The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 23, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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KM DAY. NtiVHMltEIt 28. 1M.
Local News Gleanings Condensed for
Hasty l'erusal.
Oranges are K-ttltiK plenty.
JFoot ball continues tlio nigo.
"Yesterday was a line autumn day.
Iiem than a week till ThanksKivlnKlay.
Tho moon Is spending lior Inst quarter.
A good many stumbling placed In our
Tho uext new moon will be on Tuesday
JlnoKt, tlieiCTth.
Boon time to be looking up thatTbankii
giving turkey.
A boy In the family li convenient to
l)lnmo tilings on.
'Game grows oarcer as the hunting
Mention advance.
Inereaf-loK cold cattei Increased de
mand on the coal bin.
The sunny side ot the street Is now
becoming more popular.
A long winter is predicted beoane the
nttturan has been warm.
The free text book low for our public
jachools Ih a great success.
Governor-elct Hastings has constructed
hi cabinet ot first clans timber.
Nosr Is the time to begin to think of
something for which to be thankful.
There will be no need for Tom Heed to
iirount a quorum in the next Congress.
The old-fashioned way of wearing soft
Jhatg Is the latest fad In men's headgear.
Camp 200, P. O. S. of A. of town, Is
meeting with much success. At tho meet
ing laBt evening two new names vere pro
posed for membership, and others are ex
yectod at tho next meeting.
To Distinguish a Name.
It is easy enough to tell a Polish name
from n Lithuanian or a Hungarian If you
know how. Nearly all Lithuanian names
tend with "as" or "kas ;'' all PolUh with
"ski," and the Hungarian generally with
"o." KorinRtance, Lithuanian, Zorczkas;
1'olish, Melewski; Hungarian, Pipko.
Some Hungarian people will translate
'their names to Polish or Lithuanian, or
reverse. As an instance, Mr. Boezkoaskl,
might in Lithuanian call himself Iiocz
kanzkas, and in Hungarian, Iioczko, but
Ihcy generally adhere to their country
name. Many names ending with a
sound like vltch or savage, are spelled
"Klewicz." The man you call John Cut
cabbage will sign his name Knczkiewlcz.
Buy Keystone flour. He sure that the
name Lkssio & BAF.n, Ashland, Pa., If
printed on every sack. tf
A bemand for Heaters.
Any one having second-hand heaters on
hand can dispose of them readily at good
prices by sending them to Reese's auction
-moms, West Centre street.
Henry WIlBon, the postmaster at Welsh
ton, Florida, says he cured a case of diarr
ham ot long standing in six hours, with
one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. What a
pleasant surprise that must have been to
ibp BniTercr. Such cures are not unusual
Trtth this remedy. In many instances
only one or two doses ro required to give
permanent relief. It can always be de
pended upon. When reduced with water
It Is pleasant to take. For sale by Gruhler
Coming' Events.
.Nov. 29. Turkey supper In Bobbins'
opera house under the ausplcesjof the ves
try of All Saints P. E. church.
Nov. 20 to SO. Entertainment in Rob
bias' opera bouse under the auspices of
the vestry of All Saints P. K. church.
Dec, 3. First annual grand ball ot the
Carpenters' Social Club In Roublns' opera
Dec. 21. Inter-State Milkmaids Con
vention, at Ferguson's theatre, under the
auspices of Y. W. C. T. U.
Dec. 24 Ninth annual ball of the Na
tional Social Club, in Robbins' opera
"When Baby was Elctc, wo gave tier Castorta.
T7hea she was a Child, she cried for Castorta.
mm she bocanie Miss, she clung to Castorta.
Whef "iie bad Children, she iavntbra Castotlx
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the EVENING IlKIULD
"who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks is Brown's
stationery store, on North Main street.
W. A. McGnire. awellknown citizen
of McKay, Ohio, is ot the opinion that
mere is nothing as goon lor ciuitiren
troubled with colds or crounas Chamber'
Iain's Cough Remedy. He lias used it In
his family for several years with the best
results and always keeps a bottle of It in
the house. After having la grippe he was
himself troubled with n severe cough.
He used other remedies without benefit
and then concluded to try 'he children's
medicine and to his delight it soon
effected a permanent cure. 26 and 60 cent
bottle for sale by Gruhler 13ro.
Wilkinson's Special Bargains.
