The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 20, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by l'oin.tstiimi aoau'Airr.
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Entered at the post oflloo at Shenandoah, Pa.,
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XllJt 11 f UNI NO,
Shenandoah, Penna
Evening Herald.
TUKSDAY. HOVKMHEtt 20, 1694.
Ji st when the poor defeated Democrats
are looking for it new Issue their Presi
dent comes forward nnd gives them a new
Issue of bonds.
Aiiout nil the mediating which th
United States will hnvo to do between
China and Japan is to receive the humble
submission of the oue and hand it over
to the other, with the indemnity, of
PimsiUF.NT Cleveland was etubnrrnssed
n while ago beiause he had Confess "on
his hands." lly the verdict of the people
nt the recent election ho has several
eminent statesmen on his hands, lnclud
ins Professor William Leftover Wilson.
Whnt Is he going to do about it P
Some of Senator IHU's friends say that
he hns revised his famous declaration so
as to niako it read : "I am a Demo rat
Bttll." As a political creed, the declaia
Hon is now complete. Mr. Hill Is certainly
a Democrat of n certain sort, nnd he i,
for the present, at leapt, still very still.
In his Tlinnkf-glvlng proclamation Gov
ernor Waite, of Colorado, winds up his
efficient life with the same copiousness of
speech and flux of language which first
commended him to the sullrai;es of a peo
ple, lie doet not appear to be disturbed
by the fact that the people of Colorado
have got tired of him and have said that
they have had enough of him ; nor by the
further fact that another Colorado geyser
of hot speech, of his own political per-
Muaslou, has denounced him as n long
haired, wild-eyed Anarchist, nnd bidden
him to "get himself oil into the wilder
ness" ; nor does he resent the action of t lie
women of Colorado who voted against
him, thereby extorting from Mrs. Waite
the statement that they have shown them
selves unlit to exercle the elective fran
chise. He simply pours out the torrent of
his discourse upon "Monopoly robbery
nmler the form of law ;" which he pro
nounces "the curse of our times" that
"withers the best physloal and mental
energies of our people." And so he passes.
He has been something more than a night
mare to the people of Colorado. He has
cost them millions in actual money, and
vastly more in the damage he has done to
the reputation of the state and the char
acter of the people. It will be in the end
n useful lesson for the people of Colorado
If they learn from It that wind Is not sub
stance ; that words are not things; that
the lion's skin never wholly conceals
the ass's ears.
The protest of School Director Trezise
against the closing of the public schools
to enable the classes to attend the funeral
of ex School Directors carries some weight
with it. In the case in which the action
wns taken wo are free to say that the de
ceased was worthy of all the respect the
School Board paid to his memory, ns he
was certainly one of the most attentive
nnd valuable Directors of the Boards on
which he served ; but the eoavm taken
may form a precedent and may yet cause
regret- It is hard to estimate how many
ilnv will be lost In a year if the schools
are to be closed every time the funeral of
an ex-Director taketpl&ce. The spirit that
prompt suoh an action la a commendable
one, but it U hardly judicious to put it-in
praiiiue. The deceased served six suc
cessive year without remuneration lu
tolling with hla fellow membeni of the
Board to malutalu and advance the inter
ests of the public Bohoolc, and ltwiwiap-
proprtute that when the time oatne to pay
a last tribute to hU memory that the edu
tatioual department should be a contribu
tor; but it would seem that the members
of the School Board, the superintendent
and a delegation of the teachers could
have met the requirements oFtheoceaiiion
with the same degree of rtwpeot and effect
as the olo!n. of thesohnoN ooooiiipllshwl.
It In questionable it the closing of the
schools is justifiable eveu In ease of the
funeral of an u.tlve member ot the School
Board. Of course, all matters of this kind
are within the dlsoretlou of the Board and
perhaps the action taken in the oase re
ferred to will not bo used as a precedent.
Hew Yirk' Inl'iuny.
