EVENING HERALD Published dally, except Sunday by xr.iiAi.v 1'vnT.iHiima company, rtibllcatloo oftlcu and tno hanloal department, a Kant Con Street. rfy iSpvsA I delivered In Hlienandoah and ice persia BUII.oumling towns for Six Cents Ttf nk. payaiile to thr carriers. Hy mall, Threo Dollars a yu-ir or Tweuty-tlve cents per month, li advance .Idvortttrim nt, oharged ucoordlng to space ar.1 pwl'ton The publishers reserve the rlpht 10 ch L(,e thu position ot advertisements when V r the puullcatloa ot news requires It. The llrht Id alio reserved to reject any advertise men. whi'iiier palJ for or not.th.it the pub Uhera rr iy iloem Improper. Advertising rates made ki own upon application. ttntcred at the post olfloo at Shenandoah, Pa as second closs mall matter. TIM JirXNINO HtiltALIi, Shenandoah. Penna. Evening Herald. WKDXKSDAY, X0VKMI1KU 11, 1804. Ir Mr. Cleveland puts CoiiKreNsniau Wil son In the Cabinet It "111 look as If the President considered the Cabinet a politi cal aluisliouke. Ttu KK will be no trouble In counting it quorum In the now House. The people have provided a fine large one, which Is to be stored on the premises. Ji oof. HoLMAH's finuout "I object" has been overruled by the over-wearied people of Indiana. It will bu ueeftil now merely as llolman's political epitaph.. AVom s suffrage is a failure, says Gov ernor Walte he of "llloody Bridle" fame. The women voted the Iiepuiillcan ticket III Colorado on Tuesday, hence the Govjr nor'a pehsimistlo view. Tin" launch of the umrchant steamer St Louis, on MondRTln l'lilladelphia, was an vniit of national importance, and Jus :.cil the presence of Mrs. Cleveland witit :he conventional bottle of chain pat-iiD The completion ot the St. Louis, followed as it will be speedily by the launching of the St. Paul, marks tho opening of a new era In American marl time history. Duilng the last twelve ye.ira great progresH hss been made In nav.ii architecture and industries until American cruisers, commerce-destroyers nnd bartleships are acknowledge to be the best war vessels In the world. Tho St. Lams may be the pioneer ship of a new n.crchani marine which will whiten ever, mm. There Is nothing foreign about the I. mis and her sister ship. Ameri- c o - au-riala alone have been employed Inrl r construction. They are of Amerl- t in ii uik-1 and design and original in i " pects. They have been con- 1 ith American labor and skill Y i k k to keelson. '' :'.iciflc Express Company declines t. money packages into the Id U u I '-iriioryon account ot the nnmer- ca . i 1 1 u robberies which have lately tal.e i. lace in that region. The popula tion i , ic Is limited aud will now bo peso i.-s and consequently desperate, tt' the embargo on the Import of cur rency is removed. One way of hastening this meaiure of relief would be to haug the felonious element of the territory, to fnr as found out nlong tho principal line1-, of r.iilwny, as a warning to their kit,!) and kind to conduct their predatory operaiions elsewhere. This might re st m . onflduuee to the express company til .i new robbery took place, but Is hardly a feasible expedient after all. Tnc ir. nucnoy of the crime and Its lm pu'i v indicate the difficulty of its ex t . mi, butit is obvious that on exposed Hi) u inilwayand express companion w i in n lile more efficient safeguards t have hitherto done. i lions have caused a great tni . m of feeling. It li believed that , ! mental tariff bill and all other ml; Kree-Trade measares have been i, v, hich la of itself as distlnot a u as the nubttitutlon of the Senate . 1 1 i - for the Wilson bill lat Au Then the overthrow of vPopulUt v .