The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 10, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dully, exoept Sunday by
HmllAl,l 1-UJlLllllllfa COMVANT,
Pnblloatlon office and tne hanloal department,
2.16 East Uoa Street.
mI. tiaittlr! 19 delivered ln Shenandoah, and
1 DC Jieraia gurrounaingtowngfouoents
a week, payable to the carriers. By mall, Three
Dollar yor or Twen ty five cent per month,
In advance.
Airfteme charged aooordlng to space
aad position. The publishers reserve tbc right
to change the position ot advertisements wben
tver the publication ot new requires It. The
rtfht Ik also reserved to rejeot any advertise
Merit, whether paid for or not, that the Pb
lthers may deem Improper. Advertising rate
ade known upon application.
Bntercd at the post office at Shenandoah, Fa.,
second oloss mall matter.
win arsiriita HXRAzn,
Shenandoah. Peana.
Evening Herald.
Whose tariff bill was that, anyway f
I'hofessoh Wilsox, of West Virginia I
I)id you bear anything drop, f
Tuf Ttnpnhlioan viotory means a gen
nine revival ot true prosperity
Tin re are several thousand 1A Hung
Chang just now In the fragments of the
Democratic party.
The spring election will next absorb the
attention of voters. Candidates are
already springing up.
The people were with the President this
time. They agree tbat tbe Tariff bill
was a connection of perfidy and dishonor.
When New York city elects five Itepub
lican Congressmen it is time for the free
traders to shut up shop and go out of
To G rover Cleveland, "Washington,
D. C. .- Never mind about the letter. We
got along very well without It. They've
got ub where you got tbe squirrels up a
tree.-D. 11. II.
We believe that in the fall ot 1892 there
were some wise Democrats who thoiiKht
that a death blow had been given to the
Hepublloan party. Later returns have
made a difference.
Cleveland knew when to turn his
back. It la dollars to doughnuts that
when the news of the snow Btorm reached
the White House the fisherman went Into
convulsions of merriment.
Connecticut has returned to the faith
ot her fathers. After seeking straugo
political gods for many years, she has got
back into tho Republican fold nnd is again
worthy of her old place ln the New Eng
lnnd sisterhood of states.
Ciiaihman Wilson, when he looked ln
to a mirror after reading the returns,
must have blushed for the man who had
the nerve to go over to England only six
weeks ago and toll the Britons tbat Pro
tection was dead ln America.
Tin New York Democrats resorted to
the A. P. A. bnga-boo ln the recent cam
paign and some presumptions Democrats
in Schuylkill did likewise, but all failed
to gain anything by it. These hide-bound
people could read Archbishop Ireland's
address on "Itellgton and Politics" with
much profit to themselves.
Tun Ten Commandments have prevailed
by majorities tbat vindicate the right of
the people to rule. Thou shalt not Bteal,
the country Buys to those who have sold
the industries of the Nation for profits ln
sngar speculations. No man can measure
the practical effect of the votes recorded
Tuesday. Tbe triumph of the Iteform
tickets of New York meuns honest elec
ttons hereafter, nnd will cut off a revenue
of millions which the Democratic .party
has drawn from vice and crime. The
defeat of Hill sends back to powerless
ignominy the whole band of brigands by
whom that state has been robbed, and
returns to tbe honest people the power to
govern themselves by honest elections.
The overthrow of the Free Trade Democ
racy may have to be followed by a
struggle, and if so by a victory, in tbe
Presidential election of 1800, before the
ev?l work of the last year can be undone,
But It brings at least this glad assurance,
that the further progress toward Free
Trade which the party has promised will
not be made. One test of a Democratic
tariff has been enough, and the people
have made it clear that they will have no
A!tnroiiT of the insanity ot Queen I.lll
voknlanl ot late obtained some slight clr
eulatlon, bat It has not been verified, and
what are called her faculties are, doubt
less, much as they were before her depo
sition. The Sandwich Island Intellect at
large is not of tho highest order, not even
that of its sovereign, and the shock of los
ing her throne may well have disturbed
lor the time being the mental equipoise of
tier dusky island majesty. Uutsbeought
to be comforted nnd restored by tbe con
aclousneas tbat neither ber throno, crown
nor sceptre was ever worth tbe bavlng,
being always at tbe mercy of foreign In
trigue or domestic violence, nnd sbe Is
much better off without tbem, Her late
Kingdom ln getting on pretty well, hav
ing developed a sudden and extraordinary
need for more white immigrants, and sent
a commission to Europe to procure them.
