The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 21, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 4

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wkdnksday. novkmhku 21. m.
..Not While Vigor and Zestiu
Living Lasts.
Bismarck, Gladstone ml Holmes Pull ef
Years and Honor.
They Keep Tliclr Blood Well Stocked
Their Nerves Well Fed.
Borne peoplo carefully illgiitw tho fnct.
But n cont of (mint on itn old building
nly mnkes It look stiinrt; lb iloeRu't keep
'the rickety old stalroases from cracklrg
nor miike the framework stronger.
"What la needed is fresh urlckB nnd
Fresh blood nnd new tissues are the
building materials thnt tired human
bodies need. Palne's celery compound
supplies nil the elements for building up
"the worn-out, exhausted nerves and
ffo U never older tlinn lie feels. Many
nro youHj nt nnd the world W full of
men And women who nre old in heart and
spirits nt 30.
Nothing "ages" one like illness.
To keep young, keep well; keep the
nerves calm, tho blocd ruddy, the system
-rwell fml. And when tho sudden nttnek of
-fever or the benvy cold comes the sturdy,
because well-nourished, body will resist
nnd prevent cnlninltous results.
All over tho country there nro lurd
worked business men, nnd men in public
offices, subjected to incessant criticism
and fearful nervous strain, who appre
ciate the saving power of Prof. Phelps'
remarkable dUcovery, Palne's celery
compound. In the thousands of cases
where overwrought brains hive nt last
-refused the sleep that thoy so vitally
needed, this great modern nerve nutri
ment has brought the happiest results.
Multitudes of women reduced in
strength, lml f sick and on the road to be
coming life-long Invalids, Ihnve sent in
.heartfelt stories of their rapid gnln In
vigor nftcr a trial of Palne's celery com
pound. "intakes years off their nchlng shoul
As the years go on, the regular tlck-
Uck of the heart and the rhythmic notion
of the digestive orgnns nnd the brain
slow up and the strength must be econo
-raized. The important orgnns need more
frequent assistance and encourngemcnt,
.Palne's celery compound gives just the
sweded stimulus to digestion and assimi
lation thnt the system requires. It
purines the slowly moving blood of nny
bad humor that Its stagnant How is apt
to engender, and thus removes rheumn
ttsm, neuralgia, henrt palpitation, ner-
vous weakness, sleeplessness and troubles
Avli.h kidnevs. liver and stomach.
It was a favorite remar'Ififtlie famous
Dr. Parr when IOC years old, that ho bad
always taken enro to keep his body well
nourished. Pure blood nnd healthy
activity of the nervous system makes a
happy, hopeful, useful old age. Palne's
celery compound makes people well.
Coming: Events.
Nov. 29. Turkey supper in Hobblns1
opera house tinder the ausplceslof theves
try of All Snluts P. K. church.
Nov. 20 to SO. Entertainment in Hob
bins' opera house under the auspices of
the vestry of All Saints P. K. church.
Dec. 3. First annual grand ball of the
Carpenters' Social Club in Hobblns' opera
Dec. 21. Iuter-Stato Milkmaids Con
ventlon, at Ferguson's theatre, under the
auspices of Y. W. C. T. U.
Dec. 2-1 Ninth nnnual ball of the Na
.."Uonal Social Club, In Hobblns' opera
TOim Baby was, sick, we gavo her Castorte.
fjben she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, sho clung to Castorla.
she had Children, she -taTO tbm CastorU
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the KvuNwp HnrtAU)
who nre not receiving their paper regu
larly nnd peoplo who wish to receive tho
paper as new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, on North Main street.
W. A. McGulre, a wellk-nown citizen
of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that
there is nothing as good for children
troubled with colds or croup as Chamber
Iain's Cough Hemedy. He has used It In
his family for several years with the best
results nnd always keeps a bottle of it in
the house. After having la grippe he was
himself troubled with a severe cough.