-r fauatlos ia believed to put an i ingerona monetary legislation at i r year, and to aolieme of railway i-Kraph oonueotlon. But while oon n that more mUohlef Is not to be - ill Increase business within cer- a. i i" i c J. E, nn end let nt i fM , , done tain Hunts, other causesof shrinkage have j not bi u removed. The new tariff is still ' in fune, with the great shrinkage in wages It Ji 'id caused, and curtail the purchasing po-.vi r of the people. His all unsettled q tc -' ion how mauy of the woollen mills can continue work without a further I e dtftiou of wages when the new woollen dutira take effect, January 1st. Nor Is It ' clrar as yet whether the present rate of produi Hon can be maintained In the iron, cotton and some other industries. Foi the abnormally low prloes of wheat nnd cot on btlll restrict tho buying poworof agri cultural states, ns well as the short yield j ofcoruanltbeextromedepresslonot wool. ' These things operate to hinder any com plete revival, though Increased confidence will help the Improvement already begun. ARE THEY TRUE ? Are Advertisements Strictly True. A. Talk un Their Honesty and Actual Value. Espenially Those of Proprie tary Medicines. Are the Testimonials Used in Them Genuifle ? Should People Believe in Ad vertised Medicines ? How much confidence should the pub lic place In advertlements of medicines t Kvery human being U interested In this great question because It deeply concerns us nil. In these times of hard work and overexertion when almost everybody needs medicine of home kind, It Is abso lutely necessary that people know what to do for their tired nerves, weak bodies and diseased organs. Our daily papers nre constantly ndver Using medicines, and giving testimonials of ptrsons who have been cured by their use. The questions arise, are these testi monials genuine? Are they exact and truthful statements made by peoplo who have really been cured by the medicine advertised ? There Is not the slightest doubt that the majority of advertised medicines are just what they are repre sented to be, and that the testimonials are perfectly reliable, being accurate statements of persons cured. From our experience, such testimonials nre true and stale only what, are facts. We know positively that all the vat numbers of testimonials of i-ure pulished In regard to Dr. Greene's Nervurn blood and nerve remedy are ' rue, strictly and accurately true, and that poople enn and should be guided by them, for these true testi monials prove 1 list the cures were m ule by this wonderful medicine, nnd that : his remedy will cure others who take It. Xewspiper men themselves aro often cured, and otteu give testimonials, and no newspaper man would allow unre liable or false testimonials to be pub lished in Ins paper. Thomas A. Lin'Uay Is one of the most popular newspaper men In thi country, and is connected with Albany's (X. Y.) leading moring paper, The .Morning Hxjiress. lie makes the following Interesting statement : "Kor many years 1 have been subject to severe iellt of headache and nervous ness, at times almost enough to drive n man to Insanity from pain, loss of sleep, etc. "Medicines, narcotics, patent and pre scribed, did net give relief, aud the ail men' increased continually. Having read in the Albany Morning Expreaa, at different tunes, the a Ivertisemeuls of Dr. Greene's N-rviira blood and nerve rem edv, I concluded to try this remedy, nnd , alter tne use 01 six or seven bottles, found not only relie', but a radical oure. "The bend tchex are a thing of the past, 'v bile the terrible nervous spells nave gradually become less and less, until now I I have little or none of them left, and my ' sleep Is natural and ref iehinir. , "I do not hositate In saying that this remarkable change Is entirely due to Dr. Greene's Nervura blood aud nerve rem edy, and I heartily recommend It for ail ments like my own, no mntter what the cause of them." Dr. Greene, the dlsoover of this great remedy, has long been the most success fill specialist In the cure of nervous and chronic diseases, and this grand medical discovery is tho result of bis enormous practice and wide experience. Everybody knows that when ho makes a statement It can lie depended upon, and when a tes timonial of cure by Dr. Greene's Xervura blood and nervo remedy ia published, our renders can be certain that every word of It Is truo. Tho persons giving the testi monials can always be seen or written to. These proofs, together with the fact that this medicine cures, are the cause of its enormous sale. People know it always does just what he says it will, aud they have found'lt to lie even a more wonder ful medicine than was claimed for It. 1 He bas had many Imitators, but no one lias ev r been able to discover a medicine so wouderful in its curing and strength- i eujng powers aa Dr. Greene's