The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 22, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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Scientific Discoveries That Lighten La
lior A Weaver's Experience in Dye
lnffCarpets Where the Color Stays as
Bright as When New.
Within the Inst few years science hns
been at work in the mutter ot dyeltiK,
and the results arc the fast diamond dyes
for cotton, turkey-red, pink, purple,
orange, olive-green, brown, etc. Theso
dyes make colors so fast that even wash
inn in strong soap-suds will not start
thorn. It a woman is sure to get the fast
diamond dys for cotton when she wants
to dye cotton, she will he nble to dye nb
solutely fast, uonfndlnK colors that will
stay until the goods nre worn out.
A practical dyer, writing in the
Weavers' Herald, says, "I ued to dye
wl;h roots and barks, hut after all my
-work, (and it was a tedious job,) I was
not satisfied, for the colors were homely
and often faded. At last I commenced to
uso diamond dyes, and the process is so
simple nnd oisy that the work !s a
pleasure. I havo used carpets made of
rags dyed with diamond dyes three years,
nud the colors aro still as bright as when
Many of the diamond dye fast cotton
colors are so superior to other dyestnlTs
that they are used by dyers everywhere,
even in the big mills and large dye houses.
Imitators of these reliable dyes may claim
that their cotton dyes are "juit ns good,"
but practical tests prove the diamond is
the only kind that mnkes colors which
noap will not wash out or sunlight fnde.
The diamond dyes come in nearly fifty
different colors, for silk, wool, and cotton
nnd will dye anything, from a pair of
stockings to a dress or cloak.
Fiii-tiH-r lloltlH-il by Highwaymen.
WlI.MIM.TON, Del., Not. 12. W. J. Hits-
tumls, a Delaware county farmer, living
at Johnson's Corner, whs robbed by high
tvayinen late ut night. He wns approach
ing his home when the men stepped from
behind trees, thruw blankutsover his head,
drugged him Into u dense thicket, knocked
Tiim hcnsukss and took $185 from his pock
The Czar to ljt Married tin Simula'.
ST. I'KTKKM'i:o, Nov. 2. It is stated
that Czar Alexander left u document to bo
aliened nino days after his death. When
tho document was opened it was found to
contain an entreaty to marry Princess
JLlix directly after tho funeral. Ilcnco tho
wedding has been llxed for ilonday.
Taylor Not Guilty or Murder.
Ridowav, I'a., Nov. 23. Tho trial otll
C. Tuylor, who killed D. C. McCauley on
tho street in Midway on Feb. 28, has ended
In the nrqulttid of the defendant. 1'resl
dent Judge C. A. Mayer took tho case
from the lury and rendered this verdict,
there being no evidence to sustain the
cbarge uf iiluntary manslaughter.
easo of involuntary manslaughter was ad
mitted b t he court, but as that did not
form part of tho indictment Taylor was
declared not guilty. The trial lasted lif-
' Jiours. There was u large attendance,
icli interest was manifested by the
Rtrlcuriug the trial.
thcIlli of a German flinnd Dulie.
and to Nov. 22. Carl August, liered
erats el duko of Paxe-Wolmar-Klsen-,
, , Jt Capo St. Martin, aged 50
noma I cftllM) of tllB graud duke's
ullmnmntlou of tho lungs, from
..-lie hud been suffering for several
Tonics of the Times Abrevlatcd
Hasty Perusal.
The spirited condition of the coal trade
is having an Invigorating effect upon
business in general in this region. It is
to be deplored that the prosperous period
onnuot remain with us always. It is evi
dent that the market will be blocked in
the jourseof thtee or four weeks, when
we may expect to s?e another big chop oil
In the working schedules of the collieries.
The present facilities for producing coal
in the anthracite region nro too great to
insure full time for any length of time,
nnd as a restriction of production is nec
essary from time to time to keep up prices
the miner must suffer. It is regretted
that the coal combination went ont of ex
istence. It was not the best thing tho
miner could wish for, but it kept the
prices of coal to BBtandardof more justice
to the miner than he oan expect from the
go ns-you-ploase system.