The nwnkoiiiiig of tlio citizens of
New York to the horror that 1ms fot
kenrn existed In tlie'r midst Is the mosl
Uiopeful sign of the times for imiiiioipul
government in Amerion. If tho public
piad remained blind ami denf to the rev-
jolntiona of the Lexoiv committee, then
liudeed it would have boded ill for this
republic lint tlio result of the investi
gation shows flint, though tlio pooplo
anny bo n long timo in waking tip, their
jronl sentimontR mo ou tho-liloof deceit
jcy and inoriility nlwnya.
The blackest revelation yet made be
loro the Lexow conuuitteo havo boon
thoso that ciitno lately. Tho sworn testi
mony last summer showed tho police of
Now York city to bo tho blackmnilors
of counterfeiters, bunko men nnd of tlio
keepers of illegal saloons and disorder
ly houses. Tho ovidouco this fall rovoals
thorn as thoso that regularly took money
from qnaok doctors who performed
criminal surgical operations.
Onn of thoso quacks declared himself
"sick of tho wholo thing" and took oath
beforo tho committeo that ho had within
six wcoks paid $2,825 to tho polico nnd
'polico minions. Tho plan waa for a po
licomnu to arrest tho man. A wituoss
would bo roady to Bwoar ngalnst him.
On tho way to tho station house tho po
liceman would toll tho prieouor that ho
must take u certain lawyer to defend
'him. If ho domnrrod, thoy insisted and
brought means to bear on liim such that
ho was forcod to accopt their man. Ho
would be brought beforo tho polico jus
tice, who mado a virtnons show of lot
ting him ont on n high bail. Oiico this
bail was fixed nt $7,500. Boforo tho
prisoner could got it tho lawj-or tho po
lico recommended c.imo to tho prisoner
nnd told him if ho would pay 10 per
cent of tho sum to tho lawyer tho caso
would nover bo heard of again. It was
customary to hnvo somo straw man go
tho bail. Thou tho prisoner would bo
hot frco.
Tho quack assorts that tho money ho
paid was divded among tho gang tho
lawyer, polico justice nnd tho polico.
Two polico justices woro accusod of
sharing in this blood money.
Ono woman sworo sho had paid tho
polico $30,000 blackmail insovou years.
Now York city may well bow hor
head in shnmo at such disclosures. It
is not n very great honor to hail from
tlio big city by tho tea. Stead in Chica
go found nothing quito so bad as this.
Tlio Men "Who Vote.
A glauco nt the polling lists of thoso
who voted at tho lato election will show
that tho United States possesses a moro
varied mid variously comploxiouod vot
ing population than any othor country
in civilization.
I Tho foreigners of Europo, good, bad
nnd indifferent, from Finns to dirty
Neapolitan Italians, from Russian Jows
to black browed Spaniards, all cast
their freeman 'h ballot in this ropublic.
Poles and Huns as ignorant of reading
nnd writing ns thoir own dogs, subjoets
of tlio sultan who believo in tho harom
method of disciplining wives, organ
grinders, peanut peddlers and negroes
with razors in their boots, all theso
march sido by sido to tho polls year by
year, and many of thorn vote for tho
man who pays them tho most for it.
Theso be our rulers.
Now Chinamen aro coming in too.
Not so many perhaps, only 100 or so,
voted this yoar. But moro will como
noxt When all is said and done, how
ever, a Chinaman knows moro about
voting than thousands of thoso who
have already boon casting thoir ballots
for years. Finally this fall 22,000 In
diaus votod, most of them for tho first
timo. Giving up their tribal relations
and taking land in soveralty ontitlos
tho rod men to vote, and many this yoar
took advontago of tho right
1 Tho groatest wedding of tho next year
or two will bo that botwoen Now York
nnd Brooklyn. Staten Island and outly
ing towns will bo taken in as membors
of tho family. New York will thou bo
tho sooond largest city on earth, only
London being greator. By tho timo tho
consolidation is effected the united pop
ulation of this wonderful city will bo
not loss than 3,000,000. London haB
been 2,000 years heaping togethor her
population of 4,000,000. New York will
liavo accomplished tho same in 300
yearn. The flint settlements woro mado
on Manhattan Island in 1011. By 1014
!New York will have 4,000,000 inhabit
ants. Now that he has been stripped of his
vellow jaoket, his white feather nnd all
liis offices, Li Hung Chang ought to
come to Amerion. He would have plen
ty of good company in tho defeated No
vember candidates.
