The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 08, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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A Comfort, Cheer,
These three C's arc in
valuable in life. To make
sure of them all, use
Porous Plaster
whenever you have a lame
back, sciatica, stiff joints or
any similar pain or ache.
If you Always IniUt upon hiving "i
cock's," you will never be disappointed.
Allcock's Corn Shields,
Allcock's Bunion Shields,
Have no equal as a relief and cure (or cornl
ana ounisns.
All Done to 1 ocil mo vnnny m mo un
Hnntors A Process of Social Torturo
Which Makes Many Men of denies Miserable.
Formerly tho lions In tho amphitheater
nto tho Christians. Now tno so cnueu
Chrlstlnns ont tho Hons, mangling mem
llrst. They llvo on lion. 16 is n loneiy
trade omong tho tribe, for no ono non
hunter loves another lion nunter. ino
Mr. Lion lluntera of fnihlonahle famo
It V.'-- Pi really 1 ' ft" rn-1 t'o.
t.l ll.o l.'-v lixo.
Th" : ' :!itiw'lto roiil inulo r nlly had nr.
ralstcnea worthy 'f H"' '"ltJ1 lttt0
man U tral In " 'i - Iwwjvor,
was in 1807, Win ii one Abigail r-nillh roil,
nn nrl: loor' d r,h m al to Uoiumuin
from Wllkc ir... mill ho continued to
mn severe! nrk yearly until 1U-0. 1"
1811 and- IMS Romo of this oor.1 foino
1U Way to Now York by wi.y of U..vre
GlUntll Ib30 the entire shipment from the
Wvouillig nlluy, tUi brgost aMUrn Up
basin In the world, In any jn.r never ex
ceeded 1,000 Ujn. Then there waft n, grout
jump, mid the tmde mow tu, by maglo in
til now: In 180, a.BOO tons; In 1800,
In 1870. 7.1171, WW; in IN'"',
havo enormous onimeity for tholr oelebrnt- T'"i10 ,,-1,. ... mn
ed food. There Is not much left after they "mUt
18.(157,(11)1. Ill its
' Brandreth's Pills
are a safe, reliable remedy for bilious
headache and similar-trouoies.
in irriscrriuNtiW. 1891.
rralnB leave Shenandoah as follows!
1.10, 6.W, 7.20, a.m.. 18.82, 2.55. 5.&S p.m. Blind
2.10, a. m For rew ior rau wuuu
-ween days, b.zo(t.i a. m., i.o, -.y.u.
55.. i; i- .rt PtidiviiBinnia. week day
am IK. 7.21). a.m.. 12.32. 2.M.. 6.65 p.m. Bu-
For Pottsvllle, week daya, 2.10, 7.20, n R r.C n. Snnil.v. 2.1(1 a. m.
mA.....'..)) MaVi.nnv Hltv. WfifllC fl
SJv. 2.10. a.m. 'Adaltlonilto. MahanoyCltj,
weeKaays, t y. p. ju.
. ror vvuui
week days.
nrp-through for the poor llttlo hunters, nnd
conscimontly tlioro are ngius somouiura,
called rows, und now and then Hon food
dlsngreos. It does not always assliullnte,
especially nfter tlio lions loavo.
To bonking of genius 19 pleasant uu
doubt, to liavo Instituted a right to tho
royal succession, to bo uniicsuuuiiB'jr
crowned, to bo that ospeclal opponngo of
royalty, llattercrs kneeling ay ono ,
Is an agreeable recreation. No pno would
willingly deollno tho scepter, l'octs, inu-
-ll.... i.lll..t. W-n flnltrrv. WO all HO.
Bluiimn, luutmats, vj v. i"...", - - ,
rri. i.,.. ,i inn hnnr a orcat uoal Ol
It. But kings nro sometimes aiiowm
t !., rri,o hnvn their Hours ol ran
acy, but how many hours are '
tho kings of gonlusf. Head tbolot ters o f,
Dickons and soo how ho dotcstofl Uio loti
hunter. Just ready to uio '
wrought brain which gave up its WoM
that vo might (jo nuiuseu, 7
mnnded thoso sacred hours wl.lcl. bo should
have-given to reposo ior mu i
to our overvnnlty that It might bo said ho
was to bo scon at our parties.
Mrs. Leo Hunter uis own im i""
creation stands as' tho hoad of a class of
whom, YP ,"nvQ ninny P"'i;.
who dosorvo such an appellation and por-
present magnlfloent proportions tlio min
ing of anthracite requires tho servlcoa e
Thcrpwaaouco a town named uugauoo,
where resided a woman who had such an
nnnni tfn nr II nil tlmt Rho becamo the vlo-
l&msp'ort,' Sanbury and kawlsbM; ( ; f nnccloto nua parable, and a sarcas
;3.M, 11.30 a. m.,l.!K,7.X) p. u. Neighbor of hers said: ''Why, If Gootho
6110 WOUlU say 11
SSSaa, Y a m tlo neighbor of hers said: "Why, II u
For 'firttnoyPlane. week days, 2 10. .M. B.J should como to Bugaboo, sho would e
7.20, lt.30 a.m., 12.32., B.6S, 7.C0. B.n ghe ,not ou jn tho struct: 'Como In
ftfeAffllftaamoW..k4Mt.U. evening. Wolfgang 13 coming.'