Xervura I blood and nerve remedy. It Is not a patent medicine, but the prescription of Dr. Gn-eue, of 85 West ltlh St., New York city, the most successful living specialist In curing nervius and chronic diseases. The great reputation of Dr. Greene is a guar nte that bis medicine w. 11 cure, and the fact that he eau be consulted by anyone, at any time, free of cburge, personally or by letter, gives absolute assUiauueof the beneficial action of this best of all remedies. Killed by HI Own Gun. Binohamton, N. Y., Nov. 14. A young wan named Reprcll, of Rcrauton, was hunting near Friensvllle, Pa., with Judge Carter, of Sylvanlu, Pa., when In some unknown manner his gun was discharged, the contents entering his head. Part of his face and tho top of his head was blown away. He died In twenty minutes. 1IU Third 1.11a Rentence. Fbahkfokt, Ky., Nov. 14. Dr. J, U Mnsslo, who killed Jessie Houaker In Owen county about two yean ago, and who has had two trials, at each of which he has received a life - sentence, has been convicted foru third time at OwciiUm and again sentenced for life. The ease has been npioaled. M luting I'Ulierinen Heard From. Capk May, Nov. 14. Two mure of the missing fishermen who were blown to sea in the storm of the Ud lust, have been heard from. They telegraphed from Sa vannah, Git., whore they had been carried by a schooner which picked thejn up. Two remain unheard from. Decapitated lij- n Troll-- Car, Kaston, Pn., Nov. 14. Hiiftli Callery, 5 years old, was beheaded, by a trolley tar while playing In tho street. In another part of tho city Kdward Murphy, aged 10, was run down by n car and dragged under the wheels, but ho may recover. THE MOO! ISM feoorottiry Oarlislo Issuos His For mal Call for tbo Locli, IflTTY MILLION DOLLAES WANTED. flic Honda Will Hear Int. rc.t nt tin) Itnte of l'Jtn l'er Cent, unit nro IleriepmaMn In Coin After Ten Years from the Dato of Their lMlte. Washington, Nov. 14. Secretary Car lslo late yosterday nftornoon, as had been (anticipated fur several days, Issued his call for bids for so,ouu,(HO 5 )ior cent, ten year xinus, interest to De palit m onlu, which Is ntcrpreteil to mean gold. The only ma norial change made In the present call from Khat Issued ,Tan. li last nro the omission of Icho upset, or minimum price which would I ih, accepted, and tho notice that the pro IHisals for the present Issue must be sealed. t It is confidently expected nt the t rons kiry department that an nmount will be (realized considerably in oxcoss of that re Solved from tho February lssuo. Tills ex Ipectntlon Is based upon the fact that there (are exceptionally large nmounta of money fiow lying Idle and hocking Investments In ho mouoy centers of tho country, and cipon tneiurtlier fact that tho February jlssuoisnow quoted nt ?1 18.00, or about a per cent, nbovo tho price, which would yield U per cent. From tho last lssuo there wus realized fuS.GCO.OlT.ra, nnd of this Simount $52,850,201.24 wis In gold coin, W,810,420 in gold certificates nnd S203.39 in V)thcr money, which tho sub-trousuries ,vro compelled to take In milking change. ' While those amounts were actually paid Into tho treasury in gold or Its equlvnlent li very considerable nmount of gold was withdrawn from tho sub-treasuries for the express purpose of using It again In pay lug for tho bonds. Tho exact nmount thus '-withdrawn cannot be ascertained, but the best judgment obtainable Is that It np tproximutcd $15,000,000. With u view o a ,more exact Chtlmatoof tho amounts which mny bo withdrawn between now and the settlement of nil uccouuts under tho call tho KUb-trunsttrics will from this dato keep n record of all deposits of legal tenders ,mnde In exchange for gold nnd the nam of thollrms or persons making them. The following is the secretary's circular fcnlliiig for bids: J ".Sealed proposals will bo received ut the treasury department until 12 o'clock noon on the 24th day of November, 1891, for SUnlted States 5 pur cent bonds, in either roglst red or coupon form, dated Feb. 1, lUtfi, redeemable In coin ut tho pleasure of the government after ten years from tho date of their i uo, aud bearing Interest, payable quarterly In coin, ut tho rate of 5 po? cent, jier annum. "Bidders whoi-e proposals