The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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Published dally, except Sunday by
JIISllALIt 1'VllTjlHllJNa Ctmi'AlfV,
Pnbllcatlon ofllco and mo hnntcal department,
&EaatCoa Street.
m. t m 1 AeAKvnrnA In Shenandoah Anil
e Heraia ,,. ,...,. r,
week, payable to the carriers. Iiy mall, Throe
Dollars a year or Twenty-five cents per month,
IB advance
Advertisements charged according to spaco
ted position. The publishers reserve tho right
ID cbango the position of advertisements when
ver the publication of news requires It. Tho
rltht Is also reserved to reject any advertise
ment, whether palJ for or not, that the pub
lthars may deem Improper. Advertising rates
Blade known upon application.
Entered at the post offlco at Shenandoah, Pa.,
aa second closs mall matter.
Shenandoah, Pcnna.
Evening Herald.
FHIDAY. OCTOHElt 20, 1S94.
Republican State Ticket.
For Governor,
Centre county.
For Lieutenant-Governor!
Allegheny county.
For Auditor-General,
amos ii. iiruN,
Lancaster county.
For Secretary Internal Affairs,
Philadelphia county.
For Congressmen-at-Largo,
oAi.usiiA a. quow,
Susquehanna bounty,
Westmoreland county.
County Ticket.
For Congress,
Of Mlnersvllle.
For Senator, 30th District,
JOHN J. coy Lie,
Of Mahanoy City.
For Representative, 1st District.
01 Shenandoah.
For Sheriff,
Of Frnckvllle.
For Director of tho Poor,
NEni uirrmcK,
Of Wayne Township,
For Jury Commissioner,
Of Heilly Township.
VoTCtho whole Hepubllcau ticket, from
Governor down. You will make no mis
Gov. McKlNLEr has been making some
mighty fast time In his travels, but for
speed just see tho Democrats on the run
The Democrats nre making a display
of great strength. Don't get frightened
They have often tried that game beforo
nnd failed. It is a bluff.
A VOTE for the itepubllcau candidates
for Congress, Senator ami Representative
means a vote for protection uud good
times. They go together.
If you want to help to paralyze the
Rebel brigadiers In Congress help to make
the Republican state ticket win by over
200,000 mnjorlty. It can be done.
The next Congress will be Republican
nnd this district should not he without a
voice In the making of laws that will
give us prosperity once more. Vote for
A loss in the Legislature may rneiu
the loss of a United States Senator, n
very serious thing. It would mean n con
tinuance of hard times. Vote for Coyle
nnd Wyatt.
The signs nre that there will be n deficit
of 12,000,000 in the Federal Treasury for
October. Is this to be construed as an
other pioof of the Democratic good time
promised t .
It is pleasing to see so muuy represen
tative men of to,vu taking n warm inter
est m Republican polltlos. This work will
count, providing they muke n point to be
on hand on election day.
The train robbers In Virginia have been
run down. Now let the robbers of the
American worklugmen, the Democratic
tariff smashers, be given a lesson that
they will uot soon forget by voting for
Keaui.t all of Congressmans' RelUy's
appointees are homo helping to save a lost
cause. Immigration Inspector Monaghan
and Interpretor Radzewicz may as well
go haok to their berths. They can do very
little missionary work here. Tho people
have their thluklng caps on this year and
are thinking hard. Besides, their work
here is ngalust the orders of the President,
Shenandoah Republicans nre In good
trim and will show what organization
menus when the votes are counted next
month. We doubt it ever before in the
history of the town the Republicans have
shown such n bold front. Voters who
haVo been Indifferent nro now fully
awakened to the vital Issues nnd have
determined to tnnko no more mistaken It
tliey enn possibly help themselves. It Is
bread nnd butter with the majority.
KvEItr office-holder from this state now
In Washington has received permission to
tako a leave of absence, go homo and help
to save tho sinking Democratic ulilp, not
withstanding the express orders of the
great mogulo of tho Democratic party,
Grover Cleveland, who owns the party.
body, breeches nnd nil. Little stock need
be tnken In the notice. It 1b one of those
wlnk-the-other-cye contrivances.
