .clmti (Itnf nl. clal's affairs lieenmo the object of public scrutiny, to look alter their interests. It was charged that 810,000 worth of tho scrip which disappeared at tho time was taken by Bay. Three Killed by a Cnve III. WF.mi City, Mo.. Dio. 0. Last night thero was o cove In at the Center Creek company's mines nt Sucker Flat, In this city, burying and causing tho Instant death of John Liwson, Dan Troxil and Walter Cole. The men had just gone to work at (1 o'clock, 800 feet below, eight Workmen having just quit. Lasson leaves a widow eti.l four children. The other two are single. I'our Child Victims of n Poisoner. Gat.vksiuN, Tex., Dec. 0. Of tho four children to whom Mrs. Louis Albertl ad ministered poison three are now dend and tho fourth cn inot possibly live. Tho wo man is in jail, supposedly liiumo. She ex hibits the utmost calmness, and expresses entire satisfaction at the deed, which she acknowledges coiniriitting but giving no reason. It Is sold spiritualism has unbal anced her mind. The wonderful African Kola Plant, discov ered on tho Congo River, West Africa, Is Nature's Sure Cure for Asthma. Endorsed by European Physicians and Hos pitals as a positive Constitutional Curo for Asthma, 7,000 recorded cures In 80 flays. It never falls. Cures Guaranteed. No Pay u n 1 1 1 c u re (J . Large TrialCosc sent F R E E by mail, prepaid, to any frufTerer. Address KOLA IMPORTING CO.,1162 Broadway, New York. ORPHANS' C01I SI Pursuant to an order of tho Orphans' Court ot litrfte county, will be sold at puollo vendue, Saturday, December 15, 1894, at the publlo houo known as the Cotnm"rclal Hotel, on Main street. In tlio borouitb of Shen andoah, the following described real estate, to wit: No. 1 All that certain lot or piece of ground on which lsorecteda two-htory double dwelling bouse, sltunto on tie north sldcof Lloyd street, between Howorsstraet and Plum alley. In the borouKh of sbcnandoah.la the county of Schuyl kill, Ph., bounded on the east by property of the Electric Light Company, on the uorth and west bv other oronertv of the said John 11. i Hebar. deceased, and on thosouth by said Lloyd stnet, containing In fronton said Lloydstrnet Ki reel ana 7 incr.es, more or io-k, ana in nepiu 00 ftet. The uld property n-111 bo offered as a whole and .8 two separato dwelling houses to sutt purchasers No 2 All that certain lot or rleoo of Smunrt 011 whlcn Is eroctod a two story douole welling bouse, Hltualo on too north side of lloya sirrct, Deiwecn uowers street ana riuru ail'V. in the borouch of Shenandoah, couutv of Scnuvlklll, Pa., bounded on tho north and cast by other propertv of said deceased, on the west Dy n'openy 01 iiinitin, una en tne soutn bysatu Lloyd "treet, containing in front on said Lloyd street 27 feet 11 luches, m ire or lout, and In depth 80 feet. Thrt said property will be ottered as a wholo ard s two sopQrnte dwelling houses to suit purchasers. No. 3 All that certain lot or piece ot wound, whereon Is eroded a one-story double dwelling house, -.ituatc on the cast side of Plum alley, near Ll.jyd street, in tho borontib of Htenaudoab, "VhuylKill county, fa., tiound tdonlhneast by properly of Klectrlo Light Compinv, on tha south bf oilier property of sMd deceased and property of Tltinan, on the rorth by part of Lot No. 0, J la Uloci 31 of Geuornl Plan of Shenandoah J and on tho west by said Plum alley, containing on front on s.Ud Plum alley 30 fcot nnd la doj l )i IW feet, late ihe property '.f John 11. Keber, deceased. sale to commence at oie o cl ick In the after noon, rthen due nttand mce will be given and too terms 01 sale maao Known ny LF.VI P. UKDEn, HKNRY C. U KKUKR, Executors ot John 1! lienor, Dec-ased, T. M. REILLY' OENTKALIA 8 POPULAR : HOTEL ! Where you can always KCV a glass ot Cool Beer and Refreshing Wines. Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the ple T. tit. Itcllly'0. Locum Avenue, OENTKALIA PA THEATRE : CAFE Formerly kept by T1103. Gibbons, Elain and Oak Sts., Shenandoah, fresh and cool Beer always on tap, Wines, Liquors, Cigars. Costello & CABstDr, Proprietors Spring Gurry Comb Soft as n Brush. Fits every Curve. The Used by U. S. Army nnd bv Barnum nnd nnd Lcadinc Horsemen of tho World. It. Sample mailed post naid 2c cent. CO HI) COV, 103 LaftrstU bt., SobIU bvml, Indiana. AdlHilAEiiE I . . NATIONAL LAWMAKERS.! Efforts to Pass a Olcsuro Eulo in tbo Senate. ANOTHER IEEE COINAGE MEASURE. Thp I1I1I Ilifrodnreil In the Senate by Mr. l'oner A lllll to Trillion Oi'lioinl Itmikn' Wldcnv Tho Houan and tlio llnllrnnd Pontine lllll,. WAsiiixoTosJJeo.n. Thesennte showril Us first slfftis of animation yesterday, an.l although tlio session lasted only unt.l2:15, there was time enough for several brisk dolmtes. Mr. Vest's efforts to secure a change in the rules In order to expedite senate business was tlio chief event of tho day. Tho usunl dullness of ndlscusslon of rules wns offset by the prevalent feeling thnt n olosure rulo would liavo much to do at this pnrtlculnr tlmo with pending tariff bills affecting cool, Iron and sugar. Mr. Vest was formerly opposed to closuro, but yostorday lie announced Ills conversion, aud said closure was iniporatlvo to main tain the dignity and self respect of tlio senate nnd the esteem of the public. Mr. Chandler's sarcasm nt Mr. Vest's conver sion enlivened tho debate Tho question went over until today. Mr. Vest will try to secure a voto Instructing tho rules com-' mltteo to report a closuro rulo by tho 15th Inst. Another featuro of tho day wns tho sharp debate on tho China-Japan quest Ion, brought out by Mr. Lodgo's resolution calling for Information as to the torturing of two Japanese students who wero under Amorlcan protection. Mr. Poffcr mado tho first formnl speech of the session, crit icizing from a Popullstio standpoint tho recent Issuo of bonds and giving his views on finances. Mr. Morrill, who was on Tuesday In structed by tho fluanco committee tomnko an adverse report on somo of Mr. Tetter's financial measures, gavo notice thnt ho would next Wednesday "seek an oppor tunity of submitting somo brief remarks on some marvelous scnntorlnl bills and quack panaceas for real and Imaginary publlo evils aud grlovnncos." Senator Power introduced a bill provid ing for tho frco colnnco of silver, making tho silver dollar to consist of 412H grains of standard fineness, nnd these dollars to bo a legal lender for till debts, publlo and private. Senator Hoar introduced n bill granting n pension of 100 per month to tho widow of the lato General N. P. Hanks . Senator Gruj proposed a substitute for the sugar bill now pending In tho senate In tho shape of an nmendment. It strikes out all of the bill after tho rnnctlng clause nnd Inserts tho following: That so much of the act entitled "An act to rcduco taxa tion, to provide revenue for tho govern ment, and for other purposes" ns provides that upon nil sugars abovo No. 10 Dutch stnndurd in color, nnd upon nil sugors which liavo been discolored, there shall ho levied and paid a duty of onc-oightli of ono cent per pound, in addition to a duty of 40 per cent, ad valorem, shall bo and tho snmo Is hereby repealed. The houso adopted a special order setting nsldo each day after the morning hour for the consideration of tho railroad pooling bill, tho order to coutinuo until tho bill should bo disposed of, but not to interfero witltconfereueo reports or appropriation bills. Tho railroad und shipping Interests uro greatly Interested In this measure, and the members gave closo attention to tho oncning speech made by Mr. Patterson iu its behalf, lleforo tho discussion of this bill began the houso passed threo bills, tho printing bill, a bill to prevent tho free uso of timber on public lauds and to prevent granting of permits in tho future, and an nnother to authorizo tho secretary of tho Interior to receive unsatisfied military bouuiy laud warrants under the act of 18M at tile rate of Sl.Soper oeroln payment of laud located under subsequent acts. Mr. Hlair (,. H.) presented a resolu tion asking immediate consideration thereof, calling upon tho president, if not Incompatible with tho public Interests, to truiibimt to congress all tho correspon dence, by telegraph or otherwise, with