One case ot best Indigo blue calicoes,
4 cents per yard. One case of finestouting
flannels in new pattern at 8 cents, regular
12M cent, kind. Fifty of the finest double
shawls, pure wool and largest Mze, now
tO, were $H. Drew goods, ladles' and
children's coats uni fur oajies, muffs, eta,
at money saving prices.
L. J. Wilkinson,
! South Main street,
11 I'J tf Shenandoah, Pa.
For a pain in the side or olieat thtie la
Doming fo goon as a piece or naunei uam
Deuedwith Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
bound on over the seat of pain. It affords
prompt anil permanent relief and If used
In time will often prevent a oold from
Twmltlnir in nneuinouln. This same treat-
cot Is a sara cure for lame baok. For
sio by Gruhler Bros.
Fevrn Mlm-ra AVhn WilTullv I' "fvi'j. .1 i
Tlptlfe mitt Otlipl- I'lopci!.
Itnioww, Pa, Nov. 23. The s"V"i
miner charged with conspiracy 'o burn
mid burning the tipple at the J'.iine mine
lust .June (luting the strike v,civ fount!
Utility- by the Jury .yesterday. K.l I 'ox ana
Leo Wurm pleiuied guilty to the charge of
plating explosives uiuler a bulldlng.whicli
was nil that was charged against tlietn.
The other five Prank Myers, Ludwig
ltoscnlmck, Joseph Kroltlo, William Gclt
ner and Waiwel Swlntner wore found
guilty of all charges of the indletment,
which aocuseil them of burning mill con
Mmtlng to tho crime. Prank Myers was
the man who agreed or offered to do til j
net when it was proponed.
At a meeting of elglitoen miners who
had gone to Paine mine on June 10 to in
duce the men to quit who wore supposed
to 1)8 at work, It was proposed to kill their
employer, but that was voted down. A
second proposition to burn the tipple was
unanimously carried, and tho query as to
who was to do the act was settled by
Myers volunteering to do tho deed. Tin
men then ran a score or more mine cars
Into tho tipple, and they wero burned,
with much other property.
Mawicrt'il by Kiiniikit.
Lospon, Nov. as. Australian mail re
ports are to the effect that the Kanakas of
all the Islanus near New Guinea are In re
volt. Scores of European settlors have
boon murdered. The steamer Three Cheers,
of Sydney, called nt the Admiralty Islands
and found that tho trading posts and a
trading schooner had lwen burned. Not a
single white man was visible. The na
tives fled to the hotel on the approach of
the steamer. Tho captain landed, and
found the remains of a recent cannibal
feast. All tho whites undoubtedly met
with a horrible death. At New Ireland
and other islands similar massacres are
Itltlout's Miitrlmonlnl Misfortune.
BALTlMoltK, Nov. 23. Albert B. Rldout,
when a boy of 17, was mnrried to Virginia
Hammond, a woman nearly nlno years
his senior. He took his bride to his father's
home in Frederick county. Six months
later sho told him that she was tho mother
of a boy nearly 7 years of ago, and the
young husband deserted her and came to
Baltimore. Later, hearing that sho whs
dead, he married Miss HattloGibbs. Three
days after the oeremouy the young hus
iMind learned that bis llrst wife was alive.
He Immediately informed his second wife
and they separated. Yesterday the mar
riage was declared void.
Kxploslon 111 a KclltKil House,
UxitltllHtK, Mass., Nov. S3. Tho steam
heating apparatus nt the Central school
building hero exploded yesterday. On the
ground Hour abovo tho boiler room were
fifty children, many of whom wero dashed
up against the celling by the force of the
explosion. A large number were severely
scalded by the escaping steam and boiling
water. The school contained six rooms,
and on the upper lloors wore three classes.
A panlo ensued, mid in trying to escape
many wero trampled upon. No fatalities
nro reported, but many children are badly
A Whisky Ilottlc Told the Story.
Mount Holly, N. J., Nov. 23. Thomas
Riley, of Burlington, was found drowned
on tho Hats below here. An empty whisky
bottle in his boat, aground a few feet
nway, told tho wholo htory. Riley was
about 10 years of nge. Several years ago,
In a drunken quarrel, ho killed Pitman
Borden at Burlington, for which ho was
sentenced to twelve years in the state
prison. On his reloao he refused to ro
turn to his home in Burlington, and hue
been living a hermit life in an old cabin
along the creek.
