The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 24, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dully, oicept Sunday by
KLjsnAT.n vviu.isniNU coxvanv,
Publication office and m Imntcal department,
IMS East Coa Street.
fi'tm tJhtibTiI delivered In Shenandoah and
AH3 JieraiQ sufrouiiuIng towns for Six Cents
meek, payable to the carriers. Uy matl,Throe
DollarM a year or Twenty-five cents per month,
la advance.
Adverlltrment charged according to spaco
isd position. The publishers reserve the right
to ehange the position of advertisements when
ever the publication of news requires It. The
rWht la also reserved to reject any advertise
Ete&t, whether paid (or or not, that tho pub
Uhuis may deem Improper. Advertising rates
made known upon application.
Bntered at tho post office at Shenandoah, Pa.,
as second cIosb mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pcnna,
An Amhorst Lady Rolatos Hor
Experionco to a Roporlor.
Salt Khcum, Impure Blood and a Rack
ing: Cough That Baffled Phy
sicians, Finally Cured.
Evening Herald.
It Is hard for a Democratic Administra
tion to make even a bond Issue "a go." Cleveland has sprained his
ankle and his party has sprained its spinal
We dan't know which one of Mr. Cleve
lnnd's cabinet officers Is cnpnblo of doing
the most harm, but the aggregation can't
be beaten.
The House of Representatives Is the sole
fudge of the elections, returns and qunli
fications of its members, and whatever
contents are made must be decided
with justice and equity. The major
lty cannot prevent contests from being
begun by men claiming to have been de
frauded of their election. In the next
House the number of contests bids fair to
be extraordinarily large. Notices of twen
ty-six have nlready been given. Possibly
the big Republican majority may have
increned the number of contestants, but
the size of the majority has no bearing on
the duty of the House to caue these cases
to bo carefully examined and impartially
decided. It should be an absolute guar
antee against a decision iu a Biugle case
on partisan pronnds.
OH the strength of returns from only a
few of the states, the Populists have been
claiming an Increase of about a million
votes this year. It does not now look as
if this claim could be substantiated
The Increase has been very lrrcgulir. I
states where the dissatisfaction with the
Democratic party was mainly because the
Democratic voters wanted freo coinage
the Populists have indeed gained, and I
a few such states have swallowed a clear
majority of the Democratic vote. Hut 1
other states, where the dissatisfaction
was on account ot the prostration of In
dustries by tariff agitation, the PopulistB
have trained little or nothing. In states
of the latter chnracter tho Republicans
have added largely to their vote, while
the rest of the Democratic loss Is nearly
all due to the refusal of Democrats
vote nl nil.
Tho Ohineso Stronghold at Last
Captured by Japaneso.
IT is said to be not unlikely that
Chlcagoan's Invention to cure the nul
Banco of smoking chimneys In that city
may prove of great Importance In naval
warfare. Chief Engineer Melville, of the
navy, has bad his attention called to It,
and has sent to Chicago to learn whether
the down draft furnaces to consume
cmoke where soft coal Is used could be
successfully operated on the cruisers of
the navy. If it be found practical, a
great point will be gained in strategic
naval operations, for the black trail of
siuoke, which steamships leave in their
wake, betrays their presence at a very
great distance. It is proposed to make a
number of practical experiment!, and If
tho outcome be favorable, Congress will
he anted for an appropriation, for tho
necessary changes to the cruisers.
Nprlngllcld IMtis'. Kcpubllcan.
In the town of Amherst, Mass., Mr.
Geo. 11. Pierce and his mother nre widely
known ns the proprietors of the Amherst
Creamery Association. Mrs. Pierce has
been a BUilerer for a long time with Salt
Hheum and a distressing cough thnt fore
boded Consumption, but they have given
way to health and vigor. Hearing of
this a reporter called on Mrs. Plercu and
the following experience was related :
"For a long tlmo I was a sufferer from
Salt Hheam," Bald Mrs. Pierce, "but
about two years ago I slipped and hurt
ray knee. This seemed to make my Salt
Hheam worse. I can't begiu to toll the
agony I was In, my limbs became n mass
f raw flesh covered with running sores.
My friends would say they were afraid
would not live to see another spring,
and I thought so too. Well, I heard of
Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Hemedy
end Dr. David Kennedy's Salt Itheum
Cream; I sent for them and commensed
ttaluk them, and iu three weeks I could
walk out of doors. Why last night
walked a mile, and I am sixty-three years
of age. It shows that Dr Kennedy's
Favorite Hemedy and Salt Hheum Cream
can do more than the physicians, for they
made me well after my doctors told me I
was Incurable. I must also tell you of
another preparation Dr. Kennedy advised
me to use, which did as much for me. It
is Dr. David Kennedy's Cherry Balsam.
