EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday by wevHALii vvithiHiiixa ovitvAfii: jPut:ietlon olHce and m hanloal department, 2.J6 Hast Coa Street. fiie TieTSlrl 48"TOT,'d ln Shenandoah and f1"rsl goffounaing t,,wns for six Cents payable to the carriers lly mall, Three dtoUWH a year or Twenty-five oenta per month, M MTftsce. .MrrrHnem'ttiH charged according to spaoe MrA position. The publishers reserve the right W nge the position of advertisements when- r the publication of new requires it. The Itstht is also reserved to reject any advertise amet, whether paid for or not, that the pub tnirs nay deem improper. Advertising rate St le known upon application. Metered at the post offlce at Shenandoah, Pa., jtt'Msead close mail matter. run erisyiyo iiiutAi,n, Shenandoah, Penna Evening Herald. SATUKDAY DECRMUKH 1, 1W14. "Pemocisatic ConKresameu aren't anxious IliKO back to Washington this winter. "JfJiero iBn't s-j much fun in being 11 5emocrnUc M. C. in these days. Watitkillt enough, nearly all the (Members of the Cabinet are in favor of sretlng a currency commission em- powered to ascertain what alls the matiounl finances. It is much ns if a lot f (juncka, after dosing and blistering girostrate patient, should agree to turn 4fce victim over to a clinic for dissection A trek 1 tiAUi: newspaper prints a pic tore 0 a "Wllxon Hill Uarsaln Counter," fSTbere cottonnucs aro ' now 13 cents ; one jear ago 15 cents." Tho only trouble with this happy picture is that there is .net one customer seen in the stote, and site looks as if she didn't have thu 13 K exits. Uuiit Is breaking in Kussla. A repor .omes from tit. Petersburg that among .tuer reforms contemplated by the new Ciar Is the establishment of a Parliament The report Is significant In Itself, but will awed oOlclal confirmation before it can bu -accepted. It is certainly to be hoped that ,..be assertion will prove weli;founded, and "tt&at Russia under its now ruler is about rto emerge from a state of semi-bar inrlsm Jnto aligmeut with the progressive nations tf the world. Nicholas II has a splendid opportunity to , endear himself to the people and commend himself to the world iy a wisely liberal policy. The establish MBnt of a representative legislative body -rould bo a great ndvance. VThk State and Navy departments are quaking an ostentatious display of activity in Central American affair j. The Presl jflent has received from Secretary Gres- iam Mr. Bayard's dispatches in relation to the Mosquito Reservation complica 3 ioob, and from Secretary Herbert a mem t'randum showing how completely the Navy is prepared for any emergency on itither coast. It is reported in Washlu on that the Columbia and tho Marble iiead are to be ordered at once from Kings ton to Dluefields, and that the Montgom- ry may be sent from Mobile to Join them iikttra; and, furthermore, that the entire Jiorth Atlantic squadron is to be pre jiared immediately for a West Indian srulse. It is also rumored that the San Jfranclsco will be sent to thu Gulf of Ilex ico instead of the Mediterranean, that the Castlne will ba diverted from th South Atlantic to the West Indies, and fJiat the Minneapolis is to be prepared for inea with all haste. The President Is re ported to be very much in earnest on the aiubjeot of American control of the Nlcar uuguan canal, and a strong passage on Outnil Amerlcau affairs Is anticipated in ill message. There are unmlstikablo filgas of something like "a war scare" ln .uavil circles. It is evident that the oillc ils In the two departments are anxious So create an impression that they are ju? prepared for a crisis ln foreign rela tions. This mysterious naval demonstra tion excites suspicion because it is so ob viously artificial and overdone. How the morals and conscience of a neighborhood can be vitiated and stifled &j the open presence of tolerated vice la ivldly shown by n petition which has Just been presented to Governor Walte, of Colorado, by a large number of the busi ness man of Denver, nsklng that the lambing houses of that city, recently cloed by the police, be permitted to re Bume operations. This petition, which A. ears the signatures of two national ranking corporations and several of the .jairuest mercantile houses of Dnver, Mriously declares that tho closing of the g&naMIng