Industry and produoiion seem to have Im
proved Id the islands since IUlnokalanl
ceased to rule them, and this ooaiidera
tkm ought, if her patriotism is superior to
her personal Interest, to reconcile her to
the new order ot things. Meantime, if
she gets 40,000 pension from tbe United
States which she is reaching out for, hav
ing sent a committee to Washington for
that purpose, she will be better off than
sbe has ever been before, with more money
and less responsibility, and can, if sbe
likes, join the fluctuating colony of ex
Queens in Paris, and flourish it with tbe
best ot them.
Sugar KtAntrl- tu yteniien.
PH-XAPhLi'MiA, Nor. 10. It is stated of
ficially that thf Franklin sugar refinery
Will, unlpss conditions change materially,
Open next vtvt'k, and alo that the Hpreok
1' rolluery Is ramiy to resume, Thoformor
Dow includes the "Id Knight reflnory, so
that tlx- trust will probably have Its entire
Philadelphia plant In active operation.
To Ilia by Ktwtrtelty.
Nbw Yobk, Not. 10. Carl Tlepenbaum,
aged 53, convicted ot the murder of Ju
lianci.HiifTrnan, his bom'dtng mistress, at
hpr borne ou the nlsrht of Sept. 1, was sen
tunccd to death by Kworder Sroytho lu tho
oourt of general amnions. Tho sentence if.
to 1)0 executed In tho week of Dec. 17.
Cii'genbaum protest'-d his Innocence.
Fr!neeton-Fennlvanit4 Football Onme.
Timcntom, Aov. ki. The Princeton and
Pennsvlvan la football teams will meet this
afternoon at the I u tor-state fair grounds.
Two additional grand stands have been
erected, and with the present large grnud
BHiml this will provide seating room for
about 85,000 persons. All tho railroads will
run excursions to this city.
A l'hlladclphlan Cured of Gravel.
(Philadelphia, Pa., Item.)
Since tbe investigations of tbe claims
made for Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy
by tbe press, they have received letters
from every State ln the Union, and find
tbe remedy falls in few cases.
The opinion of tbe average physician
has been that kidney and urinnry troubles
could be cured only by a long nnd parsis-
tent treatment. Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy acts quickly, curing
obstinate case lu a very short time.
One of our best known citizens, Mr.
John J. Neil!, of No. 2137 North Eighth
street, was a sufferer from gravel, ln speak
ing of his caso said : "I had a very bad
attack of gravel, and Dr. David Kennedy's
Favorite Itemedy, taken aboutoue month,
completely cured me, I cannot bay too
much in Its favor."
Favorite Itenmdy la prescribed with un
falling succet for all diseases brought
about by an uxceis of uric acid ln the
blood. In rheumatism, dyspepsia and
nerve troubles, it has made muuy cures
that were considered beyond the aid of
medicine. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy can bi obtained of all druggists
at one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for
five dollars.
Where nnd'When Services Will be Con
ducted To-morrow.
Trinity Reformed church, Kev. Robert
O'Uoylo, pastor. Services tomorrow at 10
. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sunday school at 1 :30 p. m.
nveryuuuy weifcuuie.
Kcheloa Israel Congregation, West Oak.
tret, Her. 8. Itabinowttz, Itabbli Borvlcos
very Friday evening; Saturday and Sunday
afternoon and evening.
Welsh Hantlst church. Preaching services at
10 a.m. and 8 p.m. by tho liastor. Itov. 1). I.
Evans. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Everybody
ltoman Catholic church of tho Annunciation,
Cherry street, above West street. Kev. IL T.
O'Kellly, pastor. Masses at 8:00 and 10:00 a, m.
vespers at o;w p. m.
Bt. George's Lithuanian Cathollo church,
orner Jardln aud Cherry streets. Rev. L.
abremaltls, pastor. Mass and preaching at 10
a.m. vuapura at o p. m.
