The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 04, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Mr, llouso Adjudged ininnn.
Treston, Dec. 1. Mrs. Irene Home, n
woman with n remnrhablo career, was
ywtonlny ndjudirod lnsnne by a Jury
of twenty-four men selected by Sheriff
Ego, of this minify She has IiimI nine
husbands, tin- second of whom, it wealthy
Now York lawyer named House, she shot
and killed. thu has boon In un asylum
several times, mice for year after com
mitting tho murder. rhe Is now In Jnil,
charged by l'nul Iledmond, her eighth
husband, with assault and buttery and
with committing adultery with one Car
son, who la her ninth husband. Cnrsun is
also locked up on the charge. Tho pro
ceedings to tvst the woman's anility were
brought on In-half of Willinm Anderson,
her only son, to prevent her squandering
property In which she had a life Interest.
Wanted 1'ronoctitlitg Officers Hetmned.
San Francisco, IX-c. I. A sensation
was created in the United States distrlot
ourt, lieforc which Malno and Casstdy,
A. B. U. men, are on trial for conspiracy.
Attorney JJontlcth, their counsel, for
mally moved to 'have United States Dis
trict Attorney Carter and his assistant at
torney, Samuel Knight, removed from
their positions us prosecuting attorneys in
tho case on the ground of bias and undue
friendliness for the Southern Pacific Bail
way company. Tho motion una denied
by Judge Morrow, und the trial was or
dered to proocod.
Oti Trial Cor Hli Life.
Jacksonville, Kla., Dee. 4. Wllllum
Hayes, the 20-year-old white ly Indicted
for the murder of Ids mother-ltv,-lnw,
Susan Nokoii, and his 17-yoarold wife
Grace, on the nltrht of Sept. 4 lost, Is on
trial before Judge Call, In the circuit
court, for the murder of his mother-in-law.
Should he esoupo conviction for tho
murder ot his mother-in-luw, he will then
te tried for tho murder of his wife.
An Income Tn lteprnlcr Introduced In
tho Lower tloutc.
WAsniNOTON, Dec. 4. Tho rcossorubllng
of the United States senate was attended
with the usual scenes of well filled gal
leries and senatorial greeting which marks
tho opening of a session of congress. It
whs devoid of dramatic incident, however,
as tho reading of tho president s tnessago
consumed two hours, nud was tho only
business of importance transacted beyond
tho presentation of several resolutions
calling for Information concerning tho re
cent issue of bonds, tho uso of federal
troops at the Chicago strike, and ns to
Armenian and Chinese atrocities. Those
brought out no debate, however, nnd tho
interest of the day centered In tho presi
dent's messago. It was listened to with
attention, although It broughtout no dem
onstration of approval or otherwise from
the senators or sjiectators.
The opening of the short soBBion In tho
house was picturesque in Its wov, but de
Void of interesting fcotures. The galleries
woro crowded and half tho desks on tho
floor were smothered with llowors. Tho
loaders on both sides got enthusiastic re
ceptions from their respective partisans,
the appeoranco of Speaker Crisp, ex
Speaker Bcod, Mr. Wilson and Mr. llur
rows being t ho signnl for long and loud
outbursts The first 1)111 Introduced Into
the house was one by Mr. llartlett, Dem.,
of New York, to rojwal tho income tax
provisions of tho tariff law. Mr. Curtis,
of New York, Introduced a bill to restrict
the appointment of mulcts to West Point
and the Naval academy. Seven newmom-
bers wore sworn In, and after a long wait
the president s message was read. Al
though listened to attentively, it was con
cluded without a slngl" mark of approval
or disapproval. The dcith of tho late
Representative Wright, ot Pennsylvania,
was then announced, whereupon tho
house, as a mark of respect, adjourned.
MA1IANOT ClTT, Dec. 4, 1834.
Harry Mee attended court at Pottavllle
William O'Brien, of Gllberton, visited
friends In town.
Justice O'Brien attended court at the
county seat yesterday.