establishments "Is detrimental to tho business interests of Denver," aud requests that those institutions be allowed zo resume operations as it means of "bringing money into the city." That bankers and merchants of high commcr rial rtpute should appear as signers of nch a petition Is altogether astonishing end the natural conclusion is that they Jh&r been so long accustomed to the pres- ence of tramlilhiK letis In the 001111111111117 that they have come to regiinl their busi ness lis allownble and legitimate. The one Krnttfylnx and commendable clroum stance ln the affair Is the fact that this extraortllnnry petition was promptly re jected by Governor Walte, the I'optillsk atateRiiinii, whose vagaries have made him an object of national ridicule, but who semis, nevertheless, to possess some healthful old fashioned notions of public morals nud business honor. line ahum iMTunuunvun 1110, imuu iniMii ittsiiiu, A STORY FROM A SYRACUSE LADY Suffered From Heart Trouble, Liver Complaint and Rheumatism, and Was Cured. From Syracuse, (N. Y.) Herald. Theefllcacyof Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy was never moro substantially proven and lis testimonials reach Into the thousands than ln the caao of Mrs. C. S. Abell, of this city. Mrs. Abell lives at No. 1H Roberts avenue, where she was seen by a reporter who had heard of hor case. She talked freely of what Bhe termed a most "mar velous" cure. She said : "For a number of years I have been troubled with a liver complaint that made mo almost helpless at times. Complications set In, among them rheumatism, nnd I became so ill I could scarcely walk ncross tho floor with out aid. I consulted one of our home physicians, who Informed me that I had heart trouble, and began treating me for that. The treatment did no go:id, and I became convinced that he did not under stand my cate. Une day 1 picked up a newnpaoer and read of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, which I purchased, and began taking, and improved greatly. I liavo now taken six bottle, and was never so well in my life. I can say nothing but kind words for Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, to which I owe so much. I know of another case in which Favorite Remedy restored to braltli a friund of mine who was thought to be In curable." Mrs. Abell said she would bo glad to Itscrlbe her case to any sufferer who may call upon her. The family nre quite as profut-o In their praise of Favorite Remedy, as Mrs. Abell herself. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is a never failing specific in diseases of tho skin, liver, kidneys and blood. It re stores the disordered liver to a healthy condition and corrects constipation. It Is a certnin cure for the diseases peculiar to women. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas, nervousness, loss of sleep, or that worn out feeling. In cases of rheu matism, dyspepsia, gravel, Urlgbt's dis ease, diabetes and blndder troubles, ithas cured where all elie failed. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Is sold by all dealers in medicine at ?1 a bottle, or six bottles for $5. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Where and When Services Will be Con ducted To-morrow. Trinity Reformod church, iter Robert J'Boyle, inaBtor. Services to morrow at 10 t. ra and 0:30 p. na. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m Iverybody welcome. Kfhelos Israel Conxretatlos. West Oak twt, Rev. J. Mltnlck Kabbl ; sorvloes every Friday evening; rtaturday and Sunday uwrnoun anuevemaK. Welsh Baptist cburoh. Preaching scrvicos at 0 a. m. and & p. m. by tho pastor, Kev. D. I. Svaus. Sunday school al 3 p.m. Everybody welcome, itoman Catholic church ol tho Annunciation, Cherry street, above West street, ltov. I. P. 3'lteilly, pastor. Masses at 8:0U and 10:00 a.m. Vespers at 3:00 p. ra. Ht. George's Lithuanian Catholic church, wrner Jardin aud Cherry streets. Kev. L. a brtmaltls. pastor. Mass and preaching at 10 a m. Taspers at 3 p. m. English Lutheran church Preaching at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p m. by the pastor, Itev. I. I'. N'eff, II. 1). sindar school at 1:30 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Everybody welcome ISbcnezer Kvangollcal church, Rev. It, M, Lieu tcnwainer, pastor, services to-morrow at lu a, n. ln German, and 6:30 p. m. ln Kngllsh. Sunday ichool at 1:30 p. m. All are heartily invltod to attend First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Wm. Powlck. nastor. Services at 10:30 a m. and 30p. m. nunday school at 2 p. m. Epworth ueapuo at s:i3 p. m. i-rayer meeting at t:sj on Thursday evening, blrangers and others ire always welcome. Presbyterian church. Rev. T. Maxwell Mor rison, pastor. Services at 10:30 a ra. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at A p. m. Christian tsnaeavor society win meet on ruosuay even ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30. All aro cordially invited. Knvlish lluptlst church, South Jardin street, Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor, llev. W. II. ilirrlson. Praise service at n p ra. Sunday school at 2 n. m. Monday evening at 7:30 the Y. P. II. u. will meet. Wednohday evening general prayer meeting. Everybody welcome. Primitive Methodist church. Iter. John Bath, pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m Wgloy prayer meeting at 6:43 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. ra. Wesley League Monday evening at 7:30, Class mectlogs Tuesday and Wodnesday evenings at 7 o'clock. seats free. Anyone not havlnn a church home is comauy invueu 10 come cere. All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, Oak itrcet, near Main. Morning service at 10:30 ind evening at 7 o clock. The rector offi ciates at morning servico alternately and at every evening service. The lay reader, Charles Hasklns oMciatos ln the absence of the rector, O. H. tirldgman. Sunday school at 2 p. m. All soats free and everybody made heartily welcome. Ooe't Tobaooo Spit orSwokeyourLlfa Away Is the truthful, startling title of a little book that tells all about Xo-to-bae, the wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobaooo bnblt cure, The cost is trifling and the man who wants to milt and can't runs no physical or 'financial risk in using "No-to- bac." bold by all druggists. Book at dm if stores or bv mail free. unnir u r. iipurr arnpoa rw nv mnn rraa Addrass The Stirling Ruaiedy Co., In diana Mltisral Springs, Ind. wta-ly Notice to Subscribers. Subscribers to the Evening Herald who are not receiving their paper regu larly and people who wish to receive the paper as new subscribers, are requested to leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's stationery store, on North .Main street. Rupture, , . Caw Bnjtmntsetl; Vo opratio, In a,mr6 4 in cLa!i.iitfi arag store, No. JAPAN ttllNhi). The Searching of the Steamor Syd ney Fully Warranted, THE TWO ADVENTURERS RELEASED The Alleged Americans Who lfnd Cons tructed with China tn Destroy Japan's Navy flri-Ht Itrltnln's Demand fur tlm CliunK King Affront Anarchy in Con-n. Victoria, 11. C, Deo. 1. Tho steamship Victoria, thirteen days from Yokohama, arrived yesteitlay. The Associated Press correspondent writing Nov. 17 says: No trouble Is expected to result from the af fair of the steamer Sydney. Tho United States (rovornment Is understood to tegard the action of Japan as justifiable, 011 tho gronnds of solf (lefenso, nud Great Britain coincides, lilthougb somo form of explana tion or npology may bo deemed desirnblo. Franco has taken a less easy view 6f thu situation, but Is not disposed to mnko seri ous difficulties. Her opinion appears tolre that tho exigency was not sufficiently alarming to call for mi gruvo a measure ns the removal of passengers from tho French mail steamship. Lator developments Indicate thnt tho self declared explosive experts wcro iri-o-sponslbls siHiculntors, if not ilnposters. Reports wore received connecting Colonel Fred Grant with the undertaking, nnd his name carried with it n weight which would not have bom accorded to unknown ad venturers. It is well known that 1,1 Hung Chang holds the memory of General Grant in reverence, nnd he would presumably have been disposed to place unusual re sources at the disposal of a party repre senting his son. The sums alleged to havo been promired to Colonel Grant, nnd which havo buen actually advanced to his agents, correspond exactly with thoao set forth by the travelers on tho Gaollc and Sydney. Taking thoso and other co-rolntlve facts into consideration, tho Jnpnneso govern ment