Indications of Many Murders.
Mkxico "it. Nov s!8. A horrible dis
cover" has just been made near Cliuriut
zlo, state of Miehoaoan. Thirty human
bodies in an advanced stage of decomposi
tion havo been found piled upon one an
other in a cavo. Cleofos Gomez was robbed
and murdered for his money recently.
I'nscaul, a brother, while searching for
him jnndo tho discovery, which appar
ently explains many mysterious disap
pearances of persons in the neighborhood.
Illll Conk Still at IjrKe.
Four Smith, Ark., Nov. 28. Deputv
Marshal Smith has telegraphed tho mar
shal's office from Wichita Falls, Tex., that
ono of tho four captured suspects arrested
yesterday is tho famous "Skeeter" of tho
Cook gang, hut 11111 Cook is not ot the
party. The other mon under arrest are
Charles Turner, William Farrls and Jesso
Snvdor, who robbed McDermott's storo
and pobtolllco In tho Cherokc-o nation re
cently. They are all dangerous robbers,
A Point for tlie Obstinate Witnesses.
Washington, Nov. 28. The court of up
peals of tho District of Columbia granted
we motion or counsel lor JHossrs. Chap
man and Macartney, tho indicted rccalcit
rant sugar trust investigation witnesses,
for an appeal from the recent decision of
Judge Colo, holding that thoyare liable to
punishment for refusal to nnwer qui-
Hons put by the sonate oommlttee. The
date for hearing argument on the appeal
lias not yet been lUotl.
Sentenced for Itunnlnff h Clitiiibllng Den
AsiiUltV I'AltK, Nov. 28. Alderman
Charles Parks, of the "Tenderloin" dis
trict, Now York, who was convicted last
Friday of keeping u gambling house at
Anbury Park, In the most fashionable
part of town, was sentenced by Judge
Clarence Counover yesterday to pay u nw
of 1800 and sorvc a sentence of five months
In the oouuty jail. Pending an appeal
l'arks was released on 5,uou ball.
A Woman Sued for llri-At-U of Promise.
CENTKEVILLK, Mich., Nov. 88. The
unique ktiectaole of a man suing a woman
fur breach of promise of marriage has
created a sensation here. Arthur Mussel
man, of Mention, claims that Mrs, Sol
omon Dill encouraged his attentions nud
finally proposed marriage to him, but now
declares there was no engagement between
theiu. Musselman sues for damages.
Klklnt.' Klectlon Aturcd.
WllBKLiNd, W. Y., Nov. 28. A canvass
of Republicans elootort to the legislature
remove all doubt of the election of S. II.
Klklus to the United states senate. Every
member of the hoconil and Fourth eon
greasional districts bos declared for him,
with over half of those In the Third and
Hanging at the Nstlmwl Capital.
WAHHINtmiN, Nov. 28. Churltts Hoj-
klus, colored, was Imaged today. Hop
kins' crime was committed last December
upon James Uordun, colored, whom he hit
on the head with u brick, which caused
MAllASor City, Nov. 23, 18M.
Robert llesser has returned from a visit
to Washington D. C.
Joseph Rablnowitz visited friends at
Pottsvllle yesterday.
M.E.Horn, of WilllamspOTt, Is spend
ing a week with friends In town.'
Mrs. Henry Schu and daughter, Gusele,
are visiting friends in Now Jersey.
Miss Blanch Rich, of Ashland, was the
guest of Mies Mary Wren, last evening.
Rev. J. J. Fl'her, of Tauiaqua, was the
guest of the C. B. Wagner family yester
day. The soeuery in the opera house Is being
touched up by two special artists of New
Oliver Edwards, formerly of town, nnd
now residing at Hickory Ridge, is visiting
friends in town.
Tbo Fay Foster Burlesque Company
will appear at Kaler's opera house to
morrow evening.
Mrs, Stank and daughter, Mnggle, of
Shtnnnrloah, were tho guests of town
friends yesterday.
Mrs. Charles D. Kaler nnd Mrs. Michael
Halghney nre visiting friends and rela
tives at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Thouios Edwards, Mrs. John
Thomas nnd Mrs. Davis, of Ashland, visi
ted friends in town yesterday.