The Shamokln "Valley Telephone Com
piny has been formed by people of North
umberlatid county in opposition to the
Pennsylvania Telephone Company, which
has raised its rentals to $100 per year. Tho
... . . i r rt
new line win oe exienuen irom mi. vinr
mel to Sunbury. Instruments will be fur
nlshed at half the rate asked by the old
comtianv and bb the number of instru
ments is increased the price will be re
dnced. Kxehnnges will be established at
Shamokln. Mt. Carmel and Sunbury. The
system under which the line operates will
enable each subscriber to use his telephoue
at night, after the exchanges have closed,
by the means of a switch board which
will bo attached to each one.
The weather of the present Is most
favorable to the men engaged in the con
Btruetiou ot the public water works and
thohe in charge should tnkejidvantago of
it by pushing the operations as much as
possible, so as to have the works com-
pleted before the hard winter season sets
in. The task of laying pipe when snow is
npon the ground Is an arduous f ae and
will entail great expense to the borough!
if it does not result in a postponement of
the completion. This should not be lost
to sight.
As the holidays npproach the bulnen
houses begin to assume gala attire that
attract much attention. In no other
manner, unless it be by advertising in the
newspapers, can a merchant better com-
mand patronage than by making a
tasteful display of his wares.
The number of comparitively very
young people that roam the streets atttr
night-fall is astonishing. Parents are
committing n grievous offense against
domestic and moral laws by permitting
their children to indulge in this practice
at will and tramp about tho streets until
ten o'clock at night, or later. Study or
iudoor amusement would ben much better
program upon which to base a hope for
the future.
There is needed at the Lehigh Valley
depot an officer whose duty should be to
act bb imformant for the patrons of the
road. Trains arrive and depart very frc
qnently and strangers obliged to make
transfers are frequently puzzled ns to
what train they shall, or shall not take,
The mistake of getting on the wrong
train frequently happens and escapes
from being left occur Inst as often. As a
rple the train hands are too busy attend
ing to alighting and outgoing passengers
to pay much attention to inquiries, and
trangers who depend npon information
from bystanders are frequently misled.
ottsvllle has station masters. Why not
adopt the Bystem here ?
IlennlutliinxofTli'inlih IJ(imbllcnii,1lom.
(.ernt. and t'ontilUta.
CLKVKt.AKD. Nov. S3. At tho final es
sion or tho Women's Christian Tempor
arico union yesl n'.av uftoruoon a long
dlseui j'nii wns scried by a resolution pvo-
testiu" .l.'.unst putting turns in the hands
of iKiys ntlier resolution adopted wero
ono deploring tho Armenian iliuM'o nnd ad
vocating international protection, one de
nouncing the increase of military educa
tion In public schools, college and uni
versities, and one, which raised much con
troversy, thanking the populists for the
suffrage plank in the platform in Knnsns,
thanking the Republicans tor thu same
thing In Colorado, nndthnnklng tho Dem
ocrats of the south for bringing iv largo
area under local option laws. Tho lattor
resolution was adopted lifter much dis
cussion. A constitutional amendment
was adopted providing that biennial ses
sions can bo held when deemed advisable.
Thu cloo of the convention was quite
Impressive. Miss Wlllard spoko briefly
thauking the delegates for thoir kindness
to hor, and telling thein how strong and
well she felt. Adjournment was moved
by Mrs. Forbes, of Connecticut, anil tno
motion was carried.
Hod Ho With You Till Wo Meet Again"
and tho doxology were sung and Miss
Carrie Smith pronounced the benediction
immediately after adjournment J"iss
Wlllard was asked in what city tho next
convention would bo held. Sho said it was
not doeldod, but that it looks llko Haiti
Coming Events.