, or,i m. 1 7.00. .S5 p. m. S01 da: i thus calllmr tho lion by his Clirl
8,23' a nn.
TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH i phliadolnnia.weeledftr
.tV if 1 W. 7.30 p. m.. 12.16 nlgnt. 8u
n.. n I In JWln Ml
l.w.111111 m.. i.iu, i.t"v. J. muMI-.v
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terrain.),
aj-reek rtayi, 4.20, 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.C.
1 K 11.30 m. sJ'inday, 11.30 p. to.
Leave Heading, weelt daya, 1Jj6,7.10, 10.08, 11.1"
, m., 6.65, 7.67 p. ra Sunday, 1.35, f. t
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.33, 7.10 a. n.
12.80,6,11 p. a Sunday, 2, a. in.
Leave Taqua, week days, 3.1f , 8,60, U.H
J 20,7.1 1 S 28 p. ra. Sunday. 8.18 r".
Xtive M iB'inoy City, week days, MS, 9.11
MM t- m., I 'li 7.41, 9.64 p. m. bunday, .4.
'Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dt vs. 2.40, 4.IS.
8.S0, 9.37, 11.69 a. m., 12.68, 2.0S, 0.20, B.M,7.69,!M(
p.m. Sunday, 2.40,4 00 a. m.(
Lef.vo wiulamsport, week days, 10.10. ai rr
H.S5, 11.15 p. m. Sunday. 11.15 p. ra.
For Baltimore, Wasninston and the Wesi - ri
B. ft O. It. B, through trains leave Ueadln
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. U. !.
T.40, 11.23 a. m., 3.43,5.18, 7.2i, p. m., Bunday I. W,
7.40. 11.28 a. m., 3.46, 7.22 p. m
Laave Philadelphia, Chestnut Htreet Whar
. JfSlX Ui.tWhnrf for Atlantlo Olty.
Week-Days-Express, 0.00. a. m 2.00. 4,0U
anon. m. Aocommoaaaion, o.w a. u.. iw
P,Bn'nday- Repress. 9.00, 10.00 a, m.
nnla.lnn R Pll a . TO . ROll 4.30 D. HI.
' Keturnlni?, leave Atlantlo City, depot, corner
Week-Days Express, 7.85. 9.(10 a. m. end
4.00 a' d 5.S0 p. m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m.,
nnd 4.32 p. m.
Kunaav ttX'ress.4.00. 7 30 p.m. Aosommo
datlon, 7 15 a, m., and A 15 p m.
Parlor cars onallexprew trains.
CO. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Act.
PhlUaeip' la v
I A. SWEIQARD, Gen. Sunt
sonim.KiLL orvisiOK.
JU K 3d, 1891
Trains will leave Shenandoah attor wj at-pte
date for Wltgan's. Ullherton, Frackvllle, New
Castle, 8t. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Readier,
ua.nn,n phmniTviiiA. NorrlRtown and Phil
adelphia (Uroad street station) at 8:00 and 11146
e. m'and4:15p. m. on weekdays ForPotta-
Ttlle and intermeaiaie stations vnu . m.
For Wlrean's. Gllberton. FraekvlUe, Ne"
'Castle, St. Clair, FottsvUlo at 6:00.
..d i. On n. For Hamhvirtr. Reading. PottS
town, Phcenlxvllle, Norrlstown, PklUdblphla
at 8:00, 9:40 a. ra., 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave- FraekvlUe for Shenandoah at
10:40a, m. ana iziii, o;u, uw i".
iinrf.M II .IS n. m. anil 6:40 B. m.
T...,''wn,tavin for Shenandoah at Hilt,
11148 a. m. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. ra.Suudajk
at 10:40 a. m. anaouop. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Uroad street station) tor
Bhenandoaa at 5 67 and 8 86 a m, 4 10 and 7 11 p
m week days. On Sundays leavj o ou a m.
Leave Broad.StteetBtatlon, Philadelphia,
For New York. Express, week da;
t 8 20, 4 06, 4 OU, O 10, O DU, , oo, la fWU"
?. n . linn nmn. 12 44 n. m, (Limited Ex
i m and 4 22 p m. dlnlnK cars.) 1 40,
fiSO (dining oar), 3 20, 5, 5,8,8 50, 7 13, 8 12,10
m. 12 01 night. Sunaays, uo, tou,
B22, 9W, 11 03 a m, 12 41, 140. 23) (dining car),
i 0, (Limited 4 22), 530, 6 8), 6 60, 7 13, 8 12 p m,
UExpro33for Boston, without change, 11 a m,
weekdays, and 8 50 p m dally.
For Ualtlinore and Washington 8 60, 7 20. 8 81 ,
8 10, to 30, 11 U 40 a ra, (12 85 limited dlnm,
ear.) 180, 8 18 141, (dining car), (5 1J Con-
rresslonal 1 Imt'e dining car;, o n, o oa, i -iy
fdlning car) p m, and late night week days.
&uadaya7S50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 40 a m, i 41
(dlntng-car), 8 65, 7 40 (dining oar) p ra and
law night.