Norman Edwards, of Ashland, vlBltcd
friends In town on Sunday.
Miss Laura Schultz, of Gllberton, visited
friends In town last evening.
Mrs. Mary J. Dowllng, of Hazloton, vis
ited friends In town yesterday.
William Metz. of Mlnersvllle, Is visit
ing friends and relatives In town.
Walter Weston, of Tatnaqua, did busi
ness with town friends yesterday.
Dr. Hannah Watklns made n business
call on Pottsvllle people yesterday.
Mrs. L. E. Mlnto circulated among
friends at Philadelphia yesterday.
F. Foster, of Rochester, N. Y., is the
guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Seager, of the Fair
Willinm Gault, of Philadelphia, Is
spending a few days here as the guest of
Dennis Dunn.
Mrs. Kurtz and daughter, Jennie, for
merly o( town, but now residing at Lans-
ford, visited friends In town yesterday.
The next attraction at tho opera house
will be (Sherman and Morrlssey's come
dians In the laughing suooeM "A Jay Cir
cus," producing funny scenes of the white
Murder Over a Game of Cnrds.
GALLiroLts, Ills., Doo. 4. Oliver An
derson, a barber, was murdered at noon
by an old man named Elslck Boster. At
tho some time Harry Martin wits shot
through the right shoulder by Boster's
son. Both hnve lied tho city, hut oillcers
are after them. The shooting was tho re
sult of a quarrel over a gnme of cnrds.
Murderer GnrrcttV llrnthcr Arretted.
Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 4. An attempt was
roado during tho night to burglarlzo the
residence of Arthur Brack. Hiram Gnr
rett was found in tho neighborhood and
arrosted on suspicion. Ho Is n brother of
Charles Garrett, tho wlfo murderer, and
has been wanted for somo tlmo on another
Important to Ilenltli.
BELLEFOSTE, Pa., Dec. 1. It has been
announced from tho Pennsylvania state
experiment station that milk heated to
only 170 dogrees will totally destroy all
dlsenao germs, including tuberculosis, nnd
not mar tho flavor of tho milk or cream.
Court Mftrtfal Sentence Overruled.
Norfolk, Va., Doc 4. Judge Robert
W. Hughes, In tho circuit court of tho
United States for tho eastern district of
Virginia, rendered a dooislon In the habeas
corpus oaso of l). 11. Sayro, clerk to Naval
Paymaster McCann, who was found guilty
by court martial recently of eniljezzling
P8.000, nnd sentenced to Imprisonment
for two years, nnd lose pay except CIO per
month during Imprisonment, and bo then
dishonorably discharged. Judgo Hughes
decided that tho court martial hod no
power in tlmo of pcoeo to inflict Infamous
punishments. Sayro is discharged from
custody under the imprlsonmentsentcnce,
hut tho order will not be signed until tho
14th, to give counsel time to tnko other
action In tho case
Killed by a Minn (ins Kxplnilon.
WiLKBSHAltRE, Pa., Dec. 4. By an ex
plosion of gas In tho Dorrnnco initio yes
terday Alfred Peterson, a miner, wns so
badly burned that ho died Inst night.
Stephen Valco anil Ed Murphy, laborers,
wore also fatally burned.
Governor-elect Hastings' homo at Belle-
foute, Pa., Is overrun with olHccsoekers.
Tho big Martin building In Utlco, N.Y,
was destroyed by flro early this morning.
Loss, 126,000.
Tho first night's play In the billiard
tournament at Chicago resulted: Ivoa,
600; Schaoffor, 418.
Mary Stewart Sherman, daughter of Sen
ator Sherman, is to bo married at Wash'
ington Doo. 12 to James Ivos McCallum.
John A. Brown and Lyman Scott were
killed and four others seriously Injured by
an exploding sawmill boiler at Greene,
R. I.
During tho temporary absence of Post
master Currau, of Hobokon, N. J., his
private oftioe was robbed of 87,650 In post
age stamp.
Fellows Itcfuscs to l'rodnco Hid Honks.