Nov. 20. Turkey supper in' Bobbins'
opera house under the ausplcesloX the ves-1
try of All Saints P. K. chnrch. I
Nov. 20 to 80. Entertainment ,'in Rob-
bins' opern house under the aupplces of
the vestry of All Salute P. E. chinch.
Dec. 3. First annual urand ball of the
7 .
Carpenters' Social Club In Bobbins' opera
house. l
Dec. 21. Inter-State Mllkmalils Con
vention, at Ferguson's theatre, under the
auspices of Y. W. C. T. U. 1
Dec. 24 Ninth annual ball of the Na
tional Social Club, in Hobbins' i opera
I It is not 1
Slimier In the. Vint Degree.
Mkapkmllk, Pa., Nov. 36. Tho jury in
tho ease of Fred McDontiol, on trial for tho
murder of John MeAlidrow, brought in a
verdict of guilty of murder In tho flrst de
gree. Tho defehso has given notlco of ap
plication for a now trial. Tho county has I
had but two executions In Its history, and
both of theso took place over eoventy-fivo I
vears ngo.
An experiment but a Proved Success. Thous
ands of housekeepers who at first thought they
never could use any shortening but lard, now
use COTTOLENE and couldn't be induced to
change, simply because it is better, cheaper and
more Healthful. The genuine
has tills trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail. Iook for it
Mads only by
The N. K. Falrbank Company, bB
13! N. Delaware Arc, FhflaiU.
Henrv Wilson, the postmaster at Welsh
ton. Florida, savs he cured a case of diarr-
hrea of lone standlm? in six hours, with
one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Keraeity. vv uat a
pleasant surprise tuat mnst nave neen to
the sufferer. Such cures aro not unusual
with this remedy. In many instances
Wlwo Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta.
Wben sbo was a Child, sho cried for Cattoila
Xbnn she become- Miss, sho clung to Costorta,
Wbor the haul Children, she toto tlm CastorU
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Kvenino Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper as new subscribers, nre requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on North Main street.
W. A. McGulre, a wellk-nown citizen
of McKay, Ohio, Is ot the opinion that
there Is nothing as good lor children
troubled with colds or crounas Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy. He has used it in
his fatnilj' for several years with the best
results and always keeps a bottle of it in
the house. Afterhaving la grippe lie was
himself troubled with a severe cough.
He used other remedies without benefit
and then concluded to try the children's
medicine and to hw aellght It soon
effected a permanent cure. 26 and 50 oent
bottles for sale by Uruhler Bros.
For bargains in wall paper go to J. I
Carden, painter and paperhanger, 224 V.
Centre street. He is selling out his en'
tire stock at and below cost. Wall paper
hung at lowest prices and in workman
like manner, 1018-tf
Wilkinson's Special Bargains.
One case of best Indigo blue calicoes
4 cents per yard. One case of finest outing
flannels in new pattern at S cents, regular
12 cent. kind. Fifty of the finest double
Hhawls, pure wool and largest size, now
tO, were J8. Dress goods, ladles' and
children's coats and fur capes, muffs, etc
at money saving prices.
i, J. Wilkinson,
30 South Main street,
11 10 tf Shenandoah, Pa.
For a pain in the side or ohesttheae is
nothing so good as a pleoe of ilauneldnm-
Eeued with Chamberlain's Pain Halm and
ound on over the seat of pain. It affords
prompt and permanent relief and if UBed
In time will often prevent a oold from
.unltlm. in nneiiraonla. This satne treat
ment is a sure enre for lame back. For
Rsle by G rubier Bros.
only one or two doses are required to give
permanent relief. It can always be de
pended upon. When reduced with water
It is pleasant to take. For sale by Gruhler
A Small Premium on Gold.