He used other remedies without benefit
nnd then concluded to try the children's
medicine and to his delight It soon
effected n permanent cure. 25 and 60 cent
bottles for sale by Gruhler Bros.
For bargains In wall paper go to J. P.
Carden, painter and paperhnnger, 224 W.
Centre street. Ho Is selling out his en
tire stock at and below cost. Wall paper
hung at lowest prices and In workman
like manner. 10-18-tf
Henry Wilson, the postmaster at Welsh
ton, Florida, says he cured a case of dlarr'
hceaof long standing In six hours, with
one small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Dlarrlnwt Remedy. What a
pleasant surprise that must have been to
the sufferer. Such cures are not unusual
with this remedy, In many Instances
only one or two doses uro required to give
permanent relief. It can always be de
pended upon. When reduced with water
it Is pleasant to take. For sale by Gr'ihler
Our Amhn4flririr Cordially Wclrnmcd tn
III l'mt or Duty.
London, Nov. 21. The North German
Lloyd steamer Havel arrived at South
nniptoii Inst night from New York. Among
her pnswngiT wen- lion. Thoin.vv F. Bay
ard, American uinhiiH,ador to tirfat Brit
ain, and Mrs. Bayard. On tho tender
which went out to meet the lluvel wtre
the mayor and corporation of Southamp
ton, the American and German consuls
nnd others. A band win also present, nnd
liortly before It reached the steamer beann
playing "Ynukeo Doodle." Mr. Bayard
was given n most hearty welcome. In the
saloon of the Ilnvel an informal reception
was given by Mr. Bayard. Tho mayor
handed to the nmbaswidor on address of
welcome nnd referred to his famous speeoh
at Wilmington, Del., in which the ambns
Fador had highly praised the British queen
nnd peoplo. Such commendation, tho
mayor said, who highly gratifying to tho
British peoplo and was heartily recipro
cated. New York's Chamber of Commerce Itunqtirt
NRW Yohk, Nov. 81. The lgtith an mini
dinner of tho chamber of commerce of
New York was given last night at Del
monlcos'. The dinner was ono of tho lar
gest in imint of attendance In tho history
of the cliamlier of commerce, more than
300 guests having been In attendauco.
Among the guests were Jamos II. Eckels.
comptroller of tho currency, Mnjor Gen
eral Nelson A. Miles, Wllllnm U Strong,
mayor-elect of Now York; Charles S.
Smith, Prince Huspoll, mayor of Home,
Italy; Hear Admiral Henry Krbon, Sena
tor Calvin S. Brico, ex-Secretary Charles
H alrclilld and General Anson G. Mc-
Cook. Tho subject of discussion was
'Good Government."
Mine Flro Near JIaurU Chunk.
Madch CHUNK, Pa.. Nov. 21. No. 11
colliery, located between No. 10 nnd Coal-
port, on tho Nesquehoning branch of tho
uentral rnllrond, nnd owned nnd operated
by tho Lehigh Coal and Navngatlon com
pany, was found yesterday to bo on fire,
1 he discovery was made by a miner who
went down In tho shaft. Ho had uroat dif
ficulty in getting back, and when taken
out was pretty badly used up. There aro
thirty-eight mules In the burning mlno,
but it is generally supposed that tho ani
mals can he saved by taking them throuch
the manways. How the mlno caught Are
Is a mystery. Tho mine Is a vnluablo ono.
nnd gave employment to between 300 and
400 men.
light with Murdfruu llurglars.
Mkmphik Nov. 21. Sunday nlifht Henry
l'ltzgernhl, a clerk in tho storo of KM.
Yuddotha, nt Friar's Point, Miss., was
shot and killed by two burglars, Who os-
caped in a ennoo in wnitlng down the
river, 'l lie crimo created groat indigna
tion, and tho citizens of Friar's Point
chartered n steamboat and gavo chase.