POLITICAL strikers nre few nnd far
between this year. This Is n good sign.
It shows that the political circles are
more healthy nnd earnest. Tho strikers
do more damnge than good, nnd they
should be kept at n distance. Any voter
who holds his right of franchise up for
sale Is no good to himself or nnybody
else, nnd it frequently happens thnt he is
not qu nllfied to vote when the time arrives.
The good Democrats have found out
that their lnllucnce in the Democratic
party Is nothing. They plead for Its good,
and nre hissed. They beg for decent gov
ernment, tand nre insulted. It does not
seem to them thnt the conduct of the Re
publican party has been wise or right,
but their plnce Is to help It to nil the In
fluence and ndvlce which the Democratic
party scorns nnd rejects They will And
Infinitely more use for the best they have
In them, nnd Infinitely more weight for
every suggestion of value, if they place
themselves wholly on the Republican Bide
Their right to Judge how long they shall
stay there no one can take from them
Hut of tills they may be sure the best and
worthiest men in the Republican party
have now more power In it, as tho history
of tho country proves, than the best and
worthiest Democrats have in the DeniO'
cratlc party. Men of honesty, men of
clean charncter, men of brains nnd praC'
tlcal sense, can find welcome and company
close In the top In every Republican coun
cil, nnd will weigh there ten times hb
much as they weigh now In the Demo
cratic state machine, orinthoDemocr4tIc
Congressional caucus. It Is good sense for
n mna to put his influence where it counts
for something.
Japatu'Hu Crim tho Ynlii Itiver and At
Now i:iini;tl lti Hutllc
Tokio, Oct. 0. Field Marshal Count
inmngntii has telegraphed to tho war of'
flco that a detachment of 1,000 .Tupunost
Wluntry croBeil the Ynlu river on Weil-
inutility morning and attacked tho enemy
Tho Chlnoso f.roe consisted of 000 cavnlr)
and 1U0 ftifnntry, with two suns. The en
omy fled. The Japanese captured a Chinese
fort, the two guns and many rifles. Tin
Chinese loss was twenty killed and
wounded. The Japanese sustained no
loss. The dispatch adds that tho Japanese
nrtvnueo columns nro ninrenlngupon Lash
iyeu. A dispatch dated Wl Ju, Oct. 21, oppar
cntly delayed In transmission, was re
ceived hero last owning, giving details ol
tho above fight. It says that the Japancs.
were ferried over tho Ynlu river at Su
kochln at daybreak. Chinese earthworki
had been tlirown up to oppose tho landing
of tho Japanese forco, but a slight devia
tion enabled tho Japanese to cross tin
rlvor and laud without opposition. Th(
Chlnoso fled after tho flrst few rouudi
were fired at them. Tho Japanese cap
tured tho works with a rush. Tho Chines
fled to bnttcrios that had boon constructed
lowor down the rlvor, throwing nwny theli
nrms In their flight. Thcso wore found ti
bo antiquated muskots.
Tho advanced detachment now holds th
Sukochln ferry to guard tho passage of tin
Japanese main body, tho advance of which
began at dawn yesterday. Tho Japanes
engineers had pontoons thrown across th
river In readiness for tho army to pass over
Later advices from tho front show thai
tho Japaneso nrmy crossod tho river with
out further opposition and lmniodlatelj
advanced to tho attack of tho Chlnoso u!
lviulenste. Tho battle is now proceeding
BurroundtMl by a ronton of Pt'lectlves It
llu Jrey City ftttitlon.