English Lutheran church. Preaching at
iu:3u a. m. ana p. in. by the pastor, lie v.
I. P. Neff, M. D. Sunday bchool at 1:30 p. in
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock,
Everybody welcome,
Kbcnozor Evangelical church, Rev. R. M.Llch
kenwalner. nastor. Services to-morrow tit 10 a.
01. In German, and 6:30 p. m. ln English. Sunday
school at 1:80 p. m. Allure heartily Invited to
rirst Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Wm.
Howlck, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and
0:30 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Epworth
League at 6:45 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7:30
on Thursday evening. Strangers and others
are aiwuys welcome.
Presbyterian church. Rev. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p, m. nunaay school at i p. m. Christian
endeavor Society will meet on Tuosdnv even
ing at 7:30. Prayer meeting on Thursday
English Daptlst church. South Jardln street,
services at iu:3 a. m. and at 6:30 p. m.
Preaching bv the pastor, ltev. W. II. Harrison.
Praise sorvlce at 6 p. ra. Bunday school at 2
&m. Monday evening at 7:30 the V. 1 IS.
. will meet. Wednesday evening general
prayer meeting. r.voryDouy welcome.
Primitive Methodist church. Rev. John Ilatta
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
n. m. wesiey prayer meeting at 5:4S p. m.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Wesley League
Monday eveulng at 7:30. Class meetings
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock.
Prayer meeting Thursday at 7 p. ra. All
Beats free. Anyone not having a church home
is coriiauy invueu 10 come uere.
All Saints' Protestant Enlsconal church. Oak
street, near Main. Morning servloe at 10:a0
na evening at 7 o cioca. xno rector om
olatee at morning service alternately nnd at
every evening service. The lay reader, Charles
llaskln. officiates ln the ubsenoe ot the
rector, 0. 11. ilrldgman. Sunday school at 2
p. m. All seats tree and everybody made
oeurtuy welcome.
W. A. McGulro, a wellk-nown citizen
of McKay, Ohio, is of the opinion that
there Is nothing as good for children
troubled with colds or croup as Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy. He has used It ln
his family for several years with the best
results Bnd always keeps a bottle of It ln
the house. Afterbavlng la grippehe was
himself troubled with a severe cough.
He used other remedies without benefit
and then concluded to try the children's
medicine and to hit delight It soon
effected a permanent cure. 5 and SO cent
bottles for salt by Qruhler Bros.
Latest Returns Givo EepublicanB
248 Membors,
Congressman Sprlnffer Defeated by Nearly
Three Thousand Voles Official Itcturnt
Rliow tltn Klectlcmof Ono Democrat from
Illinois Teian HhTh fur tlm DemncrnU.
The latest reliable retarns show that the
Fifty fourth congress will contain not 1""
than 848 Republican members of the
house of representatives, leaving 06 to the
Democrats and to tne X'opullsts. I no
Republican coiigmalonal committee claim
SS9 Republicans, but tba claim is not
baaed npon returns that are oonvinclug.
53d Cons), Mill Cong.
D. It. P. 1). It. r.
Alabama - 8 81
Arkansas 8
California 4 2 1 18-
Coanwtloat - 8 1 4
Delaware 1 1
Klsrtoa -
Ooerfla 11 11 - -
Idaho - 1 - 1
Illinois... 11 11 1 II
India 11 g 18
Iowa 1 10 1 10 -
K&nnut a 5 7 1
Kentneky 10 1 8 0
Louisiana 8 6
Maine 4 4
Maryland 6 2 4
MassachaMtta 4 '9 1 12
Mlehlgan 8 7 12
Minnesota 2 4 1 7
Mississippi 7 7
Mtreourl - 14 1 5 10 -
Montana 1 1 -
Nevada 1 1
Nebraska 1 S 2 51
New Hampshire... 2 2
New Jersey 6 2 8
New Tork 19 15 t -
North Carolina.... 8 1 3 2 4
North Dakota 1 1
Ohio 11 10 1 20
Oregon 2 2
Pennsylvania.- 10 SO 1 29
Rhode Island 3 2
South Carolina 6 1 7
South Dakota 2 3
Tennessee ... 8 2 6 4
Tenai - 13 t- 11 1 1
Vermont 2 2
Virginia 10 8 2
Washington 2 2
Went Virginia 4 4
Wisconsin 6 4 10
Wyoming 1 1
Totals 218 120 12 08 818 9
They Hay Tate rnrt ln the Organization
at th Next Session.