New Yokk. Nov. 32. Tho general in
terest in the bond issue and tho posslblo
purchasers started a nUmbor of rumors
that gold was at a premium already, and
that there was no knowing whero itwouiu
go to. Nesslngo, Colgate & Co., dcnlersin
money, did sell an order or fflO.OOO In golil
at ono-elghth of ono por cout. advance,
but thoy did not consider it worth calling
a premium. Other dealers in monoy sunt
that inquiries had been mado for gold by
several customers, but no prices had been
quoted. They declared, however, that
they were willing to furnish gold to n
moderate amount at ono-linlf of ono per
A Place, for Congressman Cummlng.
New York, Nov. 22. Mayor Gllroy mado
twenty-one appointments to office yester
day. Seventeen of them wero school com
missioners and school Inspectors. Besides
these the mayor appointed threo subway
commissioners aud a police Justice. Amos
J. CutnniiiiKs. Jacob Hess and Henry S.
Kearney were appointed subway commis
sioners for a term or threo years. Tho sat
ary of that office Is 85,000 a yoar. Hess Is a
member of tho present board! Cummlngs
nnd Kearney wero appointed to succeed
Theodore Moss and Walton btorm. jur.
Cuinmlngs, who is a member df the Fifty
third cougress, wnsdefeated fprro-oloction.
Feeding the Hungry Strikers.
NEW Youk, Nov. 22. A large crowd pf
hungry cloak makers, their wives and chil
dren, crowded tho strikers' relief head
quarters to recolvo provisions which wero
distributed nniong those possessing tickets
showing their eligibility to receivo tho
food. The placo was densely packed and
tho crowd clamorous and violent. Tho
men shouted and tbo women screamed,
but order was finally restored and tho
work of distribution went on quietly. Tho
manufacturers aro much perturbed over
tho fact that somo of thoir number aro no-
cecdlng to the demands of tho strikers.
Deailly Duel in a Mine.
SnAMOKiN, Pa., Nov. 22. Samuel Frank
lin was killed by William Taylor in aduel
at Soott Shaft yosterd.iy. Tho men had
quarreled over n trivial matter and de
cided to light it out with revolvers. Tho
men met and started to shoot. Tho Ilrst
bullet from Taylor's pistol struck the
right hand of Franklin, completely dis
abling that member. Taylor then llred
four more shots, killing his opponent. Ho
then occaped, with the police In pursuit.
An Original MaNMiehusetts Itepublienu,
Noi'.Tll Adams, Mass., Nov. 22. Judge
James T. Robinsun died horo yesterday
afternoon, after a lingering illness, nt the
ngo of T2 vears Ho wns editor ol tho
North Adams Transcript, and an nblo
writer. He was also judge of probate, nnd
enjoyed a splendid reputation as a jurist.
Ho was ono of the organizers ot the lte-
publican party in Massachusetts, and a
delegato-at-largu to tho convention which
renominated A liraham Lincoln.
' HSiSwe Ti tamou.
Hll UK ta m fl S W Mn
NEURALGIA nnd similar ComplalnU,
manntaotarcd nnaer me stringent
yproscrl Ma Dy eminent pnyBionns
M. p. oonry,
31 South Main St.
fit a as tfiflBjraB!
Onlt. ffAnlnnn-ith Trnde Mark" Anchor.
F. Ad. Blchter& Co.,17witrH Et.,nsw swz.
12 Branch Honses. Own Glassworks.
& 00 ets In Hiienanaoah tor salf; by
P .D Kirnr. o c. iiu7i.,u. ... j
Htllnn 7f. Mo'ri bi.. y, " Jtffji
Bcrbucs, w. ''if:. ",u JSSiM
r'' .
Political Carda.
Sublet to rteriubllcan rules.
60c a qt.
$1 a qt.
$1.25 a qt.
, tlaqt.
J1.00 a qt. t
11.60 a qt. I
man u
Monongahela Whiskey,
Pnre rye whiskey, XX,
Fine Old Bonrbon, XXX
Snparior Blackberry Brandy,
Superior Cognac Brandy,
Imported Jamaica Hum,
y UEHGLING'S Stock autl FxcbIi Ale, Draught Porter and Weinw Beer.