I have had a wretched cough for the past
fifteen years, the best doctors iu this part
of the state united in saying that it was
Incurable, and that it was only a matter
of time before my lungs would give out
my sleep was restless, I would He awake
for hours. I well recollect the Drst tlmo
I used Dr. Kennedy's Cherry Balsam. It
relieved my throat at once, nud I slept all
through that night, which was the first
full night's rest I had In several years.
It seemed liko a miracle. I took but two
bottles of Cherry Balsam, when I was en
tlrely cured.
Mrs. Pierce's neighbors confirm her
statement, aud it was found that Dr,
Kennedy's Favorito Hemedy, Cherry
Halsaiu and Salt Rheum Cream had
made others In Amherst as happy by
curing them of some disease.
Favorite Remedy ranks with the medt
cl profession as the most perfect of all
blood and nerve medicines. It restores
tho liver to a healthy condition, and cures
constipation. It is a certain cure for all
diseases and weaknesses peculiar to fe
males, and affords protection from at
tacks that originate In change ot life,
It cures scrofula, salt rheum, ulcers,
tutnors, rheumatism, dyspepsia, all kid
ney, bladder and urinary diseases, gravel
diabetes and Drlght's disease. In this
lait disease it has made many cures
wheie all else failed,
Dr. David Kennedy's Cherry Balsam
will cure the worst cases of asthma
bronchitis, coughs, colds, incipient con.
sumption, whooping couizh or croup,
Taken in connection with Favorite Hem
edy, It has never been known to fail.
Price 25c, Mo. and $1.00 a bottle. Dr.
David Kennedy's Salt Hheum Cream Is
for external application and is sold at fiOc.
n package. Dr. Dvid Kennedy's Favorite
Hemedy costs f 1.00 a bottle or alx bottles
for $5 00.
Full directions accompany each bottle
so that any one can readily understand
just how to take them for the different
Description of tlio Cnpturril Town and IU
Orrnt Defences Tlio Improvement Marie
In tlio Harbor Under tho Iulemlilp of
Trench Civil Knghieers.
He Swindled Kngllsh Capitalists.
YANKTON.S. D..Nov. 24. John T. Pinren.
Ulltt If OO. Nov. Bl. J Jlspatclics linvo noon wno is nam to navo swindled Emillsh can-
received hero stating thnt tho .Inpauoso itnllsts, is now said to have boon Interested
cantured Port Arthur on Wednesday In n gold mlno near Zacntocas. Moil.
hist, after eighteen hours' fighting. and In efforts to dovelop tho property to
Tbo llglillug was continuous irom noon novo spent au,uua AH lils proporty hero
of tho 20th. Tho Japaneso iloet did not has passed Into other hands. Creditors uro
take part In tho engagement, though tho rushing about frantically iu offorts to get
torpedo boats attached to tho fleet did. Tho something for their claims It Is asserted
Jnpaneso aro now leaving Port Arthur. bore that the delinquent interest now duo
Port Arthur, tho natlvo name ot which l'lcree, Wright &s uo.,tho defunct Arm. on
Is Lu Shun Kou, Is the chief naval station farm lonns on northwestern lands amounts
of China. Elovcn or twelvo years ago It to 550,000,
was simply a good wlndbound harbor for
the junks that traded along tho coast car
rying the tlmbor from tho Yalu river to
ports In the gulfs of Po Chi Id and Llivo
Tung, or thoso of a larger class from tlio
ratnlly llentc'n by Italian. I
JNKWAHK, N. J., Nov. St. A bloody fra
cas occurred In tho East Orango outlet I
Bower excavation which will result lu tho
death of Timothy Dwyer, a foreman, and
Thomas Skelly, a hiboror. Bkolly had In-)
curred tho displeasure of tho Italian la- I
borers, who fell upon him and beat him
with shovels until ho foil unconscious in(
tho sewer. Dwyer nttompted to reeotio
Skelly and sixteen Italians beat him down
and then Jumped upon his body. Hoceo
Crlnohnlo, one of tho six Italians orrested,
was held by Judgo Mott for murder, and
mo oinur live ns accesorles.