Messrs. Roache and Rogers, two well-
known sprinters of Gtrnrdville, will run
a hundred yard dash in the park to
William Maeder, of Phoenlxvllle, who
Is visiting his parents here, was tendered
a surprise patty last evening. He will re
turn to Phoenlxvllle to-morrow.
John Broker nnd Miss Lena Roos wero
married in St. Fedelis' church yesterday.
Miss Christian Roos was the bridesmaid
and Nicholas Broker the groomsman. A
dluner was terved at the residence of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Broker
will reside at S03 East Mahanoy avenue.
The Bogus Checks.
The report that George W. Beddall, the
hardware merchant, was victimized to
the extent of $60 by a forged check is con
firmed. Mr. Beddall says thnton the 10th
nst., a rum known as J. T. W. Atkins,
from whom be had been buying oils and
paints for the past eight years, called at
his Btore and presented a $50 check drawn
on a Pittt-burg bank. The relations which
had existed for so many years threw Mr.
Beddall off his guard and he cashed the
check. On Tuesday the check came buck
from Pittsburg stamped a forgery. Last
Wednesday a check reached here from
Chanibersburg. It was drawn for $50 on
the Merchants' National Bank of Shen
andoah, on one of the bank's forms, and
signed "C. M. 3eddall & Bro." This
check was renounced. It had been drawn
by the same party that victimized Mr.
Beddall. A letter received from Chani
bersburg to-day states that the man at
that place who was caught by the C. M.
Beddall check had struck a clue and in-
ended to force the forger into jail even it
it required the expense and trouble of n
chase throughout the United States. It
the forger is caught Mr. Beddall will
also become a prosecutor.
For bargains in wall paper go to J. P
Carden, painter and paperhanger, 224 W.
Centre street. He is selling out his en
tire stock at and below cost. Wall paper
hung at lowest prices and in workman
like manner. 10 lS-tf
The Singer the Best.
The Singer sewing machine was one of
the first to be used for family Fewlng.nnd
its simplicity and durability of construe
tlon gave it a universal reputation and a
salo greater than all other sewing ma
chines combined. The company has kept
puce with the march of improvements In
this line of machines, and has, from time
to time, made changes and added appli
ances and attachments, so that It has
maintained tho large preponderance of
sales, and to day offers to the public the
be-it family sewiug machine in the world.
Beside making the best lock stitch ma
chine, the company also manufactures a
chain stitch machine that is without a
peer. C. J. Quinn, 21 East Centre street,
Shenandoah, Ph., call tell you all about
the Singer.
Interlined "Celluloirl"Collars and Cuffs
turn water like a duck's back and show
neither sjiot nor soil. TUey are not
effected by perspiration, and always
look as if right out of the box. When
they get soiled you can clean them
in u minute by simply wiping off with
a wet cloth. These are but a few of the
advantages of wearing the "Celluloid"
Collars and Cuffs. There ore many
others that you will readily discover
the first time you wear one.
They arc the only waterproof inter
lined collars nnd cuffs made. lie sure to
get the genuine with this trade mark
stamped inside, if you desire pcrfi et
satisfaction. Made in all bUcs and i.ll
styles. It you can't get them at the
dialers, we will send sample postpaid,
on leceipt of price : Collars, 25 ccnn
each. Cuffs, 50 cents pair. State sUe
and whether you waut a itaud-up o
turued-dpwn collar.
1117-20 Broadway, SKW YORK.
-jUlTT'f flwi'l 11 1, H aiCMrinrini
"CELL 82." 1
Madame, and her son Augustin, NfU
vllle, will be the attraction nt Fergu
son's theatre this evening, preswiU
lng for the first time - in this city
their new play entitled, "Cell 22," frdtn
the pen of tho talented actress and nuthon
Mme. Neuvllle, nnd written for her sln
Augustin, giving him an opportunity to
show his peculiar style than in any of
his other plays. The story is one Of
Intense Interest and well worked out,
holding the interest and attention of the
audience to the end. Mme. Neuvllle ha"
a part entirely dissimilar to the emotional
line of work to which she has been
accustomed, and Augustin Neuvllle has
a part which suits him exactly. The
critics from our neighboring cities are
loud in their praise of the play and the
company presenting it. Mme. Neuvllle
and Augustin have many friends nnd
admirers in Shenandoah, they all remem
bering their appearance hero In "The
Boy Tramp" for tho past three seasons;
but this year with a new play and the
best company he has ever had, will be
doubly welcomed.