New York, Deo. I. The trial of Col
onel John R. Fellows, district nttornoy of
of tho city nnd county of Now York, upon
charges of neglect of duty, was begun bo-
foro Governor Flower s commissioner, ex.
Senator John J. Lenson, of Kingston
Thcro nro over SU0 specific charges against
him. Mr. Phillips, counsel for tho Ger
man-American Union, produced evidence
tending to show Colonel Fellows' neglect
In collecting forfeited recognizances. Mr.
Phillips claimed they hud sixty cases
whore J 70,ono worth of ball hod been for
feited nnd on'.y a few thousands collected,
Colonel Fellows refusal to produce tho
books of his oflico, stating that they would
show tho names of persons Indicted, hut
not yet arrested.
UEUBALQIA tsi similar Complaints, i
msssfsotortd under t& stringent
kPreicrlDid Dy tninem pnysioianij
rtnlv nfitintnnwtlli TrnilA Miirk,tAnchor.,I
IManufacturoriCommcr" t,' .tiiDr.llichterof
IF. Ad. EIchtcrA Co.,17Wirt-,a3i.,Kiw iCiifl
12 Branca Houses. Own Glassworks.
L.25 & 60 cts In Hhcnandoah fur sale by i
ip p. n. Kirnn. o. Jm i
l1 1 nn.7 H. Main HI., V Jl.
B. ' . . , .1
. . L.1I . IA C3 MS. M
Hooks & Brown . . .
noimay u-ooas.
paper, snaving
Presents for tho Old and tho Yonng. 1
and celluloid dressiuc cases, boxes of writing
vinor sets, work boxes, toilet cases, alhums.
Also a splendid variety of dolls, blocks, games, iron toys,
China tea sets, rocking horses, celluloid novelties, wheel
barrows, doll carriages, magic lanterns, &c, &c. Our
Christmas bargains will open your eyes. Come and be con
Prioos yl'cvrxyja ZELisixt. n
No. 4 North Main St., Shenandoah.
urANTKD A lot In Bhennndoah with or
V without n hnlldlng. The lnttor pre-
forrea. Apply ni stv worin unesvuui sircei,
HhenRndoafi, l'a. 12-4-St
TTOn 11HNT.-
1 phiie
Abk Your Druggest for It.
Such strong proofs of the cures made
by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
have been brought to public notice
through the various newspaper luvestl
Rations, that it has become the standard
medicine for which It is prepared.
Dr. G. II. Ingraham, of Amsterdam,
N. states where the regular prescrip
tions used In a case of kidney disease and
gravel utterly failed, he prescribed Dr.
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and it cured
the patient.
Dr. Wm. Smith, of Jowett's Heights,
N. Y., prescribed Favorite Remedy for
Mrs. Casper Brooks, of Athens, N. ,
who was suffering from kidney disease
and ulceration of the stomach; after the
second day, steady Improvement was
noted, and final permanent recovery.
Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy acts
directly upon tho kidneys, liver and blood,
In cases of nervousness, dyspepsln, rheui
mntlsm and Drlght's disease; It hasmndo I
most pronounced cures, nfter all other j
treatments have failed.
A large new storo-room, with
lflM front, dwcllloe and ' cellar.
Excellent business location, will be ready
for rent NoveniMr int. item roftsonu'we.
Apply to 0. W. Nowhouser, 120 North Main
stree 10-15-tt
rtinrr rr A WEEK paid to ladles and gents
OJUiUUto sen me uapm uisn wasner.
WBBlies and dries them in two minutes with
out vetting tbe hands. No experience neces
sary: sells at Bluht: ncrmanent position. Ad
dress V. 1'. Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 14, Col
umbus, Ohio.