Ilnwgate May Kucnpe Proicctitlon,
Washinoton, Nov. 24. Captain Hcnrv
W. Howgato, formerly disbursing ofllcor
or tho signal corps, is held In tho district
south en route to Now Chwaug nnd West ial1 awaiting trial upon charges of forgery
Chin Chlu. At that tlmo tho village con- uiuuuznmB mrgu urns ui money wuiio
slstcd of about sixty to eighty mud houses,
with a row shops and three or tour inns,
which afforded accommodation to travel
ers to and from the north.
Tho port lsnlmost surroundod by ranges
of hills varying from 300 to 1,500 feet In
height, the valleys botween being well cul
tivated. The town at tho present tlmo has
increased to nearly a thousand houses and
Free from all the disagreeable greasy effects that result from the
use of lard will be had, if COTTOLENE is used, l'ish and
cakes fried in it arc simply delicious because it adds a flavor to
them that cannot possibly be obtained from the use of any other
frying material. Get Uie genuine COTTOLENE, as Uierc are
numerous questionable imitations. The
trade mark given here is on each pail.
i Sold iu 3 and 5 lb. pails. Made only by
N. K, Fairbank Company,
131 N. Delaware Aire., Plillada.
Tup. Democratic party cannot hope to
recover strength In any Eastern state, or,
even In West Virginia or Delaware, with
out abandonment of Its tariff policy, and
this the Presidents obstinacy Is supposed
to render impossible, If that he the fact,
the party has no other chance of success
except to bid for the cheap-money vote,
and yet It is also blocked iu that dlrec-
nnd When Services will be Con
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Reformed church, Rev. Robert
O'Hoyle. astor. Services tomorrow at 10
a. in. and 8:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
Hveryboay welcome.
Kehelos Israel Confcregatlom, West Oak
itit. liar. J. Mltnlck Rabbi : service
vary Irlday evening; Saturday and Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Welsh Baptist church. Preaching services at
ID a.m. and 8 p.m. by the pastor, Rev. I), I.
Bvans. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Everybody
Roman Catholic church ot the Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street, Rev. H. P.
O'Kollly, pastor. Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a. m.
reapers at 3:00 p, m.
Ht. George's Lithuanian Catholic church,
lorner Jardln and Cherry streets. Rev. .
bremattls, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
a.m. vespers at a p. m,
English Lutheran church. Preaching at
10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m, by the pastor, Hov.
I. P. NB. M. D. tundav school at 1:30 o. m
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
uvoryuoay welcome
Ebonozer Uvancellcal church, Rev. R. M. Llch
tenwalncr, pastor, Services to-morrow at 10 a.
. In German, and 6:30 p, m. In English, Sunday
lohool at 1:30 p. m. All are heartily Invited to
Welsh Calvanlstlo Methodist church, Houth
West street I'roachtuK at 10 a. in. and 0 n- m.
bv Ilcv. John W. lorrn, of Slatlngion. Sun
day school at 3 p. in. Class meeting at 7 p. m.
on Thursday. Strangers and others cordially
Tlrst Methodist Episcopal churoh. Rev. Wm.
Powlck, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and
6:90 p. m. cunday school at S p. m. ISpworth
League at 6:43 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
are always welcome
Presbyterian church. Rev. T. Maxwell Mor
tlnr, 1.,. it- iin.ii,tant. Tl,,. ,,,, f ' rison. Dilator. Bervlces at 10:30 a. m. and 6
...... ... ....w.. r. . ,p m - Sun(la, 8Chool at S p. m. Christian
any coinage bill over his veto Is, of course. Endeavor Sooiety will meet on Tuesday even-
shops, and, exclusive of the garrison, tho
population is estimated nt over o.uow
There are two principal and smaller native
banks, two largo tomplos and two theatres
of recent construction.
In 1881 It was finally decided to construct
dock nnd refitting basin there. After
jnoro than one failure tho work was given
to foreign contractors, and in the early
part of 1887 a French company secured a
contract to construct the nocossary works
nooded for a naval dookyard. At tho end
of 1890 tho contractors comploted tlio task
entrusted to them. The entrance to tho
port was deepened nnd a basin constructed
inside with a depth of twenty-flvo feet at
low water.
Tho port contains spacious wharves nud
quays, ntted with steam cranes, and con
ncetcd by a railroad with tho workshops
Thore Is a dock over 100 feet long, having
twonty-flvo feot of water on its Bills nt low
tide, which can bo omptied in a fow hours
by means of a steam pump. Thero I also
a smallor dock suitnblo for torpedo boats.