Democrat) have pulled themselves
together nnd found consolation. They
wy now that Domoornoy is not dead,
but merely that this wus not n Demo
oratioyear. Nothing tho matter but
1 It is said tbero was only ono Domo-
orat in the United Sttf-m who expected
the landslide, end that was iliohard
Croker, ex-Tammany chief.
I While the candidates wore whooping
up the political campaign, why didn't
home of thom think to have torchlight
bioyalo processions?
I In its inconsolable stute after tho
I election tho New York Sun utters this
howl: "Populism is a mixture of social
ism and inbuuity."
Fatal Wreok on tho Pennsylvania
Road Noar Pittsburg.
They Were Oolnff to Thoir llnmrs from
Tliclr Day'n Work, mill Were Carried
Down WIh'II Sixteen Ciiri Fell Through
H llrldgo to the Creek llulnw.
PlTTSMJHO, Nov. 80. Sixteen oars of coal
broke through tho bridge over Brush
creek at Larimer Station loot evening, and
six or soven miners nro burled under tho
wieck. Tho train wns on its way down
the Larimer branch of the Pennsylvania
railroad to the main lino. When within
six car lengths of the bridge a car broko
down, and when It reached tho bridge it
tore its way through, letting tho other fif
teen oars down into tho crcok in n con
fused mass. All of tho trainmen oscaped,
but tho miners, who woro on tho cars go
ing to their homos, wero carried down.
Brakemau Carroll, who was on the rear
of tho train and saw tho men when they
loft the mines for home, said this morning
that there were between five and eight
miners on tho enrs that wont down. It Is
very certain that five men havo been killed,
ns this number left tho mines when tlio
train started, nnd that number aro miss
ing from their homes today. After n dill
gont search only three names of tho miss
ing men con be learned, those bolngFrnnk
Illco, n German, who Is snld to have been
working in tho mines oidy two weeks,
and who was a comparative stronger In
this region, nnd August Thome and his
son Fred, Belgians, who havo boon work
ing in tho mines for tho past threo weeks.
Two Italians nro nlso known to bo in
tho wreck, but owing to tho fnct that all
tho men work under numbers instcod of
names their names cannot bo learned.
Some of tho miners say that this is nil who
havo been killed, wliilo others declare
there nro moro missing. Homes through
out nil tho mining section aro being visited
to learn if nil tho miners can bo located,
and it is thought that ot least thrco more
will bo found under tho wreck.
Tho body of Frank Hlco has been recov
ered. It was found near tho top of tlio
cars, and was crushed nlmost beyond
rocogn ;lou. Rico leavos a wlfo near Lari
mer Station. Thomo nnd his bou loavo a
wlfo and mother with eight olilldren,home
lchs and penniless.
The wreck will entail a very heavy loss
to tho Westmoreland Coal company, as
fifteen of tho wrecked airs belonged to
them, nnd they are all almost a total
Kolb Claims tlio (oreriioritlilp.
Bikminoham, Ala., Nov. 20. Koubon F.
Kolb, tho tlefeated candidate of tho Popu
list party for governor of Alnboinn, pub
lishes a lengthy address to tho peoplo of
Alnbamo, In which ho declares his Inten
tion to be inaugurated governor of tho
state Dec. 1, and calls upon his followers
everywhere to gather at Montgomery on
that day and aid him in taking his scat.