Wasmwbtow, Nov. 10. A point that
has besn overlooked ln computing tho po
litical completion of the next Etnntelsthe
admission of Utah with two United States
senators. The act of the last session of
congress admitting Utah provides that In
March, 1W5, tke constitutional convention
shall be fcali. If the constitution II rati
fied at th spcalal laciloB. In November
tbe legislature will immediately meot and
elsrt two United States senators. As there
Is about a month from the tlm the elec
tion Is bald twit II the yiity-fourth congress
meets uor will fc ample tune to have all
the formalities compiled with and Utah
proclaimed a state ln time for Its senators
anil reprataatailras to participate ln the
orgaalzatloa vf the next congress. This
would csake la all ninety senators, and as
the next senate now stands ths polltloi ot
tka Ualtod Spates senators wwuld out on
important flf Vr.
Another probability Is th admission of
both New Mexlee and Arises a,whlch may
b aovowplliked I" vtue for f our more sena
tors t patitolyat ln the organization of
th next senate. Hull hava already passed
the horns for admission of both territories.
The euat acuunlbteos on territories bos
report! these, favorably to th sonata and
tfcsy ar aaw am Kit oalendar. Senators of
beih parties kav biu urging their pas
sax, a 1 isaor than llksly tbat neither
party wauld oppos tbem buaius of th
offaot It would have upon th lnatlons. It
U, ttarofort, ul likely tact the battl
far ths control of the senat will yet be
fovaht out In Utak, Now Mexloo and Arl
son tkli year. Th adinlssioa ot these new
state would mak a total of nlnty-four
ssuatoni, and any party to ontrol would
neod forty-eight far a majority. With th
vice proiideutj th Democrats could con
trol the senate with torty-stren senators.
Oulboreoa Wins by Forty Thuand.
DALLAS, Tex., Nov. 10. Not more than
one-third of th vote of th stat has been
reported officially, bnt enough Is known to
predict the snooess of Culberson, dam., for
govarnorby about 40,000 plurality, The
Democrats oertalnly elect congressmen
from olght ot tha thlrtoen district j.namoly:
District No. 1. Hutchinson, 4,000 plurality;
3. Cooper, 3,000; . Yoakum, 1,600 ; 4. Cul
borson, 3,000; . Bailey, 8,000; 0. Sayres,
1,500; 10. Crowley, 1,000; 11. Crain, 1,000.
In the Twelfth district Noonan, rep., has
from 1,500 to 8,000 plurality. In tho Thlr
teenth GlllUand, pop., Is probably elected.
In the Sixth district the official returns
will be nocesaary to determine botween
Abbott, dom., and Kearby, pop. Thesam
is true of Pendleton, dom., and Barbor,
pop., in tho Savanth, and Bell, dcm., nni
Jenkins, pop., in the eighth. The chances
slightly favor the Dsmocrats ln all thro
California Affaln ln Doabt.
SAN Fbakcisco, Nov. 10. The olectlon
of Budd, dem., candidate for governor, Is
not so certain as It at first seemed. His
lead over Estee, rep., has been steadily de
creasing as the returns come ln, and he is
now only 1,094 ahead of the Republican
candidate. Ther are still 323 precincts
to hoar from, and if Kstoe's gain continues
in tho same ratio as they did yesterday he
may yet beat Budd. The Republican state
committee claims Kstoe's election by sdv
eral hundred plurality.
Virginia Election Contests.
Richmond, Va., Nov 10. Ex-Congressman
Edmund Woddlll, who Is tho ac
knowledged Republican leader ln this dis
trict, said today that be thought that Bor
land, rap., would contest th election of
Tylor, dem,, ln the Second district, nnd
Thorp, rep., would oontest the election of
MoKenney, dom., in tho Fourth district.