believed Itself under the necessity of guarding against the threatened danger. ilie French diplomatic and consular of ficials wore powerless to intervene, oven had they been inclined to do so, and, rely lug upon the authorized rulings of inter national law, Japun nuiled herself of what she claims ns a belligerent right. The American passongers were rcleoi-eil on Nov. 1C, after taking oaths not to aid China In anj manner, and expressing in writing their gratitudu for tho leniency of their trentinunt by tho Jnpnneso govern ment. A telegram from Purls announces that the French government has reforrcd several points of the Sydney affair to Us legal advisers, who pronounce judgment that Japan acted within her rights, and is not liable to censure under tho rules of in ternational law. The feeling oi the populace is strongly against intervention in negotiations for peace by tho United States or by any western country, and the Japanese govern ment considers that nothing but uu ap plication from China herself will bo acceptable. As previously reported, tho minister of of foreign ullalrs recently sent a com munication to the governor of tho port lit Kaniagarvniu, ln which it was stated that Japanese subjects serving on board United Stutes ships ln Japanese ports must bo ro gardud by the government as coming un der the jurisdiction of tho imperial courts whenever charged with otTenses against tiio law. As tills isthe opinion maintained by the United Htates, tho question was brought up for diplomatic- discussion. It now appears that tho foreign minister had no intention to deliver an cx-cathedra judgment on the subject. A native news paper which printed his letter to the local governor has been lined twenty yen for publishing privntooiliclal documents with out permission. Tho correspondence under consideration conveyed only the individual views of the writer. The incident will, then lore, pass without luithcr debate. The Jnpanuso newspaper nre amusing themselves by publishing maps of China in partitions, showing the condition it will be lu aftor the war has had its full effoct. Most of thoso limps represent Japan ln possession of the provinces of Shlnglng, Chihill, Sang, Guing, Kiahgau, Chekiang and Fu Klen, and as a result tho vice royalties of Shanzl, Monon nud Annul. To Kngland aro assigned Kwong, Huua, Ilupeh and Shunsi; to Gormnny, Kwangal, Kwcichow and Hninau, and to Franco, Yunan, Szechuen and Kangsuh. The torritory of Mongolia, and nothing moro, U set apart for Russia. That Great Urltalu has assumed an ex tremely threatening attitudo towards China is nsserted with great emphasis and directness by correspondents ln Puklnand Tientsin. Tho apparent neglect of her former power to demand reparation for the Chung King affront (when Japanese passengers sailing Under the British ling woro outraged and robbed by Chinamen) has never ceased to bo u mattor of sur prise, but if reports now current are .well founded It is evident thnt tho wrath of tho English government Is not slumbering for a, moment. Wo now hear of considerable preparation for the enforcement of satis faction. Admiral Fraunimtlu has sum moned tho outlro British licet to moot nt Shanghai to await the arrival of a strong military force from India, the landing of which at Chusuu is to bo effected without delay. The British envoy is to demand payment of 11 largo sum, tho degradation and ulsmisEal or tno cmel magistrate hold- iB"lce a' Tientsin, mid an avowal of regret, accompanied by a saluto to tho flag thoso conditions aro not promptly fulfilled troops and warships will commence re- prltals. Aiiairs in uorea appear to uo ln a very bad state, desplto olllcliil Japaneso stuto- tneuta. Tho Intelfursnoo of Japan to wards putting everything right appears td have had tho contrary effect by putting overy tlilugwroug. Anarchy stalks through' out the southern part of the kingdom. It U said that thero are armies of malcon tents ranging from 20,000 to 00,000 strong, Tho entire population may bo said to bo i hostile to thu occupation of tho Japanese, and though tho wretchod king, who is as . .... - plaitio clay lu tno hands or a potter, has been directed to lssuo ati sdict that overy one Is to bo beheaded who molosts tho Japanese, but small heed U likely to bu paid to such a sweeping order, for