Tho robbers wero overtaken forty miles
below Friar's Point yesterday, and a
pitched Imttlo ensued. Ono of tho bandits
was killed instantly, nnd tho other os
enped to tho Arkansas shore, where ho is
being pursued with bloodhounds. Tho
fugitive Is known to be seriously wounded.
Assaulted for Klslng a Pupil.
PHILADEU'IIIA, Nov. 21. Gustave Goe-
thcrt, a music teacher at 1332 Glrard avo-
nuo. Is now lying nt his homo lu a pro-
carious condition, duo ton beating alleged
to have been given him because ho kissed
n girl pupil whilo teaching her a lesson on
tho piano. Tho girl's father, J. W
Priestly, and Michael Harkins aro in jail
for tho assault. Tho girl Is 12 yenrs old
and tho teacher kissed her because sho
had done well In her lessons. Tho father,
howover, objected, and went to Gothert's
residence, accompanlod by Harkins, and
committed tho assault.
After Trenton's Trolley Mnea.
Trenton, No. 21. The common coun
cil of Trenton last night passed a rogolu
tlon Instructing City Solicitor Hellsted to
prepare an ordinance revoking all tho
privileges granted the Trenton Passenger
Hallway company to use tho stroets of tho
city and to operate a trolloy system. This
action Is tho result of the falluro of tl
company to put Into operatlu an except-
oulo transfer system, providing for a sin
gle faro to all parts of tho city, over differ
ent rouies, as agn-ed to last January, when
tho company was granted the right to op-
crate trolley linos.
To Fight ltaltlmore's Suratlng- System.
NEW YoitR, Nov. 21. At yesterday after
noon's session of tho United Garment
Workers of America a resolution assess
ing tho inombors of tho union fifty cants
each for tho immediate benollt of New
York's striking cloakmakers was adopted
The money will bo expended solely for
rood at wholesale prices. Joseph Baron-
(less, tho strike leaUor, was elected a mem
borof tho union. Tho Baltimore union
was authorized to Inaugurate a strike to
nbollsh tho sweating system. Tho striko
Will affect 0,000 workmen.
Fourteen Years Solitary Confinement.
LANCASTK1E, Pa., Nov. 21. Alfred Gets
a colored man, 23 years old, who was con
vlcted of ussnultlng Mary Steffy, 62 years
old, was called for sentence yesterday, H
protested his Innocence. Tho court san
touced him to pay $1,000 line and undergo
an Imprisonment at separate and solitary
confinement In tho Eastern penituntlnry
for fourteen years aud five months. Getz
fainted when sonteuoe was pronounced
and on regaining consciousness made
desperate effort to escape.
Another Chinese Defeat,
SnAKGHAl, Nov. 21. The Mercury pub-
lUhuH a telegram stating that the Japan
(wo renewed on Monday tho attack on the
Chinese forces twenty milk from Port
Arthur, at the same place wharo they
were repulsod Sunday with a reported loss
of 300 men. The Uhlnese made an obsti
nate resistance, but tho Japanese ultl
matoly succeeded lu driving them from
their entrenchments. The losses on both
sides were severe. Tho Chinese force fled
to Port Arthur.
louhlo Murderer Sentenced to Peath.
PMiltY. O. T., Nov. 21. John MUllgan
has boon sentenced by Judge Scott, of the
Oklahoma supreme court, to hang Jon. 11
lSUO.MlUUrau killed Gab Clark aud his wife,
Hannah Clark, in November, 1893, nnd left
grandchild of tho old man for dead, but
sho recovered. Milllgan had been living
with Clark, and got mad at him because
Clsrk ordorod him to leave because ho
would not work.
A Murderer Starves to Death,
FenbAcola, Fla . Nov. 31. Thomas
Tndnor. tho convicted murderer of his di
voroed wlfo and her husband, died in the
county jail In this city of starvation. For
several weeks he has refused all food, and
at tho time of his death weighed only
sixtr-eight pounds.
MAItANOT ClTV, Nov. 21, 1894.