-1 Best Brands o 6o Cigars and all kinds of Temperance Drbks.
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
Offers for This Week.
Trimmed Fedora Felt Hats. 60c, Trimmed IHch.erown Writ. Tlnta. KOn. Trlm-meil
Sailor Hats, from 35c HP. Ten dozen Trimmed Hats, no two alike, nil enlnrs. nt,vlei
and prices. Infants' long and short Coats, f l.GO tip. Misses' Heavy Coats, all styles
ana colors, ti.uu up. imams' caps, 25c and up. Children's Plush Surah Silk and
Velvet Cans. Infants' Sacoues. 25c nn. Lectins. 2So a nnir. MnnrnlniT nnmlK. Self.
opening Corsets. Six papers of Needles, 6c.
52 G Sloutli 3ME.iX3. Stroot.
1 )
Isn't There a
Boy or Girl
nn i SAl.K Ilttvlnir two aiTO iirown' s
r Carver pat er cutters, will ell one at ouo
thirrf tho tost, which was $400. Apply at be
UE11ALD nnice.
i inn s.ti.K A fitoreotvnemacn no. rosunB
n fihnut ffsn. Tn fltfit.eTass t.i-der. 1'urchaBet
can have It lor 120, present owner having no
jurtlicr use for It. Apply at the Heiiald I
In this entire region who would like
n thorough business education ? We
furnish the very- best at very small
coat. All we want is your name and
addresc. You will then Ret our cata
logue giving full particulars about the way we do business. Send it iu on a.
postal card to-day.
wilkes-Oarre Business College,
Anthracite Bulldlnc, West Market St. Wade and Williams, Prlns.
-refill HAI.K
P cnibts. MlddlliiE eood order. A bargain;
Cases, nearly new. 25 cents extra.
tbo Her alp office.
A lot of minion bocy typo, in
Af ply at I
r-flR MAr.K. A lariro
T versnl preis. Want room for a larger
ress. will ho sold cheap lor cash,
the Uekaip ollice.
eighth-medium Unl-
Arply at I
r. OK SALK. A mailing machine, addressed I
I1 from bloclfs. Severnl dozen iralleys. I
Cort over 100. Can be had at less than one-1
fouttn Kssuy wornea. Apply at ine hub.
Ai.n omce.
T?OH ltlSNT. A iarte new ttore-room, with I
1 nlale class front, awelllne and cellat.
txctlicnt business location. Will be ready
tor rent No ember 1st. Kent rcosona le.
Apply to C. AV. Newnouser, 120 North Main
street. iu-io-ii
rKN AND WOMI-N to make b'g money
Evan J. Dams,
13 North Jardin Street.
Wholesale agent for
Il with thR Practical Platlnc Dvnurno. Is F irpntmn'l lpatt. K. . .. HMH
tiiH plcctrlcsl machine used in the treat plat-1 at
ing factories S05. 0 to- Jf5 CO a weeK mado
easy, nates everyimng. .o uirwneutei ms
u ri.r'hn. nhin. " No Uaermado.
Lager tid Saazcr Pile Ejei.
Fine liquors and Cigars
120 South Mlni
Special Sale. ForB
JL In all latest sty
Closing out a lot of
In all latest styles of Millinery, Children's
ninnies. Hans. Bonnets. Hoods nnd Ladiea
Fascinators, co to MBS. HYDK'S.29 North
Main street. Qn Saturday until sold 100
dozen ol different pattern
ladies' Embroidered Lines
Handkerchiefs at Half Price.
Bv the failure ot a Swfrs manufacturer
we proenrea inem. ivan ugei ouj aium
Take them w bile, yon can.
MAHANOY ClTr, Nov. 22, 1894.
Mrs. W. Palmer did shopping in Potts
ville yesterday.
J. A. Mayer, of Mt. Carmel, visited town
friends yesterday.