if It wero possible to carry It out Coren, would loso a very heavy percentage of hor male population. Pennsylvania's Iletcmio, lUnmaiiuua, Deo. 1. Tho revenuos of the Btate for the fiscal year ending yestor day aggregate ili,8TS,7afl.20, an Increase of 13,8.011.00 uver the previous year. Tho ills- burmeutii for tho yeurTYtsretia.iaa.OfH.??; Tug balance lu the genoral fund Is 19.011, Bll.iS, imi in tbe Klukinc fund t&a,SS3.W. BANK ROBBERY. I'nsctmll Declares That fieelcy Willies to fciirrenrler. Nbvt YoK, Dee, 1. Tho will of the late Frederick Baker has been made public. It leaves all lila property, personal and real estate, to IDs Wife, Amel.n K. Kaker. Mr. Ogdnn, attorney for the Baker family, said: "All the real estate, tho equity In which Is not more than tiiO.OOO, Is ln the widow's name. The only thing thus far found to connect Baker with tho Shoo and Leather bank Is an old puss book, the ac count of which Is perfectly straight." Bench warrants have been issued for Seeley's arrest, nml the bank offers f6,000 reward. Ten Indictments havo lioeu found against tho defaulting bookkeeper. Slit of these nre for grand larceny and four for forgery in tho third degree. Charles J. I'esoliell, the criminal law yer, of Jersey City, says that Seelcy Is not In Canada, ns has been reported. On Wed nesday Pesohell had a. consultation with United States Commissioner Shields and District Attorney MoFnrlano on tho sub joct of bail, if Secloy would surrender. Tho lawyer said that Lawyer Angol was aware where Seeloy was, and could prodtico him within a short time. Poscholl furthermore statod that Seelcy could secure $20,000, aud if he was sure this would bo accepted ho would surrender himself. Toronto, Doc. 1. Seoley, tho defaulting Now York bookkeeper, It Is known, was in this city yostorday, but since the dis patch enme offering reward for him his whereabouts cannot bo ascertained. A Chicago lloiuestlo Tragedy. Chicago, Deo. 1. Three people father, daughter and son-in-law wero probably futnlly shot ln a family quarrel at the homo of Fredcrlok Frlosoh, a carpeutor, at 430 North Ashland avenue. Frlesch and his son-in-law, Thomas Eckhardt, after a bitter quarrel, clinched, and in the strug gle fell to the floor. Jlrs. Eckhardt, fear lng that her husband would bo badly beaten, secured a revolver and opened fire, wounding her father. Frlesch wrested tho revolver from her, fired two bullets into her body, shot her fleeing husband and ended the affair by sending a bullet into his own head. Physicians say nil will probably dlo. Terribly HurncA Wlillo Intoxicated. ALT00NA, P.i., Dec. 1. Jamos Crokor, a colored barber of this city, while intoxi cated, accidentally upset u gasoline stovo in his shop, and was Immediately lu flames. His companions ran nut and left him to his fato. Frank Ward, of tho Washington baseball team, who resides here, rushed to the scene, entered tho shop and succeeded in dragging out Croker. Tho unfortunate man was re moved to the hoipltal, where doubta of his recovery are oxprossed. Fined for Usurping Ofuoe. TltEKTON, Doo. 1. Chief Justice Beaaloy filed a memorandum holding as constitu tional tho law under which tho Demo cratic board of freeholders of Camden county was legislated out of offlce, and lining tho members $600 each for usurping office. Among tho Demoorats fined woro William J. Thompson, tho "Duko.of Gloucester." This ends tho fight between tho Democratic and Republican boards of Camden county. Fntnlly Shot Ills Employer. HENDHISSON, Ky., Deo. 1. Councilman. W. E. Labry was shot In tho back of tho bend by Leo Powoll, colored, with a shot gun, completely removing his scalp. He will probably die. Powell was employed by Jlr. Labry, who has tho contract for tho irrigation ditch now being dug nt Elm Hats, and thoy Inula. quarrel about wages, Powell escaped. If caught he will prob ably bo lynched. Peter Mfllicr Sloans Ittnlness. Boston, Dec. 1. Peter Manor's accept nnco of the purse offered by tho Atlantic club of Coney Island doos not placo any restrictions upon his prospective opponent, Bob Fitzslnimons. To further emphastzo Maher's desire for a battle his backer und mannger, J. J. Quinn, says ho will bet t5.0IX) that Fltzslmmons cannot innkn rrootl ' his boast thot ho would put Maher out lu six rounds. Three Prisoners llumed