Mrs. Slilltliorn ,Ia visiting relntlves at
Hobert Jj. Helser departed yesterday for
Washington, 1). C.
Edward Crnnc, of Pottsvlllc, shook
hands with town friends yesterday.
Miss Annie nnd William Hopkins so
journed nt Philadelphia yesterday.
Evan Jones, of Philadelphia, Is visiting
his brolher-ln-law, W. A. Ileuslnger.
Jaseph Itabtuowitz and sister, Annie,
visited friends atPottsvllle yesterday.
George Ilnppes returned last evening
rom Mt. Carmel with a book full of
The Fay Foster Burlesque Company will
ppearlfat Kaler's opera house on Satur
ay, November 24th.
Tho llcento of George Moyer has been
transferred to Fred. J. Miller, who will
run n first-class hotel. Mr. Moyer hn
oved to his new home on Eighth street,
whero ho will open a hotel.
A party was held at Andrew Ferguson's
home on West Centre street last evening,
In honor of his daughter, Miss Mollie Fer
guson.$,Danclng and ringing were kept
up until a late hour and refreshments
were served.
For n Pain in the side or client there Is
nothing s-o good as a piece of flannel dam
pened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
Dounu on over me senior pain. Jiauorus
prompt and permanent relief and if used
In time will often nrevent a cold from
resultlug In pneumonia. This some treat
ment is a sure cure for lamp. hack. For
isle by Gruhler Bros.
To the Public.
The Sunlight Oyster House, 10 EastCoal
street, Is now open. Fish, oysters and
fruit always fresh. Just received a car
load of bananas, sweet potatoes, lemons
pears and oranges. Fish on Friday. Open
11 night.
ll-6-tt JAMES WOOD.
Don't Tobaoco Spit or Smokeyour Lire Away
Is the truth fill, startllnc title of n little
book thnt tells all about Ko-to-bac, the
wonderful, harmless guaranteed tobacco
habit cure. The cost is trifling and the
man who wants to quit and can't runs no
hyslcal or llnanclal risk lu using "No-to-
Dac." bold by all druggists.
Book at dmif stores or bv mnll frpp
Addrehs The Sterling Hemedy Co., In
diana Mineral Spriugs, Ind. w&s-ly
Confessed Judgments.
The Folmer Shoe Manufacturing Com
pany, of Orwigsburg, yesterday confessed
judgment to the First National Bank, of
Mlnersvllle, In the sum of 10,300, and to
the Shenandoah First National Bank in
tho sum of (2,330.
Wilkinson's Special Bargains.
One case of host Indigo blue calicoes,
cents per ynrd. One case of flnestouting
flaunels in new pattern at 8 cents, regular
12 cent, kind. Fifty of the finest double
shawls, pure wool and largest size, now
t&, were J8. Dress goods, ladles' and
children's coats nnd fur capes, muffs.etc,
at money saving prices.
L. J. Wilkinson,
20 South Main street,
11-10-tf Shenandoah, Pa.
The Vice rreMlilrnt'H daughter Seriously 111.
Amikvillk, N. C, Nov, 21. Miss Mary
L. StovcuMin, daughter of Vlco President
Stevenson, contntetied pneumonia on n
Now England coast last summer, nnd has
never fully recovered therefrom. Sho camo
hero very ill, and her condition now is
serious, if not critical. The vice president
Is here with his wlfo, nnd everything pos
sible Is being done for tho suffering In
Given Up for JahU
BALTIMOKE, Nov. 21. The schooner
Mary L, Peters, Captain F. H. Brougham,
owned by J. H. Conaut, of Boston, has
been given up as lost. Sho loft Gnlvoston
on Sept. 26. Mr. M. Soderlng, of Balti
more, was her mnte and Henry Morrison,
of Philadelphia, second ninto. Tho crew
of flvo colored men was shipped hero Aug.
1, for Galveston.
The (.rent Japanese Kartliquake.