New Voiik, Oct. at). At 11:30 yeslerda)
afternoon President Cleveland, aecoin
pnnlod by Dr. Joseph D. llrynnt and Mini
Drymit, loft the doctor's rosidenoo and wai
driven to thu.I'eunhylvanla railroad depot
In Jersey City, whero they met Mrs. Clovo
land and tho children, who enmo on tht
Colonial express from Greenwich, Conn
In a few minutes tho chief magistrate and
his family wore on their way to Washing
ton. A cordon of detectives surrounded
the president during his wait at tho depot,
nnd no reporters wero allowed to speak tc
Washington, Oct. 0. President Clovo
land returned to tho city last night vli
tho Pennsylvania railroad nf tor an absenci
of eight wooks, most of which wns spent
at Gray Gables. The president was acooiu
punled by Mrs. Cleveland, the two clill
dren and their nurses and by Secretnrj
Lament, who Joined tho party at Haiti
more on his wny homo from MoGrawvillo
N. Y. Private Secrotury Thurber was a'
tho station to meet tho president's family
uud Mrs. Lnmont was there to greet hcl
Slay Not Ilnyo Hi-en Hunk by tho l'arls.
Southampton, Oct. 20. Tho wotcli
oflloers of tho American lino steamor Pnrli
have made stat'iimnta which throw oddl
tlon light upon tho collision reported yes
terday, and which would seem to indlcaU
thnt the bark may not have foundered
nfter all. They say thoy bcliovo the vessel
is still afloat, and assert that tho Paril
only struck the bnrk s bowsprit, and did
not touch her hull, and they conclude from
this that (v vessel so slightly damaged wil!
probably report at some channel port
twrnro mna.
They Aro Almost Driving Mo
They Won't Let Me Work and They fyoil
My Pleasure.
Is a Way to Have Nerves Like
Steel. Just Read This.
Thousands of people feel this way.
Their nerves nre weak nnd irritable, they
pass sleepless nights; waking in the
morning, tired nnd'unrefreshed, with had
taste In the mouth, nnd dull feeling head.
They feel nervous, blue nnd discouraged,
often having n sense of nnxlety nnd ap
prehension, ns of Borne impending
They feel they have lost their nerve
power nnd much of their energy and am
bition. They ol; en declare themselves a
"feeling Just good for nothing." This
was so with Mrs. N. II. Clark, n prom
inent and well-known lady of Moretoivn,
Vt. She writes the following unusually
interesting letter:
"For some time I have been fearfully
prostrated with nervous wenkness, I wns
continually without strength nndunnble
to do my work. I wns completely tired
out, and my nerves were so weak I was
good for nothing.
'I could not sleep nights I was so weak
nnd nervous, and when I arose in the
morning, I was as tired as when I went
to neu, nun sometimes oven more so.
wns entirely URed up nnd miserable,
had no appetite, and the little fool
could ent dfstres'ed nn nwfullv.
"I had a constant fear nnd dread that
something wns going to hnppen. I also
had a couuli and bronchitis. I em moved
doctors Mil took medicines coustautly.but
without ueneiit. At tins time n rrienii wno
had used Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and
nerve remedy, and been cured by it. iiu-
vised me to try it.
"I had not used the flrst bottle when
could plainly see more good results than
from nil the other mediciues I had ever
beforo tnken. The good I derived from
this most wonderiul medlciue was raar
1 can Bleep well and my nerves nre
Btrong nnd quiet. My appetite is good
and l enn eat anything without distress.
I heartily recommend Dr. Greene's
Nervura blood anil nerve remedy to
everybody, for I believe It to be the best
medicine I hnve ever found, nnd a great
boon to mankind."
You who nre tick nnd suffering just re
member this: Dr. Ureeno's Nervura
blood nnd nerve remedy is the medicine
that cures, nnd it is exactly what you
want. There are countless numbers of
persons in just this condition. They are
not sick with any particular disease, but
are out of order, have weak nerves and
tired bodies. They have lost their snap
nnd energy, nnd work becomes nn effort.
You need Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
nnd nerve remedy. It will cure yon. It
is purely vegetable and harmless, nnd is
the discovery of Dr Greene, of 35 West
14th street, New York City, the most suc
cessful specialist in curing nervous nnd
chronic diseases. He can be consulted
free, personally or by letter.
ISiiilcil Ills Troubles ulth n Ilullrt.
PlTTsnuno, Oct. 20. Tho dead body oi
Casper Schauff was found In an outhouso
near his residence in Mlllvalo borough,
with a bullet holo through his head. He
was out of Work and despondent, and
ended his troubles with a revolver. He
was 40 years of age. His life wiw insured
for $1,00U and h was n member of several
lieueiloial societies. Ho leaves two ohll
Ot-r Cnttoii rroritu'tlmi.