to Death. CilAUtoTTK, N. C., Doc. 1. At Polk- ton, this stato, three negroes Henry But- ler.Oscar Thompson and Hnmp May worn burned to doAth, early ln tho morning. Thoy had been arrested for trivial offenses, ! nnd wero placed ln jail, audit Is supposed that during the night they attempted to burn their way oiit, rtnd, losing oontrol of tho fire, brought on themselves their own dostructlon. Mines Menaced by Forest Fires! SnAMOKlN, Pa., Doo. t. Destructive forest fires are burning on tho Line nnd Henry mountains, and, nlthough every possible means Is being exorted to extin guish them by tho coal companies owning the land, the conflagrations contlnuo to rage without showing the least sign of ccssatlcn. How tho fires started it is im possible to say. Two Sloro Football l'Jaycrs Dead. Bouthbridok, Mass., Deo. 1. Two more of the football players Injured ln Thurs day's accidents aro dead, making four in nil. They are John Street, 83 years old, who was the halfback of AVllllams' fresh men cloven, and Victor Nelson, aged 23, Thero Is llttlo hope for tho recovery of Andrew Taylor, of Southbrldgo. Tlireo Shot ln a Itarroom Fight. Divide, Colo., Deo. 1. In n barroom light BUI Yost shot Frank Emmons, II. Rust and Samuel Fostor. E'limons Is fatally injured. Tho others will recover. Yost Is a bay bailer and worked for Em mons and Kust. 1894 , DECEMBER. 1894 NEW YORK'S Su. Mo.Tu. Wo. Th. Fr. Sa. IZEZZ3X -LJLAJLA-jLJL ;9 ,10 11 22 JL3 14 15 J2. B. B. 1?. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 j 1 MOON'S PHASES. ' First c 7il0 A Third -in-0120 JJQune, 0 ,.n U Quarter, 10,, a.m., Idooa 12 p'.b2 Soo 26 p'.n Intercollegiate. flyinntlo Asnnclntlon, NEW Youk. Doc. 1. The tirellnilniuv organization of tho Intorcolleglnte G.vm Hustle association was formed nt meet ing hold at tho Fifth Aveuuo hotel lost ovenlng. D. If. Perkins, ol the Uulvor slty of Pennsylvania, was elect nl tempor ary f'hnuiiinn, and A. (. Hugbee, Dart mouth, temporary secretary. Tho other col leges represented wure Trinity, Univer sity of tho City of New York and Butgers. It In confidently axpeoted that a matur ity of tho following colleges will ovon tually join the new organization: Yaie, Harvard, Princeton, Amherst, Williams, Cornell, Stevens Institute. Lehigh, Swiirthmore, State Collogo, Haverloi-d, Union College, University of t'hienrm, University of Illinois, University of Min nesota and University of Virginia. Train M'reekers lu Sotitl Carolina. Coi.fMMA, S. C, Dee. 1. A successful attempt was made to wreck the incoming train on tne foutn unrolina and Georgia railroad. Some ono had thrown the switch ono mile frpni tho KlugviHo station, twonty-flve miles from Columbia, and wedged it tightly so thnt tho train was thrown from tho track. ,Tho engine was tossed aside, the oara following. When tho cars were tolling over, tho lamps und stoves set them on fire, and within a quarter of an hour they were wrapped lu flames. The loss Is placed lit t35,Q0O. All the baggage and express cars wero de stroyed, with their contents. Strange to say, not ono of tho crow or the twelve passengers were Injured. - The Cost of the Army. Washington, Deo. 1. Tho annual re port of Secretary Lumont shows a saving of half a million dollars ln salaries and contingent expenses ln the administration of tho war department at Washington, bo- sides economics in the recruiting service, rents, etc. Expenditures for tho Inst fiscal year wero SOCOIiOjOOO, .appropriations for the ourrent year are to2,4sK),112, and esti mates for the next year are $52,318,029. On Oct. 1 tho army numbered: Officers, 2,130; enlisted men, 25,772. Of tho latter, for various causes, only 20,114 were effective. Secretory Lamont enrnestly recommends a return to the law of 1S70, fixing at 30,000 the limit of the army. Unprooked Assaults by Negroes. Frf.deuick, Mil., Dec. 1. Bichard J. Dutrow and William W. Lease, prominent merchants of this place, wero brutally beaten by oolored men at different hours during Thursday .night. Mr. Lenso was accompanied by his wife. Mrs. Ann Bat son, who cried for help when Mr. Leaso was being assaulted, was set upon by tho negro nnd knocked sensoless with a club. George Willard, the negroi who assaulted Mr. Dutrow, is in jail. He was enptured after a desperate light with officers. A, rAwlens, Legislator. MACON, Go., Deo. 