aro accepted will Ix- required to pay 20 per cent, in gold coin, or gold certillci.Ks.upon tho amounts of thoir bids, as soon as they receive uotice ot the acceptance of such bids, and to pay ill like coin or certificates nu additional 30 per cent, at the expiration of each ten days thereafter until tho whole Is paid; but they mny at tlioir option pay the en tire amount of their bids when not noti fied of itcccptuucc, or nt any tinio when un instalment is payable. The first payment, however, of not less than SOpercont. must bo made when tho bidder receives notice of the acceptance of his proposals. "Tho denomination of the lionds will be $50 and upward, and bidders will, in their proposals, state the denomination desired. The bonds will be dated Feb. 1, in order to mukn the proposed issue uniform iui to dot with the existing issue; but in terest thereon Will begin Nov. 1, 18!U, and bid lers w 111 lie required to pay accrued in tere t at the rate of 5 per cent, on tiie face value of tliuir bunds from Nov. 1 to the date or dates of payment. Tho total issue of bonds in pursuance of this notice will not exceed the sum of $50,000,000. MrKann Will Give Up His l'api-ro. Bit mjklyk, Nov. 14. Chief Accountant William A. Brown, of the board of audit, luul un interview with John Y. McKunoin Slug riiug on Monday In relation to un ex amination of tho accounts of the town of Gravcsend. McKuno declared that lie wag innocent of any wrongdoing in connection with tiio affairs of tho town, and wiid ho wus willing to have Mr. Brown have all thu papers In Ids possession, as lie had nothing to fear from an investigation. All ,lio naked was a fair report. This was prom ised, und McKuno will furnish ull the do sired information. Sentenced to Hung on Thanksgiving Dny. CllATTAXOOQA, Tonu., Nov. 14. Some six weeks sluoo Buddie Wooten and Ge irge Mapp, murderers, werecoudemued by the supreme court of Tennessee to hang In Chattanooga Nov. 80, and later tho some dny was declared n day of thanks giving. Sheriff Hyde is deeply jXTplexed over the conflict between the chief execu tive and the supreme bench. Soiuo au thorities contend that the punishment, If lnflli-ted on a'lcgol holiday, will Ix illegal, and Governor Turney will tie H'tuioned to grant tho condemned men a reprieve. ' 1 Populist Gain in Indiana. IHDIAJJAPOUS, Nov. 14. The offlolsji vote of last Tuesday's election iu linUaiio, by cougivstiioual dUtllot, slum that chtt Bepubllcuns have a. majority uf .'w,BT4. 'For the head of the state ticket, with one (County (bullivan) oat, the Republloan plurality Is 47,(149. The Populist eandl jdaW for secretary of state received Jii.591 votes, showing a Populist gain over IMtiof 7,804. I Whltwaylta Stwosp St, Joliii'n. t St. John's, N. F., Not. 14. Tho Whlte Iwayites huve swept St. John's, overwhelm ing the government with majorities greater than ever before attained in an flection on the island. liven If the gov ernment wins all four seats in the St. George's district It is extremely doubtful .whether it will be able to remain in ufflce. JSx-Unnk President on Trial for Forgery. OLKVBL4.ND, Nov. 14. The trial of Ilor Roe iStoclo, president of the defunct l'aiueg jvllle Saving bank, on the charge of for gery, beuu today. The indictment has frosted against Mr. Steele through several jterms of court, but the ease has been oon jtlnued front time to time. Fatally Hurt at a I'Ire, I UocuKSTER, N. Y., Nov. 14. During 'a jflre at Caledonia, N. Y., James A ilson, n (merchant, was serlouely Injured and may 'die. Th loss is 176,000. The fire is inoan, diary in origin. I lies Plow Ahead. Nkw Yohk, Nov. 14. Ives leads In the billiard niatoli. The score ut the cloo ot last night's play wusi Ives, 1,200; Solmefer, sa;. Iilghckt runs; Ives, 223; Schooler, ALLEGED FRAUD IN MISSOURI. An omdnl Count Chntigr-s tho Generally Accepted Verdict. Kansas Cmr, Mo., Nov. 14. Great as tonishment has been crented by tho an nouncement thnt the official returns re Verse the result previously accepted ns final, nnd show tho election of UreinmiT iiihii and KoBshlonr, Democrats, over .1am loson and SUr-in, Uepnblleans. to the re spective ofllri's of prosecuting attorney nnd county niaihhnl. Until the official an nouncement