the governments or China and Japan relating to tho pending war between thoso coun tries. The resolution went to the com- mltteo on foreign affairs. Kepresentnttvo Hooker (Miss.) Intro duced In tho house a joint resolution re pealing section a of the act providing for tho resumption of specie payments, which authorizes the fecretary or the treasury to sell bonds, described In tho act of July 14, 1875. Mr. Wilson (W. Vn.), chairman of the ways nnd means committee, offered the usual resolution referring tho several parts of tbo president's message to the various committees, hut ox-r-penker Grow (Pa.) objected, Muting thnt ho desired to ad dress the houso on the general subjects dealt with In tho mcsougo before itovas re ferred. The resolution consequently went over. Carlisle's Scheme of Pinnace. Washington', Dec. 0. An Important conference of most of tho Douiocratlo members of tho house committee on bank ing aud currency was held after the ad journment of tne house, ns a result of which curly uctlon looking to tho report ing of a banking bill iu lino with tho echemo presented by Sccretury Carlisle In his message was taken, Tho members present decided to hold a meeting of tho full committee tomorrow, when n resolu tion will bo offered providing that nn in vitation bo oxteuded to Secretary Carlisle and Comptroller Eckels to appear on Mon day and Tuesday respectively, and to ox Secretary Falrchlld, Horace Whtto nnd Mr. St. John of New York and Goorgo A. Butler of Now Haven to appear on tho re maining days of tho week. After the hcur lng Immediate work on tho preparation of a bill will be begun. "Dovlu" Coinatock Still Alive. Washington, Deo. 6. There Is ovldontly a case of mistaken identity In tho story telegraphed from Kansas City of tho death In jail from excessive dissipation of Mrs. Edith Armstrong.bottor known as "Dovio" Comstock, und said to bo tho daughter of D. C. Forney, tlio ono tlmo editor of the famous nntl-bellum paper, Tho Chronicle. Mr. Forney lives In Washington, and yes terday ho received a letter from his daugh ter, who Is Mrs. D. P. Watrous. of Now York city, saying that sho Is nllvo and well, and that she never wont as tor as Kansas City In her Ufa. Corrupt Councilman Convicted, NEW Ouleaks, Dec. 0. Tho jury In the case of Numa Dudeussnt, n member of tho city council charged with bribery, wblch t,,. a luMti mi trhil for more tlnin 11 n-ilr. after thirty-six hours' deliberation, re- ... . Hi turuou u veruivb ui (fuiii. Hood's Never Fails k Business Man's Exporlonoo Curod of Rheumatism. Jlaus, A well known business man hi Pittsburgh, r., writes the letter given below. Mr. Haus is gen eral 'agent for the Maine granite quarries and contractor for cemetery aud building work, hayt. iug au ouico at no. aw renn Avenue. " C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass, t " Gentlemen We liavo a very hluli opinion both Hood's Sarsnparllla anil Hood's Pills at oar houso and with good reason. I have taken al most every remedy known for rheumatism, and feel justified In saying that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only ono that does me any good. I must admit I have not taken It steadily, but only when the pains of rheumatism cams on. Hood's Sarsaparllla has Always Clvon Mo Relief, and like many others, as soon as I am well I never think of medicine again until the next ot- tack. Wo are never without nood's Sarsapa rllla and Hood's Fills In our house, and have recommended both to dozens of friends, when any of my family are taken sick, no matter with what disease, the flrst thing we do Is to glv A Doso of Hood's Pills and follow It up with nood's Sarsnparllla. I might write several pages In praise ot this ex ellent medicine, but think I have said enough to convince." T. tV. IIaus, Pittsburgh, To. Mr. T. II". Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills aro prompt nnd efficient, j'et 7i osy in action. Sold by all druggists 25c ' FA! IN EFFECT NO 1MB -.11 18. 