Wabhihoio', Oct. 20. ior several
monthB the statistician of tho UuiKtl
States department of agriculture has beeu
conducting an Investigation regarding th'
acreage unit product oi cotton lor the yoai
ltftW. His ostlmatos aro as follows: Acres
planted in 1803, 10,526,000; numberof bales
harvested, 7,403,000.
Arreted for Attempted Trnlit W'recliiuir.
DENVElt, Oct. 90.' W. H. Irving, a ranch
laborer, has neon arrested at Windsor on i
charge of attempted train wrecking. Last
Monday ovonlng, near Windsor, tho pas
senger train on the gulf road ran ovornlot
of mils placed for a distance of several
hundred feet, but fortunately was not do-
Fatally Hurt by n I'reinuture Wast.
llliKMlAM, Tex., Oct. ). By the pramrf
turo explosion of a blast at n qunrry four
teen miles north of here James Qulller, M.
II. Wood uud Dick Foster wero fatally in
jured. The tamping Iron struck ,a spurk
from a rock nnd oxploded twonty-flvt
pounds of giant powder.
Airs. Cluvvluuil Will Chrlatuii n Vessel.
Philadelphia, Oct. so. clement A
Grlsooin, of tho International Navigation
company, yesterday stated that Mrs. Clovo
land has consented to christen tho strain
ship St. Lnils, which will be launched
from Cmnjp's shipyard on Nov. 12.
Hubbard Iluhl til Hull.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Daniel U, Hubbard,
tho Worcester attoruoy, whosovoral weeks
ago shot his wife and hor escort hero, was
hold to tho criminal oourtm (1,600 ball,
Hubbard promptly furnUhod bonds and
Thoroughly Eosignod to the Paot
That Ho Cannot Eooover,
It In Now An.crteil Thnt It Will Nut Tnl
l'lftco nt I.Umlln, Though There May b
rrcllmlnnry Kite Tliero The Cznrlnn'i
St. PuTBUSntmo. Oct. 0. Rooms nro
being hastily prepared at tho winter pal
nee for the reception of the cznrowltz. Tha
work proceeds night and day. A manifesto
has already boon printed nt tho oflloo ol
Tho Ofllcial Gazetto for issuo on tho oc
casion of tho czarowltz'smarrlngo to Prln
cess Allx. Two hundred thousand copies
of this mntilfesto will bo distributed on
tho wedding day.
Tho czar's strength Is dally decreasing,
but he awaits death with perfect compos
ure. In order to counteract tho depression
of those about him he has ordered that tho
band nt the palace play during lunch tlmo.
Tho czarina, though suffering sovoroly,
never quits her husband's sldo. She sltt
for hours bosldo tho armchair occupied by
the emperor, nnd wntches by his bodsldo
when he is unnblo to sloop. Tho cznr, it 13
said, has mado nil his nrrnngemcnts with
a vlow to doath. Ho has completed hlf
will, nnd has verbally advised tho czarc
wltz to consult M. Bungo, president of th
committee of ministers, on political ques
tions, and also to consult Grand Duke
Michael on family matters.
Naturally there is great anxiety on tho
czar's account, but there are no npprehon-
slons for the future except among the
holders of high offices, who fear they may
bo superseded. It is expected that thore
will bo extensive, though gradual changes
in tho lntornal affairs of tho emplro in tht
ovont of tho czar's death, but tho diplo
matic circular from tho forolgn office,
which it Is customary to issuo upon tho de
mise of tho crown, will doubtless nnnounce
that there will bo no change in tho foreign
It Is reported that Dr. Zacharln Is op
posed to an operation being performed
upon tho czar.
Nows is expected today or tomorrow ol
tho formal induction of Princess Allxintc
tho Greek church, and of tho oxchnngo o)
rings between her and tho cznrowltz, but
there Is no certainty of what may occur.