Another big house laughed and shouted
at the many funny things they saw In
"McKenna's Flirtations" at the Audi
torlum last evening. Dan Williams has
made a splendid itnpiesslon as n substi
tute for Hilly Barry and his close
resemblance to the latter both In appear
ance and actions would deceive a careless
observer. This afternoon nnd to-night
will be your last opportunity to seo this
amusing comedy. Bridgeport Union. At
Ferguson's theatre to-morrow evening.
Ankle Dislocated.
Charles A. Euterllne, ot South Chest
nut street, had his left ankle dislocated
yesterday by a heavy window frame fall
ing upon it. He is being attended by Dr.
Political Cards.
Subject to Bepubllcan rules.
FOB BKNT. Two adjoining rooms Suit
able for physician's rnlcj. Ux e lent lo
eatloc. Apply at the IIkuald ollce. 11 3-lw
FOB HEtT, A larte new More-room, with
plule gloss front, dwelling nnd cellar,
hxuhent buplnefs location. Will be ready
for rent November 1st. Hcnt reasona 'le.
Apply to C. w. Newhouser, 120 North Main
street. 10-16-lt
MEN AND WOMhN to make big money
with the Practical Plating Dynamo. Is
toe electrical machine used in the great plat
ing factories (03. to tf5C0 a ttcek made
easy. Plates everything. No experiences big
roflts AddretB W. 1'. Harrison & Co , Clerk
o. 14, Columbus, Ohio.
Special Sale,
Closing' out a lot of
In lengths suitable for bed
rooms or small rooms. Good
patterns, perfect goods, from
SOc to 75c.
They are worth from 75c to $1.
Special bargains in Ingrains
from 40c up.
Remnants of Oil Cloths and
Linoleum, about 2 d. lengths,
at reduced prices to close out.
Fall-Winter Millinery
Greatest Bargains In Town.
8 Easi Ccnfre St, Shenandoah.
All kinds, 25 cents up.
o. 11 North Jardin Street,
U N. West Street, Shenandoah.
Tbe SlfUM EtDl(TI(i;C0M''St4,J;Twa-
329 S. 15th St
Below Callowhlll
rniiaaeipnia. Pa
To ercure a positive and permanent rure ot
frioti ot Ycuth uid Lots ot Mantood and of ail
dtteatcs ot tbe Bloid, hICncjt. Ulacfler, Skin
uuu nervoui o)iiim oiimul ui once in. l.oo
He KuurnutctiH In ah r&?n cuus? d by Eiccti et
ImDiudence or Inheritance lu refatore to lUaitk
and Strength by lulldlug up t"e shattered
nervous Byeit'in anc uuting newmeanuenerp
to the broken down c m-iiiuiion. Conaulintir 1
and examination tree urd euuStlv confidential
Office hours, daily and Hunday (torn Ua. m. to
80 m.. and 6 lo 0 eenlni"ri lit au lila hnnlr on
Errors of Youth and obaevre diseases of both
Snls Carpet
texee. eennrte.
Mas Upset
Because it is clean, pure, healthful, economi
cal, aud makes the most delicate and delicious
food. 5 lbs. of Cottolene equals nVz lbs. of lard.
anviug 73 nit: tosu VJUC uie
genuine, with trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail. Made only by
Tho N. K. Falrbank Company,
1XI N. Delaware Ave., riiUxdn.
Monongahela Whiskey, - 60c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, (Is qt.
Fine Old Bonrbon, XXX, $1.96 a qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, II a qt.
Superior Cognac Brandy, 11.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Rum, f 1.50 a qt.
VUENGLING'S Stock nnd Flesh
- Bt brands of 60 Clears
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
Offers for
rr--l .1 T - .1 T- ! 1 TT fcn.. n.
a " ' " , we arimmea Mign-crownFe tHnts.oOc. Trimmed
Sailor Hats, from 85 c up. Ten dozen Trimmed Bats, no two alike, allcolors styles
and prices. Infants' long and short Coats, $1.50 up. Misses' Heavy Coats al ill ill
and colors, tl.ep up. Infants' Caps. 25c and up. PChlldren?s WusY Sural'i Silk and
v"Y"l18' iuiH-s oacques, sac up.
opening Corsets. Six papers of Needles,
Isn't There a
or Girl
Iogue giving full particulars about the
pus 1111 caru io-uay.