TirANTRll. Man or ladv roanaser in each
W locality to superintend distribution of
onr line samples, uooas, umus iinu coc.
l'lsnsAiiiponiiion. rays wen. nenu u-c. lor
Mrs. J, J. KELLY, The Milliner
OEers for This Weols,
Trimmed Fedora Felt IInts,50c. Trimmed High-crown Felt Hats.COc. Trimmed
Sailor Hats, from 3Bc up. Ten dozen Trimmed Hats, no two nllke, all colors, styles
and prices. Infante' long and short Coats, $1.50 up. Misses' Heavy Conte, nil styles
and colors, tl.50 up. Inlnnts' Caps, 26c ond up. Children's I'lueh Surah Silk and
Velvet CapB. Infante' Sacques, 26c tip. Legglns, 36c a pair. Mourning Goods. Self-
opening Corsets. Six papers of Needles, 6c.
2B SontH ZVXaiax street.
samples and special offer to you.
Co , 72i Wood-av., Detroit, Mich.
12-1 2w
Toilet Sets
Monongahela Whiskey,
Pure rye whiskey, XX, -Fine
Old Bourbon, XXX, -Strperlor
Blackberry Brandy,
Superior Cognac Brandy, -Imported
Jnmalca Rum,
60c n qt.
$1 a qt.
$1.35 a qt.
$1 a qt.
tl.00 a qt.
$1.50 a qt.
Beautiful Assortment. sn'f There a
Boy or Girl
Now is your time to buy and
have thorn laid aside for Christ
Coming Events.
Dec. 21. Inter-State Milkmaids Con
vention, at Ferguson's theatre, under the
auspices of Y. W. C. T. U. ,
Dec. 24 Ninth annual ball of the Nn
tlonal Social Club, In Robblns' opera
Jan. 4th, '05. Annual supper In Rob
blns' opera house under the auspices ot
the Welsh Baptist church.
Tfi'Advaiioo tlio I'rlco of Conl.
NEW YonK. Dec. 4. The salos agents of
tho anthracite conl compnnles held an nd
Juurned meeting, nnd, acting with tho
consent ot their presidents, to whom tho
matter was referred after Inst Tuesday s
mooting, decided to restrict production
during the mouth of December to one-half
of their mining capacity. This will bo be
tween 2,500,O0U and ii.UKMXXl tons. They
also decided to advance tidewater prices.
A Moimter Hot Air llallooit.
NOBFOLK, Va., Dec. 4. Tho largest hot
air balloon ever built In America was com
pleted here yesterday. It Is 110 foot high
and 76 foot in dlumotor when inflated. It
Is named "City of Norfolk." Professor
O'Doll will make an ascension with it this
afternoon, and make the first attempt in
the world 8 record to cut loose throo para
chutes, each with a man attached. Grunt
Interest centers in the hazardous feat.
Any one who has children will rejoice
with W H. Mulford. of Plalnfleld. N. J.
His little boy, five years of age, was Bick
with croup. For two days and nights ho
tried various remedies recommended oy
friends nnd neighbors. He savs: "I
thought sure I would loso him. I had
seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy nd
vertlsed nnd thoueht I would try it ns a
last hone and am happy to sny thnt after
two doses he slept until moriling. I gavo
It to him next dav and n cure was ef
fected. I keep this remedy in tbe house
now and as soon as any of my children
show signs of croup I give it to them and
that Is the last of it." 25 and 50 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
31 South Main St.
"VUENGLING'S Btook and Fresh Alo, Draught Porter nnd WeinerBeor.
x Best brands of 6c Clears and all kinds of Temperance Drinks.
In this entire region who would like
a thorough business education? Wo
furnish the very best at very small
cost. All we want is your natno and
address. You will then got our catav.
logue giving full particulars about tho way we do business. Bond it in' ou'fi)
...1.1 ....1 n-.lnn I
uuiiiac narro Kiicinocc i.nimno '
Anthracite Building, West Market St.
Wade and Williams, Print
R. H.
01iin.a, Hall
Bargains in Winter Wear.
A clearance gale of children's coats.
Special bargains lu ladles' garments.
Gents' natural wool underwear reduced
from $1 to t)S cents. Ingrain oarpets re
duced 80 per cent.
1'. O. .UUNAUUAa,
11-17-tf 30 South Main St., Shenandoah.