Tho foundries and workshops contain tho
most modern machines, engines, etc. Tho
dockyard can bo lighted by electricity.
For the last six years dredges have been
enmloyod to deepen tho natural harbor.
Tho bar has been deepened from twelvo to
about twenty-four feet to enable perma
nent mooring to bo laid down for tho
larger men-of-war. About rour miles north
of tlio port their Is a spring or iresn water.
This water Is now run through pipes to
tho dockyard, and the town is aUo par
tlally supplied with wator In tho same way,
The defenses of the port consist of well
constructed forts, armed with modern
nuns of heavy cnlibor. Tho coast, defensos
ore spread ovor more than four miles of
seaboard, nnd consist 01 anout twetvo Dat-
teries equally distributed on either sioo or
tho entranoo to the port. Tho armament
consists of more than forty Krupp guns,
including some rilled mortars. In add!
tlon thero is a torpedo boat station and nn
elaborate system of sub marine mines.
Tho sooond Chinese-J apanese army,
undor command of Field Marshal Count
Ovnma, minister of war, consisted or about
80,000 men, and when this forco arrived
off tho Boaent's Sworn promontary 11 wns
divided into two dutoohments, ono of
which, aided by part of tho Jnpanese fleet,
operated against Talienwan, whllo tho
other directed its movements against Kin
Chow, on tho western side of tho promon
tary, some miles north of Port Arthur.
Talienwan and liin unow were 00111 cap
tured. after which the army again com
bined, and the march on Port Arthur was
commenced. Several engagements of
minor importance took place along tho
route, but nccordlng to tho reports tho
Jnnunoso woro invariubly successful.
Hovernl times tho town is reported to
hnvo been captured, but later dispatches
have shown that theso reports were in,
accurate, nnd thnt tho Japanese were con.
ducting their operations against the place
with trreat carufuluess, nnd that they in
tended, when tho reul attack was made,
that It should bo succossful. Clio Foo.
from which place tho dispatch announcing
tho fall of Port Arthur is sent, is a UlU
nose cltv on the south const of tlio Miou
Tung promontary, some ninety miles
south of Port Arthur, from which It is
separated by tho Gull or i'o uni LI.
holding office many years ago. It Is be
hoved at the city hall that the old lndlct
jnonts will bo declnred dofectlvo. Should
this bo tho enso there Is overy probability
that Ho wgate will bo roloased and tho pros
eoutlon dropped.
Not ATgr. Satnlll's Successor.
Home, Nov. 24. In regurd to tho state
ment circulated by a nows agency that tho
bollef Is expressed hero that Jlonsignor
Lorcnzolll, the papol nuncio to tho Nether
lands, will bo nppolnted apostolic delegate
to tho United States to succeod Jlonsignor
Satolll, tho Vatican authorities Inform
tho Associated Pross that nothing has yet
been decided concornolng any successor to
Monslgnor Satolli. The matter is simply
Fire In n Ship' Cnrgo.
Lewes, Del., Nov. 21. The stoamor
Ijampasas, of tho JIallory line, running bo- j
tween Mow York and Ualvcston, put in tho
Breakwater with Are in tho after hold.
Tho lire was discovered when off Cape
Henry, and the steamer was at onoolioaded
for the Breakwator. She has n full cargo,
chiefly cotton. Tho ship's sides aro re
ported to be very hot, but the North
America's force is confident of subduing
the tiro.
Itaro Paintings for tlio Catholic University.
Baltimore, Nov. 24. Bishop Keunc has
purchased for tho Catholic university tho
collection of religious paintings by Itallon
nrtlsts, which wero on exhibition nt tho
World's fair. Thero wero collected from
tho desoendants of old families of Italy and
blood connections of pontiffs and nobility.
An Unsuccessful Mission.
liONnoN, Nov. 24. Judge Wiedemann,
who was sent on n mission to Knglnnd by
ex'.Queon Ijlliuokalanl, has finished his
visit hero and has gone to trerinauy, from
which country ho will return to Hawaii
via Bremen and New York. Tho judge
has not mot with success.
Tho Crar to Tlslt lli-rlln.
VIENNA, Nov. 24. Tho czar will visit
tho courts of Berlin and Vienna in tho
spring. Tho logatlon at Darmstadt, which
was abandoned after the accession of tho
lato czar, will bo re-established. Darm
stadt was tho birthplaco of Princess Allx,
tho oznr s betrothed.