Leave Market Htreet Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express , 8 &) a m, 2 10, 4 00 and 6 00 p m week
flays. HuBdays, Express, 845 and45am.
fir CM May, ADgleaea, Wlldwood and
Holly Btach, exprem, 9 a, m., 4 00 p m week
flavs,' bunday, 900 am.
Kor13ea Isle City, Ocean Olty and Ayalon.
Express, 9 IK) a m, 4 00 p m week daya. Bun-
For bomera Point, express, 8 50, a m, 4 00 p
mweexaays. Dunoaya, o to a in.
u. m puavoav. , . J H. VTOOD.
QenH Mtiwtr . Waaa'cf Ai-t
e'ft on who can taste our candle
One Q an without a feellnK ot affeo-
rrff f3-Tl Hon for the young man
UGU UrirAvho br.nga them. They
Just melt In the niouti; tha girl's eyes
melt with tenderness the young map also
melta, and the question Is settled. Try It.
Ice Grearnall flavors. . 1M N. Main St,
' Stop at
' 200 North Centro Street.
Jleals at all hoars. Ladles', dining room
Mtachea. r meat wipes, uuuurs. cigara.
t lima ,niiinir tho lion bv his Christian
nnmo this Intimacy, which such a phrase
indicates, is n part of that assumption iui
wlilch Mrs. U'O JIunter Is famous.
Tho great map Is her lntimato frlcndl
Women nrowoak on this point. They Hko
itl, TPllectudlicht. Theynroanx-
lousthafc other Yoinon should seo them
ndmlrcd, followed, llattercd.
Many ot tliem nro coutunt wmi mm iu
flectcd glory. If they cannot stand lu tho
real sunshlno of a real cclubrlty, thoy Hko
tho glitter of n tin roOector. Anything la
better than nothing. A tallow caudlo can
cast n glory. Tho fato ot a prima uonmi
who has tho charm of social adaptability
and who does not cat with her kulto is a
hard one. Every ono wants nor tor a nan,
illunor, toa or breakfast bocauso somo-
body elso lias Hail ncr. i no uciur ur im
tress who can claim tho distinction of tho
salon has to keep a book, There Is a ru
mor that Irving said ho was "engaged ev
ery Sunday for two years," hut jovial ao
tors nro not famous for keeping their cn
rmiToninntH. When Mrs. Leo Hunters
grow too intensive, thoy shako a mano"
nnd scatter tholr admirers as tho real lion
hhukos olT'thoiilewdropi.
Tho niublcal lion is a very much to bo
pitied animal. From tho oppearanco of
raderowskl's niano (somo ono said he
looked Hko a now variety of chrysantho
V lm has evidently not given nway
many locks of his hair, but ho has been
bored. When no wcarny goes oui ui mu
Auditorium thoatcr lit Chicago, with 50
young Indies following nun ureauuess
with adoration, how pitiably ho shows dis
gust nnd fatiguol Ills very iruuo roijuinn
reposo and foiituuo. no is n winiiuo,
Ho heeds.lus leisure hours to himself, but
when onco tho proy of Mrs. Leo Huntoi
woo bo unto him! Ho must bo chained to
her chariot when sho drives nuroau, nnu
ho must play for her when sho wishes.
Tho lion Is of no consequence nat uoos
sho core for himf But Mrs. Loo Hunter's
yanlty is of much conequcuco, and It
must bo fed. ' '
Great geniuses know that thoy must
work for popularity. All have hoard of
tho early starvation period,' when tho nrtlst
must lcnm to do his work, how to seouro
patrons, How to bear' neglect and how to
iiso success. In tlios,o dark hours does
MrS. Leo Hunter go to him, encourago
him nnd invito him? Alns, nol Never.
Until ho has conquered ho is not asked to
her soirees. In thoso dark days ho did not i
light up her egregious vanity.
1 It is of consoquonco to every art worker I
to mnko work wlilch will sell. Therefore
ovory artist must not only dream his
dream, but ho must 'so Interpret It that
the crn.vd (."an understand It. Ho must bo
dreamer and soothsayer bdtli,- But have
wo any right to ask how" ho does it? Shall
wo Indlscicetly go behind tho voilf Shall
wo demand of Shukqepearc'lIawthoriKj,
Hul-fltil, Browning, Rubinstein, tho roclpo
it frnnlllKr
And It was not tho respectful curiosity
with which the pointer looks at an unun
ified picture by Huliens, or tno uioiier
nago of Byron or Hawthorne, to seo how
tho thoughts oamo, mutually suggesting
oach other, nor tho Interest with which
wo watch ritory as ho puts up uio uieo
patra that wo may loarn of him. No; Mrs.
Leo does not rnuo over ino euervu ushuo m
tho "fou sacre" from n spirit of rovurenco.
No; that lire might burn to heaven and
cmiaiiiiinnnet. author, musician: sho would
not enro. uiu noi u wriumuu i
a fragrant residuum behind, out of which
dust sho could mnko powder for hor mou
cholr onset
Wo must remember thnt tho dread con
ditions of genius are that tho mortal man
wlio cnrrlos tho loan oi a grurn, urum
weak. Wo must not so horo him as to bo
obliged to add companion to admiration.