Yokohama. Nov. 21. The official report
of tho great earthquake of Oct. 22 In north
ern .Tnpnu shows that 2,000 houses wore
overthrown, 200 houses burned, 483 per
sons killed and Ml injured. Tho damage
to property is esttmatod nt over 10,000,000
Did you ever see ono of the famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs?
It's very easy to tell, for they ore all
marked this way
Thev nro the onlv Interlined Collars
nnd Cuffs, and ore mode of linen, cov
ered with waterproof "Cei.i,um)id."
Tucy'll stand right by you day in and
day ou t.and they are all marked tliia way
Tho tirst cost is the only cost, fot
thjy keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet cloth
that is the kind marked this way
-JUL I9th irvftD
nJ 1b WAR.
These collars end cuffs will outlast
six linen ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
you get a collar marked this way
Ask vour dealer Grst. and take noth
ing that has not above trade mark, if
yon desire perfect satisfaction. All
others are Imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, we will send you a
sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs socts. pair.
Give your sire and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
427-20 Uroadwat NEW YORK.
A-i tew
CTV7 at.
"CELL 22."
Madame, nnd her son Augustln, Neu-
vllle, will be the attraction at Ferguson's
theatre on Frldny evening, November 2ld,
presenting for the first time In this city
their new play entitled, "Cell 33," from
t ho pen of the talented actress and author
Mine. Nenvllle, and written for her son
Augustln, giving htm nn opportunity to
show his peculiar style than In any of
his other plays. The story Is one of
Intense Interest and well worked out,
holding tho Interest and attention of the
audience to the end, Mme. Neuvllle lin
a part entirely dissimilar to the emotional
lino of wcrk to which she has been
accustomed, and Augusttu Nenvllle has
a part which suits him exactly. The
critics from our neighboring cities are
loud In their praise of tho play nnd the
company presenting it. Mme. Neuvllle
and Augustln have many friends and
admirers In Shenandoah, they all remem
bering their appearance here in "The
Boy Tramp" for the past three seasons;
but this year, with a new play and the
best company he has ever had, will be
doubly welcomed.
"McKeuna's Flirtation" made n decided
hit before a lnrge audience nt thelloboken
theatre last night. The piece Is original
and witty aud the approval of the house
was demonstrated. The comedy Is pro
duced by an excellent company. Dan
Wllllnms as Tim McKenna won the
pprobatlon of the house. He possesses
an Idea of humor that Is pleasing. His
support is excellent. The engagement
closes to-morrow night. Hohoken News.
At Ferguson's theatre, Saturday evening,
November 24th.
Heart Disease Relieved In 30 Minutes
Dr. Acnew's cure for the heart (rives
cerfect relief in ail cases of orennic or
ivmnnthetlc heart disease In 30 minutes.
aud speedily effects a cure. It Is a peer-
em remeuy ior palpation, snortness or
breath, wnotherlng spells, pain in left
side and all symptoms of a diseased heart
One dose convinces. Sold by J. M. Hll-
tir. wis 6-6-ly
Bny Keystone Hour. Be sure that the
aame Lkssiq & Baku, Ashland, Pa., It
printed on every sack. tf
(OK SALE. HavlDg two lorce Brown &
Cisrvcr rater cutters, will eell one at one-
thlrd tho rnst, which was $100, Apply at the
K EitALn ofllce.
IOK KENT, A larpe now store-room, with
plate floss front, CwelllnB and cellar.
rJxctl'cnt business location, will be ready
for rent November let. Item reasonable.
Apply to C. W. Ncwhcuscr, 120 North Main
street. 10-15-tf
A MAN In every motion atoncotosellstaple
goods to dealers no, reddling; rxperl-
nee ucoecrseary : best side line: P73U0 a
month. Hilary and ei pet fob or large com.
mission znnao i liftph boap ahu juami
FACitmiMO.LOMr.ANT, Cincinnati, o
AND WOMKN to make blir money
XVL with the Practical Plating Dynamo. Is
tot electrical maotalno need In the great plat
ing factories IG5. 0 to If 5 00 a week made
easy, naies everyining. no experience. Dig
pronis. Aoarct-s w. 1, unrrifcou a lq., uieru
no. 14, uoiumDus, unio.