was made tho two parties would have staked their lives that the Re publican candidates Were elected. There were cries of fraud. Judge Hawthorne has wired the secretary of state that tho returns have been manipulated, and ad vising him not to lssuo commissions to llreminerman stld Keashlear. County Clerk Caldwell bus Issued certificates of olection to Breniniprmnn nnd Keaslilenr. Speedy Justlro In Virginia. HoWMNd QHKF.N, Vu.,Nov. 14. On MonJ day, Sept. 10, Moses Christopher, a negro, committed" an assault on Mossello Cnrtor, n 7-yenr-tild white girl. The negro was captured, nnd though nn enraged crowd had assembled, tho oillcers were permitted to lodge 111 in in jail. Chrlstoper was in dicted, arraigned, put on trlnl and con victed, tho jury Imposing the denth pen alty, nnd the same night Judge General E. C. Moneuro xeutenccil him to Ix) hanged. Today ho paid tho penalty of his crime. Congressman Wright's Possible Successor TUNKHAXNOCK, Pn., Nov. 14. W. N. Iloynolds, 'of this place, Is suggested ns n possible candldnto for representative In congress to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of Congressman Myron B. Wright. Mr. Keynolds was Mr. Wright's most lu tiiiiuto friend. He was a member of the Ftuto legislature In 1881-82, and later was appointed chief of the middle division In tho pension department nt Washington, resigning when I ho administration was changed. General Clay Married. LEXIXOTOX, Ky., Nov. 14. General Cns slus M. Clay was married to pretty Dora Richardson ycsterday.pqulro Douglass offi ciating. Only the farm hands and relatives of the girl were present. General Clay's children did all tlioy could to prevent the marrlngo to Miss Hlchnrdson, who is only 15 years old, but he paid no attention to their cntrcntles. Death of Colonel JIcCoiUl. Gr.KENsnoito, N. C, Nov. 11. Colonel John A. McCnull, for many years a prom inent theatrical manager and proprietor of the McCnull Opera company, died on Sunday at the rosidenoe of his brother-in-law, Henry C. Martin, aged 60. Tho body was sent to Baltimore for interment, the funeral taking place In that city today. To Jti'ilmo Slliiers' Wages. Dunois, Pa., Nov. 14. Boll, Lewis & Yates posted notices notifying their minors here nnd nt Punxsutawney and Iteynoldsvillo that a reduction of llvo cents per ton would be made Nov. iO, making tho scale thlrty-flvo cents. The cut will effect 10,000 men. This makes the price for mining tho samo ns before the big strike, and Is the snmo that has been paid all along tho Beech Creek region. Tho miners nro holding a mass meeting today. l'atnlly Hhot Die Wrong Mntl. ntJBBAMi, O., Nor. 14. Jnmcs Mahancy shot John Hicliards twico, the bullet) en tering Hichard's body just below the heart, and he will dio. The two young men, In comiwny with JIartlu Bostzch, were butchering hogs. Mahancy got into n quarrel with Rostzch, In which Ma luiney was badly whipped. The latrer went home, got a revolver, and returned and shut Richards in mistake for Uostzeh. More Smallpox in Washington. WAbHiXBiON, Nuv. 14. Four new cases of smallpox havo dovoloped here. One of tho victims Is Margaret Pomberton, the first volunteer nurse to go to the small pox hospital when the disenso broko out nnd threatened an epidemic. Her condi tion Is critical. Four of the public schools havo been closed until Monday for disin fection, two of the patients having at tended one of these schools. ltnbhed by Highwaymen. LED ANON, Pn.. Nov. 14. John Long, of Indeiendent district, a suburb of this city, was stopped ut Klghth nnd Water streets early In tho morning by n man who asked lilin for tobneco. Whllo reaching Into his pocket for tho article ho was knocked down, overpowered nnd robbed by two men. All his money was taken, and ho wus left lying In tho street in an uncon scious condition. SUFFERING CHILD Head and Scalp Raw with Places Size of Silver Dollar. Va rious Remedies only caused Fresh Hruptions. Applied CUTICUKA. Change In Twenty-four Hours. Perfect Cure In Two Weeks.' My little son, aged throe, was very mnoh troutilsd with a breaking out on bis scalp and behind hli ear. The places affected wen about as large a a silver dollar ; the flesh seemed raw and covered with little blisters. The child suffered