The senilhle Hon ban a growl for Mrs. Leo
Hunter and a paw with which to pusn ner
nway. Ho doos not hosltato to abuse hor
after ho goes homo.
Mon aro often Hon hunters, liking to bo
seen with groat men. Hoswoll has almost
inado this class rcputrtblo by writing an
immortal 'blbgrnphy. ' But they aro not
lovoly to look at, thoso toadies, no matter
how great tho Hon, Mr1 K. W. Shorwood
In New York Herald. ' ,
- . 4
TV . l .1 W 4a
00,000 men aim u, uuu mu
Increasing every year.
One more loot in tins romance ui uki,
riiat tho who discovered anthracite
coal was a public benefactor goes vmnoui,
fmyl'uji hut who was hof In lsui, i n
mcmher, tln lVni'S.vlvnnia lcglslaturo
tried to appropriate Yi 000 to build n mon
ument to l'hliip Ulntcr ol Carbon county
as tho discoverer. His right to tho titlo
and honor being disputed, n sngo legisla
tor said: ' Wo ought to hnvo n discoverer
of coal and might as well havo him, so
whether It was Ginter or not makes jio
dlfferenco. Wo nro willing to conccdo his
rlfilm '
Tlio oarllost users of ahthrnclto In Penn
sylvania antedated Glnfor 23, years. They
wcio Ohadlah and Iau'iel Gore, blnck
emlHia from Connecticut, who lived near
WUL-nalinnvi .Toan Veil WHS tho first to
burn It in a grato ns houo fuel, nVd It
was not until 1835 that n boat owner in
New York could bo Induced to try It for
making steam. Chicago Times.
It Will Cure UlccauBlis It Is Said, Where
Other Tilings Tail.
"Why don't you stop hlccoughillgr',
nairo.v n inmi of a friend who was convuls
ed with tho annoying' convulsions In tho
)l,o Atnr rimwo tho other day.
"Stop them," gulped tho other, "I I
wish I could." Held my breath 15 mln
iitoailruiik nlno swallows water nlno
tin,. Tried tr scaro myself mado bo-
llove lost my watch. No good. They
won't go."
"Will vnn lmv If I euro them for youf
asked tho first speaker, laughing at tho
frament interruptions In his frlond's de
scription ot his troubles. Tho other gasp
ed an affirmative reply, and tho two en
tered tho rotunda.
"Glvo this man n heaping Imrspoonful
of pondered sugar," said tho friend to tho
barkeeper. The lllftll did M. "Now swal
low it," continued tho speaker to tho vic
tim Of tllO hlCCOllgllS. 'X UO lOllur unanjuu
to do so and succeeded after somo llttlo
effort, for It Is no oasy matter to swallow
a mouthful of powdered sugar. Whon ho
mnitercd It, ho looked Inquiringly ot his
"Woll, where aro your hiccoughs now?"
remarked the other, with n smllo.
"Thoy seem to havo gone, " ho replied,
"but thoy'll como back again, I supposo,
nfter n llttlo whilo." v.
"If thoy do," said tho friond, "it will bo
tho first caso I know of where powdered
nmnv linsi failed to clvo roller lor Hic
coughs. If ono spoonful of sugar won't do
It. two certainly will, bo lar as i know,
Hi or
Schuylkill County Teachers Institute
Hon. It O. llorr, ol Michigan. ing the side
of I'f Olei tlon ; Hm. ..I. D. larier. of Ohio,
ndvooatiug Kree Trale. Lenfih f debate,
I 1-2 ll'iur", ich mHklnr thre' apfecho-,
AKIKIj l.MUBSQU V'tTKlTK, of lioitofi,
and " llil.i A .iHji.uivjui. iv. in iiiuu,i
Mii Ji-aunette For iandi-Z K"lral "oprauo ahd
IM. nlBtl MtM Oerlrulc A. C-irlat.n, 9-omid
OPfft'OHni lil 111 ,t i .111" r IH'iy n. 'iwi.
Uto ; Jlr. Wn A McCormtck, Whlatlerand
MBgnlfloemly lllutmled icoture, "The Harp
vt the Senses, or Tno Mecrel of Charwetor
building "
COMPANY. - Mr Vtnnz Wllrzck. Tho Ureal
Austrian Vlollu Vlrluorso ; Mm. Mary Hbucr-
irl1r,Mlr. An Kmlnnnt VlollnUt. Mm
Christine BshuPxi-vt ichman, the Dramatic
QAt,,n,tfi Mr pi.incioni im i-amiuiii. Hit
ijriiit Italian Tenor; Mr. Jacques Frlcdber
Ili ftn ifirni.ii HlHlll.t.