4 UIJITOR'S NOTICE. In tbe Omens'
n Couitof Schuvllilllcountv In the matter
01 tne estate 01 Margaret uariuns, laiool me
borough or Mitnanncnn, in raid county, ae
cenEcu. Notice Is hereby given that tke under-
Mgncd, an auditor a pointed by fold court to
make dlstrlbutlrn c f the funds In tbe hand of
Peter Harkins, administrator 01 1 aid estate, to
and amour the parties lecallv entitled ther to
will meet all the parties interested for the
purposes of bis appointment at the ofllce of
M. M. Iiuihe, Kf-q , In ihe boiough of Shenan
doah. In i-nld countv at 10 o'clock In the lore-
noon of Thursday, December 13, 1194, when and
wnere an parties nre notinco tosppear, r oe
forever debarird from coming In upon said
November SI. 1891. n21,2SdS,lS
Special Sale.
Closing out a lot of
In lengths suitable for bed
rooms or small rooms. Good
patterns, perfect g'oods, from
."SOc to 75c.
Thev are worth from 75c to $1.
Special bargains in Ingrains
from 40c up.
Remnants of Oil Cloths and
Linoleum, about 2 yd. lengths,
at reduced prices to close out.
Fall-Winter Millinery
Greatest Bargains In Town.
8 Easi Centre St, Shenandoah.
Bargains Cook Pots
All kinds aud sizes.
No. 11 Nortii Jftrdln Street,
it N. West Street, Shenandoah.
rn Carpet
Many Persons
Cannot touch food prepared with lard, and yet all
such people cau eat freely of food shortened with, or
cooked (even fried) in COTTO LE N E. For dyspep
tics, and those with delicate digestive powers, Cotlo
lene is invaluable. Having all the good features of
lard, with none of Its unhealthfulness, its wonderful
steer's head
on every
Tho N.
133 rf.
Monongahela Whiskey, 50c a qt.
Pure rye whiskey, XX, - fl a qt.
Fine Old Bourbon, XXX, - 11.25 a qt.
Superior Blackberry Brandy, tl a qt.
Superior Cognac Brandy, tl.00 a qt.
Imported Jamaica Hum, tl.50 n qt.
"VUENGLING'S Stock and Fresh
Mrs. J. J. KELLY, The Milliner.
Offers fos? This Week.
Trimmed Fedora Felt Hats. 50c. Trimmed lltirh.rrrvwn Hntp Kv l-rlmni
ouuur jiiiiB, jruiu aou up.
Cn TTi ' o n- ' 1 . ,
anil prices, imams'
and colors. tl.EO un.
Velvet Caps. Infants' Sacaues. 25c ud.
opening Corsets. Six papers of Needles, 5c.
We Take Young
Men and Women
vstem of bookkeenlnc. inter-communication method with other schools, and other
advantages explained in our catalogue, are
Wilkes-Barre Business College,
Anthracite Building, West Market St.
Evan J. Davies,
13 North Jardin Street.
Wholesale agent tor
tlgeospan's Htiart, S, J Export
Lager aid Saner fa!: m,
No Bnermtae.
Fine liquors ana Cigars
For Mar
In all latest styles of Millinery, Children's
i. loans, (japs, uonnete, iiooasana ijames
Fascinators, co to MRS. HYDE'S.29 North
Main street. On Saturday until sold 100
dozen ol dltrerent pattern
Ladies' Embroidered Linen
Handkerchiefs at Hal! Price.
Bv the failure of a Swiss manufacturer
we procured them. Can't get any more.
xuau uieiu wuiiu jruu tnu.
29 N. Main St, Shenandoah.
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alloy, Rear Colfoe Honss.