Thoro is little likelihood now that tho mar
riage will bo celebrated ot Llvadla. Offi
cial personages now deny that there will
bo any marriage sorvlco there, but they da
not rojeot tho likelihood of tho two pre
liminary rites there.
The dispatch further says that tho oper
ations of tho minister of flnauco to sustain
tho prico of tho roublo must bo costing the
government dearly. By offering gold tc
bankers nnd morchnnts tho prlco of pnpel
roubles Is kept tolerably firm, but thoro ll
n strong tendency to speculate In funds
and other national securities despite thj
flnauco minister's patrlotio appeal.
Secretary Carlisle Appealed To.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Loniso Helslngcr, n
German orphan girl, has been detained nt
Ellis Island, Now York harbor, for over n
month. Miss Holslngcr wnscngagod tobo
married In her native city ot Chemnitz,
but on tho ovo of her wedding was do-
bcrted by her lover, aftor ho had betrayed
her. Thon a wealthy Blstor In this city
wont to Germany and brought her to this
country, but sho was detained nt Ellis
Island on account ol lier condition, l'l-om-
incut citizens have appealed to Secretary
Carlisle In her behalf, and her relatives
Will guarantee that her unborn child will
never become a public charge.
Moxk-nn Imurrectionint Kecapturcd.
El Paso, Tex., Oct. 0. Victor L.Ochoa,
ono of tho leaders in last winter's Insur
rection In Chihuahua, Mexico, was landed
in jail hero yesterday, having been recap
tured near Toyah. Since Ills cscapo from
the slaughter of his little army near tho
city of Chihuahua last winter ho has mado
n trip through southern Mexico. He is
charged in the United States court with
having led a body of armed men into tha
territory of a peaceful sister republic.
On Trial for Alleged Murder.
DARLINUTON, S. C, Oct. 0. Tho trial
of Tillman's liquor spios for murder was
commenced yesterday. Tho coso against
McLendon ocouplod tho attention of the
court all day. The testimony so far shows
that tho dood was coldblooded, Tho case
against O. S. McCnllough bus been con
sidered by tho grand jury, and that body
dismissed It by finding no bill.
The llrtultlock l'oatolllce Looted.
PlTTmuiMJ, Oct. 20. Thieves otTooted on
entranoointo tho postoillco at Bruddock
durlnir tho night. They thoroughly ran
Backed all tho mall bags and letter boxes,
and carni-d on" a number ot letters which
seemed to bo valuable, together with
stamps and a small amount of cash. An
unsuccessful attempt wns mado to open
tho vault.
btfveiif,oit Too Tireil to Speak with 11111.
New Yoiik, Oct. 20. Although when
Vice President Stevenson m-rlvcd last
night he was too tired to speak at Cooper
Union with Senator Hill, halt an hour
later he declared ho would speak at Brook
lyn with Amos J. dimming. About 1,000
people greeted tho vlco president at Tlvoll
hall, Brooklyn.
After the Cook Gunir.
Mcskoqke, I. T., Oct. 20. The Cook
gang is headed for the mountains in the
Wostern part of tho nation, with the In
dlan polloo, Indian sheriffs nnd United
Statos marshals in pursuit. As heavy re1
wards nro offered for tho leadors of the
gang, dead or allvu, it is believed they will
no captured soon.
Til Ohio Man Won.
WILKBSBAIIRE, Pa., Oct. 20. Billy
Dacey, of New York, and Louis Jester.
champion lightweight of Ohio, fought ton
rounds at Nantlcoko last night for a M0
puro. Dacoy was to have knocked hla
iman out lii ton rounds, but ho failed to do
it. Tho referee guvo tho fight to the Ohio
! A ItuRsliui ltttllway Fntnllty,
. St. PKTEKsnuiio, Oct. 26. A collision
between two freight trains has taken place thoPrzybltkuu.i .t,itioii, on tho Kos-
lotl Worouehh rallru.ul. Twenty two ears
wore demolished, ten trainmen were killed
nnd n quantity of benzine was exploded,
Two Droit ned on the Ijilie.