Tlekols for the course. Beou-tng reserved
seatain'pni-i Uit and circle. 2 00; in dreB
circle, mm ro , hi u-b tiiiiu,u.vci,
first rorf, tl.60. Sln.lo ndmlsslon not secur
lng reservea aeais. ou renii.
i nn (.linn, mr h ill, ill reNrveu Belli, .itasi".
will open at Ihn box offloo of the cftdeiny of
uiln Pnltavllli, Knhtnhn 3. nt 9:'K1 n. m.
for tea'chbrHOdly to secure Beats In one half
of tne Acaaemy , Hi s p. ui . iui
n.mirA HpiLiH In the other liall ot tho Academy
iinrntn nnnnln? the chart narttR deslrlne
iAn,,M,nn tirirpiK win draw nuiriberft tor
noslilou m line. Tcaeherj aro limited to
twenty tickets, and cliUeus are limited to
Alter Novombt-rS, chart for reserved seals
will bo open at .Miner a oopaBvore.
.nnna ril R T. til.
TnAtNS Arrangements have been made to
hold the tralns'for St. Clair, Fra-Rvuie, uu.
berlon, Shenandoah, Malnnoy (;uy. sioroa
Delano.'Minersvllle, Beck's, Schuylkill Huven
ond OrwtERburg, until alter the clase of each
evening entertainment
a, W. WHIM, uouutjr ouii;iiuii3i-"i,
Tho Dead Czar's Body Removed
to Sysantiue Ohurch,
Eulertalnment com
Lager and
Pilsner Been
finest, Purest, Healthest.
Chris. SchmidUg!
207 West Coal St., Shenandoah.
Shenandoah's Reliablk
Hand Xaaunds?
Cor. Lloyd and White Bts.
All work guaranteed to be;arst-clasi In every
particular. Bilk tie and laca ourtaln sa pec
. .. ...... -.,,.4 . . .. l.llHa.A, 1 , . I .
,tr. ' r,A m York Her- I " uo,.uu..
U S II ijoaiuw luii,, - 1 4c.uclted
Iii UU Lniih-uuge.
Thoro la a story ono of tho numerous
unvouohed for narratives that float about
tho capital of a' rather mnuslng adven
ture which Mr; Garner had witli n young
man of Washington, who may bo culled
Cholly, not because that is his nnmo, but
because, it sounds Hko him. Tho young
mini nnnonred to bo having rather a dull
time, and tho hostess was determined that
ho should lie entortiilneil in some way.
Sho thought that the professor could
rellovo tho ennui which had settlod'over
tho young man and brought thorn togeth
er. "Now. Chollv." sho said, "this Is Pro
fessor Garner. He hai been In tho wuus
of Africa, you know."
"Y-a-a-s". I'voheuhd of tho pwofessor.
Happy to meet him, I'm unh."
"Of course ydu arc. 'Ho has had lio end
of NvOmler'ful ndvtint'utvs' and seen lots of
queer pdopid; 'n"nd hd 'kriows how to talk
to munkoys in their own language. Now,
professor," sho went on, turning to Mr
Garner, 'do talk to Cholly a llttlo while,
won't yon?',' ' V , .
And then sho fluttered nway. Kate
i Field's Washington.
North Main St., MAHANOY CITY.
Largest and flnost hotel la the region.
FInektaooomnKVlaMoa. Handsome fixtures and dullard '.looms Attached.
rrHtigpiiitiiiln for the I'mieml rroeeeniiiB
Vay nml Mlit In St. lVtelelmrB anil
Mimr-Thi- Miinllxil Antliiirltliw Vot
lliilliiill.-il umlll.
LlVAUlA, Nov. 8. The mrtwrive, (rlldiil
ooltln emitnlnlnir the remnln of I ur
Alexander lit was removed U 'he By7,aii
tlno cluireh Tuesday evening, whi-r,- the
xly of the late emir hld In suite until to
day. A r ml of honor with dm prd colore
Was stntti...ed in front of the church.
At 0 o'clock in the evening, n llttlo nnu,
the CoMtteks who had lwen acting nfi the
liiinerlal liVidv minnl. attired In tlHUriong,
blno tunics, with gold facings, took up
thelf positions along the cyprons sirewu
route from the pninoe, an oarryiiiBiiBuiw
inmlM. miiklm? a wcliil scene.
Tho procession or wiuw roiicu ciergy
then emerged from tho church and formed
In linn net-ma tlin n.ltn. '1110 liens lh kihi
... . 1 . ... ,
tllin. nml amiii nfterwanls tno Rounn 01
M.llilrnn alllirlllD-hvnlllB WCTO liennl 111 tllO
distance. Then through the dnrkuess tho
glnro of tho torches carried by tno guimii
marching on cither sldo of tho coffin could
bo perceived.
As tho funeral procession approached
tho church their forms were thrown in
relief ngalnst tho blackness of tho night
by tho light ot tho torches.
A sharp word of command, "Present
arms," broke the solemn silence, nnd
amid tho muffled rolling of many drums,
tlm ni-ni-eselmi entered tho church path,
headed by sailors carrying lanterns and
tt.tnnnisi nn ,1 ftillnwed bv tho choir chil
dren dressed in whito surplices. They
were followed by tho clergy, nnd then
cntno tho coilln, surmounted oymo im-
nnll .rtwn mill linrllll 11V UOSSllCKH.
Behind the coilln were tho czar and tho
n,n.lnn wlin ril)4 ileenlv veiled: tho Grand
Dukes Serglus and Vlmlinnr, tno qureu i
Rroor-n nml Pr llress Allx 01 Iiosse-uariii-
ctn.u ilm Trlncoss of Wales and the
Duchess of Snxe-Coburg nnd Gotha, tho iw.iniiirlniT to tho Imperial and
Royal families nnd tho high court and
lllhirv nflleers.