Is not complete
without nn ideal
Loans rmderrom 1100 to Iffl.OOO on pen onal
or real estate security. No publicity. Loans
can bo returnod in small monthly payments or
retained ior a numoer 01 years m sun Dorrower
A loan from this company will not Injure the
financial standing of any Individual or firm
No bonus. Interest6 per cent, aunually. Moicy
loaned ror any purpose, such as to Increase or
enter business, to pay off mortgages, judgement
notes, to build or purchase property, or In fact
for any purpose tbat money may be desired
Auaross, uentriu Trust company low
Arch street, PhUadelphla, Pa. 6-Wjm
Another of Cook's Gang Cnptilrod.
Four Smith, Ark., Nov. 21. Alexander,
ono of tho outlaws who was with tho Cook
gang in tho Coretta trnln robbery, jyas
captured yesterday near Tulsca by one of
Marshal Crump's deputies.
Slight shocks of earthquake was felt in
several Connecticut towns yestorday. No
damngo reported.
Sheriff McGco, whllo lighting burglars
at Canadian City, Kan,, lust night, was
mortally wounded.
Miss Davenport Hill has been elected
momber of London's school board, defeat
ing the Duke of Newcnstlo.
Fire early this morning in a mnnufue
turlng building In Boosevelt street, Now
York, caused IIOO.OOO damage.
Burglars who entered tho coal yard of,
flco of Grooree M. Prelse, at Hah way, N.J.
shattered the building in blowing the safe
opon. The explosion frlghtonod them off
without booty.
impassible, and there are no Indications
that he la less determined on that ques
tion than on the question of tariff. Ex
cept for him, the party would probably
tush into the wildest financial absurdities
in the desperation which its defeat has
produced. It would seemingly be easier
for him to abandon his turlll policy than
to back down on the one Issue on which
lie has been successful and bus gained
Enellsh llantlst church, South Jardln street,
Services at 10:30 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m,
Preaching by tho pastor, Hev. w". II. Harrison,
'raise service at 6 p. m. Sunday school at 2
p. m. Monday evening at 7:30 the Y, P. B.
U. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meeting. Everybody welcome
Primitive Methodist church, Rov. John Bath,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30a. m, and 6:80
6, ra. WfBley prayer meeting at 5:45 p, in.
abbatb school at 3 p. m. Wesley League
Monday evenlnir at 7:30. Class meetlncs
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. m. All
seats freo. Anyone not having a church home
Is coraiauy invited to come here.
1 vi n S ,,or,,iii1t, I All Saints' l'rotostant Episcopal church. Oak
4 n-." a........., " street, near Main. Morning service at 10:30
for grauted that his forthcoming message ' ""1 evening at 7 o'olook. Tho motor ofa.
, elates at morning sorvice alternately and at
will insist upon further progress to, van! every ovontng service. Tho lay reader, Charles
Vreo Trade, and, if so, both possibilities rootor, 0. 11. Brldgman. Sunday ichool at t
ot recovery for his party appear to ho goaSny'clcomo' fta "" mde
completely closed. It is like a rat in a Buy Key.ton. flour. Be sure that the
corner, and with nothing left to do hut to uma Lkssio Baku, Ashland, Pa,, la
1)1 to where it can. printed on trary Mck. tf
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delica'e and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Inilit upon having the genuine.
Professional Cards.
N. STEIN, M. D.,
Office Room 5
ner iiain and Centre streets. Shenandoah
orace Hours ; 8 to 10 a. rn.i 1 to 3 p. m.i 7 to
9 p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street.
Egan's Now Building, coi.
an, ra.
Jr;, 8. KISTLER, M. D
Office 1W North Jardln street, ahecanooa
jy M. BURKS,
Office. Egan bnlldlng, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Hhenandijah.
No. 25 East Coal Street,
Qfflce Hours 1:80 to ? and 6:S0 to II p. m.
TV'.. J. OALU5N,
XJ No. 81 South Jardln Street, Bhenandoob.
Orrioi Bonus: lino to 3 and !30 to 8 P. M,
Except Thursday evening.
So ofTce work on Sutttiay except arrange
ment. A tlrict adherence to lh office houri
U absolutely necessary.
Successor to
801 Mahantougo Street, Pottsville, Penna.
alnlcss hlracltoD of Teeth, C?I4 nl Silver fllllip,
If your artificial tooth o nt salt you, call
to tee us. All examinations free, we make
all Rinds of plates, ltubber. Gold, Aluminum
and Watts' Metal Plates We do Crown and
Bildge work and all operations that pertain
to Denial Surgery. Wo charges for extract
ing when teeth are ordered.