Ho clulms that ho was counted out by
fraud. Tho arrest of Kolb for treason is
not Improbable, and if his followers under
take to bent him, which, judging from tho
sentiments expressed at their meeting In
Montgomery last week, they will undoubt
edly do, It is believed thoro wUl bo serious
The Indicted New York l'ollre.
New VoilK, Nov. 20. The polios cases
rome up again yesterday in the court of
oyer and terminer. The court room wns
crowded with policemen and friends of
the defendants. Ex-Sergeants Hugh
Clarke, Charles A. Purkeson, J. W. Jon
dan and Felix MoKenua and ex-Ward-
mcn Burns, Lennod, Hock, Meehnn and
Smyth pleaded not guilty. In the case of
ex-Sergeant Licbers, Lawyer Jenkins
asked that he bo given suflicicnt timo to
examine tho papers. Tho court allowed
until today to enter a pleading.
Trobahly Shot by Her Old Lover.
Waiiasiu, Minn., Nov. 20. On Sundny
the Proebo brothers, who reside near this
city, went to church, leaving their nged
mothor nt home. On their return they
found her unconscious nnd covored with
blood, having been shot. Sho Is still alive,
but there Is no hope for her recovery. Yes
terday a stranger named Ferdinand was
arrested and lodged in jnil. Her sons re
cognized him ns a former sweetheart of
their mother In Gcrmnny. From his ac
tions ho is thought to bo Insane.
murdered a Policeman.
New Op.leans, Nov. 20. Lato nt night
Polico Ofllccr J. II. Kcllur was shot dead
by a man who gave his namo as Bernard
Burchhorst, but tills lsDellovoa to bo ttctl-
tlous. Burchhorst was found lying drunk
ou tho street and was arrested by tho of
ficer. Ou Ins wuy to the station tho man
escaped from the plllcer, und, when nearly
recaptured, turned and shot him through
tho eye, killing him instantly. The mur
derer was captured by citizens.
Americans Miiltrrnted by Tnrks.
Losnos, Nov. 20. A letter appears In
Tho Times stating that ono of the best
known teachers In St. Paul's Institute, nt
Tamus, and four students were seized hy
Turks .iuil imprisoned at Odium In a hor
rible den, with murderers and thlevos, for
uo fault of their own, but inert ly to spite
the American school and extort inonoy
from them. A prominent otllciul having
sent word, they were released uu the pay
ment of MX.
ItofUMi'tl to luue h Warrant.
1)KNVEU, Nov. SO Constable .Frank and
James Hart appeared before the district
attorney and made a complaint charging
a lending business mini with beiugreippu
slble for the death of Kiku Oyimm. The
district uttornoy refused to have a warrant
Issued, regarding the charge us Improb
able and flavoring strongly of blackmail.
1 .anew Ifenura Ktite -'laid.
"WABHlNtiioN, Nov. 80. The French gov
ernment boat made Ml. Kate Field un of
floerof puhliu instruction, the highest dis
tinction the department of public. Instruc
tion can bestow for service rendered to lit
erature and art. The decoration will be
conferred by Minister Patenutro in person.
Northern New York's Little llllixard.
SARAUAO IAKK, N. Y., Nov. 80. A
small sized billiard prevails throughout
northern New York. The mercury hero
registers 10 ilegs. below zero, while tho
wind Is blowing almost a gale, illling tho
ulr with light suow that has receutly fallen.
Tho Armenian Outrages.
IjONDON, Nov. 1.0. A Viouna dispatch to
The Times says It Is stated thut the out
rages on the Armenians lu tho Sassun dis
trict occurred towards the end ot August,
Their om-me w'im Cromlhig to l'ny Ite-
spect to the Until Cznr.