The best rlcs In town. Horsea taken '
board. Hauling promptly attended to.
North Main St., HAHAN0Y CHI.
Largest and finest hotel In the region.
Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures.
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attached.
8nENAKD0AIl'a Rbliablb
Hand Xtauzadx
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be first-class tn every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtain sa spec.
laity. Goods called for and delivered. A trli I
100 Celluloid Frames 6c. formerly 10c
100 " " 10a 16c
100 " " 15o " 25o
100 ' " 25o " 60c
Seo Onr Window Display.
Nu. 4 North Wain St.
vPtninn Timer.
FUnoa and orgies repaired. Orders left nt
31 North Main street. BnenE.aoali,wUlitclvr
success is easily explained. The
Pennine alinavs hni tr;irl Tnarl-
in cotton-plant wreath
Made only by
K. Falrbank Company,
Dtliwm Arc, FhUaOa.
31 South Main St.
Ale, Draught Porter and Weiner Beor.
. f . . ... I . ............
Lietrelns. 25n a nnlr. MnnmW Hnn.! Rlf.
South XUCjvlxi. Stroot.
dwLi(uO, Store
and tli rou nn a conrse of training adapted .,
to this Inten e business age, start them so
that they may climb to nny height In tho
business world. We can usually secura mm
positions for graduates where they come i
In contnet with successful men nnd get
good salaries, ine "actual uu-mces"
great-points In favor of the
Wade oi'id Williams, Prlns.
atriin Fund ! 1
Tho Safe Deposit Bnlldlnpr and Saving Asso
ciation of Reading, To., offers for sale a few
hundred shares of stock. This Is a good, reliable
and prosperous association in which to tako
shares. Ilavlng ready sale for all money, tho
premium received is large, consequently the.
stock -will mature much sooner than associations
located in towns where there is no great demand
for money, and building operations are very
limited. The valuo of each share is 200 at
maturity. Application fee, 25 cents each share.
Monthly dues, one dollar per share. Fivopor
cent. Interest allowed on all payments made in
advance for 0 months or lcager. Members may
withdraw one or all shares at any time by giv
ing SO days written notice, and aro entitled to
the lull amount of dues paid, with 6 per cent,
interest after ono year, thereby maklig It an
11 per cent, investment All shareholders are.
entitled to loans from fund on real estate
security. No shares will be forced out.
The fund is run on the same conservative
principles as our local funds which have been
tried lor years aud found safe. Any one wish
ing to invest in a Saving Fund will find it to
their interest to call on the local agents and
receive full particulars. Itev. II. A. Keyser,
13. IX, of Mahanoy City, Is one of tbe directors.
137 'North Jardin Street, Shenandoah.
leTtbe cheapest nnd best tence made. Cheaper
than a -wooden Tence tor residences: lami,cein-
ntnrr Intn nr luiv kind nf fencing M. H. MASTER
I cas tho nsency nnd carries it In stoclt at his
uimuio uu fiiMiuw nvt0 it. J m aum
Cor. Cherry md Gilbert Sta.
Pinesl Beers,. Wines and liquors.
Itarlsottis Uar fixtures. wk-
Best BranrlR of fi nnrl 10c Cigars.
Chas, Hooks & Son,
215 South Jardin St.
The finrnt find most tender beef to bo
fnnnrl In Kl.enalldonll. Pork. lllUttOn.
Teal nnd cntmcala oi all kinds.
A nuBllDnoI choice and iresn groceries
and prlraefamllj flour, butter and egga.
A genuine weloome
, ATTftits you nt
J oe Wyatt's Saloon !
Toot room attaeh ed. Finest whiskey
beers, porter and Me sonatantlr on tap.
Choice temperance drink and olgarr.
(SnocoeaMH to OokkU-v Bros.)
Ho. arS 3Car oen .. :1tr'' .
BEST W SlfiiL'Y!'
rvtv fJfnUft- Ileal QdaIIW nk uOWbH CMMh