Tim c.waiicks nliiced tho coffln In front
of the church as the military band played
"How Great and Glorious Is God inZion,"
nil undent Btnndimrwlthuncoveredlieadfl,
As just then the hidden moon burst
through tho clouds r.nd Illuminated the
and background of tho forest chid
slopes of the Llvadln, there was a straugo
contrast between tlio costumes and uul-
.ii4 of tho officials, tho whllo roncti
cler'gy nnd tin, V mourning garments of
tho ladles. Theso groups were surrounded
Uy row, of guttering
framcworK oi stem vu -
ing picture.
aJ.- l.T-mn tlm eoflhi was borno
i... i,n pinippii inil laid on tho bier, at
each corner of which was nn obelisk cov
ered with red clotli anu sunuuunwu u
palms. ,
When tho mourners were arranged
nroulldthoblortho bishop of Simferopol
celebrated mass, lifter which tho party
left the church and returned to tho palace
in carriages.
The Czar's Funeral.
St. Putins iiu lto, Nov. 8. Tho work of
preparing for t lie olwequles of Czur Alex
ander Is proceeding both day and night,
both hern and in MoncoW. Tho municipal
authorities of this city havo voted ulillm
Tired, Weak, Nervous
Could Not Sleep.
Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Preston,
Idnho, says: "I was all run down,
weak, nervous and irritable through
overwork. 1 suffered from brain fa
tigue, mental depression, ct. 1 be
camo so weak and nervous that I
r.niihl not, slecn. I would arise tired.
discouraged and blue. I began taking
Dr. Miles' Nervine
and now overything is changed. I
sleep soundly, 1 leel bright, active
and ambitious. 1 can do more in ono
day now thau I used to do In a week.
For this great good 1 givo Dr. Miles
Hcstorative jNervino tuo soio crcuiu
It Cures."
nr 11111! Knrvlim U Hold hn a bosltlva
pnnr.inteo that tlio llrst bottle will benefit
Aildrugglsts soil It at bottles for 15, or
It, Will I'D Bent, prrpillil, n rm-.-iuj ui I" "
by tho Dr. Miles Modlcal Co., I.lkhart, Iud.
Where ou cau always e
a glass of
Cool BiieianflfiMioiWinh
Whiskeys, etc. Don't forget the plat
T. MU Reilly'8,
Locust Avenue, CENTHALIA, PA
$ P0LICE.3 Soles.
2.1.7 BoysSchoolShoes.
trio nve ninnbi'i1pucr,cUtt's,"!I w'
. -.a,V.ii7 Infoci-lMianuracturetsol
ndvcrtlsed thoes lu tne worm, bum ku ...
the value by stumping the name and pi o
the bottom; wlnch.prolpcn yoU agoit. -t 1
u irantcc
r on
vtt r.'i m.HiV.,an'9 nrouti onrsuoea
ited credit to d. fray tho oxpeiiH-s attend- P", cu3tom work .n Mv1-, easy u"ing and
ant uion paying proper honor tollussla's
dend ruler. It has been decided to stmt a
wearing qualities.
wliere at iowlt v"
(Successors to Coaklev Uros.)
rta. x6 Krbi centre Htreot,
!4ilKr(AMllOAH, IV.
Our iMnttd: Ilest Quality ?t Lowell Cie
Prloos. Putronaw resaecttuiiy aoucne
J'reoBntloin Alter Deatn.
Apropos of Mr. Edmund Yates' curious
request in his will that his jugular vein
should be cut before he was cremated in
order apparently to insure tlmt ho should
,,nr. lm burned alive It may be recalled
that Lord Lytttm, tho novelist, left orders
thnt boforo he was burled a long needle
ahmilil lu, run throuEh his heart He had
taken the precaution to tell his doctor of
his Willi, and it was carried out. London
Lettrr- r ' .". . .
A UrUIIBt lnaict.
Everv time Tony i taken out for a walk
he is nBUmisliwl t the nuuiUw of iiersons
who exohun;.-o greetings wltti his giandfn
ther, wholuia charge of the HtMu urchin
After thinking' it ovof ono Ooy lw1 looked
up with a amiio on till face ami oheerful'y
I say, gran'dnd, won'tyqu huven lot of
folks to your fuioroJI"' JJotJclewi U'.
halnn M
In the India ofllco lHiravy U the largest
rollcotian of Tirl' : ! Hnusialt Ojoks in
tl,n world. Inrrei- limn too uno HI tno
British urn .u..i tu.d cuinurliiiuK many
early uml riuemliuiiiiH.
Naturallfcts hnv'i numerated 90,000 dif
ferent fciudH ol 1 mti v ii- end (li7 illl'i' r
ent peei ,i t i o- i' 1' lormorali, ,n
tvvo-rh)r(W hne l-' en numod; of tho Inttir
00 sr
Millions of Dollars
Go up in Bmoke every year. Take no
rlSKS Out, gee your uouaen, Biuija, iiii-
niture, etc., Insured In first-class, relia
ble companies, ns represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Aflont,
120 South Jardin Street.
Also Life, and Acoldental Companies
rn for the viilue r, on than.