1. II. J. Colliery, a representative in tho Georgia legislature from Echols county, got on a drunk hero and was arrested and arraigned in police court for disorderly conduct. A pistol was found on his person, und after being lined ?5 ho was committed for trial on tho charge of carrying concealed weapons. Tho af fair has created great scandal, ns ho be longs to a good family and is a man of prominence in this section of the state. QURE mi Tho wnniterfnt AMr-nn TCnlft Plant, discov ered on tho Congo River, West Africa, is Nature's Sure Cure for Asthma. Endorsed by European Physicians and Hos pitals as a positive Constitutional Cure lor Asthma. 7,000 recorded cures in 00 days. It never falls. Cures Guaranteed. No Pay until cured. I-argo Trial Case sent FREE by mail, prepaid, to any sufferer. Address KOLA IMPORTING CO.,62BroatKai-NeWYotlt; 131.7 Arch St. Phila.,Pa. BLOOD POISQN K.'.VM1f,7. unties curcu in ;iu ivuutinjM. mutches. Ulcers, 8)tiii Dindnne, IStrvoun JK'blllt) timl V.ttov of Ynutti. I,ons of Tower nnd Strictures (No Cutting) Cured for a llfo- IllUPa Lost Mnnhnod nnd 8 mult Shrunken Or snnt Fully Restored. Hclentlflc method never falls unless; easels beyond human aid. Belief at once, and you feel llkeaman tttnong men In mind and body. AJ1 loseeB checked Immediately and continued linnrovement. Kverv obstacle to happy married lite remoY&d. Iv'erveK whfii fulllnc or lost, are restored bv the combined MJW treatment. Vlcllms ol aousta ami except', reclaim your manhood HuITi'rers from folly, overwork, cnrlv errors. Ill health and exoenfies lu married life recaln your strength. ion't despair, even If lu the last stag's. Uoo't be discouraged. If quacks uvu ruuLrt-u iuu, i witi iruB 10 you luai medical Bcicnco and honor Btilt exist. Bend tiveS-cent BUtupa for book " TKIJT1I," theW what they ndvertlse to save themselves from exposure) their tricks and devices, calllogUI rlinmvali'aai' iliKpolrul anil farrtniia iflvlnrr f-Kl advice and Guarantee, coaming enormous! prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and there by ruining thousands. Hours I 9 to a Even tnirs.ft-8.ai). V.'ed.andRaL J'-veVH. (MLSo. hun. JSM'i Notice All a W let ed with dangerous and SiiQpeitjsa cusfs buouiq cair ior examinauon. Dally, from tt-1. Wed. and Sat. eve'gB, ft-9, and iHun Write or coll Treatment by mall.l For Fainting The Season Is here: and Paper Hanging Get your work done by Mahanoy City's leading artist, W. H. SNYDER Perfect Work. Bursalna ln nalnts nnd oils, nlatn ar stainea glass. All tne new patterns in wall paper. All dally and weekly papers uoveis, novelettes ana stationery. 133 West Centre Stroot. Headquarters for the EvKWmn IlKItALn. I Clock Sprint Blade. ln.. r r...l. ForopaugU Circuses, At vour Dealer for iaitwWM-llMfagrim UtttlS im&X, siifWuiaii ran mi Wirt. Johnson KorraanMlle, I'a. Injured Whife Coasting Impure Blood Asserts Itself But Hood's Sarsparllla euros tho Dlsoaso and Restores Health. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! "During the winter of 1887, 1 was injured on en limb whllo ooantlng. It did not trouble me much at first, but soon became more painful, nif trength began to docllne and I eould not rest at night. I was attended bj- several different doc tors but all failed to check the trouble and I grew rapidly worse. Early In 1880 I had to nse erutches and my health was rery poor, having lost my appotito and being reduced ln flesh. In the fall of 1891 I bad to take to my bed and It was thought . I Would Not Llvo I until spring. Duriug all this time I had tried many different medicines but did get relief, In the meantime to give in relief, the several bundles around my knee were lanced and later overy effort made to heal the running sores but all ln vain. Then it was, while eonflned to my bed last spring, that my father, having read much about the, merits of If ood's SarsapaiUla, decided to have me give It a trial. I have taken it regularly, using nearly ten bottles. All th sores but two are healed and these are nearly well. I have thrown away my crutches as I can walk, go to school and do some work. I have a good appetite and real good health and. iia.o juuieu.eu iu weight very mucn. lipou g Sarsaparllla hai been a blessing to me." Wil. liam Johnson, Hormanvllle, Pennsylvania. Hood's Pills are the best family cathartic, gentle and effeotlvo. Try a box 2i cents. mim MSPW SYSTEM IN KFFEOT MO IMB?n 18. 