He bad already been consulted a counsol
with reference to making these contests.
Bprinser llailly Defeated.
,' BrniKQPiELu, Ills., Nov. 10. The offl.
lal vote for congressmen in the Thirteenth
Illinois district shows plurality for Con
nelly, rep., over Springer, dcm., of 3,038.
Official roturns rooclvcd at the secretary ot
state's office from the Sixteenth district
show that Finis It. Downing, dm., 1
elected .over Jeha I. Ktauakar, rp., by 60
Narrow IZflcape of a Hriito who Confesses
Terrlblo Crimes; '
FAnoo, N D., Nov. 10. N JVlllnrswn
brouffht to the Cns county jn.ll yesterday
by Sheriff Kddy.of Stutsman county. Tho
sheriff loft Jamestown with his prisoner
Just In advance of a mob which was on Its
way to take him from Jail and lynch him.
Vlllars onnfessed to the horrlblo crlmo
with which ho Is charged. Tuesday even
ing he wend to the farm of Mrs. Fronier,
ln Montpeller township, Stutsman county.
Mrs Kromor saw him at the barn nnd
went ont. When she approached Vlllars
knocked her down with a filnb and beat
her into Insensibility. He dragged her Into
tho barn and assaul ted her, then threw her
Into the well in the barn, set tbe barn on
Are nnd left,
The larn burned to the, ground, but
Mrs. Frouier escaped deatlt ln tho well.
Toward morning she managed to climb
out of the well mid got to the house. Tak
ing her children with her, she crawled on
her hands and knees to a neighbor's, two
miles away, and died after tolling her
Vlllars was captured at Valley City and
taken to Jamestown by ShorlrT Strenshoel.
He is one of the oldest farmers ln Stuts
man county, and ha a highly respectable
family. A large mob gathered at Mont
peller and started for Jamestown to lynch
him, but Sheriff Kddy heard of their com
ing In time to escape. Vlllars then con
fessed another crime. A month ago Mrs.
ITromor's husband disappeared mysteri
ously. Vlllars says he killed Kronier aud
that his body will be found burled in a
pile of manure back of the barn,
Three Workmen Killed, Tbrlr Dodles Do
ing Terrllily MangleoU
HOKTlNOToiv, Ind., Nov. 10. A fright
ful explosion occurred here yesterday and
resulted ln the death of three men nnd the
Injury of many more. The dead are: John
Hnrtman, Norton Keefer and John Flynn,
all married.
The explosion occurred at Flint creek
sewer, whloh crosses the entire olty from
northeast to southwest. Probably 100 men
were ln and around the ditch on First
street. Some of them had built a fire on
tho bank nnd wero thawing out n fifty
pound box of dynnmito. Tiicrc was a
thunderous crash, nnd tho ontlro city was
shaken. Keefer, Hartman and Flynn were
nearest the fire.
Hnrtman was literally torn to plocefl.
His body was Ufced in th air three hun
dred feet and fell on Market street side
walk, a square away. His legs were blown
off near the hips, both arms torn off, his
head half tor away, and his body com
pleUly disabowId. On of Hnrtman'
feet was shot through the weather board
ing of frank ATiadle's rtsldenee. Koefer
TO kllltd outright. His body dropped
into th sower. After h was taken out ho
rccovrl enstonines for nmomont, but
died on his way home in th ambulance.
Flynm's legs were both broken, his arms
broken, ln several placet, and had crushed.
H lived tvetal hours,
Autker Bnd Twtia.
Kew YobJc, Kov. 10. After th clots of
haslnesi yMtwday It wa announced that
the govarsuaeat would at eac ask bank
ers for a lea f anoUar W0, 000,000. Qold
bonds for that asaount, hariag I per cent.
Interest, will b Issued wlthla a taw days,
at a prloe whisk will a Investors about 3
per cent, aunaally. Xaalttant Socrctary
of the Treasury Caxtlshat been ln this city
for several days, and has had conforencos
with the presidents f nattujal banka and
trust coiaanUs. On of tks bank pres
idents said: "Tea, tkar will b an Issue
of bonds shortly, f rabahly within a week
or two. It has not yet been decided whether
a Byndlcnt will he formed to take thess
bonds or nut."