139 East Centre St. over M. K. Steln'Adrug
store, Mauanoy uny.
REMOVED To 648 M. H0MI1 St,
:"; L above Green, Phlla, Pa.,
Formerly at 208 North Kecond St.. Is tha old
est In America for the treatment of Special
uueates ana youmtui jsrrore. varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
mall a sneclaltv. Communications eacredlv
confidential. Pnd stamp for book. Hours,
m. to V p. v sunaavs, u to 12 m
fit. lOKUUVAn,
Yon can aavc money by.purchaninif W. Iw
Douglas Shoes, -Because,
we are the largest manufacturers c
advertised shoes In the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
oilces and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
tnual custom work iu style, easy fitting and
wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Fa.
It your clothier doesn't keep
Hammerslotigh : Bros
6 wall, Reliable, New York
Make him get It Their celebrated
$15.00 Melton Overccmt
Wears like steel and Is Bold bv aver? promi
nent clothier In the state. None genuine with
ot Hammerslough Bros.' labaU
Dave you BoroThroat, Pimples, Copper-Colored
du, Acnos, Old Bores, ulcers in Moutn, jiair-
KilHno? Writo Cull Ilrmrdv Co.. II O 7 Ma.
onloTemple,Chlcaso,Ill.or proofs of cures.
Capital HSoOtOOO. Tatlents cured nine years
Millions of Dollars
Go np in smoke every year. Take no
risks but get yonr houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent,
ISO South Jardln Street.
Alao Life and Accidental Companion
Most of the cleaning and dyeing now-a-days
is only half done.
No matter where you live, you can send
anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by
express at our expense, and we will
do it at same price as if you delivered it
to us in person.
A. F. BORNOT, Frler,"r fltlKFairmount Ave., Philadelphia J
Japaneso Diplomats Gratified.
WABIUNUTON, Nov. 24. Tho dispatch
from Clio l'Xio announcing tho fall of
I'ort Arthur was taken to the Japanese
location here nnd shown to ono of tho of
ficials, who was much iirntifled at tho in
telligence, t ralenoo is given to tho jiowa
by the li-Ration officials because of tho fact
that It comes trom ChlneBe sources, u mat
ter not likely unloss it wits well authentl-
llaby Killed by a Wild Hog,
GUTHHIE, O. ., Nov. St. At Sacred
Heart, a hamlet n few miles from huro,
Mrs. Galobies' 14-months'-old baby was
nlmost eaten up by a. wild hog. Tho wo
man had laid tho child on a blanket near
whoro she was washing. The bugrcf used to
give up its prey, aud gnvo battle whun tho
woman omleuvoreu to rescue ine emiu.
In hor wild endeavors to socuro her babe
Mrs. (iuloblos was horself turribly Injured,
i,r flfsh holnir torn from her body in suv-
eral nlnces. Finally she succeeded in
irruBblmr tha child and escaping. The
Vaby Is dead.
Right Arm Paralyzed
Saved from St. Vitus Dance. ,
"Our dauohter. Blanche, now fll'
teen years of age, had been terribly
afllieted with nervousness, and had
lost tlio cntlro use of ner right arm.
Wo feared St. Vitus dance, and tried
tlio best physicians, with no benefit.
Slio has taken three bottles of Dr.
Miles' Nervine and has gained 3t
pounds. Her nervousness and symp
tomaoiMt. viius unnco aro enureiy
gone, slio attends scnooi reguiany,
auu lias rccoverea coinpieio use 01
her arm, her appetite is splendid."
M11S. It. U. BULLOCK, Brighton, N. Y.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Br. Miles' Korvlno Is sold on a positive
euarantco that tlio first bottle will benefit.
All druggists soil it nt (1, 6 bottles for 15, or
It will ba sont, prepaid, on rocolpt ot prlca
by tho Br. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lnd.
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET.
LASTS LONGER than other Soaps.
Price FIVE CENTS a bar.
SF-oi" alo toy .. IX. IB"-".jWC.
BomUlates noert s a reliable, monthly, rognlstlng medicine. Only lisnolui SB4
the jmrectdn ga ah.uul b used, Jf yon want the b t, got
Elr, Fs Pffl-B-! Pills
Thar are vrnuvi. aula a ad certain In result. The mboId (Br. real'.) paver dlup.
ooini. Beuti- wli,tl.ou Aadieai lx.Msouuai Co., Uoreland, O.
StU e r, r. M. XUtLIX, Jruu. let, )-i9rt, M a.