1891. Trails leave !-henauuo&4 lollowa. '"or KewYorl la Philadelphia,, week davr, ttO, 6.25, 7.23, a.m., 12.32, 3.55, 5.65 p.ta. Si:ady U0, a. m. For New York via Maor Chuni, weeu aays, e.v R a. m., x.wi p. in For Keadine.and I'hiiadolDhia. woelr rlavr. tlO, 5.S5, 7.20, . m., 12.32, 2.55, 6.66 p. m Hua lav, 2.10, a. m. f or f ottavuie. woeic nays, a, ru , 2.X2, 2.S3, 6.65 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m. jp or 'l'amaqtta ana laaosnov iiiy, khz iafd, I. to. B.26. 7.20, a. m., JS.W. 186, S5 p. m. Bun- lay, 2.10, a. m. for wtuiamsport, sunDury ana -iori eek ilavH, 3.25, 11.S0 a. m., l.S, 7 2) p. ,, 3unday, 8.3f. a.m. for Mabanor Plane, wook aays, x.vi. a., a r.20, 11.H0 a.m., 12.3S, 1.85, S.56.WB, 7 2:, vs p. m. Sunday, 2.W, 8.S5, a. m. For Aamaao. ana tscamoam, i7oea u;-a, a.-, 7.S0. 11.80 a. m., 1.8, 7 21, B.8S p. in. 8m day. ! 26 a ra. For Daltiniore, Waabington and the V?et ll . n rt H . ttirnuirh tratna leave ReR' Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. It. R. R. m 8 S i, lU.ll.wa, 91,3 11, T,n, D, ra., nun""- a SS It M a. m . 3.4B. 7Z7 rj m Aaa tionai t at' from24-h and 1 hi'slnut streets station, week days. 1.45. 5 11.(23 P. m. Sundays, 1.35, S.2p.tr. Leave New York via Pnllaflelpajt.wcolcu-. , 4.00 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.80 p m., 12.16 nisM. bv -r A (HI ryl Iave NewYorkvlaMauonunnnn.weea 1.80. M.Ma. m . 1.10. 4.20 n. n 1. Lieave pniiaaeipnia, lteaaing xermi week dars. 4.20. 8.S5. 10.00 a. m.. ana 8.02, 11.:) p. m. Bunday. 11.20 p. in. eave Kcaaing, weez u&ya, i.oo, f.iu,iu..a, i jj m.,.B.S3,'7.67 p.m Bunday, 1.S5, a. m T.nv tAttjiTlllE. 1r rfnw. 2.SS. 7.40 ft. n . 12.80, 0,12 p. m Sunday, 2.E5 a. in. eave Tamaaua, ween aays, a.is, o.ou, 11 a , m., 1.20, 7.15, 9.28 p. m. Bunday, 8.18 a. to. Leave Mahanoy Oltv, week days, S.i5, Dfl, 11.47 a.m., 1.61, 7.39, 9.U p. m. Sunday, 3 45 . m. Leave Mahanov Plane, week as vs. 2.ie. 4 1 a. 9.80, 9.87, 11.6S a. m., 1268, 2.09, 6.20, t.'iW. 3 10 i 9. m. Sunday, 2.40, too a. m., Leave wiiuamsport, wock aaye, v.ia, iu,iu, a. 3 3S.ll.15p. m. Sunday. 11.15 p. ra. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf ind South Street Wharf for Atlantic City. Week-Days-Expreia, 9.00,, a. m 2.00, 4M, 4.00 p. m, Accommodaalon, 8.00 a. m.. 5,15 p. m. Snnday-Piprera, tW, 10.00 a. m. Acoom ttodatlon, S CO a, m. and 4 JO p.ta ItetumlDg. leave AtUritto City, depot, comer atlanllo and Arbanma avenues. Week-Days Express, 7.85, 9.00 a. m. and i.OO a' d (V.S) p. oi. Accommodation, 8.15 a. m, nd4.82p. m. Suaaa hSc-ress, 4.00, T.S0p. m. Aecommo tallrjri, 7 15 a. m., and 4 IS p. m. Parlor care on all expreaa trains. C. O, HANCO01, Oen. Pass. Art. Philadelphia Pi, I A. HWEia AIID, Gen. Sunt. TOOE i6 If you doelre to lnveet ln stocks In a aafa andlecitlinate manner witliout rare and wor ry, subscribe to our aiiretionary aooouiiw, which will nay you from 2 toSperoentweekly in any active market. It will ray you mot than double the average rate of Interest in n It will pay you more at interest in any ordinary business pursuite. DepoeiU recelvud ordinary business pursuits, u frnm 120 tn tl li. We will bo pleased to furnish you referent e as to our snccess In the past, aud what we are doiiifcfor others. If you aro situated whew you cannot call on in lu person, address your communications to the Metropolitan News Co., 48 Coimrest HI., Helton, Matt. Wo remit proflteonoe a week and principal on three days' notice. Parties preferring to do their own Inventing, are advlsod to subscribe to our Dally Market Lottora, which give yon Important information on active stocks, and win enable you to make money It you doyosr own speculating, Kates, (4 per month; or with telegrams of Important changes, 130.00 per month. Address, Motropolitan News Company 48 CONGRESS ST., Xot JJojb 03. Votto, Mat. 'AMSY" PILLS! Safe ako suhe. sino o.mi -woman 3 safe GUARD!' Wilcox Specific Co,Pha.a. Sarsapari.la DRUQ Ki tmum Spring Curry Comb Soa as n Ilruslt. Pits every Cunt. The . .. Tr..l I... TT Armv nntl liw Itnrniitlt mill and Leading Horsemeu of the World. It. Sarntile mailed post paid 25 cents. - e09Ut t-, lOtLUil tta BL, eoU Head, ladUaa. i Sitat-, aif&!