ITaalitiff Uia Outtuu Onleers.
MoanuiAL, Jfav. 10. Th whliky smug
glers of th Lorrex Si. Lawnnee adopt too
tles ln their lln of business which soom to
bo eminently suaoeuful ln fooling the cus
toms oHlaxrs and th raranue cruiser Con
stance. Two days ago th suhooner Mario
Loulsnaua, was sl4 est th Information
of th ouitoms ffleer at Points Ksqulmaux
and towd to Quha vrttsr uethlng con
traband was fesmd aboard. It now tran
spires the smusgUr thmtlv Ravo the
olllcer the tip aud th nsula was a seizure
and tha departtir t tu revenue cruiser
with her In tew. hi tft ueautime tha
sinugiiloiM taun.t&all l&skled a contra
band oara l HetatM far llnuit Quobeo.
Sank SnjNn Cat UttU Itooty,
Obhih.UI, O., JUv , olbor9 broke
hits tha First liistfaual batik kcra during
tha nl(jli aud aw wish about $500 ln
silver. Tha frvat dn vmt opened by
ths 3o ot orawhars, amd tha looks of the
vault war blown ff with druamlto. Tha
thlovos thon sUla tw riat ta make their
escape sum. On f th ils was found at
Klyrla. A saf whleh MBtalued 35,000
was not ioum.
KatUMd t Iadl.t Stat OIDhti.
Jaoesox, Ml., Nov. 10. Tho federal
flrrand lurr raftMed tu Indlnt tt,n rmwm.
- - n"
of the printing of th Mississippi state
warrants, is oaing aiiegoa Dy unlet Hazen,
tinnnrtivl hv Scpl;arT P&Tllallaln Dn.t A
. . . 4 ........u ii i.i. xv
tnmov flAnnval CA n n-v tS&i lt,. tnlnA.i
4 j, .j MUIUUU
the laws by betas; In likeness ot United
oiatus currency ana national bank notes
RuiMell CUt. aa Uaramnaaratlvfi OBIm.
VTASnwoTON, Nov. 10. WlllliunB.Itus-
reu, cx-ijovornor or Maasachusotts, has
oea appointed uy tna president a mem
borof tha board or Indian
to All tha yacancT causod tj tho death of
iisiuvru jii. .uuarOQ, OI TArrjtOWTl, 2i. X.
Thd oflloo carries no salary, onlx travollng
The Defeat f Coxey.
.nuvu w. itVi i X. iHJ VA
lldal count of tho Eighteenth district gives
Tavlnr. ren . Pn fl-TX. TtoW innm.
Coxey, pop,, 8,018. Coiay's vote' exceeds
ina . T 111
jus vQuiiiutbc oi apjiuuiicu anu uemo-
Governor Walto, of Colorado, denies tha
report tnat ne win remove to Illinois.
The vicinity of Benton Harbor, Mich.,
was shaken by on oarthquake yesterday.
The oablnet crisis lu Illo Janeiro con
tinues, nnd it Is rnmored tbat the presi
dent will resign.
Thoro Is reason to believe that Signer
CrLspl, Italy's prime minister, throuab the
new czar, will seek to improve Italy's ro-
lauuiis wun uussia.
Juda Isaaa How, tk Ponulltt candl.
data for n'vnur of South Dakota lu the
lata oamnalf a, It lilux danirarouslv 111 at
his horn ta Adff14, with small hopes ot
36r. Jaoa J5. Jlentf
riUUaslsiU, ra.
sVUiscular Rbiumatism
Sciatica and th Piles Adds to
the Suffarcr'a Misery
Four Bottles of Heoct'a SarsaparMn
Effost a Wendorful Curt.
"C. I. Hood ft C., Lowell, Mass.i
"Oentlssatai As a remit at tk mmorM
billiard of Ms rah, IBM, I atrat t4 musenlar
rheumatism at that Mm 1 was engatei ea a
Job of iVumlMnK la nlns !!, N. J., tutd K
wasnscsHtryfer He t wad through th taew
tothkalllle, a saw rssidnta, In whisk we
wer worlds. ITor lhta months after
wards I was lata ep with autcalar rheumatism
nnd sciatica. I then olns4 ay sea-in-law la
Denver, CoL, wliers I was engaged la steam
fitting an4 Bileesrln i, and nhera I commeneed
to take Hood's garsaparllla for my rheumatism.