... l i nn U A .'.Ulf ii yvuu
. . ... . f lUVWiiei'i11'" t..1rf l,i
i 'linrl suDiriDllon ior uio purpimu in i jier cannot supply you, wc .
orectu.B a nioiiument to nun in uio cupi
till. .
Joseph Ball. Shi'nendoah, Pa.
otmorly kept by Thos. Qlbbons,
Main and Oak Sts., Shentndost
t'resh and cool lleer always on tap,
Wlnos, Liquors, Clgirs.
. fjT)H.U) & CAS8IDT, Proprletori.
II your clothier doesn't keep
Hammersloufth : Bros.'
Bwell, Hellable, New York
J MaHehlmgetlti ,Tfielcelcbrated
$15,00 Molton Overcoat
Wears like tteel and U sold by eve-y proml
neni"lothlerir the state. None genuine vrlti.
outllamme a! Jib. Uros.' label.
Your Stomach : : :
, Qitnuot stand the same washing that
vyour boots ilo.auatue water you unus
tep't even fit lor that purpose. Use
Loronz Schmidt's Beer and Portor.
Manager Shenandoah Brauoh,
Anntlier ClmrK Agnlnst tlio Conk (IniiB.
KotiT SMITH, Ark., Nov. S. Jim French
and three other liienibeiu of tho Cook gang
raped three girls In the suburbs of Oola
gab, I. T., Tuesday ulght. After coni
mlttlng tho fiendish deed tho bandits
mounted their horsos and rodo off. A
possoof citizens was organized and arc
now in pursuit, hut as far ns heard they
fulled to capture them.
Itnllroiulera linn Down.
Wai.IAHsi-oiiT, Pa., Nov. 8. On tho
Beech Creek railroad, near Gordon, Brako
mnu Bliiko nnd Conductor Heed were run
over by tho englno attached to their train.
Blako was instantly killed and Uoed will
Died rmni His Injuries.
IlAlUUBliuitQ, Nov. 8. J-inos Comes, 81
yonrs old, whose home Is In Patterson, N
J., died last night at tho City hospital
from injuries received whllo rldlnijaPenn
sylvanla ntllroud freiglit truln.
Closing miolntliiin or tlio New York and
riilluili'lpliiil HxcliuiiBea.
Nw YoBK, Nov. 7.The speculation on tin
Btoek Exehuuge this morning was marked bj
a strong tone and there wm good bulna
throughout llieenilre It was very evident
that Wall street was satlifleU with the eleo
tlons. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley W4
Pennsylvania on
i I ilCbi PhlladelDhla. Pa.
Tim Only fJennliin Hiirrlnllnt In Amer
ica, ;oiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu ii uu,
Olliei-n AiUerllne.
Hneelnl l)Uene, Varicose Vrlna nnd I
bllieinri'if i .iiluiiiiik irniiuutun,
Cured In 1 to 10 lln)s.
Itrllef nt Once.
Rinnn pnisnN iernSt,x
Imrrulwwimftliu'L fl year' Jiuropeaa Huapttall
cn,i :v. nrAr-tir-itl no pldii rt. nn Ct'rtUlcuU'S and I
lllnlnmn nrnvp HPniI live 2-CCD t BtamttS for I
bootc "TltUTIl," the only True Medical
Jlook advert isai. It U a truo friend to all I
suncrersnnd totlioaccontempiaungn.arri&Ku. I
Tho mnst ulnrilkTirti nnd ilafirzerous cast's BOlIO I
ited. WrltoorcallandboBaved. Hours, Bto8 ;I
OT g9, DlOB (OT ettininliuii UIIU lirwiunniu r nnd ilanctTOiii cast's ChII dally II to I
1.I1U I Wed. and Hat. from 0 to 4 ; ov'rs, fl to j
H.JSU J null.. VIUI iU-uuucui wmi,
IleadlnK M
8t. Paul 11
Lehigh Nav 4U
N. Y. A; N. K. pf. 81
New Joraey Cen... 8I
W. N. Y. & Pa.
1).. 1,. W
West Shore
N. Y, Central KJ
Lake Urle W... 10N
Del. A-IIuilsou..llHW
Loins tn.d-trjm 5100 v wronu on persona
or real ustaie security. Nopnblicliy r.oftns
oan bn returned in small nnnthiy payments or
retained for a nuuih' rof veHrHtosult bo-row r r.
A loan fro.r trl rompanv will not Injure the
Hnanclnl standlrR of any Individual or ' Una.
No dolus li t rr.tepercont annually Money
lo-ned fora-iv purp.-e. ich a to increase or
ente'bu In s-. t'lpuvoff niortgaites.jiiorCTJienj
r.oles, to buiin ,n purchase propi-rty. cr in tact
for any purioae ti ai money may bo desired
Addre-s. dot al Tru-t Company Ki l3d
AMihstreit i'hlladeiihla. I'a. b-imid,
For the... Cleary Bros'
Qot Soason
Temperance Drinls
vflneral waters, Weiss beer. Bottlers ol
the finest Inner beers.