Richard Gulnan boomed business in Mt.
Carmel yesterday.
J. II. Kestor, of Shenandoah, visited
town friends yesterday.
O. A. Fuller, of Philadelphia, boomed
business in town yesterday.
Miss Carrie Schertzlnger wns the guest
of friends at Pottsville yesterdny.
Large iron doors are hdng put on the
front of the Lakeside power house.
Mis. Wayne and Mrs. Gicking, of Del
ano, visited town friends yesterday.
Messrs. W. C. Edwards and William
Boyer transacted business at Glravdville
The Fay Foster Burlesque Company will
appear at Kaier's opera house on Stur
day, November &Hh.
Frank Snyder, manager of tho Rugby
foot ball team, was in Pottsville yester
day, trying to arrange a game.
A ball will be given under the auspices
of the Washington Hook & Ladder ooin-
pany in the Armory ball on Nov. 28th.
I. A. Solomon, advance agent for the
Madame and AugUBtln Neuvllle's "The
Boy Tramp" Company, was in town yes
terday and has booked the play for Tues
day, Nov.i27th.
The newly organized Liberty Club Is
making great progress. It Is composed
of young wen who have excellent voices.
They have decided to Blug at tho elstedd'
fods to be held in the Welsh Cougrega
tlonal church and the Opera House on
Christmas Day.
Great Bargains.
Prices reduced in ladles', misses' and
children's coats and capos. We offer oar
pets and oil cloth at prices never before
heard of, Kquul reductions in all kinds
of drv goods. At
11-17-tf SO South Main St., Shenandoah.
In lengths suitable for bed
rooms or small rooms. Good
patterns, perfect goods, from
KurrcmU-red by Ills lloiulsinnn.
HonOKEN, N. J , Nov. 23. Jessollansoo,
tho Hohoken pension agent", under several
ludptmcnt8 In the United States courts
for crookedness in pension, cases, and al
ready convicted and lined t500 on one of
theso indictments, was surrenilerca yes-
..,.!,. 1,,. i,i j i,M,iu,,...n .t it v tr,,i
field.- Hunseo'H further trials havo been They are Worth from 75c to $1.
postponeu until January, jio spenus ins
timo In jail crying, and his friends say his
health Is breaking down.
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah.
BOg to 75c
The Safe Deposit Vullding and Saving Asso-
hundred b hares of slock. This la a good, reliable
.lilcli to lake
II monev. the
premium received is large, consequently the
stock vill mature much sooner than associations
located In towns ivhere there is no great demand
iv, ana hullding operations are very
The value of each share Is (200 at
for money
limited. 3
maturity. Annlication fee. 25 cents each share.
Monthly dues, ono dollar per share. Kiveper
cent, hi teres t allowed on all payments made in
advance for 6 months or ledger, il embers may
wiinaraw one or an suaics m any lime vy giv
ing 30 days written notice, and are entitled to
the full amount of dues paid, with (1 per cent,
interest alter ono Tear, thereby maklne; it an
11 per cent. Investment. All shareholders are.
entitled to loans from fund on real estate
security. No shares will be forced out.
The fund ts run on tue same conservative
principles as our local funds which havo been
tried lor years and found safe. Any ono wish
ing to lm est in a Having f und will llnd it to
their interest to call on the local agents and
receive full particulars. Itcv. H. A. Koyser,
1). D., of Alafianoy City, Is one of the directors.
127 North Jardin Street, Shenandoah.
Special bargains in Ingrains
from 40c up.
Remnants of Oil Cloths and
Linoleum, about 2 yd. lengths,
to close out.
Franch Hurlecl Without Ceremony
BA1ICKI.ONA. Spain, Nov. 33. Tho body
of Franch, tho executed anarchist, was in
torredliwtevenlngwithoutn priest being at reduced priCCS
. .....1 ...ttl..,. ..ll. 1 r
mony. During tho day Immense crowds
of people d.'flled beforo tho scnffold nnd
took a last loou at me notiy oi mo anarch
ist with tho deadly collar of the garrotte
encircling his nock.