St. PET8BSBHBO, Nov. 20. Applications
nro being received from all parts of Bussia
for flowers that wore used In the Fortress
cathedral during tho lying In stale of Cznr
Alexander's liody and nt the funeral ser
vices. Today there was a genernt distri
bution of thoso flowers. Tho floral offer
ings received from Franco wore very nu
merous. It Is tho Intention of tho Prince
nnd Princess of Wales to remain In St.
Petersburg until after the marriage of
tirnud Duchess Alexandra Feodorovnn
(Princess Allx) to Cwir Nicolas.
There was a scene of confusion Sundny
afternoon In the vicinity of the Fortress
of St. Peter and St. Paul. For more than
a mllo lu all directions there wns a seeth
ing, suffocating mass of people, among
whom Cossacks were vainly cmlonvorlng
to keep order with knouts and tho heels
of their wild horses, regardless of tho lives
or limbs of tho peoplo. Finally fire en
gines wero brought, hose stretched nnd
water turned on. The powerful streams
scattered tho peoplo in tho front like chnff,
only to bo driven back by tho pressure
from behind. Tho Cossacks struck tho
peoplo across tho face with great whips.
One man was killed by a kick and a boy
was suffocated In tho crowd.
As tho czar and Grand Duko Mlchncl
passed In an open cnrrlngo on their way to
tho cathedral a man dressed us a peasant
sprang Into tho road and drew from his
pocket a packet, which ho throw at tho
czar. Ills majesty started dock ami men
coolly picked up tho packet. Tho Incident i
caused intenso commotion, tho crowd be
lieving that an attempt had been mado to
nssasslnato the czar. Tho offender was In
stantly seined and hustled to tho'gunrd
house. Later It was announced that tho
czar had ncccpted a petition that hnd
been thrown to him. Tho contents of the
puper nro kept secret.
InqreaACd School Attendance.
HAltmsiiuiiO, Nov. 19. Tho annual re
port of Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion Schocffcr stoto3 that tho Introduction
of frco text books and supplies Into tho
public school of tho commonwealth has
mado an Increase of attendance ranging
from 20 to HO per cent. In only one county
havo freo text books caused the directors
to shorten tho school term and reduce
teachers' salaries. Tho report recommends
that increased attention bo paid to school
architecture, and agitates tho removal of
ings und outhouses. Tho report urges tho
appointment of u truant olllccr in cities
nnd towns to arrest nil idlo youths found
lu public places during school hours.
Hope for the Lost Ship Iranhoe.
San Fr.ANCibco, Nov. 20. There is still
a faint hope that tho passengers and crow
of tho lost ship Ivnuhoo are still allvo, and
that if they wero not picked up by some
outgoing vessel hound for a distant port
they havo Iieeu cast away on somo of tho
barren islands of tho north. The revenue
cutter Hush has been ordered north to
search for the missing ship or the crew
and passengers who may havo been cast
adrift and left port last evening. Tho
I vnnhoo, a collier, carried a crew of twenty
men nnd several passengers, including
threo women and Fred J. Grant, editor of
tho Scuttle Post-Intelllgenccr.
Canadians Seize American Nets.
Detroit, Nov. 20. A dispatch from
Chntham, Out., says that tho Canadian
cruiser Petrel yesterday returned to the
fishing grounds after unlondlng nt Ron
deau over a hundred American gill nets
and ten tons of lkh seized near Peleo Isl
and. Tho nets are owned in Sandusky,
nud are valued nt 6100. Tho United States
revenue cutter Pessenden is now at Port
Huron, nnd custom officials hero say sho
has not yet been ordered to the Lake Erie
Ashing grounds to guard against the seiz
ure of uets lu American waters.
Seventy-nine Hores Cremated.
Boston', Nov. 20. The largo thrco story
frame stnhlo ot Lucius Flanders, u truck
man, ou Gronlto street, South Boston, was
totally destroyed by fire last night, to
gether with sovonty-nluo horses, twenty
double teams and a large quantity of har
ness und other stubles paraphernalia. After
tho firo was extinguished, tho body of the
stablomon, James Lawrence was found in
tho second story, where ho had beon over
como by smoko while attempting to re
leoso the horses.