considerably, and was nat urally very fretful. I tried several remedies without obtaining any beneficial results : In fact the eruptions seemed to be spreading anil new pUess breaking out. I concluded to try the Coticcba Remedies. I washed the affected parts with the Citiocha So.ir, tak ing care not to irritate the flesh, and applied CCTIOUBA. I noticed a chance for the better in the appears noe of the ornntions In twenty four hours, and In t.o wcks the omptioas entirely disaiipesred, leaving the skin smooth and the scalp clean ; in fact, a perfect cure, as I have not seen any indications of any eruption or breaking mt f!mo. 1 gavo the child only a few dotes of tlio (TnriuA Ua atLVB3rr. 1 confcUlei youi t'r-nt l sa Kumb ptas very 7aludble. 1 believe Cuti.tra. would beexoeUentorapplyini; to insecr bltos, which are very annoying in this country. 0. A. AUMBTRllNU, b ifl Island, M. 0. Bold throughout the world. rrloe.noTicmu, tOc; Hoii'.vSo.; Hsholvbnt, (l. 1'OTTsnUnuo An uBa, Coup,, Ble i'ropt., Bpitou. Kf " How to Cure Kvery Bkln Dluue," free. JITr. IV, II, llcffiier Alvlra, Ta. After Typhoid Fever A Running Abscess Discharges Pieces of Bone. All Hopoclvon Up-But Hood's Sar- eapnrllla Clvos Perfect Hoalth. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! " Dear Sirs t I had been a sufferer for nearly three years and had doctored during that tune, but without avail. Iliad given up all hope of ever recovering my health. At times I would rather have died than lived, but now I am thankful that I began taking Hood's Sarsapa rllla for I am now ns sound as a dollar. I was Afflicted With Typhoid Fever, and an abscess formed on my right side above the fourth rib. The strange part about this was the fact that It did not open for sir months after it appeared, although It pained me continually. After It broko It became a running sore and I was compelled to wear a bandage all the time. The doctors told me that the only way It could be cured was to havo an operation performed Sarsaparilla end havo the rib taken out, claiming that I had bono disease, Inasmuch as four pieces ot bono had been discharged from the sore. Before giv ing myself up to tho doctors I decided to give Hood's Sarsaparilla a trial, although I had but little faltli that It would do mo any good. I used It strictly according to directions, and be fore I had used three bottles I Began to Feel a Chango, and by the time I had used the fourth bottle the ore on my side had healed. It Is now nearly three months since the eruption closed and I have not the least fear ot it ever bothering ma again. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is certainly a pern among medicines. It lias cured me and It will oure others." W. H. Heffneb, Alvlra, I'a. e Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, Indigestion. Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire Pear Alley, Roar Coffsa Houc. The best rlcs -in town. Horses taken board. Hauling promptly nttended r HOTEL KAIER, CHAB. BURCHILL, Plop. North Msria Si., KAHAM0Y CITY. Largest and finest botel in the region. Finest aocommoaatlons. Hacdsurae HxiutCB Pool and Billiard Room Atln.ohd SYPHILI! MrmATtAntl? flllMA inAltn) dara byttS 4.SIY1 fim friT ,1 -il. Tnaitf vn nrttnfn itnil llfJ-D&Jift it birokVillubU utudfroinhto from rpleouiwl I COOK REMEDY CO., Chicago, tffi. ! BARTHMj STEEL PICKET FEN0E athe cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.cem etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Masieu nas the agency and carries It In stock at his marble and granite works, 127 H. .'AED1N ST. HALF I k. F. BORNOT, FreanncdhDsyc.?.rer TH gTRQLLEY SOAP PHiuflDBuPum For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET. It LASTS ionger than othsr Soaps. Price FIVE CEBITS a bar. vw .l,.,-n.,-rT Uttotu aotl ' UlSg. orfr I-J-AI. UUblClKQ v , t a wrltun euaruii S.WIfci r. J Jt, KIJILXX, sms wjuui 'riraisEWsrif norm A LADY'S TOILET Combines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. Insist npon having tho genuine. For Painting .... Tfte Season Is here: and Paper Hanging Get your work done by Mahnnoy City's leading artist, W. H. SNYDER, Perfect "Work. RftrfminH In nntnta nnrt ntla ,!..!, stained glass. All the new patterns In wall paper. All dally and weekly papers, novels, novelettes and stationery. 