A Jaiwmee ltatli.
Mr. Ilonry Norman writes: ''Tho Jap
fincso are a clean people and their bath a
new experience to Kuropeans. 'fake an
enormous ovnl buokot, holding perhaps 50
callous, with a stoveplpo running up In
side It. Fill tho tub with wnter and the
pipe with rodhot charcoal, and when tho
tomporaturo is a little short of boiling
nolnt uet bodily In and sit down, nnd yon
havo n Japanese both. In most cnstn tl-o
nest step is to get out again with nmazlilg
nlncrlty, but tho .Inpanesesits calmly there
ond perspires till ho Is pnruollod. ion
don lilobo.
lliirucU's "Suction Well."
Burwell. Neb., has a well that Is olmost
ns freakish us tho Oro Blanco (Tex.) well.
This prairie oddity Is n woll 100 feet In
depth, which tak-'P queer spells of alter
nately suoklng in jnd expelling nlr. In
winter tho air usually Hows Into tho woll
for three days in fciicoesslon, tho somo
amount of tlmo being consumed In the
act of cxpuliilon. In summer theso periods
lengthen to livo or six days. It is known
all over Nobraska as "Hnrwcll's suction
well." St. Louis Republic.
One million one hundred thousand He
brews perished by plague and famlno In
tho year 70 A. D.
Mr. Ira P. Westmore, a prominent real
estate agent of San Angelo, Toxns, has
fined nhnmberlaln'8 Colic. Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for sev
eral years as occasion required, and al
ways with perfect success. He says : "I
And It a perfect enre for our baby when
troubled with colic or dysentery. I now
feel that mv outfit Is not complete with
out a bottle of this Remedy nt borne or
on a trip nway from home. For sale by
Gruhler Bros.
Cnre guaranteed, No operation. In
quire at tho Shenandoah drug store, No.
aSouthltlHl street. u-ia-tl
For rhenmntism I have found nothing
enual to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It
mllevna the rutin as applied. J. W
Young. West Liberty, W. Va. The
m-onint relief it affords is alone worth
many times the cost, 50 cents. Its con.
tinned use will elTect a permanent cure,
For sale by Gruhler Bros.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
sey, fair; variable winds, becoming south.
For Delaware, fair; slightly warmer;
south winds. Ruin will continue In tho
southern poitlons of tho Gulf states, but
the weather will be generally fair In all
other districts. Tho temperature will re
main nearly stationary on tho Atluntlo
Clublng Qiinlutlous of the Now York and
l'ldlndelphlii Kxchaugus.
New Yohk, Deo. 3. The controlling in
fluence iu the stock murkct today was tho
president's mi'iunee. llefore 11 whs published
inklings of its tenor touchinc Bugar had licea
received by houses which opcrato for the
tru&t managers. This fact was evidenced by
the courw) of the stock nnd by tho heavy sell
ing therein. After its publication thu general
market took un upward turn, and closed
strong. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley Sitf
l'eunsylvnnU 6u$
Reading 10
bt. Paul 59)
Lehigh Nav i6H
N. Y. & N. E. pf... 31W
New Jersey C'en 94
W. N. Y. & Pa...- 64
Erie- - 13
I)., L. A: W 101M
West Shore 100U
N. V. Central W
Lako Erie & W 16M
Del. & Hudson. ..UA
General Markets.
PniLADELi'iiiA, Dec. 8. Flour firm; win'
tersuner., ftM0OA.Su; do. extras, S2.A2.10;
No. 2 winter family, S2.50&2.(ju; Pennsylvania
roller straight, E)!.0Ot.'.3; westorn winter,
clear. fi.WKit2.7ll. Wheat firm, higher, with
WHO. Md and eoUc. asked for December.