OiifT IS'ot a Candidate for Senator.
DANVILLE, Va., Nov. 20. Judge Ilughea,
who has hoen sitting with Judgo Nathan
Goff In tho United States court of appeals
for the fourth circuit, says that Judge
Goff Is not a candldato for tho West Vir
ginia Bcnatorshlp. This announcement
will strengthen tho chances of Hon.
Stephen I), Klklns as tho successor to Sen
ator Cumden, ns Judge Goff was considered
tho only formidable rival to Mr. Klklns.
A "Hoy Terror" Captured.
Newahk, N. J., Nov. 20. Louis Conk
lln, noted as tho "Boy Terror of Itosclle,"
was captured yesterday after robbing the
residence of Rev. Sir. Patton of $200 In
cash and $300 worth of jewelry. Conklln
was once saved from prison by tho clergy
man, who pleaded with tho court to quash
nil indictment cliurtrlutr him with lmrrr.
lary. Ite subsequently becomo a member J
of JJr. l'atton's church.
Fear for an O.erdue Steamer,
St. Johx'8, N. ., Nov. 20. Nonowshas
yet been received here of tho Allen lino
b.eamcr tlorean, Captain Main, nnd tho
friends of those on board are bocomlng
very anxious. The Corean sailed from
Glasgow on Nov. 8, and from Liverpool on
the nth, ami is new six days overdue.
There aro on hoard ubout a hundred por
sons, the olHoens and crew numbering
Modomo Roslna Penoo, once a famous
Italian soprano prima doium, died sud
denly yesterday nt La Porrettn, Italy.
A. G. Spalding emphatically declares
that ho has retired permanently from ac
tive management In baseball affairs.
At Kast Liverpool, O., six persons areln
u critical condition from tho effects of es
caping natural gne In tho Second Metho
dist church.
At Cale, I. T., Charles Mnlone and Will
Robblus wore killed and several terribly
sonlded by nn exploding boiler in Mo
Comb's cotton gin.
The Berlin Frankfurter Zoltung says
thut M. de Giors, the Russian minister of
foreign uiT.iirs, und General Vnnnoviski,
the Russian minister" of war, have re
signed. "Father Bill" Curtis has beon olecU-d
president of the AinaU'lir Athletic Union,
Vlco presidents, James Hiirtor and Walter
oimpsou; secrcinry, J. lu. ouiiivun; troeut-
i uxor, Uarsy MuoMUlan.
Chronic Nervousness
Could Not Sleep, Nervous
Gentlemen: I have been taking
your Restorative Nervine for the past
three months and I cannot say
enough in its praise. It has
Saved Hy Life,
for I had almost given up hope of
ever being well again. I was a
ptirnnln cnfTnrpr f mm nprvniisnpeia nnrt
coujd not sleep. I was also troubled
witu nervous neauaene, ana uau inca
doctors in vain, until I used your
Nervine, mus. M. wood, Ringwood, in.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on a positive
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It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
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retained for a number ot years to suit borrower
A loan tram this company will not Injure thi
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No bonus. Interest 8 Der cent, annually. Monet
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Address, Central Truit Company Pa. ISje
Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa. 6-Wlm
Painless Extraction of Teeth, Ml aad Silver Fillings.
If yoar nrtlllolal teeth do not salt you, call
to ee us. All examinations tree. Wo make
all Hindi of plates Rubber, Gold, Aluminum
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Itridge work and all operations that pertain
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139 East Centre HI., over M. It. Bteln'edruR
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B B a R E I XX1' Braedr.unae
fe Prftl-anmnfiintii l(
ffn flrn ul T. I) ac eu Li
8 bcok.illaaLr-tefl from life fromneoplecuri).
i nee vj man. iotain oua vrui curs. ,
COOK REMEDY CO., Chicago, Wl
REMOVED To 048 N- Eigbtli St., !