It eur4 ms set enlj f Mi rheumatism and
olatlca, Vitals of outward piles, from which
for Iklrty-thrM years I had suffered
A Thousand Daxtha.
Prevlons t goleg t Denver I visited the
University t reaatylraal t be eperated npon.
Tho doctor prononnssa my case (loncatlonoi
Iho bowxli and th worst he Tr saw. II re
fused t perferas an praMa, saying that after
bavlng euffared s many years it was not worth
while that I should die at that lata day from the
effects ot the knlf, sad die I would If he used It.
No Man Can Ooncolvo
what I snfCerd for thhty-thro years. I tried
all sorts at remedies and treatments, often
without the (lightest rsllsf. Four bottles of
Hood's Sarsaparilla not enly relieved, but
cured, both th piles and rheumatism. The
only trae f rheunutlsn whlsh I feel now Is a
little stiff atst whs the wtathtr changes, and
at I will t TO yean old In August that Is but
Incidental ta my age. This Is a simple state
ment of facts." Jxms K. Pond, sen West
f orris Btrest, rauadtlpMa, ra.
Hood'o Pills r llrsr lilt, tonitlpatloo.
nllloutnett, lauadlse, tUkhtaaacht.lndljettlon,
Safe and Reliable Horses to Hire.
Pear Alley, Hear Coifee House.
The liest rlirs ln town. Horses taken ,
board. Haulinc promptly attended to.
North Main St., KAHAH0Y mi.
Largest and finest betel ln th region.
tflnoat accommodations. Handsom flxtures,
Pool and Billiard Rooms Attatbtd.
!f 500.000 capital. roiItlfB proof mnd
book. Ultutrated from III a f rom peotlt ctu1 V
lieo u nxail Kothlneeleu wUlcarfc
rnnit nirucnv rn rk .a
ithe cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
etery lotB or any kind of fencing. M. H. MAsran
nas the agency and carries It ln stock at bis
marble and granite works, 127 ti. JAKD1H ST.
A. F. BORNOT, T"?&Fr l7thFairmount Ave., Philadelphia
tKl lUQg.S,.TH03. E.LKINTON. mM
For Washing Clothes CLEAN and SWEET.
It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps.
Price FIVE CENTS a bar.
Por Snlo Toy- D. Erw.XjTUC.
BoawtuxaaBtedsarellabla, asosthly, refrnlitlni medlsln. Only hand
-r the put drug ahld b sued, 11 you waat in but, get
Thsr ua smnpt, mtt aad Mrfcda la rMlt Th saaid (Or. PmI's) nvr dtHna
Mtai. Wa rtu Uaum Ot. Qonlud, o, -lUL
tV H . MIMZIZ, r Kg firf, HiitmWt, JM,
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
deica'e and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Ialrt ya luring; lh emln9.
For Painting ....
The Season lu here:
and Paper Hanging
Get vonr work donn
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
Is not complete U I'j
without an ideal m i.l
VtX-9rDJS3SK. Blll fil
s V ii
Parfeot Work.
Barxaine ln nalnt anil nll nl.ln anA '
stained glass. All the new patterns in
Wall paper. All dally and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 Weet Centre Street.
Headquarters for the Evening Hbraxd.
IN EXrEOT MAT 18, 1891.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
Penn Haven Junction, nfaucti Chuak, Le
hlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall,,
AUentown, Bethlehem. Kaston and Wcathorlv
8.04, 7.S8. S.1S a m . lin J 57, e.7p. m.
For New York and Phl'.adolphls, 8.04, 7.88.
9.15 a. m , U.4I, 2 57. For Cjuakaxe, Bwltoh
back, Gerhards and BudNondale, 6.04, 9.15 a
m., and 2 57 p. m.
For WUkee-Uarre, Wbitt Haven, Pfttston,
Laceyvllle, Ton and, Sayre, VTaverlv and
Elmira, 0.04, 9.15 a. m a , i k p"m.