Corn quiet, steady, with SIMo. bid and Sllo.
asked for December. Oats uulct, steady, with
38c. bid and anyio. askeu for December. Hay
firm; good to choice timothy, 812.&013. Bret
quiet, l'ork dull; family, fU.5&13. Lard
steady; western steam, 2T.1U; city, &0.67&
flutter unsettled; uuilern dairy. llOlGc.;
do. creamery, lSSUtfc.; do. factory, 100 UHo.;
Eights, SWc.; imitation creamery, 13$2iio.;
New York dairy, 132li3c.; do. creamery, 1&3
Huo. ; Pennsylvania creamery prints, extra,
27c; do. choice, )o. ; do. fair to good, M&&'a.;
prints lobbing at 28(0310. Cheese steady; large,
U.lU4c; do. small, ttt12c. ; part skims, 3H
tto.i tull skims, 2HJo. Eggs steady; New
York and Pennsylvania, ft'-c.j retrlgerator.
17dt22o ; western fresh, aiiaWo. ; southern. 22
Live Stock Mnrltuts.
New Yohk, Deo. 3. lleeves active; good cat
tle steady; others lto. higher; native steers,
poor to prime, jas.vaa.15; oxen. we.ioQ.i.26
bulla, 8&2.40; dry cows, il.S4d!J. Calves ac
live: veals He. higher; othsr calves steady
poor to prime vials, (Ms,;.!; grassers, i.&
2.80; western oalves, fa3,W. Bhoep am
lumlM firm; pour to prima sheep, S1.5o;yi
common to prime lambs, S31.25. Roga nrui
Inferior to ilwlce Jl.i.
Pear Alley, Rear Coifee House.
The beet rlas In town. Horses Uken to
board. Haullii
ha Baby was sick, we gave her Cast arte.
Vttm she was a Child, bIis cried for Casiorla.
Vhna die became Miss, she clung to CosioriJL.
'fit' Sie bad ChSdrcn, she iavo t!m Casta la
North Kain St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and Uncut hotel In tho region
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool and Ullllard Rooms Attached.
How's YouitWlndow ?
Does It need a new shade 1 All kinds at
Frlcke's carpet store. 11.0-tt
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVEN 1X0 IlEP.AU)
who are not receiving their paper rega
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, nre requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on North Main Btreet.
Lkiijoh Vaujt Coai. Co.,
WiKKH-lUititu, Fa,, Deo. 3rd, 18GI. (
Notice to Hock Contractors:
PllorOSALH will be lecelved until the
ovenlng of December 10th, for driving a
ronK slope ai uorrance comery, wiiaes-uurre,
lrom the "Jllllman" to the "llaltlmore" vein,
a distance ol about 1.2U0 leet: slie. 8il3 feet:
plich, aboni 7U. couiraciana specincanons
mnv be seen taller 4tn Insl.l nl me colliery.
or at tbe general oince, v coai exenange,
W. A. LAT11R0P.
lM-3t Otnl. Hupt.
PROPOSALS will be received by the under
Blcutd committee un to Hatutdav. Decern'
ber 8th, 1801,, for supplying large
stovo coal for tho burouRh building and haul
ingsnme. iiio commmee reserves ins rigui
to reject any or all bias.
James Kane,
A. 11 l.Aiin,
Hbenandoab, Pa., Dec. 6th, 1891. 13-4 St
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand the same washing that
your boots uo, ami tne water you anus
Isn't even nt for that purpose, use
Loronz Schmidt's Boer and Portor.
Manager Bhenundoah Branch.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers
DTJ((jr Chris. Schmidt, Agt
1 C ('kill W I UnWtrVulSl Sl.c.nnrlnoVi
Finest, Purest, Healthest.
The Safe Deposit llnlldlnir and Saving Asso
ciation of Heading, Pa., oifers for sale a few
hundred shares of stock. This is a good, reliable
anu prosperous asnocianon m wnica 10 ioko
shares. Having ready salo for all money, tho
premium received is large, consequently tbe
stock will mature much sooner than associations
located in towns where thoro is no groat demand
ly, and buiitiing operations are very
The value of each share Is (200 at
for money
maturity. Application fee. 25 cents each share.