1891. Trains leive Shetmndoisti as follow. Tor New York via. PhlladelDhla. wielr di. MO.G.iS, 7.20, a.m., 18.33, 2.55, 5.55 p.m SWn J 1.10, a.m. Tor Now York via Mum.. Chunk, weett aays, 0.30,7 ki 5. m.. i.a, .oo o For Tte&dlne and Phlladelolila. week davn. HO, 5.S5, 7.20, a.m., 12.33, ., 6.55p.m. Sua lay. 2.10, a. m. For Pottsvlllo, week days, 2.10, 7.20, a. m. 12.82, 2.55. B.55 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m. ForTamaqua and Mahanoy City, week I'ayJ, M0, 5.25, 7.20, a.m., 12,32, 2.55, 5.55 p. m. B-j " lay, 2.10, a. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury md Lnwisburf, week days. 3.25, 11.30 a. m., 1.35. 72' p. m.. sunasy, s.zs a. m. For Mahanov Plane, weok davs, 2.10, 3.2S, f.f ' 7.20, I1.S0 a.m., 12.82, 1.S5, 2.53, 6.55, 7 2 9 35 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.S", a. m. For Ashland and Sbamokln, week days, 8.21, f.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7 21, B.SS p. m. Sutdaj, t.25 a m. For Baltimore. Washlneton and the West via B 4 O. P.. R , throuh'tralns leave ne"'- Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. R. R. R.) &t S 21, r.65. U.i a. m 3.M, 7.S7, n. m.. unrt 3 20 55. 11. as a. m., 3.48. 7 27 p. m Additional t-airs from 2l'h nnd ' h stnut streets station. weeh days, 1 45, 6 4L f 2) p. m. Hundays, 1.33, BUI p.m. Tiuuns run auuiNAnijujiai Leave Now York via Phlladelnnia.weekda' . 100 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.33 p. m 12.15 night. Su day, 6.U0 p. m L,eave New York vi nauenununx.weeKaa.?' 1.30. J0 a. m..I.10, l.sop. m Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4.20, 8.35. 10,00 a. m.. and i.lie J.U2, 11.80 p. m Kunday. 1'..30 p. m. Leave Reading, week days, l.k5,7.10, 10.09, 1 . M a. ro., 5.55, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1,85, ami Leave Pottsvllle. week days, 2.35, 7,40 a, m , 12.30, 0,12 p. m Sunday, 2.85 a. m. i,eave 'ramaqua, weeK aays, s.io, o.du, ij s m., 1.20, 7.1F. 9.211 p. m Sunday, J.18 a rr. Leave M&hanoy City, week days, 3.45, PH. 11.47 a m., 1.51, 7 39 9.54 p, m. Sunday, 3 45 t. m. Leave M&hanoy Plane, week days, 2.40 4 TO, 1 80, 9.87, 11. EJ a. m., 12.58, 2.04, 5.20, 0.23,7.1 S 10 id 0. m Sunday, 2.40. 4.00 a. ffi., Leav Wllllamsport. week days, 7 42, 10.10, . 3 il, 11. 15 p.m. Sunday, 11,15 p, tn. ATLANTIO OITY DIVISION Leavt Philadelphia, Chestnut Htreet Wharf ind ttouth Htreet Wharf for Atlantic City. Week-Days Exprnss, 9.00, a ui , 2.00, 4,00, LOO p. m Acconamodaalon. 8.00 a. m.. 6.45 p. m. nunnay l'-xpress. ff.w, iu.uu a. m. Accom sodatlon. 8 00 a. ro. and 4.30 p. in Returning, leave Atlautlo City, depot, corner itlantlo and Arkansn avenuoa. Week-Days Express, 7,3). 9.t a. ra. and 1.00 a1 d 5.30 p. n. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m., ind 4.32 p. m. Sunia Kx.-reas, 4.00. 7 SO p. m. Accommo lation, 7 15 a. m aaa 4 1,1 p. m. Parlor cars on all express trains. O G. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass. Agl Philadelphia Pa. I. A. SWKIOAKD, Hen. Sunt. STOCKS If yon desire to Invest in stocks In a safe and legitimate manner without care and wor ry, subscribe to our discretionary accounts, which will pay you from 2 to 8 per cent weekl y In any active market. It will nay you more than double the average rate of Interest In any ordinary business pursuits. Deposits received from 220 to Jl.uOO. We will be pleased to f urnlah you references as to our success in the past, and what we are doing for others. If you are situated when you cannot call on us In person, address your communications to the Metropolitan News Co., I 4$ Congr f St., Hotlon, Mat: We remit profits once a week and principal ou three days' notloe. Parties preferring to do their own Investing, are advised to subscribe to our Dally Market Letters, which give you important information on active stocks, and will enable you to make money If you do your own speculating. Kates, H per month; or with telegrams of Important changes, 120.00 per month. Address, Metropolitan News Company 46 CONGRESS ST., Lock Box !iU(S3. Ilotton, Matt. MDSSER & BEDDALL, (Successors to CoaHey Bros.) Mo, 26 rCaHt Centre Htreet, NIII'.HANIIOAU, PA. Our Motto: Dest Quality at Lowest Cash Prices. Patronage respectfully solicited. 1 -MiViilTiafi in