ItAUlKE, Wis,, Oct. 20. Thu lUhing tug
Sea Kox arrived in port last night with a
malt bout plckou up capsized in tho lake.
I Two unknown mon left here in tho crafl
yesterday, uud ore undoubtedly lost.
JMr.Paul M.Veber
AH Run Down
Always Tired, Slooploss and
Without Appotlto
Blood Vitalized and Strength Ro
nowod by Hood's 8arsaparllla.
"0. t. Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"For a couple of years, I was subject to feel
ings anything but good. I nlwnys felt tired, I
could not sleep at night and the little I could
cat did not seem to benefit mo any.
I Did Not Hnvo Any Ambition
to go around or work and In fact was not able to
do a good day's work. I happened to pick up a
circular embracing advertisements and teiti
monl.ils tor Hood's Barsaparllla, and after read-
log them decided to give ITood's Sirsaparllla
trial. I have taken five bottles nnd must say
that I have derived wonderful benefit fromltand
Feol Llko a Now Man.
I would recommend It to all sufferers and would
urge them not to hesltato hut to decide at once
to take ITood's Sarsaparllla." PaulM. WnnEB,
1112 North Tenth Street, Heading, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills are prompt and cfDcIent, yet
CJ By In action. Bold by all druggists. 2S&
Millions of Dollars
Go np In smoke every year. Take no
risks hut get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Insured in first-class, relia
ble companies, as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insnranco Agent,
120 South Jnrdln Street.
Also Life and Accidental Companies
REMOVED To 648 N. Eighth St.,
II above Green, Phlla, Pa.,
Formerly at 208 North riccond St Is thn old
est In America for the treatment of Npreia,
Jiseane and Vouthhtl JErrors. Varicocele,
Hydrocele, Lost Manhood, etc. Treatment nj
mall a specialty. Communications Facredlj
confidential. Psnd stamp for book. Hours, (
a. m. to 9 p. rr Sundavs. 9 to 12 m
Loans made Irom S100 to (21,000 on person
or real estate security. No publicity. Loans
can be returned In small monthly payments o
retained for a number of years to suit borrower.
A loan from this company will not injure the
financial standing of any Individual or firm
No bonus. Interest6 percent, annually. Money
loaned for any purpose, such as to Increase or
enter business, to pay off mortgages, judgement
notes, to build or purchaso property, or in fact
for nny purpose tbat money may be desired
Address, Central Truit Company Pa., 1331)
Arch street, Philadelphia, l"u. 6-9-m
ffialUSKB wt -fe in 3J to at gutb oy b
1 Ell B la B & M1' EOTfire?",!01
Kunrnntr.liticked by
,000 capital. Positive proofs and llO-pasJ
tree by mail. Nothing ole wilfcure. a
VUUK tttwtui wu umcaao, in.
lstho cheapest and best fence made. Cheaper
than a wooden fence for residences, lawns.ccm
etery lots or any kind of fencing. M. H. Master
nas the agency and carries It In Btock at his
marble and granite works, 127 H. JAKDIN ST.
w A w I
A. F. BORNOT, Frinnc4hDsy.?.rer lltlKFairmount Ave., Pliilaiielpliia
iVi EM ! T 4M, J : rem -VK tT-1 TjMtffiS
fffl ll OS. S.STHCj S i , EUH t H T jBttSR
mt .jaaTS5fi
For Washing Clothes CI EA N and SWMETi
It LASTS LONGfiR than other Soaps.
Price FIVE CENTS a bar.
I"or Salo Toy XX. J3"VC.A.X-iIVi:.
EE to
IWfocM tad Ahttt )na
I'ltALt &i&uii;injs uu., viovuna.un
HvUt ty P, P, I). KIULXX.iDi-hjuM, ShmanJoah, Pa. f
'it 4
Sis not complete
without nu ideal
U powder.
i pozzonrs
Combines every element of
beauty and purity. It is beauti
fying, soothing, healing, health
ful, and harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
Inilit upon having tha genuine.
For Painting
The Season is here;
and Paper Hanging.
Get Vnrtr Wnrt- ilnna 1
Mahanoy City's leading artist,
"Perfect Work.