A Juvenile Home Thief.
I.ANCAFUjt, Pa., Nov. Si. Harry Im
mel, aged Ki years, was arrested lastrnlght
on the of horse stealing. Ho do-
Hlioratoly ilrove off .with atam liulonglng
to a farmer who was ntumllng market.
and was endenvorlng to sell It when cap
tured by tho police. Tho lioy seems to
think ho ha performed u groat feat.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Rear CoJieo Eouso.
The best rigs in town. Horses taken t
board. Hanllng promptly attended to.
North Main St., MAHANOY COT.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome nxtures
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached. .
tftfths cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, law ns,eem
etery lota or any kind of fencing. 11,11. Master
I nas the agency and carries It In stock at his
marDio arm granite worta, ia n. jmu'ii
Cor. Cherry nnd Gilbert Sta.
Finest Beers, 7ines and liquors.
Hananome Bar Fixture.
Beat UrnnrlR of 5 and 10r Cigars.
, Fall- Winter Millinery
Greatest Bargains in Town.
Uuy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lkssiq & Baeu, Ashland, Fa., la
printed on every sack. tf
To ltednc Sbirtmahern' Wuges.
New Youk, Nov. A general lockout
of shlrtniakers Is imminent. The ditll
culty nrlses from nn Intention oxprosscd
bv contractors toreuuee wages ju par cent.,
and to lookout their omployae if tho reduc
tion is not accepted. Tho shlrtmakcrs
have been given until Saturday to decide
as to the pitiposeu out.
J. It. ISinmt'tt Ak'iI" Married.
DAVEKfOKT, Iji., Nov. 3)J. J. K. Ein-
mett ("Our l'iltz") arrived in townyestor
day with his company. Mr. Kmmett at
onoe proceeded to the court house for n
marriage license. A tew minutes later tno
actor and Miss May Hoggins Stevens, ii
member ol tno company, weve uiurneu.
Father and Two Sons Drowned,
St. HlLAlBB, N. H., Nov. aa.-Word has
reached here that while Isiulor Dolglo, his
two sons uni 1'aul Oullette woj-o crpssing
thu Hlvur St. John in n small canoe tho
boat capsized, and Doigle and his two ions
Were dxowneu. uuueuo was reseueo.
JiOAX ji ujz.jiro,z
Easi lenira St, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah's Bemabess
Hand Xjanraiiiqp
Cor. Lloyd nd White 8 W.
All work guaranteed to be flret-elaas Sn every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain b& spec.
laltv. Goods clled for and delivered. A trlsl
BargamaCookPots H00KS BR01
All kiuda and sizes.
No. 11 North Jardin Street.
ii N. West Street, Shenandoah.
100 Celluloid Frames 5c, formerly lOo
100 " " 108 " ISo
100 " 15c " 2So
100 ' " 25o " 80o
See Onr Window? Display.
No. 4 North Main St.
mill VKitttui iiiuumiiikit
M JM101 V.OUI Ot.
Ptvio Tenner,
Pianos and oans repalratt. Orders It t tat
ill NoruiKalnBtreeWfuwMUlosk.vilUruM'rf
sromBi ien uoo.
Chas. Hooks & Sonfv
215 South Jardin St.
Th finest and moat tender lieet to bo
found lu Shenandoah- Pork, mutton,
real and Ot rt tlf all Kinds.
A nne'iina oi vsuim uu .im tt'--
and prme fumlly flonr. butter and eggs.
A (tennlne welcome
Awaits yon nt
J o,e Wyatt's Saloon
Foil room altaohed. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter nd Ale constantly on top.
Choice tempfcranee-rtrlnkH nnd elgaw.
(8aecSBors to Coat ley Iliw-1
K0.2C Kast fMirc street,
mm mm
iah iiM 3nhtd