133 Woat Contra Street. Headquarters for the Evening Herald. in nrrKOT mat 13, 1884. ParsscDger trains leive Shenandoah F enn Haven Junction, Maucli Chunk, Le MEuton, Slstlngton, White HaU. Catassuoua, Allentown, lletulehom, Easton and Wcathorly BW. 7.38. 0.15 a m.. 1143, 36T, S.Wp. m. For New York and Phlladelphls, 7.88, e.J.) a m . 18.41, a.bv. For Quakake, Switch back, Gcrh&rds and Hudpondale, 6.01, 8.15 a m , and 2.57 p. in. wor Wllkw-llarre, White Haven, Plttston, LaceyvUle, Tonnnda, Sayro, Waverly and Elmirs, 0.W, 9.15 a. m.,2.67, 6.27 p. m. For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and thu West, 8.W, e.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m. Kor llelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and , .itroudsburg, 6.04a. m., 2.57p. m. ( Tor Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.15 a. m. 'orTuckhnttock,6.C4. 9.t5. m.,a57,5.27p. m Tor Ithaca and Geneva 6.04, 8.15 a, m. 5.J ID for Auburn 9.15 a. m. 6.27 p. ill. I'orjcacesvllls, lievlstonand Beaer Meadow, r.38 a. m., 12.43, 8.03 p. m. Jtr Stockton and tmniber Yard, 6.04, 7.88 9 lfi m. IS 43. 2.S7, 5.27 p. m. ForBllver Brook Junction, Audenrlcd and Hasleton 8 04, 7.33, 9 15 a. m , 12.48, 2.57, 5.27 and 8.08 p. ,. . J'orScranton, 6.04, 9.15, a, m., 2.E7 and 6.27 ,' m ror H&ilebrook, Jeddo, Drllton and Freelano, '..04, 7.3S, 9.15, a. re, 12.43. 2.57, 5.M p. n:. f or Ashland, Glrardvllla and Lost Creek, 4.6!, .61, 9.13, 10.W l. ., 1.00, 1.4C, 4.10, 8.55, 8.22, 9.11 7.m. For Raven Rue, Centralis., Mount Carmcl and jhnmokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m., 1.82, 4.40. 8.22 p. mi For Yatesvllle, Park Place, Mahancy City and ielaco, 6.04, 7.88, 9.16, ll.C a m., 12.48, 2.67 b, B.M, ., HM8 p. m. Trains wld leave Shamokln at 8.16, 11.4b a r. , 1 66, 4.809.80 p. m., and arrive at Shecan COko a- 8.15 a, m., 12.48, 2.87, 5.27, li.l5p, m Lrf.ave Shenandoah for Pottsvllie, 7 38 0k, U 06 11.80 a. m., 12.48, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, 8.06 D. td Leave PotwvlHe for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.M', ;9.5., 10.15, 11.48 a. IK., 18.38, 8.00,. 440, 5.20, 7.16, J.I. 1(1.00 p. in. I LeaveSbeaandoauforH&ilstoa,6.0,7.88 9.1b, a. m., 18.48, 2.6T, S.27,8.08 p. m. I Leave Haileton for Shenandoah, 7.30, 18.H il.m a. m , is,iD, .m, ,.oo p. m SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Kan, Centralis, M' Carmel andBhamokln, 8.45 a.m., 2.40 p. m and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. and 8.w p m Trains leave HhamoVln for Shenandoah at 7.65 a. m. and 4 00 p. m and arrive at btej, andoah at 8.49 a. m. and 4.58p. m. Ti ales leave for ABhland, Glrardvllle and H Creek, 9.40 a. m., 12.80 p. in. For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Pen Bxven Junction, Mauoh Chunk, Allentowi Bethlehem. Easton and New York, 8.49 a m. PS Is not complete M I without nn ideal H 1 MPLEXSOM 1 I$J! 2PO-WZM33BL, g poizoirs 1 12.80, z.66 p. m. v ' V, For Philadelphia, 12.20. 2.66 p m. V'' ' For Yateevlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and DclJho, 8.49, ll. a. rc, 12.80, .66, 4.58 6.03 p. m. Lttvu Haileton for Shenandoah, 8.8U, ll.SD a. m 1.06, 6.W p.m. j Leve Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 8.49, O.sur.. m.,s.40. m. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.E9, 10.40 a.m.,1.85,6.up. m. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Genl. Supt., South Hothlehem, Pa w OHAS. S. I,EK, Genl. Pass. Apt., Philadelphia A, W, NONNKKACHBR, Asst. G. P. A., J " South-Bethlehem, Pa DONE. Most of the cleaning and dyeing nowa days is only half dona No matter where you live, you can send anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by express at our expense, and we will do it at same price as if you delivered it to us in person. SEND FOR PAMPHLET OF PARTICULARS l7tlKFairmouiit Ave., Philadelphia RESTORE Wii ht.u , tnii ml: Bold with WBircaa mim IGOR 'anABAB LE to core HnvonMi Mily; 1 if Btiual Pow.r in ihi ;ej, luvoluptiry Kuiiiod from any niw, )f nglctad, ncU Iroublei lead t coiumpciua ut Idsi.1 ay, Sl.t-u pel bo uiml, 6 bon for wita tj aa. CO.. ClMl,i4.f Vtugifitt, atindmh, I'M. J ' 1 v