Bargains In paints and oils, plain nnd
stained glass. All the new patterns in
wall paper. All daily and weekly papers,
novels, novelettes and stationery.
133 West Oontro Street.
Headquarters for the Evening Hkbald.
IN EFFECT MAT 18, 1894.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah
Penn Haven Junction, rfauch Chunk, Le
htghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and VVeatherli
e.04. 7.38. .15 s m . 12.13, 2 57. 6.27 p. m.
For Now York and Philadelphia 8.1M, 7.88,
9.15 a. m.. 11.48, 2.M. r0r Quakake, Switch'
back, Qerhards and Hudsondale, 6.01, 9.15 a
m., and 2.67 p. m.
For Vmitep-Uarre, White Haven, Plttston,
Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
Elmira, 8.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.b7, 6.27 p. m.
For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, ansf'!''-.
tho West, 8.04, 9.15 a. m. and 2.57 5.27 p. m. 'Vjlf
For Ilelvldcre, Delaware Water Gap ( and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 2.67 p. m.
For Lambertville and Trenton, 9.16 a. m.
For Tunkhancock, 6.04, 9.15 a. m., 2.67, 5.27 p. m.
For Ithaca aid Geneva 6.04, 9.15 a. m. 5.27
p. m
For Auburn 9.15 a. m. 5.27 p. m.
For JeancsvUle.Levlstonacd Heaver Ueadow,
r.88 a. xn 12.43, 8.08 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6.04, 7.88
9.15. a. m., 12.48. 2.67, 6.27 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenrled and
Hazleton 6 04, 7.38, 9 15 a. m , 12.43, 2.57, 5.27 and
B. 08 p. n .
For Scranton, 6.01, 9.15, a. m., 2.67 and 6.27
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drlf ton and Freelacd,
C. 04, 7.38, 9.15, a. m 12.48. 2.67, 5.27 p. rr.
For Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek,,
7.61, 9.13, 10.20 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.86, 8.22,-9.1C
For Kaven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 9.13, 11.14 a. m 1,82. 4.40, 8.22 p. mi
For Yatesvllie, Park Place, Mahanoy City ana
Delano, 6.04, 7.38, 9.15, 11.05 a m., 12.48, 2.57
5 27, 8.08, 9.83. 10.28 p. m.
Trains wlU leave Shamokln at 8.15, 11.45
a. m l.F-5. 4,80 9.30 p. m and arrive at Shonan
dcth at 9.16 a. m., 12.43, 2.67, 5.27, 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 7.88
9.0V, 11.05 11.30 a. m., 12.48, 2.67, 4.106.27, 8.08
p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 6.00, 7.50,
9.05, 10.16, 11.40 a. m., 12.82, 8.00,. 440, 6.20, 7.16,
7.66. 10.00 o. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 0.04,7.88,4).I5,
a. m 12.48, 2.67, 6.27,8.08 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.35, M.Qt,
11.06 a. m . 12.15. 2.56, 5.89, 7.26. 7.66 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Rnn, Centralis, Mt
Carmel end Shamokln, 6.45 ft. m., 2,40 p. m.,
and arrive at Shamokln at 7.40 a. m. ana 8.45 '
p. m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
7.55 a. m. and 4.00 p. m., and arrive at Shell-
anaoan at ts.w a, m. ana i.ds p. m.
Trains leave tor Ashland, GlrardvUle and Lost-
nv-nlr Q dl) & m 15 SO tv m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, FcnW'jf
Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.49 a r7 "
12.80. 2.55 d. m.
For Philadelphia 12.80, 2.55 p. m.
For Yatesvllie, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.49, 11.85 a. m.. 12.80, 2.65, 4.58 5.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.8U, 11.80
a. m., 1.05,6.80 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.60, 8.49,
9.30 a. m., 2.40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.89, 11.48
a.m., 1.85, 5.15 p. m.
ROLLIN H. WILHUR. Oenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa)
OHAS. S. LEE, Qenl. Pass. Act.,
A. W, NONNEMACHER, Asst. G. P. A.,
south Bethlehem, Pa
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