For Rochester, Buflalo, Niagara Falli and
the West, 6.04, 9.15 a. m. and ,57 6.87 p. m.
For llelvidere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., .57 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 9.15 a. m
ForTunkhannoek.e.04, 9.15 a. m.,267,6,a7 o. m.
For Ithsca and Geneva 8.01, 9.15 a. m. 6.87
p. m
r- or Auourn 9.15 a. ra. 6.a7 p. m.
ui tfcauoaTuto,uvTistoaanaijeaver Hsariai. "
r.SB a. m.. 11.4s. n mi m V"t
For Stockton and fjurehar v,rt. n ru At.
9.15. a. m., 11.41. .7, 5.S7 . m. ,
For Hllver Drook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 1 04, 7.JS, 9 15 a. m , 13.13, 3.57. 5.87 and
8.08 p. n..
For Scranton, 6.04, 9,15, a. m., 3.57 and 5,tf
p m.
For Bailebrook, Jeddo, Drif ton and FreeUnd,
8.04, 7.38, 9.15, a. m., H.. 157, 6.tJ p. m.
For Ashland, G lrardvllle and Lost Creek, .(!,
.61, 9.13, 19.M a. m., l.M, l.M, 4.10, 6.S5, 8.22, 9.11
7. m.
For itaven nun, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Bhamokln, 9.13, 11.11 a. m., 1.82, 4.49, 8.22 p. mi f
For Yatosvllie, Park Flac,)(ahanoyCltvan
Delano, 6.04, 7.36, 9.16, ll.M a m., 12.41. 2.67
5.27, 8.08, 9.83, 10.28 p. m.
Trains whl lav Skamokln at 8.1 11.4J
a. m., 1.65, 4.M 9.30 p. m,, and arrive at Shenan
doah a. m., m, 6.27, lU5p. ra.
c7??n,6.nlL,"l0li)' ,or Pottsvllle, 6.60, 7.88
9.0S, 11.95 11.. a. 12.4, 2.57, 4.10 6.27, 8.99 ,
p.m. 1'
L,cave I'oitiTiu lor snenanaoan,, 7.63,
9.06, 10.11, 11. U a. n., 12.32, l.M,. 410, 6.20, 7.16,
,7.66, 10.08 p. a. lit
Lent Siaaaadoah for Hailttoa, 6.04, 7.38,4.15,
a. m.,, 3.IT, 1.27,8.13 p. ta.
Leave Bailtton for Shenandoah, 7.85,
i.vv a. in ia.i. e.o, .m, 7, do p. ra.
Trains ltavt for Raven Bun, Centralla, Mt
Carmel andHaamokla, 6.45 a.m., 2.40 p. m., r
and arrive at Mhamokln at 7.40 a. m. and S.
p. m
Trains lsav Bhamokln for Shenandoah At
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at t&o
andoah at 1.49 a, m. and 4.58 p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lt
Creek, 9.4 a. a., 12.1 p. m.
For BatUton, Illatk Crek Junction, Fen
Bavtn Juatloa, Mauoh Chunk, Allentowt
Bethlhm, Kasto and Ntr York, 8.49 am. t
12.82, t p. m. 1
For Phlladtlania 12.31. l.H p. m.
For Yattsrui, Park Plac, Mahanoy City and
Delano, (.49, ll.u a. nu 12.31, 165, 4.68 6.03 p. m, S,
Leave HuUton for SktcMdi.ah, 8.3,
a. m.,l.H,6.M.m. tSli--1
Leava Shniadok for Fottsvllle, I.H. .,,
9.30 a. m.. 1.U . m. 1 r-J
Leav PottavUl for Shtsandoah, 8.29, lLttr
a.m., l.M, ra.
&OLLIJ. B. WIIJ1UR, Qenl. Bupt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa
DBAS. S. LEK, Pass. Agt.,
A. W, NONNlirfAOBBR, Asst. O. P.
Routh Bethlehem, Pa
Most of the cleaning and dyeing nowa
days is only half done.
No matter where you live, you can send
anything you wish cleaned or dyed, by
express at our expense, and we will
do it at same price as if you delivered it
to us in person.
1 vji
tf 11