17 ni 19 Peach Alloy. Sucniado&n. ft.
A Froat,
Tlio lending lady haned tragically
against tho projecting p:ipler ma6ho rock.
"All is still," hhe whtsprnxHl.
r:n.t i.omv. huI ' exclaimed the liQUVV
tragedliui',' "you aland nid:1 -Aronone 6f "
thorboji taken this,!"' '
. Peering forth into the ( looni of tho hd
dltbriurtii hS--Bati!.flcd hlmeelf that tlitire
was but ono rational explanation ol tno
silence, and that the ono ho feared. uo
t trolt Tribulio.
vi. -jirma,
Clock Sprintr BWo. Soa as a Brush. Pltsc- ryLu;vc. i.-.e
tlnr,l in;rn Pnmli. Used liv V. K. Annv a- 1 l v i:n- nnu
'VorepaugH Circuses, and Leading of U.2 World.
A.i. nolr fnr It. Samoie mauca ikim r.iuu ..ii.
Pjeuirnupnhjuj. Sl'Ul.NU CU1MV COMB CO.. 102Lafayctto St.Soath llend, lu.ll.oa
Geiiernl Market.
liiiiJttiHMHiA, Nov. 7.-Klnur steady; win
tersuiwrftiie, $2i!.l(l: winter aalras, x..ail
4(1: No. winter family, $3.03S.SU; I'ennsyl
vanla roller straight, W.Waa.dO; western win
ter, olear, W.tlKa.!. Wheat dull, weak,
with Wfteo. bid and MMo. aakeil for November i
Com InaotlvB. weak, wWh bid and KSiJo ! l)uembi-r. Oats aulel, steady, with i
BShiC. hid and IWo. asked for November. Heel
steady. I'ork steady. I urd steady: western
Bteani, t7.8l: city, $B50i86.7. Hutter Orm,
western dairy, lliAVio.i do. creamery, 15a
Slo.i do. factory, l(kUo.; KlgliH.IBMe.1 Imlta
tlon creamory. lSaibc.: New York dairy, ISil
aUc.; da. ereamery, XIMe.i Pennsylvania
...a... OA,, , ,1,, l,nli.A. 98i. 1
OraaiUvr) uriuio, n , - - -
do. fair IokishI, aHilHc.: prints Jobbing atMG
m. CliBeaenrui; ew vorK.iarKe,wHno-iua
RUCftllc : Dartsklma. 3Ma7e.:fullaklms.
)iiilo. Kggo.uleii Now York and l'eiinsylvai
nla,k": ktihouai., 1517c; wontera fresh.
l7SMhrO, ,
tlvu ftuick Markets.
Nkw York. Nov '.Heave active; native
steer, poor to prime, 83.3o&ri.i per 1
pounda; oen. kV1 3"; hulls, fl.90ia3i dry
cows, il.lft&a.'ii. Unites firm, higher! pool
to prime vc.ila, 84W. per ll poumlii
graasersi JS7iH3': weatern calves, (!.
Sheep and laiunn liiuUer; iwor to prime sheets
laia.WJ per 1UI lbs; common to choico
laiulw. 83.WHM.7.V W. StVily at tl.TSOB.
per lOOlba. for extreme welgTits.
East LlHBKTV, Pa.i Nov. 7. Cattle and
sheep 'ateadj- and unchanged, Hogs.actm
and higher. Philadelphia. K5(5; Mimoo
to fair Yorkers, .3U5; pigs; $t.to31o0.
If you deflro to Invent In stocks In a safe
and Ibglttinute manner wltlinut care anu wor
ry, subscribe ti our dlM'rellonary account,
nhinh will nav voulrom2 toSpoi cent weekly
lu any active uian.ei. ii iu j
than double the average rate of Interest In any
ordinary bimlneafl pursuits. Depnslis received
r.n... V l Aft
We will be p'leated to furnish you references
na tix nnr miniuiMfi in the nast. and ivhatwe are
doing lor ntiiern. iiyouaie aiiuwiiwii
you cannot call on us In person, address your
oomuiuiiicauuiis ui tne
Metropolitan News Co.,
IX Culture SI., JIo(oil, 3las.
Wo remit profits onoe a week and principal on
three days' notice. Parties preferring to do
their own Investing, are anviaeo to auw" riuu
to our Dally Mmket Utters, which t-ive you
l.n.,nrla,i, 111 T. irillAtillll Oil aCtiVO BtOUkS, and
will enable ynu t make money If youdoyour
...... u,.AAlai,n Itfttna. SI ner month: or
wltlitelegriuia of Important cbanaes, 30.00
per uiniHii. ivumcM,
Motrcpolitan News Company
J,oe JIuj! J03. Jlo(ort, Jfo,
HFMOVEU To 648 N. Eitjhth Sx.v
H 1 above areen.Phlla, Pa.
Fermctlv at SO North rttoond 8t . is the olo.
nat In Amerlou for the treatment e-f Hpecial
HUtatm rYnrt Vouthlut Srror: Varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment by
mall a Bpeulaliy. Communications tacrodly
cor.aieutfal M-nd stamp for book. Hours, H
i. in, to p. o: fiuDdava. to la m