WilKes-Harre Business Colleae.
Anthracite Building. West Marktt St.
Ivan I
13 North. Jardin Street.
Wholesale agent tor
elpsfaa's lm, 1 1, Eijiart
Lager nil Saaitr Hi lis
No finer made.
Fine liquors and Cigars
lai Bouth MalnHt.
For Mar
In all latest styles ol Millinery, Children's
uionKH, uaps, iionnets, iioous ana mmes
Fascinators, ko to MRS. HYDE'S.29 North
Main street. On Saturday until sold 100
aozen 01 ainerent pattern
Ladies' Embroidered Linen
Handkerchiefs at Hall Price.
Br the failure ot a Swls manufacturer
we proenrea them, can't get anymore.
j.aK6 mem wnne yon can
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear Coifeo House.
The best rlns in town. Horsea ts kett tto
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITT.
Largest and finest hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures
Pool and Billiard Booms Attached.
Shenandoah's Ekuable
Hand Xsaunds
Cor. ldoyd and White Qts.
All work guaranteed to be first-ohus In every
particular. Bilk ties and lace certain saspec
talty. Goods called for and delivered. - A trial
100 Celluloid Frames 6c. formerly 10c
100 " lo 16c
100 " " ISo 25o
100 " " 25o " 60o
See Onr WindowEDisplay,
Nu. 4 North Main St.
Piano Timer,
Flacos and organs repaired. Orders left Bl
21 North UalnBtreeUBhesahdoaa.vilUxsssivs
31 South Main St.
Ale, Draught Porter and Welner IW
and'hll klrdfol ImncfinDrlrXf1 eW
This Week,
. ... . . . .
Juggins, 25c a pair. Mourning Goods. Self,
5c. s a'L
south. Main Stroot.
In this entire region who would like
a thorough business education? We
furnish the very best nt very small
cost All we want Isyotir nnmeand
nddrpftH. Vnn will tun
- "... .UVUbKIII WUIU-
way we do business, riend it In on a
Wade nnd Williams, Prlns-
Saving Fund!
The Safe Deposit liulldlrjp and Saying Asso
ciation of Heading, Pa., offers for sale a lew
hundred shares of stock. This is a pood, reliable
and prosperous association In which to take
shares. Having ready Bale for all money, the
nremlnm received is l&ree. consrnuentfv th.
stock will mature much Booncr than associations
located in towns where there isnorp-eatdemandt
limited. The value ot each share is f.W at
matnritT. AnDllcatlon fee. 25 conta earli nharA.
Monthly dues, one dollar per share. Five per
ctuu mwice. iuiuwuu uu .11 jiBjniruiii maue in
advance for 6 months or longer. M embers may
withdraw one or all shales at any time by giv
ing 30 days written notice, aud are entltleutr
the full amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent.
Interest alter ono year, thereby maklrg it an
H per cent, investment. All shareholders nro
entitled to loans from fund on real estate
security. No shares wilt be forced out.
The fund is run on tbe same conservative
principles as onr local fnnds which have been
tried lor years and found safe. Any ono wish
ing to invest in a Saving Fund will find it tt
their Interest to call on the local agents and
receive full particulars. Itev. II. A. Kcyser,
D. V., of Mahanoy City, is ono of the dilcctors.
127 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah.
thhe cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
Kan a wooden lence for residences, lwns,cem
Ury lots or any kind of fencing. M. IL Mtkb
nil the agency and carries "to stock at hts
Cot. Cherry nnd Gilbert Sta.
Finest Bears, Wines and Liquors.
Handsomo Bar JTUturos.
Beat "Brands of 10c Cigars.
Chas. Hooks & Son,
215 Soulli Jardin St.
n-t.. .ui mmt tender beet to ba
found in Shenandoah. Pork, mutton,
veal and out Meats of all nos.
A Una Una of choice and fresh groceries
and prime family floar. butter nnd egga.
A genuine welcome
ArraSta you Hi
Joe Wyatl's Saloon!
Pl imm &ttehed; yinest whiskeys
beers, porter and file constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks nnd cln;arf.
(gucccesots to t'oaktey Br.)
Wo. iG lfaiit C'r Ji' rf Htrr ct,
TOor Wetter IMat Qallly, lowest Caa
jeUcsL yausosse resieeUully aoliolled.
hU doulh.