R above Green, Phlla, Pa., ,
Formerly at 206 North Second St., Is tha old-
eat in America ior tne treatment oi
Dlseaeee and Youthful JErrora. Varicocele, -tttt vttat t o TTrT". T B
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc Treatment by PHIL WULLo tlJ 1 HL
mall a specialty. Communications sacredly 1 VX-i. u iiva-uV7
confidential. S?nd stamp tor book. Hours, nftn nl Clvnnl
s. m. to 6 p. n? Hundavs.Btol-tn ZOO NOtta teiltre blTOOI. (
i, Tniirrinthiardnfinn'tVenn Meals at all hours. Ladles' dining room
If your clothier doesnt keep attached. Finest wines, llnuors. cigars.
HammerslougK : Bros , . '
Sw.ll. Reliable, New York Millions of Dollars
. .s , j . i i i i i i Go up In smoke every year. Take no
C m I iC J' I ' I I I l M risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured In flrst-class, rella-
Make him get It. Their celebrated hie companies, as represented by
815.00 Melton Overcoat DAVID FADST, Insurance Agent,.
Wears like steel andls sold by avery proml- icsn Rnntli .Tardln Street
nent clothier In the state. None genuine with lw boutn jarum otreet.
j out Hammerslough Uros. labeL Also Life and Accidental Companies
I A. F. BORNOT, rre.e?,"r
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWISET.
It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps.
Price FIVE ClTS a bar.
.corisoio vy xi. si"ca7"n.iitvr-
Ctom-tllDoenoei.arelliiblf.reontWy.TOiulatlus modicuie. Only turmloss C34
the fure-t should bo useJ. It you waul tho Uuu, set
The? urn rinit.
5oW yP.;JP. 2, KlIiLIN,
Is not complete
without an ideal
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
ImUt upon having tho genuine.
Professional Cardn
TTtT N. BTE1N, M. D.,
Office Hor 2, Fgan's New Building, cor.
nerMalii and Centre strcots, Shenandoah, Pa.
omce Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.: 1 to 3 p. ir.: 7 to
B p. m. Night office No. 230 West Oak street.
8. KIBTLElt, M. D,
'tlce HO North Jitrdln slieet. BhfBunaoli.
In. HUKKli.
OHXKArrnoAn, ri.
Office. Egan building, corner ot Main and
Centre streets, Shenund mh.
No. 25 East Coal Street,
Offlce Hours 1:80 to 3 and 8:!0 to B p. m,
No. 81 South Jardln Street, Hhenandoah,
Orrioa Hours: lsso to 3 and 6:80 to BP. It.
Except Thursday evenlnc
No ogiee work on Bunday except arrange
menu A tlrtct adherence to the office humt
If abtolulctv neocjjcirj.
Successor to
301 Mahantongo Street, Pottsvllle, Penna.
n urn n
S3 3l0Ea N0 6QUEAK?N
-4-3.sp FlNEGAl F&KAN6ARD1
ITon enn anye oner bi-,purcmnr VV. Im
Doucln. (Sliiicn, a
Because, we are the largest manufacturers CO
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price oo
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's pronts. Our shoes
iqual custom work in style, easy fitting and
-wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at Tower prices for the value given than
any other make: Take no substitute. If yout
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Joseph Ball, Shenandoah, Pa.
Stop at
yv .. T V
Most of the cleaning and dyeing nowa
days is only half dona
No matter where vou live, you can send
you wish cleaned or dyed, by a
i mir Avnense. and we will
do it at same price as if you delivered it
to us in person,
UttiFairmount Ave., Pliilaiieipnia
cAtHln !n rctait. TU uBnuIno (Dr. rwl'i) perer ibip C
Vrug itt S?inanioan, ra.
n 1 1 nil ra
ra BH