Monthly dues, one dollar perehare. Fire per
cent, interest allowed on all payments made in
advance for 6 months or longer, Members may
withdraw one or all shares at any time by giv
ing au days written notice, and are entitled to
tne run amount or duos paid, with 0 per cent.
i. crony inaKing it an
All shareholders are
interest after one year, tr.erobi
li per cent, investment.
entitled to loans from fund on real estate
security. No shares will be forced out.
The fund Is run on tho samo conservative
principles as our local fund which h!ivnr,fAn
tried for years and found safe. Any ono wish,
inc to invest iu a Saving Fund will find it tc
their Interest to call on tho local agents and
receive full particulars, ltev. II. A. Keyser,
D. D., of Alahanoy City, Is one of tho directors.
13 North Jardin Street.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hlr
InK promptly attended to.
Stop at
200 North Contrc Street.
Meals at all hours. ladles' dining room
attached. Finest wines, lluuors, cigars.
Wholeealo agent for
Felppao't Sewark, 1 1, Export
No finer made.
Lager ttd lum Pale Beet
Flno liq ioru and Clt are
120 -oulh Main nt.
In all latest styles of Millinery, Children's
Clonks, Caps, Bonnets, Hoods and Ladles'
Fascinators, go to aihs. wortn
Mnin street. On Saturday until sold 100
dozen ol Uluerent pattern
Ladioa' Embroidered Linen
Handkerchiefs at Bali Frico.
By the failure of a Swlia manufacturer
we procured them, uan't, get any more.
Take them while you can.
S9 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Chas, Hooks & Sons
215 South Jardin St.
The finest and most tender beef to be
found In Shenandoah. Fork, mutton.
veal and cut meats of all kinds.
A fine line of choice and fresh crocerles
and prime family flour, butter and eggs.
127 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah
ts the cheapoBt and beat tenco made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence tor residences, lawns,cem
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Master
aas the agency and carries it In stock at his
marble and granite works, 1M N. JARDIN ST,
Fall-Winter Millinery
Greatest Bargains In Town.
8 East Centre St., Shenandoah.
Stools. 33XOl5LGXJS,
Egan Bldg., Shenandoah.
Stocks, uroln. etc.. bought tor cash and car
ried on margin. Ten shares stock or 1,000 bush
els gre In bought or sold on first margin ot tlu.
Teiepnone connection. inituoruerNt.Bpecii.iiy.
Dally market circular mailed free on applica
tion. ,
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ... .
Real Estate Agent,
SnKNANDOAn's Ebliablb
Hand Xxaulidrjr
Cor. Lloyd and White Uts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class in every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spec
laltv. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
A genuine welcome
Awalta you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon!
Fool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on top.
uuoice temperance unuKa anu cigars.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sta.
Finest Beers, Wines and Liquors.
Handsome liar fixtures.
Bost Brnnds of B and 10c Cigars.
MvtmJPlano Toner.
Fliaoa and ortans repaired. Orderalettat
Us miM PflltlJITIIlI ffl Mkmandtah, reutu. at Norm uain i street, anetanaom,wui receive
iu. iinu uMi.iniiu. DJ Bust Ooul BL i prutopt Riteunon
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah -
PUOPIIKTY FOB BALE A bargain for a
cssh ourchasera. Two houses on West
Oak street. One of eight rooms and the other
six. Will be sold cheap, For further Infor
mation apply to
. a , i.j r iajii
121 K. Centro street, -
For the . . .
Hot Season
Cleary Bros'
Temperance Drinltx
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottlers ot
tbe nnest lager beers.
17 asi 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, 7.
BHSEB tToixx Our
The year 18D5 should be the greotest in the
htatnrvnr the countrv for speculative profits.
Try our plan of syndicate speculation, tlu to
riuuu can ue inesteu. vtu jtnuwieuuoui ojiouu-.
latlon necessary, as all transactions nremadrA
by competent experts. Dividends pajablo .
Full particulars lreo. Agent ,
The TrnHcrs' Syndicate,
91 TraJsn' Bldg., 0HI0AGO. HB